Transcripts For WCAU NBC10 News Today Weekend At 6am 2017060

Transcripts For WCAU NBC10 News Today Weekend At 6am 20170604

temperatures seasonable for today. and nazareth 48. currently easton at 46 degrees. and the suburbs seeing a chilly start but plenty of sunshine so no complaints around here. and west bradford downship at 46. fort washington 45. let's see the trend for the next three days. today we will see a mix of sun and clouds and showers developing later on in the day, and topping out in the upper 70s to low 80s on monday. we will see rounds of thunderstorms especially likely for the afternoon hours and then the rain sticks around through tuesday, and we go from mid-70s on monday into the upper 70s on tuesday, and then delaware seeing 42 for today. 71 on monday and tuesday. rosemary, back to you. >> announcer: nbc10 breaking news. >> several innocent people left dead. and some of the injured are in critical condition. we also know police have shot and killed the three attackers. the attacks at the pubs happened in borough market not far from london bridge and this all comes as the country is still reeling from the terror attack last monday and in march. the latest attack led the prime minister teresa may to call for tough tougher. matt delucia joins us live from the breaking news center. >> prime minister teresa may spoke for ten minutes and this was all within the past half hour, and it was a prepared statement and she spoke about taking a tougher stand against extremist, and she said the attackers wore fake explosive vests to spread panic and fear. and the streets and the restaurants were spread with panic, and the attackers were shot dead by police within minutes. the commissioner said she believes this incident was under control but there are still lots of police officers and investigators at the scene. and here's a portion of theresa may's address, and she says the recent attacks are not krebged. >> we believe we are experiencing a new trend in the threat we face, as perpetrators are inspired to attack, not only on the basis of carefully constructed plots, after years of training and planning, and by copying one another and often using the crudest means of attack. >> we are hearing from witnesses who saw the attackers and some who tried to fight them off. here's one of them. >> did they try to attack you? >> yeah, they tried to attack you. >> do you have an injury? >> no, they stole a chair, and i hoot one on the back and then they run towards me to try and stab me and i run away, and then i would have been dead and killed and everything. >> the prime minister convened an emergency cabinet session to deal with the crisis. the police force declared the attack terrorists incidents but there's no claim of responsibility at this point and i will be following new developments throughout the morning. the nypd is stepping up its presence in parts of the big apple. the department's elite counterterrori counterterrori counterterrorism squad say there's no specific or credible threats to the city. back in our area, nbc10 spoke to a man that is in philly and lives in london, and he was here following an appearance on qvc. his partner and him live near the bridge. >> we don't live too far from london bridge and i wanted to make sure he was not out with friends and because that's an area we would go to and he was home and safe and watching a movie. >> i am sure quite a relief. he tells us despite the number of security cameras all over london these types of attacks keep happening. a teenager from atlantic county and his grandmother was on london bridge one hour before the attack there. you are looking at a photo just outside buckingham palace. this morning, they are safe but loved ones back home are shaken. >> helpless is the best way to put it. it's a strange feeling to have your 14-year-old and your mother thousands of miles away when this is going on and there's really nothing you can do about it. just hope for the best. >> joshua and katherine door are touring the uk and will be back home on saturday. we will have updates here on the air and on the nbc10 app as well as we learn more information. london is about 200 miles southeast of manchester. that's where people are still reeling from the terror attack there last month that killed 22 people. officers there have been on high alert. they made an arrest on friday in connection with the suicide bombing and that happened just outside the ariana grande concert. police also seized a car they say will be crucial to the investigation. and 11 people are in custody for questioning in the connection to the manchester tonight. and then tonight grande will have a benefit concert for the loved ones and their families. and then more than 100,000 people are expected to be there. back here in our neck of the woods in delaware county, a neighborhood is overcome with grief after a toddler was shot and killed with an apparent accident involving a gun. the deadly shooting happened yesterday in chester township. according to authorities the boy who was in between two and three years old and called junior found a gun under the bed and shot himself in the chest. it's unclear if anybody will be charged in this case. the suspect accused of stabbing a city councilman is under arrest and facing murder charges. he denies stabbing councilman oh. according to police, they say kwraur bray lives near the councilmen's neighborhood. the councilman is doing okay and is back to work. let's head to montgomery county where opening statements are set for tomorrow in the bill cos cosby sex assault trial. friends describe her as upbeat, calm and focused. she met cosby while working for temple university's women's basketball team and she accuses the comedian of drugging and molesting her in 1994. cosby said the encounter was ken sensual. he could get ten years in prison if convicted. in bucks county, closing arguments are set for tomorrow in another high profile case. jurors will begin to deliberate the fate of kaplan who is accused of abusing six sisters. we continue to stay on top of the breaking news out of london, that's where a terror attack, another attack, has left seven people dead and dozens injured. we will have the latest in just moments. back in our area, the update in the hunt for a suspect mocking somebody with a disability before attacking him, punching him in the face, and how thousands of dollars are playing a role in this case. that's next. (man vo) dad forgot how to brush his teeth. (woman vo) my husband didn't recognize our grandson. (woman 2 vo) that's when moderate alzheimer's made me a caregiver. (avo) if their alzheimer's is getting worse, ask about once-a-day namzaric. namzaric is approved for moderate to severe alzheimer's disease in patients taking donepezil. namzaric may improve cognition and overall function, and may slow the worsening of symptoms for a while. namzaric does not change the underlying disease progression. don't take if allergic to memantine, donepezil, piperidine, or any of the ingredients in namzaric. tell the doctor about any conditions; including heart, lung, bladder, kidney or liver problems, seizures, stomach ulcers, or procedures with anesthesia. serious side effects may occur, including muscle problems if given anesthesia; slow heartbeat, fainting, more stomach acid which may lead to ulcers and bleeding; nausea, vomiting, difficulty urinating, seizures, and worsening of lung problems. most common side effects are headache, diarrhea, dizziness, loss of appetite, and bruising. (woman 2 vo) i'm caring for someone with moderate alzheimer's. if you are too, ask about namzaric today. i am first alert meteorologist, erika martin. into tonight, be sure you look at the bottom of your screen for your most accurate neighborhood forecast. that's a mouthful. and allentown, 49. wilmington, 54. dover current temperature, 56 degrees. cooler in atlantic city at 50. and radar is picking up high and dry conditions, an area of high pressure offshore and this is our weather maker right now but we have a change as clouds start to develop from the northwest to the southeast and then showers follow suit, so here is your temperature trend. 84 today, and 78 on monday and then tuesday, only upper 60s, so well below the average. wednesday, 70 degrees, and the average you say is 79 degrees. thursday, 74 for you and friday temperatures topping out in the low 80s. here's rosemary. still ahead, a big name from the movies joins for a rally to keep the film industry alive in philadelphia. >> announcer: nbc10 breaking news. >> we are following the terror attack. britain's conservative party said it's suspending the campaigning. police say they killed the three men that carried out the attack. new this morning in our area, crews were busy battling the house fire that broke out about midnight on stevens road. no reports of any injuries. authorities in chester county are now offering a new reward as they hunt for the suspect caught punching a man. barry baker punched a man with cerebral palsy, and now officers are offering $5,000 for information leading to his arrest. after baker was charged and paid bail he disappeared. ♪ ♪ people wearing orange marched to the beat to raise awareness about gun violence this weekend, and nbc10 was in the fish town neighborhood yesterday. law enforcement and lawmakers sent the message that ending gun violence is something we have to do together. >> we also try to raise awareness in the community, and we invite others to join us. >> chicago teens who lost their 15-year-old friend in a shooting inspired the nation wear orange campaign and it's the color hunters wear in the woods to protect themselves and others. a crowd gathered in philadelphia this weekend to rally to keep the film industry in town. the greater philadelphia film office hosted the rally in front of the museum yesterday, and organizers say they want more film industry opportunities in the city. councilman david oh who is recovering from a stabbing was at the rally. he said it comes down to the state's budget. >> we won't help the deficit by what is creating opportunities. >> he tells us he hopes the state budget uncaps the film tax credit. tomorrow at the white house president trump is expected to launch a major push for overhauling the nation's infrastructure. he will call for $1 trillion in federal and highway funds to fix airports and highways and electrical grids. it has wide public support but has been hung up in congress and overshadowed by the russian investigation. speaking of the russian investigation, analysts are looking at vladimir putin's latest response to the allegations that this country meddled in the 2016 election. here's putin is an exclusive interview withmegyn kelly. >> you said for months russia had nothing to do with the american elections. >> hackers can be in the united states. very skillfully and professionally shifted the blame on to russia. can you imagine something like that? >> you can see more of that exclusive interview on the premiere sunday night with megyn kelly, and that comes your way right here on nbc10. the russia investigation and the london terror attack and the u.s. withdrawal from the paris climate control will be the topics on "meet the press." and chuck todd will sit down with john kerry and scott pruitt and al gore. that's this morning here on nbc10 at 10:30. i am first alert meteorologist, erika martin. we are seeing mostly clear skies. the temperatures in philadelphia, 57 degrees, thanks to an area of high pressure and the winds are calm right now. nice start but chilly. so grab a jacket if you are headed outdoors right now. and chestnut hill at 50 for you. we have bustleton at 52, and park wood seeing the 50s. and jersey seeing lots of 40s and some 50s. 47 for hollow. we have millville at 47, and clayton at 49. and i tried to mention everybody. hopeful township, 47. the hour by hour forecast picks up on mostly clear conditions, that's what you are seeing, and we push this through and you see clouds moving in from the northwest to southeast. here we start to see a line of showers moving across our area and the delaware valley. this is why i do have thunderstorms in the forecast, and you will see that on the 10-day forecast, and we will watch that for you very closely tomorrow afternoon and tomorrow evening, we will be timing that out for you. neighborhoods for today and into tomorrow, rather, we are seeing 70s and again the threat of the thunderstorms which is what you just saw on the hour-by-hour forecast, and i want to give you the heads up, keep the umbrellas handy. here's your 10 day on 10, upper 70s for the lehigh valley and the suburbs, and a major temperature decline by tuesday, and so that tells us, here is your cold front and that's why we are seeing the likelihood of thunderstorms moving through, and a p.m. chance of showers tuesday into wednesday. i will keep the clouds around on wednesday and thursday. we start to climb into the 80s by friday, saturday and sunday. it looks like a pretty decent weekend for the following weekend so far, and then i am tracking a major warmup by the following monday and tuesday as temperatures climb in the 90s by monday, the 12th, and then on the 13th, tuesday, because that's far out, 89 degrees is the expected high temperature, and it looks like sunny skies on the following monday and tuesday, mostly sunny. not bad, and a major warmup. we now know the dates of the next philadelphia festival of the arts. it will take place on june 1st to the 10th next year. it will be a french performing arts group that will create a 30-foot human chandelier. rowers took to the schuylkill river. looks like they had a great day out there. in business news, why wonder woman could be big. break through your allergies. try new flonase sensimist allergy relief instead of allergy pills. it's more complete allergy relief in a gentle mist experience you'll barely feel. using unique mistpro technology, new flonase sensimist delivers a gentle mist to help block six key inflammatory substances that cause your symptoms. most allergy pills only block one. and six is greater than one. new flonase sensimist changes everything. in business news, hopes are high for a wonderful summer blockbuster. a new cancer research will be unveiled. hollywood is looking for big numbers from "wonder woman," a break from disappointing results from "baywatch" and the "pirates" sequel. they are calling for over $100 million at the domestic box office. and the meeting of cancer experts is under way in chicago. highlights and lowlights from the conference could drive big moves in biotech stocks on monday. and then wine and spirits giant brown foreman is out on wednesday, and finally apple's big developer conference starts on monday. the tech tighten expected to unveil the newest ipads. you are looking at dirty fun for a good cause. this was some of the action yesterday at the mudfest. thousands of athletes were taking on the 5k obstacle course lined with mud pits. the mudslinging resumes this morning at 7:00. i think this next one will be cleaner. in south jersey, doctors running alongside patients and community members for the 5k. the run begins at 8:30 this morning. another 5k race takes place later o. the second team freedom cares conference starts at 9:30 this morning at cooper river park. a portion of the schuylkill expressway is closed because of an accident near 337, that's the glad win exit. the westbound lanes shut down between belmont and gladwin. we will keep you posted on that. we have the breaking developments out of london we are following where a terror attack left seven people dead. matt delucia is keeping an eye on the investigation and keeping us up to speed on everything. matt. calling for tougher measures to fight extremism, and we are hearing from witnesses and london's mayor who called the attack appalling. that's next. and then a gorgeous day across the delaware valley, and also the potential for showers later. look at all of the sunshine. get on out there and enjoy. did you know 90% of couples disagree on mattress firmness? fortunately there's a bed where you both get what you want every night. enter sleep number and the semi-annual sale going on now. sleepiq technology tells you how well you slept and what adjustments you can make. she likes the bed soft. he's more hardcore. so your sleep goes from good to great to wow! only at a sleep number store... oh, and right now, save $200 on our queen c2 mattresses now only $699. ends sunday. go to for a store near you. you'busted tail.rd. and impressed the boss. maybe, it's time to be your own. transform your career with strayer university's mba program today. let's get it, america. right now, terror in london. we are track the breaking details out of britain where an attack on london bridge and nearby pubs killed seven people and wounded dozens of others. the british people are so resilient. >> we spoke to an american that lives in london and is visiting philadelphia right now and we will have his reaction to the terror attack coming up. an apparent accident involving a gun killed a toddler. where the boy found the gun, next. this is nbc10 news today. thank you for being with us. it's just after 6:30. we have a lot going on and we want to make sure you get a check of your weekend weather before you head out the door first, so let's start there. erika teen has the details for us in the most accurate forecast in the region. >> temperatures are cool so grab a jacket. today we have mostly sunny. reading current temperature of 49 degrees. and wilmington at 50. dover, 56 degrees. millville currently at 48 degrees. the winds are calm right now, and at 9:00 a.m., temperatures in the upper 60s. by 1:00 p.m. notice more clouds in the forecast because we do have rain move into our area by later this afternoon into the evening hours. do not cancel any outdoor plans. lehigh valley, 52 at 9:00 a.m. and 72 at 1:00 with overcast skies. passing showers across your area lehigh valley. jersey shore, 66 at 9:00 a.m. 70 degrees by 1:00, and fewer clouds by 5:00 and a mix of sun and clouds and 72 degrees, so not a bad day. we are track the showers and clouds move into our area. rosemary, back to you. >> announcer: nbc10 breaking news. >> we are following those breaking developments of london. the third terror attack in as many months in england has left seven people dead and 48 others injured. police shot and killed all three attackers in this case. according to authorities the attackers used a plan to plow into people on london bridge, and the people got out and stabbed nearby patrons at bars and restaurants. and this comes as the country is still coping with the bombing in manchester last month and another attack in which a van plowed into people on the bridge in march. we will get more comments in just a moment. and then parliamentary elections are scheduled for this thursday. and matt delucia is live and has details on the latest attack. matt delucia. >> the prime minister spoke within the last hour, talking about the attack. she said enough is enough and called for tougher measures to fight terrorism. we have been getting new video into the news from from london all night, and the area where this happened around the london bridge and around the market, and police say the attackers were shot dead by police within minutes. we have been hearing from witnesses who were in the area and they watched the attack happen. here's one of them. >> when i was inside, people were crying and screaming but i didn't see nothing. that's just the truth. >> you said they had guns. >> i don't know who, but there was shooting. i listened to the shooting, you know. >> london mayor said he was appalled and furious about the attack in central london. take a listen. >> there are not words to describe the grief and anger, and i am appalled and furious that these cowardly terrorists would target innocent bystanders and tourists enjoying themselves on saturday night. i am quite clear that we will never let them win nor will we allow them to cower our city or lea londoners. >> while this is the third deadly attack by march, may mentioned they have disruption five other plots in that same time, and then the concert by grande and other big names is still scheduled to happen. many here in our area are following this latest attack in london very closely. last night we spoke to a man in philadelphia who live insulin done. patrick company is in our area following an appearance on qvc this past week, and he said the attacks keep happening despite the security cameras around london. >> it's kind of odd that there's so much security in the uk, even with the cameras everywhere these apparent terrorists are penetrating into the market and city, and three this year have taken place. >> there were a few scary moments for him last night, and his partner was in london and he thought he was out in that area, and fortunately he is doing well and is okay this morning. >> stay with us right here on the air for updates and also on the nbc10 app as soon as we learn more information we will, of course, pass it along. new this morning in philadelphia, a man is in the hospital after he was stabbed while trying to break up a domestic assault in queen village. this happened around 1:00 this morning on fifth street. the good samaritan is in stable condition. police have identified a suspect in this case, and they are now trying to track down and arrest him. and police are investigating a double shooting in north philly. nbc10 was at lawrence street gunfire hit two men, and they are in stable condition at the hospital. right now police do not have suspects or a motive in this case. let's head to delaware county where a neighborhood is reeling, trying to make sense of the death of a toddler who was shot and killed in an apparent accident involving a gun. it happened yesterday in chester township. authorities say the toddler between 2 and 3 years old and called junior found a gun under a bed and shot himself in the chest. family members were understandably overcome with grief outside the house on bethel road yesterday. >> i'm not sure what happened here. i know he's gone. he's a child, i mean, he's a baby. he had so much potential. >> as you can see police carried bags of evidence from the house. investigators also questioned family members and it's unclear if anybody will be charged in this case. the suspect accused of stabbing a philadelphia councilman is under arrest and facing attempted murder charges this morning. he turned himself into police yesterday. he denies stabbing the councilman david oh, and he says he doesn't even know him. and oh is back to work and is doing okay, and he tells us the attack puts a focus on the issues that lead people to commit violence. >> motivated to get out and get to work and address the underlying issues about why people end up in unfortunate circumstances in our city. >> his lawyer tells us there's no evidence linking his evidence to the crime and he says once police released his client's name and photo, he surrendered so he would not be considered a fugitive. we continue to follow the latest developments in the terror attack out of london that left seven people dead and dozens wounded. we have an update in just minutes. plus, a march for truth. thousands across the country including here in philadelphia took to the streets to demand answers from president trump. that story is straight ahead. good sunday morning. conditions right now, mostly sunny to sunny skies across the delaware valley. certainly a great start to this sunday. get outside and enjoy the day because we don't have sunny skies for the entire day. satellite and radar images, this is the two-hour loop. we have a weak area of high pressure offshore and that's our current weather maker but i am tracking a front sweeping through later today and through tomorrow and i think it will trigger showers later this afternoon. not going to be a washout from the northwest to the southeast. and then tracking thunderstorms for monday afternoon. neighborhoods right now, lehigh valley, get outside and enjoy all the sunshine because as you saw those clouds are headed in your direction in a couple hours. and then upper 40s in leonardsville. and then pwhrapb done at 46 degrees. for the lehigh valley, temperatures 40s to upper 50s. coming up in just a bit i will have your 10-day forecast, and back to you. today in philadelphia the hit nbc show "the voice" will hold open auditions in center city. this is the camera showing the hundreds hopefuls outside the convention center waiting for their big moment and break. the doors at 7:00 this morning and you can see the line is already out the door. auditions get under way at 8:30. good luck to everybody. phils got good luck this week, finally breaking their losing streak. just when you thought you could watching the phillies, huh-uh, we have that next in sports. pro-tip: chop all your veggies for the week at once. super pro-tip: buy your veggies pre-chopped. uber pro-tip: buy delicious produce you don't need to chop at all. boom. summer made easy at amazing prices. only at giant. losing streak. 6:45 on this sunday, and we continue to follow the breaking news out of london where a terror attack left seven people dead. doctors are treating 48 others who were injured. police say three attackers drove a van right into people on london bridge, and then the men got out and stabbed people at a nearby market where there were pubs and restaurants, people out on a saturday night. london police believe they have killed all the attackers involved. we will continue to watch that. in the meantime, prime minister theresa may has called an emergency meeting to deal with the crisis and says this kind of terror must stop. we will continue to keep you posted throughout the morning. we have new details on a deadly casino attack in the philippines. the surveil kwrupbs shows the gunman setting fires and shooting inside the casino last week. the attack appeared to be a botched robbery and not an act of terrorism. the victim died of smoke inhalation as they hid from the shooter. back here in our area, it was a march for truth. that was the mission of demonstrators in philadelphia and other cities across the country yesterday. nbc10 was in center city where protesters called for a transparent and impartial investigation into the russian meddling of the 2016 presidential election. organizers held marches for truth in more than 100 cities yesterday, including new york, new orleans and los angeles washington, where the largest march took place, a group supporting president trump rallied in front of the white house. comedian bill maher is apologizing for using a racial slur during his late night show. >> [ bleep ]. >> march used the slur that aired on hbo and it happened after the senator invited him to visit his home state of nebraska and work in the fields there, and bill maher said the word was offensive and regrets saying it and is very sorry. let's talk weather. feeling good out there this morning and looking good, and have clear blue skies behind me, and meteorologist, erika martin is following the weather this morning. >> lots of sunshine for this morning, rosemary. the winds are calm all thanks to an area of high pressure keeping everything high and dry with lots of sunshine. and one degree warmer. dover, 56, and a pair of fives for you, calm winds. another look outside, it does look nice again, that area of high pressure is keeping everything dry here on the satellite imagery. and just to the northwest of the lehigh valley you can see some greens on the screen telling us we will see showers move into our area. notice the broad area of clouds and those showers. this will be here later this afternoon and it's not going to be a washout. i don't advise canceling any outdoors plans, and you will see a couple showers and that's it. 67 degrees at 9:00 a.m., and notice those building clouds as the day progresses because we have the clouds and showers move into our area. 79 at 1:00 p.m., and 82 by 5:00. so really a nice trend for today. be sure you get outside and enjoy the day, and get the sunglasses and get out there and have fun, because by tomorrow you will have to trade in the sunglasses for an umbrella. lehigh valley 70 degrees at 1:00 p.m., and showers moving in at 5:00 p.m., and 77 is the expected temperature. delaware seeing temperatures climb into the low 80s by 1:00 p.m. notice we have fewer clouds in delaware at 1:00 p.m., and a mix of sun and clouds at 5:00. i don't think delaware will get showers for today, but maybe later tonight into the overnight hours and certainly by tomorrow. the jersey shore, same deal there. 72 by 5:00 p.m. let's time out the clouds and the showers for you. hour by hour, we will start at 6:30 a.m., and clouds move into the area, and then we get it going and we will pause it for you. here you can see the line of showers move our area, so mt. pocono and lehigh valley and berks county, you will see the showers moving across our area from northwest to southeast and then we will start to see the clouds build across the entire area, and at 4:00 p.m., seeing fewer clouds for the jersey shore and for much of delaware. again, we will be tracking this for you across the area, 6:30 p.m. here, and spotty showers in and around philadelphia but for the most part we will see dry conditions for most of us, and then the showers creep in later tonight, and certainly for tomorrow, and be sure you follow us on social media for more updates. >> this is sports desk, brought to you by xfinity. >> good morning and happy sunday, danny pommells from csn. were you following the phils? they were desperate for anybody to give them a lift and the newest philly did just that. it will be one to remember. he gets offensive help in the sixth, down 1-0, and not anymore, tommy joseph, long, strong and gone to left field, 447 feet, the longest homer by a philly this season. and cameron rupp pleased with that effort. and then the phillies have a much-needed quality start in his debut, and gehe allows one run seven innings, and then the back flip and the hop, and it falls safely into the gap and that double breaks the game open, and lively with his first major league win, and his mom and sister all proud in the stands, and phillies win. and then nashville hosting a stanley cup final game for the first time and the fans in nashville pumped from the opening face-off. and they trailed the series two games to one. and then craigo meet matt murray for game four n nashville. the rugly champiip defending ch the gingerbreadman. cal beats penn state,28-19. you can catch the nbc10. that's a lamanny pommells, csn. it takes a lot of people to make a good school day. miss hoffman gets us there safe every time. mrs. migliaccio teaches us all about fractions - and haikus - and the erie canal! miss reeves makes us sound amazing. and miss santoro always takes time to see how we're doing. miss simpkins keeps our school looking great. recess wouldn't be recess without miss basile. and mrs. mccarthy always has tons of good books to read. which makes for a pretty good day at school. ♪ music fans in philadelphia are coming off a awesome saturday with the roots pick picnic festival. >> nbc10 was at the roots picnic at penn's landing last night. and jimmy fallon joined big namers like pharrell. before the show we spoke with concertgoers thrilled to see their favorite acts onstage. >> three or four stages they have set up and it's interesting to see how everything is inside, and this is my first time and i am really excited. >> organizers tell us the lights, the cameras and the amplifiers and of the stages and talent, it took months of planning to get it together and did they do it. awesome. the main event at nascar. the aaa 400 drive for autism. you are looking at yesterday's action. kyle larson won his first race with a victory in the xfinity 200. today is your last chance to experience wizard worldcom ca a comic-con in philadelphia. jesse eisenberg played lex luther in the superman and batman movie. and just before 7:00, we continue to follow the breaking news out of london. the deadly terror attacks. matt delucia has all of the latest developments. seven dead and four dozen injured, and a lot happened as the investigation continues. i am tracking what world leaders are saying about the attack is next. we could get showers soon enough, but meantime a lovely shot. lots of sunshine. enjoy, again, showers are on the way. details coming up on the other side of the break. you knew when you cast it they'd lock you up. but that didn't stop you. you traveled far and wide, and others followed. mothers, daughters, sisters, lions. and because together you roared so loud, i know my voice matters today. this summer, come celebrate new york state's equal rights history. download our guide to plan your trip. witnesses describe the frightening moments when three men plowed into people on the bridge and stabbed patrons at the pubs enjoying a night out. and then a man in the hospital after breaking up a fight in a popular philadelphia neighborhood. what we are learning incident and the man's condition, coming up. sunshine for our sunday. a live look town the shore. we will climb into the 80s but the warm temperatures not going to last all week. we have got you covered in the first alert neighborhood forest

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Transcripts For WCAU NBC10 News Today Weekend At 6am 20170604 :

Transcripts For WCAU NBC10 News Today Weekend At 6am 20170604

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temperatures seasonable for today. and nazareth 48. currently easton at 46 degrees. and the suburbs seeing a chilly start but plenty of sunshine so no complaints around here. and west bradford downship at 46. fort washington 45. let's see the trend for the next three days. today we will see a mix of sun and clouds and showers developing later on in the day, and topping out in the upper 70s to low 80s on monday. we will see rounds of thunderstorms especially likely for the afternoon hours and then the rain sticks around through tuesday, and we go from mid-70s on monday into the upper 70s on tuesday, and then delaware seeing 42 for today. 71 on monday and tuesday. rosemary, back to you. >> announcer: nbc10 breaking news. >> several innocent people left dead. and some of the injured are in critical condition. we also know police have shot and killed the three attackers. the attacks at the pubs happened in borough market not far from london bridge and this all comes as the country is still reeling from the terror attack last monday and in march. the latest attack led the prime minister teresa may to call for tough tougher. matt delucia joins us live from the breaking news center. >> prime minister teresa may spoke for ten minutes and this was all within the past half hour, and it was a prepared statement and she spoke about taking a tougher stand against extremist, and she said the attackers wore fake explosive vests to spread panic and fear. and the streets and the restaurants were spread with panic, and the attackers were shot dead by police within minutes. the commissioner said she believes this incident was under control but there are still lots of police officers and investigators at the scene. and here's a portion of theresa may's address, and she says the recent attacks are not krebged. >> we believe we are experiencing a new trend in the threat we face, as perpetrators are inspired to attack, not only on the basis of carefully constructed plots, after years of training and planning, and by copying one another and often using the crudest means of attack. >> we are hearing from witnesses who saw the attackers and some who tried to fight them off. here's one of them. >> did they try to attack you? >> yeah, they tried to attack you. >> do you have an injury? >> no, they stole a chair, and i hoot one on the back and then they run towards me to try and stab me and i run away, and then i would have been dead and killed and everything. >> the prime minister convened an emergency cabinet session to deal with the crisis. the police force declared the attack terrorists incidents but there's no claim of responsibility at this point and i will be following new developments throughout the morning. the nypd is stepping up its presence in parts of the big apple. the department's elite counterterrori counterterrori counterterrorism squad say there's no specific or credible threats to the city. back in our area, nbc10 spoke to a man that is in philly and lives in london, and he was here following an appearance on qvc. his partner and him live near the bridge. >> we don't live too far from london bridge and i wanted to make sure he was not out with friends and because that's an area we would go to and he was home and safe and watching a movie. >> i am sure quite a relief. he tells us despite the number of security cameras all over london these types of attacks keep happening. a teenager from atlantic county and his grandmother was on london bridge one hour before the attack there. you are looking at a photo just outside buckingham palace. this morning, they are safe but loved ones back home are shaken. >> helpless is the best way to put it. it's a strange feeling to have your 14-year-old and your mother thousands of miles away when this is going on and there's really nothing you can do about it. just hope for the best. >> joshua and katherine door are touring the uk and will be back home on saturday. we will have updates here on the air and on the nbc10 app as well as we learn more information. london is about 200 miles southeast of manchester. that's where people are still reeling from the terror attack there last month that killed 22 people. officers there have been on high alert. they made an arrest on friday in connection with the suicide bombing and that happened just outside the ariana grande concert. police also seized a car they say will be crucial to the investigation. and 11 people are in custody for questioning in the connection to the manchester tonight. and then tonight grande will have a benefit concert for the loved ones and their families. and then more than 100,000 people are expected to be there. back here in our neck of the woods in delaware county, a neighborhood is overcome with grief after a toddler was shot and killed with an apparent accident involving a gun. the deadly shooting happened yesterday in chester township. according to authorities the boy who was in between two and three years old and called junior found a gun under the bed and shot himself in the chest. it's unclear if anybody will be charged in this case. the suspect accused of stabbing a city councilman is under arrest and facing murder charges. he denies stabbing councilman oh. according to police, they say kwraur bray lives near the councilmen's neighborhood. the councilman is doing okay and is back to work. let's head to montgomery county where opening statements are set for tomorrow in the bill cos cosby sex assault trial. friends describe her as upbeat, calm and focused. she met cosby while working for temple university's women's basketball team and she accuses the comedian of drugging and molesting her in 1994. cosby said the encounter was ken sensual. he could get ten years in prison if convicted. in bucks county, closing arguments are set for tomorrow in another high profile case. jurors will begin to deliberate the fate of kaplan who is accused of abusing six sisters. we continue to stay on top of the breaking news out of london, that's where a terror attack, another attack, has left seven people dead and dozens injured. we will have the latest in just moments. back in our area, the update in the hunt for a suspect mocking somebody with a disability before attacking him, punching him in the face, and how thousands of dollars are playing a role in this case. that's next. 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(woman 2 vo) i'm caring for someone with moderate alzheimer's. if you are too, ask about namzaric today. i am first alert meteorologist, erika martin. into tonight, be sure you look at the bottom of your screen for your most accurate neighborhood forecast. that's a mouthful. and allentown, 49. wilmington, 54. dover current temperature, 56 degrees. cooler in atlantic city at 50. and radar is picking up high and dry conditions, an area of high pressure offshore and this is our weather maker right now but we have a change as clouds start to develop from the northwest to the southeast and then showers follow suit, so here is your temperature trend. 84 today, and 78 on monday and then tuesday, only upper 60s, so well below the average. wednesday, 70 degrees, and the average you say is 79 degrees. thursday, 74 for you and friday temperatures topping out in the low 80s. here's rosemary. still ahead, a big name from the movies joins for a rally to keep the film industry alive in philadelphia. >> announcer: nbc10 breaking news. >> we are following the terror attack. britain's conservative party said it's suspending the campaigning. police say they killed the three men that carried out the attack. new this morning in our area, crews were busy battling the house fire that broke out about midnight on stevens road. no reports of any injuries. authorities in chester county are now offering a new reward as they hunt for the suspect caught punching a man. barry baker punched a man with cerebral palsy, and now officers are offering $5,000 for information leading to his arrest. after baker was charged and paid bail he disappeared. ♪ ♪ people wearing orange marched to the beat to raise awareness about gun violence this weekend, and nbc10 was in the fish town neighborhood yesterday. law enforcement and lawmakers sent the message that ending gun violence is something we have to do together. >> we also try to raise awareness in the community, and we invite others to join us. >> chicago teens who lost their 15-year-old friend in a shooting inspired the nation wear orange campaign and it's the color hunters wear in the woods to protect themselves and others. a crowd gathered in philadelphia this weekend to rally to keep the film industry in town. the greater philadelphia film office hosted the rally in front of the museum yesterday, and organizers say they want more film industry opportunities in the city. councilman david oh who is recovering from a stabbing was at the rally. he said it comes down to the state's budget. >> we won't help the deficit by what is creating opportunities. >> he tells us he hopes the state budget uncaps the film tax credit. tomorrow at the white house president trump is expected to launch a major push for overhauling the nation's infrastructure. he will call for $1 trillion in federal and highway funds to fix airports and highways and electrical grids. it has wide public support but has been hung up in congress and overshadowed by the russian investigation. speaking of the russian investigation, analysts are looking at vladimir putin's latest response to the allegations that this country meddled in the 2016 election. here's putin is an exclusive interview withmegyn kelly. >> you said for months russia had nothing to do with the american elections. >> hackers can be in the united states. very skillfully and professionally shifted the blame on to russia. can you imagine something like that? >> you can see more of that exclusive interview on the premiere sunday night with megyn kelly, and that comes your way right here on nbc10. the russia investigation and the london terror attack and the u.s. withdrawal from the paris climate control will be the topics on "meet the press." and chuck todd will sit down with john kerry and scott pruitt and al gore. that's this morning here on nbc10 at 10:30. i am first alert meteorologist, erika martin. we are seeing mostly clear skies. the temperatures in philadelphia, 57 degrees, thanks to an area of high pressure and the winds are calm right now. nice start but chilly. so grab a jacket if you are headed outdoors right now. and chestnut hill at 50 for you. we have bustleton at 52, and park wood seeing the 50s. and jersey seeing lots of 40s and some 50s. 47 for hollow. we have millville at 47, and clayton at 49. and i tried to mention everybody. hopeful township, 47. the hour by hour forecast picks up on mostly clear conditions, that's what you are seeing, and we push this through and you see clouds moving in from the northwest to southeast. here we start to see a line of showers moving across our area and the delaware valley. this is why i do have thunderstorms in the forecast, and you will see that on the 10-day forecast, and we will watch that for you very closely tomorrow afternoon and tomorrow evening, we will be timing that out for you. neighborhoods for today and into tomorrow, rather, we are seeing 70s and again the threat of the thunderstorms which is what you just saw on the hour-by-hour forecast, and i want to give you the heads up, keep the umbrellas handy. here's your 10 day on 10, upper 70s for the lehigh valley and the suburbs, and a major temperature decline by tuesday, and so that tells us, here is your cold front and that's why we are seeing the likelihood of thunderstorms moving through, and a p.m. chance of showers tuesday into wednesday. i will keep the clouds around on wednesday and thursday. we start to climb into the 80s by friday, saturday and sunday. it looks like a pretty decent weekend for the following weekend so far, and then i am tracking a major warmup by the following monday and tuesday as temperatures climb in the 90s by monday, the 12th, and then on the 13th, tuesday, because that's far out, 89 degrees is the expected high temperature, and it looks like sunny skies on the following monday and tuesday, mostly sunny. not bad, and a major warmup. we now know the dates of the next philadelphia festival of the arts. it will take place on june 1st to the 10th next year. it will be a french performing arts group that will create a 30-foot human chandelier. rowers took to the schuylkill river. looks like they had a great day out there. in business news, why wonder woman could be big. break through your allergies. try new flonase sensimist allergy relief instead of allergy pills. it's more complete allergy relief in a gentle mist experience you'll barely feel. using unique mistpro technology, new flonase sensimist delivers a gentle mist to help block six key inflammatory substances that cause your symptoms. most allergy pills only block one. and six is greater than one. new flonase sensimist changes everything. in business news, hopes are high for a wonderful summer blockbuster. a new cancer research will be unveiled. hollywood is looking for big numbers from "wonder woman," a break from disappointing results from "baywatch" and the "pirates" sequel. they are calling for over $100 million at the domestic box office. and the meeting of cancer experts is under way in chicago. highlights and lowlights from the conference could drive big moves in biotech stocks on monday. and then wine and spirits giant brown foreman is out on wednesday, and finally apple's big developer conference starts on monday. the tech tighten expected to unveil the newest ipads. you are looking at dirty fun for a good cause. this was some of the action yesterday at the mudfest. thousands of athletes were taking on the 5k obstacle course lined with mud pits. the mudslinging resumes this morning at 7:00. i think this next one will be cleaner. in south jersey, doctors running alongside patients and community members for the 5k. the run begins at 8:30 this morning. another 5k race takes place later o. the second team freedom cares conference starts at 9:30 this morning at cooper river park. a portion of the schuylkill expressway is closed because of an accident near 337, that's the glad win exit. the westbound lanes shut down between belmont and gladwin. we will keep you posted on that. we have the breaking developments out of london we are following where a terror attack left seven people dead. matt delucia is keeping an eye on the investigation and keeping us up to speed on everything. matt. calling for tougher measures to fight extremism, and we are hearing from witnesses and london's mayor who called the attack appalling. that's next. and then a gorgeous day across the delaware valley, and also the potential for showers later. look at all of the sunshine. get on out there and enjoy. did you know 90% of couples disagree on mattress firmness? fortunately there's a bed where you both get what you want every night. enter sleep number and the semi-annual sale going on now. sleepiq technology tells you how well you slept and what adjustments you can make. she likes the bed soft. he's more hardcore. so your sleep goes from good to great to wow! only at a sleep number store... oh, and right now, save $200 on our queen c2 mattresses now only $699. ends sunday. go to for a store near you. you'busted tail.rd. and impressed the boss. maybe, it's time to be your own. transform your career with strayer university's mba program today. let's get it, america. right now, terror in london. we are track the breaking details out of britain where an attack on london bridge and nearby pubs killed seven people and wounded dozens of others. the british people are so resilient. >> we spoke to an american that lives in london and is visiting philadelphia right now and we will have his reaction to the terror attack coming up. an apparent accident involving a gun killed a toddler. where the boy found the gun, next. this is nbc10 news today. thank you for being with us. it's just after 6:30. we have a lot going on and we want to make sure you get a check of your weekend weather before you head out the door first, so let's start there. erika teen has the details for us in the most accurate forecast in the region. >> temperatures are cool so grab a jacket. today we have mostly sunny. reading current temperature of 49 degrees. and wilmington at 50. dover, 56 degrees. millville currently at 48 degrees. the winds are calm right now, and at 9:00 a.m., temperatures in the upper 60s. by 1:00 p.m. notice more clouds in the forecast because we do have rain move into our area by later this afternoon into the evening hours. do not cancel any outdoor plans. lehigh valley, 52 at 9:00 a.m. and 72 at 1:00 with overcast skies. passing showers across your area lehigh valley. jersey shore, 66 at 9:00 a.m. 70 degrees by 1:00, and fewer clouds by 5:00 and a mix of sun and clouds and 72 degrees, so not a bad day. we are track the showers and clouds move into our area. rosemary, back to you. >> announcer: nbc10 breaking news. >> we are following those breaking developments of london. the third terror attack in as many months in england has left seven people dead and 48 others injured. police shot and killed all three attackers in this case. according to authorities the attackers used a plan to plow into people on london bridge, and the people got out and stabbed nearby patrons at bars and restaurants. and this comes as the country is still coping with the bombing in manchester last month and another attack in which a van plowed into people on the bridge in march. we will get more comments in just a moment. and then parliamentary elections are scheduled for this thursday. and matt delucia is live and has details on the latest attack. matt delucia. >> the prime minister spoke within the last hour, talking about the attack. she said enough is enough and called for tougher measures to fight terrorism. we have been getting new video into the news from from london all night, and the area where this happened around the london bridge and around the market, and police say the attackers were shot dead by police within minutes. we have been hearing from witnesses who were in the area and they watched the attack happen. here's one of them. >> when i was inside, people were crying and screaming but i didn't see nothing. that's just the truth. >> you said they had guns. >> i don't know who, but there was shooting. i listened to the shooting, you know. >> london mayor said he was appalled and furious about the attack in central london. take a listen. >> there are not words to describe the grief and anger, and i am appalled and furious that these cowardly terrorists would target innocent bystanders and tourists enjoying themselves on saturday night. i am quite clear that we will never let them win nor will we allow them to cower our city or lea londoners. >> while this is the third deadly attack by march, may mentioned they have disruption five other plots in that same time, and then the concert by grande and other big names is still scheduled to happen. many here in our area are following this latest attack in london very closely. last night we spoke to a man in philadelphia who live insulin done. patrick company is in our area following an appearance on qvc this past week, and he said the attacks keep happening despite the security cameras around london. >> it's kind of odd that there's so much security in the uk, even with the cameras everywhere these apparent terrorists are penetrating into the market and city, and three this year have taken place. >> there were a few scary moments for him last night, and his partner was in london and he thought he was out in that area, and fortunately he is doing well and is okay this morning. >> stay with us right here on the air for updates and also on the nbc10 app as soon as we learn more information we will, of course, pass it along. new this morning in philadelphia, a man is in the hospital after he was stabbed while trying to break up a domestic assault in queen village. this happened around 1:00 this morning on fifth street. the good samaritan is in stable condition. police have identified a suspect in this case, and they are now trying to track down and arrest him. and police are investigating a double shooting in north philly. nbc10 was at lawrence street gunfire hit two men, and they are in stable condition at the hospital. right now police do not have suspects or a motive in this case. let's head to delaware county where a neighborhood is reeling, trying to make sense of the death of a toddler who was shot and killed in an apparent accident involving a gun. it happened yesterday in chester township. authorities say the toddler between 2 and 3 years old and called junior found a gun under a bed and shot himself in the chest. family members were understandably overcome with grief outside the house on bethel road yesterday. >> i'm not sure what happened here. i know he's gone. he's a child, i mean, he's a baby. he had so much potential. >> as you can see police carried bags of evidence from the house. investigators also questioned family members and it's unclear if anybody will be charged in this case. the suspect accused of stabbing a philadelphia councilman is under arrest and facing attempted murder charges this morning. he turned himself into police yesterday. he denies stabbing the councilman david oh, and he says he doesn't even know him. and oh is back to work and is doing okay, and he tells us the attack puts a focus on the issues that lead people to commit violence. >> motivated to get out and get to work and address the underlying issues about why people end up in unfortunate circumstances in our city. >> his lawyer tells us there's no evidence linking his evidence to the crime and he says once police released his client's name and photo, he surrendered so he would not be considered a fugitive. we continue to follow the latest developments in the terror attack out of london that left seven people dead and dozens wounded. we have an update in just minutes. plus, a march for truth. thousands across the country including here in philadelphia took to the streets to demand answers from president trump. that story is straight ahead. good sunday morning. conditions right now, mostly sunny to sunny skies across the delaware valley. certainly a great start to this sunday. get outside and enjoy the day because we don't have sunny skies for the entire day. satellite and radar images, this is the two-hour loop. we have a weak area of high pressure offshore and that's our current weather maker but i am tracking a front sweeping through later today and through tomorrow and i think it will trigger showers later this afternoon. not going to be a washout from the northwest to the southeast. and then tracking thunderstorms for monday afternoon. neighborhoods right now, lehigh valley, get outside and enjoy all the sunshine because as you saw those clouds are headed in your direction in a couple hours. and then upper 40s in leonardsville. and then pwhrapb done at 46 degrees. for the lehigh valley, temperatures 40s to upper 50s. coming up in just a bit i will have your 10-day forecast, and back to you. today in philadelphia the hit nbc show "the voice" will hold open auditions in center city. this is the camera showing the hundreds hopefuls outside the convention center waiting for their big moment and break. the doors at 7:00 this morning and you can see the line is already out the door. auditions get under way at 8:30. good luck to everybody. phils got good luck this week, finally breaking their losing streak. just when you thought you could watching the phillies, huh-uh, we have that next in sports. pro-tip: chop all your veggies for the week at once. super pro-tip: buy your veggies pre-chopped. uber pro-tip: buy delicious produce you don't need to chop at all. boom. summer made easy at amazing prices. only at giant. losing streak. 6:45 on this sunday, and we continue to follow the breaking news out of london where a terror attack left seven people dead. doctors are treating 48 others who were injured. police say three attackers drove a van right into people on london bridge, and then the men got out and stabbed people at a nearby market where there were pubs and restaurants, people out on a saturday night. london police believe they have killed all the attackers involved. we will continue to watch that. in the meantime, prime minister theresa may has called an emergency meeting to deal with the crisis and says this kind of terror must stop. we will continue to keep you posted throughout the morning. we have new details on a deadly casino attack in the philippines. the surveil kwrupbs shows the gunman setting fires and shooting inside the casino last week. the attack appeared to be a botched robbery and not an act of terrorism. the victim died of smoke inhalation as they hid from the shooter. back here in our area, it was a march for truth. that was the mission of demonstrators in philadelphia and other cities across the country yesterday. nbc10 was in center city where protesters called for a transparent and impartial investigation into the russian meddling of the 2016 presidential election. organizers held marches for truth in more than 100 cities yesterday, including new york, new orleans and los angeles washington, where the largest march took place, a group supporting president trump rallied in front of the white house. comedian bill maher is apologizing for using a racial slur during his late night show. >> [ bleep ]. >> march used the slur that aired on hbo and it happened after the senator invited him to visit his home state of nebraska and work in the fields there, and bill maher said the word was offensive and regrets saying it and is very sorry. let's talk weather. feeling good out there this morning and looking good, and have clear blue skies behind me, and meteorologist, erika martin is following the weather this morning. >> lots of sunshine for this morning, rosemary. the winds are calm all thanks to an area of high pressure keeping everything high and dry with lots of sunshine. and one degree warmer. dover, 56, and a pair of fives for you, calm winds. another look outside, it does look nice again, that area of high pressure is keeping everything dry here on the satellite imagery. and just to the northwest of the lehigh valley you can see some greens on the screen telling us we will see showers move into our area. notice the broad area of clouds and those showers. this will be here later this afternoon and it's not going to be a washout. i don't advise canceling any outdoors plans, and you will see a couple showers and that's it. 67 degrees at 9:00 a.m., and notice those building clouds as the day progresses because we have the clouds and showers move into our area. 79 at 1:00 p.m., and 82 by 5:00. so really a nice trend for today. be sure you get outside and enjoy the day, and get the sunglasses and get out there and have fun, because by tomorrow you will have to trade in the sunglasses for an umbrella. lehigh valley 70 degrees at 1:00 p.m., and showers moving in at 5:00 p.m., and 77 is the expected temperature. delaware seeing temperatures climb into the low 80s by 1:00 p.m. notice we have fewer clouds in delaware at 1:00 p.m., and a mix of sun and clouds at 5:00. i don't think delaware will get showers for today, but maybe later tonight into the overnight hours and certainly by tomorrow. the jersey shore, same deal there. 72 by 5:00 p.m. let's time out the clouds and the showers for you. hour by hour, we will start at 6:30 a.m., and clouds move into the area, and then we get it going and we will pause it for you. here you can see the line of showers move our area, so mt. pocono and lehigh valley and berks county, you will see the showers moving across our area from northwest to southeast and then we will start to see the clouds build across the entire area, and at 4:00 p.m., seeing fewer clouds for the jersey shore and for much of delaware. again, we will be tracking this for you across the area, 6:30 p.m. here, and spotty showers in and around philadelphia but for the most part we will see dry conditions for most of us, and then the showers creep in later tonight, and certainly for tomorrow, and be sure you follow us on social media for more updates. >> this is sports desk, brought to you by xfinity. >> good morning and happy sunday, danny pommells from csn. were you following the phils? they were desperate for anybody to give them a lift and the newest philly did just that. it will be one to remember. he gets offensive help in the sixth, down 1-0, and not anymore, tommy joseph, long, strong and gone to left field, 447 feet, the longest homer by a philly this season. and cameron rupp pleased with that effort. and then the phillies have a much-needed quality start in his debut, and gehe allows one run seven innings, and then the back flip and the hop, and it falls safely into the gap and that double breaks the game open, and lively with his first major league win, and his mom and sister all proud in the stands, and phillies win. and then nashville hosting a stanley cup final game for the first time and the fans in nashville pumped from the opening face-off. and they trailed the series two games to one. and then craigo meet matt murray for game four n nashville. the rugly champiip defending ch the gingerbreadman. cal beats penn state,28-19. you can catch the nbc10. that's a lamanny pommells, csn. it takes a lot of people to make a good school day. miss hoffman gets us there safe every time. mrs. migliaccio teaches us all about fractions - and haikus - and the erie canal! miss reeves makes us sound amazing. and miss santoro always takes time to see how we're doing. miss simpkins keeps our school looking great. recess wouldn't be recess without miss basile. and mrs. mccarthy always has tons of good books to read. which makes for a pretty good day at school. ♪ music fans in philadelphia are coming off a awesome saturday with the roots pick picnic festival. >> nbc10 was at the roots picnic at penn's landing last night. and jimmy fallon joined big namers like pharrell. before the show we spoke with concertgoers thrilled to see their favorite acts onstage. >> three or four stages they have set up and it's interesting to see how everything is inside, and this is my first time and i am really excited. >> organizers tell us the lights, the cameras and the amplifiers and of the stages and talent, it took months of planning to get it together and did they do it. awesome. the main event at nascar. the aaa 400 drive for autism. you are looking at yesterday's action. kyle larson won his first race with a victory in the xfinity 200. today is your last chance to experience wizard worldcom ca a comic-con in philadelphia. jesse eisenberg played lex luther in the superman and batman movie. and just before 7:00, we continue to follow the breaking news out of london. the deadly terror attacks. matt delucia has all of the latest developments. seven dead and four dozen injured, and a lot happened as the investigation continues. i am tracking what world leaders are saying about the attack is next. we could get showers soon enough, but meantime a lovely shot. lots of sunshine. enjoy, again, showers are on the way. details coming up on the other side of the break. you knew when you cast it they'd lock you up. but that didn't stop you. you traveled far and wide, and others followed. mothers, daughters, sisters, lions. and because together you roared so loud, i know my voice matters today. this summer, come celebrate new york state's equal rights history. download our guide to plan your trip. witnesses describe the frightening moments when three men plowed into people on the bridge and stabbed patrons at the pubs enjoying a night out. and then a man in the hospital after breaking up a fight in a popular philadelphia neighborhood. what we are learning incident and the man's condition, coming up. sunshine for our sunday. a live look town the shore. we will climb into the 80s but the warm temperatures not going to last all week. we have got you covered in the first alert neighborhood forest

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