Transcripts For WCAU NBC10 News Today Weekend At 6am 2017031

Transcripts For WCAU NBC10 News Today Weekend At 6am 20170319

meteorologist krystal. >> we kind of lucked out. this line moved through overnight for the moss part and it was a weak setup for our viewing area. meaning moefs us are in the clear this morning. wet spots, maybe some icy spots outsides but we're tracking rain farther south as the storm center is to our sought. washington and baltimore getting a little more action. in delaware, take a look. in i think most of this is falling as rain. if you want to let me know, can you tweet me. this is going to continue spinning out through the morning hours so we'll be dry by your afternoon. here's a look at the current temperatures. moss of us are above freezing. 34, allentown. 36, doefer. temperatures are in the 30s but they will climb to the 40s later on. today about the same, up to 47. still a little below average this time of year. we start to climb above average in the days to come. your monday and tuesday making it to the 50s in time for the official start of spring. on top of that, the snow on the ground will melt off what didn't melt off yesterday. we'll track your temperatures for sunday and clearing conditions coming up. 6:0 2. one is dead another in critical condition after a car crash. witnesses say they saw a car speed over a bridge, lose control and hit another car after midnight. police rare investigating. police are looking at a shooting on east mt. airy. police tell us the victim was shot several times. there are no arrests in the case. to a story we brought you new at 11:00 last night. philadelphia police are probing a bizarre crime vofling a man tied up, shot and held captive for more than a week. the victim escaped from this house in kensington. a group of armed men forced the victim into the house to try to collect on a drug debt. when the man tried to leave, he was shot in the leg. he told police he was assaulted of day of his cap tift. the victim was checked out at a local hospital. afternoon bishop is urging catholics to attend a prayer service for immigrants and refugees. here's a look at basilica and st. peter and paul. the service begins at 4:00. he recognizes undocumented immigrants may not feel comfortable showing up because of deportations around the country. its all over for notify vva. matt delucia is life on campus this morning. fans are stunned by the upset. >> reporter: this was not the outcome the fans or even the team was hoping for or even expecting, being knocked out in the second round of the ncaa tournament. wildcats went in as overall number one seed but last night the wisconsin badgers, eighth seed team who battled them. came down to final seconds. this time the wildcats could not make it happen. several fans made the trip up to western new york. as you can imagine, they are leafing disappointed. the team came back toamnight. here's head coach jay write tgh talking about the end of the di they're hurting. they get we played a really good team. wisconsin is a good team. i'm proud of our guys' effort but we're all disappointed in the outcome. >> reporter: the only thing left to do now is to get back to work and hope for next year. the fans say they will be waiting for that. for now life in villanova, matt delucia, nbc10 news. csn was on campus lass night. here's some of what the students had to say moments after the game ended. >> de >> devastating. >> i had villanova going all the way. >> we have a lot of good players and talent coming in. i can't be so down right now because that step back we need to go back up. >> unfortunately, this year villanova will not be one of the final 16 teams to compete in the tournament. a founding father of rock 'n' roll is dead. this morning fans around the world are remembering chuck berry. the gifted guitar pioneer and duck-walking singer passed away at his home near st. louis yesterday. chuck berry was the 90 years old. >> reporter: chuck berry's life and influence can be locked up in three words -- rock 'n' roll. >> he's a legacy to guitars and blues. >> reporter: he started making a name for himself in the 1950s. showmanship on stage with posturing and lyrics set him apart. >> right in at the right time when afro-american music was spilling over into the mainstream. >> reporter: despite not putting out new music for nearly four generations, new generations are directly and indirectly from youed by the legendary art is, including sam risen who was first introduced to his music at a concert. >> he was pretty old at the time but he was still doing the duck walk and everything. it was inspiring. >> reporter: berry continued performing well into his 80s. its hard to find awards he did not receive. >> we lost so many great musicians. more contemporaries. he's sort of their father. >> reporter: in death his songs will play on. nbc10 news. this morning we are learning more about the man shot and killed at an airport in paris after he attacked a soldier. what police belief may have motivated him. a new court decision could let dakota access pipeline operate as early as tomorrow. (vo) shop all makes, models and colors in your neighborhood... all with worry-free ownership. head to your neighborhood enterprise car sales and let the people who buy more vehicles than anyone... shift your thinking about buying your next one. welcome back. right now we're at 36 degrees in dell. we do see light rain passing through the state and passing to the sought. suffolk county will see the lass of the rain in the next 24 hours. winds are breezing, and they'll stay that way, breeziness in the forecast. we get to the mid40s even some upper 40s across the state by this afternoon. and notice the icons. we go from cloudy right now to a mix of sun and clouds. leaning towards mostly sunny conditions later on. in philly its almost the exact same forecast. we're in the mid-30s with 39 at noon and mid to upper 40s in afternoon. we should see plenty of sunshine later in the day. late in the day looks good with mid to upper 40s. we're feeling closer to what is average. by the way, in phil y its 56 6. we'll be at 35 degrees, so stickingo moing hours. making it to the low 40s by later in the day. and thed weaken just a tad later in the day as well for the lehigh valley. new jersey, 35 degrees and staying around there through 10:00 a.m. we go from cloud to peeking out. mid-40s for forecasths day, 45 4:00. those temperatures to continue to climb as we get to the work week. fishing and boating enthusiasts can check out the newest qugadgets iwildwoods. he nth annual wildwoods spring bridal fair noon to 4:00, featuring wedding venues, florists, deejays. everything a bride needs to consider. philadelphia's own john oates of hall & oates fame. he'll tell us about hoagie nation. ♪ it isn't just about vision, it's about care. nobody cares for eyes more than pearle. honeastey t rom honest ingredients. likokay that's still honey.nd real oats. huh, there we go. honest ingredients. we're back to honey again. that guy. figures. try new very berry cheerios. the taste of real fruit in every bite. so berry good. uemy girlfriend loves artists. and i need a conservative pair, cuz her parents hate artists! get up to 40% off a second pair of glasses. schedule your eye exam at afoot and light-hearted i take to the open road. healthy, free, the world before me, the long brown path before me leading wherever i choose. are mine. the north and the south are mine. all seems beautiful to me. to take advantage of this offer on a volvo s90, visit your local dealer. north korea is proclaiming success for the tess of a new high-thrust engine to propel rockets. kim jong-un attended. its unclear if the north korean test was timed to match secretary of state rex tillerson's visit to asia, which is wrapping up today in beijing. tillerson spoke with chinese president xi jinping. he says president trump is looking forward to meeting with the chinese leader next month. he's pushing more cooperation with china. french authorities are call the airport attacker a suspected islamic terror iss. police shot and killed him at orly airport yesterday. he shot a police officer in a paris suburb, stole a car and grabbed a soldier's assault rifle away from her in the terminal before being shot. france remains on edge after another apparent terror attack. there are new developments surrounding the dakota access pipeline. an appeals court denied a request to stop oil flowing throughout pipeline. the pipeline will move north dakota oil to illinois, possibly as early as tomorrow. the tribe's fear, it could cause harm to their water supply. they have been fighting construction of the pipeline for a year. the pipeline's developer says it will not have an effect on waterer. ninth annual boot camp program. city councilman curtis jones jr. hosted the annual event. nbc10 was in overbrook where neighborhood leaders shared ideas through its series of community workshops. the councilman says its all about knowledge. >> we try to empower them with everything we can from recycling bins to ipads because they don't get paid to do this. if they don't, our community suffers. >> i'm learning about benefits and things i can take back to my block and share with my neighbors. >> workshops included block captain 101 and public safety. take a live look outside cape may, new jersey. it's a bit rainy. cape may throughout your delaware hours, the next several hours. you can see this setup as dropping to the south. it's going to thin out as it continues to fall to the south throughout the next several hours. but there's a closer look. most of the action is through delaware. temperatures this morning are lifting a tad. you may see a few flakes mix in as this line continues to drop through suffolk county and offshore as well. cape may county is getting clipped a tad, so much it has a rainy shot. a look at neighborhood temperatures. we've jumped from the shore to berks county. 34 degrees. 33 for the t, near freezing at current reading. now we're looking at new jersey neighborhoods.swe swedesboro, 36 degrees. hopewell township wind forecast, gusts about 25 miles already noticing it this morning. winds are 10 to 15 miles an hour and coming from the north. frot east helping keep temperatures pretty constant. you don't see a big warm-up. we start to north-northwest that will pump in cool air flow. as we see the shift down from the west, that's when we can temperatures do boost up in the next several days. let's talk about the temperatures. today we're talking about mid to upper fo us. 47 our sunday in philly. delaware also at 47. south jersey up to 48 dethough, the 40s in some spots to the 50s. 51 in philly. 46 for thethehore at 48. delaware, 52 degrees for our forecast highs tomorrow. also note dry fith increasing sn later today that lingers right through your mo. on ten. fficial day of n philly today to spring. 56 for tuesday. some morning showers.t. we are left with windier conditions through wednesday. a cooldown as grees. if you want those 60s, they do return finally to the board. that comes into your next weekend. showers and 63 for the forecast high. staying in the upper 50s by next sunday. >> thank you. billionaires get ranked, fedex delivers profits and a beast at the box office. that's all ahead this week in the world of business. cnbc gives us a preview. >> who is the rich es billionaire? forbes put out the annual list monday. last year bill gates was number one with a net worth of $75 billion. nike and fedex topped the weekly earnings calendar. also out will be home builder general mills and chip maker micron. existing sales on wednesday, new home sales on thursday, and durable goods on friday. disney is looking for big numbers from the remake of "beauty and the beast" taking in $16 million on thursday. that's the biggest from disney. it could top $125 million, making it one of the biggest march openings ever. the old hippy days when i used to carry my guitar case down spruce street. >> that's john oates of hall & oates fame. tim furlong traveled to tennessee to talk to him about hoagie nation pennsylvania is getting the law requires many to get their child abuse clearances. are you one of them? if you're a coach sunday school teacher a scout leader camp counselor many people who work or volunteer with children may need their clearances. pennsylvania means business when it comes to protecting our children. thank you pennsylvania! find out if you need to get your clearances by going to paid for with pennsylvania taxpayer dollars. . tickets went on sale friday for the concert event, the hoagie nation fess val. tim furlong traveled to nashville, tennessee, to talk with one of the organizers who's a familiar face if you love rock 'n' roll. >> kind of weird hi to go to nashville to find the center of this hoagie nation fess val but where of building is a recording studio, a found my guy in this one. philly's own john oates now lifz and records in tennessee. philly is still in his blood. he talks about philly a lot in his book that comes out soon. >> when i would carry my guitar down spruce street and pop in and play. >> reporter: when hoagie nation approached hall & oates leading them, they had the name instantly. >> as we approach philadelphia, we say, we're entering hoagie nation. everyone loves cheesesteaks. nashville, its a cool funky town but hall & oates are philly guys and on memorial day philly and non-philly artists will come back to start a festival. you'll hear all the hits, so get your tickets before they're gone. in nashville, tim furlong, nbc10 news. >> you can see hall & oates at hoagie nation festival, performing along with tears for fears and more. may 27th at fess val pier at penn's landing. if you want tickets, look for the link on the nbc10 app. kids in chester county got a chance to build their dream homes this weekend. model homes filled the gym at church farm school in exton yesterday in habitat for humanity, build a house, build a dream. they were judged on createtive. swoop from the eagles entertained the crowd. money from the event helps build homes for families in need. prom season is just around the corner. many teenage girls are searching for the perfect dress. they can be expensive but this weekend, these dresses were free. racks of dresses lined the walls during the first ever prom boutique in kensington yesterday. the girls also got to pick out jewelry, shoes and other accessories. organizers hope to make this a yearly event. 6:26 on your sunday morning. and it's all over for villanova. their early exit from the ncaa tournament has devastate nova nation. >> reporter: an early exit is not what many expected. we'll hear from the heartbroken fans coming up. and if you still have snow stacked up in your neighborhood, we're talking melting snow today as temperatures start to climb in the forecast. a life look in center city looking at city hall. beautiful start to your morning. we're talking sunshine by later today. we'll take a closer look at what you can expect neighborhood by neighborhood and the increase in temperature for your start of the work week all coming up. no repeat. the villanova wildcats are back from buffalo after their stunning loss to wisconsin at the ncaa tournament. we have reaction and highlights. remembering chuck berry. the rock 'n' roll legend has died. we're showing you how his hometown is paying tribute. changes are coming to a busy turnpike. crews begin work later today at midcounty interchange in montgomery county. 6:30. good morning. welcome back to nbc10 today. thank you for being with us. our weather, an impruchlt today over what we saw yesterday let's get to first alert meteorologist krystal. >> yesterday was dreary, on and off rain and while some snow melted, not all melted. temperatures will start to increase. right now on radar we have lingering effects down to the storm center. that's mostly just through delaware. these tips of cape may county seeing the action. primarily in the form of light rain. take a closer look. there may be a few flakes mixing in over kent county. you can see it drop farther south. before sunrise only typically we see our loewest temperatures. we are going to actually turn over to more sunshine in the afternoon. as for your temperatures, most of us in the 30s appear 37, atlantic city. 36 millville. 34 in reading. by later today, though, we're talking 40s. not just low 40s like we saw yesterday but some of us upper 40s. 50s to come as we move forward. here's philly over the next several hours. here's the dip, staying in the mid-30s. by noon, already at 40 degrees. notice the icon from cloudy to a mix of sun and clouds. today is better than yesterday. tomorrow even better. that's the first day of spring. we will track out your temperatures into your work week with that ten-day on ten coming up. >> thank you. we'll see you then. the road to repeat is over for villanova. the defending champs on back on campus after a stunning loss to wisconsin in the ncaa tournament. nbc10's matt delucia is life on campus with details and upset and reaction from fans who traveled to the tournament. a big-time bummer for them. >> reporter: a big-time bummer. some left last night, others today. they are heartbroken. they didn't expect the team would be knocked out this soon. inc. the team didn't expect they would be knocked out this soon either. the wildcats went into this tournament as the number one overall seed but in buffalo last night, it was the badgers who battled them for the win. final score 65-62. it came down to the final seconds and the wildcats could not make it happen in the end. fight a few fans did make that tr trip. they are leaving very disappointed. >> its been a long ride, tough, very tough. we're hoping to do it again next year. >> they played villanova basketball. a few shots didn't fall. a few shots fell for wisconsin. as coach said beforehand, if anyone can beat us, we'll tip our hat to them. >> reporter: a few good words and optimism there. the team came home last night. the fans waiting for the bus when they got back to campus last night, welcoming them back after a hard-fought season and not one to be scoffed at. coach jay said the team is disappointed, they're hurting after that loss last night. he's proud of them and they're looking forward to next season. some work to do. fans are just hoping and waiting for what happens in the year to come. >> as you've been hearing, students are shocked after the second-round upset. csn's john clark was on campus. he talked to students minutes after that loss. >> reporte >> wisconsin has knocked off villanova. >> reporter: villanova students were stunned. they were silent and quickly left the mcconley center. you could see the emotion on their faces. >> i want to cry. >> this is devastating. i can't belief we didn't win. i'm just -- i'm devastated. >> i'm shocked. i had villanova going to all the way. >> reporter: during the game it was tense, students biting their nails, praying and gave away mini basketballs. some used them as stress balls. >>. >> i saw them win last year. it was the best thing that ever happened ever. we really thought we were going to repeat. i was texting all my friends, you know, my mom was calling me in the last two minutes and i was getting upset because who calls in the last two minutes. >> we have omarry coming in, a lot of talent coming in and a lot of good players staying. i can't be so down right now because it's addition that step back we need to go back up. >> reporter: last year, villanova won it all. the national championship. this year they will not be one of the final 16 teams left. on notiva's campus. residents in fishtown are frustrated over this road closure. now the city water department is apologizing. it's been a month since a water main broke on east huson street. the street is still closed. the water department blames part of the delay on the weather, saying the street department has been unable to repave the area. this past week due to snow and ice. in a statement the water department says, we apologize for the lack of communication and follow-up with the neighbors on this block as this does not meet the level of service we provide our customers. they say it will be fixed by next week as long as the weather cooperates. this morning we are hearing from long-time participants of philadelphia's largest cinco de mayo event following its cancellation for this year. organizers canceled el carnival because of fears of a federal immigration crackdown. immigration and customs enforcement says it does not conduct sweeps or raids indiscriminately. even sew people behind the event say they don't feel comfortable holding it in south philadelphia. >> been in carnival for almost eight years, so it's going to be really hard not to do it this year. >> mayor jim kenney says he's, quote, deaf stated i.c.e. has had had such a chilling effect and he'll do what he can to bring back the event in future years. remembering chuck berry, the rock 'n' roll icon who died yesterday at his home near st. louis. he was 90 years old. he's credited with helping create the rock music we know today. he had a lasting influence on artists like the beatles, rolling stones and bob dylan. fans in chuck berry's hometown of st. louis gathered around his statue yesterday. musicians in philadelphia saberry had an impact on their upbringing with hits like "johnny b. good" and "roll over beethoven." guitarist sam was introduced to chuck berry's music at a concert. >> he was pretty old at the time but he was doing the duck walk and it was pretty inspiring. >> chuck berry performed well into his 80s. last fall he announced he would release his first album in decades later this year. it's happened again and again. secret service agents take action to deal with two more intruders on the white house grounds. up next, important travel changes for you if you drive throughout mid-county interchange on pennsylvania turnpike. welcome back. here's a life look outside philadelphia. clouds are hanging overhead right now. what's going to happen is when you sit down through the morning hours into the afternoon, so we'll turn over to mostly sunny conditions. take a look. 33 degrees for parts of our phil neighborhoods. 40 by this afternoon and 45 where sunshine takes over the forecast. 36 at noon and low 40s out there. i think we'll see low parts through parts of berks count some rain through about 7:00, 8:00, 9:00 a.m. showers. sunshine by noon and 46 at 4:00. . mid-40s the same, new jersey to the shore. just sunshine for parts of the shore by later today. the temperature trend wie been dealing with, average this time of year, 54 degrees. we've been consistently below average. we had that snowstorm lastsnowa ground. we had a little melt yesterday, more friday. today it should continue to melt off that snow. 47 the forecast high. we do get to the 50s by monday and tuesday of next week. ghrhl talk more nei >> thank you. we have a travel alert for drivers who use the pennsylvania turnpi turnpike's mid-county interchange. ez pass lanes w starting at 6:00 tonight. they will remain shut down for three weeks so upgrade overhead electronic tolling equipment. e the traditional ez pass lanes next to the express lanes. villanova's quest to repeat as national disappoint. they came up short against wisconsin. we have it all covered from the games to team reaction. next in sports. 6:44. the secret service is dealing with another white house intruder. officials detained a man who drove up to a checkpoint at 11:00 last night. officers took charge of the man after sizing up his vehicle as suspicious. the secret service says it increased its level of readiness. hours earlier, secret service agents arrested a man who tried to get onto the white house grounds. that man jumped a bike rack on pennsylvania avenue, but made it no further. president trump is in florida this weekend. the two intrusions came one week after a man climbed over perimeter fence to try to get inside the white house. the senate confirmation hearing for supreme court nominee neil gorsuch begins tomorrow in washington. president trump picked gorsuch to fill the vacancy left by death of justice scalia. gorsuch is a federal judge from colorado. he's got republican support. democrats are split in light of the senate gop for obama nominee merritt garland last year. it's widely reported president trump wants the husband of kellyanne conway to head up sifl cases for the department. if confirmed, he would be responsible for defending the president's travel ban and lawsuits filed against the administration. a rowdy reception is what a republican congressman in central pennsylvania got when he held a live town hall yesterday. take a look. >> would you go addition. >> that's some of what congressman scott perry endured in york county. perry was the first gop member of congress from pennsylvania to hold a town hall. the crowd rarely let him finish answering questions, but perry said he liked the enthusiasm.fa lous. i think the dialogue is great. i think the passion is great. i think the interaction is great and being informed. not only for them, but for me. this is representative government. this is what its all about. this is standard fare, as it should be. >> he got cheers when he talked about his party's health care bill. he told audience members he's t drive down the cost of health insurance. families in -- well, let's go to meteorologist krystal with our first alert neighborhood weather for the last day of winter. i can't say i'm sad to see it t wasn't that bad. >> it wasn't that bad until people started feeling like it was now we have snow on the ground for the last day of winter. what is left of the scattered system and setup we've seen since yesterday is going to be moving out. the storm center is to our south. most of the action has been in baltimore and washington. it's been our delaware neighborhoods and clipping cape may county that we've been seeing some light precipitation. take a look in delaware. this dividing line you see from the white to the green, that's the rain/snow line. inc. this is higher up in the sky. every ground observation identify been looking at through kent and suffolk county has been showing light rain. we're looking at showers this morning. this is going to continue progressing to the south over the next several hours. overall we dry out. your jersey shore temperatures. cape may is seeing light rain, 37 degrees the temperature. egg harbor, 36. atlantic city also at 37 degrees. we also see a lot of mid to upper 30s across the entire region. we hop over to our suburbs, a little cooler. 33 degrees in west bradford township. exton at 34 degrees. how about for north wales, 34 degrees. milford just below freezing at 31 right now. that will be boosted up. we're talking 40s by your afternoon hours. for your current winds, not a problem but a little breezy. around 12 miles an hour in allentown. 16 in philly. 18, lewis beach. 16 miles per hour atlantic city and wildwood. it's enough to be noticed when you step out the door and making it feel colder than it truly is. breeziness today is about as strong as those winds get. we're not talking gusts 40 to 50, only gusts to about 25. neighborhood forecast, temperatures today warmer than yesterday. officially in philly, 42. we see mid-40s for easton although allentown at 42. a mix of clouds and sun but from the morning cloudy to the late day mostly sunny. there's going to be variations through today, even showers like i pointed out lingering over parts of delaware. 43 the forecast high for trenton. upper 40s for delaware. smyrna, 47 degrees for our high temperature. hour by hour forecast, still some rain showers as they move out from the south. weave got scattered clouds from 10: 10:00. we'll track the temperatures through the next several days coming up in the next half hour. good morning. good to see you. since florida won its second straight national title in 2007 no reigning champion has made it through the past top ten, with villanova bowing out in the second round. tied 62-62, 20 seconds to play. badgers get it to hayes. what a sick move on the baseline to fool a defender. nice left-hand finish. cats get a look with plenty of time, trailing by two. josh hart takes the inbounds, walks the ball up the court, takes it into the paint, draws two defenders and doesn't get much elevation. that was it. nova's best chance as they fall to the badgers, 65-62. a look at cats returning to campus late last night. a bittersweet end to the group of seniors who never lost two games in a row or any big five games they ever played in. jay wright and remaining players forced to wait until next year. >> great college basketball game. just fun to be a part of it. give wisconsin a lot of credit. they played a great game. proud of our guys. we played tough. we battled. this is what ncaa games come down to. down the stretch they made two great offensive plays, two great defensive stops. >> i'm always going to be with my brothers. i'm not going to be on the court but i'll be talking to them, facetiming them. those are my brothers for life regardless of what happened this year. we're close on and off the court. that bond will never be broken. >> props to nova on a great season. the phillies hosting pirates in clearwater. this was one bright spot. kaemp ryan hanigan in foul territory. tracking it. bobbles it. recovers to make a diving catch. it we get to enjoy as pirates knock off the phils 13-8. the union haven't won yet this season but they haven't lost either. two draws in two games. the boys in blue visitinging orlando city fc last night. orlando got a goal in the first half. union leveled things up with one goal apiece. stoppage time, falls nicely to el peno. his shot can only strike the post. as close as union will come. they lose and take it on the chin for the first time this year, 2-1 to orlando. that's a look at sports. i'm george spencer for nbc10 @issue. we discuss how to keep your cash. we'll quiz you on what you know about your hard-earned money. if you were able to set aside $50 a month, how much could that end up becoming in 25 year$25 y? $5,000, 15,000, $40,000? plus it's the modern way burglaries are breaking into your home. not through the windows. they could be getting in through your refrigerator and washing machine. >> they're a step ahead of the security apparatus. >> coming up this morning at 11:30 following "meet the press" only on nbc10. mmmmm psst. yoplait custard's back. the family favorite... protein. protein proteiny protein. proteiny protein? protein proteiny protein. at least 14 grams of protein. 100 calories. new greek 100 protein. from yoplait. you're getting a look at the next generation of sign tiss. 600 middle students participated in new jersey science fair yesterday. top winners from sixth through eighth grades will go on to compete at delaware valley science fair in oaks next month. high school students may be able to qualify for the international science and engineering fair in los angeles in may. spring arrives tomorrow morning. the philadelphia flower show at the convention center today. the highlight is the annual teddy bear tea party for kids. philly wine week begins with opening cork event at academy of natural sciences. ticketholders will taste and host from among 100 varieties of wine. 6:57 on your sunday morning. heartbreak on the villanova campus this morning after wildcats came up short at ncaa tournament. matt delucia is live on campus this morning. >> reporter: it is not the ending that the fans or the team was hoping for. we'll hear from some of those heartbroken fans coming up after the break. still some lingering showers but clouds are starting to thin out. today's forecast is looking better than yesterday's. here's a live look as clouds start to break in philly. i'll let you know how warm it gets coming up. this is the silverado special edition. this is one gorgeous truck. oh, did i say there's only one special edition? because, actually there's five. ooohh!! aaaahh!! uh! hooooly mackerel. wow. nice. strength and style. it's truck month. get 0% financing for 60 months plus find your tag and get $5500 on select chevy silverado pick-ups when you finance with gm financial. find new roads at your local chevy dealer. out in round two. villanova players return home after a disappointing finish to their college championship dreams. reaction next. ♪ good-bye to a rock legend. we're remembering chuck berry and his influence on music of where. sunshine returns. its starting out cloudy but your sunday should finish just fine. we're looking ahead to the first day of spring tomorrow. good morning. welcome to nbc10 news today. i'm ted greenberg. thanks for being with us. its 7:00 a.m. on this sunday morning. let's get you started with first alert meteorologist krystal and your neighborhood forecast for this last day of winter. >> hi, ted. what we're looking at today is still a little snow showing up on our radar returns. that will soon be out, though. what's moving through partsf

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Transcripts For WCAU NBC10 News Today Weekend At 6am 20170319

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meteorologist krystal. >> we kind of lucked out. this line moved through overnight for the moss part and it was a weak setup for our viewing area. meaning moefs us are in the clear this morning. wet spots, maybe some icy spots outsides but we're tracking rain farther south as the storm center is to our sought. washington and baltimore getting a little more action. in delaware, take a look. in i think most of this is falling as rain. if you want to let me know, can you tweet me. this is going to continue spinning out through the morning hours so we'll be dry by your afternoon. here's a look at the current temperatures. moss of us are above freezing. 34, allentown. 36, doefer. temperatures are in the 30s but they will climb to the 40s later on. today about the same, up to 47. still a little below average this time of year. we start to climb above average in the days to come. your monday and tuesday making it to the 50s in time for the official start of spring. on top of that, the snow on the ground will melt off what didn't melt off yesterday. we'll track your temperatures for sunday and clearing conditions coming up. 6:0 2. one is dead another in critical condition after a car crash. witnesses say they saw a car speed over a bridge, lose control and hit another car after midnight. police rare investigating. police are looking at a shooting on east mt. airy. police tell us the victim was shot several times. there are no arrests in the case. to a story we brought you new at 11:00 last night. philadelphia police are probing a bizarre crime vofling a man tied up, shot and held captive for more than a week. the victim escaped from this house in kensington. a group of armed men forced the victim into the house to try to collect on a drug debt. when the man tried to leave, he was shot in the leg. he told police he was assaulted of day of his cap tift. the victim was checked out at a local hospital. afternoon bishop is urging catholics to attend a prayer service for immigrants and refugees. here's a look at basilica and st. peter and paul. the service begins at 4:00. he recognizes undocumented immigrants may not feel comfortable showing up because of deportations around the country. its all over for notify vva. matt delucia is life on campus this morning. fans are stunned by the upset. >> reporter: this was not the outcome the fans or even the team was hoping for or even expecting, being knocked out in the second round of the ncaa tournament. wildcats went in as overall number one seed but last night the wisconsin badgers, eighth seed team who battled them. came down to final seconds. this time the wildcats could not make it happen. several fans made the trip up to western new york. as you can imagine, they are leafing disappointed. the team came back toamnight. here's head coach jay write tgh talking about the end of the di they're hurting. they get we played a really good team. wisconsin is a good team. i'm proud of our guys' effort but we're all disappointed in the outcome. >> reporter: the only thing left to do now is to get back to work and hope for next year. the fans say they will be waiting for that. for now life in villanova, matt delucia, nbc10 news. csn was on campus lass night. here's some of what the students had to say moments after the game ended. >> de >> devastating. >> i had villanova going all the way. >> we have a lot of good players and talent coming in. i can't be so down right now because that step back we need to go back up. >> unfortunately, this year villanova will not be one of the final 16 teams to compete in the tournament. a founding father of rock 'n' roll is dead. this morning fans around the world are remembering chuck berry. the gifted guitar pioneer and duck-walking singer passed away at his home near st. louis yesterday. chuck berry was the 90 years old. >> reporter: chuck berry's life and influence can be locked up in three words -- rock 'n' roll. >> he's a legacy to guitars and blues. >> reporter: he started making a name for himself in the 1950s. showmanship on stage with posturing and lyrics set him apart. >> right in at the right time when afro-american music was spilling over into the mainstream. >> reporter: despite not putting out new music for nearly four generations, new generations are directly and indirectly from youed by the legendary art is, including sam risen who was first introduced to his music at a concert. >> he was pretty old at the time but he was still doing the duck walk and everything. it was inspiring. >> reporter: berry continued performing well into his 80s. its hard to find awards he did not receive. >> we lost so many great musicians. more contemporaries. he's sort of their father. >> reporter: in death his songs will play on. nbc10 news. this morning we are learning more about the man shot and killed at an airport in paris after he attacked a soldier. what police belief may have motivated him. a new court decision could let dakota access pipeline operate as early as tomorrow. (vo) shop all makes, models and colors in your neighborhood... all with worry-free ownership. head to your neighborhood enterprise car sales and let the people who buy more vehicles than anyone... shift your thinking about buying your next one. welcome back. right now we're at 36 degrees in dell. we do see light rain passing through the state and passing to the sought. suffolk county will see the lass of the rain in the next 24 hours. winds are breezing, and they'll stay that way, breeziness in the forecast. we get to the mid40s even some upper 40s across the state by this afternoon. and notice the icons. we go from cloudy right now to a mix of sun and clouds. leaning towards mostly sunny conditions later on. in philly its almost the exact same forecast. we're in the mid-30s with 39 at noon and mid to upper 40s in afternoon. we should see plenty of sunshine later in the day. late in the day looks good with mid to upper 40s. we're feeling closer to what is average. by the way, in phil y its 56 6. we'll be at 35 degrees, so stickingo moing hours. making it to the low 40s by later in the day. and thed weaken just a tad later in the day as well for the lehigh valley. new jersey, 35 degrees and staying around there through 10:00 a.m. we go from cloud to peeking out. mid-40s for forecasths day, 45 4:00. those temperatures to continue to climb as we get to the work week. fishing and boating enthusiasts can check out the newest qugadgets iwildwoods. he nth annual wildwoods spring bridal fair noon to 4:00, featuring wedding venues, florists, deejays. everything a bride needs to consider. philadelphia's own john oates of hall & oates fame. he'll tell us about hoagie nation. ♪ it isn't just about vision, it's about care. nobody cares for eyes more than pearle. honeastey t rom honest ingredients. likokay that's still honey.nd real oats. huh, there we go. honest ingredients. we're back to honey again. that guy. figures. try new very berry cheerios. the taste of real fruit in every bite. so berry good. uemy girlfriend loves artists. and i need a conservative pair, cuz her parents hate artists! get up to 40% off a second pair of glasses. schedule your eye exam at afoot and light-hearted i take to the open road. healthy, free, the world before me, the long brown path before me leading wherever i choose. are mine. the north and the south are mine. all seems beautiful to me. to take advantage of this offer on a volvo s90, visit your local dealer. north korea is proclaiming success for the tess of a new high-thrust engine to propel rockets. kim jong-un attended. its unclear if the north korean test was timed to match secretary of state rex tillerson's visit to asia, which is wrapping up today in beijing. tillerson spoke with chinese president xi jinping. he says president trump is looking forward to meeting with the chinese leader next month. he's pushing more cooperation with china. french authorities are call the airport attacker a suspected islamic terror iss. police shot and killed him at orly airport yesterday. he shot a police officer in a paris suburb, stole a car and grabbed a soldier's assault rifle away from her in the terminal before being shot. france remains on edge after another apparent terror attack. there are new developments surrounding the dakota access pipeline. an appeals court denied a request to stop oil flowing throughout pipeline. the pipeline will move north dakota oil to illinois, possibly as early as tomorrow. the tribe's fear, it could cause harm to their water supply. they have been fighting construction of the pipeline for a year. the pipeline's developer says it will not have an effect on waterer. ninth annual boot camp program. city councilman curtis jones jr. hosted the annual event. nbc10 was in overbrook where neighborhood leaders shared ideas through its series of community workshops. the councilman says its all about knowledge. >> we try to empower them with everything we can from recycling bins to ipads because they don't get paid to do this. if they don't, our community suffers. >> i'm learning about benefits and things i can take back to my block and share with my neighbors. >> workshops included block captain 101 and public safety. take a live look outside cape may, new jersey. it's a bit rainy. cape may throughout your delaware hours, the next several hours. you can see this setup as dropping to the south. it's going to thin out as it continues to fall to the south throughout the next several hours. but there's a closer look. most of the action is through delaware. temperatures this morning are lifting a tad. you may see a few flakes mix in as this line continues to drop through suffolk county and offshore as well. cape may county is getting clipped a tad, so much it has a rainy shot. a look at neighborhood temperatures. we've jumped from the shore to berks county. 34 degrees. 33 for the t, near freezing at current reading. now we're looking at new jersey neighborhoods.swe swedesboro, 36 degrees. hopewell township wind forecast, gusts about 25 miles already noticing it this morning. winds are 10 to 15 miles an hour and coming from the north. frot east helping keep temperatures pretty constant. you don't see a big warm-up. we start to north-northwest that will pump in cool air flow. as we see the shift down from the west, that's when we can temperatures do boost up in the next several days. let's talk about the temperatures. today we're talking about mid to upper fo us. 47 our sunday in philly. delaware also at 47. south jersey up to 48 dethough, the 40s in some spots to the 50s. 51 in philly. 46 for thethehore at 48. delaware, 52 degrees for our forecast highs tomorrow. also note dry fith increasing sn later today that lingers right through your mo. on ten. fficial day of n philly today to spring. 56 for tuesday. some morning showers.t. we are left with windier conditions through wednesday. a cooldown as grees. if you want those 60s, they do return finally to the board. that comes into your next weekend. showers and 63 for the forecast high. staying in the upper 50s by next sunday. >> thank you. billionaires get ranked, fedex delivers profits and a beast at the box office. that's all ahead this week in the world of business. cnbc gives us a preview. >> who is the rich es billionaire? forbes put out the annual list monday. last year bill gates was number one with a net worth of $75 billion. nike and fedex topped the weekly earnings calendar. also out will be home builder general mills and chip maker micron. existing sales on wednesday, new home sales on thursday, and durable goods on friday. disney is looking for big numbers from the remake of "beauty and the beast" taking in $16 million on thursday. that's the biggest from disney. it could top $125 million, making it one of the biggest march openings ever. the old hippy days when i used to carry my guitar case down spruce street. >> that's john oates of hall & oates fame. tim furlong traveled to tennessee to talk to him about hoagie nation pennsylvania is getting the law requires many to get their child abuse clearances. are you one of them? if you're a coach sunday school teacher a scout leader camp counselor many people who work or volunteer with children may need their clearances. pennsylvania means business when it comes to protecting our children. thank you pennsylvania! find out if you need to get your clearances by going to paid for with pennsylvania taxpayer dollars. . tickets went on sale friday for the concert event, the hoagie nation fess val. tim furlong traveled to nashville, tennessee, to talk with one of the organizers who's a familiar face if you love rock 'n' roll. >> kind of weird hi to go to nashville to find the center of this hoagie nation fess val but where of building is a recording studio, a found my guy in this one. philly's own john oates now lifz and records in tennessee. philly is still in his blood. he talks about philly a lot in his book that comes out soon. >> when i would carry my guitar down spruce street and pop in and play. >> reporter: when hoagie nation approached hall & oates leading them, they had the name instantly. >> as we approach philadelphia, we say, we're entering hoagie nation. everyone loves cheesesteaks. nashville, its a cool funky town but hall & oates are philly guys and on memorial day philly and non-philly artists will come back to start a festival. you'll hear all the hits, so get your tickets before they're gone. in nashville, tim furlong, nbc10 news. >> you can see hall & oates at hoagie nation festival, performing along with tears for fears and more. may 27th at fess val pier at penn's landing. if you want tickets, look for the link on the nbc10 app. kids in chester county got a chance to build their dream homes this weekend. model homes filled the gym at church farm school in exton yesterday in habitat for humanity, build a house, build a dream. they were judged on createtive. swoop from the eagles entertained the crowd. money from the event helps build homes for families in need. prom season is just around the corner. many teenage girls are searching for the perfect dress. they can be expensive but this weekend, these dresses were free. racks of dresses lined the walls during the first ever prom boutique in kensington yesterday. the girls also got to pick out jewelry, shoes and other accessories. organizers hope to make this a yearly event. 6:26 on your sunday morning. and it's all over for villanova. their early exit from the ncaa tournament has devastate nova nation. >> reporter: an early exit is not what many expected. we'll hear from the heartbroken fans coming up. and if you still have snow stacked up in your neighborhood, we're talking melting snow today as temperatures start to climb in the forecast. a life look in center city looking at city hall. beautiful start to your morning. we're talking sunshine by later today. we'll take a closer look at what you can expect neighborhood by neighborhood and the increase in temperature for your start of the work week all coming up. no repeat. the villanova wildcats are back from buffalo after their stunning loss to wisconsin at the ncaa tournament. we have reaction and highlights. remembering chuck berry. the rock 'n' roll legend has died. we're showing you how his hometown is paying tribute. changes are coming to a busy turnpike. crews begin work later today at midcounty interchange in montgomery county. 6:30. good morning. welcome back to nbc10 today. thank you for being with us. our weather, an impruchlt today over what we saw yesterday let's get to first alert meteorologist krystal. >> yesterday was dreary, on and off rain and while some snow melted, not all melted. temperatures will start to increase. right now on radar we have lingering effects down to the storm center. that's mostly just through delaware. these tips of cape may county seeing the action. primarily in the form of light rain. take a closer look. there may be a few flakes mixing in over kent county. you can see it drop farther south. before sunrise only typically we see our loewest temperatures. we are going to actually turn over to more sunshine in the afternoon. as for your temperatures, most of us in the 30s appear 37, atlantic city. 36 millville. 34 in reading. by later today, though, we're talking 40s. not just low 40s like we saw yesterday but some of us upper 40s. 50s to come as we move forward. here's philly over the next several hours. here's the dip, staying in the mid-30s. by noon, already at 40 degrees. notice the icon from cloudy to a mix of sun and clouds. today is better than yesterday. tomorrow even better. that's the first day of spring. we will track out your temperatures into your work week with that ten-day on ten coming up. >> thank you. we'll see you then. the road to repeat is over for villanova. the defending champs on back on campus after a stunning loss to wisconsin in the ncaa tournament. nbc10's matt delucia is life on campus with details and upset and reaction from fans who traveled to the tournament. a big-time bummer for them. >> reporter: a big-time bummer. some left last night, others today. they are heartbroken. they didn't expect the team would be knocked out this soon. inc. the team didn't expect they would be knocked out this soon either. the wildcats went into this tournament as the number one overall seed but in buffalo last night, it was the badgers who battled them for the win. final score 65-62. it came down to the final seconds and the wildcats could not make it happen in the end. fight a few fans did make that tr trip. they are leaving very disappointed. >> its been a long ride, tough, very tough. we're hoping to do it again next year. >> they played villanova basketball. a few shots didn't fall. a few shots fell for wisconsin. as coach said beforehand, if anyone can beat us, we'll tip our hat to them. >> reporter: a few good words and optimism there. the team came home last night. the fans waiting for the bus when they got back to campus last night, welcoming them back after a hard-fought season and not one to be scoffed at. coach jay said the team is disappointed, they're hurting after that loss last night. he's proud of them and they're looking forward to next season. some work to do. fans are just hoping and waiting for what happens in the year to come. >> as you've been hearing, students are shocked after the second-round upset. csn's john clark was on campus. he talked to students minutes after that loss. >> reporte >> wisconsin has knocked off villanova. >> reporter: villanova students were stunned. they were silent and quickly left the mcconley center. you could see the emotion on their faces. >> i want to cry. >> this is devastating. i can't belief we didn't win. i'm just -- i'm devastated. >> i'm shocked. i had villanova going to all the way. >> reporter: during the game it was tense, students biting their nails, praying and gave away mini basketballs. some used them as stress balls. >>. >> i saw them win last year. it was the best thing that ever happened ever. we really thought we were going to repeat. i was texting all my friends, you know, my mom was calling me in the last two minutes and i was getting upset because who calls in the last two minutes. >> we have omarry coming in, a lot of talent coming in and a lot of good players staying. i can't be so down right now because it's addition that step back we need to go back up. >> reporter: last year, villanova won it all. the national championship. this year they will not be one of the final 16 teams left. on notiva's campus. residents in fishtown are frustrated over this road closure. now the city water department is apologizing. it's been a month since a water main broke on east huson street. the street is still closed. the water department blames part of the delay on the weather, saying the street department has been unable to repave the area. this past week due to snow and ice. in a statement the water department says, we apologize for the lack of communication and follow-up with the neighbors on this block as this does not meet the level of service we provide our customers. they say it will be fixed by next week as long as the weather cooperates. this morning we are hearing from long-time participants of philadelphia's largest cinco de mayo event following its cancellation for this year. organizers canceled el carnival because of fears of a federal immigration crackdown. immigration and customs enforcement says it does not conduct sweeps or raids indiscriminately. even sew people behind the event say they don't feel comfortable holding it in south philadelphia. >> been in carnival for almost eight years, so it's going to be really hard not to do it this year. >> mayor jim kenney says he's, quote, deaf stated i.c.e. has had had such a chilling effect and he'll do what he can to bring back the event in future years. remembering chuck berry, the rock 'n' roll icon who died yesterday at his home near st. louis. he was 90 years old. he's credited with helping create the rock music we know today. he had a lasting influence on artists like the beatles, rolling stones and bob dylan. fans in chuck berry's hometown of st. louis gathered around his statue yesterday. musicians in philadelphia saberry had an impact on their upbringing with hits like "johnny b. good" and "roll over beethoven." guitarist sam was introduced to chuck berry's music at a concert. >> he was pretty old at the time but he was doing the duck walk and it was pretty inspiring. >> chuck berry performed well into his 80s. last fall he announced he would release his first album in decades later this year. it's happened again and again. secret service agents take action to deal with two more intruders on the white house grounds. up next, important travel changes for you if you drive throughout mid-county interchange on pennsylvania turnpike. welcome back. here's a life look outside philadelphia. clouds are hanging overhead right now. what's going to happen is when you sit down through the morning hours into the afternoon, so we'll turn over to mostly sunny conditions. take a look. 33 degrees for parts of our phil neighborhoods. 40 by this afternoon and 45 where sunshine takes over the forecast. 36 at noon and low 40s out there. i think we'll see low parts through parts of berks count some rain through about 7:00, 8:00, 9:00 a.m. showers. sunshine by noon and 46 at 4:00. . mid-40s the same, new jersey to the shore. just sunshine for parts of the shore by later today. the temperature trend wie been dealing with, average this time of year, 54 degrees. we've been consistently below average. we had that snowstorm lastsnowa ground. we had a little melt yesterday, more friday. today it should continue to melt off that snow. 47 the forecast high. we do get to the 50s by monday and tuesday of next week. ghrhl talk more nei >> thank you. we have a travel alert for drivers who use the pennsylvania turnpi turnpike's mid-county interchange. ez pass lanes w starting at 6:00 tonight. they will remain shut down for three weeks so upgrade overhead electronic tolling equipment. e the traditional ez pass lanes next to the express lanes. villanova's quest to repeat as national disappoint. they came up short against wisconsin. we have it all covered from the games to team reaction. next in sports. 6:44. the secret service is dealing with another white house intruder. officials detained a man who drove up to a checkpoint at 11:00 last night. officers took charge of the man after sizing up his vehicle as suspicious. the secret service says it increased its level of readiness. hours earlier, secret service agents arrested a man who tried to get onto the white house grounds. that man jumped a bike rack on pennsylvania avenue, but made it no further. president trump is in florida this weekend. the two intrusions came one week after a man climbed over perimeter fence to try to get inside the white house. the senate confirmation hearing for supreme court nominee neil gorsuch begins tomorrow in washington. president trump picked gorsuch to fill the vacancy left by death of justice scalia. gorsuch is a federal judge from colorado. he's got republican support. democrats are split in light of the senate gop for obama nominee merritt garland last year. it's widely reported president trump wants the husband of kellyanne conway to head up sifl cases for the department. if confirmed, he would be responsible for defending the president's travel ban and lawsuits filed against the administration. a rowdy reception is what a republican congressman in central pennsylvania got when he held a live town hall yesterday. take a look. >> would you go addition. >> that's some of what congressman scott perry endured in york county. perry was the first gop member of congress from pennsylvania to hold a town hall. the crowd rarely let him finish answering questions, but perry said he liked the enthusiasm.fa lous. i think the dialogue is great. i think the passion is great. i think the interaction is great and being informed. not only for them, but for me. this is representative government. this is what its all about. this is standard fare, as it should be. >> he got cheers when he talked about his party's health care bill. he told audience members he's t drive down the cost of health insurance. families in -- well, let's go to meteorologist krystal with our first alert neighborhood weather for the last day of winter. i can't say i'm sad to see it t wasn't that bad. >> it wasn't that bad until people started feeling like it was now we have snow on the ground for the last day of winter. what is left of the scattered system and setup we've seen since yesterday is going to be moving out. the storm center is to our south. most of the action has been in baltimore and washington. it's been our delaware neighborhoods and clipping cape may county that we've been seeing some light precipitation. take a look in delaware. this dividing line you see from the white to the green, that's the rain/snow line. inc. this is higher up in the sky. every ground observation identify been looking at through kent and suffolk county has been showing light rain. we're looking at showers this morning. this is going to continue progressing to the south over the next several hours. overall we dry out. your jersey shore temperatures. cape may is seeing light rain, 37 degrees the temperature. egg harbor, 36. atlantic city also at 37 degrees. we also see a lot of mid to upper 30s across the entire region. we hop over to our suburbs, a little cooler. 33 degrees in west bradford township. exton at 34 degrees. how about for north wales, 34 degrees. milford just below freezing at 31 right now. that will be boosted up. we're talking 40s by your afternoon hours. for your current winds, not a problem but a little breezy. around 12 miles an hour in allentown. 16 in philly. 18, lewis beach. 16 miles per hour atlantic city and wildwood. it's enough to be noticed when you step out the door and making it feel colder than it truly is. breeziness today is about as strong as those winds get. we're not talking gusts 40 to 50, only gusts to about 25. neighborhood forecast, temperatures today warmer than yesterday. officially in philly, 42. we see mid-40s for easton although allentown at 42. a mix of clouds and sun but from the morning cloudy to the late day mostly sunny. there's going to be variations through today, even showers like i pointed out lingering over parts of delaware. 43 the forecast high for trenton. upper 40s for delaware. smyrna, 47 degrees for our high temperature. hour by hour forecast, still some rain showers as they move out from the south. weave got scattered clouds from 10: 10:00. we'll track the temperatures through the next several days coming up in the next half hour. good morning. good to see you. since florida won its second straight national title in 2007 no reigning champion has made it through the past top ten, with villanova bowing out in the second round. tied 62-62, 20 seconds to play. badgers get it to hayes. what a sick move on the baseline to fool a defender. nice left-hand finish. cats get a look with plenty of time, trailing by two. josh hart takes the inbounds, walks the ball up the court, takes it into the paint, draws two defenders and doesn't get much elevation. that was it. nova's best chance as they fall to the badgers, 65-62. a look at cats returning to campus late last night. a bittersweet end to the group of seniors who never lost two games in a row or any big five games they ever played in. jay wright and remaining players forced to wait until next year. >> great college basketball game. just fun to be a part of it. give wisconsin a lot of credit. they played a great game. proud of our guys. we played tough. we battled. this is what ncaa games come down to. down the stretch they made two great offensive plays, two great defensive stops. >> i'm always going to be with my brothers. i'm not going to be on the court but i'll be talking to them, facetiming them. those are my brothers for life regardless of what happened this year. we're close on and off the court. that bond will never be broken. >> props to nova on a great season. the phillies hosting pirates in clearwater. this was one bright spot. kaemp ryan hanigan in foul territory. tracking it. bobbles it. recovers to make a diving catch. it we get to enjoy as pirates knock off the phils 13-8. the union haven't won yet this season but they haven't lost either. two draws in two games. the boys in blue visitinging orlando city fc last night. orlando got a goal in the first half. union leveled things up with one goal apiece. stoppage time, falls nicely to el peno. his shot can only strike the post. as close as union will come. they lose and take it on the chin for the first time this year, 2-1 to orlando. that's a look at sports. i'm george spencer for nbc10 @issue. we discuss how to keep your cash. we'll quiz you on what you know about your hard-earned money. if you were able to set aside $50 a month, how much could that end up becoming in 25 year$25 y? $5,000, 15,000, $40,000? plus it's the modern way burglaries are breaking into your home. not through the windows. they could be getting in through your refrigerator and washing machine. >> they're a step ahead of the security apparatus. >> coming up this morning at 11:30 following "meet the press" only on nbc10. mmmmm psst. yoplait custard's back. the family favorite... protein. protein proteiny protein. proteiny protein? protein proteiny protein. at least 14 grams of protein. 100 calories. new greek 100 protein. from yoplait. you're getting a look at the next generation of sign tiss. 600 middle students participated in new jersey science fair yesterday. top winners from sixth through eighth grades will go on to compete at delaware valley science fair in oaks next month. high school students may be able to qualify for the international science and engineering fair in los angeles in may. spring arrives tomorrow morning. the philadelphia flower show at the convention center today. the highlight is the annual teddy bear tea party for kids. philly wine week begins with opening cork event at academy of natural sciences. ticketholders will taste and host from among 100 varieties of wine. 6:57 on your sunday morning. heartbreak on the villanova campus this morning after wildcats came up short at ncaa tournament. matt delucia is live on campus this morning. >> reporter: it is not the ending that the fans or the team was hoping for. we'll hear from some of those heartbroken fans coming up after the break. still some lingering showers but clouds are starting to thin out. today's forecast is looking better than yesterday's. here's a live look as clouds start to break in philly. i'll let you know how warm it gets coming up. this is the silverado special edition. this is one gorgeous truck. oh, did i say there's only one special edition? because, actually there's five. ooohh!! aaaahh!! uh! hooooly mackerel. wow. nice. strength and style. it's truck month. get 0% financing for 60 months plus find your tag and get $5500 on select chevy silverado pick-ups when you finance with gm financial. find new roads at your local chevy dealer. out in round two. villanova players return home after a disappointing finish to their college championship dreams. reaction next. ♪ good-bye to a rock legend. we're remembering chuck berry and his influence on music of where. sunshine returns. its starting out cloudy but your sunday should finish just fine. we're looking ahead to the first day of spring tomorrow. good morning. welcome to nbc10 news today. i'm ted greenberg. thanks for being with us. its 7:00 a.m. on this sunday morning. let's get you started with first alert meteorologist krystal and your neighborhood forecast for this last day of winter. >> hi, ted. what we're looking at today is still a little snow showing up on our radar returns. that will soon be out, though. what's moving through partsf

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