Transcripts For WCAU NBC10 News Today Weekend At 5am 2017060

Transcripts For WCAU NBC10 News Today Weekend At 5am 20170603

here's our radar and satellite view. this is the obvious bump in the road. the rain that's now starting to move our way. it's starting to pass through parts of lehigh valley, berks county, and now into parts of suburbs, montgomery county, chester county, upper bucks county, almost into the delco, as well. what's happening here, a light green to a deeper green. these showers could move through briefly with a heavier period, you can see that into parts of the lehigh valley. areas like south jersey and delaware, mostly in the clear, still. take a closer look at the heavier pockets. that's not going to fall apart in time, so it will pass through philadelphia into parts of jersey, as well. temperature wise right now, not bad. we're at 47 in millville. notably warmer at 59 in philadelphia. and 50 in pottstown. these temperatures, again, won't rise a ton with the rain passage, but then we get the afternoon. and things get a lot better. we've got sunshine, we've got warmer temperatures, and then it continues pretty nice as we go into your sunday, as well. here's the projection for philadelphia, as we go through the next several hours. his the trend. 62 at 8:00 a.m. again, we've got some rain likely passing. 11:00 a.m., that's when the sun starts to creep out and by the afternoon, plenty of sunshine. coming up in a few minutes, we'll take a closer look at your future model and the rest of your weekend. >> we'll see you shortly. developing now, philadelphia police have identified a suspect in the stabbing of philadelphia city councilman, david oh. investigators say the councilman had just parked his car when a man tried to rob him and then stab him. nbc 10's pamela osborne is live at southwest detectives with some new information. pam? >> reporter: rosemary, the councilman was able to identify the suspect of a photo lineup. since then, the search has been on for this man, 24-year-old sean warburry. there is a warrant out for his arrest and he is now considered a fugitive. overnight, detectives searched his last-known addresses, but they were unable to find yardburry. police say he tried to rob councilman david oh as he returned home on wednesday in the kingsessing neighborhood. >> he has been a lifelong resident of this area. we believe at this point he may be homeless or living from house to house. we're asking him to turn himself in or family members to convince him to come here and turn himself in. but it's an all-out effort at this point to locate this gentleman and get him off the streets. >> councilman oh underwent surgery, it was a success and yesterday he returned to work. and we're learning much more about the attack itself. when i come back in 30 minutes, we'll hear that part of the story. reporting live at southwest detectives, i'm pamela osborne, nbc 10 news. calling for change. community members are banding together following a day of o gun violence in chester that took the life of a 16-year-old student. police say zion abdullah was on his way to school when he was shot to death following an argument yesterday morning. police have not made any arrests, but tell us they are talking to person of interests in the case. the deadly shooting was just one of four gun-related incidents in chester within the span of a few hours. and it all happened on national gun violence awareness day. >> i feel for the family. i feel for my friend. i mean, we're going in the house now, because she crying. she can't get over that. like, that was her best friend. >> chester officials have announced they are teaming up with a gun reform group to try to find the source of illegal weapons flowing into the city. last night, gun control advocated who rallied in media paused for a moment of silence for the victim from chester high school. during national gun violence awareness day, community leaders in philadelphia held a prayer rally just outside of city hall. neighbors brought pictures of loved ones lost to gun violence while police officers handed out free gun locks. right now a portion of the pennsylvania turnpike is shut down while state police investigate a deadly accident. here's what we know. westbound 276 is closed between ben salem and willow grove. to get around that, take u.s. 1 to route 132 to route 611 then to the willow grove exchange. we'll let you know when police reopen the turnpike, so stay tuned. tragedy is sparking change at penn state university. just yesterday, school officials announced that they are taking over the greek life system on campus, but the parents who recently lost their son because of fraternity hazing say it's not enough. timmenothy piazza died at a ple party at beta theta pi in february. his blood alcohol level was four times the legal lament. piazza fell down the stairs at the frat house. prosecutors say no one called for help for 12 hours. 18 frat members are now facing charges. yesterday, penn state's board of trustees did not vote to ban greek life. their new rules do include zero tolerance for hazing, restrictions at social events, such as no liquor. more spot checks at fraternity houses and a student fee for joining a frat. nbc 10 spoke to the philadelphia-based attorney representing timothy piazza's family. he called the changes aspirational, but lacking. >> what the piazza family is looking for is change. and that change involves concrete actions that are taken. >> on thursday, timothy piazza's parents sent penn state a letter, asking the school to expel the students and fire the administrators tied to their son's death. more news out of happy valley. penn state's former president and two former administrators will do jail time for their roles in the jerry sandusky child sex abuse scandal. yesterday, a judge sentenced former president graham spaniard to two months in jail. spaniard failed to report a sex abuse allegation against then assistant football coach, jerry sandusky, in 2001. penn state's former vice president, gary schultz and former athletic director, tim curley, pleaded guilty to child endangerment charges. schultz got a two-month jail sentence. curley received three months. mike mcqueary, a graduate coaching assistant testified that he told coach joe paterno he saw sandusky assaulting a boy in a shower. no one reported it to authorities. sandusky is now serving a 30 to 60-year sentence for molesting ten boys over a 15-year period. now to a flying tribute to a helicopter pilot who was killed just last week in delaware. yesterday, more than a dozen choppers took part in a flyby over the church in atco, new jersey, where michael murphy was laid to rest. among those helicopters was sky force 10. murphy served a s a backup pilo for us. murphy was taking part in a training exercise when his medical helicopter crashed at an industrial park in wilmington. last thursday -- or rather, in newark, last thursday. his wife erica spoke exclusively with about murphy's career as a pilot. you can read more about it right now on the nbc 10 app. i play football, i wrestle, i throw indoor shot and outdoor shot. but this lehigh valley athlete hasn't been able to do any of that recently while he battles a rare disease. a community effort today could help him find a life-saving match that could change that. the story straight ahead. and later, from gumby to "ghostbusters," we'll show you where you can celebrate all things pop culture right here in philadelphia this weekend. all hail... those who flail. everybody stumbles, but some of us do it well. there's a little klutz in all of us. that's why we made clorox splash-less bleach... splashless. shine on, klutzes. shine on. all right. let's start with a live shot outside in philadelphia, looking right along the skyline here. what a gorgeous shot. now they're getting ready for the sunrise. you can see some colors and clouds as well. that's because we're going to have some of those passing showers this morning. not the all day, so when you look out the uck, the day is ruined, it's not. the second half of the day will be nice. cutting right through parts of pennsylvania and moving into our corner here. you can see that areas like berks county, the lehigh valley, into our suburbs getting the rain, but now that rain starting to creep on into philadelphia county, and we know where it's next. south jersey, delaware, going to see some of those showers, as well, as we progress through the morning. let's time things out here. hour by hour on one computer model we're looking at, doing a pretty nice job of showing where the rain is currently and there's where it spreads across through 7:00 a.m. now, i think it's going a little widespread mere. it will probably be a little more spotty in nature. but we could have a pocket of steady rain, not long lasting. from 7:00 to 8:00, it's out, thinning by the rain by 10:00 a.m. and by 10:00 a.m. through your lunchtime, by 1:00 p.m., the rain moves out and so do the clouds. and in the afternoon, we have sunshine that builds on through. afternoon forecast looks good, and temperatures will warm with it. coming up in a few minutes, we'll take a look at those forecast highs for today. also talk more about your shore forecast. >> looking forward to it. thanks, krystal. nascar weekend will continue today at dover international speedway. you're looking at yesterday's 200-mile truck race at the monster mile. a little bit later on today, it's xfinity 200 and tomorrow the main event, the 400-mile drive for autism cup race. coming up in just two minutes, we're following new indications of an expansion of the probe into possible ties between president trump's campaign and russia. 5:14 right now orphan this saturday. now the latest on the investigation into possible ties between president trump's campaign and russia. nbc confirms special counsel, robert mueller, may look into the roles attorney general jeff sessions and his deputy played in the firing of fbi director, james comey. also, nbc news is reporting that mueller will take over the investigation involving former trump campaign chairman, paul manafort. meantime, investigators remain focused on a meeting last year between president trump's son-in-law and a russian banker. nbc's keir simmons pressed that banker for answers at a conference in russia. >> reporter: sergey gorkov is the head of a bank that's sometimes described as the guided missile of the kremlin. he is very close to president putin and he met with jared kushner, who is of course, president trump's son-in-law, back in december. now, we don't know very much about what happened at that meeting, but here is some sounds from when we ran into him and asked him what did happen. >> you're the subject of intense scrutiny in america because of your meeting with donald trump's son-in-law, jared kushner. >> we're not -- any comments about that. >> just a comment of understanding about what happened in the meeting. >> no comments, please. >> but what -- >> please -- >> but can i just ask you, was it a political meeting or an economic meeting? could we get -- could we interview you at a later date? would that be possible? >> no comments. >> reporter: president putin insisting today that any suggestion that the trump administration during the transition had negotiated with the kremlin to try to have russian sanctions removed was simply hysteria. back to you. >> that was keir simmons reporting. the russia investigation and the u.s. withdraw from the paris climate accord, some big events this week, will be main topics on "meet the press." chuck todd will be sitting down with john kerry, scott pruitt, and al gore. that's tomorrow morning right here on nbc 10. we are now getting a glimpse of the first american tv interview of russian president vladimir putin since president trump took office. nbc's megyn kelly got the exclusive sit-down. >> you have said for months that russia had nothing to do with the interference of the american election, and then this week, you floated the idea of patriotic hackers doing it. why the change? >> translator: hackers can be anywhere. they can be in russia, in asia, even in america, latin america. there can even be hackers, by the way, in the united states. very skillfully and professionally shifted the bl blame, as we say, on to russia. can you imagine something like that? >> you can see more of the interview on the premiere of "sunday night with megyn kelly." it comes your way tomorrow night at 7:00 right here on nbc 10. in other news this morning, defense secretary jim mattis is calling north korea a clear and present disabling to the world. the pentagon chief made that comment today at a global security conference in singapore. at the meeting, mattis called for international cooperation to denuclearize north korea. he also said he believes ultimately china will see the north as a liability. staying overseas, police in the philippines are questioning a taxi driver who may be able to fill in the final moments before an attack that killed 36 people at a casino complex. the driver took the suspect to the casino. investigators are now focusing on figuring out the suspect's identity and background. he killed himself after the attack. isis claimed responsibility, but police believe it was a robbery gone wrong. prince william offered his gratitude to the emergency responders who helped after the deadly bombing at the ariana grande concert in manchester. the bombing killed 22 people and injured dozens of others. prince william visited with officers yesterday and then visited a hospital and spoke with injured victims in private. tomorrow, a benefit concert will be held for those victims. ariana grande, justin bieber, and coldplay are just some of the acts and performers that will participate. the concert will stream live on ariana grande's facebook page and youtube channel. >> announcer: now your nbc 10 first alert weather. had to show off another live camera. look how nice this shot is, that glow of the sun. and notice the flag, pretty still right now. winds not terribly strong. but they may kick up a tad as we start to see rain move through the area this morning. here are our temperatures we're currently dealing with. 59 at the airport. 60 at graduate hospital. we're at 53 right now in manayunk and parkside. and you can see those mid-50 areas like parkwood to bustleton. not a bad start, you might want a light jacket as you step out the door. as we get into the afternoon, you probably won't need that jacket as those temperatures climb into the 70s. here's our new jersey neighborhood temperatures. notably cooler in a few spots. mullica hill and swedesboro at 49. sinmonson sitting at 53 for the current reading. later today, make it right on into those 70s, very nice forecast for our saturday. i know it doesn't look that way. you can see this rain spreading through. but it's not going to last the whole day. you've got the possibility of pockets of rain, we've seen this right now in the lehigh valley. this is dropping from the northwest to the southeast. it's going to spread into philadelphia, just starting to do so right now and into south jersey. here's a closer look at where it is currently. philadelphia just clipping now some light rain moving through and a little steadier into the suburb like parts of montgomery and bucks county, as well. this is going to last, i think through around 11:00 a.m. to noon. then the rain moves out and it takes the clouds with it. in the afternoon, we should have mostly sunny conditions. here are forecast highs. summerton, you're at 76 degrees. same deal for center city and for lansdale. actually into the lehigh valley, low to mid-70s. easton up to 74. allentown at 76 degrees for the forecast. notice the icons that show the showers, that's just for this morning. as we get into this afternoon, we won't see rain. take a look at new jersey, same deal. mid-70s for forecast highs. even the shore today, mid-70s, possibly some upper 70s. atlantic city to 78 degrees. in delaware, 77 for smyrna. wilmington at 76 for our forecast high temperatures this afternoon. forecast winds, like i mentioned, could be around 25 to 30 miles per hour. that's a little breezy. nothing terribly strong, but you might notice it, especially this morning, as this system is sweeping past our area. sustained winds around 15 miles per hour. so maybe a hair tie or extra hair spray for the ladies a little later on. shorecast for us this weekend, if you're heading to the shore, not bad. it looks a little worse than it is with the shower icons, just the morning hours. we go to your sunday, it will be cooler, particularly along the jersey shore, along the delaware beaches, still some 70s, areas like rehoboth beach, up to 77 degrees for your weekend temps. if you are looking for something to do this weekend, may want to head out to chester county, because it's the final weekend for the annual devin horse show and country fair. several championship events are scheduled for today. the action starts at 8:00 this morning. there's also food and shopping at the fair. the devin horse fair wraps up tomorrow. rugby, anyone? if you love rugby, you may want to be over in delaware county. the 2017 penn mutual championship kicks off this morning at 8:00. it is the largest gathering of men and women's collegiate rugby teams in the entire world. there will be more than 70 matches this weekend. 5:22 right now on this saturday. finding a life-saving match. a community will come together today to help a young man with a rare disease. his story, straight ahead. i'm lauren mayk for nbc 10 10@issue. join me this week when we discuss pot plants. who will soon get the okay to open medical marijuana dispensaries in pennsylvania. what happens if they pop up in your community. >> the dispensaries themselves going to look a lot more like your riteaids and cvs. >> coming up sunday morning at 11:30 following "meet the press" only on nbc 10. it takes a lot of people to make a good school day. miss hoffman gets us there safe every time. mrs. migliaccio teaches us all about fractions - and haikus - and the erie canal! miss reeves makes us sound amazing. and miss santoro always takes time to see how we're doing. miss simpkins keeps our school looking great. recess wouldn't be recess without miss basile. and mrs. mccarthy always has tons of good books to read. which makes for a pretty good day at school. ♪ introducing fios gigabit connection. superfast internet at an incredible price. with speeds up to 940 megs. that's 20x faster than most people have. and, it's just $79.99 a month online for 1 year. and only $5 more per month for the second year. get fios gigabit connection for $79.99 with tv, hbo for 1 year and multi-room dvr service for 2 years. all with a 2-year agreement. switch now at donald tmeet phil murphy,by former goldman sachs bankers. another wall street banker running for governor, whose firm helped trigger the financial meltdown that put millions out of work and out of their homes. murphy's trying to buy the election, paying off new jersey bosses. my name's john wisniewski, and i'm running for governor of new jersey. john wisniewski, the son of a millwright, who uncovered the bridgegate scandal and exposed chris christie's corruption. the choice -- insider wall street politics or main street, new jersey, values. today you can find out if you're a life-saving match with someone who needs bonemo mormor. earlier this year, doctors diagnosed him with a disease. marcus is in dire need of a bone marrow transplant. so far there are no matches and time is running out. >> my immune system, basically my body is attacking its own immune system. >> to be a match for bone marrow for my son or anybody else and my family is asking for help. >> reporter: marc >> marcus' family is specifically asking you to take a swab and hopefully save a life. if you would like to be tested for a bone marrow donation, you can find a link on our website or app or get tested today at william allen high school in allentown from 9:00 this morning to 2:00 this afternoon. 5:27 right now on this saturday. police are following some new leads in the stabbing of a philadelphia city councilman. in just a short while, we'll be checking in with nbc 10's pamela osborne who's live at southwest detectives with some new information. but first, krystal klei has a look at our forecast. >> and a live look at our first alert radar. we have rain moving through this morning, but it is knnot going ruin your whole day. here's a live look outside. a beautiful glow to start your morning. ♪ come to sesame place before little kids become, big kids. before dress up, turns to make-up. and tag becomes hashtag. before furry hugs, become first loves. come to the only place, that makes little hearts race. buy early and save up to $20, plus get a free second visit! only at sesame place right now on nbc 10 news today, we are following new developments in the stabbing of philadelphia city councilman, david oh. right now police are looking for a man they consider a fugitive in the case. princeton review. a new report reveal dramatic changes in staffing and training following a deadly uprising earlier this year at a delaware prison. those details are coming up. we'll have some showers, then sunshine. that's mother nature's plan for our saturday. those details are next in the first alert neighborhood foreca forecast. it's not a bad shot there looking over philadelphia. good morning. thanks for being with us. this is nbc 10 the news today. i'm rosemary connors. it's 5:30 on this saturday. plenty to get to. let's begin with that weather. meteorologist krystal klei is tracking a little bit of a hiccoup to start our weekend. krystal? >> but overall, a pretty good weekend forecast. what we're looking at right now is the hiccoup rosemary is talking about. this is the rain that's passing through. look out the window this morning and you think, my weekend's ruined again? are you serious? t

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