Transcripts For WCAU NBC10 News Today Weekend At 530am 20170

Transcripts For WCAU NBC10 News Today Weekend At 530am 20170617

sign. temperatures are fairly warm to start our day. we're at 69 degrees right now in philadelphia. we're at 70 in wilmington and 72 in dover. coatesville, you're at 68. and 69 in atlantic city. i just checked the water temperature right off of atlantic city and actually it's 68 degrees as well. water temperature picking up a little bit from a few weeks ago, starting to look a little bit better out there. overall, the shorecast not perfect this weekend, because we have the possibility of this happening. some spotty showers and isolated to scattered thunderstorms today and your father's day, as well. a little better chance for us today. you can see some of this green popping on the board. this is going to continue spreading from the southwest to the northeast. not going to be a ton of action. this is not a washout forecast, but we will have that possibility today. so let's look through your morning hours. 69 right now. only about 70 at 8:00 a.m. could see a spot shower picking up or at least some misting out there. and by 11:00 a.m., possibly an isolated thunderstorm. i don't think we're all going to see thunderstorms all day long, but i do think we could see a spot here or there pop up, as this moves through, kind of like popcorn. they pop up a little sporadic and move on off. we're not looking at a washout day. we're also noticing winds aren't terribly strong today, either. and temperatures are starting to pick up to the mid-70s at 11:00 a.m. we'll talk forecast high temperatures for today and beyond coming up in a few minutes. >> we'll see you shortly. thanks, crystal. please, to the supporters, stay calm, do not argue with people. >> you heard it right there. bill cosby urges calm from his supporters outside the montgomery county courthouse. this was just last night. the jury still has not reached a verdict and they will be back to continue deliberations at 9:00 this morning. nbc 10's cydney long, she's already at the courthouse for us this morning to fill us in on what we can expect today. cyd? >> reporter: rosemary, good morning. as you and i both know, it's certainly not traditional or customary for jurors to deliberate on saturdays, but it's also pretty much out of the ordinary for those deliberatio s s themselves to take longer than the trial did. but starting at 9:00 this morning, this jury will return and they will tack on to what has already been 52 hours of deliberations in weighing this case. bill cosby himself took a moment to address the jury's hard work, as they left the courthouse last nigh night. >> mr. cosby, how are you doing? >> i just -- i just want to wish all of the fathers a happy father's day and i want to thank the jury for their long day. >> reporter: now, for the sixth straight day, jurors will go behind closed doors in their effort to reach a unanimous decision in the bill cosby sexual assault trial. they must decide if the 2004 encounter between cosby and then-efrie then-friend, andrea constand, was forced with the use of pills the entertainer admitted he gave her to relax or was it consensual. cosby faces the possibility of life behind bars. his defense lawyers have repeatedly demanded a mistrial and asked the judge to let this be done, but the judge not budging, saying the defense has no authority to end these deliberations. it comes after jurors reported that they were stuck, deadlocked at noon on thursday, but since then, they have been working hard, asking for more testimony, including the definition of reasonable doubt and testimony from constand's police officer brother-in-law. cosby, himself, urged supporters to stay peaceful and calm as he left last night. >> i also want to thank to the supporters and please, to the supporters, stay calm, do not argue with people. just keep up the great support. >> how you doing, mr. cosby? >> reporter: so, again, rosemary, the jury will report back at 9:00 this morning, just a couple of hours away. it's unclear how the judge will allow for deliberations, considering it is a weekend. coming up at 6:00, we'll hear from a retire d new jersey judg on the tenacity of this jury. they have now been away from their families for two solid weeks. we're live at the montgomery county courthouse in norristown, i'm cydney long, nbc 10 news. >> cosby's supporters chanting "let bill go" last night. we tracked the man who made their t-shirts that say "we love bill cosby." he believes the trial should have ended when the jury said they were deadlocked on thursday. >> the jury decides that it is a hung jury. why does the judge keep sending them in there saying, i'm not satisfied, go back and do it over again? >> those hoping for a guilty verdict were also outside the courthouse. one woman brought a sign listing some of the woman who have also accused the comedian of sexual assault. >> supporting all of these accusers, particularly andrea constand. i'm hoping for a guilty verdict. and that would be just. >> constand's supporters say they remain hopeful the longer the deliberations continue. you can count on nbc 10 to bring you the jury's decision the moment it happens. we'll do that right here on the air this morning if that is what comes to pass. we'll also have an alert on the nbc 10 app. new overnight, a car strikes a man in north philly and takes off. the man in his 20s was hit in the logan neighborhood. police did take a person into custody, but it's not clear yet if that person is facing any charges. meantime, the victim is recovering in the hospital. let's head now to dover, delaware. that's where investigators are trying to identify a human skeleton that was found in a wooded area close to where the firefly music festival is happening. someone walking through the wounds discovered the remain s thursday night and call ld polic police. here's the deal, somebody's calling people demanding ransom money in return for the safe return of their loved ones. they're using technology to replicate the phone call of your loved one to make the scam more believable. if you receive one of these calls, hang up and call 911. it is now up to members of the philadelphia's teacher's union to decide if a new contract will remove forward without a contract. the union and school district, it appears has reached a tentative agreement. we don't have any other details. of course, we'll keep you posted as soon as we get them. superintendent dr. william hyatt says, if approved, this could mean more stability for the district, the teachers, and the students. >> very excited, because at the beginning of the school year and for the last couple of years, this was a major priority and the fact that we have now reached a tentative agreement means that we have met that goal. the teacher's union will vote on the new contract at 6:00 p.m. monday. if it is confirmed, it would last through the year 2020. 5:38 right now on this saturday. want to get away? you may be surprised by how many people say they just can't afford to take a vacation this summer. we'll have the results of a new poll. plus, flag controversy. a change in this pride flag flying just outside of philadelphia's city hall. debate over whose pride is being celebrated. well, an early start out there this morning, it's not a gorgeous day for you. visibility is limited in some areas. we do have some spots of fog. some areas a little more dense, particularly right along the shore. atlantic city at only 3/4 of a mile visibility, millville, you're at a mile, and trenton, 2 miles. pocono, only about a quarter of a mile visibility. that can lead to some difficulty in driving. heads up there. and areas like philadelphia and wilmington, some blowing fog and misting. we also have low clouds, as well. you're going to notice that, but it's not going to hinder you from driving. let's talk high temperatures today, because it's going to be warm and humid these next couple of days. not gorgeous. 86 degrees for us in philadelphia for our saturday. tomorrow, up to 90 for father's day. we're at 84 in the suburbs and the same for new jersey. tomorrow, mid- to upper 80s, close to 90 degrees. and that humidity really boosts by sunday, so feels-like temperatures in some spots, low to mid-90s result. also notice the icons here. we've got the chance of some showers and thunderstorms for your saturday, your sunday, even your monday. so coming up in a moment, we're going to take a closer look with our future model at the scattered thunderstorms of today, the isolated showers or thunderstorm of tomorrow, and then that big focus, monday. we'll get to that in a minute. starting today, pools in allentown will now be open every day. folks had been able to swim, but only on weekends. this is the first day of swimming at the jordan irving pools. 5:42 on this saturday. coming up, the flyers trade away one of their young centers and the phils try for two in a row. plus, there's word that the sixers may be trading up to get the first pick in the nba draft. we'll hear from the guy they're after, next in sports. in the state that invented the american vacation... a legendary adventure awaits. heroes will rise. bonds will be forged. and memories will be made to last a lifetime. new york state. it's all here. it's only here. plan your summer trip at today, fans are remembering a director who is behind two of the best underdog stories, unequivocal, the best. one of them made philadelphia famous. oscar winner john alfsvalueson d yesterday after battling pancreatic cancer. last year, appleson gave an interview, in which he talked about how he was hesitant to make "rocky," but he said after being urged by a friend to read the script, he fell in love. appleson was 81 years old. "rocky" star sylvester stallone reacted to the director's death on social media. he said, "the great director john g.avildsen, rest in peace." this morning, we're learning more deaths about the hollywood icon, carrie fisher. they say the "star wars" actress died from sleep apnea and a combination of other factors. she had taken multiple drugs before she died, but it's not clear if they contributed to her death. fisher had a medical emergency on a flight back on december 23rd. she died four days later. her mother, movie star, debbie reynolds, died the very next day. if you are planning a summer trip with your family, consider yourself lucky, fortunate. a new poll says nearly half of americans say they won't be taking a vacation this summer and many reveal it's because they can't afford it. another reason, about 40% of workers say they don't get paid any vacation time. today, philly pride weekend continues. a homecoming brunch is set for 11:00 this morning at the william way, lbgt opportunity center on spruce street in center city. the festival kicked off last month, at the end of last month was a block party. it wraps up tomorrow at the annual phillies parade nor center city. a pride week flag flying outside of city hall in philadelphia is sparking some backlash and a new debate over discrimination. nbc 10's randy gyllenhaal explains why a colorful twist is causing some controversy. >> reporter: at keith stylist' neighborhood bar, boxer's, the rush to get everything ready for thousands of partyers coming to town. >> just to get cloideliveries d and get everything moving. >> reporter: every guest here will get a rainbow flag, the longtime civil of the gay civil rights movement that began in philadelphia back in the 1960s. since then, pride weekend has become a moment to reflect on equality that's been achieved, but also looking ahead to what still needs to be done. >> the work is cut out for us, but bit by bit, we're chipping away at it. >> reporter: in the past few years, huge gains in civil and marriage rights for the wider gay community, but discrimination can still happen and very often it can come from within the community, itself. to highlight issues of race, city leaders unveiled this colorful twist on the rainbow flag, to support black and brown stripes to support people of color. >> the lbgt community is in no way exempt or immune from the racism anyone experiences in this country. but that was met with pushback, asking why a white stripe wasn't also included. >> facebook us with on fire, on both sides of the fence. >> reporter: but jason evans says the flag is not meant as a replacement, just a chance to shine a spot on a tough issue during a weekend meant for tolerance and love. >> race is a problem and it hasn't been addressed in the lbgt community, so we're working towards that. at city hall, randy gyllenhaal. 5:48 right now on this saturday. about 69 degrees outside. all right starting to warm up. feeling a little bit muggy out there. that's because we've got some precipitation, let's say, in the forecast. meteorologist krystal klei is here to fill us in on the details. krystal? >> and we're not looking at a washout these next couple of days, but we have the chance of showers and spot thunderstorms both your saturday and your sunday. we're at 69 degrees in philadelphia. these are live cameras. we do have low clouds and some fog out there. you can really tell through our camera right now, in the suburbs. 64 degrees, the temperatures that we are dealing with, currently. 67 in new jersey and 68 in the lehigh valley. we're at 70, though, if delaware. same deal, some low-hanging clouds and some winds that are coming in from the east, that will help keep temperatures a little lower through the morning hours. but we're going to see temperatures still boosting up in the afternoon. 86 degrees for the high in philadelphia. 84 in the suburbs. 84 in new jersey, 80 in the lehigh valley, and 86 in delaware. some spots in delaware may be a little lower than that. and we have that possibility of at least some scattered thunderstorms, particularly as we get into the later morning and in the later afternoon hours. radar and satellite view, so here's what we've got so far. cloudy conditions out there, and notice just a few spot storms that are trying to fire off over parts of delaware. hopping the bay and making it to new jersey, next. so we're going to be tracking these this morning. it's nothing terribly strong. a little pocket of heavier rain in parts of kent county. that's about it and that will be moving right on into parts of salem and cumberland county, as well. otherwise, this morning, it's the cloudy conditions and the fog that's the big nuisance. if you're at the shore or going to the shore, here's your shorecast. temperatures around the low 80s. you'll see those mid- to upper 70s along the jersey shore with the possibility of some spotty showers, as well as some scattered thunderstorms, again, later this morning and into the afternoon, it will be sporadic. not a washout. as for your conditions, water temperature, 66 to 71 address. wave heights about 3 to 4 feet. but we do have a moderate risk for rip currents. so, again, not the perfect day to be at the shore, but if you are heading that way, you just need to be prepared to go indoors, at times, any storms move through and wash out for that rip current potential. hour by hour forecast, let's go through the next three days here. this morning, we have the possibility of scattered showers and spot thunderstorms. that's at about 9:00 to noon that we've got that possibility. in the late afternoon, 6:00, we've got the scattered activity again moving through. we go into your father's day, some clouds to start the day. into the evening hours, spotty showers around 3:00 p.m., isolated thunderstorm around 8:00. father's day is not a washout. it's really the later half of the day that we may see some spot thunderstorms. then we go to monday. by 9:00 a.m., we may start seeing is rain, heavier rain developing in the afternoon, possibly some scattered thunderstorms. the big concern is as the front starts to pass, we may see some severe thunderstorms. that's when things get a bit more dangerous. we'll talk more about this in particular coming up in your next half hour. >> announcer: this is sports desk brought to you by xfinity, x1 from xfinity will change the way you experience tv. >> hey, i'm john clark from csn. big sixers news. multiple reports say the sixers are really deep in talks with the celtics to trade up for the number one overall pick in the nba draft. it is next thursday night. and one report says they have agreed in principle. the report says the sixers would take this guy, markel folks. here he is in april coming out of a sixers tunnel. did he know something? he watched the sixers game that night courtside and he like what had he saw. he's a point guard from washington. he also can shoot it. he told us then, no doubt he would be the number one pick. >> i might have a chance to go here, so i want to come out and see how they play and the atmosphere. >> you came out of the sixers' tunnel when you came out here. could you picture that happening in the future? >> oh, man, i could see it happening. i think it would be a great experience. so it'll be cool. >> the sixers will work out fox today. they reportedly worked out josh jackson yesterday in sacramento. phillies last night were going for two straight wins. arizona diamondbacks in pay. take a look at this play by freddy galvis. runner on first in the first. freddy, quick reaction, steps on second, quick throw for the double play. that is gorgeous defense. phillies down 2-1 in the fifth. catcher cameron rupp ties it up. solo home run, fifth of the season, so we are tied up at two. in the sixth, mykal frankel with two on, that's an 0-2 pitch, so herrera scores easily, aaron scores easily. in the seventh, the other team's blanco, grerg blanco ties it right back up. two-run shot. diamondbacks also add a sacked fly, phillies lose 5-4. they have lost 9 of 10. the flyers have traded nick cousins to the coyotes for a fifty round pick and a prospect. the nhl draft is a week away. ron hix tal is playing a little poker like all the over gms right now. he says all the options for the flyers are open. >> yeah, there's a consensus top two. but look back at the history of the draft, there's been a lot of consensus top whatever. and you look and you go, my god. so, you've got to be really careful with consensus. >> all right. i am john clark for csn. the biggest flag day celebration in america is this morning in philadelphia's old city neighborhood. my neighborhood. reenactors, including betsy ross, herself, will raise the flag at the betsy ross house at second and arch streets at 10:00 this morning. today's stars and stripes celebration will also include story telling and magic performances. a special treat for dads this father's day weekend. the academy of natural sciences is offering free general admission to dads today and tomorrow. fathers will also get in free to the dinosaur museum in philly if they pay for their child's admission. and you can learn more about craft beer and try samples at penn's landing today. this is on my dad's list. beer camp on tour will include more than 55 local and national breweries. there will also be food trucks plus live entertainment. this event begins at 1:00 this afternoon. it's just a few minutes now before 6:00 on this saturday. the jury in the bill cosby trial will be back at the courthouse later on this morning for yet another day of deliberations. day six. nbc 10's sydnci cydney long is norristown following the developments for us. >> reporter: that's right. it's day number six for jurors in the bill cosby case, but will it be the day that there is a consensus, a verdict, or some conclusion? we will hear from a retired new jersey judge, next. and back to our first alert radar. we have a few showers and spot thunderstorms trying to pop up over parts of delaware. we'll track those out and talk more about the rest of your saturday and father's day, coming up. here's a live view from camelback mountain where you can see the low-hanging clouds. fog present this morning. ♪ stay calm, do not argue. >> bill cosby urges his supporters to have patience as the jury ends the day without a decision. they are back this morning to deliberate. we're already there to bring you the new developments. seven navy sailors are missing, a captain, two others are hurt. this after a u.s. destroyer collides with a container ship right off the coast of japan. we've got an update, next. as the russia investigation heats up, the president beefs up his legal team and trump takes to twitter to hash out the fallout from the comey firings. >> announcer: nbc 10 news starts now. good morning. this is nbc 10 news today. i'm rosemary connors. it's 6:00 on this saturday. thanks for being with us. we've got a lot to get to, as we start this weekend. let's begin with our first alert neighborhood forecast. i'm sure you're heading out the door, have errands to run, meteorologist krystal klei has the details. >> and if you've got errands y,

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New York , United States , Japan , Norristown , Pennsylvania , Philadelphia , Delaware , Russia , Jordan , Arizona , New Jersey , Atlantic City , Trenton , Millville , Kent County , Jersey , Cumberland County , America , American , Andrea Constand , John Clark , Cameron Rupp , Randy Gyllenhaal , Sacramento Phillies , Dover Coatesville , Carrie Fisher ,

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Transcripts For WCAU NBC10 News Today Weekend At 530am 20170617 :

Transcripts For WCAU NBC10 News Today Weekend At 530am 20170617

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sign. temperatures are fairly warm to start our day. we're at 69 degrees right now in philadelphia. we're at 70 in wilmington and 72 in dover. coatesville, you're at 68. and 69 in atlantic city. i just checked the water temperature right off of atlantic city and actually it's 68 degrees as well. water temperature picking up a little bit from a few weeks ago, starting to look a little bit better out there. overall, the shorecast not perfect this weekend, because we have the possibility of this happening. some spotty showers and isolated to scattered thunderstorms today and your father's day, as well. a little better chance for us today. you can see some of this green popping on the board. this is going to continue spreading from the southwest to the northeast. not going to be a ton of action. this is not a washout forecast, but we will have that possibility today. so let's look through your morning hours. 69 right now. only about 70 at 8:00 a.m. could see a spot shower picking up or at least some misting out there. and by 11:00 a.m., possibly an isolated thunderstorm. i don't think we're all going to see thunderstorms all day long, but i do think we could see a spot here or there pop up, as this moves through, kind of like popcorn. they pop up a little sporadic and move on off. we're not looking at a washout day. we're also noticing winds aren't terribly strong today, either. and temperatures are starting to pick up to the mid-70s at 11:00 a.m. we'll talk forecast high temperatures for today and beyond coming up in a few minutes. >> we'll see you shortly. thanks, crystal. please, to the supporters, stay calm, do not argue with people. >> you heard it right there. bill cosby urges calm from his supporters outside the montgomery county courthouse. this was just last night. the jury still has not reached a verdict and they will be back to continue deliberations at 9:00 this morning. nbc 10's cydney long, she's already at the courthouse for us this morning to fill us in on what we can expect today. cyd? >> reporter: rosemary, good morning. as you and i both know, it's certainly not traditional or customary for jurors to deliberate on saturdays, but it's also pretty much out of the ordinary for those deliberatio s s themselves to take longer than the trial did. but starting at 9:00 this morning, this jury will return and they will tack on to what has already been 52 hours of deliberations in weighing this case. bill cosby himself took a moment to address the jury's hard work, as they left the courthouse last nigh night. >> mr. cosby, how are you doing? >> i just -- i just want to wish all of the fathers a happy father's day and i want to thank the jury for their long day. >> reporter: now, for the sixth straight day, jurors will go behind closed doors in their effort to reach a unanimous decision in the bill cosby sexual assault trial. they must decide if the 2004 encounter between cosby and then-efrie then-friend, andrea constand, was forced with the use of pills the entertainer admitted he gave her to relax or was it consensual. cosby faces the possibility of life behind bars. his defense lawyers have repeatedly demanded a mistrial and asked the judge to let this be done, but the judge not budging, saying the defense has no authority to end these deliberations. it comes after jurors reported that they were stuck, deadlocked at noon on thursday, but since then, they have been working hard, asking for more testimony, including the definition of reasonable doubt and testimony from constand's police officer brother-in-law. cosby, himself, urged supporters to stay peaceful and calm as he left last night. >> i also want to thank to the supporters and please, to the supporters, stay calm, do not argue with people. just keep up the great support. >> how you doing, mr. cosby? >> reporter: so, again, rosemary, the jury will report back at 9:00 this morning, just a couple of hours away. it's unclear how the judge will allow for deliberations, considering it is a weekend. coming up at 6:00, we'll hear from a retire d new jersey judg on the tenacity of this jury. they have now been away from their families for two solid weeks. we're live at the montgomery county courthouse in norristown, i'm cydney long, nbc 10 news. >> cosby's supporters chanting "let bill go" last night. we tracked the man who made their t-shirts that say "we love bill cosby." he believes the trial should have ended when the jury said they were deadlocked on thursday. >> the jury decides that it is a hung jury. why does the judge keep sending them in there saying, i'm not satisfied, go back and do it over again? >> those hoping for a guilty verdict were also outside the courthouse. one woman brought a sign listing some of the woman who have also accused the comedian of sexual assault. >> supporting all of these accusers, particularly andrea constand. i'm hoping for a guilty verdict. and that would be just. >> constand's supporters say they remain hopeful the longer the deliberations continue. you can count on nbc 10 to bring you the jury's decision the moment it happens. we'll do that right here on the air this morning if that is what comes to pass. we'll also have an alert on the nbc 10 app. new overnight, a car strikes a man in north philly and takes off. the man in his 20s was hit in the logan neighborhood. police did take a person into custody, but it's not clear yet if that person is facing any charges. meantime, the victim is recovering in the hospital. let's head now to dover, delaware. that's where investigators are trying to identify a human skeleton that was found in a wooded area close to where the firefly music festival is happening. someone walking through the wounds discovered the remain s thursday night and call ld polic police. here's the deal, somebody's calling people demanding ransom money in return for the safe return of their loved ones. they're using technology to replicate the phone call of your loved one to make the scam more believable. if you receive one of these calls, hang up and call 911. it is now up to members of the philadelphia's teacher's union to decide if a new contract will remove forward without a contract. the union and school district, it appears has reached a tentative agreement. we don't have any other details. of course, we'll keep you posted as soon as we get them. superintendent dr. william hyatt says, if approved, this could mean more stability for the district, the teachers, and the students. >> very excited, because at the beginning of the school year and for the last couple of years, this was a major priority and the fact that we have now reached a tentative agreement means that we have met that goal. the teacher's union will vote on the new contract at 6:00 p.m. monday. if it is confirmed, it would last through the year 2020. 5:38 right now on this saturday. want to get away? you may be surprised by how many people say they just can't afford to take a vacation this summer. we'll have the results of a new poll. plus, flag controversy. a change in this pride flag flying just outside of philadelphia's city hall. debate over whose pride is being celebrated. well, an early start out there this morning, it's not a gorgeous day for you. visibility is limited in some areas. we do have some spots of fog. some areas a little more dense, particularly right along the shore. atlantic city at only 3/4 of a mile visibility, millville, you're at a mile, and trenton, 2 miles. pocono, only about a quarter of a mile visibility. that can lead to some difficulty in driving. heads up there. and areas like philadelphia and wilmington, some blowing fog and misting. we also have low clouds, as well. you're going to notice that, but it's not going to hinder you from driving. let's talk high temperatures today, because it's going to be warm and humid these next couple of days. not gorgeous. 86 degrees for us in philadelphia for our saturday. tomorrow, up to 90 for father's day. we're at 84 in the suburbs and the same for new jersey. tomorrow, mid- to upper 80s, close to 90 degrees. and that humidity really boosts by sunday, so feels-like temperatures in some spots, low to mid-90s result. also notice the icons here. we've got the chance of some showers and thunderstorms for your saturday, your sunday, even your monday. so coming up in a moment, we're going to take a closer look with our future model at the scattered thunderstorms of today, the isolated showers or thunderstorm of tomorrow, and then that big focus, monday. we'll get to that in a minute. starting today, pools in allentown will now be open every day. folks had been able to swim, but only on weekends. this is the first day of swimming at the jordan irving pools. 5:42 on this saturday. coming up, the flyers trade away one of their young centers and the phils try for two in a row. plus, there's word that the sixers may be trading up to get the first pick in the nba draft. we'll hear from the guy they're after, next in sports. in the state that invented the american vacation... a legendary adventure awaits. heroes will rise. bonds will be forged. and memories will be made to last a lifetime. new york state. it's all here. it's only here. plan your summer trip at today, fans are remembering a director who is behind two of the best underdog stories, unequivocal, the best. one of them made philadelphia famous. oscar winner john alfsvalueson d yesterday after battling pancreatic cancer. last year, appleson gave an interview, in which he talked about how he was hesitant to make "rocky," but he said after being urged by a friend to read the script, he fell in love. appleson was 81 years old. "rocky" star sylvester stallone reacted to the director's death on social media. he said, "the great director john g.avildsen, rest in peace." this morning, we're learning more deaths about the hollywood icon, carrie fisher. they say the "star wars" actress died from sleep apnea and a combination of other factors. she had taken multiple drugs before she died, but it's not clear if they contributed to her death. fisher had a medical emergency on a flight back on december 23rd. she died four days later. her mother, movie star, debbie reynolds, died the very next day. if you are planning a summer trip with your family, consider yourself lucky, fortunate. a new poll says nearly half of americans say they won't be taking a vacation this summer and many reveal it's because they can't afford it. another reason, about 40% of workers say they don't get paid any vacation time. today, philly pride weekend continues. a homecoming brunch is set for 11:00 this morning at the william way, lbgt opportunity center on spruce street in center city. the festival kicked off last month, at the end of last month was a block party. it wraps up tomorrow at the annual phillies parade nor center city. a pride week flag flying outside of city hall in philadelphia is sparking some backlash and a new debate over discrimination. nbc 10's randy gyllenhaal explains why a colorful twist is causing some controversy. >> reporter: at keith stylist' neighborhood bar, boxer's, the rush to get everything ready for thousands of partyers coming to town. >> just to get cloideliveries d and get everything moving. >> reporter: every guest here will get a rainbow flag, the longtime civil of the gay civil rights movement that began in philadelphia back in the 1960s. since then, pride weekend has become a moment to reflect on equality that's been achieved, but also looking ahead to what still needs to be done. >> the work is cut out for us, but bit by bit, we're chipping away at it. >> reporter: in the past few years, huge gains in civil and marriage rights for the wider gay community, but discrimination can still happen and very often it can come from within the community, itself. to highlight issues of race, city leaders unveiled this colorful twist on the rainbow flag, to support black and brown stripes to support people of color. >> the lbgt community is in no way exempt or immune from the racism anyone experiences in this country. but that was met with pushback, asking why a white stripe wasn't also included. >> facebook us with on fire, on both sides of the fence. >> reporter: but jason evans says the flag is not meant as a replacement, just a chance to shine a spot on a tough issue during a weekend meant for tolerance and love. >> race is a problem and it hasn't been addressed in the lbgt community, so we're working towards that. at city hall, randy gyllenhaal. 5:48 right now on this saturday. about 69 degrees outside. all right starting to warm up. feeling a little bit muggy out there. that's because we've got some precipitation, let's say, in the forecast. meteorologist krystal klei is here to fill us in on the details. krystal? >> and we're not looking at a washout these next couple of days, but we have the chance of showers and spot thunderstorms both your saturday and your sunday. we're at 69 degrees in philadelphia. these are live cameras. we do have low clouds and some fog out there. you can really tell through our camera right now, in the suburbs. 64 degrees, the temperatures that we are dealing with, currently. 67 in new jersey and 68 in the lehigh valley. we're at 70, though, if delaware. same deal, some low-hanging clouds and some winds that are coming in from the east, that will help keep temperatures a little lower through the morning hours. but we're going to see temperatures still boosting up in the afternoon. 86 degrees for the high in philadelphia. 84 in the suburbs. 84 in new jersey, 80 in the lehigh valley, and 86 in delaware. some spots in delaware may be a little lower than that. and we have that possibility of at least some scattered thunderstorms, particularly as we get into the later morning and in the later afternoon hours. radar and satellite view, so here's what we've got so far. cloudy conditions out there, and notice just a few spot storms that are trying to fire off over parts of delaware. hopping the bay and making it to new jersey, next. so we're going to be tracking these this morning. it's nothing terribly strong. a little pocket of heavier rain in parts of kent county. that's about it and that will be moving right on into parts of salem and cumberland county, as well. otherwise, this morning, it's the cloudy conditions and the fog that's the big nuisance. if you're at the shore or going to the shore, here's your shorecast. temperatures around the low 80s. you'll see those mid- to upper 70s along the jersey shore with the possibility of some spotty showers, as well as some scattered thunderstorms, again, later this morning and into the afternoon, it will be sporadic. not a washout. as for your conditions, water temperature, 66 to 71 address. wave heights about 3 to 4 feet. but we do have a moderate risk for rip currents. so, again, not the perfect day to be at the shore, but if you are heading that way, you just need to be prepared to go indoors, at times, any storms move through and wash out for that rip current potential. hour by hour forecast, let's go through the next three days here. this morning, we have the possibility of scattered showers and spot thunderstorms. that's at about 9:00 to noon that we've got that possibility. in the late afternoon, 6:00, we've got the scattered activity again moving through. we go into your father's day, some clouds to start the day. into the evening hours, spotty showers around 3:00 p.m., isolated thunderstorm around 8:00. father's day is not a washout. it's really the later half of the day that we may see some spot thunderstorms. then we go to monday. by 9:00 a.m., we may start seeing is rain, heavier rain developing in the afternoon, possibly some scattered thunderstorms. the big concern is as the front starts to pass, we may see some severe thunderstorms. that's when things get a bit more dangerous. we'll talk more about this in particular coming up in your next half hour. >> announcer: this is sports desk brought to you by xfinity, x1 from xfinity will change the way you experience tv. >> hey, i'm john clark from csn. big sixers news. multiple reports say the sixers are really deep in talks with the celtics to trade up for the number one overall pick in the nba draft. it is next thursday night. and one report says they have agreed in principle. the report says the sixers would take this guy, markel folks. here he is in april coming out of a sixers tunnel. did he know something? he watched the sixers game that night courtside and he like what had he saw. he's a point guard from washington. he also can shoot it. he told us then, no doubt he would be the number one pick. >> i might have a chance to go here, so i want to come out and see how they play and the atmosphere. >> you came out of the sixers' tunnel when you came out here. could you picture that happening in the future? >> oh, man, i could see it happening. i think it would be a great experience. so it'll be cool. >> the sixers will work out fox today. they reportedly worked out josh jackson yesterday in sacramento. phillies last night were going for two straight wins. arizona diamondbacks in pay. take a look at this play by freddy galvis. runner on first in the first. freddy, quick reaction, steps on second, quick throw for the double play. that is gorgeous defense. phillies down 2-1 in the fifth. catcher cameron rupp ties it up. solo home run, fifth of the season, so we are tied up at two. in the sixth, mykal frankel with two on, that's an 0-2 pitch, so herrera scores easily, aaron scores easily. in the seventh, the other team's blanco, grerg blanco ties it right back up. two-run shot. diamondbacks also add a sacked fly, phillies lose 5-4. they have lost 9 of 10. the flyers have traded nick cousins to the coyotes for a fifty round pick and a prospect. the nhl draft is a week away. ron hix tal is playing a little poker like all the over gms right now. he says all the options for the flyers are open. >> yeah, there's a consensus top two. but look back at the history of the draft, there's been a lot of consensus top whatever. and you look and you go, my god. so, you've got to be really careful with consensus. >> all right. i am john clark for csn. the biggest flag day celebration in america is this morning in philadelphia's old city neighborhood. my neighborhood. reenactors, including betsy ross, herself, will raise the flag at the betsy ross house at second and arch streets at 10:00 this morning. today's stars and stripes celebration will also include story telling and magic performances. a special treat for dads this father's day weekend. the academy of natural sciences is offering free general admission to dads today and tomorrow. fathers will also get in free to the dinosaur museum in philly if they pay for their child's admission. and you can learn more about craft beer and try samples at penn's landing today. this is on my dad's list. beer camp on tour will include more than 55 local and national breweries. there will also be food trucks plus live entertainment. this event begins at 1:00 this afternoon. it's just a few minutes now before 6:00 on this saturday. the jury in the bill cosby trial will be back at the courthouse later on this morning for yet another day of deliberations. day six. nbc 10's sydnci cydney long is norristown following the developments for us. >> reporter: that's right. it's day number six for jurors in the bill cosby case, but will it be the day that there is a consensus, a verdict, or some conclusion? we will hear from a retired new jersey judge, next. and back to our first alert radar. we have a few showers and spot thunderstorms trying to pop up over parts of delaware. we'll track those out and talk more about the rest of your saturday and father's day, coming up. here's a live view from camelback mountain where you can see the low-hanging clouds. fog present this morning. ♪ stay calm, do not argue. >> bill cosby urges his supporters to have patience as the jury ends the day without a decision. they are back this morning to deliberate. we're already there to bring you the new developments. seven navy sailors are missing, a captain, two others are hurt. this after a u.s. destroyer collides with a container ship right off the coast of japan. we've got an update, next. as the russia investigation heats up, the president beefs up his legal team and trump takes to twitter to hash out the fallout from the comey firings. >> announcer: nbc 10 news starts now. good morning. this is nbc 10 news today. i'm rosemary connors. it's 6:00 on this saturday. thanks for being with us. we've got a lot to get to, as we start this weekend. let's begin with our first alert neighborhood forecast. i'm sure you're heading out the door, have errands to run, meteorologist krystal klei has the details. >> and if you've got errands y,

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