Transcripts For WCAU NBC10 News Today At 5am 20170606 : comp

Transcripts For WCAU NBC10 News Today At 5am 20170606

both directions look okay and open. and you can see westbound going toward the schuylkill or eastbound headed toward 95. everything is moving just fine. we're watching a crash in lower potts grove at pinehurst drive. and minor delays for mass transit. thorndale 1502 running 14 minutes late. the same thing that happened yesterday. that's funny. on time, though, for new jersey transit, amtrak, and patco. back to you. now to decision 2017. in less than an hour polls will be open in the new jersey primary. voters will be deciding on several races. but the most watched one will be the race for the governor. nbc's matt delucia is live in cherry hill. walk us through the candidates looking to succeeds governor christie. >> reporter: there are quite a few candidates. it will be interesting to see what the voter turnout is for today. if you take into consideration four years ago, 2013, the last time we had a gubernatorial election and primary in new jersey. that voter turnout was 9%. hopefully it will be better today. one of the big questions that voters will be facing as they head to the polls this morning in the garden state, who is best suited to replace outgoing governor chris christie. second in commands, lieutenant governor kim guadagno on the republican ticket to replace christie. and last week, former vice president joe biden called the race in new j tersey single most important race in the next three years. running for governor in the garden state for the democrats, phil murphy, jim johnson, john wisnieski. for republicans, jack ciattarelli, juice ever -- joseph rulo, and more. november 7th will be the day of the general election. and the polls open just about an hour from now here in new jersey. and for now, live in cherry hill, matt delucia, nbc10 news. primary also includes the races for mayor in camden and atlantic city, as well as the state assembly. polls are open from 6:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. stay with nbc10 for complete coverage of the new jersey primary election. look for updates all day long on air and on our nbc10 app. now we'll take a look at some of the top stories that we're covering today. >> new from overnight, philadelphia police are investigating a deadly shooting in manchua. police found a man lying on the road with a gunshot wound to his head before midnight. he died at the hospital. investigators found a series of shell casings at the scene. so far, though, there have been no arrests. also new, a man shot in philadelphia's frankfurt neighborhood is in critical condition. police responding to reports of gunfire, found the man walking along adams avenue after midnight. medics took him to the hospital with a wound to his stomach. investigators are hoping that private surveillance cameras from the area can help them find the shooter. to montgomery county, more testimony expected on day two of the bill cosby sexual assault trial. yesterday, a prosecution witness tearfully told the jury she was drugged in a hotel room by cosby about a decade before he allegedly assaulted then-temple employee andrea constand. cosby is not charged with drugging that woman. we will have a live report coming up at 5:30 giving new details on what to expect today in court. in washington, congressional leaders will head to the white house to go over their lendingislative agendas with -- legislative agenda with president. for discussion, health care and tax reform. they hope to move things along before leaving for the july recess. and new details on the interference with the 2016 election by russia. federal authorities arrested reality winner, a government contractor who was leaking a top-secret nsa document on russia's attempt to hack u.s. voting systems. winner is accused of removing a document from an nsa branch in georgia. her arrest came hours after an online news outlet published the document. meantime, the white house says president trump will not block former fbi director james comey from testifying before congress on thursday. comey was leading an investigation into russian meddling in the presidential election when the president fired him last month. the president can use executive privilege to stop government employees from testifying, but the white house press secretary said yesterday the president will not do that. delaware will join nearly a dozen other states committed to the goal of the paris climate accord to slow global warming. yesterday governor carney announced his state's membership in the u.s. climate alliance. california, new york, and washington started the pact after president trump said he's withdrawing america from the paris deal. katy? one of the people injured in saturday's terror attack in london was an american doctor from either new york or new jersey. that's according to a witness who works at a pub where the victim was visiting. the witness says the man was hit by stray gunfire as police killed the suspects. this morning, a new search underway in a neighborhood near the home of two of the london bridge attackers. yesterday police identified two of the three suspects. one was a known radical islamist. all three attackers were killed by police. the mayor of london is calling on the government to cancel a visit from president trump after he criticized the mayor's handling of the attacks. new details about a disgruntled former employee accused of killing five people at an office in florida. police say john robert neumann was armed with a gun and knife when he went into the orlando business yesterday and started singling out employees. the army vet killed four men and a woman before turning the gun on himself. authorities say neumann was fired in april and had once been accused of assaulting a co-worker. two men are facing charges in the massive warehouse fire known as the ghost ship fire in oakland, california, that claimed dozens of lives. derek almena and max harris are charged with 36 counts of involuntary manslaughter. prosecutors say they have not determined the cause of the fire but say the two men who illegally allowed dozens to live inside that warehouse are responsible for their deaths. 5:07. to bucks county, the fall township fire marshal wants to talk to four teenagers who may have set off fireworks that sparked a house fire. and you see the flames were raging on saturday night. the homeowner heard an explosion and looked out the window and saw flames. several neighbors say they heard illegal fireworks going off before the fire began. investigators say four teenage boys were reportedly seen shooting off fireworks. county be spending the next 12s inriso her 2-year-old daughter. kayla moore pled no contest to third-degree murder charges. prosecutors say the toddler was beaten,e cred in front of the judge, ask -- moore cried in front of ju daughter. a senate committee is considering a push to make courthouses across new jersey safe places for undocumented r undocumented immigrants who show up for thing tickets. the state is looking into how common the practice has become before it takes further action. a philadelphia fam i try an convince immigration officials at a visa processing center there to approve a local man's visa application. flores garcia in the united methodist church in arch street in philadelphia since november in fear of being pending for about two years now sun, a very nice start to the the nice stao due to rain and due to fog that's hanging overhead. you see three-mile visibility in pottstown, two in trenton. a improved now that the rain has moved out to allentown and reading. much better. still, this morning, low-hanging clouds and fog are going to affect you. not enough that you can't drive, but you may notice the limited visibility. on our radar and satellite view, this is the line of storms that's been passing along. at this point, the lightning that we once saw over the lehigh valley and berks county has no longer attached to the storm. we see steadier to heavier rain that is falling. the red, orange, yellows, that's the heaviest pockets of s, loca parts of the suburbs right now. checking through chestloerouing cutting uging through abington, philadelphia, south jersey and mercer tyy this is dr suburbs. they're already southern we sh deeper colored line through the i-95 corridor. 6:30 a.m. on into 8:00 a.m. the line should be cutting through parts of -- and there 8:00 to 9:00, moving offshore. it's not the end of the scattered showers will continue especially lined up against the western edge of our viewing area. why? we'll have a cold front that bumps in right in this area. really going to be an interesting setup. we'll have cool air coming from th the west. it's going to keep all of our temperatures down for today. matter what location you're in. and we may see isolated thunderstorms around 5:00 to 6:00 as a result of the front and the cool winds moving together. afternoon highs, 70s yesterday. we'll stay in the upper 60s to close to 70 today. only 60s tomorrow. we see a warmup. in5:11. traffic is probably light at this hour, but coupled with the rain, you know. >> jessica boyington has youn a happens. jessie? right. if and when. yesterday, a light commute. i'm thinking after typical three-day ntoweenhe spring and the summer months, maybe tuesday will be busier today. not yet, route 70 ipart. a few cars out the door. theion does look considerably dry. not seeing big problems that are rain related r. augusta at pinehurst, a crash fresh into the system minutes. the p.a. turnpike looks okay. checking in with drive times, westbound and eastbound, 22 minutes from route 1 to valley right there. we look okay. probably on the way back down for the burlington bristol bridge. we had an earlier opening going until the time you head out, y should be fine. back to you. >> thank you. a wall oferneighborhood. what caused thousands of gallons of water to flood yards and homes. the cleanup is underway this 5 fan. a delaware man tries to reach a nascar track during the middle the video that shows how he was finally stopped. loved. my baby was teammate. how a community came in an accident and why he's being call a miss hoffman gets us there safe every time. and miss santoro always takes time to see how we're scol lo. and mrs. mccarthy alwa which makes for a pretty good day at school. ♪ introducing fios gigabit connection. superfast internet at an incredible price. with speeds up to 940 megs. that's 20x faster than most people have.nth line . and only $5 more per month for the second year. get fios gigabit connection for $79.99 with tv, hbo for 1 year and multi-room dvr service for 2 years.emt. switch now at 5:15. after he tried to get a little too close to a floss car race. >> -- a nascar >> the 43-year-old tried to climb over the safety nets. officersbere he kicked one and resisted that arrest. he is facing charges espassing and disorderly conduct. gone too soon. family, friends, remembering a beloved and respected delaware county student killed in a sunday night car accident. >> father god, we ask you to lay your hands on j.r. >> they lit as you see, released balloons last night in honor of smith, killed in the the i-95 township. the death has everyone reeling. >> loved. my >> great kid. great teammate. >> almost a straight-a student, honor roll, too. god took him too fast. >> his teammates call smith a mentor and inspiration to younger players. after an agonizing two years, the wait is finally over. >> it is. you're about to see a reunion between a family and dog that they thought would never happen. >>look, yay! you're home. >> you can hear hhe debartolo f not hold back tears of j loved k home. the dog was stolen from their home in long island two years ago. two mont her at a new jersey rest stop. the dog was malnourisd at a sanctuary. workers used a microchip to track down the debartolos and arranged the happy reunion. >> i love that. too, because of her two babies -- >> a dog lover over there. >> they're rascals, but you lovy would give them right back, nope. never mind. i think i have that on my microchip your dogs, too, that helps. >> right. >> that's start on the schuylkill expressway, looks nice. around the roosevelt boulevard, both directions look okay. here's the westbound side. looks like a little more volume really nothing really messing with the roads too much now. we are seeing some jammed spots but not really seeing any increanyet. that eastbound side here toward center city looks good. right now, now is the time to get out the door. i'm predicting a lit messy morning commute. the blue route looks okay now. 15 minutes on the southbound 95. f average speeds into the 60s there. there's a crash in lower pottsr pinehurst drive. we'll end here over in new jersey. utmorristown, just around nixon drive. not even a car in sight now. roads look good. both directions are okay there. we're waiting for that rain, though. waiting for it t get sticky out there. i'll be here and back for ten minutes. >> thanks. let's talk about the weather. we have to get through the week and get to the . >> that's what i'm going to focus on. >> that is smart. krystal klei has a look at today and beyond. n tay versus over the act that weekend. we're getting it out of the way. the live view of the nbc10 studios. at the bottom ilof they is low e should be seeing buildings and everything. you're not seeing that hanging clouds in center city. it looks like we're off the building tops as a result. radar and satellite showing rai. the reds, oernranges, that's th steady stuff through doylestown almost to abington. and philadelphia is up next. soon, we're expectinger f rain start passing through philly. in fact, let's look at the abin. almost there. philadelphia, 6:00 a.m. around 6:00.6:20, the rain is m into cherry hill. heavier rain conine rds will bed about the tim wider view, you see that's a pretty goodeli right into south jersey as we go through the, le temperatures havee air, staying around 60ading. blandon, we're at 61 in whn. you're at 60 degrees. cutoday. winds are coming in from the region cool, even though the wiar five to ten miles per hour. to the we setup where the windsat's cold the west. cool air from the east. mea tod are not going to be that warm p. 62 at the afternoon witd hs at . that about the same in tionshen. the in andcrination gnat across by coming up, we're going to talk about tsunsne for y hear that. thanks. attacked on mentally disabled man in caught on camera. and now police are asking for on the run and getting help. the manhunt continues for an an father is facing charges. we'll explain. ls> plus, a new voice. a smart device they hope will change your home. pro-tip for making ribs: don't go it alone. get these great smoked ribs. thanks. sure. twenty minutes on the grill. and they're done. you think he cares if i smoke rior what? and they'what?ne. summer made easy at amazing prices. only at giant. sorry about the holdup, folks. we have some congestion on the runway and i'm being told it'll be another 15, maybe 20 minutes, and we will have you y ♪ surprising. what's not surprising? ho by switching to geico. i would not wear that lace. person in charge of paying the airbag de cnbc business news.there, good morning. that's right. aer reportedly name attorney kenfeinberg to$1 victims of the faulty ai cars and trucks worldwide and several deaths andjuries. feinberg has a lot of experience in this area. -oversaw funds for 9/11 victims, the bp oil spill, and gm's backfao you. >> apple unveiled a bunch of new products yesterday. one seems to be getting a lot of attention. tell us more about that. >> reporter: that's right. a huge conference, we all launc assistant device for your home. the company showing off t its de yesterday. powered by siri, it can play songs fromc, as well as sends messages and control connected items in your house. home pod costs nveing a new feature for ios -- do not disturb while driving, which ca wheel and silence incoming alerts. back to you. >> thanks. the markets closed down slightly yesterday. thfell about 20 points. 5:26. bill cosby will return to court for day two of his trial. what a jud after an emotional first day of testimony. and water main break. thousands of gallons of water rushing to a neighborhood. the damage left behind and wt t. vikings didn't actually have horns on their helmets.n't . a peanut is not a nut. you learn something new every day.ies tra. now you can own america's tractorllars a m. learn more at your john deere dealer. case against cosby. a tearful zens of homeowners working to clean ups ofater flooded yards and ho new details emerge about whoun inmate escape. it is drizzly,>> a mixed when you walk outs y "nbc10 new today." i'm tracy davidso your tuesday. thewe'rstill traf rain holding together nicely. s to creep in closer andadelia. lehigh valley in berks ust last county right on the igh5 corrid. it's going to hold together l t jersey, as well. we'll take a look, the yellows and oranges and especially reds, just starting to exit chester county, moving into delaware county. and now just barely starting to move into parts of philadelphia

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New York , United States , Burlington , Pennsylvania , Pinehurst , Paris , France General , France , Berks County , Philadelphia , Washington , Florida , Delaware , Whitehouse , District Of Columbia , California , Russia , London , City Of , United Kingdom , Reunion , Montgomery County , New Jersey , Allentown , Trenton , Jersey , Westchester , America , American , Chris Christie , Andrea Constand Cosby , Kim Guadagno , Phil Murphy , Joe Biden , John Robert , Jim Johnson , Max Harris , Kayla Moore , Mont Herat ,

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Transcripts For WCAU NBC10 News Today At 5am 20170606 :

Transcripts For WCAU NBC10 News Today At 5am 20170606

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both directions look okay and open. and you can see westbound going toward the schuylkill or eastbound headed toward 95. everything is moving just fine. we're watching a crash in lower potts grove at pinehurst drive. and minor delays for mass transit. thorndale 1502 running 14 minutes late. the same thing that happened yesterday. that's funny. on time, though, for new jersey transit, amtrak, and patco. back to you. now to decision 2017. in less than an hour polls will be open in the new jersey primary. voters will be deciding on several races. but the most watched one will be the race for the governor. nbc's matt delucia is live in cherry hill. walk us through the candidates looking to succeeds governor christie. >> reporter: there are quite a few candidates. it will be interesting to see what the voter turnout is for today. if you take into consideration four years ago, 2013, the last time we had a gubernatorial election and primary in new jersey. that voter turnout was 9%. hopefully it will be better today. one of the big questions that voters will be facing as they head to the polls this morning in the garden state, who is best suited to replace outgoing governor chris christie. second in commands, lieutenant governor kim guadagno on the republican ticket to replace christie. and last week, former vice president joe biden called the race in new j tersey single most important race in the next three years. running for governor in the garden state for the democrats, phil murphy, jim johnson, john wisnieski. for republicans, jack ciattarelli, juice ever -- joseph rulo, and more. november 7th will be the day of the general election. and the polls open just about an hour from now here in new jersey. and for now, live in cherry hill, matt delucia, nbc10 news. primary also includes the races for mayor in camden and atlantic city, as well as the state assembly. polls are open from 6:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. stay with nbc10 for complete coverage of the new jersey primary election. look for updates all day long on air and on our nbc10 app. now we'll take a look at some of the top stories that we're covering today. >> new from overnight, philadelphia police are investigating a deadly shooting in manchua. police found a man lying on the road with a gunshot wound to his head before midnight. he died at the hospital. investigators found a series of shell casings at the scene. so far, though, there have been no arrests. also new, a man shot in philadelphia's frankfurt neighborhood is in critical condition. police responding to reports of gunfire, found the man walking along adams avenue after midnight. medics took him to the hospital with a wound to his stomach. investigators are hoping that private surveillance cameras from the area can help them find the shooter. to montgomery county, more testimony expected on day two of the bill cosby sexual assault trial. yesterday, a prosecution witness tearfully told the jury she was drugged in a hotel room by cosby about a decade before he allegedly assaulted then-temple employee andrea constand. cosby is not charged with drugging that woman. we will have a live report coming up at 5:30 giving new details on what to expect today in court. in washington, congressional leaders will head to the white house to go over their lendingislative agendas with -- legislative agenda with president. for discussion, health care and tax reform. they hope to move things along before leaving for the july recess. and new details on the interference with the 2016 election by russia. federal authorities arrested reality winner, a government contractor who was leaking a top-secret nsa document on russia's attempt to hack u.s. voting systems. winner is accused of removing a document from an nsa branch in georgia. her arrest came hours after an online news outlet published the document. meantime, the white house says president trump will not block former fbi director james comey from testifying before congress on thursday. comey was leading an investigation into russian meddling in the presidential election when the president fired him last month. the president can use executive privilege to stop government employees from testifying, but the white house press secretary said yesterday the president will not do that. delaware will join nearly a dozen other states committed to the goal of the paris climate accord to slow global warming. yesterday governor carney announced his state's membership in the u.s. climate alliance. california, new york, and washington started the pact after president trump said he's withdrawing america from the paris deal. katy? one of the people injured in saturday's terror attack in london was an american doctor from either new york or new jersey. that's according to a witness who works at a pub where the victim was visiting. the witness says the man was hit by stray gunfire as police killed the suspects. this morning, a new search underway in a neighborhood near the home of two of the london bridge attackers. yesterday police identified two of the three suspects. one was a known radical islamist. all three attackers were killed by police. the mayor of london is calling on the government to cancel a visit from president trump after he criticized the mayor's handling of the attacks. new details about a disgruntled former employee accused of killing five people at an office in florida. police say john robert neumann was armed with a gun and knife when he went into the orlando business yesterday and started singling out employees. the army vet killed four men and a woman before turning the gun on himself. authorities say neumann was fired in april and had once been accused of assaulting a co-worker. two men are facing charges in the massive warehouse fire known as the ghost ship fire in oakland, california, that claimed dozens of lives. derek almena and max harris are charged with 36 counts of involuntary manslaughter. prosecutors say they have not determined the cause of the fire but say the two men who illegally allowed dozens to live inside that warehouse are responsible for their deaths. 5:07. to bucks county, the fall township fire marshal wants to talk to four teenagers who may have set off fireworks that sparked a house fire. and you see the flames were raging on saturday night. the homeowner heard an explosion and looked out the window and saw flames. several neighbors say they heard illegal fireworks going off before the fire began. investigators say four teenage boys were reportedly seen shooting off fireworks. county be spending the next 12s inriso her 2-year-old daughter. kayla moore pled no contest to third-degree murder charges. prosecutors say the toddler was beaten,e cred in front of the judge, ask -- moore cried in front of ju daughter. a senate committee is considering a push to make courthouses across new jersey safe places for undocumented r undocumented immigrants who show up for thing tickets. the state is looking into how common the practice has become before it takes further action. a philadelphia fam i try an convince immigration officials at a visa processing center there to approve a local man's visa application. flores garcia in the united methodist church in arch street in philadelphia since november in fear of being pending for about two years now sun, a very nice start to the the nice stao due to rain and due to fog that's hanging overhead. you see three-mile visibility in pottstown, two in trenton. a improved now that the rain has moved out to allentown and reading. much better. still, this morning, low-hanging clouds and fog are going to affect you. not enough that you can't drive, but you may notice the limited visibility. on our radar and satellite view, this is the line of storms that's been passing along. at this point, the lightning that we once saw over the lehigh valley and berks county has no longer attached to the storm. we see steadier to heavier rain that is falling. the red, orange, yellows, that's the heaviest pockets of s, loca parts of the suburbs right now. checking through chestloerouing cutting uging through abington, philadelphia, south jersey and mercer tyy this is dr suburbs. they're already southern we sh deeper colored line through the i-95 corridor. 6:30 a.m. on into 8:00 a.m. the line should be cutting through parts of -- and there 8:00 to 9:00, moving offshore. it's not the end of the scattered showers will continue especially lined up against the western edge of our viewing area. why? we'll have a cold front that bumps in right in this area. really going to be an interesting setup. we'll have cool air coming from th the west. it's going to keep all of our temperatures down for today. matter what location you're in. and we may see isolated thunderstorms around 5:00 to 6:00 as a result of the front and the cool winds moving together. afternoon highs, 70s yesterday. we'll stay in the upper 60s to close to 70 today. only 60s tomorrow. we see a warmup. in5:11. traffic is probably light at this hour, but coupled with the rain, you know. >> jessica boyington has youn a happens. jessie? right. if and when. yesterday, a light commute. i'm thinking after typical three-day ntoweenhe spring and the summer months, maybe tuesday will be busier today. not yet, route 70 ipart. a few cars out the door. theion does look considerably dry. not seeing big problems that are rain related r. augusta at pinehurst, a crash fresh into the system minutes. the p.a. turnpike looks okay. checking in with drive times, westbound and eastbound, 22 minutes from route 1 to valley right there. we look okay. probably on the way back down for the burlington bristol bridge. we had an earlier opening going until the time you head out, y should be fine. back to you. >> thank you. a wall oferneighborhood. what caused thousands of gallons of water to flood yards and homes. the cleanup is underway this 5 fan. a delaware man tries to reach a nascar track during the middle the video that shows how he was finally stopped. loved. my baby was teammate. how a community came in an accident and why he's being call a miss hoffman gets us there safe every time. and miss santoro always takes time to see how we're scol lo. and mrs. mccarthy alwa which makes for a pretty good day at school. ♪ introducing fios gigabit connection. superfast internet at an incredible price. with speeds up to 940 megs. that's 20x faster than most people have.nth line . and only $5 more per month for the second year. get fios gigabit connection for $79.99 with tv, hbo for 1 year and multi-room dvr service for 2 years.emt. switch now at 5:15. after he tried to get a little too close to a floss car race. >> -- a nascar >> the 43-year-old tried to climb over the safety nets. officersbere he kicked one and resisted that arrest. he is facing charges espassing and disorderly conduct. gone too soon. family, friends, remembering a beloved and respected delaware county student killed in a sunday night car accident. >> father god, we ask you to lay your hands on j.r. >> they lit as you see, released balloons last night in honor of smith, killed in the the i-95 township. the death has everyone reeling. >> loved. my >> great kid. great teammate. >> almost a straight-a student, honor roll, too. god took him too fast. >> his teammates call smith a mentor and inspiration to younger players. after an agonizing two years, the wait is finally over. >> it is. you're about to see a reunion between a family and dog that they thought would never happen. >>look, yay! you're home. >> you can hear hhe debartolo f not hold back tears of j loved k home. the dog was stolen from their home in long island two years ago. two mont her at a new jersey rest stop. the dog was malnourisd at a sanctuary. workers used a microchip to track down the debartolos and arranged the happy reunion. >> i love that. too, because of her two babies -- >> a dog lover over there. >> they're rascals, but you lovy would give them right back, nope. never mind. i think i have that on my microchip your dogs, too, that helps. >> right. >> that's start on the schuylkill expressway, looks nice. around the roosevelt boulevard, both directions look okay. here's the westbound side. looks like a little more volume really nothing really messing with the roads too much now. we are seeing some jammed spots but not really seeing any increanyet. that eastbound side here toward center city looks good. right now, now is the time to get out the door. i'm predicting a lit messy morning commute. the blue route looks okay now. 15 minutes on the southbound 95. f average speeds into the 60s there. there's a crash in lower pottsr pinehurst drive. we'll end here over in new jersey. utmorristown, just around nixon drive. not even a car in sight now. roads look good. both directions are okay there. we're waiting for that rain, though. waiting for it t get sticky out there. i'll be here and back for ten minutes. >> thanks. let's talk about the weather. we have to get through the week and get to the . >> that's what i'm going to focus on. >> that is smart. krystal klei has a look at today and beyond. n tay versus over the act that weekend. we're getting it out of the way. the live view of the nbc10 studios. at the bottom ilof they is low e should be seeing buildings and everything. you're not seeing that hanging clouds in center city. it looks like we're off the building tops as a result. radar and satellite showing rai. the reds, oernranges, that's th steady stuff through doylestown almost to abington. and philadelphia is up next. soon, we're expectinger f rain start passing through philly. in fact, let's look at the abin. almost there. philadelphia, 6:00 a.m. around 6:00.6:20, the rain is m into cherry hill. heavier rain conine rds will bed about the tim wider view, you see that's a pretty goodeli right into south jersey as we go through the, le temperatures havee air, staying around 60ading. blandon, we're at 61 in whn. you're at 60 degrees. cutoday. winds are coming in from the region cool, even though the wiar five to ten miles per hour. to the we setup where the windsat's cold the west. cool air from the east. mea tod are not going to be that warm p. 62 at the afternoon witd hs at . that about the same in tionshen. the in andcrination gnat across by coming up, we're going to talk about tsunsne for y hear that. thanks. attacked on mentally disabled man in caught on camera. and now police are asking for on the run and getting help. the manhunt continues for an an father is facing charges. we'll explain. ls> plus, a new voice. a smart device they hope will change your home. pro-tip for making ribs: don't go it alone. get these great smoked ribs. thanks. sure. twenty minutes on the grill. and they're done. you think he cares if i smoke rior what? and they'what?ne. summer made easy at amazing prices. only at giant. sorry about the holdup, folks. we have some congestion on the runway and i'm being told it'll be another 15, maybe 20 minutes, and we will have you y ♪ surprising. what's not surprising? ho by switching to geico. i would not wear that lace. person in charge of paying the airbag de cnbc business news.there, good morning. that's right. aer reportedly name attorney kenfeinberg to$1 victims of the faulty ai cars and trucks worldwide and several deaths andjuries. feinberg has a lot of experience in this area. -oversaw funds for 9/11 victims, the bp oil spill, and gm's backfao you. >> apple unveiled a bunch of new products yesterday. one seems to be getting a lot of attention. tell us more about that. >> reporter: that's right. a huge conference, we all launc assistant device for your home. the company showing off t its de yesterday. powered by siri, it can play songs fromc, as well as sends messages and control connected items in your house. home pod costs nveing a new feature for ios -- do not disturb while driving, which ca wheel and silence incoming alerts. back to you. >> thanks. the markets closed down slightly yesterday. thfell about 20 points. 5:26. bill cosby will return to court for day two of his trial. what a jud after an emotional first day of testimony. and water main break. thousands of gallons of water rushing to a neighborhood. the damage left behind and wt t. vikings didn't actually have horns on their helmets.n't . a peanut is not a nut. you learn something new every day.ies tra. now you can own america's tractorllars a m. learn more at your john deere dealer. case against cosby. a tearful zens of homeowners working to clean ups ofater flooded yards and ho new details emerge about whoun inmate escape. it is drizzly,>> a mixed when you walk outs y "nbc10 new today." i'm tracy davidso your tuesday. thewe'rstill traf rain holding together nicely. s to creep in closer andadelia. lehigh valley in berks ust last county right on the igh5 corrid. it's going to hold together l t jersey, as well. we'll take a look, the yellows and oranges and especially reds, just starting to exit chester county, moving into delaware county. and now just barely starting to move into parts of philadelphia

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