Transcripts For WCAU NBC10 News Today At 530am 20171205 : co

Transcripts For WCAU NBC10 News Today At 530am 20171205

of the trump administration restricting travel into the u.s. from eight countries. just after 5:30. thanks for being with us for nbc10 news. i'm tracy davidson. >> i'm via sikahema. warm out there for december. let's check in with meteorologist bill henley and the most accurate neighborhood weather forecast. bill? unseasonably warm temperatures. clouds keeping it warm, that along with winds out of the southeast. look at the clouds, residents it through philadelphia, wilmington and dover. no sign of wet weather so far, but i'm tracking sprinkles up from the south. there's a chance we'll see some this morning. more rain on the way. look at rain in western pennsylvania and central pennsylvania. starting to get a few raindrops. that will be moving in during the afternoon. you might see sprinkles with mostly cloudy skies. 47 now in the suburbs. 49 in the lehigh valley. the warm spot, easton dropping to 47 degrees. then a chance of showers by 11:00 this morning. temperatures will still be climbing in spite of the wet weather that's moving in. we will peak in the 60s in most locations. lehigh valley, 57. 60s for new jersey, the suburbs, too. i'll break it down hour by hour and show how high temperatures will go in your neighborhood when i'm back in ten minutes. first, jessica boyington has your first alert traffic. starting on 202, an easy drive, especially moving around route 29. seven manipulates from this point around -- seven minutes from this point around to the schuylkill expressway. speeds into the 60s, as well. also watching the schuylkill expressway following earlier construction projects this morning. back open. back to normal. eastbound from the blue route to the vine street expressway, 13 manipulates, speeds into the 60s. 295 here, here is the white horse pike. we're not seeing any problems really there. still a little bit early to start to see that volume. i'll keep you updated and be back in ten minutes. to breaking news in california. at least one person is dead, more than 7,000 homes evacuated as a massive brush fire continues to spread this morning in ventura county. that's between los angeles and santa barbara. the one person who died was killed in the crash while trying to evacuate. fire officials say they were not able to fight the fire from the air overnight because of harsh conditions. they're planning to launch fire-suppression planes and helicopters this morning as soon as the sun subpoena. we'll keep -- sun is up. we'll keep you post. in a victory for president trump, supreme court says the administration did k now enforce its immigration travel ban on people traveling to the u.s. from mainly muslim countries. in a 7-2 decision, the high court restricted visas from the following countries -- iran, libya, somalia, syria, chad, and yemen. people from north korea and venezuela are also limited. the president says the ban is needed for national security. an immigration lawyer said the latest ban is far less restrictive than the one last january. that ban caused his clients to be sent back to their home country of syria despite working 14 years to get the proper paperwork to come here. the lawyer is concerned for another client from syria who is supposed to arrive in philadelphia on an investment visa. >> we're fearful that he's going to be pushed back because of the new ban. what's shocking or troublesome about it being lifted by the supreme court is that it can be effective immediately. >> the aclu plans to fight the travel ban saying it's illegal because it's discriminatory and bigotted. it's 5:34. today a zoning board will have the final say over whether a group home can stay in a lehigh valley neighborhood. residents in palmer township say the home is operating without permission. right now the home doesn't have an occupancy permit but offers care for two autistic young women. the care provider says the women have as much right to be there as anyone else. neighbors say allowing the home to operate will bring down their property values and open their neighborhood up to other home businesses and group homes. the township zoning board will take up the issue tonight. right now following the deaths of two students, temple why not is urging students to watch out for each other and seek help if they need it. james orlando died at an off-campus apartment sunday morning. another student died last monday after being found unresponsive in the library. the medical examiner's office says both died from drug intoxication. temple issued a statement urging students to be proactive saying in part, "remember that temple university offers a medical amnesty program for those who call for help for an impaired or intoxicated friend. your call could save a life." 5:35. 49 degrees outside. three teenage boys now face charges as adults in the beating death of a homeless man in philadelphia. the suspect, ages 14, 16, and 17, remain in jail without bail. they killed kevin cullen in mayfair the day after thanksgiving, leaving his body in the street. investigators say robbery was the motive. >> committing robbery is not the answer for boredom. it's not -- shouldn't be a rite of passage. to have tragic consequences, this man died as a result. these three young men will go to jail for some time. >> the teens are students at lincoln high school in mayfair. school officials helped police identify them. today the spirit of the holiday season will be alive and well across the area. >> a radiothon will help hundreds of local families enjoy hot meals and basic necessities throughout this winter. pamela osborne is live at dillworth park to explain how to help. walk us through the program. >> reporter: yeah, in about 30 minutes or so, the adopt-a-family radiothon will be opening up their call lines. you can see the volunteers getting things in order. shale be stationed here between 6:00 this morning and 6:00 this evening. you can call the toll-free number at the bottom of the screen to donate to a family in need. you can come down with cash, as well, or donate on line at 957benfm. this is the eighth year that ben f.m. has put on the radiothon. this year there are 650 families in need of putting food on the table and putting presents under the tree this christmas. >> these are families counting on us and the community to come up with just simple gifts. you can pick the family that's right for you. >> reporter: and when you pick a family, you get a lot of very specific information as to what he or she likes. last year they raised $50,000. this year they're hoping to go above and beyond that in a big way. reporting live, pamela osborne, nbc10 news. i'm meteorologist bill henley. a cloudy start. you can look past society hill and see the clouds that have already moved into the area. the clouds will be with us all day long. eventually they'll bring rain. the wind is coming out of the southeast, helping to keep temperatures warm. in spite of it being december, it looks like early november with temperatures in the 40s. philadelphia, 49. 46 degrees in delaware. 40s for the suburbs and the lehigh valley. there are a few chillier neighborhoods. piney hollow at 41. 48 in president obaemberton, 44 lumberton. just shy of 50 in robinsville. unusually mild to start with. the numbers will climb in spite of all this. look at the clouds. from allentown through reading, wilmington, dover, atlantic city seeing cloudy skies. we might see breaks of sunshine in delaware and south jersey during the day. count on seeing rain later on. the rain showers will be steady especially during the evening hours. this morning, you could see a sprim sprinkle or two. this is 8:00 this morning. temperatures on the rise at 8:00, 51 in philadelphia. by lunchtime, temperatures in the 60s. look at the clouds from south jersey through delaware. a few showers possible in the lehigh valley at the noontime hour. the steadier showers will move in at 4:00. look at the afternoon temperatures. 60s with breaks of sunshine? delaware and south jersey. the rainfall will be sweeping in from the west during the evening hours. at 7:00, we could see heavier downpours moving through pottstown. still very mild during the early evening hours in philadelphia. and even late this evening, 58 degrees as the rain moves through, that's 10:00 this evening. watch what happens as that colder air pushes the rain out of here. by tomorrow at 2:00 a.m., numbers are falling. this time tomorrow, temperatures in the 30s and 40s to start as we'll be drying out during the day. the seven-day forecast, cooler weather on tap for the weekend. we'll take a look when i'm back in ten minutes. >> thank you. 5:40. we'll look at 309, the lehigh valley. >> watching around the p.a. turnpike area, everything looks good. both directions, northbound and southbound, not seeing problems. roads are dry at least for now. we know bill said the rain's on its way. watching the blue route, too. drive times here are actually light. 14 minutes at the most. typically they're 15 minutes in both directions. southbound from the schuylkill to 95, speeds into the high 60s. no problems there. earlier construction on the northbound side, the ramp to 295. it was blocked with construction. that's clear there. moving through deptford, northbound side moving toward the foil area, we're not seeing any problems. i'll end with mansion. everything's on our close -- with mass transit. everything's on our close to schedule. no problems for amtrak, septa, new jersey transit, and patco. back to you. a trip of a lifetime ends in tragedy. next, the rare attack that killed this woman and how she's being remembered by those who loved her. also, she's a 10-year-old crime victim. someone stole the walker this wilmington girl depends on to get around. next, how neighbors are trying to help police crack the case. i love you, couch. you give us comfort. and we give you bare feet, backsweat, and gordo's... everything. i love you, but sometimes you stink. soft surfaces trap odors. febreze fabric refresher cleans them away for good. because the things you love the most can stink. and plug in febreze to keep your whole room fresh for up to 45 days. breathe happy with febreze. today the supreme court will hear the case of a colorado baker. he said making a cake for a same-sex wedding would violate his freedom of religion and expression. the couple he turned down in 2012 said the baker discriminated against them. the baker apilpealed to the hig court after the colorado courts decided in favor of the couple. the justices will rule on the case by june. a frustrated mother is calling out the thief who stole her 10-year-old daughter's walker. >> kirsten edwards needs help to walk and recover from a recent surgery. someone stole it right out of her front yard. her mother accidentally left it behind as the two left the house last wednesday. one neighbor stepped in to help with a temporary replacement. >> made me upset that someone would have the audacity to steal a child walker that she needs to get around. >> you wouldn't want me to something from you. why would you take something from our property? >> one of the things i love is walking. i am very, very upset. >> kudos to the neighbor there. kirsten's family needs $1,500 to replace the stolen walker. another neighbor turned over surveillance video of the theft to police. investigators believe the suspect vehicle may be a silver and white chevy truck. philadelphia's disgraced former d.a. is on a trip that takes him nearly across the country before arriving in the prison where he will complete his sentence for corruption. this morning, seth williams will wake up in an oklahoma prison cell. in the next week, he'll be taken to a prison in west virginia where he will serve out the rest of his five-year sentence in exchange for accepting bribes for political influence. an attorney for williams says it's part of a roundabout bus route in the prison transport system. 5:47. an american woman killed in a shark attack off the coast of costa rica was a well-known wall street executive. her fiance said she died doing what she loved. rohija bandari died after the tiger shark bit her last thursday. her fiance said she loved wildlife and was an experienced diver. >> she was one of the stars in the universe. if you want to look up and see stars, you would see her as the brightest. >> she died days before her 50th birthday. driving drunk in a crime in every state, right? new jersey could soon make it illegal to drone under the influence. >> lawmakers in trenton are backing a bill that would charge anyone operating a drone while drunk or on drugs with disorderly conduct. the concern is using a drone while intoxicated could harm wildlife, property, or people. if passed it would be the state's first law regulating drones. and oh, dear. have you seen this video making the rounds on social media yesterday? a deer wanders into a grocery store -- not a joke, a real thing. look at the video. this is an aldi in western pennsylvania. the fawn wandered in casually on sunday. headed right for the refrigerated section. i can't believe it's so calm around all the people. >> just walking around. >> just needed to get some milk. >> bacon bread. >> it was calm. isn't it normally chaos? >> yes because they're scared. >> they get freaked out. everyone else was calm, too. >> there weren't any kids in the store. kids would have freaked out. >> he heard a rumor santa was there. always dreamt of being a reindeer. >> nice. i'm going with that. >> today he could be a reindeer if he stepped outside. we have some rain on the way. not here yet. you'll need the umbrella today. what you don't need is the heavy winter coat. a mild morning. that's a dry view from the lehigh valley which will be among the first to see the rain showers developing for this afternoon. warm showers, clouds with us all day. into the 60s for most neighborhoods. the steady rain will arrive for the evening hours. it will still stay mild. leek it numbers this morning. 48 in south jersey. philadelphia, 49. delaware, 46. the suburbs 47 degrees. no sign of typical december cold this morning. starting the 40s in exton. gibbertsville is 47 along with bedminster and elroy and glasswin, 48. a nice -- gladwyne, 48. a nice break from the typical winter cold. a one-day break. it will be with us all day. look at the warmup. noontime, close to 60 degrees. into the 60s during the afternoon. later in the afternoon into the evening, you can count on using your umbrella. the rain will be sweeping into the area. so far, just a few sprinkles have moved into southern delaware. the steadier rain is to the west. this is being pushed by a cold front. before the cold front arrives, we're tapping into very warm air. we're getting a nice warmup. this swings through during the nighttime hours. by tomorrow morning, cold air moves in. that's going to be with us for the rest of the week. enjoy this while it's around today. 62 this afternoon. tomorrow 40s in the morning, 40s in the afternoon. the rain will be ending first thing in the morning. in fact, probably before sunrise. expect clearing wednesday. we're clear the for chillier weather thursday, down to 31. high of 44 in the afternoon. clouds building on friday. might see a late flurry into friday evening. a chance of scattered rain and snow showers later on saturday. a warmup during the day. 29 in the morning. 49 in the afternoon. now more likely to come in later in the day. coming in behind that chance of a shower is colder air for sunday. 38 degrees. up a little for monday and tuesday. still chilly for this time of year. we're normally closer to the 50-degree mark. turning colder next wednesday and thursday, highs only in the middle 30s. >> thanks. 5:51. let's check the schuylkill expressway, getting busy about now. >> jessica boyington helping us out. what are you seeing? >> i'm watching the schuylkill around south street. it looks decent here. here is the eastbound side. here's the westbound side. south philly toward the center city area. not seeing any major delays or problems. there's an obstruction in the roads, block douglas on 100's southbound side at jackson road. watch for police activity there. also watching 95. through delaware, no problems. ten minutes north and south. 295 to 495. speeds still into the 60s there, too. now we'll end in new jersey. the 42 freeway at deptford and 41. northbound traffic there headed toward philly, no problems. back to you. >> thank you. 5:52. a local boy in foster care will likely never forget his chance to be up close and personal with his favorite basketball team. who else, the 76ers. last night the sixers honored jeremiah as their sixers strong kid of the game. the club reached out to jeremiah after seeing him in my "wednesday's child" segment. he even got a vip tour of the wells fargo center and personalized jersey. thanks to the staff. they are terrific taking care of kids like airmy amp thank you. >> great. police in new castle county hope the power and reach of social media can become a crime fighting tool. how they're using facebook to catch cold-case killers and bring closure to victims' families. coming up at 6:00, a battle over a bed. a viewer says she tried to upgrade her mattress, but she got nothing but a nightmare. coming up at 6:00, harry hairston and nbc10 responds helps her sleep easy once again. toasting dad: i'm not one for speeches. but here's to... to many more years of friendship. and feasts! crowd: [laughing, cheering] to presents! a mi familia que lo es todo. ♪ to being right here, right now, with you. sfx: dog bark. and you. toasting dad: i guess what i'm trying to say is, here's to family. we're proud to bring your family amazing value every day. t.j. maxx. marshalls. homegoods. family is the greatest gift. in lehigh valley the pennsylvania state trooper shot during a traffic stop in early november will wake up in his own bed this morning. >> corporal seth kelley left the hospital yesterday. kelley needed several operations. the suspect, 22-year-old daniel clary, is facing attempted murder charges. he's accused of shooting kelley several times after a traffic stop. in the lehigh valley, this man and a woman from allentown are charged in a forgery ring. investigators say tim priest and t tabitha ortiz used forfeit bills to buy prepaid cards across the area. they're due in court this month. police in burlington county are warning parents to be alert and lock their cars when they drop off or pick up children from daycare. authorities say the man in this surveillance photo broke into cars at the goddard school locations in morristown and dellran several times. he finds the cars unlocked or smashes windows and takes bags and purses. later this morning the battleship "new jersey" will commemorate pearl harbor day with a ceremony aboard the floating museum in camden. the actual anniversary is this thursday, december 7th. officials and veterans will salute the memory of those who died in the japanese attack on hawaii in 1941. the event is free to the public. harnessing the power of social media to crack cold cases. >> eddie was funny -- >> edwin heath was killed in may of 2015. a person of interest is shown in this video. police have made no arrests. the case is one of the unsolved crimes profiled on the cold-case facebook page. they hope you might remember something about the crimes that will provide answers for families and help them move on. >> we need you to go on social media. to view the videos. we need you to share the videos and like the videos. >> cash rewards are being offered in the cases. if you have any information, call crime stoppers or new castle county police. and the police athletic league is helping kids celebrate the holidays early. >> santa visited the kids and teens at the fairhill police athletic league giving children gifts, coyotes, footbabasketbal toys. and children got an early visit from santa. a lego santa. the new santa mascot from the lego discovery center delivered lego bricks and made their own creations. don't see lego santa. where is lego santa? >> i guess it must have dismantled -- the lego santa there at the table. >> you got to go because i have a better idea. coming up at 6:00 -- >> fighting the flames. thousands rushing to get out of the way of a massive wildfire in southern california. the entire city is in danger. growing divide, shedding light on how republicans feel about voting for president trump again. hope for the holidays. right now an event kicking off to help families put food on the table and gifts under the tree. yeah. i like when people come together to help. good morning, there is "nbc10 news today." i'm one -- this is "nbc10 news today." >> i'm tracy davidson. >> i'm via sikahema. we'll get right to meteorologist bill henley and the most accurate neighborhood weather forecast. bill? looking at clouds. i'm tracking showers. this is what you're going to see this afternoon. sprinkles this morning. showers in kent and sussex county in delaware. some will be stream information to south jersey. there's a chance of a raindrop, too, in the suburbs and philadelphia. mainly cloudy. the temperatures moved up to 50. southeasterly winds, warming temperatures, too, in the lehigh valley. 50 degrees there, as well. delaware starting off in the 40s. tell warm into the 60s this afternoon -- it will warm into the 60s this afternoon. 57 at 11:00. the southerly winds will kick in boosting temperatures. dry this morning for most neighborhoods. then this afternoon, the rain will be sweeping in from the west. see it first in philadelphia. everybody's going to get rainfall later today and especially tonight. temperatures peaking in the 60s in your neighborhood when i'm back in ten minutes.

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