Transcripts For WCAU NBC10 News Today At 430am 20161005 : co

Transcripts For WCAU NBC10 News Today At 430am 20161005

tragedy in philadelphia's bustleton neighborhood. >> what can you tell us about the victims, pam? >> neighbors say a husband and wife live in this home. they tell us they dropped their daughter off to college. officials haven't identified the victims yet but what they are telling us is that the bodies of a woman and man were pulled out of that home. firefighters got the call just before midnight. when they arrived they found the house in flames. firefighters entered the home, recovered the two victims and immediately began cpr but it was too late. it took crews about 35 minutes to get the fire out. at some point there was an emergency evacuation ordered because of an odor of gas. the gas company responded as well. there was a minor gas cap -- gas leak, rather, that was capped. the cause of the fire is still under investigation. so officials say it's far too soon to determine what connection, if any, that gas leak had to the fire. one firefighter suffered minor injuries while fighting the fire he was taken to the hospital. we also talked to neighbors. when i sea you in the next half hour, you'll hear what they did to try to help their neighbors. of course despite everybody's best efforts here last night, they unfortunately were not able to save that man and woman. a difficult day for everyone here involved. reporting live in bustleton, pamela osborne, nbc 10 news. meanwhile, back to pennsylvania for vice presidential candidates tim kaine and mike pence. both of them will be in the keystoneç state today and tomorrow. kaine will stop in philadelphia to talk with sheet metal companies. mike pence will stop in grantville, dauphin county. nbc 10's matt delucia is live in the digital operations center with a closer look at the vice presidential debate. matt? >> vai and tracy, it was an argument between the two men almost from the start. the number one task for both democrat tim kaine and republican mike pence was defending their running mates. the 90-minute debate at longwood university got heated at times. it is the only scheduled debate. the moderator chided the two, pointing out they couldn't understand as they talked over one another. senator tim kaine went on the attack against donald trump since the beginning blasting the republican nominee for not releasing his taxes and emphasizing trump's controversial statements. pence on the other hand shot back that clinton leveled a series of insults on the republican ticket and is proposing a continuation of policies that he claims has weakened america in the world and slowed the economy at home. >> we trust hillary clinton as president and commander in chief. the thought of donald trump as commander in chief scares us to death. >> he's employed tens of thousands of people in this country. >> and paid few literally -- >> -- a billind lost a billion s a year. 48% of voters believe pence won the debate while 42% believe kaine did. from one argument on stage, now to the argument of who won that debate, we spoke with people who watched from the spin room at longwood university last night, people on both sides talking about who won and why. i'll have that reaction coming up at 5:00. live in the digital operations center, matt delucia, nbc 10 ç news. both presidential candidates were reacting to the debate on social media after it ended. donald trump tweeted mike pence won big. >> hillary clinton said retweet this if you're proud to be on this team all the way to the white house. second presidential debate happens this sunday at washington university in st. louis. the candidate's third and final matchup is october 19th at the university of nevada las vegas. 4:35. happening today, lawmakers in new jersey will vote on a proposal to raise the gas tax by 23 cents per gallon. both the assembly have votes scheduled. the tax will be used to replenish the state's transportation trust fund which will pay for road and transit projects. the proposal also includes a dough crease in the sales tax and the elimination of the estate tax. happening today in bensalem, bucks county, there will be a public hearing on a new piece of legislation that would let towns get a share of wage taxes collected from people who work in philadelphia but live in the suburbs. right now, the city has a 3.4% wage tax for those nonresidents. if passed, the new law would let pennsylvania towns get a percentage of philadelphia's wage tax. the exact amount is still not clear. vai? police in camden conte need your help identifying a car used in multiple robberies. that happened within a span of 37 minutes. take a look at these surveillance pictures. pennsauken and haddon township police say this dark colored jeep was used in three robberies. it started yesterday afternoon at a citgo station and then another citgo station was hit before robbing a third station in haddon township. no one was hurt in the robberies. if you happen to know anything about this, you're asked to call police. also in south jersey, the camden county police department is getting a $1.8 million federal grant. that money will be used to hire 15 new police officers.ç the grant came from the department of justice. the money will enable the conte's police department to keep the city safe and build trust with the community. in north jersey, important clues are pulled from the rubble. >> this is the first look at the data recorder pulled from the wrecked new jersey transit train car that slammed into the hoboken station. new details about the investigation. and then there's this -- hurricane matthew's work. the death toll stands at 11 as the storm tears toward the bahamas with winds at nearly 120 miles an hour. a look outside boathouse row. nice conditions for us. we take a closer look at your neighborhood forecast. we also will look at the projected track for hurricane matthew. creamy swirls of pure indulgence. silky sifts of total transcendence. tempting accents of sheer pleasure. introducing "unicorn whispers." this should be the name. or something more like "golden gold." or maybe, "mmmmmm mmhmm." but, with 20% of your daily fiber, its actually fiber one. so delicious, it should have another name. good morning, everyone. i'm francesca ruscio. we'll open up with 95 and our cameras around girard avenue watching southbound traffic toward the city. we're working through dry conditions for the last several days. we were talking about patchy fog in the area. guess what, not this morning so far. we'll be okay. there's still construction on the vine street expressway. it should be re-opening for the morning commute roughly around the 5:00 hour. but you do see traffic should be veering off towards the 611 exit if there is traffic for the westbound delays. so far, nothing to report on, on the vine aside from the construction. let's take a look at the blue route travel times. just clear. there was an earlier vehicle fire around the norristown exit. for the most part, clear, not affecting traffic. 95 towards the schuylkill, northbound travel times. speeds in the 60s. folks, it will take you 14 minutes. let's take a look at the rest of the majors in new jersey. we're in the green. everything looks pretty good. 295, the new jersey turnpike and route 42 in the clear. when i come back, we'll take a look at the rest of the majors and see how theç schuylkill is doing. now your nbc 10 first alert weather. >> we're beginning with a look at hurricane matthew. all eyes on this powerful hurricane that tens to churn in the caribbean. now having past through that farther east tip of cuba and heading into the bahamas. this is going to be a dangerous storm as it moves into the bahamas right now. a category 3 hurricane at 125 mile per hour winds. this update will be changing as we near the 5:00 a.m. hour. the new projection will come in. for now, let's look at where we are looking at this path going. strengthening back to a category 4 hurricane with the warm waters of the bahamas right on through your wednesday. then we go wednesday through to your thursday. very dangerous situation setting up. this is slipping so close to the coastline of florida. jacksonville, nearly a hit there with the current projected track. again, this can change and we will see that update coming in. friday, 8:00 in the evening, category 3 still a major hurricane. it continues with quite strength as we move right along the carolinas, through your saturday into your sunday night. good news for us, though, the new projected track has been pulling it further off to the east, meaning we now are not necessarily completely in that cone we were in previous runs. this is good news and it's partially due to that cold front that will be sitting to our west pushing the system a bit out of reach from us. again, very good news for us. as it means that the affects will likely be minimal or potentially nonexistent. watches and warnings for florida in place. hurricane watch stretching from daytona beach to melbourne. you look in the red. this is the hurricane warning in place. ft. pierce through ft. lauderdale. miami, very close to that warning. now under a tropical storm warming which does arch right on through the keys. we'll keep an eye on this because of the potential threat for that area. your day for philadelphia actually looks really great. 58 this morning, 60 at 10:00 your afternoon, we get right to around 70 for the forecast high. more about the forecast highs around the rest of the neighborhoods we're looking at in our area coming up in just a few minutes. >> krystal, see you then. 4:42. ride sharing crackdown. if you order from or drive for uber, listen to this. >> the philadelphia parking authority has its eye on you. hear why the clock is ticking for anyone using the car service across the city. pulled from the rubble. these are the important new clues in the deadly new jersey transit train crash. next, find out what investigators hope to pull from the train's data recorder. approve this message. i'd look her right in that fat ugly face of hers. she's a slob. she ate like a pig. a person who's flat chested is very hard to be a 10. does she have a good body? no. does she have a fat [expletive]? absolutely. do you treat women with respect? i can't say that either. katie v/she stays late.rd. but she gets paid 21% less than her male coworkers. pat toomey has voted time after time against equal pay for women, against pay that helps hard working families get ahead. katie o/c: for my daughters and yours, i'll fight for equal pay for women. families need it; you've earned it. katie v/o: i'm katie mcginty, and i approve this message because it's your turn to get ahead. that's the sound of matthew's fury as it pounded haiti with wind and rain. and today president obama will track the storm and meet with officials at the federal emergency management agency. he had been scheduled to campaign for hillary clinton in florida today. but the strength of hurricane matthew, the most powerful atlantic storm since 2007 made mr. obama change his plans. matthew is now heading for florida, georgia and the coast of both carolinas. fema already deployed manpower and supplies to those four states. evacuations are under way in the bahamas. if matthew stays, of course it will be the first direct hit by a major hit in 87 years. shutters are up and sandbags are piled and stacked to protect homes and businesses. more than 3,000 visitors are still in the balm. some are trapped after airlines canceled flights and airports closed. >> it's almost unreal at the moment. everybody is preparing for something to happen. >> we are praying for the best outcome. once the all clear is given, we will turn our attention to assisting the recovery effort. the newest hurricane information comes out at 5:00 a.m. just ahead,ç meteorologist krystal klei will have the latest forecast and how it could impact our area. 4:46. 58 degrees outside. we're learning new details about the deadly nj transit train crash in hoboken. investigators now say the train was traveling two to three times the speed limit. they think it was moving 20 to 30 miles an hour. the speed limit is 10. that estimate is based on the extent of the damage, not the data recorder which was recovered yesterday. officials also recovered a video recorder and the engineer's cell phone. they've all been sent to an ntsb lab for analysis. the engineer says he has no memory of the crash but says the train was going 10 miles an hour before it happened. lawyers for the victims disagree. >> people's perception how fast the train was entering into the station is consistent. that the train never slowed down, that they never heard any kind of braking and they never felt deceleration. >> crash and debris killed one woman standing on a platform and injured 100 others. officials say it will be at least another day before they can move the crashed train and service into and out of hoboken won't resume until then. 4:47. typically a good time to head out the door and head to wherever you're going. let's get a look at traffic. >> francesca ruscio is watching the schuylkill. >> tracy and vai, we are looking at the schuylkill expressway around belmont avenue. we are watching eastbound traffic for center city philadelphia and if there are cars out there on the roads westbound towards the western suburbs, so far, traffic is light. it's still very early. we're looking at an accident that has been cleared yet. i'll show you where. it's in franconia at the intersection of godshall road and indian creek. it's right over here. it was reported not too long ago. no reported delays or issues for this accident having cleared yet. we'll be watching it as long as it hasn't cleared. now let's take a look at travel times on ç422. this is what we're seeing, eight minutes is what it usually takes you from route 29 towards the schuylkill. travel speeds in the 50s and 60s. we're doing okay on route 422. now let's head over towards voorhees, new jersey. here's a live shot of route 73 around cooper road for the last several days we've been working with patchy fog in south jersey. very light traffic at this time of morning. when i come back, we'll take a look at the vine street expressway and talk about that construction. now your nbc 10 first alert weather. >> and we are looking at a very contrasting forecast, if we start with us and look at hurricane matthew. doom and gloom in one, the other area, well, right now looks very nice. we are talking in our zone, dry conditions and for the most part, thicker clouds that are sitting off the coastline, meaning that we're talking a sunny to mostly sunny forecast throughout our entire viewing area. really just good conditions over the next several days. unfortunately when you track further south, it's a dangerous situation as we've been expecting. that will continue in the forecast. we'll get to that in a moment. first let's continue with our forecast. sunny to mostly sunny conditions throughout today. 56 degrees at 11:00 a.m., low 60s. getting into the upper 60s to right around 70 for the forecast high this afternoon. in the suburbs, upper 60s as well as we move into the afternoon. the icons so much different than they were last week. showing sunshine and that will continue throughout the day. lehigh valley and scattered clouds out there. otherwise moving into the upper 60s at 67. by 3:00 p.m., delaware up to 69 agrees by 3:00 p.m. should make it to the low 70s by parts of delaware and new jersey by this afternoon. that will be later this afternoon. we're starting cool in the 50s across the map. jersey shore at 57 degrees, 7:00 a.m., mid-60s by around your lunch hour. as for the chances of rain, pretty much nonexistent over the next several days here. you see a peek at your saturday, philadelphia, atlantic city, dover seems a bit higher as we move over the next couple days. areas like delawa), closer to the projected path of where we may see matthew move through. at this point it looks like things are much better for our forecast. model is in a bit more agreement that this thing will mack a right hook, meaning it will move away from us once it passes the carolinas. take a look. this is the projection through tomorrow, pummeling the bahamas. still a dangerous situation. high rainfall, high winds and serious storm surge. then we go through tomorrow into friday and you see that now we're getting most models in agreement. this is going to be very close to the eastern coastline of florida. unfortunately, a dangerous situation that continues through jacksonville and then just presses right up against the east coast and moves along the east coast through south and then into north carolina. good news, though, we go saturday into sunday for us, models are pulling this thing further out to sea, mean less of an impact for us. in fact, with a cold front coming from the west, it may be able to edge the system out entirely, meaning we'll get some showers from that front. here's a look at the 10 day on 10. we're track the sunny conditions, pretty consistent over the next few days. the warmup, 76 degrees thursday into friday. then we see the chance of rain as i just mentioned starting to move into that forecast saturday. but at this point, it's not necessarily looking tropical, chance of rain. that could change, though, with an update to the forecast. that's something we get every several hours, guys, it's just about to come in. >> very nice. hurricane matthew, it's a hurricane. things could always change. for right now it will turn right before it gets to us and have impact on our weather. >> the focus will be on bahamas and how it interacts over those areas and through the warmer waters as it's likely to start strengthening. category 3 right now but could make its way back to category 4. >> even if it takes a right for our friends on the jersey shore, high waves, high wons? >> waves increase, roughç wate but it's not nearly as daechg rou dangerous as a storm surge. we'll also see the winds. >> appreciate it. thank you. dozens of people in new jersey is homeless and here's why. >> cameras capture the moment a gas leak levels two houses. hear from people who barely made it out before the blast. also, the road to rio and back went right through center city. next, nbc 10 is there as a paralympian gold medalist reunited with the local doctors who helped her win it all. we have great options for you for the high school game of the week, ridley at marple newtown, lenape at rancocas valley or cp south at neshaminy. when i was one year old, i was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer on my spinal chord. but i spent my whole life fighting back. so you can imagine what i thought when i saw donald trump say... "i don't know what i said, ah, i don't remember!" "that reporter he is talking about suffers from a chronic condition that impairs movement of his arms." i don't want a president who makes fun of me. i want a president who inspires me, and that's not donald trump. priorities usa action is responsible for the content of this advertising. 4 1/2 minutes before 5:00 a.m. a free flu shot clinic is at eastern regional high school in voorhees this afternoon. a philadelphia man plans to appeal his guilty verdict in a case involving corpses. blair hopkins ran an unlicensed funeral home. he's been convicted of abuse of corpse. last year, police found three bodies improperly stored at hawkins funeral service in west philadelphia. he's sentenced up to six years of probation. for the first time the family of an 8-year-old murdered in camden came face to face with her accused killer. nbc 10 was the only tv station in that courtroom. brown was arraigned on murder charges yesterday morning. he's accused of killing 8-year-old gabby hill carter while she was playing outside her home in august. gabby's stepfatherç tells nbc it was gruelling to come face to face with brown. >> bail is set at 1.5 million. it still hurt like hell watching. she was very much loved. she will always be remembered. >> brown's mother and girlfriend were also arrested, accused of helping to hide him after gabby's murder. detectives say brown slipped away to sticklerville with the help of family and flew to tennessee where he was arrested. the philadelphia housing authority is laying off more than 120 workers as it deals with a $20 million deficit. the president says the restructuring will allow more funding to go toward housing construction projects. the housing authority also expects to lose $14 million in federal funding over the next five years. ♪ philadelphia orchestra is back in business. the orchestra's board of directors unanimously approved a new three-year contract with the musicians last night. it includes salary increases each year to a minimum base pay of 137,000 in year three. orchestra members staged a walkout last friday night cancelling an opening night performance. a special reunion for a montgomery county athlete who brought home two golds in the paralympics in rio. >> we love reunions. michelle conkley met with the team of doctors that helped make her road to rio possible. a devastating fall left her with a shattered vertebrae, including dozens of broken bones. hers injuries are permanent. she has fused bones an a metal rod in her back. >> i'd like to work with kids with disabilities. my paralympic teammates are the most incredible people i've ever met. >> she's enrolling in medical school. this weekend, she'll be a guest in the homecoming parade at her high school.ç now for more of the stories we're following at nbc 10 news at 5:00 a.m. an overnight fire kills a man and woman inside a home in philadelphia's bustleton section. uber crackdown. the clock is ticking. gas explosion. cameras were rolling as two homes in north jersey were leveled, leaving dozens of people homeless. nbc 10 news starts now. >> it is just about 5:00 a.m. good morning and welcome to "nbc 10 news today." i'm vai sikahema. >> i'm tracy davidson. 58 degrees outside. let's get a check of the conditions right now with meteorologist krystal klei with the nbc 10 first alert neighborhood weather. krystal? >> taking a look at the neighborhoods, temperatures are not bad, mostly 50s. 54 degrees in allentown. although mt. pocono is checking in the upper 40s. it's a little cool out there in some spots this morning. coatesville to 55 degrees and philadelphia at 58. dover you're at 59. veenland 57 and atlantic city at 55 degrees. we are looking across the board, comfortable start to our morning. and if you check out the bottom of your screen, you see the seven-day forecast. it looks like a pretty comfortable next few days. temperatures warm into the 70s through much of our region. here's part of the reason why. radar and satellite, what a difference a week makes. no longer tracking cloud coverage and consistent rain and fog. instead, sunny to mostly sunny conditions offer the next several days of your forecast. those sunny conditions are not going to last forever, though, because we are tracking matthew. matthew right now sitting well to our south in the caribbean. very dangerous storm. but what we're look at is that projection and how it may affect us with chances of rain. we'll talk more about if it will mean a wet weekend and the details on what to look at your next workweek. that will be coming up in just a few minutes. let's go to traffic with francesca ruscio. >> krystal, thanks. we're opening up around the blue route, whether you're headed for theç schuylkill or 95, we're right at the 5:00 hour, traffic is loit. we'll be doing okay. let's take a look at the vine street expressway construction. it should start to clear out

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Camden County , New Jersey , United States , Nevada , Delaware , Bahamas , The , Reunion , Montgomery County , Pennsylvania , Dover , Atlantic City , Allentown , West Philadelphia , North Carolina , Cuba , Neshaminy , Jersey , Carolinas , Provincia De Ciego Avila , Miami , Florida , Haiti , Georgia , Norristown , Washington , Philadelphia , Daytona Beach , Tennessee , Coatesville , Franconia , Woodhaven , Pennsauken , Hoboken , America , Pamela Osborne , Blair Hopkins , Tracy Davidson , Tim Kaine , Gabby Hill Carter , Katie Mcginty , Las Vegas , Pat Toomey , Hillary Clinton , Marple Newtown ,

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