Transcripts For WCAU NBC10 News Today At 430am 20160601 : co

Transcripts For WCAU NBC10 News Today At 430am 20160601

philadelphia and the suburbs, even into interior new jersey and the shore. spots of fog in delaware. it's starting to thicken up. there's moisture coming in off the ocean but it's not going to lost. temperatures with sunshine will come up this afternoon, 86 degrees in philadelphia, interior new jersey into the middle 80s at the shore. right around 70 degrees. cooler with fog to start with and sunshine will be taking over during the day today. and these warm temperatures not going to be quite as warm tomorrow. the seven-day forecast which you can see at the bottom of the screen has some sunshine for tomorrow but temperatures that will be coming down over the next couple days. no sign of any showers till we get to the very end of the workweek. we'll go through the futurecast when i come back in ten minutes. right now, jessica boyington has your first alert traffic. we're watching 95 right now. these are our cameras around the blue route. we do have construction there. it's a little dark on this side of camera. headed northbound on 95 we have that off ramp blocked off until about the 5:00 hour or so. it typically clears out of the way around 5:00 in the morning. we'll keep you updated for sure. we are watching for that ongoing construction, westbound and eastbound, both directions on the vine in between the schuylkill and broad street. that typically clears also around 5:00 in the morning. i saw some of them starting to pick up and get out of the way, at least some of the construction workers on the broad street exit. we'll keep you updated there. it typically doesn't open up everything until about 5:00. the on ramp is partially blocked right around valley forge. it doesn't really affect the drive times from route 1 westbound to the valley forge, 22-minute trip. average speeds into the 60s. now to breaking news from overnight. right now, a philadelphia police officer is being questioned for firing his gun outside temple hospital. investigators say the officer was off duty when he fired shots at the driver who hit him on his motorcycle and then drove off from the scene. one of the bullets, the officer fired hit a hospital window. nbc 10's katy zachry is live at the scene with details about who police are looking for. katy, what do you know? >> there are a lot of moving parts to what happened here. first of all, police are looking for the driver of an older model green sedan likely with front end damage. that sedan was involved in a crash with this motorcycle. this is the off-duty police officer's motorcycle. in the distance if we pan to the left about halfway down tioga street, we're zooming into the hospital window that was hit by one of the officer's bullets. no one inside temple university hospital was injured by the gunfire. the off-duty police officer was brought into the hospital right after the crash. we're told he should be okay. he was walking and talking after it. here's what happened. a witness says the officer was on his motorcycle on broad street when a car hit him at the intersection of tioga, just outside the hospital. that witness says the impact threw the officer from his bike. the carç kept going and that's when the off-duty cop went for his gun. >> he grabbed the door, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop. he wouldn't stop. he kept on going. >> there's still a lot of questions surrounding the shooting and this car crash. internal affairs has taken over. they take over immediately when an officer discharges his or her weapon and they, along with east detectives, are looking into why the off-duty officer chose to use deadly force in this case. we'll have another live update for you coming up in about 25 minutes. reporting live in north philadelphia, katy zachry, nbc 10 news. >> thanks for the update, katy. 4:34 right now. in bucks county, police are searching for whoever stabbed two people across the street from a fire station in perkasie. skyforce 10 was over north 5th street around 10:00 last night. both victims were taken to hospital and we're working to find out their conditions. this morning, police in northeast philadelphia are trying to track down a tire slasher after nearly a dozen cars were hit in mayfair. police were called to the corner tyson avenue and brow street yesterday morning where they found 11 vehicles with at least one tire slashed. we found several vehicles with the spare tire on. one neighbor we spoke to says it's time to think twice about where they park. >> i might start using my garage. i'm not nervous, just more cautious. people's tires are getting slashed. >> police say they have surveillance video of a man puncturing a tire. the total damage is estimated around $2,500. the school district of philadelphia has added two islamic holidays to its calendar. city leaders yesterday named two holidays. that means students who observe these holidays can get an excused absence until those days are approved for all students. >> one year of an organized and strategically planned effort to make this happen. >> we are diverse city, a diverse country. i think they should add it. >> this year, the holidays fall in july and september respectively. the change does not apply to charter schools. mayor kenney yesterday also announced the creation of of the mayor's task force or cultural inclusion. 4:36. 70 degrees outside. happening today, septa and phil-abundance will team up to feed children in need this summer. they will hold a rally against hunger at dilworth park later this morning. they will talk about the eighth annual stop hunger program. hundreds of thousands of children will no longer receive free meals at school now that school is over. if you're home during the day, chances are you've heard them and quite often. ahead, a new jersey law against noise pollution is not sitting well with land escapers or some home owners. also, this -- >> i'm matt delucia, live in avalon. we are taking a week longshore tour here by the bay this morning. and it's quiet and peaceful right now. there's a way to keep that serenity while getting in shape. how? i will show you right after the break. i would kill for something sweet. i know... we could have one of those. one? are you kidding? we'll end up eating like thirty. wanna split that?, soooo much fat... don't fight your instincts. with each for 150 calories or less! try our chocolatey brownies, tangy lemon bars and creamy cheesecakes fiber one. go on, have one. good morning, everyone. jessica boyington with a check on your first alert traffic right now. we're watching route 309 around norristown road for an accident scene. so you can actually see our cameras are zoomed in as far as they can go here. flashing lights up ahead on the northbound side of route 309. this traffic is approaching that scene. all traffic is moving along nicely even with lane restrictions there. not a lot of traffic on 309 but watch out for the accident northbound around norristown road. route 73 looks okay, no problems in either direction. northbound lanes right here heading maybe to the tacony palmyra bridge, you'll be just find for now. here's 95, also more construction, the northbound ramp to the blue route is closed until about 5:00 this morning. maybe about another 25 minutes or so for that and southbound drive time from woodhaven road to the vine in center city, 14 minutes, speeds into the 60s as well. more updates when i come back. we'll check in with the vine street expressway. now your nbc 10 first alert neighborhood weather with meteorologist bill henley. >> if you're heading out you'll see fog on the roads. the humidity is coming back in. moisture coming back in from the ocean, not really reaching far inland. parts of the area seeing light fog and mt. holly. delaware, quarter mile visibility, that's dense fog. now under a mile in millville. some areas of fog to start with. a bit of a warmup today, a nice warmup. and the fog disappears. upper 70s and climbing. that's at 10:00 this morning. the suburbs starting in the 60s, some clouds around. they won't last. look at the sunny çskies, into the low 80s by lunch time. and for the lehigh valley, into the 80s by noontime and climbing into the middle 80s by 4:00 this afternoon. temperatures go even warmer than that, possibly up to 86, 87 degrees for some spots in the lehigh valley. to the south, south jersey, starting to see some areas of light fog but 71 degrees, nice warmup from where we are right now. that's by 8:00. by noontime, 82 degrees and with sunshine, the shore is heading into the 70s this afternoon. by lunch time, 72 degrees. a little bit of an easterly breeze that we have this morning continues at the shore into this afternoon to keep the temperatures in the lower 70s. delaware, the fog this morning, 65 degrees, will be gone when it's up to 70 at 8:00. by lunch time we are in the low 80s and still climbing at lunch time today. other than that, other than the clouds and fog we're seeing to start with at 7:00 this morning, it will start to thin out. by 9:00, that fog will be easing. could be coastal clouds along the east coast of delaware this morning and at the shore as well. they'll be thinning out for more and more sunshine this afternoon. look at the ten-day outlook to show you when you can expect showers to return to the area when i'm back in ten minutes. 4:42. now to decision 2016 and high praise for donald trump. but it isn't coming from anyone in the united states. next, phone out which country is endorsing donald trump and why. also, a perm nan reminder of an enforgettable encounter. ahead, hear from the doylestown family whose sick baby daughter was kissed by pope francis last fall. connections. you're not just in the classroom; you're part of the community. you meet these tiny kids every year, and you help them learn and grow. but you also get to know their families, and over the years they become a part of your life, and you become a part of theirs. when you build those connections, you can accomplish some pretty amazing things. i'm jackie kruzik and i'm proud to be a new jersey educator. morning noon or night there's always a moment to discover visit annapolis and create your moment 4:45 this wednesday morning. new this morning, a way to exercise with a view you just can't beat. we ten our week-longshore tour this morning in avalon, a small island town between sea isle city and stone harbor. matt delucia is live to tell us about rooftop yoga. this should be priceless, matt? >> that's right, tracy. unfortunately i didn't bring my yoga pants. you have to be prepared for something like this. we've seen the popularity of beach fitness classes growing rapidly in recent years. and when bicycling or running or the other things you can do down here at the shore, when they just won't do for you, yes, now you have the option to do yoga. take a look at this. what better way to relax. we caught up with the yoga classes being offered by shake fitness at the windruff hotel. the idea was to take the traditional yoga class outside and as close to the ocean as possible. the space for the class, it actually doubles as a bar at the hotel. this would, i guess, be a calming an relaxing way to recover after those party nights. >> beautiful. we get to be with nature. we have the nature in front of us, the beautiful sand, the wind, the sounds of the ocean are here, the beautiful birs. it's a bought full setting. >> for me it's relaxation and mobility. what i do mostly is strength training. it aids in that with motion and mobility. >> and class will be for beginners and experts alike. and it's also for those who are staying at the windruff hotel and those who are not. you'll be able to sign up once classes get going later on this summer and later on this month even. coming up in the next hour, if yoga isn't your idea of relaxing by the sea, how about being on the sea? we're going fishing in the next hour. you won't want to miss that. we'll have fun this morning, live in avalon, matt delucia, nbc 10 news. >> actually i'm a big fan of yoga and fishing, matt. i look forward to that. matt continues his shore tour with a stop in wildwood, then friday it's on to cape may. 4:47. now to decision 2016. north korea is backing presumptive republican nominee donald trump. a propaganda website carried the column saying trump isn't screwy but is actually a wise politician. meanwhile, trump lashed out at the media for trying to get answers about what happened to the millions of dollars that he said he raised for veterans months ago. >> you're a sleaze. i've watched you on television. you're a real beauty. >> trump held a news conference to detail where the money went. the business mogul said he raised $5.6 million for 41 different charities at a fund-raiser earlier this year, including a million dollars of his own money. nbc news confirms nearly a third of the total was dispersed only in the last week. >> have raised a tremendous amount of money for the vets. instead of being like thank you very much, mr. trump or trump did a good job, everyone is saying who got it, who got it, who got it? and you make me look very bad. >> democratic candidate hillary clinton said it took the press shaming trump before he made those contributions. today clinton will campaign in new jersey. she's scheduled to attend an event at rutgers university in newark. her husband, former president bill clinton will campaign on her behalf in union county this afternoon. sirius xm satellite radio suspendedç glenn beck's mornin show for at least a week. the move comes after the conservative host agreed with a guest. >> who will stand in the way of donald trump overstepping his constitutional authority as president if congress won't remove him from office, what patriot will step up and do that? >> that was author brad thor making comments about trump. sirius xm said the comments could be construed as someone advocating harm against trump. a representative for beck has not responded to the controversy. 4:49. let's check the conditions along the vine street expressway for your ride to work. first alert traffic reporter jessica boyington has that. jessica? >> good news. we're ahead of schedule right now where we've cleared the construction over on the vine street expressway. these are our cameras around 24th street. it's been closed eastbound and westbound in between the schuylkill and broad street for that ongoing work. you can see all traffic moving along nicely. they lifted all of those restrictions 10 to 15 minutes earlier than they normally do. we're in luck through center city. also in lower gwynedd, an accident at norristown road. 422 looks okay this morning. we're at an eastbound drive time of eight minutes from 29 to the schuylkill expressway. average speeds are into the high 60s there as well. we're seeing no delays on 422. mass transit looks pretty much on time or close to schedule. more updates for you when i come back in the next ten. now your nbc 10 first alert neighborhood weather with meteorologist bill henley. >> it's back. some fog this morning in cape may. look at the view from the marquis de lafayette hotel. this is why we go neighborhood by neighborhood, though, wildwood and cape may seeing thick fog. look at north wildwood is not so bad. a little bit of fog, you can see it in the lights there. but it isn't going to last all day. in delaware, to wilmington is reporting dense fog to 65 degrees. the humidity is coming back into the area as the moisture comes in off the ocean. you can feel it in the city right now. west mount airy, 67 degrees, bustleton at 68. still seeing 70 degrees at society hill. the temperatures into the 80s this afternoon. sunshine for philadelphia and the suburbs cool to start with. no fog in the suburbs, 64 degrees, near 80 degrees at 11:00. the lehigh valley is warming into the low 80s by 3:00 this afternoon and we'll climb into the middle 80s later today. delaware, the fog disappears as the morning goes on. 78 degrees, 11:00. then 83 at 3:00 today. interior new jersey, a nice warmup back into the 80s this afternoon. the shore will continue to see the easterly breezes, so it will be 70s for today. no sign of showers, though there are some clouds. a few clouds could pop up this afternoon. it's a cold front that's going to make progress dcoming our wa. it will bring us a chance of showers come friday. this is thursday early tomorrow morning. see those showers are well to our west saying to the south, the remnants of bonnie, tropical storm bonnie is weakened but still producing some wet weather down there. no longer a tropical storm but still creating some showers and thunderstorms. those stay to the south. you can see the activity to the west. that's what we'll be watching for our friday. tomorrow will be back into the sunny days of springtime and that's going to lead to a nice warmup for today. not quite as hot tomorrow. 85 degrees this afternoon. tomorrow into the 70s. then here come those clouds moving in from the west with a chance of showers and thunderstorms on friday. we still could see sunshine and 76 degrees at least. we getç more sunshine, we'll b back into the 80s on friday. that doesn't happen. they're arriving this weekend, the 80s that is. 83 on saturday, partly cloudy skies. clouds come in saturday night. saturday night and into sunday could see more wet weather. should break by monday. partly sunny and 83. back to the 70s for tuesday and wednesday and just a little bit warmer with sunshine for thursday and friday. high temperatures in the low 80s. tracy? >> bill, thanks. eight minutes before 5:00 right now. villanova's champion celebration took them to the white house yesterday. president obama congratulated the wildcats. >> hello, everybody. hello. >> the president greeted nova nation in the east room recognizing the men's basketball team's ncaa championship win. president obama joked with the players and coaches even when he botched a last name. >> there is ryan arcidanaco. >> their grades are in the top 10% nationally. the team presented the president with a jersey wore during a series in pearl harbor earlier in the season. we continue to get new details about a crash and shooting involving an off-duty philadelphia police officer. several shots were fire at a driver who never stopped here along broad street. next in a live report at 5:00 a.m., phone out what we know about the driver and the gunfire that erupted. also unforgettable encounter. next, we have an update on the health of a sick baby kissed by pope francis. plus, hear who arranged for them to meet the pontiff along the parkway. good morning, everyone. jessica boyington with a quick check on your first alert traffic right now. we're watching route 309. it's looking live around norristown road in lower gwynedd. looks like the flashing lights might be gone. taillights moving away from you in the camera there. that's approaching that accident scene. looks like we might be good to go there. the vine street expressway traffic is also cleared out of the way because of that construction. you're good to go through center city. more updates when i'm back at 5:00. jessica, thanks. a north jersey town is cracking down on noise by banning commercial leaf blowers this summer. the equipment used by professional landscaping companies will not be permitted in maplewood today through august 31st. >> they go from one house to another altogether. it's a couple hours you'll hear that noise. >> the ban was put in place after home owners complained about the noise. land escapers say the ban only on businesses is not fair. >> want to look right, clean. >> the town says this is experimental. officials will see how it goes this summer and re-evaluate the ban after august 31st. a new survey finds nonprofits across pennsylvania are still feeling effects from the state's budget stalemate. nonprofit organizations still haven't fill or restored about half of the 380 full-time positions that were eliminated or affected by the budget fight. more than 17,000 people received no or reduced social services due to the stalemate. and organizations reported taking out loans, tapping reserves and delaying vendor payments to the tune of $172 million. pennsylvania's budget battle dragged on for 270 days. governor wolf agreed to let the republican spending plan go into effect in march. now the time is ticking on the next budget. that one is due in less than 30 days. pope francis kissed a number of babies when he visited philadelphia last fall. >> yes, he did. one of those families just got a special reminder of what that moment meant to them. at a ceremony yesterday in philadelphia, federal agents presented the family a picture of that moment signed by the pope himself. agents made gianna's brother dominick an honorary marshal. the pope kissed the baby who had been diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumor. >> we don't think the pope healed our daughter. she's still in chemo now. it gave us hope. it gave us strength. it gave other people strength. >> she keeps improving and getting stronger following several surgeries and many rounds of chemotherapy. her family says that kiss from the pope has men more to them that anyone could imagine. >> hope is a powerful thing. faith is a powerful thing. >> especially for that family. we wish them well. you're watching nbc 10 news. "nbc 10 news today" at 5:00 a.m. starts right now. nbc 10 breaking news. >> a hit and run crash ends in a shooting in philadelphia. police say a driver slammed into an off-duty police officer who then opened fire along broad street.ç >> neighbors call police to check on a philadelphia home. nothing suspicious was found, then 36 hours later, the beaten body of a 77-year-old man is discovered on his living room floor. >> and here's something you probably haven't experienced before. united airlines plane falls apart during a bumpy ride. maybe you have experienced it. >> not like that. i've never experienced a bumpy ride like that. >> good morning, welcome to "nbc 10 news today." i'm vai sikahema. >> i'm tracy davidson. let's again with meteorologist bill henley in the first alert weather center. >> getting close to sunrise, seeing some of the scattered clouds in the area. the suburbs, 64 degrees. clouds over philadelphia, fewer, 68 degrees right now. it's the fog that's a main issue this morning in new jersey and in delaware where it is dense in the wilmington area. the lehigh valley, just a few scattered clouds and 67

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