Transcripts For WCAU NBC10 News Today At 430am 20151126 : co

Transcripts For WCAU NBC10 News Today At 430am 20151126

. i'll go over more details in my next forecast. first we want to check in with jessica boyington. >> we will have a lot of people affected by this, the thanksgiving day parade route. >> we are following breaking news from overnight. a fire rips through nicetown, this morning, one man is dead. matt. >> reporter: tracy, no working smoke alarms in this house. the fire commissioner was out here not long ago. they said this man did not have to die this morning. we're at the 1,900 block of brunner street. they left the scene an hour ago. the fire started a little before 12:30. firefighters showed up and had to deal with heavy smoke and flames. once the fire was put out the firefighters searched the home and found a man right there in the front room of the 1st floor. he was pronounced dead. >> the key point here you have to have local smoke alarms and an escape plan. right now, we're not sure what the cause of the fire is. we do know this person had a working smoke alarm, they should have been able get out. >> reporter: back out here live once again, the fire marshall will be back out here to investigate the cause. >> that man was the only one in the house at the time. there was no other damage to the neighboring homes. at the moment, it is unclear what was going on in the moments before this fire. the fire commissioner says crews will be out here handing out free smoke alarms to prevent something happening here again. this will be the 13th fire fatality in the city this year. life in nicetown, matt delucia, nbc 10 news. new from overnight, screaming, punching, beating, a fight at a skating rink in delaware. toni braxton is live at the christiania skating center where this brawl happened. tell us more. >> reporter: hey, tracy, a much different scene here this morning. but delaware state police are investigating. i have been reaching out to them, making calls, learning that this neighborhood falls under their jurisdiction. look at the video we gathered while you were sleeping. it cap cures the commotion at the christiana skating center. if you look closely, one person is hitting another, here at what's called a family fun sper tainment center. investigators tell us a brawl broke out about about 10:30. the motive isn't known or how long the fight lasted. we have been monitoring social media comments. they include, did it have to go down? dang, come on now, you all going to fight at the skating rink? there were reports of multiple minor injuries, gunfire erupted. no one was wounded. i got off the phone with christiania hospital. they told us, due to hipa, they cannot tell us if anyone was taken to the hospital if they were treated orred a myth mitted. we will continue to make calls. any development, you will be the first to know it. a pennsylvania state trooper shot and wounded in a chase and crash on the vine street expressway is spending thanksgiving at home. >> i want to thank everybody for all their prayers and support. let's go eagles. >> trooper patrick casey left the hospital in food spirits. he was shot in a fiery crash on tuesday. a bullet is still lodged in his shoulder. the alleged shooter guy van my cato is charged with attempted murder. well, it is as much of a tradition. today the eagles are in detroit. the team has never lost on thanksgiving. but some key players are out. we're not sure who will be the quarterback, john clark has more from detroit. >> the eagles three worst losses this season have come home. they're on the road in detroit for thanksgiving. take a look at the birds arriving. jason kelsey, you see, getting off the team bus. he has a noticeable limp. he hurt his knee. he practiced monday. he didn't practice the last two days. he is questionable. he is hoping to play, if not, josh andrews will be the center. chip kelly has a decision at quarterback. mark sanchez took the reps with the starters. >> i seen sanchez is running the first group, as far as i know, that's all i know who is starting tomorrow. >> reporter: do you ung the team will respond in a good way after two losses at home? >> we have a lot of guys in there, a lot of embarrassed guys, we will go make a statement. >> what a better day than to play on thanksgiving. >> reporter: what kind of attitude is this team going to have tomorrow? >> watch and see, that's all i can tell you. >> reporter: the eagles are 6 and o all time on thveng. the best record of any nfl team in history on turkey day. in detroit, i'm john clark for comcast sports net. >> all right. eagles take on the lions in detroit. nbc 10 is your official station of the philadelphia eagles. the results are in, in our special thanksgiving edition of the blitzville game of the week. it is one of the busiest travel weekends of the year. thanksgiving travelers are facing intense security this year amid that terror threat. we'll tell you what you need to know if you are traveling. i'm tracking a mile thanksgiving for you, temperatures warming into the low 60s. warmer headed into tomorrow. but cooler weather on the way for the weekend. plus even a chance at showers. i'll let you know the details on my full forecast. here's a live picture at 4:39. they're up early. they always are. cacia's bakery, already up, it is a thanksgiving tradition in south philadelphia. it's a cold start to the morning temperatures, mainly in the 30 throughout town and we are going to warm into the 60s as we head into the rest of today. definitely bring a jacket if you have to run out and dprab anything or anyone. our temperatures are at 32 degrees in reading. 27 in coatesville. 30 degrees in allentown, the high 30s in philadelphia. 33 in wilmington, our temperatures in northeast philly at 34 degrees, closer to the shore, our temperatures are starting to push into the mid-40s. 46 degrees in beach haven, 39 currently in dover. temperatures will push into the low 60s. 51 degrees in the poconos. we're expecting milder conditions. yesterday we stayed in the 50. today we stay in the low 60s. as we push into friday, we will warm into the mid to high 60s. so that's unseasonably warm for us. i am tracking cooler conditions and a chance of showers, as we push into the weekend. i'll go over the details in my 7-day forecast. >> thank you. now check the roads in case you have to go out and pick up what you forgot on that thanksgiving meal. >> oh, i always do that. everyone always does that. i feel that will be most of the drivers today. usually not big of a travel day. the highways won't be that bad. >> that will be my prediction. 422 around trooper road, pretty much displaying my theory right here. no problem. only a nine minute trip. we have no problems there. yes, 202 is looking great. 11 minutes north or southbound from 32 to the schuylkill expressway. i will come back with a check on mass transit for your holiday. >> whipping cream for the piaa. >> i get it. as we navigate through this busy travel week, the state department issued a world wide travel alerted. they urge you to report suspicious activity. homeland crews are conducting more screenings at airports across the country. this comes on the heels of the deadly attacks of a bombing of a russian airliner. it's probably the only time you will be okay with a high number on a breathalyzer. it is a new tool that uber used to get people home safely last night. new this morning, christmas tree vandals. we'll show you where teams were ripping lights off a tree and we'll tell you why they are doing it. >> it's about a quarter to 5:00. new this morning, tensions continued in chicago that shows an officer shooting and killing a black teen. last night protesters gathered around a tree. the officer is facing murder charges. minnesota police are holding a fourth person in custody in the shooting of five plaque lives matter protesters. they were shot monday night during a demonstration of an unarmed black man. the five victims all suffered non-life-threatening injuries. some protesters suggested the shooting was racially motivated but police have not disclosed a motive. the father of late actor paul walker is suing porsche for the deadly crash that killed his son. in the suit filed wednesday, walker's dad claims the car, the "fast and furious" star was riding in lacked safety features that could have prevented the crash. porsche has not commented on the lawsuits. president obama is reminding say it's they do not have the legal authority to turn away syrian refugees. the administration said states may not receive benefits based on where they came from they said states that don't comply could face consequences. well, the morning, costco says a new test suggests it's the vegetable mix from a california food wholesaler that could be the source of the e. coli in costco's chicken salad. >> that is being blamed for at least 19 e. coli cases in seven states as close as virginia. the fda says the strain may be connected to an onion and kelry mix. the chicken salad in question was sold if late october and early november. the fda has approved a first of its kind flu vaccine that can help better protect seniors from the virus t. fluad contains the substance for the immune response between 80 and innocent% of flu deaths involve 350e people in that age group. good morning, happy thanksgiving. we are going to see mild conditions as we push into the rest of today, warmer than we saw yesterday. warmer as we head into tomorrow. it ends there, we will see cooler temperatures, a chance of weekend showers. our humidity is up to 79 worse, winds speed at five miles per hour. we are dealing with a feels like temperature at 34 degrees. it is a cool start to morning. by the afternoon, we warm things up nicely. so a closer look at our temperatures. 31 degrees in millvale. 39 in dover, 30 degrees in allentown, temperatures in the low 30s for places like wilmington, look at our temperature trend shows we are warming things up as we head into the holidays. our temperatures push into the low 60s. tomorrow 67 degrees, our average this time of year is 52. today we'll be about 10 degrees above that average. yesterday, we stayed in the 50s. unseasonably warm conditions expected for us on friday. plus we stay nice and dry with high pressure in control off to the northeast of us. we are going to track a few changes. this system is going to get a little bit more organized as we head into the next couple of days. this will bring us our weekend showers and we will see a cold front associated with the system, so that's going to help drop our temperatures. so there's a system as it gets closer to us, the showers start to taper off. we will see a few scattered showers. then we slowly see this cold front. >> that will help cool our temperatures down as we get into the weekend. so we drop back down into the 50s on saturday. by sunday our day time highs will be in the 40s. so it will be a pretty cold cool down for us as we head into the weekend. as far as today is concerned, we warm into the low 60s for philadelphia and then in the mid-60s, off the shore, 65 degrees. we could make a run for a few records, record warmth by friday. we are high on friday for philadelphia at 67 degrees. it's going to be warm throughout the rest of our region as well. a mix of sun and clouds, definitely warmer than what we saw yesterday. so really nice thanksgiving for you. our 7-day forecast shows as we push into the week, you will notice our temperatures continue to drop on saturday or sunday. day time highs on sunday. a 20 degrees drop in two days. our temperatures will stay pretty close to average. >> enjoy these warm temperatures while we have them. now, let's check the roads, see what they look like in case as we have been saying, you get to run out to the store and pick up something you forgot. maybe you have to pick up somebody at the train station. >> so in new jersey, if you are headed into philadelphia, no problems, on the, 42 freeway around the new jersey turnpike. northbound lanes are right in here. there is no problem there. check in with other area bridges as well. we are good to go there. as for 95, we are looking great. no problems north bound, inactive work zones. we are dealing with stul change. watch out for septa. a special new jersey transit holiday schedule. extra rail as much as we'll have more updates when i come back in the next few minutes on the parade route and kelly drive. >> all right. jessica. we'll see you then. uber is helping people realize when they need a ride home. they are off breathalyzer tests and free trips home. they tested the system last night. the company calls it uber smart. anyone who tries the breath lierz was offered a free ride up to $20. uber says they are compensating the drivers for the ride. >> i think it's really smart. because then you don't have to risk lives, especially your own and others when you are driving. >> depending on how successful this campaign is, uber officials say we might see more of these kiosks popping up around the area. from our delaware area, wilmington mayor is pushing for a new sports arena. mayor dennis williams says he wants a building to host a pro hockey and basketball team. it could be a concert kren venue, it would be paid for with private money. they ha they, a reprieve for the ss united states, the historic ocean liner will stay afloat in philadelphia into next year. the conservancy working to save the ship says it has raised $600,000 over seven weeks. it costs $60 granda month to maintain the ship. the vessel will be sold for scrap if the conservancy didn't raise enough cash. new information this morning about the mom who left her baby at a church nativity scene. she's been found, but police say she will not be charged. maybe you are up early cooking, they're cooking here. look at this. a live look at cacia's bakery, they're opened and roasting turkeys. people plying their turkeys. they roast them for you. then you don't have space all taken up in your oven. you can cook other things. this is a thanksgiving tradition in philadelphia. the national thanksgiving turkey named abe went end up on the dinner table. president obama pardoned abe yesterday. the president's daughter sasha and malia joined him for the annual event. abe is often nicknamed honest, will now spend the remaining days at a farm in virginia. if you want to share holiday shopping as soon as you finish your meal today, stores are opening. macy's opens at 6:00. toys 'r' us opens at 5:00. wal-mart shoppers can take change of sales on midnight thursday. dozens of volunteers are making local seniors feel loved. members of the little brothers friends of the elderly packed gift bags last night to deliver to philadelphia nursing homes today. toiletries, socks and plants are pence the bags. organizers say this is a small gesture. it goes a long way. >> it's nice to know that somebody cares enough to give a piece of their day, just to make them feel better. >> the group will help more than 400 people today. they have been doing this for 25 years. if you have to spend thanksgiving with your co-workers today, you are not alone, a new survey says 22% of surveyed employees have to work today. it's up 16% from last year. those that work in the health care industry are the most likely to be on the job today. no matter where you eat thanksgiving, veterinarians are warning you not to share your leftovers with your pets. many of the dishes that you love can be harmful to animals. stuffing has sometimes scallions, garlic, on nones, those are all toxic to pets. because of the garlic mashed potatoes are out. the most harmful thing to give them is bird bones, which means turkey bones. >> they actually penetrate through the stomach or the intestines and can cause a life-threatening infection. >> what you can give your pets. vets say turkey breast is fine. you can put some gravy on their doing food. police found a mother that abandoned a newborn found at a nativity scene. she will not be charged. the d.a. says e says she followed the safe baby law and less than a half mile away, a maintenance found the newborn swaddled in the church manager scene. the baby named emanuel is doing fine. >> 3, 2, 1, [ cheers ] >> the tree outside the museum of art sparkling. car oling and cheer at yesterday's tree lighting ceremony. nbc 10 news at 5:00 a.m. starts right now. right now on nbc 10 news today, a man is dead after flames hit a home in a philadelphia neighborhood. why that man didn't get a warning that something was wrong. >> skating rink brawl, several people are hurt, captured live on the camera. >> mo town showdown, a matchup against the lions, hear what they say about tuning up on a short week. >> it is a little chilly. things are expected to warm up. maybe you want to get out there and work off that turkey. >> it is chili right now. 37 degrees, let's find out about the warm-up with participant my shipp. >> our temperatures right now on the cold side, some places below freezing, potts down, 30 degrees, 36 in the poconos, 39 in dover, 37 in philadelphia. as we head into the next eight hours, our temperatures at 6:00 a.m., 38 degrees. by noon, 61 degrees the high at 63. we will be warmer as we head into tomorrow. a mix of sun and clouds, also warmer conditions than what we have been seeing the past couple of days, so coming up, i am tracking how much warmer we will get as we head into tomorrow. then a chance of weekend showers, plus cooler temperatures on the way, as we head into the weekend, i'll let you know how cool we will get. let's check in with traffic reporter jessica boyington. >> a lot of people will be affected by the parade. the parade begins at jfk boulevard. it moves up the ben franklin parkway. around logan circle. ends around the art museum. we do have closures in place right now because of thanksgiving day parade prep. track lynn parkway slows. there is police activity blocking off all of the streets there. kelly drive eastbound, fair mount and watch for no parking zones on jfk boulevard you want to look for signs. metered street parking is free. see if your car isn't towed or you aren't ticked this morning. thank you. new from overnight in philadelphia, a man is dead after firefighters found him in a home that burned on brunner street in nicetown. fire officials tell us there were no working smoke detectors in the home. the victim was the only one home. this morning the fire marshall is looking for a cause. fists and feet were flying at a local skating rink as a brawl bre

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Philadelphia , Pennsylvania , United States , Turkey , Delaware , Christiania , Oslo , Norway , Minnesota , California , Virginia , Syria , Russia , Logan Circle , Dover , New Jersey , Coatesville , Atlantic City , Beach Haven , Allentown , Chicago , Illinois , Syrian , Russian , Josh Andrews , Patrick Casey , Dennis Williams , Jason Kelsey , John Clark , Paul Walker , Toni Braxton ,

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Transcripts For WCAU NBC10 News Today At 430am 20151126 :

Transcripts For WCAU NBC10 News Today At 430am 20151126

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. i'll go over more details in my next forecast. first we want to check in with jessica boyington. >> we will have a lot of people affected by this, the thanksgiving day parade route. >> we are following breaking news from overnight. a fire rips through nicetown, this morning, one man is dead. matt. >> reporter: tracy, no working smoke alarms in this house. the fire commissioner was out here not long ago. they said this man did not have to die this morning. we're at the 1,900 block of brunner street. they left the scene an hour ago. the fire started a little before 12:30. firefighters showed up and had to deal with heavy smoke and flames. once the fire was put out the firefighters searched the home and found a man right there in the front room of the 1st floor. he was pronounced dead. >> the key point here you have to have local smoke alarms and an escape plan. right now, we're not sure what the cause of the fire is. we do know this person had a working smoke alarm, they should have been able get out. >> reporter: back out here live once again, the fire marshall will be back out here to investigate the cause. >> that man was the only one in the house at the time. there was no other damage to the neighboring homes. at the moment, it is unclear what was going on in the moments before this fire. the fire commissioner says crews will be out here handing out free smoke alarms to prevent something happening here again. this will be the 13th fire fatality in the city this year. life in nicetown, matt delucia, nbc 10 news. new from overnight, screaming, punching, beating, a fight at a skating rink in delaware. toni braxton is live at the christiania skating center where this brawl happened. tell us more. >> reporter: hey, tracy, a much different scene here this morning. but delaware state police are investigating. i have been reaching out to them, making calls, learning that this neighborhood falls under their jurisdiction. look at the video we gathered while you were sleeping. it cap cures the commotion at the christiana skating center. if you look closely, one person is hitting another, here at what's called a family fun sper tainment center. investigators tell us a brawl broke out about about 10:30. the motive isn't known or how long the fight lasted. we have been monitoring social media comments. they include, did it have to go down? dang, come on now, you all going to fight at the skating rink? there were reports of multiple minor injuries, gunfire erupted. no one was wounded. i got off the phone with christiania hospital. they told us, due to hipa, they cannot tell us if anyone was taken to the hospital if they were treated orred a myth mitted. we will continue to make calls. any development, you will be the first to know it. a pennsylvania state trooper shot and wounded in a chase and crash on the vine street expressway is spending thanksgiving at home. >> i want to thank everybody for all their prayers and support. let's go eagles. >> trooper patrick casey left the hospital in food spirits. he was shot in a fiery crash on tuesday. a bullet is still lodged in his shoulder. the alleged shooter guy van my cato is charged with attempted murder. well, it is as much of a tradition. today the eagles are in detroit. the team has never lost on thanksgiving. but some key players are out. we're not sure who will be the quarterback, john clark has more from detroit. >> the eagles three worst losses this season have come home. they're on the road in detroit for thanksgiving. take a look at the birds arriving. jason kelsey, you see, getting off the team bus. he has a noticeable limp. he hurt his knee. he practiced monday. he didn't practice the last two days. he is questionable. he is hoping to play, if not, josh andrews will be the center. chip kelly has a decision at quarterback. mark sanchez took the reps with the starters. >> i seen sanchez is running the first group, as far as i know, that's all i know who is starting tomorrow. >> reporter: do you ung the team will respond in a good way after two losses at home? >> we have a lot of guys in there, a lot of embarrassed guys, we will go make a statement. >> what a better day than to play on thanksgiving. >> reporter: what kind of attitude is this team going to have tomorrow? >> watch and see, that's all i can tell you. >> reporter: the eagles are 6 and o all time on thveng. the best record of any nfl team in history on turkey day. in detroit, i'm john clark for comcast sports net. >> all right. eagles take on the lions in detroit. nbc 10 is your official station of the philadelphia eagles. the results are in, in our special thanksgiving edition of the blitzville game of the week. it is one of the busiest travel weekends of the year. thanksgiving travelers are facing intense security this year amid that terror threat. we'll tell you what you need to know if you are traveling. i'm tracking a mile thanksgiving for you, temperatures warming into the low 60s. warmer headed into tomorrow. but cooler weather on the way for the weekend. plus even a chance at showers. i'll let you know the details on my full forecast. here's a live picture at 4:39. they're up early. they always are. cacia's bakery, already up, it is a thanksgiving tradition in south philadelphia. it's a cold start to the morning temperatures, mainly in the 30 throughout town and we are going to warm into the 60s as we head into the rest of today. definitely bring a jacket if you have to run out and dprab anything or anyone. our temperatures are at 32 degrees in reading. 27 in coatesville. 30 degrees in allentown, the high 30s in philadelphia. 33 in wilmington, our temperatures in northeast philly at 34 degrees, closer to the shore, our temperatures are starting to push into the mid-40s. 46 degrees in beach haven, 39 currently in dover. temperatures will push into the low 60s. 51 degrees in the poconos. we're expecting milder conditions. yesterday we stayed in the 50. today we stay in the low 60s. as we push into friday, we will warm into the mid to high 60s. so that's unseasonably warm for us. i am tracking cooler conditions and a chance of showers, as we push into the weekend. i'll go over the details in my 7-day forecast. >> thank you. now check the roads in case you have to go out and pick up what you forgot on that thanksgiving meal. >> oh, i always do that. everyone always does that. i feel that will be most of the drivers today. usually not big of a travel day. the highways won't be that bad. >> that will be my prediction. 422 around trooper road, pretty much displaying my theory right here. no problem. only a nine minute trip. we have no problems there. yes, 202 is looking great. 11 minutes north or southbound from 32 to the schuylkill expressway. i will come back with a check on mass transit for your holiday. >> whipping cream for the piaa. >> i get it. as we navigate through this busy travel week, the state department issued a world wide travel alerted. they urge you to report suspicious activity. homeland crews are conducting more screenings at airports across the country. this comes on the heels of the deadly attacks of a bombing of a russian airliner. it's probably the only time you will be okay with a high number on a breathalyzer. it is a new tool that uber used to get people home safely last night. new this morning, christmas tree vandals. we'll show you where teams were ripping lights off a tree and we'll tell you why they are doing it. >> it's about a quarter to 5:00. new this morning, tensions continued in chicago that shows an officer shooting and killing a black teen. last night protesters gathered around a tree. the officer is facing murder charges. minnesota police are holding a fourth person in custody in the shooting of five plaque lives matter protesters. they were shot monday night during a demonstration of an unarmed black man. the five victims all suffered non-life-threatening injuries. some protesters suggested the shooting was racially motivated but police have not disclosed a motive. the father of late actor paul walker is suing porsche for the deadly crash that killed his son. in the suit filed wednesday, walker's dad claims the car, the "fast and furious" star was riding in lacked safety features that could have prevented the crash. porsche has not commented on the lawsuits. president obama is reminding say it's they do not have the legal authority to turn away syrian refugees. the administration said states may not receive benefits based on where they came from they said states that don't comply could face consequences. well, the morning, costco says a new test suggests it's the vegetable mix from a california food wholesaler that could be the source of the e. coli in costco's chicken salad. >> that is being blamed for at least 19 e. coli cases in seven states as close as virginia. the fda says the strain may be connected to an onion and kelry mix. the chicken salad in question was sold if late october and early november. the fda has approved a first of its kind flu vaccine that can help better protect seniors from the virus t. fluad contains the substance for the immune response between 80 and innocent% of flu deaths involve 350e people in that age group. good morning, happy thanksgiving. we are going to see mild conditions as we push into the rest of today, warmer than we saw yesterday. warmer as we head into tomorrow. it ends there, we will see cooler temperatures, a chance of weekend showers. our humidity is up to 79 worse, winds speed at five miles per hour. we are dealing with a feels like temperature at 34 degrees. it is a cool start to morning. by the afternoon, we warm things up nicely. so a closer look at our temperatures. 31 degrees in millvale. 39 in dover, 30 degrees in allentown, temperatures in the low 30s for places like wilmington, look at our temperature trend shows we are warming things up as we head into the holidays. our temperatures push into the low 60s. tomorrow 67 degrees, our average this time of year is 52. today we'll be about 10 degrees above that average. yesterday, we stayed in the 50s. unseasonably warm conditions expected for us on friday. plus we stay nice and dry with high pressure in control off to the northeast of us. we are going to track a few changes. this system is going to get a little bit more organized as we head into the next couple of days. this will bring us our weekend showers and we will see a cold front associated with the system, so that's going to help drop our temperatures. so there's a system as it gets closer to us, the showers start to taper off. we will see a few scattered showers. then we slowly see this cold front. >> that will help cool our temperatures down as we get into the weekend. so we drop back down into the 50s on saturday. by sunday our day time highs will be in the 40s. so it will be a pretty cold cool down for us as we head into the weekend. as far as today is concerned, we warm into the low 60s for philadelphia and then in the mid-60s, off the shore, 65 degrees. we could make a run for a few records, record warmth by friday. we are high on friday for philadelphia at 67 degrees. it's going to be warm throughout the rest of our region as well. a mix of sun and clouds, definitely warmer than what we saw yesterday. so really nice thanksgiving for you. our 7-day forecast shows as we push into the week, you will notice our temperatures continue to drop on saturday or sunday. day time highs on sunday. a 20 degrees drop in two days. our temperatures will stay pretty close to average. >> enjoy these warm temperatures while we have them. now, let's check the roads, see what they look like in case as we have been saying, you get to run out to the store and pick up something you forgot. maybe you have to pick up somebody at the train station. >> so in new jersey, if you are headed into philadelphia, no problems, on the, 42 freeway around the new jersey turnpike. northbound lanes are right in here. there is no problem there. check in with other area bridges as well. we are good to go there. as for 95, we are looking great. no problems north bound, inactive work zones. we are dealing with stul change. watch out for septa. a special new jersey transit holiday schedule. extra rail as much as we'll have more updates when i come back in the next few minutes on the parade route and kelly drive. >> all right. jessica. we'll see you then. uber is helping people realize when they need a ride home. they are off breathalyzer tests and free trips home. they tested the system last night. the company calls it uber smart. anyone who tries the breath lierz was offered a free ride up to $20. uber says they are compensating the drivers for the ride. >> i think it's really smart. because then you don't have to risk lives, especially your own and others when you are driving. >> depending on how successful this campaign is, uber officials say we might see more of these kiosks popping up around the area. from our delaware area, wilmington mayor is pushing for a new sports arena. mayor dennis williams says he wants a building to host a pro hockey and basketball team. it could be a concert kren venue, it would be paid for with private money. they ha they, a reprieve for the ss united states, the historic ocean liner will stay afloat in philadelphia into next year. the conservancy working to save the ship says it has raised $600,000 over seven weeks. it costs $60 granda month to maintain the ship. the vessel will be sold for scrap if the conservancy didn't raise enough cash. new information this morning about the mom who left her baby at a church nativity scene. she's been found, but police say she will not be charged. maybe you are up early cooking, they're cooking here. look at this. a live look at cacia's bakery, they're opened and roasting turkeys. people plying their turkeys. they roast them for you. then you don't have space all taken up in your oven. you can cook other things. this is a thanksgiving tradition in philadelphia. the national thanksgiving turkey named abe went end up on the dinner table. president obama pardoned abe yesterday. the president's daughter sasha and malia joined him for the annual event. abe is often nicknamed honest, will now spend the remaining days at a farm in virginia. if you want to share holiday shopping as soon as you finish your meal today, stores are opening. macy's opens at 6:00. toys 'r' us opens at 5:00. wal-mart shoppers can take change of sales on midnight thursday. dozens of volunteers are making local seniors feel loved. members of the little brothers friends of the elderly packed gift bags last night to deliver to philadelphia nursing homes today. toiletries, socks and plants are pence the bags. organizers say this is a small gesture. it goes a long way. >> it's nice to know that somebody cares enough to give a piece of their day, just to make them feel better. >> the group will help more than 400 people today. they have been doing this for 25 years. if you have to spend thanksgiving with your co-workers today, you are not alone, a new survey says 22% of surveyed employees have to work today. it's up 16% from last year. those that work in the health care industry are the most likely to be on the job today. no matter where you eat thanksgiving, veterinarians are warning you not to share your leftovers with your pets. many of the dishes that you love can be harmful to animals. stuffing has sometimes scallions, garlic, on nones, those are all toxic to pets. because of the garlic mashed potatoes are out. the most harmful thing to give them is bird bones, which means turkey bones. >> they actually penetrate through the stomach or the intestines and can cause a life-threatening infection. >> what you can give your pets. vets say turkey breast is fine. you can put some gravy on their doing food. police found a mother that abandoned a newborn found at a nativity scene. she will not be charged. the d.a. says e says she followed the safe baby law and less than a half mile away, a maintenance found the newborn swaddled in the church manager scene. the baby named emanuel is doing fine. >> 3, 2, 1, [ cheers ] >> the tree outside the museum of art sparkling. car oling and cheer at yesterday's tree lighting ceremony. nbc 10 news at 5:00 a.m. starts right now. right now on nbc 10 news today, a man is dead after flames hit a home in a philadelphia neighborhood. why that man didn't get a warning that something was wrong. >> skating rink brawl, several people are hurt, captured live on the camera. >> mo town showdown, a matchup against the lions, hear what they say about tuning up on a short week. >> it is a little chilly. things are expected to warm up. maybe you want to get out there and work off that turkey. >> it is chili right now. 37 degrees, let's find out about the warm-up with participant my shipp. >> our temperatures right now on the cold side, some places below freezing, potts down, 30 degrees, 36 in the poconos, 39 in dover, 37 in philadelphia. as we head into the next eight hours, our temperatures at 6:00 a.m., 38 degrees. by noon, 61 degrees the high at 63. we will be warmer as we head into tomorrow. a mix of sun and clouds, also warmer conditions than what we have been seeing the past couple of days, so coming up, i am tracking how much warmer we will get as we head into tomorrow. then a chance of weekend showers, plus cooler temperatures on the way, as we head into the weekend, i'll let you know how cool we will get. let's check in with traffic reporter jessica boyington. >> a lot of people will be affected by the parade. the parade begins at jfk boulevard. it moves up the ben franklin parkway. around logan circle. ends around the art museum. we do have closures in place right now because of thanksgiving day parade prep. track lynn parkway slows. there is police activity blocking off all of the streets there. kelly drive eastbound, fair mount and watch for no parking zones on jfk boulevard you want to look for signs. metered street parking is free. see if your car isn't towed or you aren't ticked this morning. thank you. new from overnight in philadelphia, a man is dead after firefighters found him in a home that burned on brunner street in nicetown. fire officials tell us there were no working smoke detectors in the home. the victim was the only one home. this morning the fire marshall is looking for a cause. fists and feet were flying at a local skating rink as a brawl bre

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