Transcripts For WCAU NBC10 News Today 11am 20180119 : compar

Transcripts For WCAU NBC10 News Today 11am 20180119

home field advantage has its perks and nbc 10 wants to make sure you're there every step of the way for the eagles road to victory. i'm rosemary connors and we are covering all the angles to get you ready for the big matchup. this is the live look at the lincoln financial field in south philadelphia. today crews will be preparing the field and the stands and within the hour the team is expected to be here for practice. with so many people headed to the stadium, philadelphia police are stepping up security and accept ta is making it easier to travel. we're live in center city with everything you need to know. fill us in, randy. >> reporter: rosemary, police are preparing for a big party here in philadelphia telling fans go out and celebrate when the eagles win, go cheer in the streets, do the eagles chants, do some dancing but don't do anything stupid. don't light anything on fire, don't flip a car because if you do, philly police will be out there in force making arrests. they'd much rather have everybody just have a good time after the game. the big focus of course will be outside of the link. that's where police will be working with nfl security and eagles's security after the game. they'll be spreading their resources across the entire city. they say they expect big crowds to visit philadelphia bars up in the northeast especially at frankfort and cotman. police are asking people not to park their cars in the median on broad street and some districts in the city will even be greasing those light poles to prevent anybody from going climbing. >> once the eagles win, the burrow has a plan set up for the rest of the city. we have 20 win districts. we had each of our 21 captains, the captains of those districts identify hot spots. they're historical locations where people come out to the celebrate when one of our sports teams wins. >> it's on like popcorn. we celebrate and tear the city down with celebration of course. >> nothing out of control. >> no, no. we got that -- we're going to have that in control. please, believe that. >> reporter: fans tell me there's a right way and wrong way to celebrate. don't get ahead of yourself you still have the super bowl in two weeks, this isn't final thing. one final know the, septembera is encouraging people not to the drive, to break the brood street line down to the stadium. they're adding a few extra sports compresses and shuttles as well. for now we're live at police headquarters. >> very enticing to take public transportation. just a short time ago eagles head coach doug pederson weighed in from south philadelphia. he says his message to quarterback nick foles hasn't changed for this weeks game. take a listen. >> go be nick, you know. you know, feed off last week, obviously. you know, different set of challenges, different team, you know, different defense and all that, but just, you know, don't go -- don't have to force anything, just let the offense work for you and he'll be fine. >> nbc 10 is your official eagles station. our exclusive coverage for the nfc championship gets under way tonight at 7:00 with eagles road to victory. tomorrow at 7:00 it's fly eagles fly followed by inside the eagles. and watch nbc 10 before the game, our coverage starts bright and early at 10:00 a.m. and of course we've got you covered off after the game as well. stay with nbc 10 for coverage all sunday night long. all roads, including the road to victory, lead us to lincoln financial field as we take another live look at the stadium, we are expecting mild conditions here this weekend. nbc 10 first alert glenn "hurricane" schwartz has that game day forecast for us. glenn, looking good. >> quite a change from what we've seen over the last couple of games. and it's going to be pretty comfortable for the fans and pretty good conditions to play in too. 48 degrees at kickoff and not dropping a whole lot as we go through the game, 44 degrees by the fourth quarter. it's pretty mild for january and compared to the other games, remember the one december 31st, it was 17 degrees where the wind chill feels like of 2. last week's game 29 feels like 17. compare that to the game that we're going to be seeing this sunday. it's just a tremendous difference. and one of the differences is related to the wind. we hardly have any wind now and we're going to have hardly any wind as we go into sunday. less than 10 miles per hour. 39 degrees right now, so it is chilly and 31 in reading, 30 in perk cosee, 29 allentown. we're going to be seeing the temperature get up into the 40s. it feels like it's around 30 to 40 degrees, 42. and the temperature will be going up in the low 40s today, just a touch above average. and then not dropping a whole lot tonight, that's the start of that warm-up that's going to be with us over the weekend. more on how long that lasts when the next rain's coming up. >> we'll see you shortly. thanks for that, glenn. the clock is ticking down to a possible government shutdown. lawmakers have until midnight to pass an extension. this is a live look from washington where the senate session got under way just moments ago. senate mitch mcconnell speaking. they're expected to vote today on a measure that passed the house last night. that legislation would keep the government running through february 14th, it's a stop gap measure, a temporary measure. democrats don't want a temporary funding bill and they're also calling for protection for hundreds of thousands of immigrants who were brought to the u.s. as children. they're known as the d.r.e.a.m.ers. democrats in the senate have threatened to filibuster the bill unless this immigration reform is included. we're expecting white house press secretary sara sanders to talk about the possible shutdown. this is a live look at the press room at the white house. the president says he will delay a planned trip to florida so that he can sign off on the bill if it is passed by the senate. we'll be watching this very closely. in other news this morning, police have two people in custody after a worker foiled an attempted robbery at a beer store in philadelphia's german town neighborhood. here's what we know. one of the suspects forced the owner to open the register, then he ransacked her apartment above the store at german town avenue and collins street. meantime, a worker pressed an alarm to alert police. officers arrived and arrested a man and teenage girl who was with him. nobody here was hurt. this morning, we've learned the gunman who killed a deputy u.s. marshal in harrisburg is from philadelphia. that gunman, kevin sturg guess, also indicted in the shootout with police. investigators say sturg guess had two active warrants in philadelphia. he was inside a house in harrisburg yesterday when a fugitive task force showed up to arrest a woman who lived there. officer cuffed the woman then stur guess opened fire from the second floor. he wound an officer and a bullet struck u.s. marshal hill in the chest and he later died. >> two officers came in pursuit after him. they were shooting. one officer was across the street saying officer down, officer down. >> investigators say sturg es eventually left the house and fired at police. that's when officers fired back and killed him. right now philadelphia is taking another step toward regaining local control of the school district. the board of education nominating committee is holing its very first meeting right now. the panel is recommending 27 people for the nine-person local school board. mayor jim kenny will make his selections for the board in march. the new board replaces the state-imposed school reform commission, the src which voted to dissolve itself by the end of the school year. another day of reckoning and sentencing for the renowned doctor accused of abusing hundred of young athletes. coming up, new details about the new gymnast in court right now to face dr. larry nasser. and later, sweating it out. some like it hot, but is it really worth cranking up the temperature in yoga class to get a better workout? we'll take a look. i'm track a warm-up to explain news head to the link on sunday night. a return of the rain, see how close it comes to the end of that game, that just ahead. two olympic stars are among the women in court today for the sentencing hearing of former gymnastics doctor larry nasser. had say live look from the courtroom in lancing, michigan. he has pleaded guilty to sexually abusing underaged girls who were under his care. right now a victim is telling the judge about how that abuse impacted her life. this morning, olympic gold medalist weaver came forward for the first time to say she too was a victim of nasser. she competed in the 2012 summer games. she said she was treated by nasser following an injury when she was just 14 years old. fellow u.s. olympic gymnast rakeman is in the courtroom today. it's not clear yet if she will give the victim's statement or if a statement willing read on her behalf. we'll wait and see. about 100 women will have testified by the end of the sentencing here. the judge will not make a decision on a sentence until every accuser has been heard. but promises him life behind bars. pope francis is in peru and he's asking people to join him in prayer before he travels to the amazon. he will meet with indigenous leaders there. the pope has previously called on world leaders to protect the amazon likening it to one of the, quote, lungs of our planet, end quote. our eagles road to victory bus is traveling all over philadelphia today giving fans a chance to show their support for the team. nbc 10's first alert meteorologist brittany schiff got on the bus. she joins us lye with a rowdy group of fans out there. hey, britt. >> reporter: hello. there's a lot of fans out here today and we really upped the ante here. we've upped the ante with our dj at the top of the bus. so we're ready to have a great time all day. we have a big rally happening tonight as well, so this is an on the road victory bus and the tour continues. now, we were chatting earlier, how long have you been a season ticket holder? >> 1961 my husband and his dad. and then we were season ticket holders then and we're going to the game on sunday and we are psyched. reporter: how does it feel just like to be able to we're like one game away from the super bowl. how do you feel about that? >> i'm so excited it's like i'm nauseous. because i like one-sided games. i don't like games where you have to like cringe and walk like a lion in a cage. but we're so psyched. we're going to do it. >> reporter: we're going to do it. are we going to did it this weekend, guys? >> yeah. >> how are you today? >> great. eagles. reporter: ready for the eagles? >> yes are i am. did you sign the bus? >> no, not yet. i wanted to. >> reporter: we got to get you -- we need some sharpies over here. we have more people that want to silent bus. here's the big setup, you can see we'll get a little closer to all the well wishes. you can come out, we have a dj, you can come, dance, write down all your well wishes tots eagles. sir, what are you writing right now? >> go birds, bird gay. tell us how you feel about going into this weekend? >> i feel confident. i wasn't the most confident before, but now i'm riding that train. we're all in there together. go birds. >> reporter: all right. you have a whole crew behind us here. so we'll check back in with you ghies abo-- guys in about 15 minutes and that is just going to continue to grow and grow. there's a lot of office buildings in the area and they heard the bus was going to be here so they told their entire office to come downstairs. so we'll check back in with you guys in about 15 more minutes. guys. >> all right. there's that lunch break for a lot of people. all right. thanks for that, britt nip. and our eagles road too victory bus will keep on rolling today. it will make other stops at xfinity square and in south philly. check it out. . >> announcer: now your first alert weather. >> and it's a good thing, it's not today for the game or else it would be a whole lot colder than it's going to be by sunday. we've got a real nice weekend here it is, warming up. the mild birds compared to the last two games as we showed you. and we've got rain coming in early next week. it's 39 now in philadelphia, fair amount of sunshine, but some parts of the area are still pretty chilly. up in the lehigh valley we still have snow on the ground. there will be some snow melt and refreeze newspap refreeze up in that area tonight so be aware of that. and in chufter, bucks, montgomery county it's only 32, 34 in chester springs, mel mall vern, 33, collegeville 32, 30 in milford township. that's normally a cold spot, so is bedminster, 30 degrees as well. new town at 34 degrees. we do have another warm-up and yesterday's high was only 36, today about 43. then we're into the 50s. we're nowhere near records. the records are in the 60s for highs. but that's still way above average for this time of the year. there are a few harmless high clouds close by, and then you got to go a long way to find any precipitation. how about north dakota. that's the closest. and even that's not very impressive. so we have quite a bit of dry weather ahead of us. as we go through the weekend, we're going to find more clouds coming and eventually there will be some rain. here's sunday morning and into sunday afternoon. we're starting to see some clouds, but back to the west, there really isn't anything organized that's going to be close. so it's going to be cloudy probably when the eagles are playing. there's going to be a couple sprinkles in northern pennsylvania, but the main action is to our west, and that's well after the game is over. and so we're pretty confident that it's going to be dry. that's what we've been predicting. we're going to keep with that 48 degrees at kickoff, only dropping a few degrees during the night because of the clouds hanging in and the southwest wind. it's a warm pattern, monday's going to be warm, tuesday's going to be warm, so there is no cold air coming in and it's more like a november kind of game, thanksgiving night game rather than a january game. so there we are on saturday, 55 in philadelphia, maybe not quite the 50 in lehigh valley but a lot of sunshine. a gorgeous day tomorrow. and then on sunday those clouds increase and by later in the day it should become pretty cloudy and may keep the temperature down a couple degrees, but it is going to be really, really nice. and in delaware, up into the 50s as well. now, as we go through the next ten days on 10, you've got that jump on saturday and still into the 50s on sunday for the eagles game. then the rain comes in. this is generally later in the day on monday and into tuesday. still mild. then we cool down a bit, and the following weekend is mild as well. what happened to winter? >> we'll take it. we'll take this early taste of spring or taste of november, as you suggested, glenn. thanks for that. we have some breaking news now that just came into our newsroom. this is out of montgomery county. sky force 7 live over a fire. it appears as though the flames have been extinguished. this is on high street? hat field, montgomery county. we're told nobody here was hurt. there's plenty of crews on the scene and it appears the flames have been extinguished. i'm sure they're checking for hot spots. we're going to continue to follow this and keep you posted right here on the air and of course on the nbc 10 app. we have some more breaking news come to us from irving, texas. another fire, just outside of dallas. you can see crews on the scene here battling the flames. this is at a burning apartment complex. no reports of any injuries yet but it's going to be a long day ahead as those flames are still burning out there and appears to be a windy day in texas. we're going to continue to watch this and we will keep you posted again right here on the air and on the nbc 10 app. it was a heartbreaking story just days before christmas. this weekend, a community is coming together to help a montgomery county family who lost everything in a fire, including their two sons. find out how you can help their efforts next. óé we want to take a live look inside the courtroom in lancing, michigan, where dr. larry nasser accused of abusing hundreds of young women gymnasts is having his sentencing. right now let's take a quick listen. >> all these brave women have power and we will used our voices to make sure you get what you deserve, a life of suffering spent replaying the words delivered by this powerful army of survivors. i am also here to tell you to your face, larry, that have you not taken gymnastics away from me. i love the sport and that love is stronger than the evil that resides in you, in those who enabled you to hurt many people. you already know you're going away to a place where you won't be able to hurt anybody ever again, but i'm here to tell you that i will not rest until every last trace of your influence on this sport has been destroyed like the kacancer it is. your abuse started 30 years ago, but that's just the first reported incident we know of. >> alley has spoken out publicly about the abuse she says she experienced at the hands of dr. nasser but it was unclear whether she would testify during his sentencing hearing. you just heard her a moment ago talk about the army of survivors and making sure he goes away for a long time. while his sentence has not been determined yet, the judge has said during the course of this hearing that he will spend the rest of his life behind bars and that he will die behind bars. in other news this morning, hundreds of people are coming together this weekend, tomorrow night, to help a local family who lost everything right before christmas, including their two young sons. joining us now to tell us more about the fundraiser is one of the organizers, sean cullen from the montgomery county funtd. good morning. >> this was a story that broke a lot of hearts across montgomery county, the region, brian lukens, law enforcement officer he lost his home back in on december 13th, his two sons perished in that fire. >> it was a terrible incident when it occurred. right after the fire occurred, i received a phone call from the district attorney kevin steele and immediately said what can we do? what can we get to help this family? the montgomery county hero fund is a c-3. we start today after the murder of the police officer brad fox and we stand available at all times to immediately provide aid and assistance to the family. and as we're doing here, we're able to plan bigger events to further support the family. >> brian and his wife survived and their daughter survived. >> yes. and we are blessed in the fact that that occurred, but they've lost absolutely everything. >> and in addition to your organization, there's a number of other organizations coming together that focus on helping families of law enforcement. >> absolutely. with a group this big, we have the district attorney's bike team, the wheels of justice. mark o'connor from the irish pub children's fund. they're part of the community groups that joined us to put this event on. >> the event that's happening tomorrow night is sold out at the valley forth casino. other ways people can help. >> go to the web page, there's ways to donate there and the hero fund is actually underwriting the entire event. that means 100% of all proceeds, tickets, and everything go directly to the family. >> and we do have all that information posted on our website, nbc, and of course on the nbc 10 app. so even though this event is sold out, had say good thing. >> it is. >> there are other ways people can participate. >> thank you. >> thank you for coming in and appreciate the work that you do. >> great, thank you. coming up, on the road to victory. we're taking you there, eagles fans. we've got everything you need to know before sunday's game to stay safe and stay prepared. fly eagles fly. we'll check out the elementary school in montgomery county and the sa sea of green this morninn support of the eagles victory. i'm a concrete mason. i own my own company. i had some severe fatigue, some funny rashes. finally, listening to my wife, went to a doctor. and i became diagnosed with hodgkin's lymphoma... that diagnosis was tough. i had to put my trust in somebody. when i first met steve, we recommended chemotherapy, and then we did high dose therapy and then autologous stem cell transplant. unfortunately, he went on to have progressive disease. i thought that he would be a good candidate for immune therapy. it's an intravenous medicine that can affect the patient's immune system and unleash it against the cancer. with chemotherapy, i felt rough, fatigue, nauseous. and with immune therapy we've had such a positive result. i'm back to working hard. i've honestly never felt this great. i believe the future of immunotherapy at ctca is very bright. the evolution of cancer care is here. learn more at appointments available now. we are already for football. all that stands in the way of the super bowl for the eagles, the minnesota vikings. had say live look outside at financial field in south philadelphia just minutes from now the team will take the field for practice. meantime, the city is getting ready for the flood of fans who will desind send upon the link on sunday. randy gyllenhaal is live in center city with everything you need to know ahead of the game. hey, randy. >> reporter: it's not just the link either. miss say they're focusing resources across the city. they say they want to focus their attention on historical hot spots throughout the city of philadelphia that have seen issues with celebrations in the past like the phillies 2008 world series win. but as we mentioned that big focus is going to be down at the link in south philly where philadelphia police will work with nfl security and eagles security after the game. police say they typically make about one or two alcohol-related arrests after an eagles game. they're hoping to keep that number similarly low after sunday. they'll also be spreading out across the city into the northeast like frankfurt and cotman. bar in south city will also be packed. police will be there as well trying to limit any celebrations that get out of hand. >> we not that type of city. we celebrate and we're happy with celebration. we don't want to tear it up. we don't want to tear it up and get locked up. >> after the game people are going to be loving it. they're going to be partying it up. so i think it's going to be a great time, it's great for the city. >> reporter: and the city says they're also asking people not to park their cars in the median on south broad street. some police districts will also be greasing light poles to prevent any climbing. meantime, septa is urging people today, they're offering $4 round trip tickets on the broad street line and adding extra trains down to south philly. nbc 10 news. >> thanks for that, randy. the eagles are gearing up for sunday's nfc championship game and a school in montgomery county is showing its support for the team. the fourth and fife graders at colonial elementary school they're holding an eagles pep rally right now and we're talking to the principal rose rock. thanks for being with us and great name by the way. >> thank you. >> so tell us about this pep rally, how did it get organized and how are you keeping the kids focused in school? >> well, we have done the eagles all year, every thursday we play the fight song so the spirit's been running all season. and now we decided we're in the championship game so we're having relay race rares football toss, we have johnny football here, an under dog, so we're very, very excited here. >> all right. principal rock, we can hear that fight song from the school, we'll take it. >> you want the fight song? >> yeah. >> you got it. mr. wilson, start us off. all right. fight song. let's go. ♪ >> come on, whew. ♪ >> come on. ♪ fly eagles fly. ♪ ♪ hit him low, hit 'em high and watch our eagles fly. ♪ ♪ fly eagles fly. ♪ >> you've been listen together fourth and fifth graders at colonial elementary school at their pep rally. you can visit our eagles road to victory bus to help you get pumped up. brittany schiff is live at the bus in rittenhouse square with plenty of events. hey, britt. >> reporter: plenty of fans out here and it's not just the humankind. we also have our four-legged friends. take a look at waffles all dressed up. we also have this one with his eagles bandana? does he always wear this sweatshirt or is it special for this weekend? >> no, he wears it all the time. >> we also have dj "a" list here on the road to vic trip bus and that's making it to noo a dance party here. we have some die hard fans that keep rolling with the road to victory bus. so earlier you were with us earlier. >> eagles. >> reporter: all right. so we've turned this whole thing into a total party here. we're also giving away free signs. if you come out, we have our ju juju beads too. come on down, give us an eagles chant, you can grab a sharpy and silent bus. you can see all of the we will pishs, fly eagles fly, go birds, all the way to the super bowl. that's the name of the game as you will see the bus continue to work its way throughout the city. have a big rally tonight at xfinity live so we'll be down there from 7:00 to 8:00 p.m. tonight. we'll send you back to you guys in the studio. we're having a great time out here and you can bring everyone down, even your pets. isn't that too cute, waffles the dog in his eagles sweatshirt. i don't think it gets much better than that. >> it doesn't. and the weather's cooperating. thanks for that. you have a few more chances to stop by our eagles road to victory bus today. here's that schedule right there. it will be in university city, it will be' river dog park, bring your dog over in fit letter square, and south philadelphia at xfinity live. fans are sending good-byes to the eagles while they work pout. we visited this eagles pep rally spin class. folks wore plenty of eagles gear. there was a football inspired snack area. we asked if the eagles excitement hepds them get hyped up for their week out. >> my heart rate is way up there. >> it's going to be high during the game too. >> absolutely. >> i guess people are getting in shape for the game, right? hopefully those good vibes will help the birds on sunday. eagles fans are scooping up just about everything they can get their hands on with a logo on it the one popular spot to shop, lids. employees here at the lids chain at the springfield mall in delaware county said their best hat is the dad hat which add zwroufts any size head. our exclusive coverage for the nfc championship gets under way tonight at 7:00 with eagles road to victory. and tomorrow night at 7:00 it's fly eagles fly followed by inside the eagles. be sure to watch nbc 10 on sunday. before the game our coverage starts at 10 to clock a.m. and we've got you covered after the game. stay with nbc 10 for coverage all sunday night long. >> announcer: now your nbc 10 first alert weather. >> you can imagine if that blizzard decided to just wait a few weeks? it's warming up very nicely this morning and that trend will continue into this weekend. good timing. this is a live look at broad street from our kimmel center campus camera in philadelphia. first alert meteorologist glen is tracking that warming trend. >> we've got good timing, this time recent games have not been too fortunate in the temperature department, at least for the fans. it may have helped with the opposing team, though. the kickoff temperature, around 48 degrees. the pregame activities will be in the low 50s for tailgating. halftime, well, it doesn't just drop very much as we go through the game because we expect a lot of clouds and also a southerly wind. and that's pretty mild for january. remember the last couple of games the december 31st game it was 17 feeling like 2 at kickoff. and then last week 29 feeling like 17. so this is quite a difference across the area. and not much wind during the game either. we'll let you know when rain is coming back and howl th long th mierld air will stay in a few minutes. we have breaking news we want to make you aware of. this sought of philadelphia's frankfurt neighborhood. it's a live look over a fire on pilg street. we're told nobody here has been hurt. you with see a lot of crews on the roof making sure that the flames are out, making sure that no hot spots creep up and spread. stay with nbc 10 as we continue to watch this right here on the air and on the nbc 10 app. let's take another live look, this at a senate session happening in washington that got under way a little bit earlier this morning. they're expected to vote on a bill to avoid a government shutdown. deadline is midnight this evening. the house passed the legislation last night, it would extend the temporary funding bill through february 14th. senate democrats had threatened to filla bust they're temporary bill. republicans say the democrats are holding the entire government hostage over demands to protect undocumented immigrants brought out to u.s. as children. >> i just want to let everybody know that we don't want this, we do not want to shut down, but if mr. shiver insists ton he's in a position to force this on the american people. >> the president has canceled a planned trip this weekend to florida so that can he sign off on the bill if it is passed by the senate. we'll be keeping an eye on this closely. the california couple charged with torturing and imprisoning their 13 children pleaded not guilty yesterday. if convicted they could face up to 94 years in prison. prosecutors say the couple kept their kids in a, quote, torture chamber where they were rationed one meal a day. they were not allowed to use the facilities and they were only allowed to take one shower a year. well, new this morning, just like that, they're gone. moments ago the sa nocco paper mill smoke stacks in downingtown came down during a planned implosion. >> oh my god. >> whew! >> anybody out and about in this area can expect traffic delays near boot road and parts of 322. they were closed during the implosion. the site will undergo a multi-million dollars redevelopment that includes apartments, retail space and a new train station. business leaders are looking at the economic outlook for philadelphia today. nbc 10 was in center city for a meeting of the chamber of commerce for greater philadelphia. members spoke about upcoming financial trends and how they will shape business in our region over the next year. comcast senior executive vice president david cohen led a discussion on the impacts of global markets. comcast say parent company of nbc 10. the outlook for the city may be getting better when it comes to the economy. the chamber of commerce helped the city in its bid to become the home for amazon's northwest headquarters. philadelphia is now among amazon's top 20 choices and the online retailer expects to make a decision by the end of this year. coming up, the gator with the heater is live in our studios i'll talk live with him next. plus this, doctors are calling it a game changer. a look at a new blood test that could soon impact cancer deaths worldwide. and i'm tracking a warm-up this weekend which is great news for the fans in the stands, that's for sure. i'll have your eagles game day forecast and let you know when the rain's going to return next. scientists are getting closer to a blood test to detect as many as eight ditch types of cancer. the definite from john's hopkins researchers is called cancer seek. scientists say the blood test has the potential to pick up tumors long before patients show symptoms. larger studies are planned. if it works, scientists say the blood test could cost less than phi hundred dollars. a former employee for ultimate ta beauty is accusing the company of reselling used makeup products. she describes on twitter how employees cleaned used foundation and lipstick to make them look new again and then put them back on thelf. ulta says her policies do not match up with they're statement and that used products are supposed to be thrown away, not sold. customers should make surety items look uncleaned and unease use and whenever possible buy products that are sealed. if you're looking to improve your heart health with yoga, you don't need to sweat it out. this yoga is done in a 1 hungry room is no more effective than doing the same poses at room temperature. it did show that the yoga did help slow the progression of heart disease but the heat-related environment did not play a role in that finding. >> what do you do, see. >> geator with the heater. the king of philly rock and roll, gary blaf vet has been entertaining people for more than 50 years and he's getting set to rock the kimmel center next weekend. he's here's to tell us about his show disco, soul, and do won. >> the last time was with -- >> it was. i had never been to the restaurant, who walks in? jerry and frankie avalon. i'ming at the my husband, do you know who that is. >> that's funny because frankie saw you and said look at that pretty girl. i said she's a major star, frank. >> you are too kind. >> you were with your husband. >> i was. so the show coming up. >> big show. disco, soul, and do won. this is my 39th show at the kimmel center. every show different. this one has blue imagine wick a continuing e singer called ted mills. it will have the intruders i'll always love my mama. ray goodman and brown, you got to be a special lady. the moment i found love on a two-way street and i lost it on a highway. and then eddie homer and do won. the norman fox and tell me why. then the clovers, song called devil or angel. and then, let me tell, you jackie wilson. you know jackie wilson are the great performer? >> sure. >> his son, son is the youngest kid. his name is bobby. he does a tribute to his dad that you people will close your eyes and you will think. >> oh, wow. >> that it's jackie wilson. it's an amazing show. >> runs the gamete. >> it all takes place next saturday, january the 27th when the eagles are on their way to the super bowl to follow me the geator will kick it off at the kimmel center. >> what kieps going all these years? >> the audience. i mean, the love that they give these artists -- i'm doing this now 58 years. january the 15th -- >> what are you talking about some you're only -- you're no older than 40 years old, jerry. >> well, you know, when you love what you do, you don't get old. you know, sammy davis used to say to me, show business is my life and i say that to the audience. show business is my life because without the audience, what's it matter? really. i would probably be selling peppers and eggs on ninth street. >> all right. so speaking of the audience, the eagles fans, i mean, they certainly help lead the team to victory last weekend and now we have a big game sunday. >> well, i predict -- i think the eagles are going to win it by a touchdown. i originally figured three points, but the eagles are so up at this point that i think it's going to be a touchdown. if not a touchdown, six points they'll win. >> and you know what? and guess what? the fans, they've been a huge part of this. >> oh, yeah. listen -- >> all the nay sayers out there, forget about it. >> the nans philadelphia, whether it's the phillies, the eagles, the flyers, the 6ers, you are the best fans a team could ever have. >> jerry, my man. >> my lady, love skblu thank you so much for coming in. >> i'll see with you frankie valley the next time. >> i appreciate it. yeah, absolutely. he's a philly goo too. the kimmel center prevents jerry disco, soul, do won saturday january 27th at 8:00 in the evening at the kimmel center. we've got all the details on the nbc 10 app just look for find it on 10. . . >> announcer: now your nbc 10 first alert weather. that guy is amazing. he's been around so long. he looks the same as he did 30 years ago. 39 degrees in philadelphia now. we just have a few high clouds, but it's a whole lot cooler up toward lehigh valley where we still have some snow on the ground. we've got to melt that and it's going refreeze tonight so you want to be aware in the areas that did get significant snow where it's not all gone yet like in philadelphia. it feels like 32 in philly, 30 in pottstown, 22 in allentown. that's a big difference between the 22 in allentown and 38 feel in dover. and across much of south jersey, we have temperatures that are getting to 40 degrees, certainly warmer than it was yesterday, not a balmy day, but it's 39 be in pittman, washington township, mount laurel, lumberton, and will be of course in the 40s pretty soon. one of the cool spots is 38 degrees. we do have a significant warm-up, 36 for the high yesterday, going up to about 43 today. 55 tomorrow. nowhere near record level, but that's 15 degrees above normal. that's pretty impressive. and then sunday, probably monday and tuesday look to be at or above 50 degrees. that's a pretty nice stretch there. now, you can see these little clouds coming down from the northwest, they're going to move through and the sky will get bluer this afternoon. back to the west, you've got some showers in north dakota. that's the closest rainey where. look how dry the eastern two-thirds of this country is. and so obviously we're going to say dry for a while, but not -- not through early next week. here we are saturday, lots of sunshine. the clouds are back to the west. sunday clouds start to the west and then start to move in as we go through the day. so by the time we go into the afternoon, i think it's going to be fairly cloudy around here but, again, you don't see any kind of rain. and so that's why we're predicting it to stay dry. but as we head into monday, the clouds get a little thicker, we have a chance of a few sprinkles, perhaps as early as monday morning. but, of course, the game is over by then. now it's not going to be balmy over the weekend, it's dark, it's january night, so it will be on the cool side. but it's january and you saw how cold it has been for the last two eagles games. low 50s for tailgating and by the end of the game it doesn't drop that much because of the clouds holding the temperature up and that southwest wind. and over the weekend, overall, that's amazing. compared to some of the weekends that we have had this winter, december, january, 50s. couple of 40s in the lehigh valley. and other than that, we don't have any rain coming in until monday, some more rain on tuesday. next time, i want you on my bowling team. [ laughs ] rodney. bowling. classic. can i help you? it's me. jamie. i'm not good with names. celeste! i trained you. we share a locker. -moose man! -yo. he gets two name your price tools. he gets two? i literally coined the phrase, "we give you coverage options based on your budget." -that's me. -jamie! -yeah. -you're back from italy. [ both smooch ] ciao bella. eagles have some luck on their side. >> i wore this last friday and this is the eagles lucky bow tie. >> here we go sunday. and the weather will cooperate. >> yeah. >> that's going to do it for us sprt a good o-- have a good one. sprt a good o-- have a good one. . . have a good one. [soft, somber music] ♪ >> lucas: hi, ma. >> kate: oh, baby. ohh... [uplifting chords] ♪ [soft dance music] >> chloe: oh! >> brady: not another check. you're not--you're not due to make payment until next... >> chloe: next month. i know, i know, but business has been really good. >> brady: well, i'm glad to hear that it's good. >> chloe: yeah. at this rate, i'll be able to pay off all my debt by the time parker goes to college. >> brady: [lau y

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