Transcripts For WCAU NBC10 News Today 11am 20161103 : compar

Transcripts For WCAU NBC10 News Today 11am 20161103

strike. good morning. i'm vai sikahema. we continue to see problems on the roads. buses, trolleys and subways are still suspended in the city. we have also seen congestion on the highways. we have live team coverage of the strike. we are live where me genegotiat have just resumed. >> reporter: the silence may mean negotiations have resumed up in one of the rooms here at the sheraton. there has been quite a bit of gridlock that's adding to the frustrations. no deal in place yet. commuters are feeling the effect for the third day. septa said there were several occasions where negotiators believed progress was being made but they blamed for putting a stop to any potential deal. it offered concessions on wage increases. as of an increase in employee health care contributions. it reads in part they have been working to get a deal done and were asking twu leadership to do the same for the sake of their members and people who rely on them every day to safely get them where they need to go. another day with renewed hope. we are now five days away. septa is calling to suspend the strike. if not they will be asking a judge to force them to come back to work. we'll have an update in the next 30 minutes. nbc 10 news. >> thank you. let's get the latest on traffic with francesca ruscio . >> these are within seconds of each other. this is what we are seeing right now, airplane 425 coming in 21 minutes late. delays from ten minutes and even yesterday we saw delays up to an hour. i have been advising folks to not really take the lines but 22 minute delays. travel speeds right now, we are doing okay at 40 miles per hour. our camera around broad street. we did see delays. the vine street expressway it was doing okay. watching two accidents in the secondary roads. i highlighted it right here. no problems or delays leading to it. if you're trying to avoid it also seeing a couple of back-ups in this area. again, it is on the secondary roads. delays are still coming in. >> we want to help you get to work with no charge. go to our facebook page to find out how you can get a free ride. and you can find a list of those locations on the nbc 10 app. it is part of the septa survival guide. you'll find special deals and contingency plans. well, after a foggy morning it's really warming up outside in some parts of our area could see record warmth. a little bit breezy. some of us are dealing with showers. we take a live look at first alert radar. the showers will be moving into other parts later on. glenn "hurricane" schwartz is here with our forecast, hey, glenn. >> yeah, quite a variety. this is southern delaware and extreme south jersey and jersey shore today. while we have a line of showers through the lehigh valley right now some of it is on the moderate to heavy side approaching redding, as you can see, moving straight to the east. so redding about to get into this within less than an hour. let's zoom in here. you can see how close it is and moving to the east. tracking this at about 15 miles per hour. behind that there's a little bit of showers. so the main area looks like it is coming in even faster than was expected earlier. so by 1:30 whatever is left of this is moving into philadelphia and trenton and down towards delaware and the futurecast does show perhaps lingering showers later on this afternoon. some of the latest information just in minutes ago from the highest resolution models show a lot of this passing through the philadelphia area within the next two to three hours and that conditions gradually improve later today. it is 64 degrees in philadelphia with cloudy skies right now. we have 60s across the entire area. some places will get into the 70s today. we have big changes coming for the rest of the day and into the weekend. we'll get into that in a few minutes. >> okay. we'll get into that later on. we have breaking news in the bridgegate trial. the lawyers application was mostly with held. it is not clear what lead them to file for mistrial. the judge has yet to rule on the motion. bridget kelly are accused of plotting to close lanes in 2013. prosecutors say it was retaliation against the mayor who did not endorse governor christie. they say they thought the closures were part of a traffic st study. they hope an autopsy will give them more clues. people driving by saw fire under the eastbound side around 2:30 this morning. they discovered there was a body on a mattress. they could not tell if it was a man or woman or the age of the person. they are trying to figure out how old the person was and if it was from the fire or perhaps something else. the second teenager faces charges in connection to an attempted robbery and shooting. he turned himself into ploins monday. he is charged with attempted murder, conspiracy and other offenses. he surrendered days after the shooting. and you'll remember a bicyclist was shot trying to break up a robbery. that man was critically hurt but survived. police say the armed man in this video robbed six stores in philadelphia in the area since saturday in the most recent robbery. the man took money from a customer and the cash register at a boost mobile on frankford avenue on tuesday afternoon. police say he told a worker he was hungry before robbing the place. in several of the crimes he used a bike to get away. bill cosby's pretrial hearing ended without any rulings by the judge. his next hearing date is in december. his defense attorneys have been trying to get the case against him thrown out. the actor accused of -- cosby says the encounter was consensual. his attorney claims it was only filed when he recycled an old case. >> mr. cosby's rights have been violated in any number of ways. >> the judge in any case is going to tell the jurors over and over -- and no juror will be selected unless they can say they believe the defendant is presumed innocent. >> cosby's attorneys also say he can't defend himself because he is blind. the judge hasn't said when he will decide on the motions. the countdown to election day and a narrower path to victory for hillary clinton. up next the intense focus as donald trump's wife is getting set to give her first campaign speech since the convention here in our area. >> and that sign says something we have never seen before, world series champions. they fly the w. a look at game seven that was truly one for the ages. >> a lot of people lost sleep as a result. some of us already dealing with rain and others are going to get it. i'll let you me what's in store for the weekend just ahead. i approve this message. donald trump: i could stand in the middle of 5th avenue and shoot somebody and i wouldn't lose any voters, okay? and you can tell them to go f--- themselves! you know, you could see there was blood coming out of her eyes, blood coming out of her wherever... you gotta see this guy. ahh, i don't know what i said, ahh. "i don't remember." he's going like "i don't remember!" when government bureaucrats refused to approve a cancer vaccine equally for both girls and boys, i stepped in to change that rule. when my own party held up recovery funds after sandy hit us, i took them on and won. and when veterans were forced to travel out of state for health care, i brought in new local clinics and expanded services. but there's much more to do. my mission is to protect south jersey's way of life. i'm frank lobiondo and i approve this message. no warning, no hearing. it's a lending practice sorcing outrageous, most states banned it. but at the bank founded by pat toomey it was business as usual. forcing small business owners out of their homes. toomey even used his power in the senate to help himself, voting to gut rules that protect us and crack down on big banks. pat toomey. out for himself, not us. dscc is responsible for the content of this advertising. we continue to follow the septa strike. the transport workers union are expected to resume talks. it is another day of delays for commuters as buses and trolleys and subways are not running in the city. we see delays on the regional rail lines as well. it has details, septa strike survival guide. we have information on alternative transit services and contingency plans. and now the decision 2016 the presidential candidates are trying to win over voters five days before the election. both will be quoting in north carolina. it is one of many battleground states. we have the latest. >> donald trump mimicking his aids. >> stay on point, donald. stay on point. no side tracks, donald. >> arizona has only voted for the democrat for president once since 1948. >> reporter: that was in 1996 for clinton's husband. the chicago native watched the cubs win the world series. the democrats are concerned about low voter turnout. >> she is counting on black women driving the vote. that's really who she has been hitting in ohio, michigan, pennsylvania, wisconsin. >> trump also heads to north carolina. >> we knew that a share of elect elect electorate have decided so vote against hillary clinton and we need to make sure they have reasons to vote for donald trump. trump's wife willing holding a rally in berwyn. it will be the first speech since the republican national convention this summer. president obama rallying support for hillary clinton in florida. this is a look at miami national airport where the president is greeting the audience and just taking the stage. just a short time ago clinton's daughter held a campaign event at a milwaukee coffee shop where she encouraged people to vote for her mother. we continue to cover every angle of the election. join jim as he broadcasts live in south philadelphia. both nights we'll have a special half hour show and perspective on the race. this is the jersey shore. temperatures near 80 later today. it is only 62 in lehigh valley. this is at the jersey shore. right now we have a southwest wind. some of these areas could actually get to 80 degrees this afternoon. it is in the 70s already. it is near summers point and the ocean is a mild 60 degrees. this is the band of rain we have been talking about. it continues to spread to the east. we have one area getting a little bit heavier than others. that one area happens to be going into redding right now. as we zoom in here getting into the heavier rain. redding only a few minutes away from getting into the heavier rain. it's not going to last a long time. it is going to be moving to the east. bridgewater 1:04. this is a leading edge of it where we would expect the light rain to start. douglas by 12:26. we'll see if it does intensify and start producing lightning and then we'll be able to track that too. some of the latest computer models do vary on this. they don't really have that first band as well defined as it actually is. so they may be exaggerating this area that could come through later during the afternoon. we'll be updating you this on twitter and on our app as we go hour by hour through the afternoon. so we know it's a big deal about the commute in philadelphia later on today as there are people on bikes and people walking and by 4:00 the beginning part of the rush hour there is a possibility that some of that first rain area could be around. temperatures start dropping a little bit between 6:00 and 8:00. it's still not all that chilly. the later you go out the more likely it is for this rain to end. look at the temperatures in the 70s. it's dropping to 61 degrees by 6:00 in allentown. as we go through the night tonight we'll see temperatures start to drop and tomorrow it is going to be a good bit cooler. 59 degrees in philadelphia and high of only 56 in lehigh valley. not much of a change on saturday. a couple of degrees warmer in most areas. we drop another couple on sunday. that's a dry weekend for the entire area without a whole lot of wind. that's looking pretty good. we'll see if that continues through the ten day a little bit later. >> all right. thank you. an emotional day for a firefighter and his family. coming up a hero injured in the house fire that killed two of his comrades. does pat toomey speak for you? i also want to thank the nra for it's, uh, strong support for my campaign. pat toomey: he opposes an assault weapons ban and got an "a" rating from the nra. "i have had a perfect record with the nra." and on women's health? "i would support legislation in pennsylvania that would ban abortion, and i would, i would suggest that we have penalties for doctors who perform them." pat toomey: does he really speak for you? majority forward is responsible for the content of this advertising. at a neighborhoods a restaurafavorite - a place for a good, family meal. she juggled customers, cooks, waitresses - and never complained. my dad was a police officer walking his beat. i learned from both what it means to be honest, to work hard, and love family. big banks, wall street, special interests - that's who pat toomey's with. in the senate, i'll work for you and your family. i'm katie mcginty, and i approve this message. so who will be the next president of the united states? in five days we should know that answer. while this presidential campaign has certainly been one for the history books there is a lot about the process you may not be aware of. it is a fantastic exhibit called headed to the white house that has been extended through the end of the year. here to tell us more about that is the v.p. of education. i'm guessing it's a good sign that for the public that the exhibit has been extended. >> the exhibit is great. it looks at the constitutionality of the election process. it's not about the politics. it's not about all of the pieces going on in the news. it's really looking at what we do best, what happened here in philadelphia and going through the past 100 years and saying what are the similarities? people can see what happens in our country, what the process is and where they play a partner in. they were coming in. it is fantastic. >> you're in charge of education. we were talking about how many thousands of kids i see there. they are smiling. they are grinning and they are learning and they may not be aware they are learning. what's the feedback we are getting ge getting from people? >> it is sad to hear the amazement in their voice but what you want is we want kids to be engaged in history. we want kids to be engaged in the content and they are. they are always walking out with learning something new and seeing what's their role? it's good for this election process. every four years it is paying attention and really being a part of this amazing process. >> and speaking of the election you have something special going this week on election day. >> election day is a fantastic day to learn more about the constitution, if you choose to vote to vote. a lot of kids will be off and schools will be closed. if you dress up like any president ever you get in for $5 or if you come with an i voted sticker you get in for $5. we'll attempt to do a world record of the most presidenti presidential -- we are encouraging mutten chops and different facial hair. >> i think you'll see a lot of donald trumps and hillary clintons there. >> we don't know if either will be a president at that time. >> people have a costume and i'm guessing they will show up. >> yes. >> you can see it now through december 31st. for more details head to our web site. we'll have a link on and the nbc 10 app. they are proud sponsors headed to the white house. thank you very much. >> thank you. it's great to be here. >> thanks. hoping for a resolution in day three of the septa strike, hundreds of thousands of commuters are trying to figure out how to get where they need to be. we get you through the gridlock on the roads and on the rails. kids rely on computers as much as books and pencils. up next, meet a local man working hard to end the digital divide and give meters to families who wouldn't be able to afford them. she ate like a pig. trump has said and done... you can do anything. i moved on her like a [bleep] ...trump's just so disgusting and degrading. it just seems like he's invaded our lives. and he's the republican nominee for president. and republican brian fitzpatrick supported trump. look, we just can't vote for fitzpatrick or trump. house majority pac is responsible for the content of this advertising. when government bureaucrats refused to approve a cancer vaccine equally for both girls and boys, i stepped in to change that rule. when my own party held up recovery funds after sandy hit us, i took them on and won. and when veterans were forced to travel out of state for health care, i brought in new local clinics and expanded services. but there's much more to do. my mission is to protect south jersey's way of life. i'm frank lobiondo and i approve this message. we continue to follow developments during day three of the septa strike. workers union and septa is underway right now. the commuters continue to deal with headaches as regional rails were delayed this morning. nbc 10 has the latest on the talks between sept and transport workers union. >> reporter: talks were expected to resume later on this morning. we have been waiting for any word of an impending deal. so far nothing yet. commuters have been feeling the effects for a third day now. negotiators blamed twu for putting a stop to any potential deals. septa has offered but asked for an increase in employee health care contributions. septa is calling on union workers to suspend the strikes so people can get to the polls on election day. if not septa says it will be asking a judge to force workers to go back on the job. we'll follow all of the latest developments at the bargaining table on nbc 10 news at 4:00, 5:00 and 6:00. we are with you every step of the way. tune in again at 4:00 this afternoon for any developments that happen during the day. count on nbc 10 on air and on the nbc 10 app. a warm november day at the shore. some spots could break some records. we give you a live look right now at cape may. some of us are dealing with showers. we take a look at first alert radar. it will be moving into other parts of the area later on. glenn "hurricane" schwartz is here with the timing of all of that with his forecast. >> yeah, we are already seeing some of those showers moving through some of the northern western suburbs and the lehigh valley keeping temperatures down. it is already well into the 70s. this area of rain extends from allentown south of harrisburg now. you can see the area of the heaviest rain. some of it is in a very small zone. the heaviest has passed by redding. it just passed to the north. it is heads towards douglas. if we time that out it would reach a philadelphia area around 2:30. the rain would start earlier but would get a little bit heavier around that time. this is just after 2:00 norris town. so it's fairly early in the afternoon and then we get to see if that's second line that develops behind this. the heavier this is the more it will knock temperatures down and prevent a second line from developing or at least getting stronger as this one computer model has suggested. here is 4:00 with the second band going into the philadelphia area. we'll continue to monitor this, track those heaviest showers and tell you more about the weekend and election day coming up in a few minutes. >> all right. thank you. britain's high court ruled the government must get approval before it can move forward with the exit from the european union. she planned to launch exit negotiations. she is relying that lets the government withdraw from international treaties. they say it would remove rights like the ability to remove freely and that it cannot be done without parliment approval. the government says it will appeal today's ruling. one of the wilmington firefighters is finally out of the hospital. nbc 10 is live where a firefighter was just released. what can you tell us? >> i was the first at the scene. two wilmington firefighters were killed and two more injured. they were brought to the famous burn center. take a look. a long road ahead. serious burns he suffered in the fire. at least he gets to leave as he gets hundreds of firefighters and police officers here to meet him. they all escorted him back to his house. i asked him what he is most looking forward to back at home. he has been here since september 24th. >> i remember it every day. i remember it every day for the rest of my life. i don't know if i have to work. i can't wait to spend time with my family. i get to see my kids. >>. >> reporter: he has a seven and a five-year-old. sky force 10 was overhead. he says he plans to eventually go back to work and he also hopes to come back here for another event like this one. we are talking about seeing firefighters eventually get to go home. we hear she is steadily improving. we haven't gotten much information about her long-term prognosis. we'll show you much more later on nbc 10 this afternoon. nbc 10 news. >> there you go t. chicago cubs ended the longest drought in professional sports industry and winning the first title in 108 years. this is a live look at wrigley field on the north side of chicago. that sign says it all, world series champions. fans have been celebrating all night and throughout the morning as jay gray reports from chicago. >> reporter: the party, i'm not sure it is ever going to end as chicago celebrates the cubs world championship. finally, history. like most everything this team does, it wasn't easy. a rain delay during an intense game seven between two teams not used to winning. the cubs and their fans have waited 108 years for this, more than a lifetime of frustration washed away by the champagne and celebration that stretches from cleveland to wrigleyville. they have no longer the lovable loser or the answer to a trivia question, the curse has finally been broken. there's no more waiting for next year because this is the cubs year. >> i can't believe we are finally standing. after 108 years finally able to hoist a trophy. >> overwhelmed and over joyed. after spending more than a century in baseball peurgatory. and now enjoying a bit of baseball heaven. back to you. >> all right. thank you. put down that salt shaker. the study shows how much salt your kids are really eating. we could be dealing with record warmth in parts of our area. i'm also tracking rain. i'll also have a look ahead at the weekend coming up. i alone can fix it! bomb the [bleep] out of 'em. i'd like to punch him in the face. i like people that weren't captured, okay? he's a mexican! she ate like a pig... i moved on her like a [bleep] i did not say that... i love war. yes, including with nukes. blood coming out of her... they're rapists... wrong. there has to be some form of punishment. such a nasty woman. i wanna be unpredictable. ...on 5th avenue and shoot somebody... she's a slob... i don't remember! and you can tell them to go [bleep] themselves! priorities usa action is responsible for the content of this advertising. >> we have some breaking news here that just came in. eagles wide receiver josh huff has just been released by the eagles. he is facing drugs and weapons charges after being pulled over on the jersey bridge tuesday following practice with the eagles. again, the eagles just released josh huff who is facing weapons charges and drug charges after being pulled over on tuesday. officers say they found marijuana, a handgun and bullets in the car. we'll talk about the rescission coming up in a little more -- i guess 12:30 and we'll have everything for you on the nbc 10 app. a man is turning old computers into special learning tools. pamela has more on his mission to put a computer in the home of every school aged child. >> reporter: at a warehouse volunteers begin the team's work. >> putting windows 10 on a hard drive that we can put into a computer. >> the old computers you see here donated and put in the hand of people like jerry who work to get these computers ready for young customers. >> they get a monitor, a computer, keyboard, mouse. all they have to do is take it home and plug it in. >> they have to go to the library and walk around dangerous streets. >> over the past couple of decades he worked to end what he called the digital divide by putting computers into the hands of families that wouldn't be able to afford them. >> the achievement gap starts at home. >> it is why every computer that leaves this warehouse goes preloaded with educational software that features maps, reading and several other activities. he says it has provided 15,000 low-cost computers to schools, families and organizations and they are not done yet. >> kids learn it so fast. the more they get it the more they will get out of it. >> if you're wondering how you can get one of these low-cost computers we posted all of this on or check out the nbc 10 app. you'll want to take a closer look at how much salt is in your childrens diets. a study shows children eat about 3,200 milligrams of sodium each day. that is more than the 1,900 to 2,300 milligrams t. saltiest are breads, cold cuts, snacks and pizza. many musicians struggle to pay their bills. jazz bridge comes in. suzanne helped start jazz bridge. tell me about the organization and the way you're reaching out to help musicians. >> well, it started with me and my cofounder in 2004. we had both been working in the community for many years. there was no safety net at all. so we decided that we would start an organization that would be there for professional jazz and blues musicians. >> we are talking about this during the break. it exists out there and it is probably the same with professional athletes. you don't know there are guys that don't make a million dollars and they are just handing them out every day. >> there was a study in 2003 that says most musicians make about $8,000 a year and under. after the spotlight goes out on stage they have a hard time turning the lights on in their apartment or their home. they wanted every kind of crisis you can think of. so jazz bridge is there regionally in the lower delaware valley to help jazz musicians when times get tough. >> tell us about the concerts you have coming up. >> it is called the neighborhood concert ts program. we have five concert series running in different areas. we have one in new jersey, one in center city, one in roc rocksboro. you can hit a concert every week of the month and it will be one of ours. we are doing a thing called the philadelphia real book. a series of concerts with major taking part in it. we have a grant. jimmy heath, one of the giants of jazz will be coming here. mcbride, a huge thing. >> philadelphia has got a great jazz scene here. we just talked about this. lots of great places. the jazz bridge neighborhood concert series runs through may of 2017. collinswood. all concerts begin at 7:30. for more information we'll have a link on nbc 10. >> i'll be there tonight too. >> okay. thank you very much for coming in. >> thank you. >> thank you. well, we have clouds out there right now ahead of some rain. keep the umbrellas handy for this afternoon. temperatures change from the lehigh valley. we showed you this earlier. look at temperatures in burkes valley. nazareth is only 60. the rain has knocked the temperature down and there's cooler air behind it. this is a solid line of showers. most of it is on the light to moderate side. we do have a couple of spots where it's a little it heavier. this is at 147. philadelphia around 2:30. i keep retracking it and getting pretty much the same times on there. we are talking between 2:00 and 3:00 for perhaps moderate to heavier rain of the day. it is still not especially heavy. we are not getting thunderstorms yet with this. this is right around 1:00 for the heaviest of the rain. this would prevent the second line from being strong. that goes through perhaps 5:00 to 6:00. other computer models have that very weak or nonexistent. we have clearing coming in tonight. so look at these temperatures as we go through the latter portion of the day. still rain around 3:00 and starting to dry out but not necessarily clear out by 5:00 and 6:00. the weekend we are not talking about any kind of rain in any part of the area. temperatures a little bit below average. so it lab little cool at night, first thing in the morning. we have mostly sunny skies over just about the entire area for the whole weekend. what about the rest of the day? you can see the temperature drop. high of only 59 degrees. in the same ballpark for saturday, sunday and monday. on saturday we have the heart walk in the morning. a little cool for that. we set our clocks back on sunday morning and then election day is looking nice and sunny with seasonable temperatures. we'll be right back. in pennsylvania, a packet of heroin can be cheaper than a six-pack of beer and prescription painkillers are too easy to get. as the head of the pennsylvania commission on crime, i've helped local communities fund drug treatment programs to save our kids. i'm josh shapiro, and as attorney general, i'll crack down on the drug dealers and stop the overprescribing of opioid painkillers. i'm proud to be endorsed by law enforcement organizations 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all right. glenn says you can do a 15 second forecast. >> we are talking about the radar first. you can see the area of rain moving into parts of bucks, montgomery, chester counties right now. a little bit heavier going into chester county right now. >> three, two and one. there you go. thanks for watching nbc 10 news. i'm vai sikahema. for glenn schwartz and all of us here at nbc 10 have a great day. >> jennifer: adrienne. oh, you're back so soon. i thought that-- oh. the negotiation didn't go as well as we thought? i'm so sorry. come on in. oh, adrienne, listen, look. look, we had a dream. we wanted to buy "the spectator" and revive it and make it great again, and-- and we gave it a shot, and it just didn pan out. that's all. it's okay. >> adrienne: do you know what he did right off the bat? >> jennifer: did he insult you? why do they always have to start a negotiation with an insult? why? >> adrienne: it was stunning. i mean, first he rattled off ten reasons why newspapers were dying, why the only thing an investor should do is run the other way... >> jennifer: right, yeah. >> adrienne: [sighs] and then he sold it to us for a song. we are the owners of "the spectator"! >> jennifer: what? [both shrieking]

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Transcripts For WCAU NBC10 News Today 11am 20161103 :

Transcripts For WCAU NBC10 News Today 11am 20161103

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strike. good morning. i'm vai sikahema. we continue to see problems on the roads. buses, trolleys and subways are still suspended in the city. we have also seen congestion on the highways. we have live team coverage of the strike. we are live where me genegotiat have just resumed. >> reporter: the silence may mean negotiations have resumed up in one of the rooms here at the sheraton. there has been quite a bit of gridlock that's adding to the frustrations. no deal in place yet. commuters are feeling the effect for the third day. septa said there were several occasions where negotiators believed progress was being made but they blamed for putting a stop to any potential deal. it offered concessions on wage increases. as of an increase in employee health care contributions. it reads in part they have been working to get a deal done and were asking twu leadership to do the same for the sake of their members and people who rely on them every day to safely get them where they need to go. another day with renewed hope. we are now five days away. septa is calling to suspend the strike. if not they will be asking a judge to force them to come back to work. we'll have an update in the next 30 minutes. nbc 10 news. >> thank you. let's get the latest on traffic with francesca ruscio . >> these are within seconds of each other. this is what we are seeing right now, airplane 425 coming in 21 minutes late. delays from ten minutes and even yesterday we saw delays up to an hour. i have been advising folks to not really take the lines but 22 minute delays. travel speeds right now, we are doing okay at 40 miles per hour. our camera around broad street. we did see delays. the vine street expressway it was doing okay. watching two accidents in the secondary roads. i highlighted it right here. no problems or delays leading to it. if you're trying to avoid it also seeing a couple of back-ups in this area. again, it is on the secondary roads. delays are still coming in. >> we want to help you get to work with no charge. go to our facebook page to find out how you can get a free ride. and you can find a list of those locations on the nbc 10 app. it is part of the septa survival guide. you'll find special deals and contingency plans. well, after a foggy morning it's really warming up outside in some parts of our area could see record warmth. a little bit breezy. some of us are dealing with showers. we take a live look at first alert radar. the showers will be moving into other parts later on. glenn "hurricane" schwartz is here with our forecast, hey, glenn. >> yeah, quite a variety. this is southern delaware and extreme south jersey and jersey shore today. while we have a line of showers through the lehigh valley right now some of it is on the moderate to heavy side approaching redding, as you can see, moving straight to the east. so redding about to get into this within less than an hour. let's zoom in here. you can see how close it is and moving to the east. tracking this at about 15 miles per hour. behind that there's a little bit of showers. so the main area looks like it is coming in even faster than was expected earlier. so by 1:30 whatever is left of this is moving into philadelphia and trenton and down towards delaware and the futurecast does show perhaps lingering showers later on this afternoon. some of the latest information just in minutes ago from the highest resolution models show a lot of this passing through the philadelphia area within the next two to three hours and that conditions gradually improve later today. it is 64 degrees in philadelphia with cloudy skies right now. we have 60s across the entire area. some places will get into the 70s today. we have big changes coming for the rest of the day and into the weekend. we'll get into that in a few minutes. >> okay. we'll get into that later on. we have breaking news in the bridgegate trial. the lawyers application was mostly with held. it is not clear what lead them to file for mistrial. the judge has yet to rule on the motion. bridget kelly are accused of plotting to close lanes in 2013. prosecutors say it was retaliation against the mayor who did not endorse governor christie. they say they thought the closures were part of a traffic st study. they hope an autopsy will give them more clues. people driving by saw fire under the eastbound side around 2:30 this morning. they discovered there was a body on a mattress. they could not tell if it was a man or woman or the age of the person. they are trying to figure out how old the person was and if it was from the fire or perhaps something else. the second teenager faces charges in connection to an attempted robbery and shooting. he turned himself into ploins monday. he is charged with attempted murder, conspiracy and other offenses. he surrendered days after the shooting. and you'll remember a bicyclist was shot trying to break up a robbery. that man was critically hurt but survived. police say the armed man in this video robbed six stores in philadelphia in the area since saturday in the most recent robbery. the man took money from a customer and the cash register at a boost mobile on frankford avenue on tuesday afternoon. police say he told a worker he was hungry before robbing the place. in several of the crimes he used a bike to get away. bill cosby's pretrial hearing ended without any rulings by the judge. his next hearing date is in december. his defense attorneys have been trying to get the case against him thrown out. the actor accused of -- cosby says the encounter was consensual. his attorney claims it was only filed when he recycled an old case. >> mr. cosby's rights have been violated in any number of ways. >> the judge in any case is going to tell the jurors over and over -- and no juror will be selected unless they can say they believe the defendant is presumed innocent. >> cosby's attorneys also say he can't defend himself because he is blind. the judge hasn't said when he will decide on the motions. the countdown to election day and a narrower path to victory for hillary clinton. up next the intense focus as donald trump's wife is getting set to give her first campaign speech since the convention here in our area. >> and that sign says something we have never seen before, world series champions. they fly the w. a look at game seven that was truly one for the ages. >> a lot of people lost sleep as a result. some of us already dealing with rain and others are going to get it. i'll let you me what's in store for the weekend just ahead. i approve this message. donald trump: i could stand in the middle of 5th avenue and shoot somebody and i wouldn't lose any voters, okay? and you can tell them to go f--- themselves! you know, you could see there was blood coming out of her eyes, blood coming out of her wherever... you gotta see this guy. ahh, i don't know what i said, ahh. "i don't remember." he's going like "i don't remember!" when government bureaucrats refused to approve a cancer vaccine equally for both girls and boys, i stepped in to change that rule. when my own party held up recovery funds after sandy hit us, i took them on and won. and when veterans were forced to travel out of state for health care, i brought in new local clinics and expanded services. but there's much more to do. my mission is to protect south jersey's way of life. i'm frank lobiondo and i approve this message. no warning, no hearing. it's a lending practice sorcing outrageous, most states banned it. but at the bank founded by pat toomey it was business as usual. forcing small business owners out of their homes. toomey even used his power in the senate to help himself, voting to gut rules that protect us and crack down on big banks. pat toomey. out for himself, not us. dscc is responsible for the content of this advertising. we continue to follow the septa strike. the transport workers union are expected to resume talks. it is another day of delays for commuters as buses and trolleys and subways are not running in the city. we see delays on the regional rail lines as well. it has details, septa strike survival guide. we have information on alternative transit services and contingency plans. and now the decision 2016 the presidential candidates are trying to win over voters five days before the election. both will be quoting in north carolina. it is one of many battleground states. we have the latest. >> donald trump mimicking his aids. >> stay on point, donald. stay on point. no side tracks, donald. >> arizona has only voted for the democrat for president once since 1948. >> reporter: that was in 1996 for clinton's husband. the chicago native watched the cubs win the world series. the democrats are concerned about low voter turnout. >> she is counting on black women driving the vote. that's really who she has been hitting in ohio, michigan, pennsylvania, wisconsin. >> trump also heads to north carolina. >> we knew that a share of elect elect electorate have decided so vote against hillary clinton and we need to make sure they have reasons to vote for donald trump. trump's wife willing holding a rally in berwyn. it will be the first speech since the republican national convention this summer. president obama rallying support for hillary clinton in florida. this is a look at miami national airport where the president is greeting the audience and just taking the stage. just a short time ago clinton's daughter held a campaign event at a milwaukee coffee shop where she encouraged people to vote for her mother. we continue to cover every angle of the election. join jim as he broadcasts live in south philadelphia. both nights we'll have a special half hour show and perspective on the race. this is the jersey shore. temperatures near 80 later today. it is only 62 in lehigh valley. this is at the jersey shore. right now we have a southwest wind. some of these areas could actually get to 80 degrees this afternoon. it is in the 70s already. it is near summers point and the ocean is a mild 60 degrees. this is the band of rain we have been talking about. it continues to spread to the east. we have one area getting a little bit heavier than others. that one area happens to be going into redding right now. as we zoom in here getting into the heavier rain. redding only a few minutes away from getting into the heavier rain. it's not going to last a long time. it is going to be moving to the east. bridgewater 1:04. this is a leading edge of it where we would expect the light rain to start. douglas by 12:26. we'll see if it does intensify and start producing lightning and then we'll be able to track that too. some of the latest computer models do vary on this. they don't really have that first band as well defined as it actually is. so they may be exaggerating this area that could come through later during the afternoon. we'll be updating you this on twitter and on our app as we go hour by hour through the afternoon. so we know it's a big deal about the commute in philadelphia later on today as there are people on bikes and people walking and by 4:00 the beginning part of the rush hour there is a possibility that some of that first rain area could be around. temperatures start dropping a little bit between 6:00 and 8:00. it's still not all that chilly. the later you go out the more likely it is for this rain to end. look at the temperatures in the 70s. it's dropping to 61 degrees by 6:00 in allentown. as we go through the night tonight we'll see temperatures start to drop and tomorrow it is going to be a good bit cooler. 59 degrees in philadelphia and high of only 56 in lehigh valley. not much of a change on saturday. a couple of degrees warmer in most areas. we drop another couple on sunday. that's a dry weekend for the entire area without a whole lot of wind. that's looking pretty good. we'll see if that continues through the ten day a little bit later. >> all right. thank you. an emotional day for a firefighter and his family. coming up a hero injured in the house fire that killed two of his comrades. does pat toomey speak for you? i also want to thank the nra for it's, uh, strong support for my campaign. pat toomey: he opposes an assault weapons ban and got an "a" rating from the nra. "i have had a perfect record with the nra." and on women's health? "i would support legislation in pennsylvania that would ban abortion, and i would, i would suggest that we have penalties for doctors who perform them." pat toomey: does he really speak for you? majority forward is responsible for the content of this advertising. at a neighborhoods a restaurafavorite - a place for a good, family meal. she juggled customers, cooks, waitresses - and never complained. my dad was a police officer walking his beat. i learned from both what it means to be honest, to work hard, and love family. big banks, wall street, special interests - that's who pat toomey's with. in the senate, i'll work for you and your family. i'm katie mcginty, and i approve this message. so who will be the next president of the united states? in five days we should know that answer. while this presidential campaign has certainly been one for the history books there is a lot about the process you may not be aware of. it is a fantastic exhibit called headed to the white house that has been extended through the end of the year. here to tell us more about that is the v.p. of education. i'm guessing it's a good sign that for the public that the exhibit has been extended. >> the exhibit is great. it looks at the constitutionality of the election process. it's not about the politics. it's not about all of the pieces going on in the news. it's really looking at what we do best, what happened here in philadelphia and going through the past 100 years and saying what are the similarities? people can see what happens in our country, what the process is and where they play a partner in. they were coming in. it is fantastic. >> you're in charge of education. we were talking about how many thousands of kids i see there. they are smiling. they are grinning and they are learning and they may not be aware they are learning. what's the feedback we are getting ge getting from people? >> it is sad to hear the amazement in their voice but what you want is we want kids to be engaged in history. we want kids to be engaged in the content and they are. they are always walking out with learning something new and seeing what's their role? it's good for this election process. every four years it is paying attention and really being a part of this amazing process. >> and speaking of the election you have something special going this week on election day. >> election day is a fantastic day to learn more about the constitution, if you choose to vote to vote. a lot of kids will be off and schools will be closed. if you dress up like any president ever you get in for $5 or if you come with an i voted sticker you get in for $5. we'll attempt to do a world record of the most presidenti presidential -- we are encouraging mutten chops and different facial hair. >> i think you'll see a lot of donald trumps and hillary clintons there. >> we don't know if either will be a president at that time. >> people have a costume and i'm guessing they will show up. >> yes. >> you can see it now through december 31st. for more details head to our web site. we'll have a link on and the nbc 10 app. they are proud sponsors headed to the white house. thank you very much. >> thank you. it's great to be here. >> thanks. hoping for a resolution in day three of the septa strike, hundreds of thousands of commuters are trying to figure out how to get where they need to be. we get you through the gridlock on the roads and on the rails. kids rely on computers as much as books and pencils. up next, meet a local man working hard to end the digital divide and give meters to families who wouldn't be able to afford them. she ate like a pig. trump has said and done... you can do anything. i moved on her like a [bleep] ...trump's just so disgusting and degrading. it just seems like he's invaded our lives. and he's the republican nominee for president. and republican brian fitzpatrick supported trump. look, we just can't vote for fitzpatrick or trump. house majority pac is responsible for the content of this advertising. when government bureaucrats refused to approve a cancer vaccine equally for both girls and boys, i stepped in to change that rule. when my own party held up recovery funds after sandy hit us, i took them on and won. and when veterans were forced to travel out of state for health care, i brought in new local clinics and expanded services. but there's much more to do. my mission is to protect south jersey's way of life. i'm frank lobiondo and i approve this message. we continue to follow developments during day three of the septa strike. workers union and septa is underway right now. the commuters continue to deal with headaches as regional rails were delayed this morning. nbc 10 has the latest on the talks between sept and transport workers union. >> reporter: talks were expected to resume later on this morning. we have been waiting for any word of an impending deal. so far nothing yet. commuters have been feeling the effects for a third day now. negotiators blamed twu for putting a stop to any potential deals. septa has offered but asked for an increase in employee health care contributions. septa is calling on union workers to suspend the strikes so people can get to the polls on election day. if not septa says it will be asking a judge to force workers to go back on the job. we'll follow all of the latest developments at the bargaining table on nbc 10 news at 4:00, 5:00 and 6:00. we are with you every step of the way. tune in again at 4:00 this afternoon for any developments that happen during the day. count on nbc 10 on air and on the nbc 10 app. a warm november day at the shore. some spots could break some records. we give you a live look right now at cape may. some of us are dealing with showers. we take a look at first alert radar. it will be moving into other parts of the area later on. glenn "hurricane" schwartz is here with the timing of all of that with his forecast. >> yeah, we are already seeing some of those showers moving through some of the northern western suburbs and the lehigh valley keeping temperatures down. it is already well into the 70s. this area of rain extends from allentown south of harrisburg now. you can see the area of the heaviest rain. some of it is in a very small zone. the heaviest has passed by redding. it just passed to the north. it is heads towards douglas. if we time that out it would reach a philadelphia area around 2:30. the rain would start earlier but would get a little bit heavier around that time. this is just after 2:00 norris town. so it's fairly early in the afternoon and then we get to see if that's second line that develops behind this. the heavier this is the more it will knock temperatures down and prevent a second line from developing or at least getting stronger as this one computer model has suggested. here is 4:00 with the second band going into the philadelphia area. we'll continue to monitor this, track those heaviest showers and tell you more about the weekend and election day coming up in a few minutes. >> all right. thank you. britain's high court ruled the government must get approval before it can move forward with the exit from the european union. she planned to launch exit negotiations. she is relying that lets the government withdraw from international treaties. they say it would remove rights like the ability to remove freely and that it cannot be done without parliment approval. the government says it will appeal today's ruling. one of the wilmington firefighters is finally out of the hospital. nbc 10 is live where a firefighter was just released. what can you tell us? >> i was the first at the scene. two wilmington firefighters were killed and two more injured. they were brought to the famous burn center. take a look. a long road ahead. serious burns he suffered in the fire. at least he gets to leave as he gets hundreds of firefighters and police officers here to meet him. they all escorted him back to his house. i asked him what he is most looking forward to back at home. he has been here since september 24th. >> i remember it every day. i remember it every day for the rest of my life. i don't know if i have to work. i can't wait to spend time with my family. i get to see my kids. >>. >> reporter: he has a seven and a five-year-old. sky force 10 was overhead. he says he plans to eventually go back to work and he also hopes to come back here for another event like this one. we are talking about seeing firefighters eventually get to go home. we hear she is steadily improving. we haven't gotten much information about her long-term prognosis. we'll show you much more later on nbc 10 this afternoon. nbc 10 news. >> there you go t. chicago cubs ended the longest drought in professional sports industry and winning the first title in 108 years. this is a live look at wrigley field on the north side of chicago. that sign says it all, world series champions. fans have been celebrating all night and throughout the morning as jay gray reports from chicago. >> reporter: the party, i'm not sure it is ever going to end as chicago celebrates the cubs world championship. finally, history. like most everything this team does, it wasn't easy. a rain delay during an intense game seven between two teams not used to winning. the cubs and their fans have waited 108 years for this, more than a lifetime of frustration washed away by the champagne and celebration that stretches from cleveland to wrigleyville. they have no longer the lovable loser or the answer to a trivia question, the curse has finally been broken. there's no more waiting for next year because this is the cubs year. >> i can't believe we are finally standing. after 108 years finally able to hoist a trophy. >> overwhelmed and over joyed. after spending more than a century in baseball peurgatory. and now enjoying a bit of baseball heaven. back to you. >> all right. thank you. put down that salt shaker. the study shows how much salt your kids are really eating. we could be dealing with record warmth in parts of our area. i'm also tracking rain. i'll also have a look ahead at the weekend coming up. i alone can fix it! bomb the [bleep] out of 'em. i'd like to punch him in the face. i like people that weren't captured, okay? he's a mexican! she ate like a pig... i moved on her like a [bleep] i did not say that... i love war. yes, including with nukes. blood coming out of her... they're rapists... wrong. there has to be some form of punishment. such a nasty woman. i wanna be unpredictable. ...on 5th avenue and shoot somebody... she's a slob... i don't remember! and you can tell them to go [bleep] themselves! priorities usa action is responsible for the content of this advertising. >> we have some breaking news here that just came in. eagles wide receiver josh huff has just been released by the eagles. he is facing drugs and weapons charges after being pulled over on the jersey bridge tuesday following practice with the eagles. again, the eagles just released josh huff who is facing weapons charges and drug charges after being pulled over on tuesday. officers say they found marijuana, a handgun and bullets in the car. we'll talk about the rescission coming up in a little more -- i guess 12:30 and we'll have everything for you on the nbc 10 app. a man is turning old computers into special learning tools. pamela has more on his mission to put a computer in the home of every school aged child. >> reporter: at a warehouse volunteers begin the team's work. >> putting windows 10 on a hard drive that we can put into a computer. >> the old computers you see here donated and put in the hand of people like jerry who work to get these computers ready for young customers. >> they get a monitor, a computer, keyboard, mouse. all they have to do is take it home and plug it in. >> they have to go to the library and walk around dangerous streets. >> over the past couple of decades he worked to end what he called the digital divide by putting computers into the hands of families that wouldn't be able to afford them. >> the achievement gap starts at home. >> it is why every computer that leaves this warehouse goes preloaded with educational software that features maps, reading and several other activities. he says it has provided 15,000 low-cost computers to schools, families and organizations and they are not done yet. >> kids learn it so fast. the more they get it the more they will get out of it. >> if you're wondering how you can get one of these low-cost computers we posted all of this on or check out the nbc 10 app. you'll want to take a closer look at how much salt is in your childrens diets. a study shows children eat about 3,200 milligrams of sodium each day. that is more than the 1,900 to 2,300 milligrams t. saltiest are breads, cold cuts, snacks and pizza. many musicians struggle to pay their bills. jazz bridge comes in. suzanne helped start jazz bridge. tell me about the organization and the way you're reaching out to help musicians. >> well, it started with me and my cofounder in 2004. we had both been working in the community for many years. there was no safety net at all. so we decided that we would start an organization that would be there for professional jazz and blues musicians. >> we are talking about this during the break. it exists out there and it is probably the same with professional athletes. you don't know there are guys that don't make a million dollars and they are just handing them out every day. >> there was a study in 2003 that says most musicians make about $8,000 a year and under. after the spotlight goes out on stage they have a hard time turning the lights on in their apartment or their home. they wanted every kind of crisis you can think of. so jazz bridge is there regionally in the lower delaware valley to help jazz musicians when times get tough. >> tell us about the concerts you have coming up. >> it is called the neighborhood concert ts program. we have five concert series running in different areas. we have one in new jersey, one in center city, one in roc rocksboro. you can hit a concert every week of the month and it will be one of ours. we are doing a thing called the philadelphia real book. a series of concerts with major taking part in it. we have a grant. jimmy heath, one of the giants of jazz will be coming here. mcbride, a huge thing. >> philadelphia has got a great jazz scene here. we just talked about this. lots of great places. the jazz bridge neighborhood concert series runs through may of 2017. collinswood. all concerts begin at 7:30. for more information we'll have a link on nbc 10. >> i'll be there tonight too. >> okay. thank you very much for coming in. >> thank you. >> thank you. well, we have clouds out there right now ahead of some rain. keep the umbrellas handy for this afternoon. temperatures change from the lehigh valley. we showed you this earlier. look at temperatures in burkes valley. nazareth is only 60. the rain has knocked the temperature down and there's cooler air behind it. this is a solid line of showers. most of it is on the light to moderate side. we do have a couple of spots where it's a little it heavier. this is at 147. philadelphia around 2:30. i keep retracking it and getting pretty much the same times on there. we are talking between 2:00 and 3:00 for perhaps moderate to heavier rain of the day. it is still not especially heavy. we are not getting thunderstorms yet with this. this is right around 1:00 for the heaviest of the rain. this would prevent the second line from being strong. that goes through perhaps 5:00 to 6:00. other computer models have that very weak or nonexistent. we have clearing coming in tonight. so look at these temperatures as we go through the latter portion of the day. still rain around 3:00 and starting to dry out but not necessarily clear out by 5:00 and 6:00. the weekend we are not talking about any kind of rain in any part of the area. temperatures a little bit below average. so it lab little cool at night, first thing in the morning. we have mostly sunny skies over just about the entire area for the whole weekend. what about the rest of the day? you can see the temperature drop. high of only 59 degrees. in the same ballpark for saturday, sunday and monday. on saturday we have the heart walk in the morning. a little cool for that. we set our clocks back on sunday morning and then election day is looking nice and sunny with seasonable temperatures. we'll be right back. in pennsylvania, a packet of heroin can be cheaper than a six-pack of beer and prescription painkillers are too easy to get. as the head of the pennsylvania commission on crime, i've helped local communities fund drug treatment programs to save our kids. i'm josh shapiro, and as attorney general, i'll crack down on the drug dealers and stop the overprescribing of opioid painkillers. i'm proud to be endorsed by law enforcement organizations 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all right. glenn says you can do a 15 second forecast. >> we are talking about the radar first. you can see the area of rain moving into parts of bucks, montgomery, chester counties right now. a little bit heavier going into chester county right now. >> three, two and one. there you go. thanks for watching nbc 10 news. i'm vai sikahema. for glenn schwartz and all of us here at nbc 10 have a great day. >> jennifer: adrienne. oh, you're back so soon. i thought that-- oh. the negotiation didn't go as well as we thought? i'm so sorry. come on in. oh, adrienne, listen, look. look, we had a dream. we wanted to buy "the spectator" and revive it and make it great again, and-- and we gave it a shot, and it just didn pan out. that's all. it's okay. >> adrienne: do you know what he did right off the bat? >> jennifer: did he insult you? why do they always have to start a negotiation with an insult? why? >> adrienne: it was stunning. i mean, first he rattled off ten reasons why newspapers were dying, why the only thing an investor should do is run the other way... >> jennifer: right, yeah. >> adrienne: [sighs] and then he sold it to us for a song. we are the owners of "the spectator"! >> jennifer: what? [both shrieking]

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