Transcripts For WCAU NBC10 News At 6pm 20170922 : comparemel

Transcripts For WCAU NBC10 News At 6pm 20170922

probing whether there was any coordination between russia and associates of donald trump. here at home right now at 6:00, an investigation after a 3-year-old boy shot his uncle with the police officer's weapon. this happened at the height of the lunch hour in center city. >> tonight nbc 10's cydney long is finding out how the child got his hands on the gun. >> reporter: there was shock and panic in center city. >> a lot of panic because they knew it was like, somebody shot and in bad shape. >> reporter: when police say a 3-year-old boy seen in this cell phone video fired his uncle's gun. that uncle, an off duty officer had hid his personal gun under the passenger seat of his suv. without his badge and permit he couldn't take it into city hall. >> the 3-year-old child got loose from his car seat, got ahold of the weapon and fired it. >> reporter: the bullet struck his other uncle who was in the driver's seat in his shoulder. it then landed in the driver's side mirror. residents packed the sidewalk and outdoor cafe. >> a lot of blood coming from his clothes. as you see it's a lot of blood on the ground there. they rushed him out. >> reporter: sky force 10 was above. >> the grandma thought it was a toy gun. >> reporter: witnesses were shocked today learn a boy barely beyond diapers pulled the trigger. >> my reaction was like why would you have a gun in the car anyway. >> reporter: now the pha officer is being questioned about why he left a loaded weapon within reach of a child. witnesses consider it careless and avoidable. police say charges will follow. >> especially a loaded gun in a car with a young child. no excuse for that. >> reporter: crime scene detectives processed the suv and removed it a short time ago. the victim, the 24-year-old uncle, is listed in stale condition. he is expected to make a full recovery. from center city, i'm cydney long nbc 10 news. developing now, an emergency in puerto rico following hurricane maria. a failing dam is forcing the evacuation of two towns in the u.s. territory. >> about 70,000 people live in those two towns. also today, the u.s. military said just about the entire island is still without power. maria's death toll across the caribbean climbed to 27 today. six of those deaths in puerto rico. a live look at philadelphia international where a flight from puerto rico is scheduled to arrive in about two and a half hours. >> that flight has already been delayed three and a half hours. michelle leonardo is one of many philadelphia mothers waiting for her relatives to return home safely after maria made landfall. she showed up not realizing the flight had been pushed back several times. her 18-year-old son was going to school there when the hurricane hit. she has not talked to him since tuesday when the airline canceled his first flight home. >> been up all night. i keep checking the website. since yesterday, just making sure that his flight wasn't canceled. and to make sure he's going to come in. no one, none of my friends, any of my family members have had any contact with anyone over there. it's devastating. >> she was able to tell her son tuesday she was booking another flight for friday. she showed up hoping her son was going to be on that plane. >> imagine that wait. if you're still trying to reach loved ones, go to the nbc 10 app to find the best resources to help you get in touch. also on the app, find donation tips to make sure your money goes to the right places. we'll keep tracking maria as it moved up the east coast. stay with the nbc 10 first alert weather team for its updated track and any impact the storm may have on our area. turning to our weather today, it's a hot start to the fall. summer officially ended two hours ago. but it does not feel that way. it's warm at the irish festival at wildwood. >> you probably won't need a jacket if you're grabbing dinner in center city on this first evening of autumn. looking live along broad street. it's still warm enough to be on the beach as we look live at avalon, cape may county. beautiful evening. surf is still a bit rough because of what was hurricane jose off the jersey coast. and we could get near record temperatures coming up this weekend, especially hot sunday for the eagles' home opener. we check in live at lincoln official field. >> all the padding the football players wear. tammie souza is enjoying the warm welcome for fall on the patio outside of studios. how hot will it be for the weekend? you know what? the humidity is going to go up a little. it will feel a little bit sticky. it's going to be pushing 90 by the time we get to sunday. i have to tell you, it's two hours old. fall is. it's a spectacular evening out here. please, take advantage of it if you can. this is a gift from mother nature. you know, i usually say ugly shoe day, bad hair day. a good hair evening and a pretty shoe evening. ladies, break out those strappy sandals. okay? or your flip-flops. let's take a look at the numbers around the area. very warm, look off to the west, 94 in st. louis. 88 in cincinnati that warmth is headed our way through the weekend and into the midpart of next week. 87 in wilmington. 80 in allentown. 76 in atlantic city and 77 in vineland, 77 in dover. look at where we're going. we should be at 76 by the weekend. our average high will be 75. we're going to exceed that all the way into next wednesday. we exceeded it today by hitting 83. but there are big changes on the way. we do have to deal with what's going on with maria. when i come back, that's what we'll discuss. guys? right now a new twist in the healthcare showdown. the republicans' last best chance to repeal obamacare, it's in trouble. john mccain announced he'll vote against the republican healthcare bill. he criticized the process and lack of debate to remake the country's healthcare system. back in july, he was one of three republicans who helped to sink the republican healthcare reform effort back then. he criticized the closed door process then as well. a vote is set on this bill next week. let's look at some of the things this bill includes. ending obamacare's medicaid expansion and subsidies for private insurance. instead states would receive grants to spend on healthcare. critics worry some states will decrease coverage for people with preexisting conditions. new jersey senator bob menendez is on trial for bribery right now but he says he's willing to miss court next week to vote against this republican healthcare bill. menendez called the bill mean spirited and said it assaults the financial security of american families. stay tuned for nbc "nightly news" with lester holt for what the latest blow to the gop healthcare plan means for your family's future. that's coming up at 6:30 right after this newscast. a jersey shore doctor is guilty in a wild -- widespread case. he wrote more than 200 fraudulent prescriptions. nbc 10 was first to reveal this prescription scheme. being investigated by multiple agencies. investigators say public employees were recruited to get prescriptions they didn't need. doctors, pharmaceutical reps and others would get kickbacks in exchange for having expensive prescriptions filled. to an update on the story we've been following. police say this man tried luring seven children into his car between february and september 15th. he was arrested tuesday. police say he would go to school or parks and use money and a camera to try to get children into his car. a high ranking delaware county official is under investigation tonight by the district attorney's office. we don't know why. all day nbc 10 has been trying to get ahold of the radnorboard of commissioner's president. he are told there was a raid at his home yesterday but he's been asked not to discuss the investigation. now, to the latest on the mexico earthquake. the focus is now on a textile factory. the building was completely smashed. two people have recently been pulled out alive from that site. 6,000 rescue workers, including a team of americans are working around the clock. often removing debris by hand. today, the death toll hit 293. doctors in mexico tell us they're not just tending to the injured, now they're also offering psychological support to families waiting for word on their loved ones. up next at 6:00, a mother's grief after her son was killed fieth r fig fighting a fire in delaware. >> i do have consolation. my son is a hero. >> her reason for hope and how the state is rallying around her this weekend. where are we? about to see progressive's new home quote explorer. where you can compare multiple quote options online and choose what's right for you. woah. flo and jamie here to see hqx. flo and jamie request entry. slovakia. triceratops. tapioca. racquetball. staccato. me llamo jamie. pumpernickel. pudding. employee: hey, guys! home quote explorer. it's home insurance made easy. password was "hey guys." this weekend, delaware will honor three fallen firefighters killed in a wilmington house fire one year ago sunday. >> lieutenant arty hope died after hanging on for months. captain christopher leech and lieutenant jerry ficus died the morning of the fire. >> a hole in our family. there's a hole in the fire department. there's a hole in the community at large. >> tonight nbc 10's tim furlong shows us how delaware is remembering these fallen heroes all weekend long. >> it's been an emotional year. >> reporter: that right there may be the year's biggest understatement. one year ago she found out her son died. >> there are other mothers who are lost sons who are suffering. i do have some consolation my son is a hero. >> reporter: he literally gave his life trying to save leech's. >> it's non-perishable foods. >> reporter: his widow is leading a day of service. this was her idea, gathering all this food for a charity. you can go to the blue rock center to get a bumper sticker. there will be a blood drive and on sunday there is going to be a 5k to raise money for christopher leech's children. >> we're very proud. >> reporter: she says none of this makes losing her son easier, she recognizes even the family of the woman accused of starting the fire is suffering. >> i mean, there's a hole in our family. there's a hole in the fire department. i think it's going to take a long, long time for the community to recover. >> reporter: nbc 10 news. i can understand that. on monday, three wilmington firehouses will be renamed in honor of the three fallen firefighters. children of all ages collected money to help hurricane harvey victims today st. lawrence catholic elementary school held a special prayer service. students and staff collected money. it will be sent to schools in the archdiocese in the galveston/houston area. all right. to your first alert weather now. it is warm and kind of sticky out there for the first evening of fall. a live look at cape may where it sure does feel like summer. in delaware it's going to be hot for all the activities this weekend. a live view of the wilmington skyline. here in philadelphia, beautiful night for a stroll of penn's landing. >> people may be sweating as they wait in line right now in fairmont. not because they're scared, but because it's warm out there. tonight is opening night for the haunted attraction inside the eastern state penitentiary. >> this weekend's temperatures could get close to a record i understand? let's bring in first alert chief meteorologist tammie souza. >> how many people do you think are going to complain about how hot it is this sunday? >> we won't. >> to them i can say one word, january. in january we won't be complaining. beautiful conditions out there. it is a warm start to fall. fall came into the area at 4:02 this afternoon. ten to 15 degree bumps above where we should be. our average is 76 degrees. we'll see partly to mostly sunny skies. we'll have higher humidity, it won't be unpleasant. it won't make you really sweaty. you feel feel it. in avalon, 74. winds out of the northwest at 5 miles per hour. beautiful day at the beach. you can see the high thin clouds that have been pushed into the area by post tropical storm jose. 81 in philadelphia with winds out of the north to 8 miles per hour. wilmington, they're having a party with the carnival and the ballfield there. 78 and the winds are out of the northwest 5 miles per hour. pleasant conditions. our doppler radar is not picking up any rain in our area. if we add the satellite to the radar, you can see the thin clouds and some rain showers now making their way through parts of boston and out toward cape cod. those may start to clip new york and maybe even work their way into the philadelphia beaches or actually the jersey shore beaches but the philadelphia area. this is what it's going to look like hour by hour as we go through the next three days. you'll wake up in the 60s tomorrow morning, a little cooler in the outlying areas. refreshing there. we'll see winds that are generally going to be out of the north on land. we'll make it up into the mid and upper 80s tomorrow. we're going to start to see the winds turning onshore. it will be cooler along the beaches, especially on sunday. that's when we'll see the 70s along many of the beaches. we'll be in the upper 80s and even low 90s across the area on sunday and monday. it might wind up being the warmest day of all. it's dependent on the amount of cloud cover. the winds will be out of the northeast which should be cooler for us. look at this, 3:00 in the afternoon, the forecast models want to push us to 89. there's a danger at the beaches if you're going out there you he heard ted greenburg, don't go in the water. listen to what the lifeguards say, there's a high risk of rip currents that's going to exist because of jose and maria. maria is going to be knocking on the door by the time we get into the beginning of next week. it looks like that hurricane is going to push some big swells into our area. right now, pulling away from the turks and caicos, and it has winds of about 125 miles per hour. we are going to watch it move north in the atlantic between bermuda and perhaps the u.s. mainland. watch what happens to this cone. it flares out. a little disagreement on where this might go. it could come closer to the shore line of the east coast. it could come closer to bermuda. high surf, beach erosion, that's something we'll be keeping an eye on as well as the dangerous rip currents. you need to be aware of that if you're headed out to the beaches. you know what? download our free app, you'll get your neighborhood weather. you can see the radar. and you can customize your own forecast. stay safe that way. tonight across the area, we're looking at generally 66 in philadelphia, 59 in the lehigh valley. 65 in delaware. for tomorrow, we're going to be looking at sun with maybe a few high thin clouds. it will be 87 in philadelphia, 81 along the jersey shore. and finally your ten day on ten. it tells it all. we're going to have a fabulous start to fall. 87 tomorrow. 91 on sunday. 90 on monday. 82 on tuesday. could see an isolated shower from maria or jose tuesday or wednesday. and then we drop into the 70s. look at this, by next saturday and sunday, low 70s. below average. enjoy it. i'm danny pommels. we're days away from kickoff between the eagles and giants. we'll hear from carson wentz about preparing for the big game in front of the eagles' faithful. t-mobile's unlimited now includes netflix on us. that's right, netflix on us. get four unlimited lines for just forty bucks each. taxes and fees included. and now, netflix included. so go ahead, binge on us. another reason why t-mobile is america's best unlimited network. oand freedoms that we have and we enjoy today.s ready. aim. fire. and it's important for us to let them know that we will never forget their service. fire. it was steve's idea to have this cemetery. this was supplied to the veterans, giving us a final resting place. we owe everything to steve for what he gave us here. i wanted to make sure that we just didn't say thank you to veterans, we had tangible things to show, and i think we've accomplished that. [ "taps" playing ] i'm danny pommels. two days to kick off between the birds and giants for the home opener here in south philly. eagles back on the practice field getting in a few more reps. they played at lincoln financial field in the preseason, but this time it counts. the players know the atmosphere is going to be electric. >> it's going to be fun, great environment. we have a passionate fan base. i'm excited to go out there and do my job and come away with a victory. >> i know we played mere for preseason and that was preseason. i know for a game it's going to be more intense. >> it's exciting. again, we're excited to be at home for it. and i think starting the year off 2-0 in our division would be a big jump for us. >> not so fast in all the excitement. the birds are deal ing with a few injuries. particularly on the defensive side. starting safety rodney mccloud left last week's game early because of a hamstring injury. he was back on the practice field for the first time this week. no word if he'll be able to go on sunday. he's confident his backups can get the job done if he can't. >> always ready to fill in. you know, you seen that within the first three games already. guys are always prepared. everybody prepares like a starter. so that's how we approach it. and that's how it's been so far. >> yeah, eagles certainly will have their hands full. the giants' offense has struggled in the first two games of the season. but guys like odell beckham jr. and brandon marshall can turn it around. the head coach is not taking anything for granted. >> i think personally they're better than 0-2. they feel that way as well. and this is a dangerous football team. weapons on offense, tremendous defense. and our work is cut out for us. great week of preparation so far. and looking forward to sunday and opening our stadium. >> we've got you covered on game day like eric allen and his prime. an hour long pregame show sunday morning starting with kickoff. followed by eagles game plan. after sunday night football stay with nbc 10 for eagles game day finals. the phillys play the braves in atlanta. we'll have highlights tonight at 11:00. that's all for now. i'm danny pommels from csn. like his father before him, he served our country with honor in the navy. came home and worked his way up from floor technician to supervisor at the salem power plant. as a husband and father, grenier knows how families struggle to make ends meet. that's why he'll fight to cut our taxes, and stand up to career politicians like steve sweeney. if we want to change trenton, there's only one way. fran grenier. ey is facing an epidemic fueled by opioid painkillers. vanessa: in honor of september being recovery month, we want you to know that recovery from addiction is possible, but you need to know the signs. they can be hard to spot: social withdrawal, financial problems, irritability. christie: if you see these signs occurring together or suddenly, you may have cause for concern. the signs you spot today... vanessa: ...could save a loved one tomorrow. christie: call 844 reach nj or visit we are looking at an incredible warm up. we will see upper 80s tomorrow. low 90s possible on sunday. maybe even on monday. take it easy. this is a gift from mother nature. that is about 15 degrees above where we should be. then we taper off to where we should be and below by the end of next week. we level off. i don't think we're going much lower than that. >> okay. thank goodness. i'm jim rosenfield. >> i'm jacqueline london, up next, nbc "nightly news" with lester holt. we'll see you back here at 11:00 tonight. tonight, mccain's bombshell. the senator deals another major blow to his own party's efforts to repeal obamacare. is this newest gop plan doomed? breaking point. heart-pounding rescues and new evacuations as floodwaters rise in puerto rico. the entire island still without power. tonight the urgent relief mission under way. race against time. survivors pulled from the rubble three days after mexico's earthquake. but the clock is ticking to save others still trapped. war of words. president trump calls kim jong-un a madman after kim labeled him mentally deranged while north korea threatens to detonate another h-bomb. 911 emergency. when no one answers your call for help. the life-threatening problem plaguing communities. >

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