Transcripts For WCAU NBC10 News At 6pm 20170814 : comparemel

Transcripts For WCAU NBC10 News At 6pm 20170814

congressman who is pushing for a change in the investigation. after the violence in charlottesville, the department sf justice is investigating. but a former fbi agent says they should be looking at more than criminal civil rights violations. >> they need to go after these people with every tool they can both criminally and from a national security perspective. >> reporter: brian fitzpatrick says he wants the doj to take their investigation a step further, looking at domestic terrorism ties. >> need to get behind the act to address who the groups are, what they were doing there, what other cities they are operating in. we have to have a forceful response. >> racism is evil. >> reporter: the president stepping up his response condemning racism and whites 13re supremacists. >> those who call violence there are criminals and thugs including the kkk. >> reporter: but for some the words are late. >> to say that i'm glad that the president denounces racism, that is -- is that how low the bar is now, right? that is kind of like the president stood up and said the pledge of allegiance. that's what you're opposed do. >> reporter: do you now need him to talk about terrorism? >> he should call it terrorism. >> reporter: he says a domestic terrorism investigation could lead investigators to learn things they might otherwise not find. now, the attorney general has called the attack in charlottesville unacceptable and evil. however, when it comes to domestic terrorism, he has said that it does not meet the definition of domestic terrorism. so we'll have to see how he responds to that letter from the congressman which went out today. i'm lauren mayk, nbc 10 news. and more reaction coming in tonight, this time from delaware senator chris coons. he says it's disappointing that the president has failed to push our country forward. >> he's failed to step up and speak in a moral and positive way about how we confront the evil that is white nationalism. >> coops made the >>. no bond for police say the man who drove his car into the crowd in charlottesville. the 20-year-old ohio man faces second-degree murder charges. one person died and 19 others were hurt in that crash. in less than an hour, a vigil is scheduled in response to the hate and violence in sharlg charlottesville. it begins in newtown. stay with nbc 10 for the latest develops in charlottesville. you can see a gallon arrir rga d pictures and vigils. someone tied up an 84 why would wom would-year-old woman with fish scene. >> reporter: it happened at this home on south front street. this corner house here and police say that the suspect went around back and broke in through a door or window and tied her up using belts. she was able to escape. this 84-year-old woman was not harmed, just shaken up after a man broke inside her home around 2:00 this afternoon. >> he had her tied up in the baft a basement and she yelled fire. >> reporter: he grabbed her from behind and used belts to restrain the woman on. she yelled fire and he ran off. >> her arms were red and she was screaming indicating that someone is in her home. >> reporter: police took pictures of the property and news quickly spread. >> sounds like a defeat comple n anoma anomaly. >> seems like a freak are thing around here. >> reporter: neighbors say stories like this make them think twice. >> make sure that i lock the door when i take the dog out. but i tend to be a little too relaxed probably. >> reporter: and a lot of neighbors we spoke with say they are using this as a legs lesson learned. police are saying maybe sure you lock your doors and windows. steven fisher, nbc 10 news. another story in west philadelphia, people have been evacuated from their homes as police investigate a possible marijuana growing operation all handling in the 4800 block of cedar avenue. hazmat crews and narcotics officers are on the scene checking out the house at the center of it all. neighbors told us this he were surprised to see emergency crews on their street. >> just coming home and everything was blocked off. and my grandma comes in and she goes well, someone has marijuana plants in the basement. so as far as i know, like i said, we've nevould he have've like this. >> not clear when residents will be allowed back in their homes. now to the weather. take a look at the radar. showers are already moving in. this is a live look at city hall here. you do want to keep your umbrella handy tonight. you can see cloudy skies over the liberty towers. showers are expected late tonight and into tomorrow morning. glenn "hurricane" schwartz is cracking the first alert forecast. >> yeah, a few sprinkles in the area.tcracking the first alert forecast. >> yeah, a few sprinkles in the area.racking the first alert forecast. >> yeah, a few sprinkles in the area. looks fairly dry in most of the area. but gloomy also. this is avalon. and nobody on the beach. and you can see the clouds and the light sprinkles coming through. nothing too well organized. but it is an indication moisture is there. and don't be surprised to see some sprinkles overnight. got some in atlantic city all the way up to long beach islands. and there is more that will be coming in during the night tonight. so be prepared for that. nothing too heavy. we do have more rain for tomorrow. i'll have the timing and which neighborhoods will get hit co coming up. the search for a murderer. police are trying to track down those responsible for killing a couple inside their south philadelphia home. gonzalez and his girlfriend were found dead inside their home here on federal street. police would not say how they died. only that tafit was a violence scene. the home was ransacked, but no signs of a forced entry. >> i was shocked. i don't understand because i've been living up this block for 35 years and nothing like this has happened. >> so far there is no information about a potential suspect. stalked while shopping. police want to know if you recognize this man. they say he may have been taking photos of you without your concept. he was arrested for following a woman into the target on route 73 and videotaped her as she undressed in eed in a dressing. investigator s believer he's doe the same thing with 100 others. >> really creepy because you think that you're shopping for your own stuff and privately in the dressing room and thenexplo. now at 6:00, the fight lead to a hate crime arrest in delaware. police say skrois bejoyce barre an argument outside the courthouse. she's accused of hitting the victim many times and shouting religious slurs. the victim was not seriously hurt. police need your help to find a person caught on camera vandalizing a local synagogue. the image shows him urinating near the front entrance of the congregation early yesterday morning. the suspect was last seen leaving the scene in a white bmw. anyone with information is asked to call police. a hearing is set for tomorrow for a proposed medical marijuana dispensary in north philadelphia. it would be on stenton avenue. there a zoning hearing to voice concerns tomorrow. all new at 6:00, an update in the case of a teen who police say was killed in a rape murder fantasy. tonight the new information we uncover uncovered more than a year after she was murdered. plus, the plea for a prize possession after a thief steals from a cumberland county artist. if what you see is what you get... then you've hit the jackpot. you can't fake steak. longhorn steakhouse. tonight's special, the great american steak dinner for $12.99. a center-cut sirloin with a side, plus a starter, or dessert. and for lunch, try one of our new burgers. like the bbq bacon burger. only at longhorn. a thoef has leftief has lef heart broken after stealing a painting of his wife. the painting was swiped while on display at an art gallery in millville. he painted it a few months before his wife lost her battle with lung canner in march. the painting was not for sale and was supposed to be part of a show later this week. it was a stunning murder case, one where police say the adoptive mother of grace packer placed her child into on the center of a rape murder fantasy and carried it out with her boyfriend. nbc 10 spent months digging into this case and we uncovered a life packed with abuse. more than a year after the murder, deanna durante has found another foster child who lived with grace who says she reported to multiple sports to tauthorit abuse. >> reporter: on 30 foster children were placed in the care of sarah and a david packer before his arrest. today the agency says that it has been cleared by the state of any wrong doing. the state hasn't confirmed that and we haven't another foster child who says she reported abuse to these people years before the murder of grace packer. >> no one cared what was going on. >> reporter: she didn't want her name or face shown, but she's clear that in 2007, she not only saw abuse at the hands of david and sara packer, she says she reported it. >> we told case workers from bucks county children and youth. >> reporter: bucks county not talking about the allegations today. >> gracie was hit, slapped around. >> reporter: this is the third former foster child to tell nbc 10 she saw abuse. >> we have never once not reported any suspected abuse. where it goes from there is outside of our control. >> are you aware of any children coming to you about the packer abuse? >> i can't say anything related to grace packer. >> reporter: grace was removed along with two siblings. one was adopted by another family, another by the packers. and today birth families are sui suing. >> i'm very surprised that more hasn't been done to assure the safety of their other children. >> reporter: any possible lawsuit would extend to all county agencies involved in theed a domthe theed a domgs and placement of the packer children. says that is if a judge allows the birth parents to continuing with the case. this weekend we're clearing the she would ters and we want your help. this is a need for your help year-round. ifr ifrts. they can share other facebook page, talk about us at our off-site event. >> reporter: and share your pictures on social media. we do want to see those pictures as well. use #clear the shelters after you find your forever friend. adoption fees are waived at nearly 50 shelters. there is a list on the nbc 10 app. a special play day of critically ill children and their families were treated to launch. this playground is usually closed on mondays, but opened especially for these kids. it features special slides built for children in wheelchairs. a nice day to get outside before the rain moves in. we caught some people going a bike ride or taking a stroll. glenn hurks schwar"hurricane" s tracking the latest conditions. >> it certainly looks threatening out there and have been some reports of rain, but mostly pretty light. philadelphia is cloudy and 79. and a lot of places have not even hit 830 degr80 degrees tod. some of the sprinkles in parts of philadelphia, chest nuts hill, keeping the temperature down to 76 while 80 in parkwood and fox chase and 80 at graduate hospital. 79 at the airport. you can see these little patches of some light rain or sprinkles moving through. not all of it is even reaching the ground. so it is not exactly the most impressive radar that we've seen. and it's a small area. there is more back to the west that is moving in this correcti direction. this will affect us tomorrow. we have a better chance of getting accumulating kind of rain that soaks the ground at least at some point. later tonight, we'll have some of that. and the morning rush could be wet and parts of the area, and there is more coming through a couple models do expect even thunderstorms at some point during the day around midday or into the afternoon and especially delaware and south jersey. you can see all the clouds pchb and then tomorrow night, we start clearing out. setting us up for a nice dry wednesday. but it is going to get hot 37 and it will get humid once we get rid of all the clouds and the rain. tropical storm gert is likely to take a turn out to sea and maybe kick up the surf, that is about it. you see the temperatures near 90 for the rest of the week. i'm john clark from csn. we'll hear from alshon jeffrey. will he play thursday night? and why former eagle jordan matthews won't when the bills come to town. that is next. i'm john clark. alshon jeffery says he wants to make his bird's debut thursday night, but he's not sure he will. no one is really sure. he did participate more in practice today. the shoulder is okay now, and alshon stayed after practice to work with the young receivers. and i asked about helping them and mentoring them. >> it's all about getting better. >> reporter: trying to win a championship. and alshon went against ronald darby today. he says he's a great player, he has good speed. darby is getting back to playing plan to man defense. eagles did give him number 35 because of legarrette blount switching his number. darby doesn't really like 35, he wants his old number from the bills back. >> oh, yeah, this number is horrible. i'm going to try to get out of it as fast as possible pipe tryitr. trying to work through things. so something between. >> 35 is not the new 25 for darby. look at in catch today at ghoias catch? odell beckham jr., almost a daily thing. and ronald darby did well against odell a year ago. one more time. the eagles will not see jordan matthews. he has chipped fracture in his sternum. it happened at the beginning of his first practice with the bills yesterday. it's been a rough few days with jordan. he was sad to be traded, so was carson wentz. >> those guys were super close, they had a good chemistry. you know, but i think everybody in this business understands that you have to be both personal and professional. >> and the 6ers schedule is out, they open on the schedule xwechbs t against the wizards. home opener is oskt 20 againcto against the celtics. and 14 national games. that is amazing. >> really good. going to be a good season for them. >> i'll be seeing you down here a lot. >> so we'll see his nfl jersey just like that. all right. good to see you. ♪ we buy any car ♪ any make, any model, any age, any price ♪ ♪ from 50 bucks to 100 grand ♪ we buy any car ♪ any, any, any, any at, the gimmicks stop with our ads. trading in our selling your car is hassle-free with just three easy steps. one, get your free online valuation. two, drive to your local car buying centre. and three, walk out with your check in as little as 30 minutes. so don't wait. get your free online valuation now. ♪ find out how much your car's worth ♪ ♪ at [ gasps, laughs ] you ever feel like... cliché foil characters scheming against a top insurer for no reason? nah. so, why don't we like flo? she has the name your price tool, and we want it. but why? why don't we actually do any work? why do you only own one suit? it's just the way it is, underdeveloped office character. you're right. thanks, bill. no, you're bill. i'm tom. you know what? no one cares. more clouds are moving in. a live look at boathouse row. so keep that umbrella handy. and taking a look at center city, actually cape may, cape may camera, some people still out on the beach. >> it's not raining, so they can walk around on the beefach and it's still comfortable. but tomorrow wouldn't be much of a beach day either. as we go through the rest of the week, once we get rid of the rain, this we'll see tomorrow for example, and we get the sunshine, the it will go up hot and humid. and the eclipse so far is looking pretty decent. >> still a week out, but hopefully it stays like that. and a 90 in there. and staying in the upper 80s. it had been cool. >> and no long extended heat waves, but it will be more humid and friday into saturday period is looking like the stormy period and then we get more dry weather after that. >> excellent. thank you. thank you for watching. up next, "nightly news." tonight, racism is evil. president trump finally finds the words to condemn white supremacists two days after facing an intense bipartisan backlash for blaming all sides for the violent unrest in charlottesville. naming and shaming. social media shines a light on faces caught on camera as late groups rise out of the shadows. game on. the defense secretary's new warning to north korea late today over what could lead to war. tainted alcohol crackdown. raids targeting tourist hot spots and hotels in mexico after the death of a young american woman on vacation with her family. do you know what you're really being served? and hollywood stunt dangers. a day after tom cruise was badly injured on set, tragedy strikes

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Delaware , United States , Mexico , Cumberland County , Pennsylvania , Ohio , Vernon Park , Philadelphia , Americans , Sara Packer , Chris Coons , Ronald Darby , John Clark , Steven Fisher , Beckham Jr ,

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