Transcripts For WCAU NBC10 News At 6pm 20170327 : comparemel

Transcripts For WCAU NBC10 News At 6pm 20170327

the mayor says the trump administration is trying to change the subject. >> took something on pretty pad, they need to shift the focus back on something their comfortable bullying people back. >> reporter: but he says the answer to the issue is for federal agents to get a warrant. >> i took an oath to uphold the constitution of the united states of america which includes the fourth amendment and as i said with day one, when presented with the criminal warrant we will turn anybody over. we're not going to hold people against their will without charge. >> reporter: federal authorities are also making records. the dhs website now lists cities not complying. there's philadelphia and it's putting out a weekly list of declining detainers, the attorney general making a direct appeal to cities to fall in love. >> such policies cannot continue. they make our nation less safe by putting dangerous criminals back on the street. >> reporter: the mayor standing firm on his side. >> when it's morally right it's morally right. and we will devise a strategy to deal with the money side. whether we're right or wrong i have no doubt we're right. >> reporter: the attorney general today was singling out the department of justice grants and over the past few years, the city of philadelphia has gotten millions, $26 million in 2015 and then last year a big one, $50 million for security at the dnc. live in center city, i'm lauren mayk, nbc10 news. >> and lauren, you actually spoke to then candidate donald trump about this very topic on the campaign trail two months before he was elected. he told you then how he was against sanctuary cities. >> reporter: and he actually spoke in much larger terms back then. he was talking about defunding sanctuary cities when i asked him what kind of money he would be withholding whether that could even include medicaid money, he simply said that they would hold back whatever they had to hold back. >> i remember it clearly. and late this afternoon, the aclu of delaware sent the letter to police agencies in the state reminding them they aren't obligated to act as immigration agents. the aclu says, quote acting as a federal immigration agent will undermine law enforcement's ability to prioritize local needs like responding to emergency and preventing crimes. right now at 6:00 no charge for a business owner who chased an armed robber and shot him in the chest. you see this all go down in this video. that business owner acted in self-defense. deanna durante spoke with that man today. she's live in north philadelphia tonight. what is he saying this evening? >> reporter: well, he says he's concerned that somebody may come here and retaliate. it was yesterday afternoon that he chased the robber from the stores of his business here, down 5th street around the corner and that's where police say he fired several shots, two of them hitting the suspects in the chest. five or six shots, so loud workers take cover at a local pizza shop. the store's not far from where philadelphia police say a local business owner shot an armed robber. two bullets hitting him in the chest. in the hours after the shooting, early in the investigation police cuffed him and took him into custody and determined later they were not going to press charges. >> the guy pull out a gun so he shot. >> police say today the decision was made by the district attorney's office. >> this individual had something in his hand either knife or gun and that's what made the store owner fire his weapon. >> reporter: the case is not over. detectives were out looking for more video in the area and talking to witnesses because the first crime spurred a second crime as the robber is running he tosses the cash, $2,000 on the street. it should have been returned to the victim in this case but look, after the shots ended people who had no problem leaving the cover they had taken helped themselves to the cash. the store owner back to work today says the money is his. though hasn't seen it and no one's returned it to him. as police were loading him in the squad car, his wife was trying to pick up the money she was pushed. the first robbery was bad enough. the second one happened in broad daylight and you can see the faces of those who quickly scooped up the money that was not theirs. outside the laundry mat today you can see that the owner is posting a letter thanking people in the community for their help. police tonight do tell us that they will be opening a second investigation into who those people were who scooped up the money off the sidewalk here. reporting live in north philadelphia, deanna durante, nbc10 news. >> another woman not involved with this robbery was hit in the hand by a bullet. that has been called an accident so the business owner will not be charged for that either. new details now in a case of vandalism at a synagog in philadelphia's may fair section. in the past half hour surveillance video shows two teenagers outside the temple last night. they're looking for the teenagers tonight. a worker showed up this morning to find a broken window smashed by a baseball sized rock. the synagog installed security cameras. this just in a bucks county man skoosed of sexually assaulting children as far as back at 40 years ago is now facing more charges. prosecutors announced that william thomas is facing charges for a sixth victim. he was arrested last month after police say they found thousands of pieces of evidence indicating he sexually abused children for decades. two of the victims say william dhoms used to baby-sit them when they lived in leave visittown. >> one man is dead after he was crushed by a safety deposit box. this happened around 1:30 around the sheltonham mall. workers were removing the box before it fell on one of them. police are still trying to figure out exactly what happened. new at 6:00, the philadelphia doctor is accused of hacking his old classmates. dr. peter grossman did work at thomas jefferson university hospital. investigators say he broke into several women's phones, e-mail and social media accounts and made copies of their photos. the victims were his classmates at delran high school. >> turning to our first alert weather now, a dreary evening outside your window. you're looking live at some fog along the philadelphia skyline. this is the view from lincoln financial field. those wind turbines staying put. this fog could complicate your morning commute tomorrow. glenn "hurricane" schwartz is joining us live with more. >> we did get a bit of a break late, very late in the day. you can see the sundown on center city but the fog is going to redevelop, get thicker and it does look like it's going to be pretty dense for the morning rush for at least a portion of the area. a lot of the area most likely. we're now up to 61 degrees in philadelphia, 58 in allentown and we're down a little bit in dover and south jersey. these areas were in the 70s just an hour ago. and look at the difference from 24 hours. vineland 25 degrees warmer than it was this time yesterday. coatesville 22 degrees warmer, philadelphia 17 degrees warmer. so we have had quite a change. saturday down to sunday was an incredible drop and now we're on our way back up, but also some thunderstorms in the forecast. the timing of that plus more on the fog coming up. >> cleanup efforts are underway in wilmington after a fast moving fire destroyed half of downtown block over the weekend. this as officials search for what touched off the blaze. this video of the fire early sunday on market street. it appears to have started in a sneaker store and then spread. we spoke to a couple who lost everything when they're apartment went up in flames. >> devastating. it really is, it's devastating for us. you never thought that this could happen to us and it did. >> the couple says they were able to rescue their cat. the investigation into the cause is ongoing. tonight montgomery county prosecutors are fighting against what they call special treatment for bill cosby. in a court briefing today prosecutors argued against the defense request to prescreen jurors. cosby's lawyers want to send questionnaires up to 2,000 potential jurors to make sure they're not biassed. the jury will be chosen from algainy county. >> a substitute teacher in upper darby is charged with assaulting two westbrook park elementary school students. he allegedly grabbed the 10-year-old by the neck and poked a 9-year-old with a cane. another teacher spoke with one of the students and found out about the incident. the accused teacher is free on bail tonight and is suspended from teaching. in south jersey this evening, covered bridge road in cherry hill could be closed for weeks after this truck got stuck just a few hours ago. crews had to take the air out of the tires to actually get that truck out of there. the truck hit a structural beam so the kids need to be fixed before cars can cross again. >> this is a major state road, so cherry hill's going to be in a nightmare around here for the next few days. >> there is a sign posted next to the bridge letting drivers know how tall it is. >> if you live in new jersey expect to see more road projects soon today. the governor signed legislation $400 million for impoechlts. philadelphia hosted a welcome party for new refugees. live music welcome the refugee families, most of whom are from syria. he wants them to feel welcomed and to know that the city's government is here to help them. experts in refugee resettlement and immigrant aid attended the events. >> up next, is your safety at stake. the next time you need to call 911. all new at 6:00 why one south jersey hospitals are being lied to about the ems service in their neighborhood. >> you see those thunderstorms i'm tracking the chances of that coming into this area by tomorrow. i'll time it out for you where you live, next on my most accurate first alert forecast. >> announcer: this is nbc10 news. take a look at this video of a man clinging to the hood of a moving car. it was taken outside lake wootd's school. police say the 19-year-old man on the car was trying to get the driver to stop after he hit a parked car in the parking lot. the driver sped up till about 40 miles per hour before he pulled over and was arrested. an ems fight that could be putting your safety in danger the next time you call 911. one of camden counties hospital providers are being lied to by its competitor. how this could put your life at risk? >> i personally believe that's risking patient care. >> reporter: lieutenant and ambulance company owner steve kush spent 14 years saving lives. >> why try to fix something that isn't broken. >> reporter: he spent time digging into response times in 2015 for republicans who were fighting cooper hospitals takeover of camden city ems but now without any ties to either party or hospital, he's concerned about the quality of care if a long time provider is shoved aside, one that serves his dad and half million camden county residents. >> no, it's one big politically connected hospital fighting one big not politically connected hospital. >> reporter: freeholder lieu ca pelley virt i can't's upset. he invited all camden county mayors and cooper hospital closed door meeting. virtua is not invited. >> we're not interested in back room deal making when lives are at stake. >> you've sent got a letter from virtua. they want a seat at the table, do they have one? >> not tomorrow, no. >> virtua was cut out of covering advanced and basic life support and cooper took over. virtua still z-js with that ruling. >> reporter: focus is on smart and text 911. it's not about two hospitals -- >> it's not about that at all. what's the best system we can all put in place for the residents of camden county. >> individual towns have the authorities to choose their emergency response providers. not one complaint has reached them. cydney long nbc10 news. >> now to our first alert forecast and a wet monday. umbrellas up, rain moves on as rain came down on university city earlier today. drier in center city tonight from our kimmel center camera but we are tracking possible thunderstorms for tomorrow. you can see the system on the first alert radar, chief meteorologist glenn "hurricane" schwartz has details in his most accurate first alert neighborhood forecast. >> we did have some big changes just in the last couple of hours if you're watching at 4:00. it was cloudy in all these places. now we've got some sunshine in philly and in the suburbs and lehigh valley, delaware and the temperatures have responded in the 50s at least across good bit of the area, some places in the 60s so we're above normal. what about the jersey shore? we got a 42 degrees ocean and the winds coming in off the ocean so it's much cooler right at the beaches. only 53 ventnor, 51 in holgate, while it's 74 in egg harbor township, 72 in woodbine. those are not errors. this is the way it is. and the way it's going to be when you have winds coming in off the ocean like that. you can see the clouds break up as we went through the afternoon and that's just a temporary thing because we got more moisture headed this way, these are the thunderstorms in the midwest. we're going to have the low clouds moving in from the ocean and the future visibilities by tomorrow morning, looking pretty low. that means some dense fog causing some delays including airport delays for the morning. here we go in the middle of the night, there could be some showers and even some thunderstorms left over stuff from west virginia that you're seeing now. then we get a bit of a break then there's another round. this is not a washout, an all day thing, but we get several chances of showers and maybe thunderstorms during the day depending on how warm we get and how much sunshine we get and there we go tomorrow night. we start to clear out and that sets us up for some nice weather in the middle of the week. we're above normal with temperatures tomorrow but we do have that chance of thunderstorms, allentown 62, not likely to see the showers farther to the north, but place like egg harbor township, rehoboth beach again into the 70s, the thunderstorm threat certainly increases. as we head toward the weekend, we got beautiful weather on wednesday and thursday and then it really goes downhill again on friday and into saturday. at least a part of saturday is looking wet. we were telling you about that big difference between this past saturday and sunday, about a week in advance. we're telling you about the rain friday and saturday and drying weather on sunday. >> i'm john clark. the phillies make some more cuts. the flyers are still alive. we're going to hear why and why another nfl team's move effects the eagles. that's next. >> announcer: this is sports desk. brought to you by xfinity. i'm john clark. the odds are not good at all but the flyers are still alive in the playoff. there's six points out of the playoff spots with seven games to go. five of those seven are at home starting tomorrow night. last night the flyers were down 1-0. manning got into a fight and it ignited the flyers. they scored six goals. they always win at ppg paints arena in pittsburgh. it's their home away from hope. all the flyers should be like brandon manning. >> it takes a lot to go and do that every day. he's a guy that doesn't care what size the guy is and he battles hard every day and if we had the heart of brandon manning maybe we'd be in a different situation. he's a great player and pumped our team up. >> keep your eye on logan couture in the white jersey there. a puck goes right into his face. you see the tooth fall out, a shot gieng 90 miles an hour. he is at the dentist today. hockey guys are the toughest, wow. >> you may be seeing another sixers center wednesday night. the splitter could be the sixth sixers center to play this season. looks pretty good. remember he's out for the season after having foot surgery and it wasn't fully healed. i guess it is now. california relocation. the raiders are officially leaving oakland for las vegas leaving a black hole in the hearts of raiders fans. the last eagles game there, the raiders will still play in oakland at least this year. the stadium should be ready in three years and the eagles play there in 2021. phillies open their season one week from today. they have settled on andrew nap and we've seen some good golf tan lines. that is one heck of a tan line there. good thing he didn't have to play extra holes. we're going to be seeing a lot of them around the delaware valley. i'm john clark. we're right back. a live look at conditions in cape may. it's dry out there. tomorrow a lot of places will not be dry. going to be a wet one, glenn? >> they're going to have some pretty dense fog in the morning. i don't think the picture's going to look like that when we come into tomorrow. we have the morning fog. we have some thunderstorms during the day. up to 66 degrees in philadelphia, cooler to the north, warmer to the south. some beautiful weather wednesday and thursday and some more nasty weather friday into saturday with cooler weather. >> you're on the money saturday. >> and cooler on sunday. >> what a difference between those two days. >> i told you that a week in advance. >> yes, you did mr. accuracy. >> "nbc nightly news" with lester holt. i'll see you back here at 11:00. . tonight, a mystery plot twist. a secret meeting on white house grounds hours before a powerful republican claimed he had evidence of the trump team was monitored by u.s. spies. did the bombshell tip actually come from a trump insider? your internet privacy, the new law critics say would give anyone access to what you're searching for on the web if willing to pay. treating depression, the surprising drug doctors are using to pull sue sid l patients back from the brink with dramatic results. the u.s. women's hockey team takes a stand for equal pay and rights. lemonade for love. a 6-year-old girl on a mission inspiring americans. "nightly news" begins right now. >> annouer

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Cape May , New Jersey , United States , Camden County , Oakland , California , Philadelphia , Pennsylvania , Westbrook Park , Delaware , Syria , West Virginia , Montgomery County , Dover , Coatesville , Thomas Jefferson University Hospital , University City , Rehoboth Beach , Allentown , South Korea , Jersey , Americans , America , Chosen , Lester Holt , Las Vegas , Jim Kenny , Brandon Manning , Steve Kush , William Thomas , John Clark , Peter Grossman ,

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Transcripts For WCAU NBC10 News At 6pm 20170327 :

Transcripts For WCAU NBC10 News At 6pm 20170327

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the mayor says the trump administration is trying to change the subject. >> took something on pretty pad, they need to shift the focus back on something their comfortable bullying people back. >> reporter: but he says the answer to the issue is for federal agents to get a warrant. >> i took an oath to uphold the constitution of the united states of america which includes the fourth amendment and as i said with day one, when presented with the criminal warrant we will turn anybody over. we're not going to hold people against their will without charge. >> reporter: federal authorities are also making records. the dhs website now lists cities not complying. there's philadelphia and it's putting out a weekly list of declining detainers, the attorney general making a direct appeal to cities to fall in love. >> such policies cannot continue. they make our nation less safe by putting dangerous criminals back on the street. >> reporter: the mayor standing firm on his side. >> when it's morally right it's morally right. and we will devise a strategy to deal with the money side. whether we're right or wrong i have no doubt we're right. >> reporter: the attorney general today was singling out the department of justice grants and over the past few years, the city of philadelphia has gotten millions, $26 million in 2015 and then last year a big one, $50 million for security at the dnc. live in center city, i'm lauren mayk, nbc10 news. >> and lauren, you actually spoke to then candidate donald trump about this very topic on the campaign trail two months before he was elected. he told you then how he was against sanctuary cities. >> reporter: and he actually spoke in much larger terms back then. he was talking about defunding sanctuary cities when i asked him what kind of money he would be withholding whether that could even include medicaid money, he simply said that they would hold back whatever they had to hold back. >> i remember it clearly. and late this afternoon, the aclu of delaware sent the letter to police agencies in the state reminding them they aren't obligated to act as immigration agents. the aclu says, quote acting as a federal immigration agent will undermine law enforcement's ability to prioritize local needs like responding to emergency and preventing crimes. right now at 6:00 no charge for a business owner who chased an armed robber and shot him in the chest. you see this all go down in this video. that business owner acted in self-defense. deanna durante spoke with that man today. she's live in north philadelphia tonight. what is he saying this evening? >> reporter: well, he says he's concerned that somebody may come here and retaliate. it was yesterday afternoon that he chased the robber from the stores of his business here, down 5th street around the corner and that's where police say he fired several shots, two of them hitting the suspects in the chest. five or six shots, so loud workers take cover at a local pizza shop. the store's not far from where philadelphia police say a local business owner shot an armed robber. two bullets hitting him in the chest. in the hours after the shooting, early in the investigation police cuffed him and took him into custody and determined later they were not going to press charges. >> the guy pull out a gun so he shot. >> police say today the decision was made by the district attorney's office. >> this individual had something in his hand either knife or gun and that's what made the store owner fire his weapon. >> reporter: the case is not over. detectives were out looking for more video in the area and talking to witnesses because the first crime spurred a second crime as the robber is running he tosses the cash, $2,000 on the street. it should have been returned to the victim in this case but look, after the shots ended people who had no problem leaving the cover they had taken helped themselves to the cash. the store owner back to work today says the money is his. though hasn't seen it and no one's returned it to him. as police were loading him in the squad car, his wife was trying to pick up the money she was pushed. the first robbery was bad enough. the second one happened in broad daylight and you can see the faces of those who quickly scooped up the money that was not theirs. outside the laundry mat today you can see that the owner is posting a letter thanking people in the community for their help. police tonight do tell us that they will be opening a second investigation into who those people were who scooped up the money off the sidewalk here. reporting live in north philadelphia, deanna durante, nbc10 news. >> another woman not involved with this robbery was hit in the hand by a bullet. that has been called an accident so the business owner will not be charged for that either. new details now in a case of vandalism at a synagog in philadelphia's may fair section. in the past half hour surveillance video shows two teenagers outside the temple last night. they're looking for the teenagers tonight. a worker showed up this morning to find a broken window smashed by a baseball sized rock. the synagog installed security cameras. this just in a bucks county man skoosed of sexually assaulting children as far as back at 40 years ago is now facing more charges. prosecutors announced that william thomas is facing charges for a sixth victim. he was arrested last month after police say they found thousands of pieces of evidence indicating he sexually abused children for decades. two of the victims say william dhoms used to baby-sit them when they lived in leave visittown. >> one man is dead after he was crushed by a safety deposit box. this happened around 1:30 around the sheltonham mall. workers were removing the box before it fell on one of them. police are still trying to figure out exactly what happened. new at 6:00, the philadelphia doctor is accused of hacking his old classmates. dr. peter grossman did work at thomas jefferson university hospital. investigators say he broke into several women's phones, e-mail and social media accounts and made copies of their photos. the victims were his classmates at delran high school. >> turning to our first alert weather now, a dreary evening outside your window. you're looking live at some fog along the philadelphia skyline. this is the view from lincoln financial field. those wind turbines staying put. this fog could complicate your morning commute tomorrow. glenn "hurricane" schwartz is joining us live with more. >> we did get a bit of a break late, very late in the day. you can see the sundown on center city but the fog is going to redevelop, get thicker and it does look like it's going to be pretty dense for the morning rush for at least a portion of the area. a lot of the area most likely. we're now up to 61 degrees in philadelphia, 58 in allentown and we're down a little bit in dover and south jersey. these areas were in the 70s just an hour ago. and look at the difference from 24 hours. vineland 25 degrees warmer than it was this time yesterday. coatesville 22 degrees warmer, philadelphia 17 degrees warmer. so we have had quite a change. saturday down to sunday was an incredible drop and now we're on our way back up, but also some thunderstorms in the forecast. the timing of that plus more on the fog coming up. >> cleanup efforts are underway in wilmington after a fast moving fire destroyed half of downtown block over the weekend. this as officials search for what touched off the blaze. this video of the fire early sunday on market street. it appears to have started in a sneaker store and then spread. we spoke to a couple who lost everything when they're apartment went up in flames. >> devastating. it really is, it's devastating for us. you never thought that this could happen to us and it did. >> the couple says they were able to rescue their cat. the investigation into the cause is ongoing. tonight montgomery county prosecutors are fighting against what they call special treatment for bill cosby. in a court briefing today prosecutors argued against the defense request to prescreen jurors. cosby's lawyers want to send questionnaires up to 2,000 potential jurors to make sure they're not biassed. the jury will be chosen from algainy county. >> a substitute teacher in upper darby is charged with assaulting two westbrook park elementary school students. he allegedly grabbed the 10-year-old by the neck and poked a 9-year-old with a cane. another teacher spoke with one of the students and found out about the incident. the accused teacher is free on bail tonight and is suspended from teaching. in south jersey this evening, covered bridge road in cherry hill could be closed for weeks after this truck got stuck just a few hours ago. crews had to take the air out of the tires to actually get that truck out of there. the truck hit a structural beam so the kids need to be fixed before cars can cross again. >> this is a major state road, so cherry hill's going to be in a nightmare around here for the next few days. >> there is a sign posted next to the bridge letting drivers know how tall it is. >> if you live in new jersey expect to see more road projects soon today. the governor signed legislation $400 million for impoechlts. philadelphia hosted a welcome party for new refugees. live music welcome the refugee families, most of whom are from syria. he wants them to feel welcomed and to know that the city's government is here to help them. experts in refugee resettlement and immigrant aid attended the events. >> up next, is your safety at stake. the next time you need to call 911. all new at 6:00 why one south jersey hospitals are being lied to about the ems service in their neighborhood. >> you see those thunderstorms i'm tracking the chances of that coming into this area by tomorrow. i'll time it out for you where you live, next on my most accurate first alert forecast. >> announcer: this is nbc10 news. take a look at this video of a man clinging to the hood of a moving car. it was taken outside lake wootd's school. police say the 19-year-old man on the car was trying to get the driver to stop after he hit a parked car in the parking lot. the driver sped up till about 40 miles per hour before he pulled over and was arrested. an ems fight that could be putting your safety in danger the next time you call 911. one of camden counties hospital providers are being lied to by its competitor. how this could put your life at risk? >> i personally believe that's risking patient care. >> reporter: lieutenant and ambulance company owner steve kush spent 14 years saving lives. >> why try to fix something that isn't broken. >> reporter: he spent time digging into response times in 2015 for republicans who were fighting cooper hospitals takeover of camden city ems but now without any ties to either party or hospital, he's concerned about the quality of care if a long time provider is shoved aside, one that serves his dad and half million camden county residents. >> no, it's one big politically connected hospital fighting one big not politically connected hospital. >> reporter: freeholder lieu ca pelley virt i can't's upset. he invited all camden county mayors and cooper hospital closed door meeting. virtua is not invited. >> we're not interested in back room deal making when lives are at stake. >> you've sent got a letter from virtua. they want a seat at the table, do they have one? >> not tomorrow, no. >> virtua was cut out of covering advanced and basic life support and cooper took over. virtua still z-js with that ruling. >> reporter: focus is on smart and text 911. it's not about two hospitals -- >> it's not about that at all. what's the best system we can all put in place for the residents of camden county. >> individual towns have the authorities to choose their emergency response providers. not one complaint has reached them. cydney long nbc10 news. >> now to our first alert forecast and a wet monday. umbrellas up, rain moves on as rain came down on university city earlier today. drier in center city tonight from our kimmel center camera but we are tracking possible thunderstorms for tomorrow. you can see the system on the first alert radar, chief meteorologist glenn "hurricane" schwartz has details in his most accurate first alert neighborhood forecast. >> we did have some big changes just in the last couple of hours if you're watching at 4:00. it was cloudy in all these places. now we've got some sunshine in philly and in the suburbs and lehigh valley, delaware and the temperatures have responded in the 50s at least across good bit of the area, some places in the 60s so we're above normal. what about the jersey shore? we got a 42 degrees ocean and the winds coming in off the ocean so it's much cooler right at the beaches. only 53 ventnor, 51 in holgate, while it's 74 in egg harbor township, 72 in woodbine. those are not errors. this is the way it is. and the way it's going to be when you have winds coming in off the ocean like that. you can see the clouds break up as we went through the afternoon and that's just a temporary thing because we got more moisture headed this way, these are the thunderstorms in the midwest. we're going to have the low clouds moving in from the ocean and the future visibilities by tomorrow morning, looking pretty low. that means some dense fog causing some delays including airport delays for the morning. here we go in the middle of the night, there could be some showers and even some thunderstorms left over stuff from west virginia that you're seeing now. then we get a bit of a break then there's another round. this is not a washout, an all day thing, but we get several chances of showers and maybe thunderstorms during the day depending on how warm we get and how much sunshine we get and there we go tomorrow night. we start to clear out and that sets us up for some nice weather in the middle of the week. we're above normal with temperatures tomorrow but we do have that chance of thunderstorms, allentown 62, not likely to see the showers farther to the north, but place like egg harbor township, rehoboth beach again into the 70s, the thunderstorm threat certainly increases. as we head toward the weekend, we got beautiful weather on wednesday and thursday and then it really goes downhill again on friday and into saturday. at least a part of saturday is looking wet. we were telling you about that big difference between this past saturday and sunday, about a week in advance. we're telling you about the rain friday and saturday and drying weather on sunday. >> i'm john clark. the phillies make some more cuts. the flyers are still alive. we're going to hear why and why another nfl team's move effects the eagles. that's next. >> announcer: this is sports desk. brought to you by xfinity. i'm john clark. the odds are not good at all but the flyers are still alive in the playoff. there's six points out of the playoff spots with seven games to go. five of those seven are at home starting tomorrow night. last night the flyers were down 1-0. manning got into a fight and it ignited the flyers. they scored six goals. they always win at ppg paints arena in pittsburgh. it's their home away from hope. all the flyers should be like brandon manning. >> it takes a lot to go and do that every day. he's a guy that doesn't care what size the guy is and he battles hard every day and if we had the heart of brandon manning maybe we'd be in a different situation. he's a great player and pumped our team up. >> keep your eye on logan couture in the white jersey there. a puck goes right into his face. you see the tooth fall out, a shot gieng 90 miles an hour. he is at the dentist today. hockey guys are the toughest, wow. >> you may be seeing another sixers center wednesday night. the splitter could be the sixth sixers center to play this season. looks pretty good. remember he's out for the season after having foot surgery and it wasn't fully healed. i guess it is now. california relocation. the raiders are officially leaving oakland for las vegas leaving a black hole in the hearts of raiders fans. the last eagles game there, the raiders will still play in oakland at least this year. the stadium should be ready in three years and the eagles play there in 2021. phillies open their season one week from today. they have settled on andrew nap and we've seen some good golf tan lines. that is one heck of a tan line there. good thing he didn't have to play extra holes. we're going to be seeing a lot of them around the delaware valley. i'm john clark. we're right back. a live look at conditions in cape may. it's dry out there. tomorrow a lot of places will not be dry. going to be a wet one, glenn? >> they're going to have some pretty dense fog in the morning. i don't think the picture's going to look like that when we come into tomorrow. we have the morning fog. we have some thunderstorms during the day. up to 66 degrees in philadelphia, cooler to the north, warmer to the south. some beautiful weather wednesday and thursday and some more nasty weather friday into saturday with cooler weather. >> you're on the money saturday. >> and cooler on sunday. >> what a difference between those two days. >> i told you that a week in advance. >> yes, you did mr. accuracy. >> "nbc nightly news" with lester holt. i'll see you back here at 11:00. . tonight, a mystery plot twist. a secret meeting on white house grounds hours before a powerful republican claimed he had evidence of the trump team was monitored by u.s. spies. did the bombshell tip actually come from a trump insider? your internet privacy, the new law critics say would give anyone access to what you're searching for on the web if willing to pay. treating depression, the surprising drug doctors are using to pull sue sid l patients back from the brink with dramatic results. the u.s. women's hockey team takes a stand for equal pay and rights. lemonade for love. a 6-year-old girl on a mission inspiring americans. "nightly news" begins right now. >> annouer

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