Transcripts For WCAU NBC10 News At 6pm 20170320 : comparemel

Transcripts For WCAU NBC10 News At 6pm 20170320

unusual circumstances do they comment on ongoing investigations. >> this is one of those circumstances. >> reporter: so in this hearing room, he confirmed they're investigating russian government efforts to interfere with the 2016 u.s. election and -- >> investigating the nature of any links between individuals associated with the trump campaign and the russian government. >> reporter: that's how the hearing started but jim comey and nsa director mike rodgers often declined to answer questions about specific individuals or events. and by the end, the republican chairman wrapped things up like this. >> there's a big gray cloud that you've now put over people who have very important work to do to lead this country. >> reporter: after the hearing i asked him about it, what does that do to the work of the white house? >> well, i think this just needs to be cleared up. i think the investigation needs to be conducted and they need to get to the bottom of this as quickly as possible. >> reporter: on the hill this hearing being watched by lawmakers outside the committee. dwight he havens office is right across the hall. >> reporter: what was your reaction when you heard what he had to tell the committee? >> i'm not surprised. i'm happy that now the fbi director has said it, i think there should be an investigation. >> reporter: he also said president trump owes former president obama an apology after one of director comey's other big moments offering nothing to wiretap president trump tweeted about. >> i have no information that supports those tweets. >> this is just day one for the intelligence committee hearings. more witnesses are expected to testify and the committee could also use subpoena power which at this point it has not. live in washington, d.c., i'm lauren mayk, nbc10 news. >> before you go, we mentioned you were the only philly reporter inside that hearing today, so much anticipation about today's appearance. tell us what the mood was like in there. >> reporter: jim, it was fairly intense especially at the beginning when director comey walked in the room, people stood up to try to get pictures of him and remember he's testifying to the committee. his facing those committee members which means his back is to the rest of the room, that is us, the press, the public, committee staff and so i kind of had a view of his profile at times but you couldn't see a lot of facial expressions. it was very quiet as he began to testify and people really wanted to hear what he had to say. that acknowledgement of the investigation came at the very beginning of his testimony. he didn't even wait for the questions to start. he got that out there right at the beginning in his opening statement so that sort of changed the mood and changed everything for the rest of the day. >> words with much impact. when big news happens in washington, d.c., count on nbc10 news to be there. >> meantime president trump tweeted about today's hearings saying, quote the nsa and fbi tell congress that russia did not influence electoral process but that directly contradicts comey who confirmed today that there is an investigation into whether the trump campaign colluded with a russian operation to interfere with the election. >> now to delaware a teenager saved from the river and that rescue is all caught by our cameras. you see it right there. the 14-year-old boy somehow plunged in the water. it happened this morning. drivers were able to hoist him to safety. tim furlong saw that whole rescue happen in-person. he's joining us live tonight. >> reporter: this is the one pumping station right here. it's not clear how this boy got all the way from up here, all the way down there into the very cold river. you can imagine it was tough to get boats and drivers in there to help him. we're going to blur his face to protect his identity. the call went out around 7:45 this morning. a 14-year-old boy somehow ended up in the river sitting on rocks near a drainage tube about 40 feet below the bridge on market street. >> access will be by boat. >> reporter: firefighters have trained for this. they got into their dry suits and raced into the river. >> you can tell that he was wet and had been in the water. we were concerned about hype nermia. we felt the rope rescue option was the better option to remove him. >> reporter: by this point, skyforce10 was overhead and i was watching from the bridge. firefighters say they were talking with the boy but they didn't get any information as to how he got into the river or why. they just worked to get him up to safety and a couple minutes later into an ambulance. luckily the river cooperated with their efforts. >> one of our challenges with the river is the water level changes on a daily basis. so when the water's shallow, that presents challenges. >> reporter: the water's come up a little bit. you can't see the rocks you could see earlier. you can see how far the boy was down earlier. the boy is physically okay but i just spoke with police a short while ago. he is going to undergo a mental evaluation just to make sure he's okay. we're live in wilmington, tim furlong, nbc10 news. >> turning to our first alert forecast now and it feels like spring out there on this first day of the season. people enjoying sunshine in bryn mar this afternoon. 50s in philadelphia today as we take a live look at broad street and it's going to get even warmer tomorrow. let's get your most accurate weather forecast right now with glenn "hurricane" schwartz. >> it seems like it'll take some time for spring to settle in, up and down. >> we're in a pattern now for the next at least week to ten days, going wail up and way down with the temperatures. this is a rare day when it's exactly normal for this time of the year. we start off with a lot of sunshine today but the clouds have certainly increase as the radar and satellite though and it's not showing you any kind of radar returns close by so it's just cloud cover that's moving in. the rain in ohio looks like it's going to track well to our south and so we'll stay dry during the night tonight. temperatures are in the 40s to the north, 50s to the south, 37 in mt. pocono but even that's not that cold this time of year. we hit 54 for the high and we're going up tomorrow, but then we're going way down on wednesday. 20 degree temperature drop. it will feel 30 degrees colder. we'll tell you more about those ups and downs coming up. >> bill cosby's lawyers want possible jurors to be p prescreened to make sure they're not biassed. potential jurors likely already have an opinion based on media coverage. cosby is charged with sexually assaulting a former temple university inside his montgomery county home in 2004. jurors in this case will be chosen from the pittsburgh area. the defense wants to send pretrial questionnaires to up to 2,000 potential jurors. >> about $1 million in jewelry was stolen from this store in long crest overnight. skyforce10 flew over that storm. right there is how the burglars got inside. looks like someone cut that hole right through the roof. we're checking with police and the store to see if there's any surveillance video inside to see it from that angle. >> this case is just the latest in a recent of roof top burglaries around our area. and three similar cases, they happened in montgomery county last month. no word on whether this latest roof top blaerg is connected. >> town hall will focus on fixing the states prison. prisoners families are expected to be in attendant. it comes after corrections officer was killed, others held hostage inside the vaughan correctional center. delaware's governor is proposing more prison funding in the wake of that deadly attack. tell us what comes of tonight's town hall coming up tonight on 11. >> should pennsylvania lawmakers be drug tested. philadelphia democratic angel cruz is spon soaring a bill that is random drug testing. it's only fair since many private sectors have to take drug test. this is the third time cruz has sponsored such a bill. >> tonight a hearing that is affecting one in 14 renters. it's four time higher than the foreclosure rate. not including illegal evictions that don't go through the court. sheltering a family after eviction can cost the city up to $40,000. >> approved the expansion of their vineland and millville locations. >> over the next few years, millville public charter will add a freshman and sophomore class. vineland wants to add 10th, 11th and 12th grade classes. >> we get to do what we do best, what we know is best, whag the state demands and mandates of any public school in the state of new jersey and we get an opportunity to move forward in that manner. >> a new facility is now under construction for the vineland location. both schools are accepting applications for enrollment. >> tonight's septa riders are pushing the transit agency to drop its transfer fee. a new online petitions calls on step ta to stop charging a $1 fee to transfer between buses, subways and trollies. septa should give riders a break after the agency announced a proposal to raise fares next week. they encouraged concerned riders to attend one of their hearings on those rate hikes next month. >> you can finally keep your water bottle without having to toss it before going through security at a local airport. the lehigh valley international airport is trying out something new. now you still have to dump out the water before you get screened but you can keep the bottle if that works for you. ethan hospital donated a water refilling station and you can refill your bottle for free. they hope this helps the environment by cutting down waste. >> coming up next. keeping cursive alive. how delaware lawmakers want to make sure that kids know how to use that writing style. >> plus kevin hart surprise how the comedian is using his home city of philadelphia to test out some new material tonight. >> plus a warmer day tomorrow for the start of spring but i'm tracking another cold blast, really cold blast. how low temperatures are going to drop today on my first accurate first alert weather neighborhood forecast. >> ez-pass slow down in montgomery county. skyforce10 live over a toll plaza where commuters are losing lanes for the next three weeks. a live report next. well, the drive home could take a little longer tonight. skyforce10 is flying over traffic at the mid county interchange. pennsylvania turnpike has shut down it's high speed ez-pass lanes so drivers coming from the blue route and turnpike will have to slow down and pay through the tollbooths. the shut down is necessary to perform some system upgrades. it's ez-pass computer equipment is 16 years old. new federal regulations dictate those changes. >> i think that's going to be a big impact on everyone. >> so i would assume probably the same things going to happen with the turnpike. >> turnpike says the effect of the closures shouldn't create much of a problem for drivers. the purn tyke says it won't forgive tolls during the three week closure, though. if you get stuck in a noneasy pass lane the turnpike does now take credit cards. mitch blacher is live in skyforce10. you've been keeping an eye on the traffic. how's it moving? >> reporter: jim, continues to be pretty smooth. we got to hope that this is what the traffic looks like for the next three weeks. the good news is the traffic's been flowing a little bit of slow down as drivers approach the toll. tomorrow the southbound side of that express ez-pass lane, that is then closed as well and we'll see how the traffic is then tomorrow. live in skyforce10. >> in delaware tonight some lawmakers are fighting to keep teaching cursive handwriting to children. the bipartisan bill would require all public schools in the state to teach cursive. remember that? lawmakers say it's still an imperative skill in many professions not be taught right now. committee hearing on the bill should happen within the month. >> i like that. they've got to keep it. tonight a lucky few in philadelphia will get to hear all new material from the stand-up comedian and kevin hart. he tweeted a surprise gig in fishtown. the tickets soldout in minutes. hart is in town to film an up coming movie. he pfd an impromptu set at warm daddies. that happened last month. a dolphin stuck in shallow water is flipping his fins later today. they called the north wildwood fire department. they helped get that dolphin back in deeper water. >> back to our first alert forecast. sunny start to spring today. little chill in the air but not too bad. apparently not everyone even needed a jacket out there and a live look of conditions in cape may. sunset just over an hour away now and glenn you're tracking some up and down temperatures for the start of spring. >> for the first full day of spring, temperatures are going up and then they're going down, plunging down for a couple of days. down to 52 after a high in 54. still in the 40s in pa suburbs. still a little bit of snow on the ground in those areas that's keeping the temperature down somewhat. sinking spring at 44, leonardsville at 43, fleetwood at 43, kutztown 44, allentown's 45, walnutport also 45, bethlehem, easton and nazareth at 47 degrees. the radar's not showing any kind of return in pennsylvania even though there's a lot of cloud coverage you can see the clouds moving in but the rain is ohio and going down to west virginia. it's not going in this direction. now tomorrow, not too windy. northwest wind about 10 miles an hour. 58 degrees in fairmount, 56 in elwin. those places to the north that were in the 40s today get into the 50s and places into the mid-50s are going to get closer to 60s degrees. it's possible some places could hit 60. you see newark at 58, dover at 59 degrees. more sunshine. i think dover will hit 60. egg harbor township at 58 degrees. now things are then going to change. we got two day cold blast coming wednesday and thursday and thursday -- wednesday the temperature may not even get out of the 30s, plus wind feeling like the 20s. thursday is really cold especially in the morning, teens in many parts of the area but we're warming up again on friday, saturday up near 70 degrees in philadelphia looks like it's basically dry except perhaps some late showers of the lehigh valley and then look how much colder and wetter and it's also going to be windier on sunday. quite a difference. >> i'm john clark. villanova seniors pick up the pieces after their college careers end. the story of the phillies am bedex truss pitcher. that's coming up next. >> announcer: this is sports desk. brought to you by xfinity. it will change the way you experience tv. >> i'm john clark. sixers going for three straight win tonight. no oakleford. flyers their team picture today. they won last night to get within five points of the playoff spot. has this team underachieved? >> i don't know if that's fair to say. i think that like last night did we underachieve last night. >> i guess not. villanova coaches and players. they've been hurting for the last few days after being eliminated. >> it's been tough but, you know, we get this program everything that we had since we been here. we're thankful for the opportunity that we had, the relationships that we've had here and now it's time to move on and hopefully we can do some more great things some where else. >> baseball's first ambidextrous pitcher in over 20 years. he's trying to make the phillies in his first two appearances this weektd. he has four strikeouts. >> does it take him twice as long to warm up? >> pat can throw right and left-handed. he's naturally a righty but you've got to hand it to his dad. he started teaching pat to throw with both arms when he was a young boy. >> ever since i started picking up the ball at three or four, my dad was working with me to become left and right handed. >> and when pat was seven his dad got him a switch glove with six fingers. >> my dad traced my hand, two months later i had my first glove. >> pat is 31, the phils are his fourth team. he's struggling to stay in the case to be on the phillies. >> it's remarkable quite frankly. >> in his debut friday, he switched back and forth for all three batters, now he must declare which side he's pitching from first and then the batter can adjust and he can't switch arms during an at bat. how did he do. he struckout the side. >> three strikeouts in his phillies debut. >> he's doing well but it's going to be tough for him to make the team because of numbers. we're rooting for him, though. i'm john clark. we'll be right back. can a filet, or a new york strip ever be topped? well, no. but for our new delmonico ribeye, perhaps we can make more room at the top. you can't fake steak longhorn steakhouse tonight's special, steakhouse cuts. featuring, for a limited time, the new delmonico ribeye, our tender flo's filet, and the juicy new york strip. and for lunch, try our steakhouse burger or any steakhouse lunch combo. only at longhorn. welcome back. a live look at boathouse row. still a few minutes before sunset on this first day of spring. >> it should be pretty decent tomorrow. a lot of clouds around but warmer than today. then look how cold. windy and cold wednesday. thursday morning's the coldest of all. then we warm up dramatically by saturday and then we plunge back down by sunday and into monday. boy is that a roller coaster? >> no time to recover. that's our news at six. i'm jim rosenfield. >> and i'm jacqueline london. come back and see us tonight at 11:00. there is breaking news tonight. some dramatic develops. president trump's own fbi director shoots down the president's claim about being wiretapped by president obama. also comey confirm forth the first time the fbi is investigating possible links between the trump campaign and russia. we have the fallout. also breaking, new rules about the electronic devices being banned on board certain flights. nbc news exclusive. a woman who made a daring leap caught on camera jumping from a moving car trunk to escape her alleged kidnapper telling her harrowing story. super bowl stunner. as the fbi hunts down tom brady's missing jersey and finds a second one that was also missing. tonight who's being blamed. and memorial mystery. our monday

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