Transcripts For WCAU NBC10 News At 6pm 20160525 : comparemel

Transcripts For WCAU NBC10 News At 6pm 20160525

on the playground sped off. with the intake and response of a million 911 calls a year to the central dispatch, human error is a factor. was there any mistake made? >> unfortunately, we souhould he sent pen socken. >> the street here is the border and i think it was some confusion whether pen socken township. >> don't hang up. >> reporter: because of the confusion and lack of response to the call, authorities learned the 911 function from the lanline wasn't working properly. it's now fixed. >> we are entrusted with the lives of 600 children every day and as we can't call 911 and get a response, we can't protect them. >> reporter: the police realized from the onset the county should have dispatched them that day, pen socken will be the primary responding agency. >> call, we'll be here. there's human error in everything and hope think this does not occur, specially with the magnitude at a school. >> reporter: an incident that did occur here yesterday had police arrive in 40 seconds. police still haven't been able to track that suv with the four men in inside but they repositions the school urveilla cameras. police will be having lunch with the students tomorrow. nbc 10 news. >> now, your nbc 10 first alert neighborhood weather. >> cranking up the heat. summer arrives just in time. nbc 10 in center city a half hour ago, people walk across the walnut street bridge. here's a look down on broad street. eating dinner outside may be a popular choice tonight. how pretty. >> cooler at jersey shore with the sea breeze. a few days from now, the beach will be packed. chief meteorologist glenn "hurricane" schwartz joining us with his first alert neighborhood forecast. >> yeah, the temperatures certainly going way above average for this time of the year. 87 in philadelphia. at least relative humidity low, down to 19%. 86 in much of new jersey, lehigh, delaware, and jersey shore got warm today. look at these numbers from 62 back on saturday to 66. 83 yesterday. 88 degrees today. and it's going to keep getting warmer. going into the 90s tomorrow. but the or thing, some pollutants are building up. a code red air quality alert for philadelphia for tomorrow. it's code orange for the vountding areas. and this is low level ozone and ozone is invisible. you can't see it in the skyline. the sunshine interactions with pollutants in the air, creates ozone and you want to limit outdoor activity especially during the strenguousstrenuous, portion of the day. that's for tomorrow. we'll see how much hotter it gets over the weekend in a minute. we have video just in from the scene from a hit-and-run that injured a young boy in norristown. the 6-year-old riding his bike around oak wood 4:00. a car hit him. the driver took off a woman who heard it raced over to the boy. >> so i raced over to him right away, mother's instincts, grabbed his hand and i was holding his hand and talking to him, tell him to calm down, don't move. >> police are still looking for the driver. the boy was taken to the hospital to be treated for injuries. a mother dropped her kids at school, and then came home to find an intruder inside. a plan grabbed the woman by the throat and choked her. she believes other people were also inside her walnut street home. everyone got away the woman wasn't seriously hurt. tonight, hearing from a woman dragged and robbed while leaving a t.j. maxx in chester county. she ended up with bruises all over her body. the woman was walking through the gateway shopping center parking lot last thursday night. a man in a passing car grabbed her purse and dragged her across the lot. s video captured the subject trying to use the victim's credit cards. she hopes the thief is caught quickly. >> i hope they go to jail, i wouldn't want them to do it so somebody else. >> if you recognize the suspect or know anything, call the police. the debate over a soda tax in philadelphia is getting down to details. how much money does the city need for pre-k and other programs? is there a better way to do it? those are questions city council tackled today. lauren mayk was there. what was the bottom line message today? >> the bottom line here, jim, it isn't over yet. in fact, we might not have even seen the final version. today city council members dug into the numbers, both on the soda tax and the alternative container tax. but both could cost you extra. carla picked up a cold drink on this hot day. would you pay extra money? >> yes. >> reporter: why? >> it's going to benefit her in the future. >> reporter: talking about her 18-month-old granddaughter, making sure she can go to pre-k. the mayor's proposed tax makes sense but it needs support at city hall. how are you feeling about your chances with your proposal. >> i think our chances are very good. i appreciate council's due diligence, looking at other avenues of revenue. >> reporter: they dug into the numbers on alternative from the council woman. a flat rate 15-cent container tax on soda in a bottle but also on bottled water. >> my experience tells me when we have multiple ideas on the table, we typically end up and with and better outcomes for the citizens of our it i. >> reporter: the finance director gave the administration's take on the container tax. >> a key concern we have with the legislation that is it's not projected to provide sufficient funding to appropriately fund these programs. >> reporter: but they crunched numbers on the mayor's plan for taxing sugary drinks 3 cents an ounce. >> anything that generates less than $90 million would not fund the program. >> these 3 cents. another simple question. i know you're crafty. >> reporter: the finance director said 2.5 cents would raise sufficient funds. he was asked, what would happen, how would they cut back if whatever -- >> we apologize for cutting lauren off. we'll get details to you further. now to decision 2016 coverage. democratic presidential candidate hillary clinton broke federal records rules through her use of private e-mail server when secretary of state. that's according to an audit released today from the state department. it said clinton disregarded guidelines and that she never sought approve toll use personal mobile devices for official business. clinton's campaign points out there's no evidence of any successful breach of her serve somewhere denies any deception or wrongdoing. protesters in california were warned before the donald trump rally, the warning comes the day after clashes in new mexico between anti-trump protesters and police. last night officers fired smoke grenades and pepper spray into the crowd. donald trump was interrupted several times. this afternoon, donald trump tweeted, the protesters in new mexico were thugs who were flying to mexican flag. the rally inside was big and beautiful. but outside, criminals. back here at home, the driner accused in a deadly hit-and-run is behind bars this evening. police charged and arrested john cook, after he turned himself in yesterday. accused of driving into a septa bus canopy early yesterday. this is the aftermath. a man was waiting under the canopy near his home. cook got out of his car, looked at the body and ran off. a former ally of congressman chaka fattah testified against him today, saying not only did he know about an illegal campaign loan, but he also used campaign money to pay down his son's debt. greg nailer already took a plea deal in the case surrounding fattah and four others. today he told jurors he helped create fake documents to hide fattah's cash flow problems the owner of the south jersey advertising and marketing firm also said on the stand, fattah did not pay his bills from 2007 mayoral campaign. >> new at 6:00, chocolatey partnership pairing university of pennsylvania and hershey company. the confectionery leader signing on as first corporate responsibilitier of penn's new innovation hub. will feature laboratories and inventors' faces and hershey will base its new lab in the center in producing food. shoppers will have several new options at gloucester outlets. michael kors, brooks brother, and cameo water wear signed on. the outlets opened in august. more than 90 designer and name-brand stores. the hunt is on for a pizza sh shop burglar. the woman broke the glass and walked away with cash left in the register. there's video posted on social media, viewed several thousand times since the may 12th heist. septa and uber teaming up to ease parking problems this summer. septa announced details of a new partnership with the ride sharing service. riders taking uber to or from 11 regional rail stations throughout the summer. they'll get 40% cost off the uber ride, hoping to cut down on the parking crunch in the busiest septa stations in the area. next on "nbc 10 news at 6:00," big announcement and the first for the wawa welcome america events on the fourth of july. >> jersey shore beaches under construction, just days before the unofficial start of summer. >> we're surprised when we came up. we didn't expect it. >> which spots are a work in progress. breaking news here. we received new surveillance video of a hit-and-run accident involving a child that we told you about earlier. >> rosemary connors joins us live with more. >> as you said, we just got this video within the past few moments. this is a hit-and-run involving a 6-year-old boy on his bicycle, we're not going to show you the moment of impact but show you what happened before and after. we want you to get a good look at car involved because police are still taking a look for that driver. here's the video. you can see it's a seds dan that is coming up the road, hits that boy on his bicycle, the white sedan reverses, takes a look at boy and continues down the road. it's not until neighbors come out from homes and the other black sedan pulls up. that's when they decide to call police and get them to the scene. this happened near oak wood and selma street in norristown, montgomery county. police are looking for that driver in the white sedan who hit a 6-year-old boy. that 6-year-old boy on his bicycle is in the hospital. we're still working to gather information about that boy's condition. this happened this afternoon, just about 4:00. we're going to continue to stay on top of this and bring you any flu developments as soon as we get them. roberti reporting live, rosemary connors. thank you. hopefully that video will help lead to an apprehension. things are about to get bright for "uss new jersey"" in camden. outfitted with new light fixtures. officials say it will save $30,000 in annual energy costs. >> a first for the fourth of july at this year's wawa welcome america festivities. this year the lgbt community will get their own float in the parade. also a first, nbc 10 and telemundo 62, new broadcast partners of wawa welcome america. broadcast events and fireworks live. as we learn more information about the events and schedule, have the nbc 10 app. now to the jersey shore. beefed up beaches. it is almost memorial day weekend and crews are making sure there's enough sand up and down the coast. jersey shore bureau reporter ted greenberg travelled from avalon to long beach island. >> this was not barbara stout's idea of a relaxing day at the beach. >> we don't want to be near the construction. >> reporter: she and her family decided to head elsewhere after finding the sand on beach haven center street beach, a work zone. >> i have ply grandson with me and i didn't want to worry about that. >> reporter: the work before the unofficial start of summer is part of a massive federal beach replenishment and protection project on long beach island. >> it's good. if it needs to be done, it needs to be done. >> reporter: from here, the project set to head south to hol gs gate and north to surf city by mid-june. >> they need to come here like yesterday. >> reporter: the community beaches were battered by coastal storms. local leaders say the upcoming work shouldn't be much of a disruption to summer season. >> here after sandy, there was very little inconvenience. >> reporter: in avalon, public works crews are racing to rebuild beaches also hit hard by recent nor'easters. they're trucking 50,000 cubic yards of sand from the community south end washed by the ocean back to where it came from in the north end. you're going to find beaches in good shape from a tourism perspective. >> reporter: noise that officials say is necessary and for barbara stout's family, avoidable. >> i'm going to move further up the island to find a quiet beach. >> reporter: ted greenberg, nbc 10 news. >> now, your nbc 10 first alert neighborhood weather with chief meteorologist glenn "hurricane" schwartz. >> shore weather's going to be best at the start of the weekend and cloudiest and wettest and coolest at memorial day itself. it's 87, it's not cool here now. 87 philadelphia. at least humidity's low. and just about as warm in the delaware valley across into the lehigh valley. philadelphia itself, we have temperatures up to 90 degrees now. down to 89 in pens port. 88 society hill. 87 winchester park and somerton. flirting with 90-degree mark. one of the things happening know is pollutants build up. we've got an air quality alert for the city of philadelphia for tomorrow. and this is for ozone. this is a combination of the sunshine interacting with pollutants. you can't see ozone. it doesn't have to be hazy outside. and code red, even the general population can be affected and you want to avoid strenuous activity during hottest part of the day tomorrow. and we are heating up. we heated up somewhat today. we're going higher tomorrow. 83 tuesday. 88 today. and there we go into the 90s. back on saturday, only 62 degrees. you've got a hot and humid memorial weekend in store and hottest of it is going to be on saturday. a lot of sunshine in philadelphia. sunday, still fair amount of sun, not quite as warm and a chance of an afternoon shower. then on monday, more clouds, lower temperatures, better chance of showers but not a washout. jersey shore, for example, saturday the best day. near 80 degrees, sunshine. that's beautiful this time of the year. 73 sunday. still not bad. just a chance of a shower. memorial day not looking so great. but again, it's not a washout. and for memorial day weekend, it's not bad. now, tomorrow, there's a chance of a shower or thunder storm late in the day. fox chase at 92. lands dale 91. allentown 90. as you go closer to new jersey and delaware, remove the shower chances, the temperatures up near 90. except for the shore, we're going to see temperatures in the upper 70s because sea breeze is going to come in sooner. there's the heat. tomorrow, friday, saturday. some of the clouds come in. sunday and monday. and then next week we're back into the 80s or upper 70s, closer to average. >> hurricane, thanks a lot. phillies, we saw a phillies steal at home, big time bat flip. highlights against the tigers. do eagle coaches want open competition at quarterback. this is sportsdesk brought to you by xfinity. x 1 from xfinity will change the way you experience tv. >> i'm john clark from comcast sportsnet. fill lphillies trying to avoid swept since that first series of the season. phillies, looking to salvage this game. second inning, double steal. stealing home, first philly to do that since chase utley. two on for herrera. smokes within out with style. big bat flip. look at this. some people may have a problem with it but i like it. three-run homer. 5-1, phillies. in the seventh, more power. gone. first home run of the season. so it's 6-4 phillies. tigers threatening. getting nick castellanos looking. eighth inning. take a look at freddie. nice play. they get him. phillies beat the tigers 8-5. the second-most runs they have scored in a game this season. it was a must win. franco left the game after hurting his ankle sliding into second. he says it's mild. expects to play friday in chicago. eagles announced there will be two open training camp practices that you, the public can see at the link sunday july 31 and sunday august 14th. sam bradford is his guy, the starting quarterback. sam has looked good so far. remembering this is his first healthy off-season in a few years after those two knee surgeries. but coordinators seem to be saying, keep the competition open jim schwartz yesterday said don't predetermine the outcome of the race. here is frank wright today. >> that's probably not the right impression. i'll tell you why i said it. because this, you know, i've been around this business a long time, as a player and coach. one of the things that i've come to appreciate is it's not a contradiction to say that you got to have order because if you don't have order, it's chaos. as coaches, you've got to establish, a culture of competition. this is one of the most competitive industries in the world. and so to say that there's not a competition is i mean there's just, did the furthest thing from the truth. >> so it's a competition then. all right. i'm john clark from comcast sportsnet. if you think today was hot at 88, take a look at numbers for the next three days, plus the humidity's going up. it's going to be feeling like summer. best chance of rain on monday. >> nice evening out there tonight. for all of us here at nbc 10, i'm jim rosenfield. >> i'm jacqueline london. next nbc "nightly news." breaking news tonight. new violent clashes erupt at another donald trump rally. again, police in riot gear confront chaos. the first independent investigation into hillary clinton's e-mails. the warning she got revealed. hot seat. the tsa chief forced to answer why tens of thousands are missing their flights. and what a tsa insider is telling nbc news tonight about what's to blame. demolished by a deadly tornado outbreak. dozens of twisters. new warnings on the radar. de spike al crime. the president apologizing over a murder case that has shocked japan. and stress test alert. millions get them. but top hea

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