Transcripts For WCAU NBC10 News At 6pm 20160512 : comparemel

Transcripts For WCAU NBC10 News At 6pm 20160512

at 11:00. the train was going more than twice the speed limit around the curve in port richmond. what's amtrak done in the last year to make it safer for riders everywhere? nbc 10's investigative reporter mitch blacher is live above the crash site. mitch? >> reporter: jim, this is the site of the deadliest rail accident since 1997. a.m. rack 188 hit this curve at more than 100 miles per hour, and while it took days to fix the track, it's going to take years to lace the country's rails with technology to prevent future accidents. the carnage and chaos from a year ago faded away. the lessons have not. >> this has been an incident that's affected every person at the fra, and it really drives our work on safety today. >> reporter: as the head of the federal railroad administration, sarah fineberg demanded railroads install ptc, positive train control, within months of the 188 track, amtrak had it on every line owned in the northeast corridor. the train safety system automatically slows a speeding train and helps avoid a collision. yet, in april, amtrak 89 crashed into a backhoe in chester killing two maintenance workers, raising questions about whether the technology could and should have stopped the train. >> we know that ptc is on the northeast corridor and am track is using it, and when used correctly, and when used the right way, we can prevent accidents like this. >> reporter: an amtrak spokesperson said because of an ongoing investigation, he couldn't say whether ptc stops a collision with amtrak maintenance crews. he referred us to the railroad's news releases and this video about the ptc system. neither say if amtrak's ptc prevents collisions with maintenance crews. the ntsb and septa confirmed ptc prevents similar crashes. >> it protects our workers now. >> reporter: the general manager said the railroad has the protection on one line. >> when we set up a work construction zone and have a flag person at the beginning of it, we'll actually plug the coordinates in now of where that flag person is, and the train cannot pass the flag person. >> reporter: jeff showed us spepta's new system on the line, and according to documents filed with federal regular laters, septa is on track to have ptc on every line by the end of the july saying amtrak 188 motivated him. >> i would say that it made me fiercer about safety. >> reporter: regulators too. >> no greater lesson learned than we need that technology evr railroad and freight railroad as soon as possible. >> since derailing here, the federal railroad administration handed out more fines and collected more money for safety violations than in any time before in 50-year history. they described amtrak 188 as a wakeup call. nbc 10 news. and nbc 10 will be in washington, d.c. on tuesday when the national transportation safety board reveals its probable cause for the deadly derailment. the train's engineer that day, brandon bostian, has been on leave since the crash and barely remembers the moments leading up to the accident. these are the names and faces of the people who did not survive the crash. eight passengers in all died in the derailment. a complete timeline of the crash and investigation on our app and hear from victims from their own words and responders who witnessed the carnage that night. now your nbc 10 first alert weather. >> as far as weather, well, don't be fooled by today's warm temperatures. we're tracking more rain just in time to spoil today's normal may temperatures. >> glen "hurricane" schwartz is tracking storms for tomorrow morning, glen, during rush hour? >> looks like they are coming after the morning rush. nothing on the radar close by at the moment. we had a nice afternoon. the closest showers in western pennsylvania, as you can see, that's falling apart. it's this area down around cincinnati into kentucky and tennessee which is moving in our direction so it will take a while to get here. rush hour, end of the rush hour, still basically dry, but the shower threat increases into the afternoon. some on the heavy side with gusty wisconsin, but as we go through the rest of the day, by the afternoon rush, everything is starting to move out. there's a threat saturday. at the, sun in many parts of the area, warmest places today are in the lehigh valley with the most sunshine. see how warm it's going to get over the rest of the weekend and when the thunderstorms are coming, too, with the forecast in a few minutes. and decision 2016 coverage, don trump did not pick up an endorsement from the house speaker after meeting with him today. >> both he and paul ryan agreed they are taking steps towards unifying the republican party. trump's been reaching out to the gop establishment to be a nominee the entire party can support. ryan said after the pete meting it's no that he and the presumptive nominee have differences, but he says they are planting seeds to accomplish their goal of bringing their party together. >> i don't want us to have a fake unification process here. i want to make sure we really, truly understand each other and we are committed to the conservative principles that make the republican party, that built this country. >> ryan said trump expressed interest in having him remain chairman of the republican national convention coming up in cleveland in july. as for the democrats, sanders is spending the day in south dakota and hillary clinton did not have any public events. >> meanwhile, when the democratic national convention arrives in philadelphia this, so will political fest. nbc 10 lauren mayk gives us a peek at what we'll see. >> reporter: big names, big cheers, and an up close view of the political process. that's what you see if you get inside, but most people won't have a ticket to the convention. >> i am delighted to is your support. >> reporter: this exhibit, though, aims to give you a seat to history outside the big event. it's called political fest. >> our hub of activity is here at the national constitution center. >> reporter: governor rendell created this back in 2000 for the rnc, and this time, it's bigger. >> this new it ration of political fest was born. >> reporter: the idea is a fan fest of sorts, giving you a chance to take part in the political buzz wous being a d--l without being a delegate or vip or a politician. >> hopefully one of the fat heads is president reagan at the berlin wall. >> reporter: hear speeches, and they have the text of president obama's signature speech on race here in philadelphia, and you'll get to watch it along with an inaugural address by john f. kenne kennedy. first ladies, this shoe believed to have belonged to martha washington, and in the modern age, melissa fitzpatrick interviews actors who played the president. >> we want people to come to philadelphia to enjoy what's going on here for the week. have fun. be safe. >> reporter: lauren mayk, nbc 10 news. no charges for four police officers who shot and killed a map in a wheelchair last year all caught on cell phone video. police repeatedly telling jeremy to put up his hands when he reached into the waistband, four officers shot and killed him in his wheelchair. today, the attorney general is not speaking charges against the officers, and in the last few minutes, we spoke to jeremy's sister offering this reaction. >> so what threat was he to them officers? he was not a threat at all. they could have handled the situation totally different. >> his family is suing the city. the mayor's office sent out a statement agreeing the officers should not be charged, but the mayor does not agree with the attorney general's comments about the ineffectiveness of the police department's policies. police are warning members of the burkes county community about a mysterious visitor showing up at neighbors doors. a man first posed as an officer and then dressed up as a tax collector, and it happened in spring township. we spoke to a mother who said the man knocked on her door yesterday looking for children who were out of school the man even had a fake uniform and a badge. >> you see somebody come up in uniform, a patch on, you assume that it's an official thing. >> if you see that man, police definitely want to hear from you. in south jersey, police want you to watch this video right here. you'll see it only on nbc 10. a 15-year-old driver was behind the wheel of this stolen suv tuesday and driver raced at 60 miles per hour ignoring signals, forcing an elementary school in lockdown and hit a police cruiser. a dozen cars have been stolen by teens recently, and they say they put innocent drivers, pedestrian, and themselves at risk. new at 6:00, a first step to bringing a new sports complex to life in kent county. ground breaking today for the delaware sports complex. this is a picture of what it looks like, a stadium will be built with new fields for soccer and more, and the complex is expected to bring in millions of dollars in knew. a green light this evening for two park improvements planned for mount holly, renders of what $2 million can do for the park. building a third basketball court and lights on the courts, a splash park and pavilion are part of the plans. other project is replacing button wood lake dam that was damaged from a storm two years ago. a freak flood causes severe damage to a popular jersey shore attraction. now it needs your help. >> we're facing a $10,000 short fall right now. >> reporter: why staffers say they are feeling a bit of deja vu. >> make room for another building on the water front. the new maps in the works. pat toomey started his career as an investment banker. then, a wall street wheeler-dealer overseeing stock trades in new york, london and tokyo. next, toomey moved to hong kong to work with wealthy chinese investors. in the senate, it's no surprise toomey's been siding with wall street. voting to allow banks to continue making the risky investments that wrecked our economy. afscme people is responsible for the content of this ad. the business boom in camden is about to get busier. a philadelphia based developer is expected to present plans to the planning board any minute planning to build an apartment building next to the campbell's field baseball stadium, and they bullet a luxury apartment building in 2004. new at 6:00, tonight, the board of trustees of a popular jersey shore attraction gets a closeup look at the aftermath of a freak. >> a spring lkler caused damage a key part of the sea part in tuckerton, taen itand it's nost first time they had to rebuild after a flood. nbc 10's reporter, ted greenberg, showed us what happened. >> reporter: at the tuckerton sea port they embrace the water. >> this is the sprinkler that went off. >> reporter: except when it reeks havoc inside. fans are still drying out the visitors' center at the 40-acre jersey shore attraction focused on maritime history. >> the damage to the building extensive. >> reporter: water flooded the third floor and flowed down to the two floors below, soaking kpikts and more. >> it's hectic. >> reporter: walls ripped out and repairs needed. gift shops and offices crammed into the hunting lodge next door. >> it's been a shock for everyone, however, this sea port has been through this sort of disaster before. >> reporter: the very same building was swamped by hurricane sandy in 012 along with more than a dozen others here. >> we know that water damage, unfortunately, but last time we were stronger than the storm, and this time the sprinkler. >> reporter: the sea port has good insurance, but still need to come up with money for the insurance deductible and immediate experiences. >> we have a $10,000 short fall. >> reporter: folks can help by continuing to visit the rest of the sea port that is open. still, it could be a couple months before the full experience here is rebuilt again. ted greenberg, nbc 10 news. that's too bad for them. >> i know. >> i said to my coworkers late this afternoon, do not go outside because if you do, you might not come back in. so nice out there. >> blinded by the sun. >> i know. that won't be the case tomorrow, i'm guessing? >> no. there's not going to be sun tomorrow. a little on saturday, a little more on sunday, but we're getting out of this pattern. it's so depressing. >> we need a pick-me-up. >> in washington, it's worse, a record number of rainy days, a great day to take your baby for a walk in south philadelphia, trading in umbrellas for shorts today. of course, the sun allowed the temperature to go up, and this some places, it actually got up to the 80 degree mark. lehigh valley the warmest because of the most sunshine. there were high clouds in the rest of the area, and even right now, it's 73 in lincoln university, and 72 in unionville, and 75 in westchester. 77 in north wales, and getting close to 80 degrees in warrington, fort washington, new hope, bensalem all at 78 degrees. see your own seven-day forecast at the bottom of the screen whether every you'd like, whether every we do the weather, it's always there. you don't have to wait until the end of the weather, and it's not just for philadelphia anymore. speaking of philadelphia, there's nothing on the radar close by. that stuff's not coming here. this is the moisture on the way. it will take a while to get here, but thunderstorms are on the way. not so much for the morning rush tomorrow, but look at that, that's at 1:00 in the afternoon. the midday hours into the early afternoon, that's the best chance to get showers and thunderstorms during the day tomorrow. it's moving out by the afternoon rush. perhaps towards the jersey show, they get some in the afternoon rush, but we're clearing out across western suburbs, for example. by late in the day tomorrow. the dad vail, greatest chance of showers and storms in the middle of the day, drying out later in the day. saturday, a longer period of time sun to start, and then the thunderstorms come in later in the day. there are threats of thunderstorms, both days for that. i'll show you what is happening here as we go into saturday, here come the showers and storms from the west. saturday morning, it's nice and sunny. getting warm and 70s again, and here we go. that's later in the day on saturday. when we get the potentially gusty thunderstorms. sunday, it's going to be dry, but it's going to be a lot colder and philadelphia, only 62, lehigh valley, and pennsylvania suburbs, not even getting there, waninds gusting 40 miles per hour. a difference between saturday and sunday. monday, it's chilly, too. sunday and monday, way below average temperature, and then next week, we start to get the temperatures back to normal, but still some more chances for rain. i'm john clark, wentz signs the deal. how much he gets, and sixers' president speaks from the nba draft combine. i'm john clark from comcast sports net, eagles begin rookie camp tomorrow, all picks now signed, last to sign the deal, take a look, carson wentz today signing his four-year contract worth more than $26 million, signing bonuses over $17 million, and speaks with the media tomorrow at 12:30. bradford said he wanted to be trade to the broncos, but when a trade did not happen, the eagles were, quote, his next best option. espn reports sam walked out of the meeting with owner jeff lori, and the gm roastman and peterson when they told him they were trading up to get a quarterback, he said he wanted out. here is roseman today. >> excited to have sam back on the field, just for him, said all along, he was the starter, and whenever he came back, kpietded to get him back. it's voluntary, of course, and seeing the guys and adding to it now again, the rookies in place, exciting time of year. >> on to the sixers, brass at the nba draft combine in chicago, top picks, simmons and ingram are not working out. the sixers could have four first round picks, but will they use them all? only develop so many players, may be in play, and might do, you know, perhaps a draft situation look to defer to a future year, assess those over the next 30 to 45 days. >> and they will work out st. joe's star on monday rpg he's in chicago for the combine, and here he is today, atlantic ten player of the year. the teammate, miles, and villanova working out as well, and they'll get the presidential treatment with a trip to the white house may 31st. fliers exempt is deciding whether to have surgery for the hip and a sports hernia. if he goes under the knife, two months recover, and he struggled in the playoffs, just one assist, and he maintained he was not hurt. they finish up the road trip tonight, and vince on the mound against the braves, and how about this grab, this is white sox player hitting the home run, but the bull pen catcher, just lounging in the chair, making the bare handed grab without moving out of his seat, and one more look, like he's on the couch like us. catching a home run. that's cool. we're right back. flrn hundreds of runners make their way to washington, d.c. to honor fallen police officers. >> the annual law enforcement memorial run started with a ceremony at the navy yard in south philadelphia this morning, and then it was time to pound the pavement. this is the 20th year for the event. runners make a 150-mile journey to the capital as a tribute to officers who made the ultimate sacrifice. they finish at the law enforcement national memorial. >> a warm day to start the one. >> finally a dry day. no dry days tomorrow or saturday and thunderstorms at different times. >> that's our. >> see you tonight at 11:00. >> good night. flr . tonight, behind closed doors, a wild day in washington. nbc news learning details from inside the meeting of gop powers at odds. donald trump and paul ryan. can the party unite? new fallout from a police beating caught on camera. the shocking scene after a car chase. officers pummel a man on the ground. up in arms. george zimmerman auctioning off the gun used to kill trayvon martin calling the weapon a piece of american history. >> breaking news in the death of joan rivers, late word of a settlement between the doctors and her daughter, melissa. an alarming rise in strokes, striking people in 20s, 30s and 40s. why is it happening? the risk factors everyone should be aware of.

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