Transcripts For WCAU NBC10 News At 5pm 20171120 : comparemel

Transcripts For WCAU NBC10 News At 5pm 20171120

is not much. from clothes to walkers, donations have come in. we went running to see the building on fire. her mother was one of the lucky ones. her 85-year-old mom escaped wearing old her nightgown. they are still looking for hearing aids try ing ing to understand the medications needed and looking for a new place for their mom to live. >> it's a lot of work. she needed 24-hour care. >> the atf is joined by a team of local investigators trying to figure out how the fire. we know it began into the back of the building. the flames ripped through the top part of the building before the fire department could arrive. talking to people inside the home and neighbors who live in the surrounding area trying to figure out how it started. reporting live, deanna durante, nbc 10 fuse. >> it was bitterly cold when the fire broke out. so what role has the weather played in this investigation. >> reporter: the winds have been the enemy here. the winds helped to speed the flames that night. we know it was cold. we know it was windy. and investigatored had hoped to get in the building once the fire was out. that was delayed until today because it was too dangerous to have investigators go in because much of the building doesn't exist. it was structural issued combined with the wind made it difficult. >> deanna durante reporting l e live. >> download the nbc 10 app right now for free so you don't miss updates on this or any other breaking news story we cover. you can sign uh-uh to have alerts sent directly to your phone. >> turning to the weather, chilly and windy start to the workweek. looking live now you can see the tlags there on top of the building innen center city. still it was a beautiful day. plenty of sunshine in wilmington. a few folks out enjoying the scenery there. >> hold on to your hats out there. the wind is really whipping around today as we take a look at the top of the buildings. let's head outside to krystal kl klei. >> she's is braving the cold temperatures. >> it feels cold out here. i'm really getting into the spirit of the holidays being out here at the river rink because they are getting ready to kick off winter fest. you can see behind me there are crews at work. this is a new warming zone they are calling it has additional seating. as you can see the crews are at work adding to some of the boxes that have large trees. if you have been out to this, it's such a fun experience. if you want to get into the cheery mode, this is where you come. decorations up and it will be ready this friday for the kickoff event. let's talk about conditions because if the decorationsen respect putting you in the mood, the temperatures are pl take a look at the feels like. 39 degrees right now in philadelphia. 41 in will ming to be. it feels like 38 in pottstown. why is it feeling colder than it is? the winds are still up. not quite as strong as they were yesterday, still a little breezy. we're going through your hour by hour pushing the clock back to 7:30 this evening. 37 in pottstown. if we continue overnight, we drop down to the upper 30s and 40s. that's a southwest push that's going to keep temperatures fairly mild into tomorrow morning. mid- to upper 30s for us. then further south near cape may some 40s in the forecast for tomorrow morning. then tomorrow really we are going to see a warm-up through the day. we're back out live here. this is at the blue cross river rink getting ready for the rink. the official tree light iing isn december 1st. a new warming zone. you'll be able to try this out coming up this friday. i'm live out here. krystal klei, nbc 10. a man shot dead in the middle of the street and right in the middle of the day. it happened on the corner of engineermantown avenue and pike street. police say the man was shot in the head, the neck and the hand around 2:00 this afternoon. investigators are still looking for the gunman. >> a school. community is is mourning after one of their teachers was killed in a house fire. counsellors were on hand today. she taught third grade at the school. she died in a fire sunday morning. neighborsen couldn't get to hawkins. investigators are still working to figure out what started sunday's fire. now to the sexual misconduct allegations against alabama senate candidate roy moore. the first woman to accuse moore is speaking out in an nbc news exclusive. >> he left the room and came back in wearing his white underwear. he touched me over my clothing what was left of it. and he tried to get me to touch him as well. and at that point, i pulled back and said that i was not comfortable and i got dressed. e he took me home. >> he said moore assaulted her when she was 14 years old. she first told her story to "the washington post" earlier this month. at least eight other women have since come forward with accusations against moore. >> my sorrow that others have had had to go through this. but here's the pewty of what has. happened. the support has been amazing. women and men have come forward to tell their stories that have never had the ability to do so. because of my courageous actions. >> moore has denied the allegations, but the republican is under growing pressure to. drop out of alabama's senate race. l don't you love talking about it on a monday morning. the birds flying high after crushing the cowboys last night in dallas. let's face it. the birds have locked up a playoff spot. marshal harris is here. i hosted that post game show. many fans talking about a super bowl already. they have a pretty good argument. >> i would say so. 9-1 the eagles have the best record in all of football. and a very much clearer vision of a trip to possibly the super bowl. the eagles were down 9-7 at the half. but they dropped the hammer after halftime. the birds scoring 30 unanswered after the break on the way to a 37-9 victory over their arch rivals. doug peterson's post game locker room speech was just released by the team. he was focused on keeping his team from getting complacent with all that winning. >> coaches and players, you're the best team in football right now, but we have a long way to go. first half, a little bit. defense kept us in there. you guys kicked butt. >> eagles having a good time. they have a one-game lead over the vikings and saints for home-field advantage. they are 8-2. the four other times they started 9-1 they went on to the super bowl or nfc championship game. i'm marshal harris, nbc sports philadelphia. >> remember nbc 10 is your official eagles station. the eagles play the bears on sunday. nbc 10 is your all-access pass for coverage before and after the game. it starts at 9:30 sunday morning with eagles gameday kickoff. make sure to watch eagles game plan followed by eagles game day final right after nbc 10 news at 11:00. we have breaking news in the past minutes. the ntsb released a preliminary report into the plane crash that killedlies great roy halladay. it showed that the plane was rising and falling in the moments before the crash. that confirms what witnesses said in the time shortly afterwards. crews are still going over the wreckage. halladay crashed his plane on november 7th off the gulf coast of florida. it has been exactly two months since hurricane maria hit puerto rico. bill clinton arrived on the island with supplies and solar energy equipment donated by the clinton foundation. despite efforts, they have a long way to go before it can fully recover. 50% of the island still has no power. 90% of residents now have running water because of the conditions that leave 140,000 people left the island. now today puerto ricans are celebrating discovery day. so some local students are learning about the island before kicking off a fundraiser. puerto rico was discovered on november 19th. students celebrated the national holiday with food and music. sixth graders sampled chicken, plan tans and spanish-style macaroni salad. >> prior to the hurricane, not a lot of people knew they were citizens. i think that's one of the things. we wanted to understand these are fellow americans who are in need. also to learn that america is a very diverse nation and has people from all walks of life. >> after lunch students were entertained by members of the puerto rican institute of music in philadelphia. >> a lot of people going to be traveling this week for thanksgiving. many of them will be taking a flight. >> be prepared to wait in line. ahead at 5:00, why this is the busiest thanksgiving the airlines have seen in a decade. plus your holiday travel forecast. and fighting a common but dangerous medical issue. how penn state researchers are re lugs newsing the way that doctors treat concussions. a major breakthrough in the fight against cancer. the treatment developed right here in philadelphia that helped save this young boy's life. that's new at 5:00. sdplnchts a cancer breakthrough made in our area. leukemia patients given months to live are now cancer free. >> aundrea cline-thomas introduces us to the 9-year-old whose parents let doctors take a chance when no other options were on the table. >> this is celeb ri offense. >> should i open this one? >> getting blood drawn is still hard for usa back at the children's hospital for his annual checkup. >> i'm always nervous on lab days. >> in 2011 before his third birthday, he was diagnosed with leukemia, also known as all. >> he was active, healthy, eating, playing, he had really no outward signs of being sick. >> reporter: too young to understand, they told austin he had kacancer coaties. >> i felt like i was looking in on someone else's life. this can't be happening to our son. >> reporter: chemo, radiation and a bone marrow transplant followed, but none of it worked. enrolling austin in a clinical trial was their last hope and a long way for their home in wisconsin. >> we had less than six months with him. >> reporter: dr. steven oversaw the trial. >> we had no idea going into this whether this would work at all. >> reporter: celling are taken from a patient's own immune system. >> we're reprogramming them to see the cancer. >> reporter: the cells are reprogrammed with a modified version of the aids virus. >> they go back into the patient, go on the hunt, grow to the level they need to control even larger amounts of cancer and put those patients in remission. >> reporter: there are wide ranging side effects. some so severe it can put patients in intensive care. >> you want to have that one last hope that this is going to work and this is going to save him. >> reporter: less than one month after receiving treatment, austin's cancer was gone. kim got the news while austin was trick or treating. >> i was crying and my mom was there. i'm yelling at the lady at the door, my son doesn't have cancer. and she was all excited and crying and then offered me a beer. >> hi, how are you? >> good, how are you? good to see you. >> reporter: uaustin is among te 90% of children in the clinical trial whose cancer went into remission. the results still prompting. the fda approved the first gene therapy in the united states for children and young adults up to 25 years old with all. but doctors are hesitant to call it a cure. >> this is early on and we know that there's the potential for side effects that we haven't seen yet. >> reporter: uaustin's cancer hs been in remission for four years. >> i'm outside, swimming, i'm going on the trampoline. >> life for this sometimes camera shy 9-year-old has returned to normal. >> i tell people the only thing i had to hold on to was hope. and i do in miracles. >> reporter: aundrea cline-thomas, nbc 10 news. >> that's resilience right there for sure. coming up at 11:00, we'll introduce you to the local man who is the very first person ever to receive that treatment. his courage reopened the door to save more lives and now we're also asking what's next for this breakthrough cancer treatment. turning now to the weather. cold, windy. tammie souza is here. >> beautiful sunset taking place. 48 was the high today. we should be about 54 this time of year. continuing that below average trend. no rain and our highest wind gust was 30 miles per hour. it was a breezy day. look at the 61 in ra pid city. that warmth is headed our way. right now we're sitting at 46. so we're still on the cool side. it's going to be a chilly night. 45 in wilmington. 44 in vineland. it's 45 in mount holly and atlantic city at 45 this hour. overnight tonight, we're going to dip to 36 in philadelphia and coatesville and wilmington. and mount holly and trenton. a popular number. 32 allentown. and 38 for all of you in dover. clear skies and a basic cold night. here's what you need to know. we're going to have a couple more rain days ahead of us. early wednesday morning, we could see rain moving through the area. if you're an early morning commuter, saturday afternoon and night, we'll see the chance for rain once again. thanksgiving will be unseasonably cool but mostly sunny. there's a bonus. another big chill. it's going to be cold and windy. we're going to have a blst of cold air coming sunday through tuesday. it will be a chilly eagles game. we have some lake-effect snow. oured weather maker north of minnesota and wisconsin. that's going to drop on through the area combining with moisture coming up the east coast. and bringing us that rain chance for early on wednesday. we'll drop down into the 30s. and then here comes the rain. it should be out of here by the mid-part and half of the morning commute. and then temperatures will kind of start to tumble. look where we start on thanksgiving day. it's going to be cold and only make it into the low to mid-40s on thanksgiving. 44 the suburbs. 43 for the lehigh valley. 47 along the jersey shore. 47 for all of you in delaware. i'll be back with your ten-day on 10. >> thank you. if you have been thinking about getting a pet, this weekend may be your perfecten opportunity to do so. just look at these faces. the spca is offering free pet adoptions this weekend. it's part of a campaign called home for the pawlidays. they are available in new castle. available animals will be outside the pet smart. that pup was adorable. >> all new at 5:00, she was disappointed when her brand new coach started peeling apart. >> my heart just went, i don't like this. >> the manufacturer wouldn't call it back, she gave harry hairston a call. the important step she took to help make this an open and shut case. holiday meal countdown. how hol tiers are working overtime to feed thousands for thanksgiving. the important lesson students are learning in the process. support from the music world continues to pour in for meek mill. drake is speaking out on the p rapper's behalf. >> a judge sentenced him to two to four years for a probation violation. his lawyers filed a motion to have the judge recused. >> this is the scene last week in chester city. a packed crowd chanted in support of meek mill. supporters say the. rapper sentenced for violenting probation is too harsh. we're getting brand new ip sight into how he's feeling in jail. we'll have that part of the story all new at 6:00. it is hard to believe. i can't believe it. my stomach is growling thinking that thanksgiving day is almost here. >> a lot of people still have grocery shopping to do. but all of that food can get expensive. take a look at this spread. everything you see on this table was made into a basket for local families in need. they were put into trucks today. more than 2,000 baskets delivered to local families. the effort will feed more than 12,000 people across the city. they fired up the ovens at the salvation army today. they are preparing more than 4,000 thanksgiving meals for local residents. once they are cooked, the meals will be delivered to families on thanksgiving morning. it's part of a project called thanksgiving to go. >> some students packed. up boxes. the items were all donated during discover charter schools annual holiday food drive. the principal tells us it's a tradition that teaches the students important life lessons about giving to those in need. a new police chief has been on the job for six months and crime is up from last year. >> the chief tells nbc 10 his plan for reducing that crime by breaking through to teens. i'm meteorologist can krystal klei. winter fest, for those going out of town, i'll have the details in your travel outlook for those staying in town, i'll let you know when you can get on this rink and how long it will last. once joined at the head, now healthy enough to head home for the holidays. two baby girls that spent more than a year at the children's hospital of philadelphia finally get to leave. how their story is is making history, all new at 6:00. the countdown to thanksgiving is on. right now, we are only three days away to turkey day. that's on thursday. now is the. it's also time to pack your bags and get ready to hit the road or hit the skies if you're traveling this holiday week. >> let's get out live to philadelphia international airport. the group airlines estimate more than 28 million will fly this thanksgiving making it the busiest holiday travel weekend in more than a decade. that's thanks to cheaper than usual air fare. 22 million people will drive to their destinations. >> we are tracking changes in the weather as thanksgiving quickly approaches. krystal klei is at the blue cross river rink and will have your travel forecast in a moment. >> we're going to begin with chief meteorologist tammie souza in the studio. she's tracking the cold temperatures across the region tonight and the changes leading up to thanksgiving. sglds we'll have changes going on out there. it was a chilly day. well below average. 42 in the pennsylvania suburbs. 45 in delaware. 44 in south jersey. along the jersey shore, 45 degrees. we have clear skies for the most part. it's going to become quite chilly tonight. let's head out there to bucks county and lehigh valley. reading, 43 degrees. we will be. dropping into the low 30s in these areas tonight. so beware of that. it's going to be quite chilly. not like a couple nights ago. now we get to philadelphia at the airport, it's 46. we're going to fox chase at 47. if you're parkwood, you're at 46. and bustleton you're at 46 degrees. so the temperatures holding steady, but we will drop into those mid- to upper 30s across philadelphia tonight as well. here's where we're going over the next few hours. we'll drop to about 41 by 3:00 in the morning in philadelphia. pennsylvania suburbs, 38 by 3:00 in the morning. the lehigh valley 33 by 3:00 in the morning. now for more on your travel forecast, it could be a busy one. >> i have been having a good time out here. the blue cross river rink fest kicks off on friday. i have been with you for an hour showing you elements. but the ice skating rink. my friend punch is out here. he's actually spraying water on to what will be the ice skating rink when it's ready. this is interesting. they told me how this works. there are coils to help to freeze layer after layer of water to make up the ice skating rink. this is the real sket. to make it look beautiful so you don't see the coils down in the rink, they paint the ice. did you know that? it's so interesting. they then they add a few more layers. first off to chicago. conditions out there are going to be in the low 40s for your tuesday. and then chilly wednesday out there and then that overnight temperature falling into the 20s. let's go from chicago on a little farther closer to us. tuesday at 56 in cincinnati. we're drop to 41 on wednesday. dry conditions on chicago and cincinnati. dry in pittsburgh as well. 35 on wednesday. warmer on tuesday. d.c., same situation. tuesday is going to be warmer than your wednesday forecast. 48 degrees but dry. now in the poconos on wednesday, we do think there's a chance in the morning hours of a little rain/snow mix. the temperature at 38 degrees. we'll wrap up look iing at new york and boston where we may see some showers in that forecast. so if if you're traveling in our region, things look fairly dry but it will be cool travel on wednesday. even cooler on thanksgiving. just a few minutes. we're live at the river rink winter fest, krystal klei, nbc 10. sgluk tra>> you can always trac travel conditions in realtime on the free nbc 10 app. the season of giving is in full swing in philadelphia. this is the healthy holiday harvest and community turkey giveaway. the councilman in the overbrook revitalization gave way more than 200 turkeys to neighbors in need. and in camden county, the aquarium is helping make the holiday season special. the aquarium delivered 334 shoe boxes and gifts to the grace alliance church today. it's part of operation christmas child. that's a worldwide effort to fill shoe boxes to send to kids in need around the world. >> nbc 10 is in delaware where the new police chief was officially sworn in after six months on the job. tim furlong talks with the chief about his plan to cut crimes and it starts with kids. >> reporter: last night more crime tape goes up in a neighborhood. one man shot dead and another in the hospital with gunshot wounds. one guy tells me this is just what you deal with here. >> does not know where to live. but where else to go. >> today robert tracy was sworn in as police chief, but he's been on the job since april. he has a plan and insists it's in the works. it's worked for him in chicago and new york. >> we put these things with people to change the options and choices they make. even in the older adult where is it does bring crime down. >> according to the gun violence tracker, by this time last year, 136 gunshot victims, 20 of them were fatalities. they had 184 gunshot victims and 29 of those people have died. technology says more officers actually walking the streets will be key. the city just announced a new union to put officers on the street and pay them better. which means they get to recruit better officers and keep them longer. the chief says it's not going to. happen overnight, but change is possible, he says. neighbors are counting on it. >> i pray that it gets better. it has to. >> tim furlong, nbc 10 news. >> former pennsylvania governor tom ridge is still in intensive care tonight. his family says they are cautiously optimistic. he'll make a full recovery from a heart attack. he was attending a conference in austin when he called for help from his hotel. doctors are encouraged by his progress, but caution there's a long road ahead. ridge is also the former u.s. homeland security secretary. the first ever to hold that position. here's a look at the stories making headlines county by county. teachers in the spring fields school district have a new contract. a five-year deal was approved by the board and ratified by the education association. it includes a salary hike along with increases for health care. >> they have been cleared of any wrong doing in a shooting of king of prush ya mall. police spotted a man at the mall a day after he robbed a woman in a parking garage. something to think about here. pieces of glass in your salad. the grocery store that's issuing a massive recall. and treating concussions. how some pennsylvania researchers are making strides with a simple saliva test. a simple saliva test may be able to predict how long concussion symptoms will last. researchers found tiny molecules in saliva were able to predict to last more than a month with 85% accuracy. it was a small study with 52 patients and will need to be confirmed with more research. trader joes is recalling salads that may contain shards of glass or hard plastic. white meat chicken salad, curried white chicken deli salad and turkey cranberry apple salad are included in the recall. all affected products were labeled with the use by dates of november 10th through 21st. they have a usda inspected code of p40299. everyone wants to know about this one. >> ready for thanksgiving. if not, there's still time to pull it off. perhaps without lifting a finger. let nbc 10 be your guide to a ready made holiday. i'll explain next. and the next chance of rain, when it hits your neighborhood. the full forecast is straight ahead. local chefs donating their skills at the jersey shore to cook up thousands of thanksgiving meals. >> it's kind of like pay iing i forward when people do nice things for you. >> reporter: i'm ted greenberg with benefitting from their generosity. and you can win $500 today. it all start when is you watch nbc 10 news at 11:00 tonight. tune in between 11:20 and 11:35. that's when we'll reveal a secret code word. then go to and enter the word for a chance to win. then tune in again to nbc 10 news at 11:00 p.m. tomorrow night to find out if the $500 is yours. thanksgiving is is almost here. the kids are home for the holiday break. the last thing you want to do is spend your time over a hot stove. >> 1 in 10 people plan to dine out for their thanksgiving meal. and 1 in 20 people will get a full takeout meal to celebrate the holidays. >> cydney long has a look at some thanksgiving time savers. >> reporter: so your mouth is watering thinking about how delicious this thanksgiving meal will be, but oh the time. slicing, dicing, or basting and stressing about the turkey not turning out dry. >> people are just getting busier and busier. >> reporter: it's why this market has 100 extra all the fixings thanksgiving family meals they are cooking this year over last. moms -- >> i have no time to cook. i don't like cooking. >> reporter: don't have the guilt. >> i get those that carry the guilt and we try to tell them it is home made. we have people back there that are peeling potatoes, adding fresh cream. >> i never lift a finger. we pick it up and the food is always fantastic. >> reporter: but the dead line for a catered or takeout turkey day is fast approaching. >> you caught us absolutely just in time. we're taking orders until 12:00 p.m. tomorrow. >> reporter: if you receive a free frozen turkey from any supermarket but not planning to cook it, you can donate it here to the deli and they will donate it to a family in need. do mating that bird earns you a $10 gift card. so roughly 16 a person. at heaven ly preorder it. usually this is good for me to come on a monday before because i usually have to stand in a long line. >> reporter: moms know the first come first serve items will go fast. >> i'm working full-time, i'm a single mom, i have two kids in school. and in sports. i'm always busy. >> reporter: not rolling up their sleeves on the prep work helps them saver family and friends at the thanksgiving table. >> i can socialize more and not be tired and can carry a conversation. >> and enjoy the holiday. >> exactly. >> cydney long, nbc 10 news. looks too good. turning to your weather, a live look at wilmington. temperatures right now in the mid-40s. cold. >> a live look from allentown, it's a cold night. we're expecting a brief warm-up tomorrow. tammie souza is joining us with the changes heading our. >> it's going to be a pleasant warm-up. we'll e get the sunshine with it. that's a two-fer. outside right now, we do have clear skies. 46 degrees and the feels like is 39. you really need to bundle up despite the facts the winds are out of the southwest than ast going to warm us up tomorrow. so around the area, 41 in coatesville. 44 in dover. we'll drop into the 30s. perhaps even close to the 20s for the poconos. across the area, doppler radar, nothing. we're quiet. things look good. it's further to the west, north of minnesota and wisconsin. this system, which is going to drag a cold front through the area and that will combine with moisture coming up the east coast to bring us the chance of some rain showers for late tomorrow night and early on wednesday morning. so we have the winds out of the south. and by the time you wake up tomorrow morning, you'll be firmly in the 30s athe area. that includes the city of philadelphia. out into the poconos, 36 and maybe a little generous. maybe a little cooler than that. by tomorrow afternoon, the mid-up ander 50s, yes, some people could make it to 60 degrees, which would be remarkable. and then tomorrow night, we see the rain come in. some time between 11:00 and midnight and just come in in a strip across the philadelphia area. a lot of the upper pennsylvania suburbs lehigh valley, berks county, you're not going to see rain. if you do, it may just be a sprinkle or rain or snow mix. the heavier rain will be in south jersey and delaware. then by wednesday, temperatures start to fall. the high is going to kosm after midnight. by thanksgiving morning, you'll be 32. we'll make it only into the low and mid-40s across the area. should be a fairly quiet day. that's the good news. e we like that. here's your thanksgiving day forecast. we're looking at 45 for philadelphia. 43 for the lehigh valley. 4 for the jersey shore. you can get your forecast any time you want throughout the thanksgiving holiday. download our app at >> next at 5:00, flawed furniture. >> one woman says a brand new leather couch started peeling after delivery how nbc 10 responds came to the rescue when the manufacturer didn't return her calls. that's next. and new at 6:00, starving on purpose. just ahead of thanksgiving. how local students are hoping hunger can help them stay in the country. welcome back. lester holt joins us from the studios in new york. >> he has a look at what's coming up on "nbc nightly new.". >> her story rocked the senate race. the woman who said she had a sexual encounter with roy u moore at age 14 speaks to us on camera. plus the sounds raising hope in the search for a missing submarine and its crew. the stories and more coming up on "nbc nightly news." but now back to you in philly. thousand to nbc 10 responds and an issue we have seen several times before. a viewer says her furniture started peeling. >> we have been telling you about this it problem with bonded leather furniture for more than a year. this view e tried to get a refund without any luck. so she contacted harry hairston and nbc 10 responds. >> her phone calls b wept no more. she knew there was a problem but getting a solution was harder than she thought. >> reporter: she fell in love with a couch and love seat. >> i said this is really nice. >> reporter: she bought the set and a two-year warranty. in 2015. by may 2016 she noticed problems. >> my husband told me he said where i'm sitting at the couch started to peel. >> take a look at these pictures. >> just seemed like my beautiful furniture that i bought that was so in love with is just my heart just went i don't like this. every time she called the manufacturer, it promised to return her calls, but never did. fast forward to january 201 and six months before her warranty was set to expire, she contacted big lots again. she says she didn't hear from the company until it sent b this letter in august 2017. now two months after her warranty expire d. that's when she ran out of patience. >> i'm calling channel 10 to see what they could do. >> we reached out to big lots and they have no record of her filing the complaint in 2016 or in january of 2017 but records show a claim in july of 2017 after the warranty ran out. however, in an e-mail the company says our investigation and generous assistance from the local store did offer her either an exchange or refund. she chose a refund. >> i'm very pleased. very pleased. i really am. >> she says she's shopping around and hopes to find another couch and love seat that she loves. although big lots had no record of her complaint, she did keep notes on who she spoke with and when. that is always a good idea. >> any consumer problem a great thing. you got to take good notes. >> write it down, keep the name and dates. >> keep track of the green too. >> you're right about that. recovery counter, i want to show you where we are right now. $828,71 for our viewers. >> if you have a consumer complaint, head to and fill out the form or give us a call. we will respond to you. nbc 10 news at 6:00 is next. >> here are jim rosenfield and jacqueline london. >> up first at 6:00, investigators suspect four people are dead after that fire ripped through a senior home in chester county. >> all new at 6:00, the nbc 10 investigators dig into the safety history of the company that owns that home. as well as other homes in our area. plus this new video of firefighters savie ining dozens lives. hearing from rapper meek mill from inside jail. how the philadelphia native is feeling about all the support people are showing him around town. and i'm tracking a warm-up for tomorrow before temperatures take a dive again for thanksgiving. in my most accurate first alert forecast, next at 6:00. four people b couldn't be safed from this fire. new insight into the crash that killed roy halladay. holiday home coming, once cob joined twins make history and leave the hospital just too n time for thanksgiving. firefighters rushing into n to save dozens of lives. this fire destroyed a senior home and killed four people. this video shows the rescue operation, but tonight we have learned four residents were not rescued and are presumed dead. >> crews are searching the rubble for their bodies. >> mitch blacher is joining us live at the scene in westchester. >> this is a massive investigation. it's still lit up at 6:00. they plan to be back here to start seeing what else they can find and learn. we are learn iing into the fire safety history of the company that owns this senior center. these are the remarkable pictures of fire filling the night sky in westchester friday morning. we're seeing the extraordinary effort to save 133 residents. many in wheelchairs or bedridden. >> the firefighters told me that they kept going back in there until their helmets were melting and cracked. police officers were running in there without any breathing. apparatus. >> investigators are sifting through the rubble trying to find out what happened to the four

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