Transcripts For WCAU NBC10 News At 5pm 20171116 : comparemel

Transcripts For WCAU NBC10 News At 5pm 20171116

lment saying it was a significant sum of money. >> williams is not talking publicly despite multiple requests. instead the statement. these accusations are without merit. again, we ask the public to allow the courts to do its job before passing judgment. now they are calling for more. >> there needs to be a much smoother and easier way for people who have been harassed and abused in the workplace in the city of philadelphia and government to step forward and to say something. >> we reached out to the city law department and confirmed it will be handling the defense of the sheriff. you can now add one more name to the list of high profile people being accused of sexual harassment. senator al franken, a radio news anchor in los angeles says franken groped her in 2006 and even has a picture to prove it. that's her with franken in front of her. she said she met franken and a service member and was afraid to hope up about this fearing it would impact her career. but she also said this is happening everywhere and something needs to be done. >> this is happening in middle america. this is happening for women that work at chilys and women who work in an office build iing somewhere is in iowa, kansas and florida. this is happening to women who have no power and no way to speak up. >> franken has release d a statement apologizing for his actions. specifically addressing the picture. he said, quote, i don't know what was in my head when i took that picture. and it doesn't matter. there's no excuse. i look at it now and i feel disgusted with myself. it isn't funny. it's completely inappropriate. it's obvious how leann would feel violated by that picture. before he was a senator, franken became famous as a comedian on "saturday night live." he was a writer and performer on the show. he left in 1995 and his apology he says he realized he's told and written a lot of jokes that he used to think were funny but now knows they were offensive. mitch mcconnell called for an ethics investigation into franken. franken says he will cooperate. a london theater says it's received 20 allegations of inappropriate behavior against kevin spacey. he even served as an artistic director. and the scandal involving senate candidate roy moore is also e growing. his campaign is casting doubt on one of the women accusing him of sexual misconduct. more sexually assaulted her when she was 16 behind a restaurant where she worked. she says moore even signed her yearbook in 1977. and named the restaurant. moore's team says it is not his handwriting. you can read more on how the dals are rocking hollywood, politics and reaching overseas. just search harassment on the nbc 10 app. in the past 30 minutes, emergency crews in atlantic county pull ed a woman out of a septic tank in the township. >> a medical helicopter, we're working to find out how serious injuries are. >> major steps toward a tax bill overhaul this afternoon. the house passed 1.5 trillion sweeping redo of tax code. >> the actions now moves to the center. >> the senate bill also repealed the obamacare mandate to have insurance. if that passes, the house and senate would have to come up with a measure both chambers can agree on. >> now to the weather, it is breezy out there. a little bit warm er too. the lehigh valley and the tops of the buildings there in allentown. a pretty shot. >> tammie souza is joining us now. she has your first alert forecast. >> a little nicer out there. the breeze didn't make it here in philadelphia. we woke up this morning. much milder. these are mainly above average. 48 in philadelphia. 37 for mount pocono. we were off to a good start at midnight. >> it's been a pleasant day out there. sunshine, clouds ask a few sprinkles. a little breeze going out there. right now, nothing really showing up on doppler radar. we're still looking at a few spr sprinkles moving through philadelphia county and parts of delaware county, but other than that, it's going to be fairly quiet. you can see that that big storm system that brought us the showers last night and early this morning is is moving past the area. >> here's the full rotation. we're going to end up with sunshine and cooler weather tomorrow. we focus on this one. it affects your weekend. i'll tell you how, when i come back. >> police arrested michael huggens this morning. he is an accused killer. authorities say he and three other teens escaped from the youth detention facility in egg harbor city early yesterday. they found them in an apartment building on south carolina avenue around 10:30 this morn g morning. his capture comes 30 hours after authorities say the fourteens overpowered a guard at that facility. it's not clear how he got there. he had a gun when he was found. >> he did, in fact, have a gun in his possession. that is being further investigated as to how we he came into possession of a handgun. >> he's been held in jail. he faces a list of new charges and authorities say even more are possible. to a local fraternity shut down for two years all because of underage drinking at a party that sent two students to the hospital. >> it's the latest in a string of universities now cracking down. new at 5:00, steven fisher has mixed e reaction to the decision from students ob campus. >> lehigh university says during a champagne party, one student drank so much they needed medical attention. but not one person called for help. members of the fraternity at le university didn't want to share their side of what happened during a fall champagne party. instead they stood by a banner huk over their real iing that ss we're not kicked off, you're kicked off. >> we're their neighbors. i'm actually kind of relieved they got suspended. >> reporter: rebecca says they are not the kind of neighbors you want. >> they go crazy sometimes. it's not safe. you have to watch. >> reporter: in a blog post, the university said the fraternity was already on probation for three prior alcohol-related incidents dating back to last year. >> it happens. there's drink iing at any colle. >> reporter: what bothered the university is is everyone stood by and did nothing. the a student at the party needed medical assistance. >> i think the punishment is worse because of the safety of the students should be pair mount. >> reporter: members have to move out by winter break. the school says majority of those members are required to live on campus and the school will provide them with housing options. steven fisher, nbc 10 news. in south jersey, lifrs and volunteers walked the corridor in camden and handed out educational information about opioid overdoses including what to do in the event b of an overdose. the goal is to spread information that could help save lives. you could now help out the family of a pennsylvania state trooper who was shot in the line of duty. a t shop in easton is make iing these kelly strong t-shirts. the store owner says it started as a custom order, but friends of the officer came back and ordered even more. the store owner says making the shirts is is a privilege and the least he could do the sacrifice made by corporal kelly. >> you cannot thank somebody enough for something like that. this is just nothing compared to what he did for else. >> you can get the shirts at custom tees inside the palmer park mall or an etsy. they are $20. $10 goes to the family. he said a couple surgeries and is still receiving in the hospital. daniel clairy is charged with attempted murder. a mission of operation warm. firefighters launched the coat drive for the city's disadvantaged children. the event raise money to buy hundreds of brand new winter coats to hand out in the community. the union president says this isn't just another coat drive. >> it is a gift of warmth. but it is also a gift of pride and ownership and self-teem for these children who don't have much of anything. >> operation warm launched back in 1998 and is handed out coats to more than 2 million children around the country. they are saying it is all in your head. >> that euphoric feeling you're having thanks to all the eagles wins. it's having ab impact on your brain. and in the hands of local leaders, what the future holds for philly public schools now that the school reform commission is as good as gone. and mistrial for new jersey senator maine nenendez. we're live outside the courthouse with what's next for him. plus we're talking to a juror about being dead locked in the case. every day, technology becomes much more personalized. ♪ ♪ like this. and this. (ai device) welcome home, gary, how was your day. and like this. introducing specifi, our digital investing platform that's built around you. just answer a few questions, and specifi will provide a tailored investment portfolio. it continually manages it, so if the market changes, it adjusts accordingly. ask us how specifi can help you reach your potential. ♪ ♪ mistrial in the case of bob menendez, the democrat fought back tears outside the courthouse as he blasted federal authorities and thanked jurors. brian thompson is live. >> you were there as soon as jurors walked out. you talked with one of them. what held them up. >> reporter: one juror is saying there was no smoking gun. that is probably the most important thing we heard this afternoon. the justice department is not saying if it will retry this case, but certainly after losing on a 10-2 vote, the chances seem slim after what we saw happen here this afternoon. >> there were times when the emotion was too much. but speak to the world he wanted and to the jurors who refused to convict him. >> i want to thank the jury who saw through the government's false claims and use their common sense to reject it. >> one juror telling us the vote was an overwhelming 10-2 in favor of senator menendez. >> when the prosecution rested, i didn't think anything concrete to say there was more to it. >> it's been csignalled last week. then again monday until finally today just before 1:00, the decision to declare a mistrial for menendez and codefendant has been convicted on unrelated fraud charges. also his close friend tr more than two decades who had given him free trips and big donations throughout. but at times did ask for favors. >> they are very close today. >> forgiveness to all who criticized him with one excepti exception. >> among those angling to replace senator maine nen e dez if he had been convicted and if he had been forced to resign was former senator robert toroseli who resigned under his own ethics cloud about a decade cloud. end a reelection bid. the gop leader in the senate mitch mcconnell has asked the senate ethics committee to investigate senator menendez. the chairman of that committee saying he cannot comment on such a request. >> turning now to the weather, we hope you enjoyed the nice fall day out there. temperatures in the 50s today. not too bad. here's a look at conditions in avalon. there's cooler weather on top for tomorrow. >> a few sprinkles as i was coming to work. this is not bad. 60 degrees across much of the area. that's going to change. >> we're going to do a little up and down. it's basically the day after thanksgiving. let's take a look at that. i didn't want to show it to you but i will. the big orange warm is not us. all of your friends and family down there in phoenix and parts of southern california, this lovely blue shade is us. and we're going to be cooler than normal. this is the extended outlook. if you have any plans, we're going to be a little chilly as we head from about next wednesday, thursday all the way through the end of the month. we'll see an average of below average temperatures. we still have a few sprinkles. it's still spiraling past us. the main body of low pressure to the north of us and there is cooler airing in. this is a little lake effect rain and snow activity. we're seeing the puffy clouds out there. it spirals away from us. but we're not going to focus on that one. heck no, we're going to go way out to the west. this one is the one that's going to affect our weekend. you can see all the snow that's being dropped in the sierras. the line of we're going to clear out and have sunshine. they are going to fall into the 40s. on saturday here comes the rain. it's out of here by sunday afternoon. and temperatures start to fall through the 40s on our sunday and it becomes quite windy sunday and monday. that's going to be the big head loin there. we're going to keep an eye of all of that. if you're going to be running, expect some clouds on saturday. not really going to see any sunshine. we'll start at 7:30 in the morning at 39 degrees. 46 at 9:00 in the morning. 52 by 10:00 in the morning. that's for the half marathon. different day on sunday. the rain comes in saturday afternoon. we could see an early morning sprinkle on sunday. it should be gone by 7:00 a.m., but there's that outside chance. you notice the temperature goes in the other direction. it's 46 by noon. very gusty winds 0u9 out of the northwest. gusts to 35 to 40 miles an hour on sunday. so for tonight in the philadelphia area, 32 in the philadelphia suburb ises. if you're in south jersey, 35 for you. 51 in philadelphia. 49 in the lehigh valley. jersey shore coming in at 52. but lots of sunshine. grab the sunglasses for tomorrow. your ten-day on 10, we get near 60 on saturday. but that rain comes in in the afternoon. we could see an early morning shower sunday. yes, the birds are in dallas. we want to remind you you can watch it here on nbc. the marathon will be windy on sunday and monday. back to the 50s on tuesday. your traveling for the holiday on wednesday. it will be a cool 4. and 47 with breezy conditions on thanksgiving. the countdown is on to your thanksgiving vacation. >> what is is the best day to hit the road and avoid all that traffic as you visit friends and family? that's a great question. we're going to break it down ahead at 5:00. and beefing up airport security just in time for the holidays. the new technology helping you get through the lines faster. you only have an hour left to vote for our high school blitz game of the week. here's a look at where the voting stands now. got to show up to the polls. . there's several ways to vote. vote on or by tapping on the app. call or text your vote to 610-624-4111. we'll announce the winner tonight on nbc 10 news at 11:00. one hour, tokes. that's all you got. running a small business is demanding. and that's why small business owners need more. like internet that's up to the challenge. the gig-speed network from comcast business gives you more. with speeds up to 20 times faster than the average. that means powering more devices, more video conferencing, and more downloads in seconds, not minutes. get fast internet and add phone and tv for only $24.90 more per month. comcast is building america's largest gig-speed network to give small businesses more. call 1-800-501-6000 today. 1,000 turkeys were dropped off at a food bank of delaware. it's a donation from giant foods as part of the annual food for families holiday food drive. >> everybody should have a turkey on the table for thanksgiving. so we love the opportunity to help in the neighborhoods we serve. >> the turkeys will be handed out to families this week. very nice. one major airport is trying something new for the holidays. it's a headache to try to speed things up in the security lines. >> chicago's mid-way adding automated screening lanes. they will automatically pop up and people can put their stuff in four trays at the same time. the trays will be 25% larger as well. so what will thanksgiving travel look like at the airport and on the roads next week. we have that coming up in our next half hour. in the meantime, fighting the opioid epidemic. >> the device just approved that's proven to reduce withdrawal symptoms. and passing the baton. philadelphia schools will soon be in the hands of new leadership. the changes coming to your child's schools. a two-time cancer survivor running a race as part of the philadelphia marathon's weekend. how she's helping save others with every step she takes. all new at 6:00. to say see ya later. >> it could be history. right now the head of philadelphia's teachers union and its members are anticipating an historic vote to dissolve the school reform commission. the move will put local leaders in charge of philly public schools. >> aundrea cline-thomas joins us live in spring garden with what this means for students. >> reporter: supporters of this move to local control means the needs of the community will be better addressed. some people say they had had to be here today because they have been waiting for this vote for the past 16 years. >> more than 100 people gathered in administrative offices. everyone here is ready to bid fare wael well to the commission. >> the commission will vote to disband a takeover that started in 2001. >> now we as a community can come together and say this is what we need as aen community for our schools. >> when the state stepped in for performance and financial woes played the district. decisions were made to address the problems including closing schools and laying off thousands of employees. now 16 years later the district is on a more solid footing and some areas even making progress. the src chair says their job is done. >> returning the district to local control is a big step forward. ep hopefully we accomplish that today. >> reporter: now returning the school to local control means that the mayor would then appoint a nine-member school board. he says that he would be held accountable for everything that happens here, the good and the bad, including a looming $700 million deficit. reporting live, aundrea cline-thomas, nbc 10 news. >> what does the vote to dissolve the reform commission mean tr your child? we have a list of answers to your commonly asked questions. it's all on the free nbc 10 app. turning now to weather. then again the warmest day we have seen in awhile. temperatures reached 60 degrees today. temperatures are pretty comfortable in the 50s. it's a clear night out there. >> chief meteorologist tammie souza is joining us now. rain and cooler weather is coming. >> we're going to see a little bit of everything, except snow. no snow. >> 60 e degrees was our high today. finally we were above average. we may do this again on saturday. the rainfall we picked up just .01 since midnight. we had a few sprinkles this. it was rather breezy out there for today. so we have cool air that's spilling in across the great lakes. that's kind of drifting in our direction for tomorrow. behind that, another warm-up. rapid city, 71. you can sort of see just the ups and downs through the atmosphere shs the way the jet stream is curling across the united states. we're going to have another cool day and then a warm day and a couple cool days. right now, 54 in philadelphia. as we zoom in around the area, comparable temperatures. 50 at mount holly. 56 in vineland. 55 in dover. a few lingering sprinkles. we're going to look at that system and i'll explain how it affects us for the weekend ahead. here's a look at the stories making headlines. a firefighter is in court facing charges for killing a sea gull. he was vacationing with his wife and son in the city this summer when witnesses say he threw something at a sea gull. the bird died. now he's facing charges and could get up to six months in jail. sea gulls are federally protected animals. drew smith is in court right now. we'll pass that along to you. tonight wilmington city koun will vote to create a gun offender registry to require any resident convicted of a gun crime to register with the wilmington police department within five business days of their release from jail. and every six for three years. they plan to close at least 40 stores this year. the retailers in north pennsylvania and milwaukee, officials haven't said which locations will close. the company operates 260 stores in 24 states and has a large presence in the lehigh valley. sounding the alarm inside the philadelphia opera. today police released video of this man breaking into the opera building. they say he grab bed a computer bag and $a 0 in cash. eagles fans heading to dallas for the showdown could run into protesters outside the stadium. the coalition for justice is planning a protest to support nfl players who choose to kneel during the national anthem. members of the city council celebrated a half century of student activism. >> they honored a group of people who took a stand 50 years ago. the councilwoman joined inside city hall by men and women who participated in walkouts in the 60s. on november 17th, 1967, more than 3500 philadelphia students stage d a nonviolent walkout in march to the district's headquarters. when they got there, they were attacked and beaten by police. their fight is now being carried on by a new generation. >> todayen students still use the tools of non-vihfnon-violen protests do demand greater civil rights for themselves and all of us. tonight the councilwoman is hosting a keynote panel and reception with several of the elders at the african-american museum of philadelphia. more to see at philadelphia's museum. it's giving kids a chance to play with their food. they enlisted a new exhibit called healthy me, healthy community. visitors can take orders and make plastic but realistic looking meals. eagles fans are certain we'll see another win in dallas. >> the screaming and jumping up and down. that overall joyous feeling we get over a win. there's a science behind it. the details on an all new at 5:00. watching your health at work. researchers say should be held responsible for your behavior. count on the morning team to get you ready for the day. weather and traffic first at 4:00. plus donation security, do not write a check to charity this holiday season without hearing our report. and this. a comeback from kacancer. how a delaware county man turned his prognosis into something positive and his mission to inspire others this marathon weekend. count doudown is on to thanksgiving day. we're just one week away from the big feast. if it you're planning on driving somewhere for tur thanksgiving travellers since 2005. the philadelphia area, aaa expects 600,000 people to drive more than miles to visit family. that's up 3.5% from last year. >> plan ahead. make sure you get out the door early in the morning if possible. if you can travel on the holiday, that would be even better for travelers. >> good advice. if you're planning on flying, a ticket price is trending down. an average is $157 this thanksgiving. we have new information about a bridge project leading to traffic trouble in new castle county. construction on that road bridge won't be finished by thanksgiving after all. the project is run into several issues including asbestos. they did not give a new timeframe for reopening the bridge. several groups got an early start to the thanksgiving holiday today. they visited capitol hill to tell members of congress whiy they are thankful for the immigrants in their lives. they joined senators from maryland to consider a dream act before the end of the year. afterwards, they delivered e petitions to senators and representatives signed by 25,000 people in support of the dream act. mahmoriah carey fans will n hear her concert. it's now cancelled. the beth e le hem event center says the concert isn't happening but wouldn't elaborate on why. she's on her all i want for christmas is you tour. if you have a ticket, you will get a refund. now on twitter, the singer did reveal why she's not coming. she has an upper respiratory infection after getting the flu. new at 5:00, the road to recovery. >> the new drug-free device that's helping people beat their opioid addiction. and we have weekend rain on the way. are you running in the half marathon or marathon? come on back. we'll time it all out for you. trapped in a septic tank. look at new video into the newsroom of a woman res kud after getting stuck in that tank for hours. the video new at 6:00. new at 5:00, a story best delivered while standing up. researchers at drexel university say employers should be held accountable for sedentary environments. they looked at health issues associated like high blood pressure, excess body fat and cholesterol. the studies suggest that employees options tr things like standing desks. there's a new tool in the fight against the opioid crisis. the food and drug administration just approved this device right here behind me. it helps people overcome addiction, believe it or not. the nerve stimlaters worn behind the ear can reduce withdrawal symptoms like joint pain, anxiety, nausea and insomnia. it's proven to decrease symptoms by 30%. nearly 26% of philadelphia residents are troubled financially. that's according to a new analysis from the charitable trust. hispanics and african-americans have the high es rates of poverty in our city. 37% of children under the age of 18 are living below the federal poverty line. that's an annual income of $ $19,000. one vote away from having an official state amphibian. >> are you ready to see this? let's show you. the big reveal here. the eastern bender. >> it's kind of cute. >> the state senate passed the bill giving it the title of state al fib yan. >> it can grow up to two feet long and live in streams and rivers. it heads to the house for a vote. >> it's looking at you. >> it is. >> pointed in your direction and not me. one of the story that's trending on head to the website or tap the free nbc 10 app to read more. turning to your weather with a live at university city. temperatures warmed up to 60 degr degrees this afternoon. now we are back in the 50s. >> down the shore, a calm evening over in cape may. a live look at the prom nad. let's send it over to tammie souza. >> weekend rain. and even the 50s when we get them because by the time we get to early next week, we're talking 40s again. outside we have clear night. it's going to be a beautiful night out there. right now it's 49 in the lehigh valley. 52 in delaware. 55 for the engineer e see shore and 54 in pennsylvania. we have plenty of 40s. looking at 45 degrees right now. and hopewell, 47. allentown, 46. nazareth at 46 degrees. if we head to philadelphia county, a little bit warmer when you get out of the elevations. so we're cooling down, but it is not uncomfortable. it's actually seasonal for this time of year, this time of evening. outside, everything is is quiet. you can see we have some sprinkles, wrap around showers that are associated with this system. this is the one that brought the showers late last night and early this morning. and the sprinkles we had this afternoon. and further to the west is is a system that we're going to be watching for the weekend. so in between, we're going to have a sunny friday. then the clouds are going to move if. this system is going to move quickly as it heads in our direction. watch what happens. here it comes. we're going to be drop iping in by tomorrow into the 30s in the morning and we're going to be in the upper 40s and low 50s for a temperature tomorrow. saturday by midday, we see the rain moving in. into the 50s on saturday. maybe even a few 60s if the rain holds off for the afternoon. saturday night the rain comes in. it's out of here early sunday morning. we hope it's early enough for the temperatures start to fall and it gets quite windy. sunday will be a very chilly day out there. and monday even colder. here's your ten-day on 10. 51 for tomorrow. 60 on saturday. rain in the second half of the day. through the night and maybe an early morning shower on sunday. the marathon is on sunday. it's going to be quite windy. temperatures will fall throughout the day. 46 on monday. 56 on tuesday. so e we bounce back up to average there. and then for the holiday travel, 49 on wednesday. thanksgiving at this point is still looks like it's in the 40s and rather breezy. and a little blustery. >> soaring with the eagle. >> fans across our area are getting a dose of eagles euphoria. the effect all the wins are having on our city. that's next at 5:00. and back to 100%. a boost for the eagles offense. ahead of their prime time matchup with the cowboys right here on nbc 10. she never let anything slow her down. even now. and aetna is moving medicare advantage plans forward right along with her. we offer $0 monthly plan premiums. and a limit on out-of pocket medical costs you pay each year. call aetna today and we'll send you a $10 reward card with no obligation to enroll. because getting older clearly isn't what it used to be. ♪ ♪ it feels good to be back. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ welcome back. lester holt joins us from the studios in los angeles. >> he has a look at what's coming up on "nbc nightly news." >>. we'll tell you who benefits most from the sweeping tax overhaul bill passed in the house and where all this goes from here. we'll preview the museum of the bible and look at the sensitive line that developers tound not to cross here on "nbc nightly news." >> here back in philly. eagles euphoria is in the air. the birds winning streak has all of us fans floating on cloud 9. >> it smells great. there's a science behind that. a feeling we all get after an eagles win. tim furlong explains why all new at 5:00. >> stores selling more eagles gear is a side effect of the wins. but all of us fans seem to benefit too at the stadium. >> everybody is much nicer to each other. gets along and not really the angry crowd it used to be. >> we all know we feel good when the eagles win and terrible when they lose. but it's all in our heads. literally. it's in your brain. >> there's definitely a physiological change. >> reporter: e he studies brain function and sports fan dom on our brain. building in the middle of campus at the university of delaware has a big powerful top of the line mri machine. >> it's modulated by how much of a fan you are. >> this is definitely reward parts of the brain, pleasure parts of the brain are more active when your team is doing well. >> more wins actual more brain blit skpz it raises the activity in our knowledgen. who really cares when the eagles beat the cowboys. you're going to feel good. don't forget to share your fan pictures with us. you can share your snaps on facebook or twitter or upload them on our nbc 10 app. we're getting some good ones. nbc 10 is the only place to watch the showdown with the cowboys. we're getting you ready early sunday morning at 9:30 with eagles game day kickoff. the game starts at 8:30 p.m. then stay with us for nbc 10 news and eagles gameday final. and stay up after the steelers game for an eagles exclusive. carson wentz's off the field passion, dogs. >> a cause i can relate to. he donated $120,000 for service dogs and nbc 10 is there as he visits the dogs and the people who can't live without them now. the story on nbc 10 news following "thursday night football." don't want want to miss that one. nbc 10 news at 6:00 is next. >> here are jim rosenfield and jacqueline london. up first, an escaped murder suspect is back in police custody after a full day on the run. >> an nbc 10 exclusive. the 911 call for help as that escape was happening. and all new at 6:00, septic tank rescue. new video of the moments woman was pulled to safety after she was stuck for three hours. and new at 6:00, stranger danger in south jersey. chipped paint that police hope will find a child predator. now we have some weekend rain as people start traveling for thanksgiving. i'm timing it out for you in your first alert forecast. septic tank rescue. new video shows the moment a woman was pulled out after being stuck inside for hours. >> life saving run. a two-time cancer survivor helping others beat the disease at the philadelphia marathon weekend. right now at 6:00, an escaped murder suspect captured tonight. the teen had a gun when they caught him in atlantic city. more than 24 hours after he broke free. good evening, i'm jacqueline london. >> and i'm jim rosenfield. thanks for join iing us. 18-year-old michael huggens was the last of four escapees caught. they fought their way out of the use detention facility. we're hearing a panic 911 call tr that facility during the escape. >> we got our hands on the recording. >> the detentionen center. >> please help. >> please help. >> this frantic call to 911 captured the chaos unfolding inside harbor field youth detention center in egg harbor city overnight wednesday. >> my co-worker is bleeding. >> 14 inmates squloefr powered a guard and escaped stealing the guard's car. >> we're trying to get out. >> yes, they are out. >> are they out? >> they are out. they are out the building. please help us. >> reporter: authorities say the boys crashed that car

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