Transcripts For WCAU NBC10 News At 5pm 20170424 : comparemel

Transcripts For WCAU NBC10 News At 5pm 20170424

shooting black people, but when we shoot each other, ain't nobody saying much. so it's time for a change now. >> reporter: the club says it will increase its security measures and do all it can to make sure peoples are safe while here. in vineland, ted greenberg, nbc10 news. >> to the weather now. gray skies and cooler temperatures didn't stop this guy from setting up and doing a little fishing along the cooper river in pennsauken and take a live look down the shore. cloudy there in cape may as well. >> check out the radar. you're going to see a lot of green. you know what that means? showers are the in the area big time. >> a few showers out there this afternoon. >> a lot more later tonight and into tomorrow, so if you think today was nasty and windy and chilly, wait till tomorrow. we've got the cloudy skies now, the visibility's good and it won't be as good tomorrow. the clouds will be pretty low, maybe blocking off the tops of the buildings at times. you can see these showers moving up from the south. most of this is on the light side but it's starting to get a little bit more moderate down in parts of delaware and we really have some heavy rain in north carolina. this all coming up this way with a nor'easter, so everything is going to be increasing tomorrow except for the temperatures. speaking of which, 58 degrees in philadelphia now, only 55 in mt. holly, 54 in atlantic city. the average temperature this time of day, this time of year is about 67 but that wind off the ocean and the clouds keeps the temperature down. allentown at 60 degrees but there's rain up in that area as well. as we go through the night tonight, we're going to see more of this rain moving up from the south. it's scattered to start off with but watch what happens as we get toward the morning rush. that's a lot more rain, isn't it? and some of this is on the heavier side. so we're not just talking about some drizzle for tomorrow morning. we're scattered showers. it's going to be raining and this is the windy symbol too so we got wind and rain and only 53 degrees. that's tomorrow afternoon. in the afternoon it's only going to be 53 so it may even be cooler tomorrow than today and we're barely getting above 50 degrees in the p.a. suburbs for example, and the lehigh valley into the mid-50s. not quite as windy there. the windierest place the jersey shore. we'll see wind gusts over 30 miles an hour all day long. but huge changes as we come toward the end of the week. i'll get into that in a few minutes. >> now the countdown to the nfl draft. we have a live look at the art museum. finishing touches being put on the draft stage with the draft slated to start thursday. the latest round of road closures take effect in about two hours now starting at 7:00 tonight. traffic on the parkway from 20th street up to the art museum will shut down and kelly drive will be closed at fairmount avenue. lauren mayk joining us live where things are taking shape. >> and there's a local star who expects to have his name called right there where you are on thursday? >> reporter: if you are a driver out here on the parkway right now you may be strous freighted. if you are a football fan, you may be pretty excited that the draft is coming to town here but if you are a young football player who is about to be a part of this draft, can you imagine? you're ready for it to happen: as the nfl draft takes shape on the parkway, a young football player is waiting across the river. are you anxious or nervous? >> i'm anxious and excited. >> a potentially life changing moment happening so close to where it all started to redick it feels meant to be. >> i think the big man upstairs is watching over me. >> reporter: in his hometown of camden he received the key to the city, a place he wants to be a part of no matter where he plays football. >> i'm looking forward to helping it rebuild once i make it to the next level and i'm in a place where i can finally get back. >> reporter: he doesn't want his next career step to change him and he knows his parents will keep him grounded. >> i'm very stern. i'm very hard on him as i have always been. it doesn't change. >> reporter: red dick's mom right now. >> i'm on a roller coaster because i'm happy, i'm proud but at the same time, like i said, it's my son and my baby. >> reporter: emotions are running high. what makes you emotional about this moment? >> because he worked so hard and literally he gets to live out his dream like a lot of people have a passion to do something and they don't always -- sometimes they have to take an alternate route. he didn't. >> reporter: in some ways it is the kind of emotion that you can understand from any parent but there is a whole other layer here. red dick's mom telling me there are milestone when your kid goes to college. you sort of know what to expect but when your son is entering the nfl, you may have seen it on tv but you still don't know what to expect. live on the parkway i'm lauren mayk, nbc10 news. >> we have you covered for the nfl draft and the excitement gets underway on wednesday. keith jones and i will be live with our nbc10 draft preview on the parkway special. >> it's eagles draft day. we'll be live for that show and on sunday it's eagles blue print as we recap every move the eagles made in the 2017 nfl draft. >> president trump is approaching the symbolic 100 day mark. this week he's juggling a health care bill and it should include money for that wall. at the white house the president hosted this luncheon for representatives of the u.n. security council and he scolded the council for not acting effectively in response to threats by north korea. warning they must prepare to impose new sanctions. >> it's a real threat to the world, whether we want to talk about it or not. north korea's a big world problem and it's a problem we have to finally solve. people have put blind folds on for decades and now it's time to solve the problem. i have been dealing with politicians so much, i'm so much more impressed with these people. you have no idea. the president also had a long distance phone call today, very long distance. he spoke with astronaut peggy witson aboard the international space station. he congratulated her for setting a new record for accumulative time in space, 534 days in counting in orbit. >> defense secretary james mattis is in afghanistan on an unannounced trip right now. he's the first member of the president's cabinet to visit afghanistan and today he warned, if more isis fighters come to afghanistan, they will be destroyed. >> meantime president obama spoke publicly today for the first time since he left office. >> what's been going on while i've been gone? >> he started with a joke as he addressed a crowd at the university of chicago. that's where he's going to be a leading a forum with a group of politically diverse students from high school age to graduate level. >> the single most important thing i can do is to help in any way i can prepare the next generation of leadership to take up the baton. >> mr. obama had not met the students before today. all new at 5:00. emotional testimony within the past hour in the case of convicted cop killer eric frein. for the first time we're seeing frein reacting as he waits to see if he's giving the death penalty or not. jacqueline london joins us live from the news center. >> eric frein's mother and father took the stand today all in an effort to save their son's life as a jury decides their face. ejean michael admitted on the stand, quote, i failed eric as a father saying he lied to his son about his military record. frein's defense team argues that frein constantly sought approval from his dad. his mother testified today that despite the murder she loves her son with all her heart. saying she doesn't want to see him on death row. and in a rare moment of emotion, eric frein wiped away tears as his mother testified. and the jury could get the case as early as tomorrow but a brief hiccup today. eric frein came to court dis shelved and refusing to speak to his attorneys. coming up at 6:00, we'll be live at the courthouse with just how his defense tried to get a mental evaluation. live in the breaking news center, jacqueline london, nbc10 news. >> even though the month isn't over wret the city of philadelphia is claiming to have made $7 million in april thanks to the soda tax. in february the city made nearly 6 million and just more than 6 million in march. the city expects to make $91 million in the first year the tax is being implemented. that tax is a 1 .5 cents per ounce tax for the distributors of sugary drinks. the money goes toward universal pre-k. >> the nfl draft isn't the only big sports event happening in philadelphia this weekend. this is a live look at franklin field, the university of pennsylvania, home of the 123rd penn relay. the officials held a news conference in center city just a few hours ago to talk about this blockbuster sports weekend coming up in philly. major jim kenny met with track and field athletes who are taking parts in the relays. he also invited fans in town for the draft to take public transit and check out the historic running event. >> you're going to the draft experience, and that's a one day thing or day and a half, you have time to get over on public transportation to the penn relays. take in the entire city and not just one event. >> the relays start thursday and end the 29th. he has been held at u of penn since 1895. >> there's more fallout from that incident that saw a passenger dragged off a united airlines flight. tonight the message from that man's lawyer, plus the new case he's taken on. monuments removes, it's how it's happening that's striking a nerve with some people, though. encore performance, april the giraffe if returning to a computer near you. there's more ahead. look at that. illax in my man ce and get your fios on? it's a very niiice. you got fios? it's tv ahead of its time. oookay! hey neighbor. you up for a little sunday scrolling? actually, we have xfinity x1 now, so we can download and watch our shows on the go. that's a niceeee! i mean that sounds nice. fios has fallen behind, don't fall with it. xfinity x1 will change the way you experience tv. congrbut when right-wingomised topoliticians triedth care. to pass a disastrous health care repeal bill that raises costs and cuts coverage, macarthur wouldn't oppose them. macarthur wouldn't protect us from a bill that raises premiums and causes 24 million to lose their insurance. wouldn't oppose a massive "age tax" on people over 50. but supported a 600 billion tax break for the wealthy. tell tom macarthur - stop trying to repeal our health care. . >> announcer: this is nbc10 news. >> the city of new orleans has started removing four confederate monuments this morning. it's hitting a nerve for some people. even people who want these removed are angry about the way it's been done. >> we are elated that this monument's been coming down. we say that this is a -- this is happening in the middle of the night where people can't come out and celebrate. >> it's an egregious attack on history. this is the history of our area. you can't change it by pulling down monuments. >> the mayor says some workers taking down the monuments have been threatened but it won't stop the city from removing the rest of them. >> in south carolina, people are hoping for some relief from the rain. look at this flooding. it's forced roads to close in charleston, rains in the forecast through the evening there but it looks like the rain let's up tomorrow in their forecast and to our weather now. we got a few showers out there tonight. >> and a big warmup on the way. here's glenn. >> that is coming later in the week before that comes we're getting a little bit of that south carolina rain coming in tomorrow, so it's going to be a really nasty day and a lot wetter than today. 58 and cloudy now with the wind 14-mile-per-hour straight off the ocean. that's keeping temperatures in the 50s. you'll see cloudy skies throughout the area and we're going to keep the clouds and add more rain tomorrow. the temperature has barely gotten up to 60 degrees. fox chase, torresdale and none of those places are likely see 60 degrees tomorrow. we also have more rain coming up from the south. a little bit heavier now down across cumberland county for example, and a lot more down south. there's south carolina here and all this rain is moved into north carolina so it's getting a little closer to us each hour. as we go through the night tonight and into tomorrow, you can see it's scattered for much of the night but by tomorrow morning it's a pretty steady rain and we're going to get hour after hour after hour of this. it's pretty much a washout tomorrow and some of this rain gets to be on the heavier side. the temperature isn't going anywhere and barely to 50 degrees in pottstown and allentown late in the morning and even by afternoon we're still in the 50s and now we've got some areas of heavier rain coming up from the south as the storm itself, the nor'easter, weak nor'easter starts coming up. that will cut off the rain in cape may and millville, late in the day but that's coming pretty late in the day so it's raining all day. there's the heavier rain going up toward lehigh valley and we still have more rain tomorrow night, potentially threatening the phillies game and wednesday morning, we keep the showers early. they move out but the clouds linger and that'll keep the temperatures from going up much more than they would. because if we had sunshine by wednesday we'd be well into the 70s and by thursday we'd be into the 80s. here's philadelphia. chilly 52 for the high in chestnut hill. that's the wind symbol along with the rain. voorhees township, 55, rob binzville 53 with the rain and the wind. jersey shore just really nasty. long port 57. the wind over 30-mile-per-hour for the good bit of the day. it's going to be pretty ugly there. 15 to 25-mile-per-hour wind on average across the area even more at the shore. but look what happens by thursday, by the time we have the nfl draft. 78 degrees for the high temperature. mix of clouds and sun. 84 on friday. chance of a shower in the afternoon, 84! that's not the end of it. 88 on saturday. and that's not the end of it either because it's going to get even warmer. there's friday 84, saturday 88, sunday 89. we're getting closer to record level. look at this weekend coming up. compared to what we just saw with highs in the 50s and 60s. it's going to be hot and humid. we have a chance of a couple of showers p.a. suburbs, lehigh valley on saturday but otherwise that's a pretty amazing forecast for later in the weekend next weekend. >> it's too late to say sorry. >> that is the word today from the lawyer representing the man who was dragged off the united airlines plane a couple of weeks ago. now they're filing a lawsuit. this video went viral after it happened three weeks ago. dr. david dao was droged off a flight in chicago by airport police after refusing to give up his seat to make room for crew members. his lawyer today the "today" show, the ceo had a chance to make things right and he blew it. >> he had that opportunity to publicly, first of all, apologize and he didn't. and then he called the doctor belligerent. then he finally said mea cul pa. >> after another incident on a plane this weekend, you can see the woman's crying. she claims an american attendant nearly hitting her baby after ripping her stroller out of her hand. he's not sure about filing a lawsuit in this particular incident. tom costello is joining us now to talk about these incidents on planes. >> we can relate as passengers but what stress does it put on other airline employees like the pilots let's say? >> i think that all airline employees right now are feeling that they're under the microscope because of these incidences and because all of us are walking around with these things. we can all video record something whenever we think something's not right and people are and they're really recording in some cases a very minor trans gregs that is not that big of a deal but when it rises to the level of in the view of many people an assault or completely inappropriate behavior, video recordings are holding airlines accountable. but i will tell thought airlines and i've talked to flight attendants and pilots they feel they're under a microscope being watched by the public and that maybe it's deserved following these incidents but these incidents do not represent the way that the vast majority of people do their jobs. but it may be symptomatic of an industry under stress right now. we're all packed into these planes, they're all flying full. we have no elbow or leg room. you have to pay for your overhead luggage not the luggage underneath and you hope you arrive on time. it doesn't take much to set people off. so this is really a symptomatic of a system nationwide that's under stress. >> a lot of stress there. we saw in the american airlines incident speaking of being recorded another passenger, tom, who speaks up for the woman and he's told stay out of this. so what's the best thing to do if you find yourself as a passenger in that position where something's going on in the flight? >> well, listen. you've got to decide whether it's appropriate to stand up or not and whether to make your voice heard and of course these days everybody is starting to pull out the video recorder. i think the airlines are so sensitive to any suggestion that they're not treating the passenger fairly that very often a supervisor will step in and here's where the american airlines story differs from united. american recognized very early on within hours they had a problem because their supervisors on the ground told headquarters we got a problem. so by the time that flight made it to dallas, the flight attendant was suspended, the passenger upgraded first class and a thousand dollars gift voucher. compare that to united airlines which spent two to three days blaming the passenger before it finally said we screwed up, it's our fault a 100%. as a result of that american may or may not but may not be facing a lawsuit. united almost certainly is. can i just make one point of clarification. i think it's important to hold the people who are on the ground accountable. those people who came on board the flight in chicago that wore the jackets that said police, they were not police. they had been told to stop wearing the jackets and they were still wearing them. they were security guards and they had been fighting for the right to be treated like police and even to get guns and now the chicago city council is highly unlikely to approve that and they've been told yet again take off those jackets. you're not police. >> tom costello, thank you for your insight. >> you can watch more about these plane incidents and fallout from them on "nbc nightly news" with lester holt. >> come race weekend in delaware and while that may not change this summer, there will be plenty of people looking up too. what will be filling the skies for the first time in dover, next. racers of the future joining racers of the present at dover international speedway later this summer. the international drone racing association will hold the first race of its season during this june's nascar race weekend at the track. the drone racing will be located inside an enclosed course in the fan zone. drone racing will be held june 2nd to june 4th. >> as far as the disguises go certainly it wasn't the best choice. >> up next a particular caught on camera ensued a local store. his attempt to stay covered up that caused some trouble during that getaway. >> and we've got a weather roller coaster. first we've got rain, chilly weather and summer. what to know for your neighborhood in my most accurate first alert forecast. hey allergy muddlers are you one sneeze away from being voted out of the carpool? try zyrtec® it's starts working hard at hour one and works twice as hard when you take it again the next day. stick with zyrtec® and muddle no more®. >> announcer: this is nbc10 news. now to this video of a burglar pungling his way around a south jersey convenient storm. his trash bag disguise trips him up on more than once. >> reporter: it's police admit this was not their average crook attire. he was wrapped head to toe in plastic. still despite everything he was wearing he managed to get in and out of this quick stop in less than a minute. despite a handful of security cameras both inside and out, watch as the crook dressed in trash bags from head to toe smashes through the front door and jumpds the counter. >> it's disgusting when you see something like this. >> reporter: the bold and bizarre break-in happened at april 11th. he fixes his outfit then wipes out the swedish fish to swipe the register. when the cord gets caught he tries again and finally steals the register with less than 200 inside. it's a daily stop for customers like alan fiddler who is now a bit on edge. >> there's no safe place to go to any more. >> reporter: and it's not the first time. it was also burglarized in january. this crook has since been captured. he had just locked up at 9:00 when the trash bag bandit hit three hours later. >> at nighttime i'm working here i feel scared, but usually it's a busy road. >> reporter: police and everyday customers hope someone knows who turned to this disguise to hide his identity. >> absolutely i'd like him to get caught. i come in here and buy tickets or see if you can win something and the place is robbed. i'm startled. this is a good area too. everybody's honest. that guy wasn't honest. it's sad. >> reporter: and i spoke to the store owner on the phone. he tells me for just over $150 or so in the register, the damages here to replace both that cash register and the front door were about ten times as much at about $1,500 so he and police hope someone may recognize him and dial police. we're live in washington township tonight i'm cydney long. nbc10 news. >> switching gears to the weather now. plenty of cloud cover overhead as these students made their way around the campus earlier today. here's a live look up broad street in center city, traffic's moving, the clouds are still here. >> and one look at all the green on the radar you can see that cloud cover you were talking about. it's going to hang around for at least a little bit longer. glenn "hurricane" schwartz with us tonight. >> the start of the active week in the weather department. >> and different kind of activity in the beginning of the week. it's cold and windy and wet. the end of the week is going to feel like summer. i mean summer heat and humidity. we have a lot of clouds out there right now but that's nothing compared to what we're going to be seeing tomorrow. you can see some of that increase moistured coming up from the south. the cloudy skies stay in there but look back down to the south. there's plenty of moisture, north carolina and a lot of that is headed this way. it's 58 degrees in philadelphia now with the wind coming in right off the ocean, even cooler at the shore and windier at the shore. it's going to be even nastier there tomorrow. 55 in coatesville, up to 60 in allentown. that's way below average for this time of the year. as you go through the evening, we have these waves of moisture coming up but it increases as we head toward the morning rush and so by as the clock goes, it is solid, solid rain. some of it on the heavier side. more wind in addition to that. so it is a really ugly day tomorrow. as we go through the night tonight and into the tomorrow the temperature doesn't drop a whole lot but it stays wet, moisture is in there tomorrow morning and get used to it and especially at the shore, you got wind on top of that rain. but a tremendous change by the end of the week, i'll tell you more about that coming up. now here's a look at some of the stories making headlines county by county across our region today. new castle county, a new program is letting neighbors getting rid of expired or unused medication safely. the delaware drug take back day is happening saturday at more than 30 locations across the state. getting rid of medicine safely protects ground water and also lowers the risk of addiction and overdoses. for more information, just head over to the nbc10 app. >> in bucks county tonight there's a meeting about closing schools in the council rock school district. two elementary schools are on the chopping block. if you're interested in going to tonight's meeting it starts at 7:00 at the council rock administration building in newtown. >> there's a new police chief in allentown. glenn dorg was swornin this morning. he succeeds chief keith morris who retired. >> in delaware county some religious history will be on display for the next few weeks. a vatican authorized of the shoud of turrin will be at the catholic church. the display is open to the public beginning today and running through may 5th. >> you probably assume salty foods make you thirsy, right? turns out they could be doing something we never considered. what new research reveals. and the return of april. why you haven't seen the last of this draft that took the internet by storm. for years, fios has been promising fast internet to small businesses. but for many businesses, it's out of reach. why promise something you can't deliver? comcast business is different. ♪ ♪ we deliver super-fast internet with speeds of 250 megabits per second across our entire network, to more companies, in more locations, than fios. we do business where you do business. ♪ ♪ >> announcer: this is nbc10 news. >> if you've ever wondered why you can't eat just one potato chip, we have an answer for you. the researchers performed a study that found that salty snacks make you hungry. this dispels conventional wisdom that salt makes you thirsty. >> the smooth sounds of saxophone kenny g filled the cabin this past weekend. no incidents here. the grammy winner was on a flight from florida to l.a. when the concert broke down. kenny g was going up and down the aisle raising money for a cancer charity in memory of a friend's child who recently died and they raised more than $2,000 with those smooth sounds. >> april the giraffe is coming back to a computer near you. the giraffe mom shot to fame when she was pregnant with her latest calf and the world watched why she gave birth. the upstate new york zoo where she lived, it is coming back soon. the zoo also announced it will be releasing the name of the calf on may 1st. >> look at that. >> adorable! >> can't get enough of that. >> no. >> how about this, the countdown to the nfl draft is nearing the home stretch and the birds front office is opening up about what lies ahead. >> you start feeling really good about yourself -- >> well, we bleepd it there but exclusive inside from the eagles as they prepare to pick the newest bird. that's ahead next. >> they're not having that draft tomorrow, but get ready tor warmup after that. 80 degrees temperatures are on the horizon. what to know for your neighborhood in my most accurate first alert forecast. . >> announcer: this is nbc10 news. looking live at the ben franklin parkway. final preparations underway for the nfl draft. the league's biggest off-season extrachl began z-a gets underway in less than three days. >> the anticipation will reach a fever pitch when the eagles are on the clock with the 14th pick, john clark joins us now from csn. lucky number 14, john. >> that's going to be the heck of a movement. the choe chair and former eagles quarterback ron gentleman woreski, when it's the eagles' turn to pick it's going to be electric. let's hope they don't trade out of their pick or trade out of the first round. one year ago this week here it was roger goodell. harry rosen has brought in joe douglas. the team says they'll work together with howie having the final overall say. we sat down with howie and he says in the seven drafts that he's been a big part of, he feels really good about five of them. but he knows predicting which player will turn out best, it is a really tricky business. >> it's a humbling business. every time you start feeling really good about yourself, you get your [ bleep ] kicked. did i say that? >> you're good. >> you can't take it for granted. our goal is to put a team on the field that year after year is competing for a championship. >> it's the first time we've had to bleep howie there. you can get more of our conversation with him on thursday with our eagles draft day special that comes your way at 7:00 right here on nbc10. we'll have a lot more coming up about the draft in 6:00. we'll see you then. >> john, thanks for that. that's a sam bling of what we've got in store. next wednesday, the day before all the action starts, keith and i are live with our nbc10 draft preview on the parkway special. thursday is the show john mentionsed eagles draft day you'll be jacqueline london for that show and sound it's eagles blueprint as we recap every move the eagles made in the 2017 nfl draft. >> the big honor today for local volunteer, catholic social services presented the volunteer of the year award today. it went to mary scott who is a pa rischner in the city of chester who is a retired nurse. been instrumental in helping those in need at chester city family service center. >> in philadelphia this morning, students from chester brook academy preschool got a little taste of a bug's life in honor of earth day which was saturday. students released 10,000 lady bugs in washington square park. leading up to today's release students learned how lady bugs are natural pesticide by eating other insects that could potentially harm greenery. that's a lot of lady bugs. lady bugs and little people in the park. >> it wasn't a great day but it wasn't bad either. chief meteorologist glenn "hurricane" schwartz with us tonight. >> we're talking rain and a warmup. >> rain, chilly weather and windy weather all combined before we start seeing any kind of warming trend. we got cloudy skies all across the area with some areas of rain. it's not exactly the most beautiful early evening but tomorrow's going to be even nastier and in parts of new jersey, we're still in the 50s. not getting to 60 degrees. swedesboro close at 59 degrees. audubon's 57, cinnaminson's 56, medford, atco, 57 degrees, washington township at 55 degrees. pemberton 56 and robbinsvile at 58 degrees. you can see none of those areas are in the 60s and none are going to be there tomorrow. you see that wind coming out of the northeast, yeah, look back to the south. there's the center of the storm. you can see obviously in south carolina and the winds coming in off the ocean, in south carolina, north carolina, virginia, delmarva, all the way up here. there's nothing to stop it. so here comes the rain. that's going to increase as we go through the night tonight and into tomorrow and some of that heavy rain from the south coming up right with that area of low pressure that's going to come right over our area tomorrow. there we go as we get through the night tonight and into tomorrow morning, that's when we really start to pick things up just in time for the morning rush. it's going to be wet. it's going to be windy and it's going to be chilly. the temperatures, whatever you see or feel first thing in the morning, it's not going to warm up much during the day. and then in the afternoon, we have some more rain and some of this is pretty heavy as you can see downpours. that's afternoon rush. so it's not a pretty day tomorrow. evening threatening the phillies game but the weather should be much better wednesday and thursday. then wednesday morning we could still have some leftover showers or little bit of drizzle and it should be cloudy and it should stay cloudy pretty much all day wednesday and that will prevent the temperature from going up much higher than the atmosphere overall is going to be very warm later in the week and as soon as the sun comes out, that temperature shoots up. reading 55 tomorrow. bethlehem 55, easton 53 degrees. 53 and the wind and rain in newtown. 53 in west chester as well. mt. airy 52, fairmount 57. everybody staying in the 50s and a lot of places getting wind and as you head toward the shore, atlantic city, 57. we got wind gusts to 40 miles an hour tomorrow. avalon at 59 degrees. similar story there and rehoboth beach getting a lot of wind too with that 60 degrees temperature. we have quite a jump in temperatures as we go through the next several days, so we've got the 57 tuesday, then 67 wednesday, 78 thursday and 84 for friday. dover's at 84 degrees. allentown's close to 80. wildwood getting into the 70s so it really gets warm later this week. >> at first glance it may look like any old tree but it's actually far from it. >> this tree has quite a story and today the final chapter of that story was written. the end of the line for a piece of history next. >> and all new at 6:00. trucking pains, the noisy, disruptive problems delaware say they're desperate to fix tonight. yeah, i just saved a whole lot of money by to geico. we should take a closer look at geico... you know, geico insures way more than cars. boats, motorcycles... even rvs! geico insures rvs? what's an rv? uh, the thing we've been stuck on for five years! wait, i'm not a real moose?? we've been over this, jeff... we're stickers! i'm not a real moose? give him some space. deep breaths, jeff. what's a sticker?!? take a closer look at geico. great savings. and a whole lot more. >> announcer: this is nbc10 news. lester holt joining us now. >> he has a look at what's coming up on "nbc nightly news." hey lester. >> ahead for us tonight, barack obama jumps back in the spotlight but not in the way some democrats had hoped. also why new orleans is erasing symbols of the region confederate history and how they're going about it. and priced out by the cost of insulin how some patients are going underground to get what they need. we'll tell you more on "nbc nightly news." for now we'll send it back to you. >> thanks lester. we'll see you at 6:30. today's nbc10 respond debt the collection confusion. >> a man got billed for a debt that he did not owe, you know he who he called, harry hairston and the nbc10 response team. >> not only was the bill not his, he has never used the service for which he's been charged. james ray vic spends a lot of time every day at his piano when he hit a sour note when he kept getting letters for a debt he didn't owe. >> this bill is for verizon fios internet cable and television. >> he has comcast. in fact, he's never had fios. it's not available in his cherry hill development. >> i'm stumped. >> he says he called the collection agency which told him he could dispute it and then hung up the phone. >> gave me no instructions, no help, nothing. >> then he called verizon which confirmed he didn't owe the $1,600 debt. he asked for a letter stating as much. >> they refused to send me the letter so i was helpless and hopeless because i didn't know who else to call. >> when he called "nbc10 responds" we reach right out to verizon and didn't tell us why he got the notice. after we got involved the company apologized and sent him this letter confirming he doesn't owe anything. >> thank you, harry hairston and nbc10 sponts team. >> if you get contacted by a debt collector and you don't think you owe anything, talk to them at least once and see if you can resolve the matter. then if you're sure you don't owe the bill, tell the collector in writing to stop contacting you. we have step by step directions on how to do that on our website at >> tell them to stop bothering me. >> yeah. >> make sure you do it in writing though, to have proof that they got it and to know they leave you alone. we'll take our recovery counter, it's now up to $430,708 money recovered for you, our viewers here, delaware valley. >> it's great. and if you have a consumer complaint for "nbc10 responds" just give us a call or fill out the form on our website. >> to this now farewell to an old friend in north jersey today. this white oak tree has been standing for 600 years. it is considered one of the nation's oldest trees but last summer, the massive oak was declared dead. members of the community said their good-byes. >> this has been a living icon for everyone that has grown up in this town and it's sort of a symbol of home. you can see the crowd that's been amassed that many people want to wish it farewell. >> today workers started the process of cutting the tree down. it is expected to take three days to complete, 600 years. >> nbc10 at 6:00 is next. >> truck drama in delaware tonight. >> it's a cute little piece of delaware but it has a pretty significant truck problem. it gets pretty loud and pretty rumably here for the houses. the neighbors are looking for a little help in their fight. >> plus a killer's tears. we're live with whose testimony made convicted cop killer eric frein cry today. >> a cool down with even more rain and then summer-like weather. the ups and downs you're going to want to stay ahead of in my most accurate first alert forecast. hey allergy muddlers are you one sneeze away from being voted out of the carpool? try zyrtec® it's starts working hard at hour one and works twice as hard when you take it again the next day. stick with zyrtec® and muddle no more®. nfl draft detours. new phase of closures will happen just minutes from now with football's second biggest event now three days away. >> murderers emotions. find out whose testimony caused convicted cop killer eric frein to cry in court. >> truck trouble. all new at 6:00. the loud rumbling problem that has some delaware homeowners feeling desperate tonight. >> announcer: nbc10 news starts now. >> right now at 6:00 driving around the nfl draft will grow more complicated in just minutes from now. a fresh round of closures is set to happen with the main event now three days away. good evening i'm jacqueline london. >> and i'm jim rosenfield. let's take a live look at the ben franklin parkway where crews are working furiously to get the stage ready at the art museum steps right there. tonight all lanes of the ben franklin parkway will be closed from 20th street to the art museum and kelly drive will be closed at fairmount avenue. >> all of that starts at 7:00. lauren mayk has been tracking every round of these draft closures. now she's mapping out phase 3 for us live along the parkway. lauren. >> reporter: these lanes here, the outer lanes of the ben franklin parkway, these are only going to be open to traffic for about another 50 something minutes then they'll be completely off limits to cars and these closures we're talking about tonight and tomorrow, these are the big ones. these are the ones that are going to have you going around this entire area instead of going through it. in center city the orange signs arrive before the team colors telling drivers they'll have to make some adjustments for the nfl draft. >> they blocked us off a couple weeks ago so it's been finding back roads and finding ways that take longer. >> reporter: now new changes tonight close the parkway to traffic from 20th to the art museum. kelly drive closed at fairmount and starting tomorrow some cross streets like 21st will have restrictions starting here at spring garden. mlk will be closed with sweet briar with the exception for the morning rush. this map shows in red what will be closed

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