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Up when officer selby fired shots. The Excessive Force and all of that, its just uncalled for when someones hands are up and thats what happened. The department of justice is conducting an independent investigation into the tulsa shooting, in both cases officers are on routine paid administrative leave. Thanks for that, andrea. These deadly shootings have led to new concerns in shootings all across the country and in our own backyard, some are worried that the violence could hurt the relationship they have worked years to build and the public. Reporter Better Police training, acknowledgement of a racial divide and obeying orders over defiance that we have seen has proven to be deadly, all those bullet points with both police and the public. The cities and names change, but the conversation has been constant. In the barber chair of this hadden heightses shots monday night. When we asked about the tension between the police and the public . Luke patterson of texas was already talking with barbara samantha cook. I just think its fear, everybodys scared. And Police Officers shouldnt work in fear. Reporter both agree fear is escalating, but even when citizens follow every demand or order of police, theyre still a chance theyre going to get shot. You cant tell if a kid has a toy gun or a real gun until its all over with. We saw the video that came out of tulsa, i completely unthe concerns that people have with. Reporter Police Recruitment is coming before difficult given the divide between police and africanamerican men. Smith believes training and Community Policing like whats unfolding on the streets of camden now. Ask police why theyre scared, get to the root of it. Rather than saying theyre just scared so theyre killing black people. Reporter people across the country need to acknowledge the issue in order to solve it. I believe the burden is on police, we have to understand the history, a lot of the negative history. Reporter and we also spoke to people specifically parents about how to talk to your Young Children about this issue, and we have video of case that could have es indicated to the deadly use of force here in camden. But the sensitivity training theyre using her brought it to a peaceful end. And still ahead on nbc 10 news at 5 00, well show you how both president ing candidates are weighing in on these Deadly Police shootings. Now to the latest developments on this weekends bombing in new york and new jersey. Youre looking at new Surveillance Video of the explosion in chelsea, you can see the blast, and then people just go running for cover, no one was killed here, but more than 30 people were injured. Also tonight, the fbi is looking for two men caught on camera, touching a second bomb that didnt explode in chelsea. Today the fbi released this wanted poster. Investigators said these two men were seen leaving the backpacks on tuesday night. They say they just want to talk to them and recover the luggage. Ahmad khan rahami has been charged for this weekends bombing in chelsea and the bomb left in seaside park. And the blood stained note that was on him when he broughtjihadist type language. Rahami also talks about a former top isis propagandist. Tonight rahami remains in custody in union county, new jersey. The Justice Department intends to bring rahami to new york soon to face charges there. Now to our first alert welcome, we found these folks enjoying the final full day of summer with a stroll outside. Perfect weather for a walk with the dogs, through drexel part in university city. Even though fall starts tomorrow, and looks like summer is going to be stubborn, stick around for just a few days long ever. Lets get the first alert forecast from erica martin. We have a change on the approach. Be sure you take advantage of that on friday, because saturday and sunday look a little bit cooler, temperatures mainly in the 80s, philadelphia 84 for you. A little cooler in atlantic city, 89 degrees, but overa very pleasant day. Temperatures above normal this time of year, about 10 to degrees above normal. But average through friday, we may see some upper 80s, i do think mainly 80s, and then were going to see 70s by saturday and sunday. Really a skrochblt startscold f seep on in. A cooldown for the second half of the weekend and to kick off the following workweek, and overnight lows could drop into the 40s, heres a quick look at your pattern change. We have that jet stream, saturday and sunday and into monday, so get those jackets ready. I have more information coming up on your 10 on 10. I will see you after this. Now to an nbc 10 exclusive, a second driver has come forward saying the same offduty Police Officer targeted him in a road rage incident. Video does not scare me, dude. It doesnt. This is zvideo the driver provided to nbc 10. He said that the officer aggressively tailgated him back in april. Then he contacted nbc 10 saf he saw video yesterday when his car was targeted by the same officer near city avenue yesterday. When i saw that, i thought okay my god, this is the guy, and i cant believe hes doing this began. The philadelphia Police Officer in question has been taken off the street pending an internal affairs investigation. Right now sky force 10 is live over lincoln drive in mt. Airy, thats because its the first stay of kruk, thats expected to bring added delays for the area. One lane is shut down in either direction. Crews are repairing a water along that section of lincoln drive. Work will continue through the end of the month. We do have some welcome news for drivers in other parts of philadelphia, penndot tell us that the walnut lane bridge will reopen next tuesday around noon. Its been closed for renovation around april. Are you ready for an emergency . Delaware has a revamped website to help its residents prepare with things like emergency kilts, medication preps and more. Nbc 10 was at the kickoff for the site today. If going online isnt your thing, the Delaware Library now to decision 2016. Both president ial nominees are responding to the Police Shootings that left africanamericans dead over the past 48 hours. Our National Correspondent Edward Lawrence has more on that along with a look at the new poll numbers. Reporter donald trump reached out to the Africanamerican Community holding his Campaign Event at a cleveland church. He reacted to both Police Shooting making headlines this week, first the shooting and killing of a black motorist with his hands up at the hands of tulsa police. I dont know what she was thinking, but im very, very troubled by that. Reporter trump says we have to get to the bottom of the charlotte shooting where police say a man stepped out of a car with a gun, trumps comments come as Hillary Clinton still leads in the polls. A new nbc news wall street journal poll shows clinton up six points, when they go head to head, clintons lead expand to 7 points in the new polls. Riding these numbers, clinton went back on the campaign trail in the state of florida. While pushing her economic agenda, she says too many africanamerica africanamericans end up dead at the hands of liverpolice office. Its unbearable and it needs to become intolerable. Clinton went on to walk a thin line saying police and communities of all races need to do better. Edward lawrence, nbc news, washington. With less than 48 days to go before election day, preparations are under way for the president i aia aial inaugur. Several members took part in the first nail hammering in the inaugural stage in pennsylvania washington today. This platform will be used when the next president will take the oath of office on january 20. But before that, donald trump and Hillary Clinton will square off in the first president ial debate next monday at hofstra university. On debate night, join nbc 10 at xfinity live in philadelphia. Well ask you what you want to hear the the candidates during the debates. You can be part of the audience or watch us live on tv. It all starts at 7 00 monday night. The rise in epipen prices has sparked controversy all across the country. The drug companys ceo has been called before congress. Coming up next at 5 00, why the company says it has no plans to lower the prices. And its back. A live look along both house row. Look at it, if you drive past the Schuylkill River, you may have noticed it, that green stuff floating in the water. A local expert explains why its actually a good thing. Does pat toomey speak for you . I also want to thank the nra for its, uh, strong support for my campaign. Pat toomey he opposes an assault weapons ban and got an a rating from the nra. I have had a perfect record with the nra. And on Womens Health . I would support legislation in pennsylvania that would ban abortion, and i would suggest that we have penalties for doctors who perform them. Pat toomey does he really speak for you . Senate majority pac is responsible for the content of this advertising. The only thing that changed is the name . This is why we dont believe you. Some heated exchanges on the house floor this afternoon, over the cost of the epipen, today the ceo of the company that makes those life saving injections answered questions. You never anticipated, you raised the price, what did you think was going to happen . Reporter biting remarks on capitol hill on wednesday, as mylan ceo Heather Bresch answered tough questions about the soaring price of epipens. Breschs salary also rose talk ta dramatically. Is your compensation based on what you have done with this product . Having 700,000 free epipens in over of,000 schools across america could not be more proud. The former ceo of another medical Device Company offered bresch zero support. Epipens deliver an emergency dose of epinephrine when people suffer dangerous allergic reactions from bee stings to peanuts. While u. Sa today reports Heather Breschs father led the push to have schools in a statement, manchin said my only concern and vegas wmotivation w always will be how we can protect as many children as possible. Expectant mothers will soon no longer be able to deliver at jenners regional hospital. Thats because the hospital in Chester County is closing its obstetrics unit on no 19. The philadelphia area has seen a steep decline in the number of hospitals delivering babies. Between 1997 and 2012, 22 ob units at area hospitals have closed. Meanwhile scientists are now predicting that antibiotic resistant superbugs will kill more people than cancer by 2050. And historic meetings were held on the plan to battle back against these bugs. In womans 18monthold son died from from the attending physician was completely freaking out because she had no data, she didnt have any information about what was going on. The only thing she could tell me was that simon had an infection and they didnt know the source of the insfekation. The battle against superbugs lies with the military at the walter reed Arm Institute of medicine, who has the Worlds Largest superbug surveillance system. You can see a special report on nbc nightly news at 6 30. Well, its good weather for a workout, just take a look at these ladies getting some exercise in this morning at Franklin Square park, temperatures above normal, at least through friday, be sure you enjoy it because we do have a major cooldown by saturday into sunday. Ill get to that in just one moment. Otherwise a live look outside, we still have thick soupy clouds right now, a little bit of an onshore push, temperatures very comfortable, 84 degrees, right now in philadelphia, by 7 00 p. M. , still seeing some 80s, a couple of mid 70s and upper 70s by 10 00 p. M. So certainly nothing to explain about as far as those temperatures go. Chestnut hill, a few degrees schooler for you. Fox chase at 85 and parkside also seeing mid 80s, so again, a very nice, warm day on tap, thats the story through friday, and just wait for it, a cold front sliding on down from the northwest, and mainly seeing 70s and 80s. Melbourne, phoenixville 83 degrees. You will see your local neighborhood forecast, collegeville 85, and st. David 7 degrees for you, so long to a warm summer. Second consecutive june, july and august and the warm es august on record, three record high temperatures, two set in july and one set in september. All of this coming to an end soon enough, because conditions will certainly get a lot cooler by saturday. Into sunday, all due to this High Pressure system that will push a cold front on down from canada, so get ready for much colder temperatures, 80s ending by i would say maybe friday into saturday, we may see one or two 80s saturday, but certainly not by sunday, so here is your pattern change, much cooler temperatures, your 10 day on 10. Lots to go over, because we do have this warm trend through thursday and friday and in fact temperatures will be lower tomorrow and friday. Temperatures mainly in the 60s, right here saturday into sunday, i think we will see cooler temperatures, i think you may see some scattered showers early saturday, well be tracking that for you here, we may see a few 40s there, and of course you can always follow us on social media for more updates. So this morning, driving into work, i decided to take Martin Luther king drive, and this is what i on my way in to work as im sure many people did driving near the Schuylkill River. Im calling it a green blanket thats really starting to cover and take over part of this river. The extreme shade there has a lot of people wondering whats in the water. You know how long it took me to break out of that. The answer is something called, duck weed. Thats right, duck weed, its a harmless plant that grows in slow flowing areas of the river. Our recent rains actually caused it to break up flow downstream. Its not harmful, in fact it makes for a good meal for many of the animals on the schuylkill. Its actually food for a lot of species that we see in the river, so duck, geez, fish, snails, frogs, they actually will eat duck weed. Sounds delicious. The Water Department says the green stuff will disappear once the temperatures cool down just a little bit. Cuall it an effort to fight hunger across our region, nbc 10 was at the shoprite. Community leaders and firefighters teamed up to sack groceries to raise awareness about hunger in our communities. Shoprites across pennsylvania, new jersey and delaware participated. Today the Wolf Administration unveiled its new food program. Governor tom wolf wants every region of the state to have a local Food Alliance to help stop hunger. Well, theres about 800 miles between alabama and delaware. But drivers here are still paying the price after a gas pipeline started leaking down south, you might have heard about this, coming up at 5 00, we asked experts how long the price at the pump could keep going up. And Malcolm Jenkins sits down with nbc 10, what he thinks got the response to his protest on monday and whether he plans to do it again. Did you know your business doesnt have to suffer from slow internet . Comcast business now offers blazing fast internet speeds up to 150 mbps. Thats 10 times faster than dsl. Get internet for as low as 59. 95 a month. Call today. Comcast business. Built for business. Did you know that sharing wifi with your customers could leave your business exposed . Only comcast business offers wifi pro. Two separate networks one thats private for you, and one thats public for your customers. Upgrade to wifi pro for only 19. 95 a month. Call today. Comcast business. Built for business. Danny, jenkins has received criticism and praise for his actions. Jenkins feels Even Stronger about his protests. This was the scene monday night when jenkins and a few teammates protested social injustice. A lot of people, a lot of backlash obviously, its a touchy subject, similar to what Colin Kaepernick has been facing, i have gotten some rargs, but to be honest, theres been a lot of people who were proud of me taking that stand and that demonstration who wore inspired by it. And i think in light of you know, really over the last few days, we have had two more, you know, killings, at the hands of police and so i think the message is almost even more relevant as we move past this weekend. Now jenkins elaborated saying he did not receive a specific dth threat but one person said that every one of them needs a bull lot through their head. That person was expelled from penn university. Nbc 10 continues to look at the questions surrounding District Attorney Seth Williams. And for the first time, Seth Williams responded the our questions on camera. Plus were getting more new video of that explosion in manhattan and the suspected bomber, what was he was seen doing just minutes before the bombing. Katie mcginty franny, johnny, mikey, maureen, jimmy, joey, ricky, eileen, me, and colleen. All 10 of us raised on a policemans salary and a mom working as a restaurant hostess. Imagine trying to do that today, with washington looking out for the favored few. Ill bring a different point of view to the u. S. Senate working class roots and the mother of three, ill put middle class families ahead of wall street. Im Katie Mcginty and i approve this message because its your turn to get ahead. No information about philadelphia District Attorney Seth Williams. For the first time, we got Seth Williams in front of a camera to answer our questions. Reporter for weeks philadelphia District Attorney Seth Williams refused to schedule an interview to talk about his nonprofit, we had to wait outside his office to ask him questions, the Second Chance Foundation Tells the irs in its 990 form its purpose is to provide fuchbtding to charities. It had 104,000 in assets. It granted 11,700 to various charities. Since it was founded in 2011, the Second Chance Foundation Reports raising more than 200,000. It love to know whats this organization really trying to accomplish . How does it think it can help make the world better . That doesnt really come through. We asked the nonprofit watch dog guide stop. Ceo jacob herald said that the foundation discloses the minimum information required by the irs. People will raise questions, what are you really trying to do with this money . The Foundation President wayne geyser said that the documents speak for themselves, when about the former Board Chairman ryan boyer told us the foundation received a federal s p on august 22nd. Boyer resigned when williams disclosed he received more than 160,000 in private gifts since 2010. Boyer told us he thinks its time for williams to shut down his foundation, saying is the gift disclosure made it difficult to raise money, when the chief guy was in the media in a way the board and he didnt like. He also said i unequivocally dont think the da did anything illegal, i think he had some bad judgment, but didnt do anything illegal. Thats what the judge told us. What do you think about your foundation continuing . Do you think it needs to continue . Its a noble cause, everythings been accounted for perfectly. Well take up that discussion at another period of time. He told us to reach out to his Communications Director to schedule an oncamera interview, this is something we did every day for the past few weeks and did today. He told us this past week that the da is not scheduling interviews. We asked the da to schedule an interview on camera. New video shows the moment the suspected new york and new jersey bomber dumped luggage containing a Pressure Cooker bomb on a street on saturday night. Reporter mark santeea shows us that exclusive Surveillance Video. This is around 8 30 saturday night around the time of the explosion on 23rd street. Rahami appears calm. Hes seen on 27th, dragging a suitcase bebehind him. He stops and fittings with something inside a bag. This Pressure Cooker bomb was concealed inside that luggage. Rahami continues walking down the street, where police he leaves the bag. Homes later, see those two guys . Police say they just happened to be walking on the same side of the street behind rahami. These guys are witnesses, were just interested in talking to them to find out where they were and how they came upon this bag. They open the bag, they removed what turned out to be a device, a Pressure Cooker, placed it on a sidewalk and they rolled the bag away, carried the bag away. These two men are not considered suspects but police would like to talk to them and recover the bag. Now another device as we have reported did explode in chelsea on saturday, nobody was killed but more than 30 people were injured. Back here at home, honoring a philadelphia Police Officer who died in the line of duty. Today a crowd gathered at the Philadelphia Police gun range. Thats where a Police Hero Plaque was unveiled honoring i officer dewitt, iii. We talked to his son about the show of support. Its amazing, its humbling sometimes when you see how many people loved my dad and really cared for him and understood how much he loved the job and just everything. Its so nice. Officer dewitt was a 33year veteran in the firearms straining unit. A milestone day for philadelphia correctional officer cadets. 44 graduates officially became officers at this ceremony in lincoln high school. Each of them completed 13 weeks of training and now its off to new jobs in the citys prison system. Now our continuing coverage of the bridge gate scandal, today the mayor of ft. Lee, new jersey returned to the stand. He originally denied that the blij closures were theyre accused of creating the closures to punish the mayor for not endorsing christie in 2013. Christie is not charged in this case. Speaking of governor christie, hes coming to Donald Trumps defense on the birther controversy. Our partners at fact check. Org show us if his comments are more truth or more fiction. Also a local Police Department has something very unusual in their lawsuit found, well tell you exactly where neighbors found this 8foot snake. Im really good at war. I love war in a certain way. Including with nukes, yes including with nukes. I know more about isis than the generals do, believe me. Nuclear, just the power the devastation, is very important to me. I want to be unpredictable, unpredictable, unpredictable, unpredictable. Priorities usa action is responsible for the content of this advertising. Tickets are available to buy at police stations and firehouses all throughout the city. And nbc 10 at Independence National historic mark where Staff Members worked to preserve the statues of president George Washington and come door john berry. First they cleaned them off with some water, and then applied a paste wax. That drys to a hard finish, that will be completed tomorrow. The statues are claimed every three to five years. Have you lost your snake in Delaware County . If so, Springfield Police definitely want to hear from you. They tweeted out this photo of an 8foot long snake last night. Police say that people spotted this water cobra along spraining valley road yesterday. These venomous snaking are found throughout pennsylvania. I thaw this last night, a lot of people rely on it to get around, we all go through these dead spot where is it drops out. One Company Making it easier to help you get to your final destination. Well have that story next at 5 00. And im tracking a major cooldown by the weekend, 80s through friday, but then by sunday, it looks like we could see lots of 70s and a few 60s, details coming up in my full forecast. Newspapers know the real story on pat toomey. On background checks for gun buyers. Toomey has shown the courage few others have. Toomey steps up on checks. Toomey is on the right side. State leaders should follow toomey lead. No wonder leading Pennsylvania Police organizations endorse pat toomey as best to protect our families. Independence usa pac is responsible for the content of this advertising. I was on my way to work, the next thing you know, i was on the ground. The trash truck ran over both my legs. I had sixteen surgeries. I dont sleep through the night unless i have my medicine. My medical bills was piling up. My employer stopped paying me. Pond lehocky has put me back together. Fios is not cable. Were wired differently. So we wired the wagners house with 100 meg internet. Which means that in the time it takes mrs. Wagners car to arrive for the airport, she can use fios to download the movie up in the air to watch while shes. Up in the air. Thats the power of fiber optics. And right now get our best offer ever, super fast 100 meg internet, tv and phone for just 69. 99 per month online. Cable cant offer internet speeds this fast at a price this good. Only fios can. Heres a look at our partners at factcheck. Org say just isnt true. President barack obama was born in the united states, period. Reporter just last week, donald trump told a crowd at a campaign rally, he believes the president was born in hawaii. And donald trump has made his position on the issue clear. After he produced his birth certificate, it said that president obama was born in the u. S. And thats it. Reporter in the five years since, trump as taken to twitter to question the president s birthplace. Its just not true that he kept it up for five years. Not only did donald trump keep it up, but he promoted these discredited conspiracy theories that we and others had debunked long ago. Reporter factcheck. Org they said look for place of birth. And we wrote about that back in 2008 or 2009 that that was an april fools day hoax, five years after we say its a hoax. Hes promoting it on twitter. Aint no river wide enough baby reporter also on the campaign trail, Vice President candidate tim kaine told a crowd in michigan that mike pence refused to call david duke, a man with connections to the ku klux klan deplorable. If you cannot call out racism, zeno phobia, if you cant call it out and you stand back and youre slept around it, you enabling it to grow. What hes avoiding is the context here, what we said in that interview by mike pence was that donald trump disavows david duke, that the campaign doesnt want the support of david duke or think like david duke, they didnt use the word deplorable but they did disavow him. And he says that trump got it wrong when he described the military as a disaster. Kaine said he was dising the military members and their families and thats not the case. Trump has made it very clear on many occasions that he does not criticize the men and women of the military, but the officials that have left the military depleted. Now news out of trenton, a new housing scam involves crooks trying to run out on apartments they just dont own. Its getting complaints from Real Estate Agents and property owners, immigrants who havent mastered the english language are being offered low cost rent, but after they move in, they find the person they represented from wasnt actually the landlord. Police tsay the criminals targe particular homes. These homes are in the process of being noer closed and the original owners have moved out, so the homeses have va contact fo months or even years. She advises prospective ten napts to very vie that a home is being offered as a rental property. Chipotle is making a food safety push to the public. Today the restaurant chain began running more newspaper and ding tall ads outlining what its doing to improve food safety. The company is fighting declining sales after a recent scare. The navigation act waze wants to reverse tunnel blindness. Waze will be installing Battery Powered navigations to cell phones and tablets in tunnels. The beacons with maintain map connections with blue tooth signal. A warm day to wrap up summer nbc 10 Fairmount Park in Fairmount Park where this rower hit the Schuylkill River this morning. All in all a gorgeous day, though we did facing sunshine, it was certainly lovely, with temperatures above normal for this time of year. Otherwise this is the last day of summer, 2016. We do have the official start of fall tomorrow at 10 31 a. M. A few 80s near walnut port. Fleetwood currently seeing mid 70s. So the trend is warm, as we await a frontal boundary. That means colder air in the forecast by saturday into sunday, ill get to that in just one moment. Otherwise west mount area, 83 degrees, 85 for you and dora, low 80s, so notice that this trend is going to stick at least for the next couple of days, its been warm, thats been the story, again, get ready for those jackets, get them ready by sunday, thats for sure. Here is our prevalent wind pattern right now, were seeing a little bit of an easterly push. Ill show you in our satellite and radar image, getting an onshore flow, these clouds will stick around until midday tomorrow. So more sunshine in the forecast by tomorrow and a lot less muggy out there, so certainly more comfortable for thursday and friday. In fact for tomorrow, friday, expected highs in the mid to upper 80s and then by saturday, seeing mid to upper 70s, saturday into sunday, this is when we start to see that cold front dip on down, cold fronts tend to move a little bit quicker, so i do think by mid saturday, well see those cooler temperatures sunday into monday. Cool er temperatures indeed. Here is your pattern change, listen up here, there we have this warmer air out, colder air sliding on down from the northwest, High Pressure system in control, there is that massive cold front sweeping on down, so temperatures overnight to start off monday morning, mainly in the 40s, lots of 40s for our bus stop forecast early monday morning, heads up now. Here is your 10 day on 10. More sunshine in the forecast thursday, temperatures mainly in the 80s, overnight lows in the 60s, by saturday, we see increasing clouds, Central Jersey you may see one or two scattered showers. Temperatures topping out in the mid to upper 70s, overnight lows, i think well see cooler temperatures, lots of 50s, and then here it is that drop into the 50s and 60s, starting off next monday in the 60s, so much cooler then, and we trend dry for the next couple of days, the story after that would be that we could see some heavier downpours by next thursday and friday, but of course youll have to follow us for more updates on that. Savannah guthrie joins us from the nbc studios in new york. She has a look at whats coming up on nbc nightly news. Charlotte police are pleading for calm tonight after protests over another Police Shooting erupted in violence. What new Surveillance Video of a suspected bomber appears to show him doing with a suitcase, and inside the High Security Lab that spebl uzs in this summers travel season is over, that means gas prices are supposed to go back down, right . It duds, but drivers in delaware have seen the exact opposite, well talk about the increase and how long it could last. Im really good at war. I love war in a certain way. Including with nukes, yes including with nukes. I know more about isis than the generals do, believe me. Nuclear, just the power the devastation, is very important to me. I want to be unpredictable, unpredictable, unpredictable, unpredictable. Priorities usa action is responsible for the content of this advertising. The real story on pat toomey. On background checks for gun buyers. Toomey has shown the courage few others have. Toomey steps up on checks. Toomey is on the right side. State leaders should follow toomey lead. No wonder leading Pennsylvania Police organizations endorse pat toomey as best to protect our families. Independence usa pac is responsible for the content of this advertising. Y24kmy y5yy it will take several days for fuel supplies to return to normal. And that gas shortage has led to plie price increases at the pump. Reporter you might have noticed youre now paying more at the gas pump. For work or pleasure, we all use the records which means were all filling it. The recent jump, aaa midatlantic says you can blame a Pipeline Leak down in alabama. But in delaware, were now up around 2. 20 a gal listlogallon. Delaware gets a lot of its gas from that pipeline. All of a sudden in a week look whats happened at the pump all because of a pipe leak down south. Reporter aaa says the pipeline is now fixed so hopefully in the next week or p. Even with this recent cost increase, were actually now paying exactly what we were paying this time last year. Maybe we got a spoiled down around the 2 a gallon mark, hopefully well be back down there at noon. And nbc news at 6 00 is next. All new at 6 00, two towns but one Police Department, thats about to change, the new developments next. Also ahead, police say the program works. Tonight the plan to prevent drunk drivers gets green light. And jim and jackie, im tracking cooler temperatures by this weekend, but we still have 80s through friday, details coming up in my first and full weather. Katie mcginty franny, johnny, mikey, maureen, jimmy, joey, ricky, eileen, me, and colleen. All 10 of us raised on a policemans salary and a mom working as a restaurant hostess. Imagine trying to do that today, with washington looking out for the favored few. Ill bring a different point of view to the u. S. Senate working class roots and the mother of three, ill put middle class families ahead of wall street. Im Katie Mcginty and i approve this message because its your turn to get ahead. How one local Police Department is dealing with tense situations. A road rage case on the boulevard, a Police Officer behind the wheel. Now police are taking quick action against that officer f l following an nbc 10 exclusive. Nbc 10 first brought you the story last night 11 00. A philly officer accused of road rage and pointing a gun at a driver. An alert next 10 driver witnessed the confrontation, and now another driver says that same officer crashed into him and he recorded the after math. Denise joins us live are more on the story. Reporter the officer is on desk duty pending the outcome of an internal affair s investigations. Hesing a cruised of pointing a gun at one car and video does not scare me, dude. Reporter this video shows a verbal confrontation between a philadelphia Police Officer and a driver whose car he struck. It followed a road rage indent 5 months ago. When he sped up to get in front of me, his back rear tire hit my car actually. Reporter the nbc 10 viewer came forward after exclusive story about a man

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