Transcripts For WCAU NBC10 News At 5pm 20160531 : comparemel

Transcripts For WCAU NBC10 News At 5pm 20160531

a break from the heat and more rain. first a murder mystery. a woman's body dumped in a chester county pond. police need to find her killer and her identity. nbc 10 news at 5:00 starts now. a witness found the victim at a popular swimming hole. >> was a cinder block tied to her body. monique braxton is joining us now from chester county. i know you spoke with the witness who actually called police? >> that's right. we did. the witness tells us his father-in-law was fishing in that pond, surrounded by american flags when he saw what he thought was a woman's body. >> i thought maybe she was stuck under a rock. >> reporter: little did jason rudder and his father know that the african-american woman was attached to a cinder block. that was hoeing her under water. >> that's even scarier. >> reporter: jason said what he saw, a topless woman wearing shorts, bobbing up and down in the current three to four feet out near this middle pipe is something he will all remember. >> silently shocked in a way. we left, i got on with my day, later in the day it hit me, like, this really happened in an area where me and my children just moved to. >> reporter: rudder said he was moving to this rural community from royersford with three school age girls. the authorities tell us people who live down the road often fish or swim in the pond that flows into pigeon creek. this evening chester county's d.a. wants you to look at these identifying items. break let bracelets and a ring like these. she also had a tattoo on her shoulder. police believe she's between 25 and 35 years old, approximately 5'6", 130 pounds with short air. >> i didn't know what to think. it's the first time this has happened to me. >> reporter: police tell us she wasn't shot or beaten and she did not drown. they believe she was killed then dumped in the pond. if you recognize the tattoo or jewelry, east coventry township police want to talk to you. monique braxton, nbc 10 news. philadelphia police need your help to find a man accused of raping a girl and assaulting her mother. an arrest warrant has been issued for 39-year-old malik bailey it happened after midnight in the frankford section. the girl got free and called police. upon arrival, police found her mother bleeding and unconscious. she was taken in the hospital where at last check she was in critical condition. now to your first alert neighborhood weather. sunny, blue skies out there across the region. nbc 10 at ardmore avenue. a little hoops out there. not as humid but still hot out there. >> we'll see a break from the heat soon. let's get an update from chief meteorologist glenn "hurricane"schwartz. how is it looking? >> so far the only places that have seen cooler air are right near the beaches. it's warm elsewhere. 88 for an average temperature in delaware. 87 at philly international. p.a. suburbs in the 80s as well. we showed you the jersey shore numbers an hour ago, how much cooler it was at the beaches. look at this in delaware. northern delaware, wilmington. 89 in odessa. as we head down towards the beaches, 70 degrees at dewey beach. 72 rehoboth. at least it's sunny compared to yesterday's tremendous rains. one little shower right near the delaware/maryland border. it continues to move to the south into maryland. as we go through the evening, we're going to find fairly warm conditions, little bit on the humid side. not as humid as yesterday. lehigh valley, by morning, down to 64. it's not real comfortable or humid but it will cool down. i'll have those numbers and when the next rain is coming in a few minutes. in the past hour, theville fo villanova wildcats got a presidential welcome. >> president obama even called jay wright the george clooney of coaches. a dream come true for hose with villanova ties. a dream come true for you, keith. how was it inside? >> it was amazing what is better than covering my alma matter after kwinning a national title here on white house grounds and meeting president obama? nothing. the players met with president obama, administrators from the school and alumni in there. coach wright said this is a great opportunity for the players but also great for the university. the last time the wildcats were here, 1985. that was after the upset against the georgetown hoyas. this time president obama addressed the crowd. the players talked about trying to get selfies with him. any lasting memory would do. but one unforgettable flub by president obama that has everyone talking. here's his attempt at trying to say ryan arcidiacono. >> then there is ryan arcidiacono. i just sped through that in case i didn't say it right. barack obama's tough, but arcidiacono -- that's a lot of vowels in there. we're just going to call him arch. >> the president did a great job, of course, wowing that crowd. the team loved it. ryan about a half hour ago addressed this flubbing of the last name, if you want to call it that. he said it's not every day the leader of the free world says your name in the first place let alone honoring them for the national title. they were impressed by the president's basketball acumen. coming up, the special gift the wildcats brought down to washington, d.c. for president obama. including one they didn't reveal up there on that stage. that's at 6:00. live at the white house, keith jones, nbc 10 news. >> it was great for you to be courtside during the game, that last-minute shot. we saw you record that video. now for you to be in the white house with the entire team with president obama, just spectacular, i know. >> did you have your cell phone out again? was it steady this time? >> this time it wasn't like i held the camera up -- i want to show this, believe, i'm novaed out. i went from professional to fan boy on courtside at the national title game. this time around, i was more conservative. i had to represent my nbc 10 family, more professional in the white house, but it was special for me. >> excellent. keith, so glad you were there. thank you. right now at 5:00, a new jersey lawmaker wants to require child care centers to test their drinking water for lead. the proposed legislation comes as more than half of the schools in newark shut down water fountains because of high lead levels. the bill would require test results to be made public. students in philadelphia could soon have two extra days off from school because the district wants to add two islamic holidays so it can be more culturally inclusive. lauren has more on today's announcement. >> the district is now recognizing these two holidays, though it will happen in stages. the calendar is already set for next year. so your child can get an excused absence, but the year after that, if the src approves the holiday calendar, all students could be off. in philadelphia, school is out for yom kippur. winter and spring recesses mean no classes for christmas or easter.lov%'ti (uá now two more added to the holiday calendar. two islamic holidays. it's something the coalition in philadelphia has been pushing for. >> we started our grassroot efforts about this time last year. it took one year of an organized and strategically planned effort to make this happen. >> reporter: waiting to pick up his second grade daughter, the idea makes sense to ira. >> we're a diverse city, they should add it. >> reporter: it is particularly meaningful to this woman who is new to the muslim religion and that one child in third grade. >> islam, that matters, too. they have jewish holidays, christian holidays, why not. if they do it for jewish occasions, they do it forebla b history month, they should do it for these holidays. >> reporter: do you think it's something all districts should look at doing? >> i do. >> reporter: there are other districts around the country that do this. some charter schools here in philadelphia already do it. now, these two holidays, they do vary in their timing each year. but this year, 2016, they fall in july and september. live in center city, i'm lauren mayk, nbc 10 news. at 5:00, the impact to pennsylvania's budget battle. non-profits across the state are still feeling damage from the stalemate. these organizations still have not restored or fulfilled the 380 positions affected. 17,000 people received no or reduced social services. some took out loans, tapped reserves and delayed vendor payments. pthe pennsylvania budget battle dragged on for 270 days. now time is ticking until the next budget. that's do in 30 days. a major mess at the jersey shore. neighbors say the beaches were trashed by tourists over the memorial day weekend. now they want someone to pay. plus important information for parents that children's hospital of philadelphia has new research on concussions in young athletes. why they're worried doctors don't have the tools to treat your child. and this is a scene we watched play out over and over again. pope francis kissing baby after baby after baby. but for one family that moment touched their lives in a special way. we continue with new research on concussions in young athletes. the children's hospital of philadelphia worked with the cdc to discuss this problem and the numbers may be vastly underestimated. >> reporter: in 2009, nearly 250,000 children and teens sought treatment for a traumatic brain injury sustained in sports or other recreation. that number is based on visits to emergency departments. now a new study suggests that figure may greatly underestimate the true number of youth concussions. >> primary care pediatricians are the first stop for many kids with concussions. >> reporter: colleagues at the children's hospital of philadelphia examined their hospital system's records for more than 8,000 children diagnosed with concussions. the majority did not go to the er first, heading instead to the primary care doctor. >> i think these results will shift how we count concussions in the country. >> reporter: the main physical symptoms include headaches, blurred vision, nausea and dizziness. other signs may be more subtle. >> your child might feel more confused or foggy headed some people say. they may have problems remembering things that you told them. >> reporter: experts remind parents trust your gut. if you think your child's head injury is serious, seek immediate medical attention. a popular fund-raiser is returning this year. the 9/11 hero's run will be held on september 11th. it will begin at foot of the montgomery courthouse steps on main street at 9:00 a.m. some of the proceeds will benefit the montgomery county hero fund. the event honors the memory of first lieutenant travis manuan. he graduated in from lasalle high school. after his death e. now to decision 2016. trump reportedly raised nearly $6 million, and he said the media should be ashamed of themselveses for asking why making good on his charitable promise took so long. >> instead of being thank you very much, mr. trump, or trump did a good job, everyone is s saying who got it? who got it? you are making me look very, very bad. i never received such bad publiclity for doing such a good job. to the democrats, hillary clinton will hit the campaign trail in the garden state tomorrow. she is set to attend an event at rutgers university in newark. she canceled another appearance in mercer county on thursday to focus on california. bill clinton will appear at an organizing event tomorrow afternoon in cranford on her behalf. we're just a week away from new jersey's primary contest, it is tuesday, june 7th. well, we finally got rid of the rain at the shore, the clouds elsewhere. the temperature has responded. it's 87 degrees in philadelphia. 86 in alone town. 88 in wilmington. how does that compare to yesterday? 14 degrees warmer than at this time yesterday. in philadelphia and vineland, new jersey, 10 degrees warmer. so, yeah. it feels it. let's look in new jersey. the suburbs, the closer you are to the ocean, the cooler it is. closer you are to philadelphia, the warmer it is. and that happens a lot this time of year. medford at 90 degrees. pemberton, 87. florence, 87. piles grove, 87. princeton is 85 degrees. the only showers are in extreme southern delaware, crossing the border into maryland. there it goes. that is the end of that. we still have some moisture down along north carolina associated with that tropical storm bonnie that helped throw some moisture up here over the weekend. some of this moisture may be arriving later on during the week. for the phillies game tonight, pretty nice conditions. wind 5 to 10 miles per hour blowing out from the south. 83 at 7:00. 75 degrees at 10:00. gradu gradual cooling for the rest of the week. 76 degrees on thursday should stay in the 70s on friday as well. rain returns later this week. so, if there's going to be rain any day for the rest of the week, it's friday. 75 degrees in philadelphia with increasing clouds, the temperature down a little bit in the p.a. suburbs, as you can see from today to tomorrow to thursday to friday. it goes down each day. and at the jersey shore, with the east wind, temperatures are even lower, 70 tomorrow. 68 thursday. 66 degrees on friday. we're going to be seeing these temperatures go down a little bit tomorrow from where they are now. still relatively warm for this time of the year. 82 in bella vista. 79 in devon. reading, 86 degrees galloway at 86. at the shore cooler than the rest of the area. as we go into the wchbd, eekend showers and thunderstorms pretty likely there. as we head towards election day, it looks like it's drying and comfortable. that should be the case for much of next week. now a major mess that has gone viral. cans, cups, all sorts of garbage covering the beach in wildwood. public works crews had the trash cleaned up within hours but not before this video was posted to facebook for tens of thousands of people to see. wildwo wildwood's mayor says people are abusing the town's free beaches. >> will you consider charging people to offset that cost? >> it's a difficult question. business owners don't want it. residents do want it. i would rather not charge anybody. >> the mayor says keeping wildwood's free beaches clean costs the city close to $300,000 a year. we've all seen them on our food, sell by, use by, but do you know what labels really mean? if not, you could be throwing good food and money out the window. now those labels could be changing. see how it can make things less confusing for shoppers. plus she gave birth to one child. how did she get billed for two? see how common these medical mistakes are and how hard they are to fix. morning noon or night there's always a moment to discover visit annapolis and create your moment residents in gloucester county can logon to a website to find out if their favorite restaurant has health code violations. before this new site came up, residents would have to file paperwork with the county to see the information. the health department inspects 1300 restaurants a year, now all reports are uploaded online. when it comes to wasting food, america leads the way. it's not because food turned bad or spoiled, but because some say the best and sell by dates are confusing and misleading. now congress is taking a crack at solving the problemment the foot date labeling act is mechbt to help consumers figure out the use by and sell by system that some argue is subjective and baseless. >> the reality is the dates are not an exact science. every state has a different law. there's no uniformity and consistency across the country. >> if the bill passes it will establish a national date labeling system that indicates whether food is unsafe to eat and not just past its peak freshness. imagine being billed for two childbirth operations when your family went through one. errors in medical billing happens more than you think. one recent study found mistakes in 79% of medicare claims. cindy gave birth to her baby girl in march of 2014. she knew something was wrong because she was billed for a vaginal delivery and a c-section. since her coverage at that time did not include maternity, she ended up with almost $30,000 in medical bills that came in one after another after another. >> that was around $11,000. >> $11,000. >> yes. >> for ann thesian. it was for birth vaginally and c-section. >> but you only had one baby. >> yes. >> this is valuable information that could be a financial life saver, that the tonight on in the in t "nightly news" with lester holte. coming up next, if this is any sign, it's horrific. >> neighbors in camden sounding the alarm over a spike in murders. we go to the police chief to see how he's responding to their concerns. right now at 5:00, new concerns about crime in camden. the city has seen an alarming jump in murders. 22 so far this year compared to ten at the same time last year. police are now trying to figure out what is behind this spike so they can put a stop to it. cydney long is joining us from camden. you spoke with the chief. what did he have to say about this? >> reporter: the chief tells me this is a concerning spike in crime. it has his undivided attention. however he says the murders are not random. one significant change inside the department between may last year and now, there are 50 fewer cops on the streets and 100 officer positions to fill. >> reporter: in the month of may alone, camden hits ten murders. >> if this is any sign of what's to come, it's horrific. >> reporter: it's the same number of lives lost in the first five months of last year bringing this year's total to 22. the most recent homicide was saturday, during the day at whitman park. chief scott thompson says in a majority of shootings, the victim and suspect know each other. >> they're doing it at close range with multiple rounds being fired. >> i thank god for the cameras they have installed. it's making a difference. >> reporter: denise dennis has 14 grandchildren who live and play in camden. she said three of the recent murders touched her family personally. >> i pray hard every night that they make their destinations to and from school. >> reporter: amir kahn worries with the warmer weather. >> we start to resent where people live, and then anger and emotions get out of control. >> nothing stops a bullet like a job. >> reporter: thompson says he has been handcuffed to a certain degree. the state has not held law enforcement recruitedment testing in four years, allowing him to hire camden natives to patrol the streets where they grew up. >> it's creating an untenable situation for us, not just in maintaining attrition levels, but in maintaining a sense of legitimacy with people who live here. >> reporter: with so much new commercial development in camden there needs to be a promise of jobs and hopes. he thinks that will bridge the gap between this danger and despair. in the meantime the rate if which these murders are being solved is also up at 50% which means people are talking to police and not fearing them. live in camden, cydney long, nbc 10 news. two men are in custody after a home invasion led to a police chief chase in philadelphia. as officers arrived at a home, the three suspects jumped into a car and took off. that's when the chase began. it went on for 12 miles. police caught two of the men, a third man is on the loose. now to your first alert weather. the sun and heat made a comeback after that rainy memorial day in parts of our area. nbc 10 in logan circle where these people are cooling off by the fountain. looks beautiful out there. >> looks nice. feels good, too. we'll see cooler temperatures over the next few days. glenn "hurricane"schwartz has a closer look at what's happening in your neighborhood. >> morse of the month of may was unseasonably chilly. then we had the hot weather, three days in a row of 90 plus. today the high was 88. right now 87. temperatures will be dropping over the next few days. 88 degrees in much of delaware, south jersey. 891 at the shore, the sea breeze keeps cooling things down. further inland where the temperatures were mid 80s, just a couple hours ago now, down to 80 in mays landing. cape may point, 72 degrees with the wind coming in off the ocean. hard not to get an ocean breeze at cape may point considering the geography there. you can see the showers in southern delaware. they crossed the border into the maryland eastern shore. the official high today, 88, after 79 yesterday. we're dropping, 82 tomorrow. 76 on thursday. and in the 70s on friday. we'll see what happens through the weekend. we do have some more rain and thunderstorms on the way. i'll have the timing on that in a few minutes. also this evening, new details coming out from the sch chaka fattah corruption trial. >> reporter: ron kirk served in the obama white house negotiating trade deals with foreign countries on behalf of the united states. he told the jury he made time to meet with fattah co-defendant herbert wedeman. he said it was at fattah's request. he was trying to get wedeman at a post. it became quickly apparent the post was not good enough. the meeting lasted about 15 minutes. he said he was not in position to offer him a full ambassadorship. when asked by fattah's lawyers if there was anything wrong in ari arranging the meeting, he said no. nailer told the jury he mailed several payments to drexel university to pay down his son's loan debt. late in the day, a former vice president for philadelphia university testified for close to an hour. he said that he fast tracked an application for the fattah's au pair to enroll in school after classes begun. and despite the au pair had letters securing financial support to pay her tuition, that the school came up with scholarships over the course of her tenure there of more than $100,000 to offer her nearly a free ride to attend philadelphia university. neither one answered our questions as they left court a few moments ago. deanna durante, nbc 10 news. right now at 5:00, road closures you need to know about this weekend. the 2016 cycling classic takes place on sunday. riders will travel a 12 mile course through fairmount park and it will end at the manayunk wall. construction begins tonight on u.s. 30 to fix sinkholes in two places in chester county. penn do the will reinforce the ground under the road in the median. that work will go on near the business u.s. 30 interchange and the bridge over clover mill road. expect lane closures between 7:00 p.m. and 5:00 a.m. for the next two weeks. peco created a lab for employees to come up with new ideas. the innovation lan e. lab provides a face for employees it was one family's miracle on market street. their daughter fighting for her life. they just wanted to get her in front of the pope. now they reunited with the people who made that dream happen. plus the bucks county priest now has a different title. his new leadership role in the archdiocese and how he responded to our questions about the church sex abuse scandal. look around pennsylvania and it's not hard to spot winners. and with over 2 million winners of match 6, cash 5, and treasure hunt every single month, that's hardly a surprise. winners, winners everywhere! play today! new developments in a cold case investigation. state police exhumed the remains of a body found more than 40 years ago in jones town. the remains exhumed today in mt. lebanon cemetery. investigators are trying to get more dna evidence to try to identify the victim whose body was found in 1973. last fall officials revealed this reconstruction of the victim. they say evidence suggests she was between 16 and 20 and may have been a runaway. philadelphia archbishop charles chaput has a new right ha handman. reverend monsignor edward deliman was named auxiliary bishop for the diocese. he serves as the pastor of st. charles borromeo in bensalem, bucks county. he's 69 years old. nbc 10 asked deliman what he thinks about extending the statute of limitations for those abused by priests. >> you know, my thoughts are justice for everyone, but, you know, sought in the proper way. >> we also asked him about the local clergy facing abuse allegations. he referred us to the archbishop. now a warm stretch rolls on. we're about to see a dip in temperatures. ail show you that and the next chance for rain straight ahead. morning noon or night there's always a moment to discover visit annapolis and create your moment this aerial video shows the devastation left behind in texas. horses looking for shelter to get away from the rising water. there's been a mnumber of water rescues here as the search for survivors continues. >> we got a 911 call saying someone was swept away. >> the flooding has claimed nine lives. there could be more rain in the next few days there. here at home a holiday weekend and great weather here equals big businesses for places like dorney park and they're hoping new attraction also keep this trend going. randy gyllenhaal has more from alone town. >> reporter: an extra day in the sun for families at dorney park, this tuesday after memorial day still seeing huge crowds and scorching hot temperatures. just in time for the opening of the water park. >> it's like july heat in may. we're enjoying summer early. >> really hot, i'm dying. >> reporter: already feels like summer break for score kids from northeast philly scoring an extra day of vacation. >> the weather is beautiful. being tuesday after memorial day, added bonus for everyone. >> reporter: this summer the park is taking a new twist on an old ride. renovating one of the longest standing roller coasters. >> right behind us, you can't beat coming down that hill. >> reporter: the thunderhawk getting a facelift this winter. it was built 93 years ago. >> it's our oldest roller coaster here. we had some renovations, it got new trains, new paint job. >> but dorney park is coming off a tough winter of publicity, social media outrage and boycotts after the park let go a long-tile special needs employee. 29-year-old christopher emory was quickly offered his job back. >> we pride ourselves on fun and we want to make sure all our guests enjoy themselves. >> reporter: as of this week the park will be open every day for the rest of the summer. it is annually one of the top tourism destinations in the lehigh valley. randy gyllenhaal, nbc 10 news. well, we finally got rid of the rain at the shore. the clouds elsewhere, the temperatures have gone up. the average high is 78. we're close to 10 degrees above average. lehigh valley and delaware still warm. 88 degrees in parts of delaware. 87 at the airport. let's see what other parts of the city are doing. parkside at 89. and the school spot 84 degrees. west mount airy, 87. 88 in a lot of spots in the northeast. fox chase up towards somerton and system of those places did barely get to the 90 degree mark. 83 tonight, going down to the 70s. the wind is blowing out. pretty much to center field. only about 5 to 10 miles per hour. that does help with the home runs a bit. the philadelphia temperatures, saturday was 90 degrees. that was the end of our first heat wave. then sunday, 87. monday, 79. today 88. then look at it start dropping as we head into the end of the week. temperatures go below average. that's in philadelphia. get your own seven-day forecast at the bottom of the screen. satellite and radar not showing much across the area. isolated showers in southern delaware, they have moved down, we're looking at moisture back to the south, associated with tropical storm bonnie, that just keeps spinning around the same spot. other moisture in the middle of the country, some of that headed this way as we head into friday. for tomorrow, we're not expecting any kind of significant precipitation. could be some isolated showers, reading, for example, at 86. with a shower or storm possible. lansdale at 79. newtown 84. easton, 5. we're not quite as warm as we were today. still above average temperatures for most areas. except for the shore. atlantic city at 70. avalon, 71 with that sea breeze. once the east wind is in, tomorrow it's going to stay in for the rest of the week. as we go through the rest of the week, we're going to be seeing some isolated showers tomorrow afternoon, as you see. then we watch a cold front come through from the west. it's going to take until friday to get here. that's when we have that best chance of rain and maybe even some thunderstorms across the region. as we go through the next 24 hours, again, still pretty warm. 82 degrees. that's above average. then we drop with the east wind, fair amount of cloud cover thursday. friday a good chance of showers, maybe a thunderstorm. locally heavy rain. the better chance of heavier rain comes sunday. right now it looks like saturday is the nicer day of the weekend. by the time we get to election day, temperatures are comfortable. we're not looking at a wet pattern at all. we're looking at a dry pattern early next week. >> okay, glenn. we have to wonder what time it is, because there is savannah guthrie joining us from the nbc 10 studios in new york. >> nice to see you. >> it's midnight. >> yeah, for you. >> i know. what a long day. what's coming up on "nightly news?" >> good to see you. ahead for us tonight, donald trump lashing out at the media for raising questions about his fund-raising for veterans. how safe is your local zoo? new concerns after a child breached that gorilla enclosure in cincinnati. but a mother who gave birth to one baby but billed for two. how to fight costly errors on your medical bills. back to you in philly. >> i'm sure right after "nightly news" you'll be going to bed. >> early to bed, early to rise. >> see you at 6:30. >> thanks. ladies from across the delaware valley got to play ball today with the philadelphia phillies, from batting cages to bullpens, the women got a chance to see what it's like to work and play for a national sports team. it was part of the 101 clinic and luncheon. some of the highlights were an interactive clinic with the coaches and a surprise meet and greet with some players. do you know a group making a difference in our area? it could be worth $50,000. >> the wawa foundation launching its first ever hero award for local non-profits. one group will win that $50,000 grant.s will win $10,000 each. for more information, search wawa foundation at >> those checks will be presented to the winners on the fourth of july during wawa welcome america. nbc 10 and telemundo are proud to be broadcast partners. check out the nbc 10 app for more information. a local family faced a lot of adversity. >> but a kiss from pope francis has given them new hope. their story next. it's a scene we watched play out over and over again. pope francis kissing baby after baby during his visit to philadelphia last fall. but for one family that moment has touched their lives in a special way. the masantonio family has been through a lot. >> their young daughter has been battling a brain tumor but today they were reminded of the many mr blessings in their live. >> reporter: one month after gee r.giana was born in 2014, the family got the worst news possible. >> she was diagnosed with an imoperable brain tumor. >> reporter: on september 26th of last year, they got a call to rush from their doylestown home down to philly. pope francis was about to make the parade down market street, and two hours later, the police and fbi got this family a front row seat. >> we don't think the pope healed our daughter, she's still in chemo now. it give us hope and strength. it gave other people strength. >> reporter: at a ceremony today, her brother was named honorary u.s. marshal. she also gave the family a picture of that perfect moment. pope pran sfrancis eaches sig s pope pran sfrancis eaches sigig. >> reporter: and the best news, gianna keeps getting better. coming up next at 6:00, a crime scene at a philadelphia police officer's home. tonight what the officer found when he opened his front door. as we start the month of june tomorrow, cooler temperatures are on the way. i'm tracking your neighborhood weather next. plus a blockbuster deal for the borgata all new next on nbc 10 news at 6:00. we begin with a son who finds his father dead inside his sou southwest philadelphia home. police say that man was murdered and they're looking for two suspects. brandon hudson joins us live from along theodore street. >> what have you been able to fi find out? >> reporter: the son who not heard from his dad for a few days, spoke to him every day except the last couple of days, came to this house and found him dead inside the home. investigators are checking inside that house looking for evidence. a mobile crime scene unit pulled up moments ago. it appears the 77-year-old man died from blunt force trauma to the head. his son said he had not heard from his dad in a while and that's when he went to check on him. investigators believe two men broke into the victim's house through a back door. there was a struggle, but police have not found a weapon or know if anything was taken. police think the victim was killed on sunday night and they think he was targeted. we asked how the son is holding up. >> in shock. i can't imagine your father making 78 years of his life and you expect your parents to die vech eventually but not like this it's hurtful. >> detectives think the victim's van may have been stolen. as we get that information, we'll pass that along to you. a big change for philadelphia public schools. it's two big muslim holidays, eid al fitr and eid al aida. soon all children could get those days off from school.

Related Keywords

Somerton , Pennsylvania , United States , Chester County , Delaware , Mays Landing , New Jersey , Philadelphia School , North Carolina , Dorney Park , Rehoboth , Montgomery County , Atlantic City , Fairmount Park , Parkside , Center Field , New York , Cape May Point , Drexel University , Newark , Jersey , Wildwood , Rutgers University , Center City , Texas , Washington , Philadelphia , Dewey Beach , Cincinnati , Ohio , Jones Town , Whitman Park , Odessa , West Mount , Lebanon Cemetery , Maryland , Logan Circle , District Of Columbia , America , American , Scott Thompson , Monique Braxton , Jay Wright , Charles Borromeo , Charles Chaput , George Clooney , Brandon Hudson , Savannah Guthrie , Keith Jones , Barack Obama , Eid Al Aida , Yom Kippur , Chaka Fattah , Denise Dennis , Samir Kahn , Christopher Emory , Randy Gyllenhaal , Hillary Clinton , Ron Kirk ,

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Transcripts For WCAU NBC10 News At 5pm 20160531 :

Transcripts For WCAU NBC10 News At 5pm 20160531

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a break from the heat and more rain. first a murder mystery. a woman's body dumped in a chester county pond. police need to find her killer and her identity. nbc 10 news at 5:00 starts now. a witness found the victim at a popular swimming hole. >> was a cinder block tied to her body. monique braxton is joining us now from chester county. i know you spoke with the witness who actually called police? >> that's right. we did. the witness tells us his father-in-law was fishing in that pond, surrounded by american flags when he saw what he thought was a woman's body. >> i thought maybe she was stuck under a rock. >> reporter: little did jason rudder and his father know that the african-american woman was attached to a cinder block. that was hoeing her under water. >> that's even scarier. >> reporter: jason said what he saw, a topless woman wearing shorts, bobbing up and down in the current three to four feet out near this middle pipe is something he will all remember. >> silently shocked in a way. we left, i got on with my day, later in the day it hit me, like, this really happened in an area where me and my children just moved to. >> reporter: rudder said he was moving to this rural community from royersford with three school age girls. the authorities tell us people who live down the road often fish or swim in the pond that flows into pigeon creek. this evening chester county's d.a. wants you to look at these identifying items. break let bracelets and a ring like these. she also had a tattoo on her shoulder. police believe she's between 25 and 35 years old, approximately 5'6", 130 pounds with short air. >> i didn't know what to think. it's the first time this has happened to me. >> reporter: police tell us she wasn't shot or beaten and she did not drown. they believe she was killed then dumped in the pond. if you recognize the tattoo or jewelry, east coventry township police want to talk to you. monique braxton, nbc 10 news. philadelphia police need your help to find a man accused of raping a girl and assaulting her mother. an arrest warrant has been issued for 39-year-old malik bailey it happened after midnight in the frankford section. the girl got free and called police. upon arrival, police found her mother bleeding and unconscious. she was taken in the hospital where at last check she was in critical condition. now to your first alert neighborhood weather. sunny, blue skies out there across the region. nbc 10 at ardmore avenue. a little hoops out there. not as humid but still hot out there. >> we'll see a break from the heat soon. let's get an update from chief meteorologist glenn "hurricane"schwartz. how is it looking? >> so far the only places that have seen cooler air are right near the beaches. it's warm elsewhere. 88 for an average temperature in delaware. 87 at philly international. p.a. suburbs in the 80s as well. we showed you the jersey shore numbers an hour ago, how much cooler it was at the beaches. look at this in delaware. northern delaware, wilmington. 89 in odessa. as we head down towards the beaches, 70 degrees at dewey beach. 72 rehoboth. at least it's sunny compared to yesterday's tremendous rains. one little shower right near the delaware/maryland border. it continues to move to the south into maryland. as we go through the evening, we're going to find fairly warm conditions, little bit on the humid side. not as humid as yesterday. lehigh valley, by morning, down to 64. it's not real comfortable or humid but it will cool down. i'll have those numbers and when the next rain is coming in a few minutes. in the past hour, theville fo villanova wildcats got a presidential welcome. >> president obama even called jay wright the george clooney of coaches. a dream come true for hose with villanova ties. a dream come true for you, keith. how was it inside? >> it was amazing what is better than covering my alma matter after kwinning a national title here on white house grounds and meeting president obama? nothing. the players met with president obama, administrators from the school and alumni in there. coach wright said this is a great opportunity for the players but also great for the university. the last time the wildcats were here, 1985. that was after the upset against the georgetown hoyas. this time president obama addressed the crowd. the players talked about trying to get selfies with him. any lasting memory would do. but one unforgettable flub by president obama that has everyone talking. here's his attempt at trying to say ryan arcidiacono. >> then there is ryan arcidiacono. i just sped through that in case i didn't say it right. barack obama's tough, but arcidiacono -- that's a lot of vowels in there. we're just going to call him arch. >> the president did a great job, of course, wowing that crowd. the team loved it. ryan about a half hour ago addressed this flubbing of the last name, if you want to call it that. he said it's not every day the leader of the free world says your name in the first place let alone honoring them for the national title. they were impressed by the president's basketball acumen. coming up, the special gift the wildcats brought down to washington, d.c. for president obama. including one they didn't reveal up there on that stage. that's at 6:00. live at the white house, keith jones, nbc 10 news. >> it was great for you to be courtside during the game, that last-minute shot. we saw you record that video. now for you to be in the white house with the entire team with president obama, just spectacular, i know. >> did you have your cell phone out again? was it steady this time? >> this time it wasn't like i held the camera up -- i want to show this, believe, i'm novaed out. i went from professional to fan boy on courtside at the national title game. this time around, i was more conservative. i had to represent my nbc 10 family, more professional in the white house, but it was special for me. >> excellent. keith, so glad you were there. thank you. right now at 5:00, a new jersey lawmaker wants to require child care centers to test their drinking water for lead. the proposed legislation comes as more than half of the schools in newark shut down water fountains because of high lead levels. the bill would require test results to be made public. students in philadelphia could soon have two extra days off from school because the district wants to add two islamic holidays so it can be more culturally inclusive. lauren has more on today's announcement. >> the district is now recognizing these two holidays, though it will happen in stages. the calendar is already set for next year. so your child can get an excused absence, but the year after that, if the src approves the holiday calendar, all students could be off. in philadelphia, school is out for yom kippur. winter and spring recesses mean no classes for christmas or easter.lov%'ti (uá now two more added to the holiday calendar. two islamic holidays. it's something the coalition in philadelphia has been pushing for. >> we started our grassroot efforts about this time last year. it took one year of an organized and strategically planned effort to make this happen. >> reporter: waiting to pick up his second grade daughter, the idea makes sense to ira. >> we're a diverse city, they should add it. >> reporter: it is particularly meaningful to this woman who is new to the muslim religion and that one child in third grade. >> islam, that matters, too. they have jewish holidays, christian holidays, why not. if they do it for jewish occasions, they do it forebla b history month, they should do it for these holidays. >> reporter: do you think it's something all districts should look at doing? >> i do. >> reporter: there are other districts around the country that do this. some charter schools here in philadelphia already do it. now, these two holidays, they do vary in their timing each year. but this year, 2016, they fall in july and september. live in center city, i'm lauren mayk, nbc 10 news. at 5:00, the impact to pennsylvania's budget battle. non-profits across the state are still feeling damage from the stalemate. these organizations still have not restored or fulfilled the 380 positions affected. 17,000 people received no or reduced social services. some took out loans, tapped reserves and delayed vendor payments. pthe pennsylvania budget battle dragged on for 270 days. now time is ticking until the next budget. that's do in 30 days. a major mess at the jersey shore. neighbors say the beaches were trashed by tourists over the memorial day weekend. now they want someone to pay. plus important information for parents that children's hospital of philadelphia has new research on concussions in young athletes. why they're worried doctors don't have the tools to treat your child. and this is a scene we watched play out over and over again. pope francis kissing baby after baby after baby. but for one family that moment touched their lives in a special way. we continue with new research on concussions in young athletes. the children's hospital of philadelphia worked with the cdc to discuss this problem and the numbers may be vastly underestimated. >> reporter: in 2009, nearly 250,000 children and teens sought treatment for a traumatic brain injury sustained in sports or other recreation. that number is based on visits to emergency departments. now a new study suggests that figure may greatly underestimate the true number of youth concussions. >> primary care pediatricians are the first stop for many kids with concussions. >> reporter: colleagues at the children's hospital of philadelphia examined their hospital system's records for more than 8,000 children diagnosed with concussions. the majority did not go to the er first, heading instead to the primary care doctor. >> i think these results will shift how we count concussions in the country. >> reporter: the main physical symptoms include headaches, blurred vision, nausea and dizziness. other signs may be more subtle. >> your child might feel more confused or foggy headed some people say. they may have problems remembering things that you told them. >> reporter: experts remind parents trust your gut. if you think your child's head injury is serious, seek immediate medical attention. a popular fund-raiser is returning this year. the 9/11 hero's run will be held on september 11th. it will begin at foot of the montgomery courthouse steps on main street at 9:00 a.m. some of the proceeds will benefit the montgomery county hero fund. the event honors the memory of first lieutenant travis manuan. he graduated in from lasalle high school. after his death e. now to decision 2016. trump reportedly raised nearly $6 million, and he said the media should be ashamed of themselveses for asking why making good on his charitable promise took so long. >> instead of being thank you very much, mr. trump, or trump did a good job, everyone is s saying who got it? who got it? you are making me look very, very bad. i never received such bad publiclity for doing such a good job. to the democrats, hillary clinton will hit the campaign trail in the garden state tomorrow. she is set to attend an event at rutgers university in newark. she canceled another appearance in mercer county on thursday to focus on california. bill clinton will appear at an organizing event tomorrow afternoon in cranford on her behalf. we're just a week away from new jersey's primary contest, it is tuesday, june 7th. well, we finally got rid of the rain at the shore, the clouds elsewhere. the temperature has responded. it's 87 degrees in philadelphia. 86 in alone town. 88 in wilmington. how does that compare to yesterday? 14 degrees warmer than at this time yesterday. in philadelphia and vineland, new jersey, 10 degrees warmer. so, yeah. it feels it. let's look in new jersey. the suburbs, the closer you are to the ocean, the cooler it is. closer you are to philadelphia, the warmer it is. and that happens a lot this time of year. medford at 90 degrees. pemberton, 87. florence, 87. piles grove, 87. princeton is 85 degrees. the only showers are in extreme southern delaware, crossing the border into maryland. there it goes. that is the end of that. we still have some moisture down along north carolina associated with that tropical storm bonnie that helped throw some moisture up here over the weekend. some of this moisture may be arriving later on during the week. for the phillies game tonight, pretty nice conditions. wind 5 to 10 miles per hour blowing out from the south. 83 at 7:00. 75 degrees at 10:00. gradu gradual cooling for the rest of the week. 76 degrees on thursday should stay in the 70s on friday as well. rain returns later this week. so, if there's going to be rain any day for the rest of the week, it's friday. 75 degrees in philadelphia with increasing clouds, the temperature down a little bit in the p.a. suburbs, as you can see from today to tomorrow to thursday to friday. it goes down each day. and at the jersey shore, with the east wind, temperatures are even lower, 70 tomorrow. 68 thursday. 66 degrees on friday. we're going to be seeing these temperatures go down a little bit tomorrow from where they are now. still relatively warm for this time of the year. 82 in bella vista. 79 in devon. reading, 86 degrees galloway at 86. at the shore cooler than the rest of the area. as we go into the wchbd, eekend showers and thunderstorms pretty likely there. as we head towards election day, it looks like it's drying and comfortable. that should be the case for much of next week. now a major mess that has gone viral. cans, cups, all sorts of garbage covering the beach in wildwood. public works crews had the trash cleaned up within hours but not before this video was posted to facebook for tens of thousands of people to see. wildwo wildwood's mayor says people are abusing the town's free beaches. >> will you consider charging people to offset that cost? >> it's a difficult question. business owners don't want it. residents do want it. i would rather not charge anybody. >> the mayor says keeping wildwood's free beaches clean costs the city close to $300,000 a year. we've all seen them on our food, sell by, use by, but do you know what labels really mean? if not, you could be throwing good food and money out the window. now those labels could be changing. see how it can make things less confusing for shoppers. plus she gave birth to one child. how did she get billed for two? see how common these medical mistakes are and how hard they are to fix. morning noon or night there's always a moment to discover visit annapolis and create your moment residents in gloucester county can logon to a website to find out if their favorite restaurant has health code violations. before this new site came up, residents would have to file paperwork with the county to see the information. the health department inspects 1300 restaurants a year, now all reports are uploaded online. when it comes to wasting food, america leads the way. it's not because food turned bad or spoiled, but because some say the best and sell by dates are confusing and misleading. now congress is taking a crack at solving the problemment the foot date labeling act is mechbt to help consumers figure out the use by and sell by system that some argue is subjective and baseless. >> the reality is the dates are not an exact science. every state has a different law. there's no uniformity and consistency across the country. >> if the bill passes it will establish a national date labeling system that indicates whether food is unsafe to eat and not just past its peak freshness. imagine being billed for two childbirth operations when your family went through one. errors in medical billing happens more than you think. one recent study found mistakes in 79% of medicare claims. cindy gave birth to her baby girl in march of 2014. she knew something was wrong because she was billed for a vaginal delivery and a c-section. since her coverage at that time did not include maternity, she ended up with almost $30,000 in medical bills that came in one after another after another. >> that was around $11,000. >> $11,000. >> yes. >> for ann thesian. it was for birth vaginally and c-section. >> but you only had one baby. >> yes. >> this is valuable information that could be a financial life saver, that the tonight on in the in t "nightly news" with lester holte. coming up next, if this is any sign, it's horrific. >> neighbors in camden sounding the alarm over a spike in murders. we go to the police chief to see how he's responding to their concerns. right now at 5:00, new concerns about crime in camden. the city has seen an alarming jump in murders. 22 so far this year compared to ten at the same time last year. police are now trying to figure out what is behind this spike so they can put a stop to it. cydney long is joining us from camden. you spoke with the chief. what did he have to say about this? >> reporter: the chief tells me this is a concerning spike in crime. it has his undivided attention. however he says the murders are not random. one significant change inside the department between may last year and now, there are 50 fewer cops on the streets and 100 officer positions to fill. >> reporter: in the month of may alone, camden hits ten murders. >> if this is any sign of what's to come, it's horrific. >> reporter: it's the same number of lives lost in the first five months of last year bringing this year's total to 22. the most recent homicide was saturday, during the day at whitman park. chief scott thompson says in a majority of shootings, the victim and suspect know each other. >> they're doing it at close range with multiple rounds being fired. >> i thank god for the cameras they have installed. it's making a difference. >> reporter: denise dennis has 14 grandchildren who live and play in camden. she said three of the recent murders touched her family personally. >> i pray hard every night that they make their destinations to and from school. >> reporter: amir kahn worries with the warmer weather. >> we start to resent where people live, and then anger and emotions get out of control. >> nothing stops a bullet like a job. >> reporter: thompson says he has been handcuffed to a certain degree. the state has not held law enforcement recruitedment testing in four years, allowing him to hire camden natives to patrol the streets where they grew up. >> it's creating an untenable situation for us, not just in maintaining attrition levels, but in maintaining a sense of legitimacy with people who live here. >> reporter: with so much new commercial development in camden there needs to be a promise of jobs and hopes. he thinks that will bridge the gap between this danger and despair. in the meantime the rate if which these murders are being solved is also up at 50% which means people are talking to police and not fearing them. live in camden, cydney long, nbc 10 news. two men are in custody after a home invasion led to a police chief chase in philadelphia. as officers arrived at a home, the three suspects jumped into a car and took off. that's when the chase began. it went on for 12 miles. police caught two of the men, a third man is on the loose. now to your first alert weather. the sun and heat made a comeback after that rainy memorial day in parts of our area. nbc 10 in logan circle where these people are cooling off by the fountain. looks beautiful out there. >> looks nice. feels good, too. we'll see cooler temperatures over the next few days. glenn "hurricane"schwartz has a closer look at what's happening in your neighborhood. >> morse of the month of may was unseasonably chilly. then we had the hot weather, three days in a row of 90 plus. today the high was 88. right now 87. temperatures will be dropping over the next few days. 88 degrees in much of delaware, south jersey. 891 at the shore, the sea breeze keeps cooling things down. further inland where the temperatures were mid 80s, just a couple hours ago now, down to 80 in mays landing. cape may point, 72 degrees with the wind coming in off the ocean. hard not to get an ocean breeze at cape may point considering the geography there. you can see the showers in southern delaware. they crossed the border into the maryland eastern shore. the official high today, 88, after 79 yesterday. we're dropping, 82 tomorrow. 76 on thursday. and in the 70s on friday. we'll see what happens through the weekend. we do have some more rain and thunderstorms on the way. i'll have the timing on that in a few minutes. also this evening, new details coming out from the sch chaka fattah corruption trial. >> reporter: ron kirk served in the obama white house negotiating trade deals with foreign countries on behalf of the united states. he told the jury he made time to meet with fattah co-defendant herbert wedeman. he said it was at fattah's request. he was trying to get wedeman at a post. it became quickly apparent the post was not good enough. the meeting lasted about 15 minutes. he said he was not in position to offer him a full ambassadorship. when asked by fattah's lawyers if there was anything wrong in ari arranging the meeting, he said no. nailer told the jury he mailed several payments to drexel university to pay down his son's loan debt. late in the day, a former vice president for philadelphia university testified for close to an hour. he said that he fast tracked an application for the fattah's au pair to enroll in school after classes begun. and despite the au pair had letters securing financial support to pay her tuition, that the school came up with scholarships over the course of her tenure there of more than $100,000 to offer her nearly a free ride to attend philadelphia university. neither one answered our questions as they left court a few moments ago. deanna durante, nbc 10 news. right now at 5:00, road closures you need to know about this weekend. the 2016 cycling classic takes place on sunday. riders will travel a 12 mile course through fairmount park and it will end at the manayunk wall. construction begins tonight on u.s. 30 to fix sinkholes in two places in chester county. penn do the will reinforce the ground under the road in the median. that work will go on near the business u.s. 30 interchange and the bridge over clover mill road. expect lane closures between 7:00 p.m. and 5:00 a.m. for the next two weeks. peco created a lab for employees to come up with new ideas. the innovation lan e. lab provides a face for employees it was one family's miracle on market street. their daughter fighting for her life. they just wanted to get her in front of the pope. now they reunited with the people who made that dream happen. plus the bucks county priest now has a different title. his new leadership role in the archdiocese and how he responded to our questions about the church sex abuse scandal. look around pennsylvania and it's not hard to spot winners. and with over 2 million winners of match 6, cash 5, and treasure hunt every single month, that's hardly a surprise. winners, winners everywhere! play today! new developments in a cold case investigation. state police exhumed the remains of a body found more than 40 years ago in jones town. the remains exhumed today in mt. lebanon cemetery. investigators are trying to get more dna evidence to try to identify the victim whose body was found in 1973. last fall officials revealed this reconstruction of the victim. they say evidence suggests she was between 16 and 20 and may have been a runaway. philadelphia archbishop charles chaput has a new right ha handman. reverend monsignor edward deliman was named auxiliary bishop for the diocese. he serves as the pastor of st. charles borromeo in bensalem, bucks county. he's 69 years old. nbc 10 asked deliman what he thinks about extending the statute of limitations for those abused by priests. >> you know, my thoughts are justice for everyone, but, you know, sought in the proper way. >> we also asked him about the local clergy facing abuse allegations. he referred us to the archbishop. now a warm stretch rolls on. we're about to see a dip in temperatures. ail show you that and the next chance for rain straight ahead. morning noon or night there's always a moment to discover visit annapolis and create your moment this aerial video shows the devastation left behind in texas. horses looking for shelter to get away from the rising water. there's been a mnumber of water rescues here as the search for survivors continues. >> we got a 911 call saying someone was swept away. >> the flooding has claimed nine lives. there could be more rain in the next few days there. here at home a holiday weekend and great weather here equals big businesses for places like dorney park and they're hoping new attraction also keep this trend going. randy gyllenhaal has more from alone town. >> reporter: an extra day in the sun for families at dorney park, this tuesday after memorial day still seeing huge crowds and scorching hot temperatures. just in time for the opening of the water park. >> it's like july heat in may. we're enjoying summer early. >> really hot, i'm dying. >> reporter: already feels like summer break for score kids from northeast philly scoring an extra day of vacation. >> the weather is beautiful. being tuesday after memorial day, added bonus for everyone. >> reporter: this summer the park is taking a new twist on an old ride. renovating one of the longest standing roller coasters. >> right behind us, you can't beat coming down that hill. >> reporter: the thunderhawk getting a facelift this winter. it was built 93 years ago. >> it's our oldest roller coaster here. we had some renovations, it got new trains, new paint job. >> but dorney park is coming off a tough winter of publicity, social media outrage and boycotts after the park let go a long-tile special needs employee. 29-year-old christopher emory was quickly offered his job back. >> we pride ourselves on fun and we want to make sure all our guests enjoy themselves. >> reporter: as of this week the park will be open every day for the rest of the summer. it is annually one of the top tourism destinations in the lehigh valley. randy gyllenhaal, nbc 10 news. well, we finally got rid of the rain at the shore. the clouds elsewhere, the temperatures have gone up. the average high is 78. we're close to 10 degrees above average. lehigh valley and delaware still warm. 88 degrees in parts of delaware. 87 at the airport. let's see what other parts of the city are doing. parkside at 89. and the school spot 84 degrees. west mount airy, 87. 88 in a lot of spots in the northeast. fox chase up towards somerton and system of those places did barely get to the 90 degree mark. 83 tonight, going down to the 70s. the wind is blowing out. pretty much to center field. only about 5 to 10 miles per hour. that does help with the home runs a bit. the philadelphia temperatures, saturday was 90 degrees. that was the end of our first heat wave. then sunday, 87. monday, 79. today 88. then look at it start dropping as we head into the end of the week. temperatures go below average. that's in philadelphia. get your own seven-day forecast at the bottom of the screen. satellite and radar not showing much across the area. isolated showers in southern delaware, they have moved down, we're looking at moisture back to the south, associated with tropical storm bonnie, that just keeps spinning around the same spot. other moisture in the middle of the country, some of that headed this way as we head into friday. for tomorrow, we're not expecting any kind of significant precipitation. could be some isolated showers, reading, for example, at 86. with a shower or storm possible. lansdale at 79. newtown 84. easton, 5. we're not quite as warm as we were today. still above average temperatures for most areas. except for the shore. atlantic city at 70. avalon, 71 with that sea breeze. once the east wind is in, tomorrow it's going to stay in for the rest of the week. as we go through the rest of the week, we're going to be seeing some isolated showers tomorrow afternoon, as you see. then we watch a cold front come through from the west. it's going to take until friday to get here. that's when we have that best chance of rain and maybe even some thunderstorms across the region. as we go through the next 24 hours, again, still pretty warm. 82 degrees. that's above average. then we drop with the east wind, fair amount of cloud cover thursday. friday a good chance of showers, maybe a thunderstorm. locally heavy rain. the better chance of heavier rain comes sunday. right now it looks like saturday is the nicer day of the weekend. by the time we get to election day, temperatures are comfortable. we're not looking at a wet pattern at all. we're looking at a dry pattern early next week. >> okay, glenn. we have to wonder what time it is, because there is savannah guthrie joining us from the nbc 10 studios in new york. >> nice to see you. >> it's midnight. >> yeah, for you. >> i know. what a long day. what's coming up on "nightly news?" >> good to see you. ahead for us tonight, donald trump lashing out at the media for raising questions about his fund-raising for veterans. how safe is your local zoo? new concerns after a child breached that gorilla enclosure in cincinnati. but a mother who gave birth to one baby but billed for two. how to fight costly errors on your medical bills. back to you in philly. >> i'm sure right after "nightly news" you'll be going to bed. >> early to bed, early to rise. >> see you at 6:30. >> thanks. ladies from across the delaware valley got to play ball today with the philadelphia phillies, from batting cages to bullpens, the women got a chance to see what it's like to work and play for a national sports team. it was part of the 101 clinic and luncheon. some of the highlights were an interactive clinic with the coaches and a surprise meet and greet with some players. do you know a group making a difference in our area? it could be worth $50,000. >> the wawa foundation launching its first ever hero award for local non-profits. one group will win that $50,000 grant.s will win $10,000 each. for more information, search wawa foundation at >> those checks will be presented to the winners on the fourth of july during wawa welcome america. nbc 10 and telemundo are proud to be broadcast partners. check out the nbc 10 app for more information. a local family faced a lot of adversity. >> but a kiss from pope francis has given them new hope. their story next. it's a scene we watched play out over and over again. pope francis kissing baby after baby during his visit to philadelphia last fall. but for one family that moment has touched their lives in a special way. the masantonio family has been through a lot. >> their young daughter has been battling a brain tumor but today they were reminded of the many mr blessings in their live. >> reporter: one month after gee r.giana was born in 2014, the family got the worst news possible. >> she was diagnosed with an imoperable brain tumor. >> reporter: on september 26th of last year, they got a call to rush from their doylestown home down to philly. pope francis was about to make the parade down market street, and two hours later, the police and fbi got this family a front row seat. >> we don't think the pope healed our daughter, she's still in chemo now. it give us hope and strength. it gave other people strength. >> reporter: at a ceremony today, her brother was named honorary u.s. marshal. she also gave the family a picture of that perfect moment. pope pran sfrancis eaches sig s pope pran sfrancis eaches sigig. >> reporter: and the best news, gianna keeps getting better. coming up next at 6:00, a crime scene at a philadelphia police officer's home. tonight what the officer found when he opened his front door. as we start the month of june tomorrow, cooler temperatures are on the way. i'm tracking your neighborhood weather next. plus a blockbuster deal for the borgata all new next on nbc 10 news at 6:00. we begin with a son who finds his father dead inside his sou southwest philadelphia home. police say that man was murdered and they're looking for two suspects. brandon hudson joins us live from along theodore street. >> what have you been able to fi find out? >> reporter: the son who not heard from his dad for a few days, spoke to him every day except the last couple of days, came to this house and found him dead inside the home. investigators are checking inside that house looking for evidence. a mobile crime scene unit pulled up moments ago. it appears the 77-year-old man died from blunt force trauma to the head. his son said he had not heard from his dad in a while and that's when he went to check on him. investigators believe two men broke into the victim's house through a back door. there was a struggle, but police have not found a weapon or know if anything was taken. police think the victim was killed on sunday night and they think he was targeted. we asked how the son is holding up. >> in shock. i can't imagine your father making 78 years of his life and you expect your parents to die vech eventually but not like this it's hurtful. >> detectives think the victim's van may have been stolen. as we get that information, we'll pass that along to you. a big change for philadelphia public schools. it's two big muslim holidays, eid al fitr and eid al aida. soon all children could get those days off from school.

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Somerton , Pennsylvania , United States , Chester County , Delaware , Mays Landing , New Jersey , Philadelphia School , North Carolina , Dorney Park , Rehoboth , Montgomery County , Atlantic City , Fairmount Park , Parkside , Center Field , New York , Cape May Point , Drexel University , Newark , Jersey , Wildwood , Rutgers University , Center City , Texas , Washington , Philadelphia , Dewey Beach , Cincinnati , Ohio , Jones Town , Whitman Park , Odessa , West Mount , Lebanon Cemetery , Maryland , Logan Circle , District Of Columbia , America , American , Scott Thompson , Monique Braxton , Jay Wright , Charles Borromeo , Charles Chaput , George Clooney , Brandon Hudson , Savannah Guthrie , Keith Jones , Barack Obama , Eid Al Aida , Yom Kippur , Chaka Fattah , Denise Dennis , Samir Kahn , Christopher Emory , Randy Gyllenhaal , Hillary Clinton , Ron Kirk ,

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