Transcripts For WCAU NBC10 News At 5pm 20160129 : comparemel

Transcripts For WCAU NBC10 News At 5pm 20160129

security guard reported hearing that single gun shot go off. students tell us the school was immediately put in lockdown, no one allowed in or out. hungry students kept in classrooms as word of the brawl and the gun fire trickled out to parents. >> they had to stay in the classroom. she said she didn't know because she didn't hear but kids that came out that they let out said they heard shots. >> right now we're being told another individual fired a shot. we don't know whether that's true or not but we do know that the shot was confirmed by a security officer on location. >> reporter: no one was injured by that gun fire but police did find a .45 caliber shell casing in the stairwell. the gun that police found apparently tucked behind a radiator in the building, was a different caliber, a different gun altogether. students who enter this building have to go through metal detectors. the major question is how two separate guns could have breached those security barriers. live in spring garden, george spencer, "nbc 10 news." a penridge drivinger charged with assault and abusing two special needs students. prosecutors announced the arrest of 74-year-old james mcintyre charged with repeated inappropriate touching of two female students over six years. prosecutors say the abuse happened at various traffic lights as he drove the victims from their homes in bucks county to the van guard school in chester county. his bail is set at $75,000. we have new information about a murder in new castle. police say 74 or rather 47-year-old shawn spence was found dead in the house, his family tells nbc 10 he was beaten to death. it happened last night. police are looking for the man who lives in that house, 52-year-old greg parker. minutes ago with spoke with the victim's brother. he has a message for the person who killed his brother. >> what do you say to this guy greg? out there. >> turn yourself in, man. wasn't worth it. nobody worth killing. if you are out there turn yourself in. before somebody else finds you. >> police haven't released a moti motive. for greg parker a former basketball player who coaches kids. he stands 6'8" and 225 pounds. if you see him you should call 911 right away. probably the last thing many of us wanted to see, snowflakes. this was in wildwood today. no worries, just a few flurries. many winter jackets and a couple of umbrellas in center city philadelphia. there they dealt with some rain but not too much rain. let's take a live look, cape may, there were more clouds out there than sun. pretty desolate beach for that matter. let's bring in first alert chief meteorologist glenn "hurricane" schwartz. people are eye balling the warm-up later on, what does tonight look like? >> tonight's going to be a chilly one. and whatever melted is going to refreeze. we've had really good conditions for these folks, the skiers, this is live in blue mountain, close to the sunset time. and you're going to have good conditions throughout the weekend. going to be a great ski weekend. we had snow showers move through the area, it's now diminished a few flurries. northern burlington county right now. near the new jersey turnpike, a couple near the poconos but they are pretty trivial at the moment. the temperature getting closer to the freezing point, north and west, pottstown, reading, lancaster. within a degree or two. but we also have some pretty gusty winds, 35 miles an hour in allentown right now. 33 in mount pocono. it is a chilly start to the evening. we're going to have to wait for this wind to diminish in the middle of the night it will as temperatures go down in the 20s by 1:00 a.m. even in philadelphia area again watch out for the refreezing. it's going to get too warm for refreezing next week. we'll see when the record warmth is expected with the seven-day in a few minutes. >> looking forward to that. tonight the zika virus is spreading south of the u.s. border and so is concern right here in our area. the world health organization meets next week to decide whether to declare zika a global emergency. it's estimated 3 to 4 million people in the americas will be affected over the next year. all cases in the country are imported while it generally brings on mild symptoms it has been linked to birth defects. the tiny mosquito thought to be responsible. what are the chances mosquitoes could make it to the u.s.? cydney long has been looking at that for us tonight. >> i haven't planned any travel. i don't know about motherhood but seems it's one thing or another to be afraid of. >> reporter: women are eager for more information about the zika virus even if parenthood isn't in their immediate future. >> it's a very serious brain birth defect. we just don't know the risk of having that happen if you get infected. >> the biggest question right now, will infected mosquitoes reach the continental u.s.? >> that's a great question. there are two schools of thought. one is that this mosquito will spread and the infection will spread to the continental united states as the warmer months come into play. open the other happened it's in the same family as dengue fever and that has not spread to the u.s. >> in the meantime, expectant moms are exercising caution. >> i had somebody call about a trip to cancun. my advice was if she could postpone it that would be the safest way. >> that patient did call off her trip, dr. shah says if you can't postpone travel, preventing mosquito exposure and bites are key. >> so first and foremost i would like pregnant team with know using deet is safe as long as they use it according to the label. >> he says if you are not pregnant or planning on it you shouldn't change your travel plans. >> i don't think it will stop me from traveling but it would make me more cautious about my environment. >> if you are pregnant and recently returned to the states from a zika-affected area and didn't know about this risk, shaw says call your doctor. symptoms include fever, red eyes, a rash or joint pain and to detect it blood work and ultrasound may be necessary. we're helping answer your questions about the zika virus. joining us to do that is dr. stacey gorski, an immunoloology and professor. thank you for joining us first. one question is from sharon, she writes, my daughter travels to mexico in october and returned with many mosquito bites. she then conceived in november. how long does the virus live in your system and could she be at risk? what do you think? >> i wish we had better information for her, answering the first question how long does it stay in your body, we don't know yet. we really need a lot more basic information and research into this virus. there has been a case where they were able to detect the virus 11 days after symptoms, but whether that means the virus just hides somewhere else or truly is cleared from the body by then we don't know. >> thank you so much for your time. we're going to keep checking back in with you. if you at home have a question for her you can ask it on the nbc 10 facebook pain or tweeting us. she'll be answering questions through 6:30 tonight. police officers in delaware county will be the first to carry a newly approved easy to add minister version of narcan that reduces heroin overdoses. announcing officers across the county will be equipped with a nasal spray form of the drug. the fda approved the new version in november. the drug is not new to the county. officers have been using the injectable form for more than a year. >> 171 lives have been saved as a result of police officers dedicated to their communities, dedicated to the fight on crime, but also dedicated just to helping people in their neighborhoods. >> the drug maker says the new nasal spras delivers a more efficient dose and is easier to use. >> i want to show you this. a great distraction for travelers at the airport. for the second time this month several therapy dogs are brought in to help alleviate stress, anxiety that passengers may be experiencing. it's part of a new program at the airport. the therapy dogs and handlers will comfort passengers who may have a fear of flying. >> passengers when they come to an airport, sometimes they feel anxious or you know, it's an opportunity for them to i want act and visit with a friendly animal and we found that it is very helpful to them. >> the program is called canines offering passengers encouragement or cope. other airports across the country have similar programs including los angeles, florida, denver and san francisco. iphones for a dollar. where the deal is this weekend. plus we're talking about donald trump back on the campaign trail after skipping last night's debate. the claim of a $5 million demand that made matters even messier today. >> and trapped no more. four men freed after vanishing underground on christmas day. >> dr. gorski is here with us handling questions and concerns about the zika virus. dr. gorski will be here through 6:30 tonight. if you have a question for her ask it on the nbc 10 facebook page or by tweeting us. four miners who spent 36 days trapped understood ground in a collapsed mine in china are free tonight. the mine collapsed christmas day killing one and 13 missing. 11 other people in the mine made it to safety or were rescued earlier. doctors at the site say the miners displayed stable vital signs but suffered some bruises. >> in iowa today the fallout from last night's debate. trump's rival ted cruz is getting bad reviews for his performance, that trump missed. steve handelsman is in des moines with the latest. >> reporter: donald trump went to new hampshire bragging. >> getting more publicity you know. >> reporter: as rivals mocked trump last night. >> the greatest show on earth. >> did you see the love in this woman, amazing love. >> bert loves trump. >> i think they talked about him more last night when he wasn't there than if he would have been. >> you like him what as much now. >> absolutely. >> caucus for him? >> i will. >> trump got many more tweets, more attention than marco rubio or ted cruz who got hammered and lost his lead in iowa polls to trump. >> and cruz is in second place he got really pummeled last night. actually i'm glad i wasn't there because i guess he got pummeled. wow. and you know, they didn't even mention that he was born in canada. >> reporter: cruz insisted he would block amnesty. iowa democrats lined up to see hillary clinton. vowing to fight replacement of obamacare. >> people with health emergencies captain wait to have some theoretical debate about some better idea that will never ever come to pass. >> that scene with bernie sanders backing a shift to a government-run plan paid for by hiking taxes on the wealthy and corporationings. three days and all of the candidates agree the tough part from here on out is convincing their supporters to actually go out and caucus for them monday night. steve handelsman, nbc news. >> count on nbc 10 for coverage on monday. lauren mayk is heading to iowa to report from the campaign trail. you can see her live reports saturdaying saturday night on msnbc 10 news at 11:00. >> let's go back to dr. stacey gorski here with us handling questions and concerns about the zika virus. thank you so much for being here. viewers have been sending questions. joyce writes, quote, i was bitten by mosquitoes while in bonair in the caribbean. should i be concerned. husband had red eye and rash but both cleared up. should they be worried? >> it's going to depend on where and when they were in that region. viewers can go to the cdc's website to see when and where cases of zika have started to appear. if they were in the region during the time where zika obviously had not started cases had not been reported there would be no cause for concern. if they were there once cases started to be reported, then there might be cause for concern although again, in adults zika is supposed to be a mild infection and only a concern for pregnant women. >> again, a need to follow up, make sure that area they had been in didn't have reports of that. stacey gorski, thank you. we'll check back in. if you have questions for dr. gorski ask it on the facebook page or tweeting us, she'll be answering questions through 6:30 tonight. and after seeing the seven-day forecast the question is winter over? the answer is no. i think the pattern is going to be changing, it's not just going to be indefinitely warmer. we have had melting today, we're going to have more refreezing tonight. that means a few icy spots by morning once again. but sunday, it is going to be warm. temperatures getting into the 50s, then it gets warmer than that. as we go into next week. a lot of clouds around now, we've had clouds all day. 39 degrees, winds 16 miles an hour. feels like it's 30. so yeah, it is chilly out there and getting close to the freezing mark. reading and pottstown at 34 degrees, 37 at trenton, and mount holly. 36 in glassboro. 37 in millville and in dover. and temperatures are going to be getting down in the teens in parts of the area tonight. in philadelphia we're talking about going gradually down into the mid-20s. by 5:00 in the morning, but the wind is going to be diminishing. we've got some pretty strong wind gusts now. 23 miles an hour in philadelphia. 32 in lancaster, 35 in allentown. 30 miles an hour gusts in trenton. it's going to take a while for these winds to die down. it's also taking a while for the snow to melt. this is that map we're following all week. no snow left in southern delaware and coastal new jersey. and we're losing more and more each day in much of the area. the light blue color indicates 3 inches or more left. the darker blue, 6 inches or more. so there's more snow left in northeast philly and in chestnut hill than in center city and south philly which would be logical. montgomery, bucks in the 6-inch plus area. the lehigh valley again, in the purple. 12 inches or more. but a couple days ago they had 18 inches or more. we had some snow showers move through along with rain showers. during the day today temperatures generally above freezing. a couple of tiny flurries left. we also have cold air left. it's going to disappear as mild air starts to come in on sunday, and really peaks on wednesday when we would expexpect record warm. later this week much colder. refreezing late, 23 for the low in philadelphia, 17 north and west. then for tomorrow we're back in the 40s but much less wind. and more sunshine than we saw today. then on sunday, a lot of sunshine, warmer, near 60 on monday with clouds and a chance of showers, we cool down a little tuesday but that's pretty darn warm for this time of the year. and there it is on wednesday, 64 degrees, that would be a record. and thunderstorms possible along with colder air after. >> wild weather. thank you so much, glenn. up next, not so fast. the simple move that allowed one bank manager to prevent the place from being robbed. and the sports legend who used a curtain to create a memorable courtside commotion. winter is hard on your nose. from first sniffles to endless runny noses. puffs plus lotion is soft. they help soothe irritation by locking in moisture better so you can face winter happily. a nose in need deserves puffs indeed. and try puffs softpack today. the philadelphia auto show drove into town today. the show runs through february 7. visitors can check out more than 700 car models. tickets for adults are $14. seniors, kids and active military members get a discount. >> how is this headline. a man dressed as super man saved a man being robbed. antonio is wearing the costume there. to a fundraising event on wednesday. he hears screams, sees a man trying to mug a woman so springs into action. just like a super hero, chasing the attacker. >> back to the bank and then did a bit of a sweep and held him down on the ground until the police turned up. >> the officers arrested the man. cortez says the woman looked roughed up but she was fine. >> a bank manager in north carolina is credited with stopping a bank robbery all caught on tape. look at this, police say a person wearing a mask approached the back door of a bank. you see the manager hold the door shut after he saw the suspect. eventually the guy runs off unable to get inside. >> parts of the area have seen snow flurries today. we'll talk to first alert chief meteorologist glenn "hurricane" schwartz, tell you what he'll expect this weekend straight ahead. plus, allentown's mayor gives his annual address as a dark cloud hangs over his city. nbc 10 caught up with him to get answers about the topics that he didn't talk about. hear what he had to say. >> dr. stacey gorski is here with us, handling questions about the zika virus. she will be here through 6:30 tonight if you have a question for her, you can ask it on the nbc 10 facebook page or tweeting us. . with his city under a cloud of darkness embattled allentown mayor allen polouski faces a no confidence vote. mitch blacher has been in allentown and talked to the mayor before his speech. what did he have to say? >> reporter: keith, during the speech he had nothing to say about the scandal around here in allentown. he didn't talk about the fbi's raid on his office or how some of the members of his administration now face charges. we did have a chance to ask him about the allegations swirling around the city just before he spoke in the state of the city address. were you involved in steering any contracts to campaign contributors? >> i can't talk about an investigation. >> do you fear indictment? >> we've got a great city to -- story to tell here. week got a great city, my focus is on the state of the city speech today. >> reporter: during the state of the city address he did talk about diversity in the city as well as reduced crime rate under his administration. the members of the city council were not here to hear it. they boycotted the address, a week after they call forward the mayor to resign. we're live in allentown, mitch blacher, "nbc 10 news." let's talk to first alert chief meteorologist glenn "hurricane" schwartz. some saw snow flurries you say we're in for a warm-up. >> pretty big warm-up. you'll notice it starting on sunday. quite a bit o >> thank you. i want to talk about the school bus accident in gloucester township left 12 students with minor injuries. sky force 10 over the scene. the bus rear ended by an suv. the driver of that vehicle and two young children inside were taken to the hospital. police tell us again their injuries are minor. >> elsewhere afluenza teen couch will remain at a facility until the judge decides whether to transter case. prosecutors wanted the 18-year-old moved to jail. today was the first time couch has been in court since he was deported from mexico yesterday. the teen and his mother fled south last year after couch allegedly violated his probation. couch was sentenced to probation for killing four people while driving drunk in 2013. >> one of three escaped inmates in california is back in custody. the inmate gave himself up on the streets of santa ana. the search for the other two continues. the three cut through steel, snaked along plumbing tunnels, then rappelled off of a roof with bed sheets as a rope. a prison employee was arrested for helping the men. >> and there is more fallout over tainted water in flint, michigan. state e-mails released say that state workers were offered bottled water way before flint residents knew the water wasn't safe. water coolers were installed in january, residents didn't know about the lead contamination in their water until the fall. the man who manages the buildings say that the water was brought in after water in flint flunked other drinking water tests. dr. stacey gorski is with us here handling questions and concerns about the zika virus. linda writes quote, we are going to belize. if we get virus could we pass it on to our pregnant granddaughter. she isn't going but we don't want to infect her. any chance of transmission? >> very, very unlikely nor that to happen. zika as far as we know the primary mode is through a mosquito and not just any but a specific species and that happens to be not very common in pennsylvania, so certainly that would be a very, very unlikely case. >> so it's not contagious? >> you have to have the mosquito involved, that's passing it from one infected person that gets bitten, the mosquito has to pass it to the next person. >> thank you. if you've got a question for her you can reach out to us on the nbc 10 facebook page or by tweeting us. she'll be answering questions through 6:30 tonight. >> i present class 374. >> congratulations are in order for this group, they are philadelphia's newest police officers. nbc 10 at temple university for the graduation ceremony. these 30 new recruits completed eight months of training at ther academy. here at nbc 10 i like to pass along our sincerest wishes, we wish them the best. >> up next one of the greatest athletes of his generation. so, he made for the distraction when he jumped out from behind this curtain at one basketball game. dr. stacey gorski is here with us at nbc 10 handling questions and concerns about the zika virus. she'll be here with us through 6:30. if you've got a question for her, you can ask it on the nbc 10 facebook page or by tweeting us. a lot of critical thinking today at a school in north philadelphia. some philly police officers looked on as students at st. martin de pour school played in a chess tournament. visiting students every week practicing. it's part of an outreach program to celebrate their hard work. students received their own personal chess boards. >> i don't know if you saw this. sw michael phelps causing a player to miss a free throw. he helped some students with their curtain of distraction. that's him, he jumped around behind the basket wearing his gold medals and swim suit. and well, nothing else, the distraction worked. oregon state missed both shots. phelps moved to arizona last year to train with a swim coach for the summer rio games. he has 18 gold medals under his swimming cap. >> up next, ñiinexpensive iphon, to deal to allow you to walk away with a new one for a dollar. >> well, you remember, last weekend we were bracing for a blizzard. today we're talking about potential for a record breaking warm-up. dr. stacey gorski is with us handling questions and concerns about the zika virus. she will be here through 6:30 tonight. if you have a question you can ask it on the nbc 10 facebook page or by tweeting us. also coming up at 6:00, we're learning new information about what led to a stabbing on a septa bus that left one person in critical condition. dr. stacey gorski is with us handling questions and concerns about the zika virus. victor asks, quote, i'm taking a cruise to cozumel, mexico out of miami. i'm not canceling he says but want to know if i can take precautions while in port in mexico. >> absolutely. take insect repellent. anything that has deet in it, preferably 30% is going to keep mosquitoes away and also though i know this is hard on a cruise if you can refrain from drinking too much alcohol, mosquitoes are attracted not only to the carbon dioxide but there are studies that the more alcohol you drink the more attracted they are. >> that's an interesting point. before this point i know in the past few weeks the virus has popped up. had you heard about it before? >> not before december 2015. >> wow. so it's that new. everyone is handling it. as far as the threat to pennsylvania, new jersey, delaware, still very limited, right? >> still very limited. i wanted to make a point it's not a new virus. it has been around but it's now becoming as we talked about earlier, this interesting case happening in brazil. >> i think the last two hours the associated press reported that they are testing six to eight people for possibly having contracted the zika virus in pennsylvania, no confirmed cases. we're going to keep you updated. thank you so much for joining us. >> thank you. >> if you have questions for dr. gorski ask it on the facebook page or tweeting us. she is going to be here through 6:30 tonight. >> also medical news, ladies, if you aren't getting enough sleep you could be at a higher risk for type ii diabetes. harvard researchers found more than 130,000 women for a decade found women with more trouble falling asleep and staying asleep were more likely to develop type ii diabetes. it is true for women with other health problems like high blood pressure, obesity, and depression. best buy is selling the latest iphone for just $1. sounds too good to be true. from now through sunday if you trade in a working iphone 5 s or better best buy will give you a $200 gift card. you also have to sign up for a new 2-year contract with at&t, verizon or sprint. >> there is no nfl football action this weekend, at least not any that counts. the pro bowl will try to fill that but most of us are waiting for next sunday's main event. super bowl 50. mark barger shows us all of the preparations ahead of the showdown between the panthers and the broncos. >> reporter: thousands of carolina panthers fans gave their team a super bowl send-off in down town charlotte today. >> we're going to give you guys everything that we have to make sure that we bring that championship back to charlotte. >> reporter: the panthers opponents the broncos will have a similar rally sunday. the players and fans are not the only ones bound for levi stadium. so is thunder 2, the broncos purebred arabian mascot prepping for a two-day mascot. >> like having a child you know with a play pen. you need everything for him. >> everything is also what san francisco officials are preparing for. >> we've been planning for this for three yeears. >> to a secret command center with law enforcement agencies, officials are braced for any potential threat. >> local, state and federal law enforcement will be sharing the information in real time so we're all on the same page. that's critical to understand what the situation is throughout the bay area, and then responding appropriately. >> reporter: one misstep thursday crews accidentally painted both end zones in broncbronco s colors. quickly corrected but some panthers fans seized on the slight. >> i hope it does rev them up. >> it's fuel that will have to last because super bowl 50 still more than a week away. mark barger, "nbc 10 news." zbr former philadelphia eagles tried his hand at coaching but it wasn't a football team. it was a hoagie eating contest at a middle school. two teachers put their stomachs on the line to raise awareness for the district's upcoming helping hands hoagie sale on super bowl sunday. it benefits local families dealing with medical bills and other financial hurdles. last year's sale made $53,000. well, seems like a week ago is about a year ago. giant blizzard on the way, and now we are still seeing that snow melting every day, refreezing it, we've got another night of that ahead. we're really going to get much warmer on sunday, the temperature is going to get so warm it won't refreeze at night eventually. because it's going to get each warmer early next week. that's not the end of winter but it's definitely a warm stretch. we have dry main roads out there. at the moment. some of the side roads, driveways, sidewalks, still damp from whatever snow fell today or rain showers fell today. or what snow melted today. that's going to refreeze. down to 39 degrees, the wind is 16 miles an hour, feels like 30. and as we go through the night tonight temperatures are going to slowly drop down into the 20s even in philadelphia itself by 5:00 a.m. there it is. 26 degrees and at least the wind will be diminished. we're 34 degrees in a bunch of places. read, pottstown, dols town, bluebell, coatesville. 33, though, in kennett square. so we're getting close. 36 in wilmington and in washington township 37 in mount holly and trenton and wrightstown. and 37 in millville, woodbine, doylestown. a lot of 37s as well. fairly uniform temperatures when you get a lot of wind. speaking of wind, let's look back to the west where our air is coming from. 50 degrees in nashville. that's pretty warm. 51 st. louis, warmer air. look at this. 69 in little rock and wichita, 76 degrees in dallas, texas, so there's a lot of warm air in the middle of the country, it's going to be coming this way. not going to get to 76 but pretty warm, maybe record warmth. these are the snow showers and rain showers we're talking about yesterday. and they moved through, generally melted and all that's left is flurries. that's about it. but the cold air okay, that's still in for a little while. the mild air, though, is going to be returning, and building up and peaking on wednesday when we could see record warmth. but there is cold air behind that. it's going to be a front coming through, maybe with thunderstorms and then it's wintertime again at least with the temperatures. for a while. clearing and cold with that refreeze coming in late tonight. 23 for a low in philadelphia, 17 north and west. during the day tomorrow, some sunshine, the clouds increase, there's not nearly as much wind. and so the temperature which will be about the same, it will feel warmer tomorrow. because of that lack of wind. it's going to feel a lot warmer on sunday. a lot of sunshine, not a lot of wind, really nice day. near 60 degrees on monday with a lot of clouds, possible showers. still very mild for this time of the year on tuesday, and then wednesday could be the record-breaker at 64 degrees. with some thunderstorms possible with the cold front and then more winter-like temperatures. >> 64 degrees. glenn, thank you. let's go to des moines, iowa now. lester holt joins us with a look watts coming up on "nbc nightly news." good to see you, lester. >> hi, keith. good to see you. we've got my exclusive interview with hillary clinton and what she says about the e-mail investigation on the same day the white house confirms some troubling information about what was found on her personal server. we also take to you brazil and ground zero of the zika virus and meet a family whose lives have been changed forever by that virus. and tom brokaw shows us the waning days of the circus that rolls through iowa every four years, the caucuses and the media that follow when we see you at 6:30. >> looking forward to that. thank you so much, lester. one week ago we were getting set for winter's first major snowstorm. glenn mentioned it. tonight, though, neighbors are helping neighbors in one community get back on their feet after being blasted by the blitz. that story is straight ahead. then coming up on "nbc 10 news" at 6:00, no heat. a local charity forced to cancel programs for children in need after the boiler breaks. how they are taking matters into their own hands. >> nbc 10 at wildwood today. neighbors are helping neighbors bounce back following the blizzard of 2016. it was a week ago tonight that the blizzard arrived in our rem remain. nbc 10's ted greenberg was there as communities came together. >> reporter: if you want to see how quickly a community responds to a disaster, just walk into this room at wildwood's american legion hall. >> i have to look for closes and hopefully stuff for my dogs and son. >> michelle stabler found many of those items at this relief center set up a couple days ago with a tremendous outpouring of generosity. >> i'm glon away. i don't have words for it. >> we need supplies. >> donna says she felt compelled to pay it forward, to help those hit hard by the storm. >> my community, they did it for me a couple years ago. i was out of work. giving back. >> reporter: property damage estimates in cape may county reached $68 million so far, a figure that's expected to keep rising. >> everybody just picks up and keeps on trucking. >> reporter: in down town stone harbor, dozens of community members got together for this post-flood pep rally of sorts. >> seashore and stone harbor is in business. >> reporter: many of the businesses flooded also were swamped by hurricane sandy but locals say they want the world to know that the resort is already bouncing back. >> this water that came in and did so much damage is the same water we were here for. >> it's been a struggle. >> reporter: volunteers are appealing for donations of shelter. >> if we can get a couple to donate for a week, a summer home, anything, if they take a family in. is what we need at this point. >> reporter: tomorrow victims can get disaster relief information at a multi-agency resource centering set up at wildwood city hall. it will be open from 10 until 5. in north wildwood, ted greenberg, "nbc 10 news." coming up next on "nbc 10 news" at 6:00. >> a school scare. gun fire breaks out following a fight between students a it a philadelphia high school. and now we're learning there was more than one gun. >> i'm tracking wild weather for the weekend and into next week. we've got a refreeze tonight followed by spring-like conditions. i'll break it down for you my first alert seven-day forecast. >> and in the last hour we've learned a lot more about a murder that happened in this house in new castle delaware, coming up new information about the victim and the man police are looking for. we work weekends here. because it works for our patients. here, at cancer treatment centers of america in philadelphia, we give our patients the freedom to make appointments that fit their schedules, even on weekends. because we believe in being here when our patients need us, so they can keep living their busy lives. weekend appointments are now available here. learn more at we begin with breaking news. a man in critical condition this evening after he was stabbed on board this septa bus a few hours ago. police are reviewing surveillance video of this crime happened at torresdale and pauls street. "nbc 10 news" learned it started when a man tried to get on without paying. the driver tried to stop it and a passenger then told the suspect to stop holding things up. a fight broke out between the two. the suspect stabbed the passenger and then jumped off the bus at this hour he is still missing. >> new information on a murder mystery in new castle county. police are looking for gregory parker, he is described as a person of interest. thank you for joining us this earning. i'm jacqueline london. >> a man was found murdered in the mallard point neighborhood last night. and police say the person they now want to talk to lived at the home. tim has been following this all day and joining us live at the scene. >> you spoke with the victim's brother. >> reporter: i did. very upset and we're starting to piece this together. the woman who lives in this house behind me works in new york during the week but last night police were asked to check on her boyfriend who lives her. they found he was gone and another man dead on the first floor. >> today for some reason he didn't go. >> reporter: his brother shawn called family all the time but didn't call last night or today. >> next thing i got a phone call saying that they found my brother dead. >> police say shawn was murdered here in this home last night, his family says he was beaten to death. police are looking for the guy who lives here, greg parker was well known in the neighborhood. he walked to wawa every day, a former basketball player, greg has a website where he offers coaching to kids. police want to talk to him. >> victim's family doesn't know park

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