Transcripts For WCAU NBC10 News At 5pm 20150915 : comparemel

Transcripts For WCAU NBC10 News At 5pm 20150915

nbc 10 news. >> this afternoon, wilmington's mayor is offering his thoughts. he tells nbc 10, "i give my condolences to both the family and loved ones of thomas cottingham and pray they find solace and sprentrength in know he was a hero." we're following a breaking traffic situation this afternoon along the schuylkill expressway. >> a deadly crash has the westbound lanes crawling right now. the crash is at the exit for route 1. sky force 10 was over the scene just about an hour ago. we have learned a woman has been killed in this crash and the route 1 exit along 76 west is still shut down, and that has led to a major backup on 76. right now at 5:00, a gas leak ignites and leaves a south jersey building in ruins. witnesses captured the flames on their smartphones and sent the images to nbc 10. sky force 10 also getting a look at the damage from above. >> nbc 10 south jersey reporter live at the scene. somehow no one was hurt in all of this. do investigators know how this gas leak started? >> reporter: jacqueline and jim, the judge who owns this building was away on business in california and a tenant escapes narrowly with 90 minutes. police tell us that construction crews have been working on a project out here likely nicked a line and that forced the gas to fill up in the basement and perhaps a pilot light forced the explosion and fire. right now the gas company is investigating. demolition crews worked to tear down the shell of the gutted law office that intense flames ripped apart at 8:00 tuesday morning. just an hour and a half after frank survay left for work. witnesses sent us these cell phone videos of the fiery explosion. one neighbor usually doing yardwork next door, this morning he went for coffee and returned to feel the heat. >> full house full of flames. >> reporter: his siding melted off and some of his windows shattered by the explosion. >> house on the other side, nothing happened. it was all coming this way. >> reporter: you could see the destruction from sky force 10. down the street, mark says burnt insulation rained down on his home ten minutes ahead of the flames, precisely when a secretary to the judge who owned the building was pulling up for work. >> what happened if she was sitting in a chair? that's pretty scary. >> couldn't get the gas shut off. i guess that was just feeding it. >> reporter: police say the explosion shook their headquarters. kline construction was installed, police believe they cut a line that fed to the home's basement. >> at that point we knew there was another gas line opened, so we evacuated everything around the area here in case there was another explosion. >> that's one of those things that can't happen, you know? until it does. >> it's all surreal. >> reporter: heart breaking, too, right? >> definitely is. >> reporter: and police tell me two other times this summer fire crews were called to this stretch of broadway but able to quickly cap small leaks on this ongoing gas renewal project, which is right now tentively on hold. south jersey gas tells me it would be premature to comment on what went wrong until their investigation is complete. live in pensville, nbc 10 news. >> some background here, this is the third building destroyed in a gas explosion in our region this year. you might remember some of the video we're going to show you from a police officer's dashboard camera. hard to forget this, captured the explosion that leveled the ocean county home in late february. someone reported a gas leak before the explosion, so police had already evacuated dozens of homes in the area. 15 gas workers, firefighters, and emts were injured. less than a week later another home in ocean county exploded after the owner turned on his bathroom light and ignited gas fumes in his home. the man was severely burned but no one else was hurt. both homes were customers of new jersey natural gas. the company urges anyone who smells gas to immediately leave the building. once you're a safe distance away, call the company to report the leak. do not use a land line phone, because that could spark the gas. right now at 5:00, fire investigators in philadelphia are still working to figure out what sparked a center city construction site fire early this morning. by this afternoon, our cameras got a look at the damage left behind. the remains of the construction site to build a bar and restaurant, but a little after 4:00 this morning, neighbors noticed the flames and rushed to warn those closer to the danger. >> i looked out my window and saw it was a small fire when i saw it, and i called 911 and ran out trying to figure out how to contact people there, because they are all asleep. >> residents on the lower floors of two neighboring apartment buildings may be out of their homes for a better part of a week as crews work to repair the damage. we have new information this afternoon on an isis-inspired plot against pope francis during his upcoming visit to the u.s. nbc news has confirmed a south jersey teenager is under arrest in the foiled attack. rosemary connors is live with a look at what we've learned. rosemary? >> jim, that suspect is 15 years old. sources tell nbc news he possibly suffers from a mental disorder and that he had been living in a tent in the backyard of his family's house in camden county. authorities say that the boy had a plan, a detailed plan, to attack the pope while he's in the u.s. later this month, and it included several people, guns, and explosives. but authorities don't believe that the teen had access to resources like money and materials. nevertheless, they say he reviewed isis material on the internet and he made contact with people overseas. we spoke to philadelphia's mayor michael nutter. he tells us that this arrest is a sign that law enforcement efforts are working. >> 9/11 changed everything in the united states, if not in the world, and we all have to just think about things in a very, very different way than we did, you know, maybe 15 years ago, and it's just our reality. >> authorities considered not charging the teen because of his age and his mental state, but because the threat involved the pope, they decided to move forward with the charges. we also reached out to the fbi's office in philadelphia, they are not commenting on this matter, but they have assured us that their agents are working with the secret service and other authorities in advance of the papal visit. reporting from the digital operations center, i'm rosemary connors, nbc 10 news, back to you. >> all right, a week from now pope francis will be in the united states. the pope arrives in washington, d.c. next tuesday at 4:00. he'll be there for several days before he heads to new york, then philadelphia. crews were hard at work in the nation's capital today setting up riser platforms outside the basilica of the national shrine ahead of the pope's mass there next wednesday. and if you don't want to wait for the pope's arrival in philadelphia, you might be able to attend one of his events in the nation's capital. pope francis scheduled to attend a joint meeting of congress september 24th, and delaware senators tom carper and chris coons are offering a limited number of tickets to watch the live broadcast of that event in d.c. you can go to their websites for more information. by the way, several other lawmakers from the region are doing the same, so check with your local congressman's office to see if they are also offering tickets. no jail time for a chester county man accused of beating and injecting a kitten with heroin. last summer police rescued the then-8-week-old kitten. officials say it had a rope around its neck and trauma to its head. the kitten was taken to hope veterinary clinic in melbourne where doctors determined it had been injected with heroin. he's since made a full recovery and found a new home. james paul myers was charged and sentenced to one year probation and community service. the budget battle in pennsylvania is affecting many throughout the state, including thousands of foster children. today, a child welfare advocacy group filed a lawsuit asking for a court to release money for the children. the money is needed to keep services running for about 15,000 kids. pennsylvania's new budget year began july 1st and the 11-week-old budget stalemate has been a contentious fight for the governor. the administration says the state cannot make child county welfare payments until a budget is approved andsñ today wolf sa he'd only sign a stopgap spending plan if he has a general agreement with lawmakers, going on to say it will take some time to get the details in place and he won't sign a stopgap plan that's an alternative to the budget. a police officer accused of murder and now he could face the death penalty. we just got an update from prosecutors and we'll hear from them coming up. also, parts of utah under water. this flash flooding is already led to numerous deaths. now a closer look at the damage left behind. another cool night for the area but a warmup before the week is over and changes for part of the weekend. those details coming up. this is nbc 10 news. >> we continue with a live look from nbc 10's exclusive eagles nest camera. in just five days the birds will take on the cowboys, but today fans are still reeling over last night ice disappointing loss to the falcons and people have a lot of opinions over just what went wrong. john clark from comcast sportsnet joining us live. >> they lose, people have plenty of opinions about how they could do it better. john, what do you think? >> reporter: yeah, you're right. a little bit of a tuesday hangover from the monday night loss. very frustrating loss, and if i would have told you going into the season opener that the new free agent running backs that the eagles got would combine for 11 carries and just 13 yards you would say no way, impossible, but that's what happened, so of course they have to get the running game going against the cowboys and a big concern with the secondary. let's look how the falcons sealed it last night, the win, sam bradford intercepted with under 2:00 left. the ball went right through the hands of jordan matthews. of course, right before that the eagles missed a field goal and after the game sam bradford had an x-ray, but he says it was just for precautionary reasons. he says he is okay, chip kelly says today that sam is okay, and next sunday against the cowboys sam bradford hopes they can start off the game the way they played in the second half last night, because the first half was unacceptable. >> you know, i think we killed ourselves. too many negative plays, you know, i wasn't good enough in the pass game to get us going. then penalties. you know, just seems like we kept putting ourselves behind the sticks in the first half. >> reporter: and remember, sam hadn't played a game in 22 months, so maybe a little bit of rust. how about the new $63 million cornerback, byron maxwell, he gave up ten catches for 179 yards last night. what was the problem? we'll hear from him coming up at 6:00. i'm john clark live at trump national golf club in pinehill, new jersey, for ed snyder's youth hockey foundation dinner. that at 6:00,we as well, see yo then. >> they've got some work to do, thanks. >> they have time to fix the problems. thanks, john. even when the eagles games aren't on nbc 10, we'll still bring you exclusive coverage you can't get anywhere else, join us for our pre and post game shows for analysis and interviews with players and coach chip kelly. there's a vehicle! oh, no! there's two vehicles. >> coming up at 5:00, new cell phone video showing cars washed away by flood waters in utah. look at this, right now at 5:00 the search for five people missing in the waters, at least six others are dead. this flooding has ravaged a small religious community along the utah-arizona border. nbc brings us up to date. >> reporter: the small utah town woke up to tragedy this morning after an intense storm monday afternoon triggered flash floods and mudslides. >> there's two vehicles! >> reporter: virginia black watched the wall of water sweep the cars down the channel. >> there goes a van. oh, my gosh. it went over the fence. >> terrifying to me. you just realize the ground that we thought was all safe wasn't, we weren't safe here anymore. >> reporter: today, the bull dozers removing debris and the reality of the destruction left behind. >> hurts my heart hearing about all these people. >> reporter: the pair of vehicles with 16 people onboard was swept 100 yards away into a channel, killing at least nine, several people are still missing. >> in certain areas it's really boggy, three or four feet deep in sand, you know, i mean -- that's how deep it is. >> reporter: the national weather service issued a flash flood warning for the area along the utah-arizona border. forecasters estimate two and a half inches of rain fell in just two hours. the area, already saturated from recent rain, is struggling to recover. hilldale and its sister city of colorado city, arizona, are home to a religious sect once controlled by warren jeffs, who's serving a life sentence for child sexual assault. dan schenamen, nbc news. right now, the fight against the deadly wildfires in california continues. thousands of firefighters are working 24 hours a day while 23,000 people are hoping that their homes haven't burned down. one woman has been killed in her house. 600 homes and buildings destroyed and another 9,000 are now threatened. videos like this one keep surfacing showing people escaping the flames near their homes. >> it was just something out of a science fiction movie. >> four firefighters have been injured battling this fire. so far it is only 15% contained. now your nbc 10 first alert weather with meteorologist sheena parveen. >> more beautiful weather in our forecast, especially as we go into your evening, but it's also getting warmer outside. today was a little warmer than it was yesterday. we're right around 80 degrees for most of the area and it's going to keep warming up as we go into tomorrow. sunshine for several days all the way into your weekend, but over the weekend we'll see some changes. another cool down coming mostly for the second half of the weekend just in time for the eagles games sunday. right now here's a live look at cape may, not one cloud in the sky. this is how it looked across the area all day today. we started with the cool temperatures and now we're ending with comfortable conditions. most of the area has been in the low 80s but temperatures are dropping into the 70s for some. 79 pottstown and westchester, 81 degrees in allentown right now and much of south jersey and delaware in the low 80s. yesterday at this time, though, we were in the 70s. we're starting to warm up a bit. tomorrow will be a little warmer than today. that's going to continue into the weekend. so take a look at our temperature trend, the average high is 78 degrees. yesterday we were around 77. today so far 82. tomorrow mid 80s. same thing as we end out the week. over the weekend you might notice more in the way of humidity. nice and dry on the radar, really no clouds anywhere close by, so we really don't expect the clouds as we go through the end of the week. you have to look down to the south to see any clouds and rain, and that's going to stay to our south. a lot of dry air still on its way in as we go even through the end of the week, so this is what's happening, this is why we're so dry. big area of high pressure right over us, and as we go through the next few days here, just kind of meander around the northeast, so that's going to keep us dry and sunny. by friday, slowly moving offshore, but still sunny as we end out the week. then we go into saturday. little more humidity ahead of a cold front, so you might notice that the cold front moves through, we don't expect really any rain with it. it's going to be a dry cold front, but you might notice more clouds over part of your weekend. sunday cooler and breezy, another area of high pressure moves, keeping us dry into next week and looks good for the eagles game so far for sunday. tonight nice conditions, 53 for the low in allentown, 54 reading. philadelphia, some of the suburbs in new jersey, millville could get down to the mid 50s. tomorrow, sunny day, warmer than today, temperatures in the mid 80s and low humidity again. thursday and friday looking pretty much like today and tomorrow, except those temperatures going up a bit. for saturday, nice, little bit more humidity. sunday dropping down to around 80 degrees, then we drop down to the upper 70s starting next week. to decision 2016, with just 24 hours until the next republican presidential debate, candidates are making last minute preppreparations. >> edward lawrence is in washington with more on what we can expect. >> reporter: donald trump received a texas-sized welcome at a rally in dallas. >> so, the debate. i hear they are all going after me. whatever. >> reporter: in true trump fashion, he didn't hold back. >> i like carly. and i like ben, and i like many of the people that i'm running against, but nobody's going to be able to do the job that i'm going to do. >> reporter: outside, protesters clash with trump supporters over his immigration plan. >> i probably identify more as a democrat. >> reporter: more pushback is coming from within the republican party. a new ad from club for growth in iowa questions trump's loyalty as a conservative. >> he's really just playing us for chumps. trump, just another politician. >> reporter: still, trump continues to climb in the polls, up to 27%. along with the other non-career politicians, ben carson and carly fiorina. the largest gain since july belongs to carson, now at 23%. >> i think he's almost like so soft spoken that part of me doesn't really feel like he's sort of the commander in chief type of persona. with that being said, i think ben carson is the less radioactive version of trump. >> reporter: jeb bush's support fell from 13% to 6%. they are all looking forward to the debate to try and step out from trump's shadow and grab the spotlight. the candidates will literally inches from each other on stage because of limited space. political analysts expect some of them to try and make a mark and outtrump donald trump. edward lawrence, nbc news, washington. police called it a brutal hazing ritual that led to a student's death in the poconos. now members of a college fraternity are facing charges in his death. next on nbc 10 news at 5:00, users have wanted it for years. the new feature that facebook is adding to your page. this is nbc 10 news. >> tis the season for holiday hiring. ups has announced plans to bring on up to 95,000 seasonal workers. the company says they will hire package handlers and drivers to work full and part-time shifts from november to january. ups says the seasonal work could translate into a permanent role in some cases. all applications must be submitted online. it's a feature facebook users have been asking for for years. >> and now founder mark zuckerberg confirms the social networking site is working on a dislike button. zuckerberg made the announcement today, says making a dislike button has been complicated because he doesn't want facebook to be a forum where friends vote up and down each other's posts, instead wants the feature to allow users to express empathy with friends. target's getting into the online grocery delivery business, teaming up with instacart to test a delivery service in minneapolis. shoppers are able to order perishables, as well as household, pet, and baby products online and have them delivered to their home. target says if the test goes well it may expand the service to other stores around the country. you won't have to leave home at all. >> no, you won't. well, for the last year and a half nbc 10 has followed the criminal case against a former colin police officer. he was first charged with stalking and harassment, now murder. >> prosecutors have decided if he'll face the death penalty. we'll have that update straight ahead. then all new at nbc 10 news at 6:00 -- >> eyesore or an accident waiting to happen? folks at the jersey shore say this sunken boat is both. >> it just looks bad, people get alarmed. >> reporter: all new at 6:00, i'm finding out where the boat's been sitting like this for weeks. (plays throughout) ♪ sometimes, at last doesn't happen at first. ♪ ♪ your dad just kissed my mom. ♪ turning two worlds into one takes love. ♪ helping protect that world takes state farm. this is nbc 10 news. >> police officer accused of murder and now he could face the death penalty. nbc 10 has been reporting on criminal charge against the former officer for over a year. started with stalking and harassment. >> now he's accused of killing his ex-girlfriend. we just got an update from prosecutors. nbc 10's doug shimell joins us live with the details. doug? >> reporter: well, you know, there's no disputing that the killi ining was horrific, but prosecutors are now willing to go to battle with the governor of pennsylvania in order to get capital punishment for the accused killer. >> we intend to proceed with the death penalty in this case. >> reporter: he knows the governor declared a moratorium on capital punishment in pennsylvania. >> although we highly respect the office of the governor and we highly respect the opinions of the sitting governor, governor wolf, what he has done is unconstitutional. >> reporter: but delaware county's d.a. wants former police officer to face lethal injection for the killing of his ex-girlfriend and the wounding of her 15-year-old daughter last december. investigators say he kicked in the door at murrow's home and began shooting as retaliation after getting a protection order against him, then he used his police radio to call for an ambulance. >> he said, i am the actor, indicating that he was the perpetrator, that he was the shooter, that he acted with this specific intent to kill. >> reporter: valerie murrow's 15-year-old daughter was in court today for the arraignment to face down the man accused of killing her mother. live in media, i'm doug shimell, nbc 10 news. >> as we mentioned, the nbc 10 investigators have been looking into the officer for a year and a half. back in april 2014, nbc 10's harry hairston was first to report he faced 75 counts of stalking and harassing his ex-fiance. several other women also told the investigators they were victims, as well, and nbc 10 uncovered other records that showed a pattern of harassment complaints going back ten years. we continue to follow a breaking traffic situation along the schuylkill expressway. a deadly crash has the westbound lanes just crawling. the crash is at the exit for route 1. sky force 10 was over the scene about an hour ago. we learned a woman has been killed and the exit along 76 west is still shut down. that's led to a major backup on 76. >> take a look at that backup now from one of our traffic cameras here from penn dot and you see it still exists, as we said, this all started right at the start of rush hour, so anybody who has to use the westbound schuylkill expressway is going to be delayed getting to their destination, getting home or wherever they need to go. again, looking at this live shot, route 1 still shut down on westbound 76 because of this deadly accident. right now at 5:00, arrests in the hazing death of a college student in the poconos nearly two years ago. authorities say fraternity members abused the student, then tried to cover it up as he lay dying. michael deng was a freshman in new york city, he was pledging a fraternity when he lost consciousness. during a hazing ritual at a rental house in the poconos. a report on today's arrests. >> he was singled out and he was treated harsher than the other pledges. >> reporter: authorities say college freshman michael deng was tormented by his own fraternity brothers during a pledge weekend at this pocono cabin two years ago. the pledge died during a hazing ritual so extreme five fraternity members have now been arrested and 32 more are expected. the charges ranging from hazing to murder. >> it would take hundreds of pounds of impulsive loads and/or hundreds of g forces in order to cause the damage to the interior of the brain. >> reporter: deng took part in a ritual known as the glass ceiling, while blindfolded and carrying a back pack filled can sand, he tried to run across the field. >> sad what happened, but he knew what they were going to do to him. >> reporter: no one could have predicted what police say happened next. they say deng's fraternity brothers waited an hour to call for help. some allegedly hiding their cell phones from police. >> just because they are students, i don't think the people and the teachers should be lenient. >> reporter: mo disagrees, the attorney for one of the students charged with hazing. >> should not be charged. i think there should be a clear distinction of who is more culpable. >> reporter: baruch college has permanently banned the fraternity from campus. many hope the tragedy is a lesson in humanity. >> i would like to think something good can come out of this. >> that was nbc reporting. also tonight, an expensive upgrade on the way for aging gas lines throughout new jersey. a $905 million agreement with the state today, the company will use the money to replace 510 miles of gas mains and 38,000 service lines in new jersey. the work's expected to take about three years. east camden is going solar. pse&g volunteers were there to outfit homes with solar panels, the efforts courtesy of a nonprofit partnership between solar install grid alternatives and neighbor works america. >> they are going to start with ten houses, six in the next few weeks, four more in the spring, then be able to do more in camden. >> once the project is complete, the homes will be sold to low income families. it's about to cost more to drive over two bridges heading out of new jersey. right now most drivers pay $2 to cross the bridges, but starting at 10:00 tonight that fare will increase to $3 for drivers with ez-pass and $4 for those who pay cash. the burlington county bridge commission says the higher tolls are needed to help fund improvements. here's some better news for drivers, gas prices have been going down around the country. experts say they are going to get even lower. eagles all day, baby. all day long, baby. eagles! >> that was the kind of excitement we saw from fans before last night's eagles game, so how is that guy reacting today after last night's disappointing loss to the falcons? this is nbc 10 news. >> fans had so much hope going into last night's eagles opener, but they woke up this morning disappointed. >> eagles fell, of course, to the falcons in game one. tim furlong caught up with fans again today to see if they still have some hope for their hometown team. >> eagles all day, baby. all day long, baby. >> reporter: remember this guy yesterday in his big prediction for the eagles? >> we're going to win by 21, easy. >> reporter: well, he was wrong. >> bradford -- no! >> reporter: when that kick sailed right, our hopes for a win went with it. he remembers his pregame bluster. >> yeah, i was talking. >> reporter: in wilmington you hear it over the sound of the clippers. the post game whining, i'm doing it, too. >> did not like that game at all. >> reporter: he cuts a bunch of the eagles players hair, including byron maxwell. he better be a good tipper, he wasn't a good quarterback last night. >> you're killing me right now. >> reporter: the people who live in this north wilmington home are happy, they are still in atlanta, their son played for concord high school, then the university of delaware, now he's a linebacker for the falcons. he led his team in tackles against his hometown eagles. his high school coach says falcon or not, paul's a good dude. >> almost surreal when you're watching one of your own kids you know well and watched grow up and now watching them in the nfl. it's -- it makes us all proud. >> reporter: last night paul and his buds made us eagles fans pretty miserable. tim furlong, nbc 10 news. >> the eagles will have a shot at redemption when they face the cowboys at home. sure you'll feel better if you walk outside. plenty of sunshine in the forecast. some changes as we go into part of your weekend. i'll show you that with the seven day coming up. plus, tragedy in houston. what led to this school bus crash that left two students dead. this is nbc 10 news. >> two high school students are dead and three other people were seriously hurt after a school bus accident in southeast houston. authorities say the bus was carrying students to high school when it was struck by a swerving car. the bus driver then overcorrected, flipping the bus over a freeway overpass and landing on the road below. two other students and the bus driver were taken to the hospital for treatment. >> came up about 50 miles an hour, nose first. when it hit the ground, it started flipping and when it flipped, it flattened the back of it. >> the driver of the swerving car has been detained for questioning. no charges have been filed at this time. the gunman accused of killing a fellow professor on a mississippi college campus is now dead. investigators say delta state university instructor shannon lamb shot and killed himself last night after officers who were following him saw him run into the woods. police believe lamb killed his girlfriend 300 miles away from the delta state campus monday morning, before he killed professor ethan schmidt. a vigil is planned for tonight to remember schmidt. a judge today ordered a mental evaluation for a florida man charged in a failed plot to bomb a 9/11 memorial. they say goldburg told an informant how to build a bomb and he suggested targeting a september 11th ceremony in kansas city. goldburg faces up to 20 years in prison. a surge of refugees now stuck at hungary's border with serbia while a future to the crisis is in just as much as a log jam. with countries starting border checks to try to slow the flow of refugees. richard engel has a warning from hungary's prime minister. >> reporter: hungary today promised to tighten its border to stop the flow of refugees and migrants and has dramatically increased security along the border with serbia. >> last two days there have been over 10,000 people coming from serbia into hungary on a daily basis. the number has slowed down today. >> reporter: it built new sections of a fence and then most dramatically it deployed riot police and soldiers and stopped to a large degree the flow of the refugees and migrants. what it is doing right now is channelling all the people who want to get into hungary through this very small gate. hungarian officials are still allowing people in, but allowing them in a few at a time. five, ten at a time, nothing like the thousands, several thousands we were seeing flowing into hungary a day over the last several weeks. what the country is doing is what other countries in europe now are doing, as well, is trying to slow down the flow of migrants, setting up dams in this river of people who are heading to germany, heading to sweden, passing through countries like hungary. other countries are going to be following hungary's lead, it seems. already the austrian government has increased security checks, germany is increasing security checks, so the idea of a borderless europe where people can move without restriction seems to be breaking down. richard engel, nbc news on the hungarian-serbian border. >> nbc nightly news with lester holt will have the latest on this growing migrant crisis coming up on nbc 10 at 6:30. now your nbc 10 first alert weather with meteorologist sheena parveen. >> and certainly not a bad day to be out on the water. light winds here, we found this kayaker doing her thing on cape may harbor, beautiful skies today and there you see, obviously, not struggling. the winds much lighter today than yesterday, making for great water conditions for anyone able to get out there and temperatures warmer today, too. low 80s compared to about the mid to upper 70s yesterday. we'll keep getting warmer tomorrow, about the mid 80s, but the sunshine is staying in the forecast for several days, all the way into the weekend, and the humidity is staying low, too. it's going to stay pretty perfect to end out the week. over the weekend, we'll have another cooldown, so cooler air will be moving in just in time for the eagles game sunday. here's a live look outside right now, we're around the art museum, river, clear skies through tonight, so another very pleasant evening for you. philadelphia coming in at 82 degrees now, lots of sunshine, feels more like 80 degrees with that low humidity and that light breeze out there. temperatures through the eastern half of the country very comfortable, upper 70s to low 80s. then we get into the middle of the country where we see hotter temperatures, but we're staying on the very comfortable side as we go through pretty much the end of this week. locally we're in about the upper 70s for pottstown, 81 allentown and reading. 80 degrees northeast philly, 82 in dover and atlantic city, so everyone's ending out the day with very comfortable conditions and as we go through the rest of your evening it's going to stay that way. 6:00 p.m. sunny skies, 8:00 p.m., cool and dry. 10:00 tonight we should be getting around 70 degrees for most of the area, some of you will be in the 60s. live look at the satellite and radar, no clouds around, no rain. we're under a very dry air mass and this is going to stick around for the next several days until the weekend, but we're still going to stay on the dry side. big area of high pressure keeping us dry. it's going to stick around through the end of the week. we'll have a cold front move through over the weekend, it's not going to provide us with rain but will cool us down sunday. the closest rain we have is in florida and all that is going to stay to our south. we don't expect any rain to be moving in any time soon. not in the next seven days at least. take a look at tomorrow morning's low temperatures, maybe not as cool as this morning, but still comfortable and some areas cool when you wake up. 52 allentown, 52 in reading. doylestown mid to upper 50s. trenton, northeast philly. for some of our suburbs, mid 50s tomorrow morning. 63 atlantic city and cape may and around the philadelphia area, morning lows should be right around 60 degrees or in the low 60s. tomorrow another really nice day, sunny, pretty perfect, low humidity, but a bit warmer than today. we'll be right around the mid 80s as we go through tomorrow afternoon. today most of the area got to around 80 degrees. the mid 80s continue thursday and friday. lots of sunshine, humidity stays low until we get to saturday, you'll notice the humidity increasing a bit, more clouds as we go into sunday possibly, but that's because of the cold front moving through. it is going to be breezy sunday, too. cooler temperatures, highs around 80 degrees and going into next week, morning lows back in the 50s. afternoon highs possibly just in the 70s, feeling more like fall again. e-cigarettes are now banned in all national parks and places people can't smoke. the health effects are still being investigated, but the national parks service decided to ban their use everywhere where tobacco is prohibited. from our delaware bureau, people could soon have more opportunities to enjoy a popular park in newcastle county. the division of parks and recreation is considering longer trail hours at white clay creek state park. the proposed changes would include additional trail use in the fall, winter, and spring. there will be an open house to get public input at the park next wednesday night from 4:00 to 8:00 p.m. you know what that music means. don't forget to vote for our high school football game of the week. west catholic at haverford, cherokee at timber creek. cast your vote at or call or text your vote to 610-624-4111. voting closes thursday, then we'll announce the winner thursday night on nbc 10 news at 11:00. and still ahead on nbc 10 news at 6:00, the big boost for the please touch museum just days after the popular kids attraction filed for bankruptcy. this is nbc 10 news. >> still plummeting at the pump. gas prices have now fallen for 29 straight days. the national average for a gallon of regular unleaded stands at $2.32. that's down 3% from last week and 13% less than a month ago. >> according to aaa, philadelphia drivers are paying an average of $2.41 a gallon, in delaware drivers are shelling out $2.26 and in south jersey the average is $2.00 even. >> as nbc's brian thompson reports, all signs go to prices going even lower. >> you always look for the cheapest price? >> i try to, yes. >> reporter: stephanie patrick found the cheapest price here at this raceway in edison $1.73 a gallon, two cents less than just off route one, and for larry john, all the difference in the world and his wallet. >> you can always get a full tank of gas, every two cents adds up. >> reporter: you're going to the cheapest? >> i'm going for the cheapest. >> reporter: there are a lot of reasons for the drop, as drilling in the u.s. has produced a gusher of extra oil, but there's also the switch from summer gas blend mandated because of hot weather pollution. >> the cost to produce winter gasoline is about eight cents to 12 cents a gallon less than summer blend. >> reporter: the price of gas here at this station is just about half the price of milk. so as the price drops to the lowest in the state, motorists line up, as long as ten minutes to get to the pump. is it worth the wait? >> yeah, cheapest gas around. >> reporter: prices are going down all over, this is in connecticut and seems likely they'll keep going down, unless -- >> unless there's any kind of a storm that takes out refineries or any kind of a geopolitical activities that creates consternation with the speculation in the financial markets. >> reporter: i asked prices elsewhere from facebook friends, this is the lowest in new jersey. if you ask the experts if prices will go down more or up, the answer is usually, yes. in edison, brian thompson, nbc 10 news. coming up next at 6:00, plotting an attack during the pope's visit. new details about a south jersey teen's arrest and who authorities say he was talking to online. sheena? >> cooler temperatures, but it's going to get warmer in my first alert forecast. that's next. plus, new at 6:00, check this out, a boat almost underwater. why so many people are upset down the shore next on nbc 10 news at 6:00. i'm michael douglas, and new york is my home. there's no place like it in the world. and there's no time to see it like the fall. take metro north to take in the beautiful fall foliage from high above the hudson. swing a club at one of america's greatest courses... see spectacular sights underground... ...or thrilling sights above it. there's so many incredible ways to experience the fun of fall in new york state. plan your trip at there's something for everyone. nbc 10 news starts now. >> right now at 6:00, a threat on the pope and a link to isis. tonight what investigators say a 15-year-old boy in camden county allegedly wanted to do next week when the pope arrived in the u.s. good evening, everyone, i'm jim rosenfield. the arrest happened a month ago but we're just learning about the plot today. the teen posted threats online. lauren mayk is joining us outside the cathedral basilica of saints peter and paul, where as we know security remains high for next week's papal visit. lauren? >> reporter: that's right. this is exactly the kind of thing that law enforcement are looking for right now. we have learned that this 15-year-old boy was arrested last month, he is from camden county, which is really not that far from where we are right now. the pope will visit in less than two weeks. he'll be surrounded by crowds in philadelphia, washington, and new york. now word the pope was a target. >> somebody somewhere is going to have some thoughts. they might express them. you have to take some of the expressions more serious than others. >> reporter: a camden county teenager is accused of planning an isis inspired attack during the pope's u.s. visit. law enforcement were alerted to a plot against a foreign dignitary involving explosives, firearms, and multiple attackers. a source familiar with the case tells nbc news the teen was looking online at isis material and communicating online with people overseas. likely didn't have the resources to carry out an attack. >> the key here is to separate an individual who might be aspirational from one that's operational, that has intent and willingness and ability to do something. >> reporter: how do you do that? >> it's good intelligence, it's good law enforcement. >> reporter: jack thomas is former principal deputy under secretary of homeland security. >> the one issue that always got our concern and made us probably a little bit more anxious than others was the lone wolf terrorist. >> reporter: he tells me he's not surprised this surfaced with a high profile event, one philadelphia's mayor says will be safe. >> people should be happy, joyful, it should be a safe and accessible and spiritual event here in philadelphia and i'm sure i

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Camden County , New Jersey , United States , Millville , Pennsylvania , Delaware County , Ocean County , Chester County , Delaware , California , Austria , Washington , District Of Columbia , Serbia , Connecticut , Arizona , Dover , Atlantic City , Iowa , Allentown , Trenton , Jersey , Cape May , East Camden , New York , Center City , Texas , Germany , Cape May Harbor , Philadelphia , Florida , Colorado City , Virginia , Melbourne , Victoria , Australia , Hilldale , Rodney Square , Hungary , Sweden , Houston , Westchester , Dallas , Utah , Pottstown , Newcastle County , America , Austrian , Hungarian , Michael Nutter , Jim Rosenfield , Brian Thompson , Ben Carson , Sheena Parveen , Tom Carper , Warren Jeffs , Chris Coons , Stephanie Patrick , Thomas Cottingham , Jeb Bush , Richard Engel , Ethan Schmidt , Lester Holt , Larry John , Valerie Murrow , Michael Deng , Jack Thomas , James Paul Myers , Carly Fiorina , Sam Bradford , Michael Douglas , Byron Maxwell , Harry Hairston , Edward Lawrence , John Clark ,

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Transcripts For WCAU NBC10 News At 5pm 20150915 :

Transcripts For WCAU NBC10 News At 5pm 20150915

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nbc 10 news. >> this afternoon, wilmington's mayor is offering his thoughts. he tells nbc 10, "i give my condolences to both the family and loved ones of thomas cottingham and pray they find solace and sprentrength in know he was a hero." we're following a breaking traffic situation this afternoon along the schuylkill expressway. >> a deadly crash has the westbound lanes crawling right now. the crash is at the exit for route 1. sky force 10 was over the scene just about an hour ago. we have learned a woman has been killed in this crash and the route 1 exit along 76 west is still shut down, and that has led to a major backup on 76. right now at 5:00, a gas leak ignites and leaves a south jersey building in ruins. witnesses captured the flames on their smartphones and sent the images to nbc 10. sky force 10 also getting a look at the damage from above. >> nbc 10 south jersey reporter live at the scene. somehow no one was hurt in all of this. do investigators know how this gas leak started? >> reporter: jacqueline and jim, the judge who owns this building was away on business in california and a tenant escapes narrowly with 90 minutes. police tell us that construction crews have been working on a project out here likely nicked a line and that forced the gas to fill up in the basement and perhaps a pilot light forced the explosion and fire. right now the gas company is investigating. demolition crews worked to tear down the shell of the gutted law office that intense flames ripped apart at 8:00 tuesday morning. just an hour and a half after frank survay left for work. witnesses sent us these cell phone videos of the fiery explosion. one neighbor usually doing yardwork next door, this morning he went for coffee and returned to feel the heat. >> full house full of flames. >> reporter: his siding melted off and some of his windows shattered by the explosion. >> house on the other side, nothing happened. it was all coming this way. >> reporter: you could see the destruction from sky force 10. down the street, mark says burnt insulation rained down on his home ten minutes ahead of the flames, precisely when a secretary to the judge who owned the building was pulling up for work. >> what happened if she was sitting in a chair? that's pretty scary. >> couldn't get the gas shut off. i guess that was just feeding it. >> reporter: police say the explosion shook their headquarters. kline construction was installed, police believe they cut a line that fed to the home's basement. >> at that point we knew there was another gas line opened, so we evacuated everything around the area here in case there was another explosion. >> that's one of those things that can't happen, you know? until it does. >> it's all surreal. >> reporter: heart breaking, too, right? >> definitely is. >> reporter: and police tell me two other times this summer fire crews were called to this stretch of broadway but able to quickly cap small leaks on this ongoing gas renewal project, which is right now tentively on hold. south jersey gas tells me it would be premature to comment on what went wrong until their investigation is complete. live in pensville, nbc 10 news. >> some background here, this is the third building destroyed in a gas explosion in our region this year. you might remember some of the video we're going to show you from a police officer's dashboard camera. hard to forget this, captured the explosion that leveled the ocean county home in late february. someone reported a gas leak before the explosion, so police had already evacuated dozens of homes in the area. 15 gas workers, firefighters, and emts were injured. less than a week later another home in ocean county exploded after the owner turned on his bathroom light and ignited gas fumes in his home. the man was severely burned but no one else was hurt. both homes were customers of new jersey natural gas. the company urges anyone who smells gas to immediately leave the building. once you're a safe distance away, call the company to report the leak. do not use a land line phone, because that could spark the gas. right now at 5:00, fire investigators in philadelphia are still working to figure out what sparked a center city construction site fire early this morning. by this afternoon, our cameras got a look at the damage left behind. the remains of the construction site to build a bar and restaurant, but a little after 4:00 this morning, neighbors noticed the flames and rushed to warn those closer to the danger. >> i looked out my window and saw it was a small fire when i saw it, and i called 911 and ran out trying to figure out how to contact people there, because they are all asleep. >> residents on the lower floors of two neighboring apartment buildings may be out of their homes for a better part of a week as crews work to repair the damage. we have new information this afternoon on an isis-inspired plot against pope francis during his upcoming visit to the u.s. nbc news has confirmed a south jersey teenager is under arrest in the foiled attack. rosemary connors is live with a look at what we've learned. rosemary? >> jim, that suspect is 15 years old. sources tell nbc news he possibly suffers from a mental disorder and that he had been living in a tent in the backyard of his family's house in camden county. authorities say that the boy had a plan, a detailed plan, to attack the pope while he's in the u.s. later this month, and it included several people, guns, and explosives. but authorities don't believe that the teen had access to resources like money and materials. nevertheless, they say he reviewed isis material on the internet and he made contact with people overseas. we spoke to philadelphia's mayor michael nutter. he tells us that this arrest is a sign that law enforcement efforts are working. >> 9/11 changed everything in the united states, if not in the world, and we all have to just think about things in a very, very different way than we did, you know, maybe 15 years ago, and it's just our reality. >> authorities considered not charging the teen because of his age and his mental state, but because the threat involved the pope, they decided to move forward with the charges. we also reached out to the fbi's office in philadelphia, they are not commenting on this matter, but they have assured us that their agents are working with the secret service and other authorities in advance of the papal visit. reporting from the digital operations center, i'm rosemary connors, nbc 10 news, back to you. >> all right, a week from now pope francis will be in the united states. the pope arrives in washington, d.c. next tuesday at 4:00. he'll be there for several days before he heads to new york, then philadelphia. crews were hard at work in the nation's capital today setting up riser platforms outside the basilica of the national shrine ahead of the pope's mass there next wednesday. and if you don't want to wait for the pope's arrival in philadelphia, you might be able to attend one of his events in the nation's capital. pope francis scheduled to attend a joint meeting of congress september 24th, and delaware senators tom carper and chris coons are offering a limited number of tickets to watch the live broadcast of that event in d.c. you can go to their websites for more information. by the way, several other lawmakers from the region are doing the same, so check with your local congressman's office to see if they are also offering tickets. no jail time for a chester county man accused of beating and injecting a kitten with heroin. last summer police rescued the then-8-week-old kitten. officials say it had a rope around its neck and trauma to its head. the kitten was taken to hope veterinary clinic in melbourne where doctors determined it had been injected with heroin. he's since made a full recovery and found a new home. james paul myers was charged and sentenced to one year probation and community service. the budget battle in pennsylvania is affecting many throughout the state, including thousands of foster children. today, a child welfare advocacy group filed a lawsuit asking for a court to release money for the children. the money is needed to keep services running for about 15,000 kids. pennsylvania's new budget year began july 1st and the 11-week-old budget stalemate has been a contentious fight for the governor. the administration says the state cannot make child county welfare payments until a budget is approved andsñ today wolf sa he'd only sign a stopgap spending plan if he has a general agreement with lawmakers, going on to say it will take some time to get the details in place and he won't sign a stopgap plan that's an alternative to the budget. a police officer accused of murder and now he could face the death penalty. we just got an update from prosecutors and we'll hear from them coming up. also, parts of utah under water. this flash flooding is already led to numerous deaths. now a closer look at the damage left behind. another cool night for the area but a warmup before the week is over and changes for part of the weekend. those details coming up. this is nbc 10 news. >> we continue with a live look from nbc 10's exclusive eagles nest camera. in just five days the birds will take on the cowboys, but today fans are still reeling over last night ice disappointing loss to the falcons and people have a lot of opinions over just what went wrong. john clark from comcast sportsnet joining us live. >> they lose, people have plenty of opinions about how they could do it better. john, what do you think? >> reporter: yeah, you're right. a little bit of a tuesday hangover from the monday night loss. very frustrating loss, and if i would have told you going into the season opener that the new free agent running backs that the eagles got would combine for 11 carries and just 13 yards you would say no way, impossible, but that's what happened, so of course they have to get the running game going against the cowboys and a big concern with the secondary. let's look how the falcons sealed it last night, the win, sam bradford intercepted with under 2:00 left. the ball went right through the hands of jordan matthews. of course, right before that the eagles missed a field goal and after the game sam bradford had an x-ray, but he says it was just for precautionary reasons. he says he is okay, chip kelly says today that sam is okay, and next sunday against the cowboys sam bradford hopes they can start off the game the way they played in the second half last night, because the first half was unacceptable. >> you know, i think we killed ourselves. too many negative plays, you know, i wasn't good enough in the pass game to get us going. then penalties. you know, just seems like we kept putting ourselves behind the sticks in the first half. >> reporter: and remember, sam hadn't played a game in 22 months, so maybe a little bit of rust. how about the new $63 million cornerback, byron maxwell, he gave up ten catches for 179 yards last night. what was the problem? we'll hear from him coming up at 6:00. i'm john clark live at trump national golf club in pinehill, new jersey, for ed snyder's youth hockey foundation dinner. that at 6:00,we as well, see yo then. >> they've got some work to do, thanks. >> they have time to fix the problems. thanks, john. even when the eagles games aren't on nbc 10, we'll still bring you exclusive coverage you can't get anywhere else, join us for our pre and post game shows for analysis and interviews with players and coach chip kelly. there's a vehicle! oh, no! there's two vehicles. >> coming up at 5:00, new cell phone video showing cars washed away by flood waters in utah. look at this, right now at 5:00 the search for five people missing in the waters, at least six others are dead. this flooding has ravaged a small religious community along the utah-arizona border. nbc brings us up to date. >> reporter: the small utah town woke up to tragedy this morning after an intense storm monday afternoon triggered flash floods and mudslides. >> there's two vehicles! >> reporter: virginia black watched the wall of water sweep the cars down the channel. >> there goes a van. oh, my gosh. it went over the fence. >> terrifying to me. you just realize the ground that we thought was all safe wasn't, we weren't safe here anymore. >> reporter: today, the bull dozers removing debris and the reality of the destruction left behind. >> hurts my heart hearing about all these people. >> reporter: the pair of vehicles with 16 people onboard was swept 100 yards away into a channel, killing at least nine, several people are still missing. >> in certain areas it's really boggy, three or four feet deep in sand, you know, i mean -- that's how deep it is. >> reporter: the national weather service issued a flash flood warning for the area along the utah-arizona border. forecasters estimate two and a half inches of rain fell in just two hours. the area, already saturated from recent rain, is struggling to recover. hilldale and its sister city of colorado city, arizona, are home to a religious sect once controlled by warren jeffs, who's serving a life sentence for child sexual assault. dan schenamen, nbc news. right now, the fight against the deadly wildfires in california continues. thousands of firefighters are working 24 hours a day while 23,000 people are hoping that their homes haven't burned down. one woman has been killed in her house. 600 homes and buildings destroyed and another 9,000 are now threatened. videos like this one keep surfacing showing people escaping the flames near their homes. >> it was just something out of a science fiction movie. >> four firefighters have been injured battling this fire. so far it is only 15% contained. now your nbc 10 first alert weather with meteorologist sheena parveen. >> more beautiful weather in our forecast, especially as we go into your evening, but it's also getting warmer outside. today was a little warmer than it was yesterday. we're right around 80 degrees for most of the area and it's going to keep warming up as we go into tomorrow. sunshine for several days all the way into your weekend, but over the weekend we'll see some changes. another cool down coming mostly for the second half of the weekend just in time for the eagles games sunday. right now here's a live look at cape may, not one cloud in the sky. this is how it looked across the area all day today. we started with the cool temperatures and now we're ending with comfortable conditions. most of the area has been in the low 80s but temperatures are dropping into the 70s for some. 79 pottstown and westchester, 81 degrees in allentown right now and much of south jersey and delaware in the low 80s. yesterday at this time, though, we were in the 70s. we're starting to warm up a bit. tomorrow will be a little warmer than today. that's going to continue into the weekend. so take a look at our temperature trend, the average high is 78 degrees. yesterday we were around 77. today so far 82. tomorrow mid 80s. same thing as we end out the week. over the weekend you might notice more in the way of humidity. nice and dry on the radar, really no clouds anywhere close by, so we really don't expect the clouds as we go through the end of the week. you have to look down to the south to see any clouds and rain, and that's going to stay to our south. a lot of dry air still on its way in as we go even through the end of the week, so this is what's happening, this is why we're so dry. big area of high pressure right over us, and as we go through the next few days here, just kind of meander around the northeast, so that's going to keep us dry and sunny. by friday, slowly moving offshore, but still sunny as we end out the week. then we go into saturday. little more humidity ahead of a cold front, so you might notice that the cold front moves through, we don't expect really any rain with it. it's going to be a dry cold front, but you might notice more clouds over part of your weekend. sunday cooler and breezy, another area of high pressure moves, keeping us dry into next week and looks good for the eagles game so far for sunday. tonight nice conditions, 53 for the low in allentown, 54 reading. philadelphia, some of the suburbs in new jersey, millville could get down to the mid 50s. tomorrow, sunny day, warmer than today, temperatures in the mid 80s and low humidity again. thursday and friday looking pretty much like today and tomorrow, except those temperatures going up a bit. for saturday, nice, little bit more humidity. sunday dropping down to around 80 degrees, then we drop down to the upper 70s starting next week. to decision 2016, with just 24 hours until the next republican presidential debate, candidates are making last minute preppreparations. >> edward lawrence is in washington with more on what we can expect. >> reporter: donald trump received a texas-sized welcome at a rally in dallas. >> so, the debate. i hear they are all going after me. whatever. >> reporter: in true trump fashion, he didn't hold back. >> i like carly. and i like ben, and i like many of the people that i'm running against, but nobody's going to be able to do the job that i'm going to do. >> reporter: outside, protesters clash with trump supporters over his immigration plan. >> i probably identify more as a democrat. >> reporter: more pushback is coming from within the republican party. a new ad from club for growth in iowa questions trump's loyalty as a conservative. >> he's really just playing us for chumps. trump, just another politician. >> reporter: still, trump continues to climb in the polls, up to 27%. along with the other non-career politicians, ben carson and carly fiorina. the largest gain since july belongs to carson, now at 23%. >> i think he's almost like so soft spoken that part of me doesn't really feel like he's sort of the commander in chief type of persona. with that being said, i think ben carson is the less radioactive version of trump. >> reporter: jeb bush's support fell from 13% to 6%. they are all looking forward to the debate to try and step out from trump's shadow and grab the spotlight. the candidates will literally inches from each other on stage because of limited space. political analysts expect some of them to try and make a mark and outtrump donald trump. edward lawrence, nbc news, washington. police called it a brutal hazing ritual that led to a student's death in the poconos. now members of a college fraternity are facing charges in his death. next on nbc 10 news at 5:00, users have wanted it for years. the new feature that facebook is adding to your page. this is nbc 10 news. >> tis the season for holiday hiring. ups has announced plans to bring on up to 95,000 seasonal workers. the company says they will hire package handlers and drivers to work full and part-time shifts from november to january. ups says the seasonal work could translate into a permanent role in some cases. all applications must be submitted online. it's a feature facebook users have been asking for for years. >> and now founder mark zuckerberg confirms the social networking site is working on a dislike button. zuckerberg made the announcement today, says making a dislike button has been complicated because he doesn't want facebook to be a forum where friends vote up and down each other's posts, instead wants the feature to allow users to express empathy with friends. target's getting into the online grocery delivery business, teaming up with instacart to test a delivery service in minneapolis. shoppers are able to order perishables, as well as household, pet, and baby products online and have them delivered to their home. target says if the test goes well it may expand the service to other stores around the country. you won't have to leave home at all. >> no, you won't. well, for the last year and a half nbc 10 has followed the criminal case against a former colin police officer. he was first charged with stalking and harassment, now murder. >> prosecutors have decided if he'll face the death penalty. we'll have that update straight ahead. then all new at nbc 10 news at 6:00 -- >> eyesore or an accident waiting to happen? folks at the jersey shore say this sunken boat is both. >> it just looks bad, people get alarmed. >> reporter: all new at 6:00, i'm finding out where the boat's been sitting like this for weeks. (plays throughout) ♪ sometimes, at last doesn't happen at first. ♪ ♪ your dad just kissed my mom. ♪ turning two worlds into one takes love. ♪ helping protect that world takes state farm. this is nbc 10 news. >> police officer accused of murder and now he could face the death penalty. nbc 10 has been reporting on criminal charge against the former officer for over a year. started with stalking and harassment. >> now he's accused of killing his ex-girlfriend. we just got an update from prosecutors. nbc 10's doug shimell joins us live with the details. doug? >> reporter: well, you know, there's no disputing that the killi ining was horrific, but prosecutors are now willing to go to battle with the governor of pennsylvania in order to get capital punishment for the accused killer. >> we intend to proceed with the death penalty in this case. >> reporter: he knows the governor declared a moratorium on capital punishment in pennsylvania. >> although we highly respect the office of the governor and we highly respect the opinions of the sitting governor, governor wolf, what he has done is unconstitutional. >> reporter: but delaware county's d.a. wants former police officer to face lethal injection for the killing of his ex-girlfriend and the wounding of her 15-year-old daughter last december. investigators say he kicked in the door at murrow's home and began shooting as retaliation after getting a protection order against him, then he used his police radio to call for an ambulance. >> he said, i am the actor, indicating that he was the perpetrator, that he was the shooter, that he acted with this specific intent to kill. >> reporter: valerie murrow's 15-year-old daughter was in court today for the arraignment to face down the man accused of killing her mother. live in media, i'm doug shimell, nbc 10 news. >> as we mentioned, the nbc 10 investigators have been looking into the officer for a year and a half. back in april 2014, nbc 10's harry hairston was first to report he faced 75 counts of stalking and harassing his ex-fiance. several other women also told the investigators they were victims, as well, and nbc 10 uncovered other records that showed a pattern of harassment complaints going back ten years. we continue to follow a breaking traffic situation along the schuylkill expressway. a deadly crash has the westbound lanes just crawling. the crash is at the exit for route 1. sky force 10 was over the scene about an hour ago. we learned a woman has been killed and the exit along 76 west is still shut down. that's led to a major backup on 76. >> take a look at that backup now from one of our traffic cameras here from penn dot and you see it still exists, as we said, this all started right at the start of rush hour, so anybody who has to use the westbound schuylkill expressway is going to be delayed getting to their destination, getting home or wherever they need to go. again, looking at this live shot, route 1 still shut down on westbound 76 because of this deadly accident. right now at 5:00, arrests in the hazing death of a college student in the poconos nearly two years ago. authorities say fraternity members abused the student, then tried to cover it up as he lay dying. michael deng was a freshman in new york city, he was pledging a fraternity when he lost consciousness. during a hazing ritual at a rental house in the poconos. a report on today's arrests. >> he was singled out and he was treated harsher than the other pledges. >> reporter: authorities say college freshman michael deng was tormented by his own fraternity brothers during a pledge weekend at this pocono cabin two years ago. the pledge died during a hazing ritual so extreme five fraternity members have now been arrested and 32 more are expected. the charges ranging from hazing to murder. >> it would take hundreds of pounds of impulsive loads and/or hundreds of g forces in order to cause the damage to the interior of the brain. >> reporter: deng took part in a ritual known as the glass ceiling, while blindfolded and carrying a back pack filled can sand, he tried to run across the field. >> sad what happened, but he knew what they were going to do to him. >> reporter: no one could have predicted what police say happened next. they say deng's fraternity brothers waited an hour to call for help. some allegedly hiding their cell phones from police. >> just because they are students, i don't think the people and the teachers should be lenient. >> reporter: mo disagrees, the attorney for one of the students charged with hazing. >> should not be charged. i think there should be a clear distinction of who is more culpable. >> reporter: baruch college has permanently banned the fraternity from campus. many hope the tragedy is a lesson in humanity. >> i would like to think something good can come out of this. >> that was nbc reporting. also tonight, an expensive upgrade on the way for aging gas lines throughout new jersey. a $905 million agreement with the state today, the company will use the money to replace 510 miles of gas mains and 38,000 service lines in new jersey. the work's expected to take about three years. east camden is going solar. pse&g volunteers were there to outfit homes with solar panels, the efforts courtesy of a nonprofit partnership between solar install grid alternatives and neighbor works america. >> they are going to start with ten houses, six in the next few weeks, four more in the spring, then be able to do more in camden. >> once the project is complete, the homes will be sold to low income families. it's about to cost more to drive over two bridges heading out of new jersey. right now most drivers pay $2 to cross the bridges, but starting at 10:00 tonight that fare will increase to $3 for drivers with ez-pass and $4 for those who pay cash. the burlington county bridge commission says the higher tolls are needed to help fund improvements. here's some better news for drivers, gas prices have been going down around the country. experts say they are going to get even lower. eagles all day, baby. all day long, baby. eagles! >> that was the kind of excitement we saw from fans before last night's eagles game, so how is that guy reacting today after last night's disappointing loss to the falcons? this is nbc 10 news. >> fans had so much hope going into last night's eagles opener, but they woke up this morning disappointed. >> eagles fell, of course, to the falcons in game one. tim furlong caught up with fans again today to see if they still have some hope for their hometown team. >> eagles all day, baby. all day long, baby. >> reporter: remember this guy yesterday in his big prediction for the eagles? >> we're going to win by 21, easy. >> reporter: well, he was wrong. >> bradford -- no! >> reporter: when that kick sailed right, our hopes for a win went with it. he remembers his pregame bluster. >> yeah, i was talking. >> reporter: in wilmington you hear it over the sound of the clippers. the post game whining, i'm doing it, too. >> did not like that game at all. >> reporter: he cuts a bunch of the eagles players hair, including byron maxwell. he better be a good tipper, he wasn't a good quarterback last night. >> you're killing me right now. >> reporter: the people who live in this north wilmington home are happy, they are still in atlanta, their son played for concord high school, then the university of delaware, now he's a linebacker for the falcons. he led his team in tackles against his hometown eagles. his high school coach says falcon or not, paul's a good dude. >> almost surreal when you're watching one of your own kids you know well and watched grow up and now watching them in the nfl. it's -- it makes us all proud. >> reporter: last night paul and his buds made us eagles fans pretty miserable. tim furlong, nbc 10 news. >> the eagles will have a shot at redemption when they face the cowboys at home. sure you'll feel better if you walk outside. plenty of sunshine in the forecast. some changes as we go into part of your weekend. i'll show you that with the seven day coming up. plus, tragedy in houston. what led to this school bus crash that left two students dead. this is nbc 10 news. >> two high school students are dead and three other people were seriously hurt after a school bus accident in southeast houston. authorities say the bus was carrying students to high school when it was struck by a swerving car. the bus driver then overcorrected, flipping the bus over a freeway overpass and landing on the road below. two other students and the bus driver were taken to the hospital for treatment. >> came up about 50 miles an hour, nose first. when it hit the ground, it started flipping and when it flipped, it flattened the back of it. >> the driver of the swerving car has been detained for questioning. no charges have been filed at this time. the gunman accused of killing a fellow professor on a mississippi college campus is now dead. investigators say delta state university instructor shannon lamb shot and killed himself last night after officers who were following him saw him run into the woods. police believe lamb killed his girlfriend 300 miles away from the delta state campus monday morning, before he killed professor ethan schmidt. a vigil is planned for tonight to remember schmidt. a judge today ordered a mental evaluation for a florida man charged in a failed plot to bomb a 9/11 memorial. they say goldburg told an informant how to build a bomb and he suggested targeting a september 11th ceremony in kansas city. goldburg faces up to 20 years in prison. a surge of refugees now stuck at hungary's border with serbia while a future to the crisis is in just as much as a log jam. with countries starting border checks to try to slow the flow of refugees. richard engel has a warning from hungary's prime minister. >> reporter: hungary today promised to tighten its border to stop the flow of refugees and migrants and has dramatically increased security along the border with serbia. >> last two days there have been over 10,000 people coming from serbia into hungary on a daily basis. the number has slowed down today. >> reporter: it built new sections of a fence and then most dramatically it deployed riot police and soldiers and stopped to a large degree the flow of the refugees and migrants. what it is doing right now is channelling all the people who want to get into hungary through this very small gate. hungarian officials are still allowing people in, but allowing them in a few at a time. five, ten at a time, nothing like the thousands, several thousands we were seeing flowing into hungary a day over the last several weeks. what the country is doing is what other countries in europe now are doing, as well, is trying to slow down the flow of migrants, setting up dams in this river of people who are heading to germany, heading to sweden, passing through countries like hungary. other countries are going to be following hungary's lead, it seems. already the austrian government has increased security checks, germany is increasing security checks, so the idea of a borderless europe where people can move without restriction seems to be breaking down. richard engel, nbc news on the hungarian-serbian border. >> nbc nightly news with lester holt will have the latest on this growing migrant crisis coming up on nbc 10 at 6:30. now your nbc 10 first alert weather with meteorologist sheena parveen. >> and certainly not a bad day to be out on the water. light winds here, we found this kayaker doing her thing on cape may harbor, beautiful skies today and there you see, obviously, not struggling. the winds much lighter today than yesterday, making for great water conditions for anyone able to get out there and temperatures warmer today, too. low 80s compared to about the mid to upper 70s yesterday. we'll keep getting warmer tomorrow, about the mid 80s, but the sunshine is staying in the forecast for several days, all the way into the weekend, and the humidity is staying low, too. it's going to stay pretty perfect to end out the week. over the weekend, we'll have another cooldown, so cooler air will be moving in just in time for the eagles game sunday. here's a live look outside right now, we're around the art museum, river, clear skies through tonight, so another very pleasant evening for you. philadelphia coming in at 82 degrees now, lots of sunshine, feels more like 80 degrees with that low humidity and that light breeze out there. temperatures through the eastern half of the country very comfortable, upper 70s to low 80s. then we get into the middle of the country where we see hotter temperatures, but we're staying on the very comfortable side as we go through pretty much the end of this week. locally we're in about the upper 70s for pottstown, 81 allentown and reading. 80 degrees northeast philly, 82 in dover and atlantic city, so everyone's ending out the day with very comfortable conditions and as we go through the rest of your evening it's going to stay that way. 6:00 p.m. sunny skies, 8:00 p.m., cool and dry. 10:00 tonight we should be getting around 70 degrees for most of the area, some of you will be in the 60s. live look at the satellite and radar, no clouds around, no rain. we're under a very dry air mass and this is going to stick around for the next several days until the weekend, but we're still going to stay on the dry side. big area of high pressure keeping us dry. it's going to stick around through the end of the week. we'll have a cold front move through over the weekend, it's not going to provide us with rain but will cool us down sunday. the closest rain we have is in florida and all that is going to stay to our south. we don't expect any rain to be moving in any time soon. not in the next seven days at least. take a look at tomorrow morning's low temperatures, maybe not as cool as this morning, but still comfortable and some areas cool when you wake up. 52 allentown, 52 in reading. doylestown mid to upper 50s. trenton, northeast philly. for some of our suburbs, mid 50s tomorrow morning. 63 atlantic city and cape may and around the philadelphia area, morning lows should be right around 60 degrees or in the low 60s. tomorrow another really nice day, sunny, pretty perfect, low humidity, but a bit warmer than today. we'll be right around the mid 80s as we go through tomorrow afternoon. today most of the area got to around 80 degrees. the mid 80s continue thursday and friday. lots of sunshine, humidity stays low until we get to saturday, you'll notice the humidity increasing a bit, more clouds as we go into sunday possibly, but that's because of the cold front moving through. it is going to be breezy sunday, too. cooler temperatures, highs around 80 degrees and going into next week, morning lows back in the 50s. afternoon highs possibly just in the 70s, feeling more like fall again. e-cigarettes are now banned in all national parks and places people can't smoke. the health effects are still being investigated, but the national parks service decided to ban their use everywhere where tobacco is prohibited. from our delaware bureau, people could soon have more opportunities to enjoy a popular park in newcastle county. the division of parks and recreation is considering longer trail hours at white clay creek state park. the proposed changes would include additional trail use in the fall, winter, and spring. there will be an open house to get public input at the park next wednesday night from 4:00 to 8:00 p.m. you know what that music means. don't forget to vote for our high school football game of the week. west catholic at haverford, cherokee at timber creek. cast your vote at or call or text your vote to 610-624-4111. voting closes thursday, then we'll announce the winner thursday night on nbc 10 news at 11:00. and still ahead on nbc 10 news at 6:00, the big boost for the please touch museum just days after the popular kids attraction filed for bankruptcy. this is nbc 10 news. >> still plummeting at the pump. gas prices have now fallen for 29 straight days. the national average for a gallon of regular unleaded stands at $2.32. that's down 3% from last week and 13% less than a month ago. >> according to aaa, philadelphia drivers are paying an average of $2.41 a gallon, in delaware drivers are shelling out $2.26 and in south jersey the average is $2.00 even. >> as nbc's brian thompson reports, all signs go to prices going even lower. >> you always look for the cheapest price? >> i try to, yes. >> reporter: stephanie patrick found the cheapest price here at this raceway in edison $1.73 a gallon, two cents less than just off route one, and for larry john, all the difference in the world and his wallet. >> you can always get a full tank of gas, every two cents adds up. >> reporter: you're going to the cheapest? >> i'm going for the cheapest. >> reporter: there are a lot of reasons for the drop, as drilling in the u.s. has produced a gusher of extra oil, but there's also the switch from summer gas blend mandated because of hot weather pollution. >> the cost to produce winter gasoline is about eight cents to 12 cents a gallon less than summer blend. >> reporter: the price of gas here at this station is just about half the price of milk. so as the price drops to the lowest in the state, motorists line up, as long as ten minutes to get to the pump. is it worth the wait? >> yeah, cheapest gas around. >> reporter: prices are going down all over, this is in connecticut and seems likely they'll keep going down, unless -- >> unless there's any kind of a storm that takes out refineries or any kind of a geopolitical activities that creates consternation with the speculation in the financial markets. >> reporter: i asked prices elsewhere from facebook friends, this is the lowest in new jersey. if you ask the experts if prices will go down more or up, the answer is usually, yes. in edison, brian thompson, nbc 10 news. coming up next at 6:00, plotting an attack during the pope's visit. new details about a south jersey teen's arrest and who authorities say he was talking to online. sheena? >> cooler temperatures, but it's going to get warmer in my first alert forecast. that's next. plus, new at 6:00, check this out, a boat almost underwater. why so many people are upset down the shore next on nbc 10 news at 6:00. i'm michael douglas, and new york is my home. there's no place like it in the world. and there's no time to see it like the fall. take metro north to take in the beautiful fall foliage from high above the hudson. swing a club at one of america's greatest courses... see spectacular sights underground... ...or thrilling sights above it. there's so many incredible ways to experience the fun of fall in new york state. plan your trip at there's something for everyone. nbc 10 news starts now. >> right now at 6:00, a threat on the pope and a link to isis. tonight what investigators say a 15-year-old boy in camden county allegedly wanted to do next week when the pope arrived in the u.s. good evening, everyone, i'm jim rosenfield. the arrest happened a month ago but we're just learning about the plot today. the teen posted threats online. lauren mayk is joining us outside the cathedral basilica of saints peter and paul, where as we know security remains high for next week's papal visit. lauren? >> reporter: that's right. this is exactly the kind of thing that law enforcement are looking for right now. we have learned that this 15-year-old boy was arrested last month, he is from camden county, which is really not that far from where we are right now. the pope will visit in less than two weeks. he'll be surrounded by crowds in philadelphia, washington, and new york. now word the pope was a target. >> somebody somewhere is going to have some thoughts. they might express them. you have to take some of the expressions more serious than others. >> reporter: a camden county teenager is accused of planning an isis inspired attack during the pope's u.s. visit. law enforcement were alerted to a plot against a foreign dignitary involving explosives, firearms, and multiple attackers. a source familiar with the case tells nbc news the teen was looking online at isis material and communicating online with people overseas. likely didn't have the resources to carry out an attack. >> the key here is to separate an individual who might be aspirational from one that's operational, that has intent and willingness and ability to do something. >> reporter: how do you do that? >> it's good intelligence, it's good law enforcement. >> reporter: jack thomas is former principal deputy under secretary of homeland security. >> the one issue that always got our concern and made us probably a little bit more anxious than others was the lone wolf terrorist. >> reporter: he tells me he's not surprised this surfaced with a high profile event, one philadelphia's mayor says will be safe. >> people should be happy, joyful, it should be a safe and accessible and spiritual event here in philadelphia and i'm sure i

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Camden County , New Jersey , United States , Millville , Pennsylvania , Delaware County , Ocean County , Chester County , Delaware , California , Austria , Washington , District Of Columbia , Serbia , Connecticut , Arizona , Dover , Atlantic City , Iowa , Allentown , Trenton , Jersey , Cape May , East Camden , New York , Center City , Texas , Germany , Cape May Harbor , Philadelphia , Florida , Colorado City , Virginia , Melbourne , Victoria , Australia , Hilldale , Rodney Square , Hungary , Sweden , Houston , Westchester , Dallas , Utah , Pottstown , Newcastle County , America , Austrian , Hungarian , Michael Nutter , Jim Rosenfield , Brian Thompson , Ben Carson , Sheena Parveen , Tom Carper , Warren Jeffs , Chris Coons , Stephanie Patrick , Thomas Cottingham , Jeb Bush , Richard Engel , Ethan Schmidt , Lester Holt , Larry John , Valerie Murrow , Michael Deng , Jack Thomas , James Paul Myers , Carly Fiorina , Sam Bradford , Michael Douglas , Byron Maxwell , Harry Hairston , Edward Lawrence , John Clark ,

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