Transcripts For WCAU NBC10 News At 4pm 20170606 : comparemel

Transcripts For WCAU NBC10 News At 4pm 20170606

control when she noticed that mr. cosby was becoming a little more aggressive. so aggressive that at points she described him as invading her space getting too close, putting her hand on to his hand. she went to be to talk about the aggressiveness not willing to grow. now that's how she testified for the prosecution. she's still testifying for the defense. the defense will get more thfgs on that. they are taking note by note. we'll have more for you. >> new at 5:00, our nbc 10 legal analysts joining us live to talk about andrea's testimony today. more breaking news. a bus driver shot and killed inside a new jersey transit bus garage. let's go right to lauren mayk live in washington township. >> what are you hearing from police right now at the scene? >> reporter: police now are looking for the shooter who killed a male bus driver here about 1:30 this afternoon. now this is just off of busy route 42 here in washington township. in a lot now busy with investigators trying to figure out what happened. >> from sky force 10, you can see police on the scene of this new jersey tran sis bus garage. new jersey tran silt says a bus operator was shot and killed this afternoon and initial indications are it was not random. >> we didn't hear anything. we just saw a bunch of police and helicopters and didn't know anything until ten medicines ago when somebody said there was a shooting next door. >> he owns the fence business next door to the area where buzzes are housed overnight. >> it's always busy there. it's the bus depot so there's always something going on and people walking around as far as in and out. >> reporter: for now new jersey transit says this lot is shut down while police investigate what happened. new jersey transit is telling us this is not affecting bus service at any point. there is a bus stop just right in front of us out on route 42. we do not have a description of any suspect at this point. and the business owner we spoke with says that police did not tell them to look out for anyone. for now live in washington township, lauren mayk, nbc 10 news. more breaking news out of philadelphia right now. in the past hour, police have given nbc 10 new information about the person who punched a mentally challenged man in the face. the video quickly went viral on social immediamedia. >> you see it right there. we are live in the section. >> you spoke with the victim's friend who shared this video to try to get justice in this case. >> reporter: they may be seeing some justice. police took three boys into custody. they are still looking for a fourth boy who is 15 years of age. they say the attacked a man who has mental disabilities because he appeared to be an easy target. the video is hard to watch even for jairld andrews, who made the conscious effort to share the video on facebook to get justice for his friend. nbc 10 blurred the identities of the victim and youngsters involve pd. >> it was hurtful. i only watched part of the video. i didn't want to see it anymore. he didn't deserve it. knowing him as a person, i sympathize. it hurts. >> he worked with the victim for eight years when another friend brought the video to his attention. the video shows a group of boys surrounding mark. one guy goes into with a sucker punch to the head and another followed up with a second blow to the face while others laughed and recorded the attack. >> when i saw it, i cringed. >> reporter: the video is causing outrage in the commun y community. >> that's anybody's uncle, father, it could even be a a child that has a disability. it needs to stop. it really does need to stop. >> reporter: the attack on the 38-year-old man happened on shelton avenue on memorial day. he describes mark as a gentle guy with a child-like demeanor who loves sports and deserves only the best from people. >> he's a good guy. he's very friendly. so for them to do that to him, it's wrong. it's wrong. >> reporter: police tell us that two of the teens involved in this attack may also be involved in the attack on a principal last week hit in the face with a brick trying to break up a fight. all the teens are facing charges of aggravated assault. denise nakano, nbc 10 news. an afternoon full of breaking news. this time in wilmington, delaware. police are on the scene of a shooting where two people have been hit including a young child. >> this happened at a park near 6th and sproous streets. brandon hudson will have a live report coming up as soon as he gets there. nbc 10 is the place to be for breaking news. we'll bring you updates on all these stories as soon as we get them for the next two and a half hours and be the first to know when news breaks in your neighborhood. you can download the nbc 10 app and sign up to get alerts sent direct ly to your phone. steady rain coming down earlier today in camden county. here on route 70, you can see the headlights were on out there. taking a live look at a cloudy, gloomy condition over boat house row. there will be plenty of good days for that to come. it's also cooler outside. the temperatures we can tell you are different depending on where you live. >> glenn schwartz has more. >> temperatures ranging from the 50s to the 70s. we have conditions ranging from just cloudy skies to rain. we have had some showers in south jersey and more coming down from the north and west. some of this is on the heavier side. fortunately, it's moving. so we have seen this line come down through piles grove. and now we're going to see this other area very few showers heading toward the lehigh valley. through the next several hours, you see the dotted with showers. a lot of people not seeing any rain, but not for very long. the clouds linger as the showers fall apart. the temperature contrast pretty amazing. it's 58 degrees in trenton right now. but it's been in the 70s in much of delaware. even coatesville has been up to near 70 degrees. as we go through the night tonight, we do have the threat of some showers this evening. so take the umbrellas with you. you won't need it for much of the time. then it starts to get cooler as e we head toward morning and the clouds hang in. we'll let you know when the clouds move out and the temperature goes up, coming up. a verdict in the man accused of sexually assaulting six girls that were supposedly gifted to him. a jury didn't take long at all to decide the suspect's fate. ek zrin coleman is in our break newsroom. >> the jury found lee caplin guilty on all 17 counts of raping children. he was convicted of sexually assaulting six girls in the same family. he had two children with one of those girls. the girl's parents gifted their oldest daughter to caplin because he helped them out financially. a year ago a neighbor's tip led to the home. caseworkers in the home had no toys or soap or toothpaste. the judge has not yet set a sentencing date. erin coleman, nbc 10 news. to this now, the search for an escaped inmate comes to an end when a woman reported him sleeping inside a pickup truck. >> before police took him into custody, the school district put seven of the schools on lockdown today. cydney long has been covering the story since police started searching. >> she's joining us live from bucks county with more on this capture. >> we can tell you that daniel has held police in several communities ob edge for a day and a half now until lunchtime today. but it was at least two 911 calls that helped authorities zero in on his whereabouts. they set up a perimeter and had nowhere to turn. daniel is now face iing assault a law enforcement officer after escaping from sheriffs custody sunday thiegt. today's capture began with a 911 call from an alert resident on rural county line road. >> he was actually found sleeping in an old pickup truck on the property. when confronted, he took off running into the woods. >> that was before 9:00 a.m. police set up perimeters near a horse farm and the reservoir. >> we had a perimeter set up and waited him out and had the dogs going 234 and flush him out. >> reporter: police say someone else spotted him near the line, but it was in a residential neighborhood. his initial charge by 12:45 today the canine tracked him down. >> caught him hiding in the bushes. >> he spent 40 hours at large closing the school district yesterday and locking down seven schools in the search area this morning. with help from his own father who allegedly drove him to philadelphia, he's now face iin host of charges and escape. >> no shackles. it could have been a lot easier. >> he left police about an hour ago to be fingerprinted and processed prior to his arraignment, which could happen this afternoon. i just hung up the phone with one of those residents who ultimately dialled 911. they spotted him. he and his wife crossing a major roadway. he turned to his wife, said that's him, they flagged down a police officer as well as called 911. he said within two minutes, it was crawling with police. we're hoping to have more with that 911 caller coming up when we see you at 5:00. i'm cydney long, nbc 10 news. we have new details in the water issue in the trenton area. the city had a problem last night that caused chlorine levels to drop. 35,000 residents in the duck island area should not drink the water until the boil advisory is lifted. you should boil water for at least a minute before you drink it. water is back on this afternoon after a massive water main break. we first brought you this story yesterday as breaking news at 4:00. nbc 10 was along edgehill road. water is back on after this giant water main break. >> the gusher sent thousands of gallons of water into basements. just lock at what happened there. they need to boil tap water. voters are choosing their next mayor. three candidates are running on the democratic side. there's no republican challenger. there's also a big race for governor. this is a look ats the six democratic candidates running. there are five republicans running to replace governor christie. he voted this morning tr his lieutenant governor. she's the best person in the republican primary to represent the party in the fall. christie cannot run for a third term. other big races atlantic city mayor and state assembly races. polls are open until 8:00 tonight. voters in the colonial school district are being asked to approve $11 million in school upgrades. voters rejected that plan back in february. if it doesn't pass this time, the district says it will have to make cuts and that would include eliminating more than b 170 positions. to paris where police today shot a man who attacked police officers with a hammer outside the city's famous notre dame cathedral. >> it's the latest of several attacks in france targeting police. authorities say today's attacker shouted "it's for syria" as hen went after officers patrolling in front of the cathedral. an officer shot and wounded him. one officer was injured. in april a man opened fire. an officer was killed ask two others seriously. hurt. a third man b responsible for this weekend's deadly attack there. they say he was a 22-year-old italian national of mora kaen descent. the three drove a van into people saturday and then stabbed several others at a nearby market. en seven people died in the attack. police killed all of the suspects. police arrested a man in london today. he's suspected of having some connection to the three terrorists. isis has claimed responsibility. the justice department is filing charges against the government contractor who it says located a top secret nsa document on russian hacking. the 25-year-old is accused of removing the classified document from a government facility and mailing it to a news outlet. it droibs details about efforts to hack voting systems in the u.s. the week before the presidential election. >> president trump is meeting with top republican congressional leaders at the white house right now. the meeting comes as health care talks in the senate face delays. and tax reform discussions struggle to gain momentum. house speaker paul ryan and mitch mcconnell in a short time ago the president commented on the upcoming testimony from director james comey. a woman and her two young children have been found shot to death inside their burning home. a neighbor spotted that fire around 3:00 this morning in strauss berg. it's eight miles east. firefighters found the bodies of all three people shot in a bedroom. both are under the age of 10. so far no one has been arrested. a popular restaurant chef this south jersey pleaded guilty in a child pornography case. he changed his plea to guilty this afternoon. he recorded images of his girlfriend in sexually explicit conduct with two children. he worked at restaurants in philadelphia before his arrest in 2015. he tass up to 20 years in prison when he's sentenced later this year. days after the release of a report on a deadly prison uprising in delaware, the governor says changes are coming. the report found serious staffing, training and technology issues. prisoners took over part of the facility in february and killed a guard. the report released last week made several recommendations. among them increased pay, a reduction in forced overtime and better communication. today governor carney talked about acting on those recommendations. >> you get more people to apply for the jobs and to take them. but we're going to have to pay them better and create the conditions. >> a final report from the governor's team will be released in august. you'll still. able to use your pennsylvania i.d. to get into federal facilities. they extended the grace period from tomorrow through july 10th. last month governor tom wolf signed the real i.d. bill to allow parezs to get a driver's license or state i.d. card to use a federal facilities and airports. state help is on the way to nine airports. among them are two in the lehigh valley. they will split $10 million to make safety upgrades and expand operations. the airports will receive money. a company looking to put a medical marijuana facility in the lehigh valley is getting the green light. bethlehem approved the plan and hope to have a permit by next month. pennsylvania legalized marijuana last year. the program is expected to be fully implemented by next year. we have an update to the shooting that we are following right now in wilmington, delaware. we have just learned that the two people shot are a woman and her 6-year-old son. the boy we understand is in critical condition. the woman is stable. >> it happened at a park near sixth and spruce streets. brandon hudson is on the way to the scene and will have a live report when he gets there. turning to this now. cloudy skies over center city from our eagles nest camera. parts of the area seeing rain and also seeing chilly temperatures this afternoon and during the morning rush it was rainy as well. >> it might even be cooler than it was today. look at the clouds in delaware. not in the 50s. we got places in the 70s. even near 80. glast coat 76 degrees. 70 in allen dale. 68 degrees in dover. 80 degrees in greenwood. and farther to the east, right at the coast, with the wind coming in off the ocean, only 63. and that's what happens with the wind. and we have another chilly day tomorrow. mostly in the 60s across the area. the showers that we have around now ending this it evening. tomorrow may be completely dry. even with all the clouds. and then we may have to wait until friday or saturday before we actually see a sunny day. so things are going to be changing. 74 yesterday. 69 for the high today. only 65 tomorrow. then we're up to 72. then we're up to 80 on friday. it keeps climbing over the weekend. over the last several hours, you can sew the showers moving down from the northwest. there's more up there as you can tell. heavy rain going into the creek. and this is all part of this big upper air system that's spinning around out there in the northeast. it's slow to move out. it keeps spinning the showers around that we're going to be getting during the nighttime hours. then by tomorrow morning. just clouds across the area. temperatures in the 60s throughout allentown. look at that. hardly a peek of sunshine. we have better news coming later on. in the meantime, one of the most anticipated arrivals of the year. >> twins born into hollywood royalty. the names joj and amal chose for their baby boy and girl and how george is doing after all the excitement. plus a social media scare of sorts for college-bound stude s students. how their pictures could put their admission status in jeopardy. and a burn on a vebender. the video you have to see of a peacock trying to avoid capture. that's next at 4:00. first here's a look at the closing bell on wall street. a down day on the markets. it takes a lot of people to make a good school day. miss hoffman gets us there safe every time. mrs. migliaccio teaches us all about fractions - and haikus - and the erie canal! miss reeves makes us sound amazing. and miss santoro always takes time to see how we're doing. miss simpkins keeps our school looking great. recess wouldn't be recess without miss basile. and mrs. mccarthy always has tons of good books to read. which makes for a pretty good day at school. ♪ pro-tip for making ribs: don't go it alone. get these great smoked ribs. thanks. sure. twenty minutes on the grill. and they're done. you think he cares if i smoke ribs for six hours? what? what? summer made easy at amazing prices. only at giant. ostriches don't really stick their heads in the sand. a peanut is not a nut. and a real john deere is actually real affordable. you learn something new every day. the surprisingly affordable john deere e series tractors. now you can own america's tractor for just 99 dollars a month. learn more at your john deere dealer. not to be outdone by the bull and in a china shop, this peacock decided to see how much damage it could do in a liquor store. the answer is plenty. they rounded up this colorful bird, but not until after it made its way to the store monday and knocked over about $500 worth of booze. the peacock was taken to an animal refuge unharmed but maybe a little tipsy. >> a california middle schoolteacher is facing criticism for her classroom page in the yearbook. students decorated the page to their teacher. there are images of the flag and a symbol of the kkk. the students said they didn't know the symbols were signs of hate. the teacher says the page represented what the kids learned about the civil war. the school lans to remove that page ask reprint the yearbooks. nbc 10 continues to follow breaking news in the bill cosby trial. >> the star witness takes the stand. what she had to say when she faced cosby in court. plus b kevin hart says cosby influenced his career as a comedian, but what he's saying about cosby now? keep the umbrella and the jacket handy. as long as the wind is off the ocean, i'm tracking more showers and chilly temperatures before a big warm-up this weekend in your most accurate weather forecast. today, we spend a whole lot of time like this. so at citizens bank, we've created banking tools that fit how you're living today. from advanced atms... to online banking... to our award winning mobile app. and if you prefer face-to-face, we have that too. ask me, terry goggans, how our balance of technology and people can help you. three boys shown punching a mentally challenge d man b in te face. philadelphia police say the three boys are now in custody. video was recorded on memorial day. police are still looking for a fourth teen. all of them will be charged with assault. more breaking news out of south jersey. we just learned a few minutes ago it was a murder-suicide at the new jersey transit bus garage in washington township. he shot and killed the bus driver. she then killed herself. we'll have a live update on this coming up on nbc 10 news at 5:00. and sky force 10 is on its way to more breaking news in wilmington. the two people shot are a woman and her 6-year-old son. the boy is in critical condition. the woman is stable. it happened at a park near sixth and spruce streets. brandon hudson is headed that way to the scene. we'll have a live report when he gets there. the prosecution's star website in the bill cosby trial is testifying this afternoon. she accuses cosby of drugging and assaulting her inside his home back in 2004. she said on the stand late this afternoon that cosby gave her three blue pills. her vision became blurred and her legs unsteady. she says that's when cosby grope ed and sexually assaulted her and she was unable to fight him off. prosecutors say this was a pattern of behavior by bill cosby. >> deanna durante has been inside that courtroom all day. she continues our team coverage from the krours in norristown. >> prosecutors continued to try to show a jury that andrea is not bill cosby's only victim bringing in a 1996 mother to bolster its claim that that woman did not wait to report her assau assault. >> defense lawyers continue to attack the credibility of the first witness. this time taking aim at the mother. johnson's mother testified her daughter did not keep sigh elect in 1996 about her alleged attack. she and her husband determined johnson should not go to police. her mother said it was to spare her daughter humiliation. defense lawyers went on the attack as the jurors told them the same story as her daughter did. recounting the details at the assault of bill cosby. prompting objections from lawyers and claims that testimony had been rehearsed. used influence to get the woman fired from her job at a talent agency. they try ied to demonstrate the had a history of socializing with clients giving birth to one client's son in the early 1990s. prosecutors seemed visibly angry about that accusation. the woman sued the agency and prosecutors brought forth lawyers to show part of the lawsuit included claims that bill cosby sexually assaulted her. outside the presence of the jury, prosecutors expressed anger towards the judge saying the defense is trying to assassinate the character of its witness. the judge told both sides at this point there's nothing he can do about that. just before an early break, a canadian police officer took the stand talking about that very first police report. >> i can say that bill cosby has done so much for comedy. i can say that what is going on with him now is such a tough thing because it tarnishes the reputationover what america's favorite dad was. >> hart made those comments during an interview with 105.1. our live coverage from the cosby sexual assault trial continues at 5:00. all new our nbc 10 legal analysts will join us live to talk about the testimony and what it means tr cosby's defense. a chilly and damp tuesday. tracking a few showers in the area this afternoon. you can see just where they are headed next across, new jersey and delaware. taking a live look down broad street. the rain we can tell you should not impact your drive home. we have to get through the rain. >> meteorologist glenn schwartz is back now tracking the changing conditions in your most accurate forecast. >> we're going to be seeing some tremendous changes over the next several days. it is chilly out there. you can see the flag blowing here at penns landing. the clouds are getting thicker, if anything. and that east wind continues to feed in some moisture. a few showers in northern pennsylvania. more in south jersey. and they have been pretty heavy at times. one right over bridgeton right now. and more showers into allentown. lighter and more scattered. this is what we're seeing over the next several hours. the showers from the northwest time after time and you can get a little burst of rain and then a a bit of a break. but what happens by tomorrow it's just clouds. and that's what's going to be the story for tomorrow. cloudy skies and cool. even cooler than today. it's 63 in philly. only 59 in mount holly. 58 in trenton. when it warms up into the 90s, coming up. here's a look a at some of the other stories we're following county by county at 4:00. in kent county, they are poised to vote on a bill ensuring abortion remains league in delaware. the bill cleared the senate last month. it's scheduled for a house vote today. in lehigh county a local company goads old school. the soda company is bringing back the vintage glass bottles. . they pay tribute to the original 1918 bottles with a new age twist. the cooper river park can see more crowds. the county is taking bids for boat rental service. people would be able to rent paddle boats from july through september. you won't be allowed on the river though during the e rowing event. fighting for a level playing field. a young soccer player says she was kicked out of a tournament because organizers thought she looked like a boy. >> it's because i look like a boy doesn't mean i am a boy. they don't have a reason to kick the whole club out. >> the show of support from some of the biggest names in the sport following the controversy. and are you guilty of shopping under the influence. why experts say the combination could be dangerous for your wallet. all new at 5:00, a major milestone. why this health care leader in our area is now recognized as one of the top companies in the u.s. ♪ ♪ award winning interface. award winning design. award winning engine. the volvo xc90. the most awarded luxury suv of the century. visit your volvo dealer to take advantage of our midsommar sales event offer. in health news, watching your weight during pregnancy is key to reducing the risk for potential health issues. researchers analyzed a a million pregnancies and women who gain ed more than the recommended weight were more likely to have c-sections and have larger babies and if it women didn't gain enough weight, there was an increased risk of preterm delivery and low birth weight. women should gain 25 to 35 pounds during pregnancy. >> drinking and. shopping can be a dangerous combination. apparently it's all too common. an australian-based website surveyed americans on shopping while drinking habits. 1 in 3 bought something while drink iing. 46% of all americans who drink alcohol weekly edadmitted to shopping under the influence. the average drinker spends $200 on spontaneous items. >> so we were asking r we tug about people at home drinking? >> according to that video, i can't imagine going to a department store. but it seems like it's strictly online shopping at home. >>. for a most eligible bachelor torks a married man. and the joke he made after the arrivals. we have had some chilly weather today and it's going to get even cooler tomorrow. that and then a huge warpup on the way. gas pump scare, the slithering surprise customers found as they tried to fill up. ♪ health, is having the freedom to do what you want to do with your life, every single day. so at aetna, we promise to keep finding new ways to join you so nothing gets in your way. because no matter where it is you're going, or whatever stage of life you're in. we believe that when it comes to health. you don't join us. we join you. ♪ ♪ award winning interface. award winning design. award winning engine. the volvo xc90. the most awarded luxury suv of the century. visit your volvo dealer to take advantage of our midsommar sales event offer. sky force 10 over breaking news we have been telling you about in will ming to be. the two people shot here are a woman and her 6-year-old son. our bureau reporter telling us the 6-year-old boy was shot in the head. the woman was shot in her arm. she's stable. it happened at this park near sixth and spruce streets. you see some verdict investigators there on the scene. a little girl says her team was booted from a soccer tournament because she locks like a boy. some of the biggest soccer names in the country are offering their support. her team was disqualified from the finals of a tournament. she believes her short hair led organizers to think she's a boy. >> just because i look like a boy b doesn't mean i am a boy. they don't have a reason to kick the whole club out. >> tournament organizers say the disqualification of the team had nothing to do with her appearance. a misprint on the team's roster listed her as a boy. that is a violation of the rules. so that's why they removed the team from the finals. former soccer star abbi wambach says, you are amazing in every way. thank you for teaching us how to be brave and shining a light on something so hurtful. fellow star mia ham tweets, we would love to host you at one of our camps. be you. she runs the first team sock eer academy. george clooney has started his newest role this afternoon. dad. >> he and his wife are now the parents twins, a boy and a girl. the clooneys welcomed the twins this morning. these are the first children for both. the family publicist joked that mom and babies are doing just fine, but george is sedated and should recover in a few days. >> he's going to have to get used to those it feedings overnight. the crying times two. >> i'm sure he's proud and happy. >> to our weather now, let's take a live look at cloudy sky oefrs penns landing. parts of the area could see a few shower this is afternoon. our chief meteorologist glenn schwartz is back now tracking it all for us. >> everybody is seeing kind of gloomy conditions out there. they are going to see more of that during the day tomorrow. it's only 63 at philadelphia now as temperatures have been going down over the last several hours. we're in the 50s. we've been in the 50s in other parts of the area. especially new jersey. look at the clouds in the lehigh valley and delaware. summers point, a 59. cape may at 62. chilly there tomorrow too. the wind direction is the same. and that is the most important thing. so as we take a look at it through wednesday afternoon, still off the ocean thursday morning, still off the ocean. so it's still going to be mostly cloudy on thursday until we can get the wind changed. let's see if it happens on friday. there we go. west wind, say good-bye to the cold air. and the temperatures start to go up dramatically once that happens. we have some scattered showers across the. more up to the north and west here coming into allentown and reading and there will be several showers in some of these areas. and we have had this line of showers moving southward through parts of south jersey. vineland getting hit now. and the heaviest of it near bridgeton going down towards cedarville in the next 15 minutes or so. then after midnight, everything falls apart. but the clouds hang in there. and expect to see clouds not only tomorrow morning, but for the rest of the day too. that's going to prevent the temperature from going much. here we are in the 60s even without precipitation. probably none. but look at the temperatures go up. thursday and friday, by friday we're up near 80 degrees. we're not seeing any rain here. and even 82 degrees in delaware. jersey shore at 71 degrees. and what about the weekend? 86 on saturday. 92 on sunday. the shore will be cooler because of the sea breeze, but a lot of sunshine and hot over the weekend. >> next at 4:00, be careful what you post. how social media cost incoming college students their admission status and why their story should serve as a wakeup call for all teens. no rope, no safety gear, no it problem. a daredevil shares his one moment of fear from this record breaking free climb. restlessness... extreme anxiety... pacing... a constant urge to move. if someone you know is suffering from schizophrenia they may also be struggling with akathisia: a common side effect of some schizophrenia medications. learn more at super pro-tip: buy your veggveggies pre-chopped. nce. uber pro-tip: buy delicious produce you don't need to chop at all. boom. summer made easy at amazing prices. only at giant. e. this is a social media wakeup call for teens. >> we first told you about several students whose offers were rescinded because of what they posted online. erin coleman spoke to an expert a about all of this. she tells you people are getting a false sense of security. >>s thought they were in a private facebook group, but nothing is ever private on social media. at least ten students accepted into harvard's class of 2021 will not be heading to one of the most e elite universities in the country. why? because of what they posted on facebook. >> there really is this false sense of security because you're not sure who the other people are in that room. it could have been a disguised admissions officer. youen don't know. >> reporter: kristin came forward as the director of social media. she says changing your privacy settings doesn't guarantee privacy. and deleting a post doesn't mean it goes away. >> what if someone took a screen or recorded your snapchat story. the footprint will stay there forever. and we need to understand the permanence of social media as well as the ripple effect of social media. >> students we spoke with told us a as a rule of thumb think before you post. >> i'm aware my online presence follow mess through life. >> i'm looking for jobs. they are going to look at your social media and your past records. >> the best advice -- >> the three m's, mom, media and mentor. if it's not okay for all three, then don't post it. >> she also told me it's important for parents to understand social media for themselves. sit down with your kids tonight, talk about it before they post something they can't take back. coming up at 5:00, we are following two big breaking stories. an update on the deadly bus garage shooting in new jersey. what we have now learned about the suspect. and for the first time we are seeing the woman whose accusations led to charges against bill cosby. new at 5:00, we're breaking down her testimony today. the showers have returned and i'll let you know when they are going to move out and warmer temperatures move in. my first alert forecast is just ahead. ♪ ♪ award winning interface. award winning design. award winning engine. the volvo xc90. the most awarded luxury suv of the century. visit your volvo dealer to take advantage of our midsommar sales event offer. that breaking news, a 6-year-old boy and his mom shot near a park. >> let's get straight to brandon hudson, have opened up some of these roads to traffic, but the investigation continues right behind me on north spruce street. you can see a wilmington police suv right in front of us. then you can see some of the tape and then investigators in a residential block over there. we do know a 6-year-old shot 31-year-old woman shot. let's go to some video from sky force 10 overhead around the scene around 2:30 this afternoon. police were patrolling when they heard gunshots. they came over and saw a 6-year-old lying down on the ground. they saw a 31-year-old woman shot in the arm. that 6-year-old was shot in the head. they offered medical tide both of them. took them both to the hospital. that's where they are now. at last check the 6-year-old is in critical condition. we can come back live now and see, again, part of the road is open. but police are continuing their investigation. we want to make note this is just right next to a park over to my right and we did see police take an suv out of here with what appeared to be bullet holes. we'll continue to get more from police on this story and update you throughout the newscast. i'm brandon hudson, nbc 10 news. more breaking news. the bill cosby sexual assault trial all eyes on andrea constand. bill cosby's accuse sor testified today. >> the star witness is still on the stand right now. harry hairston is live outside the courthou

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