Transcripts For WCAU NBC10 News At 4pm 20170227 : comparemel

Transcripts For WCAU NBC10 News At 4pm 20170227

>> no real security cameras or anything i'm guessing? >> no. >> reporter: no guards or anything like that. >> no. >> reporter: many overturns tomb stones are in the back corners. the stone themselves don't capture fingerprints so investigators had to collect weaker evidence like beer cans and bottles. they don't have a suspect let alone a motive but it would ultimately be the district attorney's decision to charge this as a hate crime if a religious attack was the motivation. philadelphia's mayor believes our national political environment has, quote, empowered and emboldened bigots. >> sad to say what it looks like it probably is. we're in an environment where bigotry and hatred have been given permission. >> reporter: the mayor called on elected offices higher than his to condemn this vandalism forcefully. as of just about 90 minutes ago, that agency will lead the evidence gathering from here on out. reporting live i'm george spencer nbc10 news. >> just a few hours ago, 180 interfaith leaders came together at lutheran seminary. it was the part of a previously plan program called come together. in light of what happened over the weekend they spoke out against into have rans and hate. >> islamaphobia, is anti-semitism. >> every headstone and every grave marker is replaced or repaired. >> there will be more meetings like this one as they watch what they describe as a growing problem across the country. cydney long in the out pouring of emotion and sidney we know we heard in george's piece just one person talking about heart broken in dealing with this and other people are just reeling from this. >> reporter: dozens if not hundreds of people have been here to mt. car mel throughout the day today. they have brought with them their tissues, and flowers. they have come to pray and check on the status of their own loved ones. just as much as these headstones tombstone here are shattered, so two are their hearts but not their faith. >> i think the reason they did it is because we kind of now have permission to let all of our hatred show. >> reporter: don't have loved ones buried here. but today they visit. they came prepared to share coffee, give hugs or pick up debris in the midst of massive december kraigs. >> it's terrifying to me. >> this is a moment when i feel connected to jews because this is an anti-see me tic act. >> reporter: because it's a crime scene it's too soon to be the graves back together. dozens of others feel sheer heart break. >> this is by far the worst i have seen. >> reporter: they question why, why would anyone commit such a terrible act? >> that's a ton of tombstones. that's a ton. >> it's the proximity of a jewish cemetery and basically a working class gentile neighborhood. >> people need to stop hating each other. people couldn't do that unless they felt the world was on their side and that's what donald trump being in charge represents. >> reporter: now she told me she stands up for muslims black, all faiths and nationalities. she says it will also take a loved feel movement that of martin luther king's i have a dream to move past this current nightmare we're feeling in our society. >> we just heard philadelphia mayor kenny condemning the vandalism. the mayor is calling on the white house to lead the way in showing that this type of behavior cannot be tolerated. >> bigotry and hatred will never go away but it's the government's responsibility to tamp it down and to arrest and convict and emprison those who exhibit it. >> president trump has personally addressed this. just hours ago his white house press secretary condemned the hateful acts. >> no one in america should feel afraid to follow the religion of their choosing freely and openly. the president is dedicated to preserving these original principle of our our nation. >> all of this happening across the country at least 19 jewish community centers were evacuated today alone including ones in pennsylvania, new jersey and delaware. >> and take a look at this video from cherry hill. the center was evacuated around 10:45 this morning. cherry hill police gave the all clear after going through that building. we spoke with an employee at the center the ongoing threats are scary for everyone. >> very unnerving. you just feel that you're not safe anywhere and especially working in an organization where it's jewish organization, it's scary. >> employees also say the evacuations were especially tough for seniors at the center who had to leave the building as quickly as possible. just before the center in cherry hill is evacuated this scene was unfolding in new castle county. you can see people evacuating in wilmington after a bomb threat was called in. police in new castle county cleared that building about an hour after the evacuation and people were allowed back inside. and many montgomery county you can see police and at least one canine responding in wynnwood. this was just before noon. no one was hurt during these jcc threats in our area. pennsylvania governor tom wolf is already responding to the threats, any antisee met tic act aimed at jewish institutions is truly reprehensible and we might find those responsible and hold them accountable. >> another look at the destruction from skyforce10. we have much more reaction to this vandalism plus updates on the investigation. out are continuing coverage on the nbc app. >> the 70 degrees temperatures may be gone for a bit but still a pretty nice day out there. this couple taking their dog for a walk in west philadelphia. mix of clouds and sundown the shore. here's a live look at cape may. an empty beach there but it's waiting for us when it warms up again. chief meteorologist glenn "hurricane" schwartz has the first look at the forecast. >> another warmup? >> we're going to go back up into the 70s this week. this time will just be for one day. today is warmer than yesterday. 54 degrees in philadelphia. way above average for this time of the year. 50 in coatesville, 52 in allentown and these temperatures are 10, 12, 13 degrees warmer than at this time yesterday and we're going to see a similar jump for tomorrow and then another jump for wednesday. we were 73 degrees on saturday, 73 with severe thunderstorms in some areas dropped to 46 on sunday. back up to 54 today then 66 tomorrow, 76 degrees on wednesday and that's when we might see some more records break. philadelphia's record is 76. i think we're going to come very close to that. the record that has the best chance of being broken is allentown, the record is 67 and we're predicting 76 degrees. but we've got a threat of severe thunderstorms. we've issued a first alert for that. we'll get into that coming up. now to a key ruling in the bill cosby case. he lost his bid to move his upcoming sex assault out of montgomery county. it's not a complete defeat. deanna durante is live in norristown. >> it will be a jury from outside the county that gets to hear this high profile case. >> reporter: it will. that was something that both sides agreed to throughout this proceeding. however the defense attorneys say that the media and politicians have branded bill cosby as a villain. they say he can't get a fair trial anywhere especially here in montgomery county. bill cosby thanks the fan outside the montgomery county courthouse. inside he remains silent where his criminal case should be heard. the american and international press has been judge, jury and executioner of cosby. he maintains his innocence. he's accused of sexually assaulting in 2004. since her case became public dozens of women have publicly accused cosby of sexual misconduct. no other criminal case exists. part of why the attorney says his client can't get a fair trial anywhere. the judge says the case will go to trial on june 5th and the case will be heard in montgomery county but the jury will be pulled from some where else in the state. >> no comment today. thank you. >> reporter: both prosecutors and defense attorneys avoid questions after the ruling was handed down. we do not yet know where the jury will come from or if a suitable jury pool can be selected. that is again something that defense says can't happen that everybody at this point has an opinion against his clients. the attorney told the court now where will this jury pool come from? that is with the pennsylvania supreme court. reporting live nbc10 news. >> let it implode. that's what president donald trump is saying about the affordable care act. >> he said politically the best thing republicans can do is nothing. saying it will show how obamacare is a quote, failing disaster. but the president added that wouldn't be good for the people. >> let it be a disaster because we can blame that on the dems that are in our room and we can blame that on the democrats and president obama. let it implode and then led it implode in '18. don't do anything. and they will come begging for us to do something. >> this morning former president george w. bush opened up about president trump's relationship with the media in a "today" show exclusive. a free and independent press is quote, indispensable to democracy and power can be dangerous. >> we need an independent media to hold people like me to account. power can be very addictive and it can be corrosive and it's important for the media to call to account people who abuse their power. >> president bush also says people deserve to know more about russia's contacts with president trump's campaign before the election. house intelligence officials say congress should not start a wish hunt to investigate the issue. >> president trump is expected to sign a new immigration executive order on wednesday. that order was supposed to be signed last week but press secretary sean spicer said the president was holding off to make sure the plan is, quote, flawless. the initial order was blocked by a federal judge after it called for halting entry into the u.s. from seven muslim majority countries. i'm heading down to washington, d.c. to join lauren mayk to prf view the president's speech to congress. we'll give you live coverage. nbc10 will give you the president's address live at 9:00 tomorrow night and our news coverage will begin as soon as the president is finished speaking. the city council held the meeting this afternoon to look at the financial impact from the trump administration, congress and the state budget. brennan boil spoke out against some of republicans plan. >> who owns these letters, that's what a court will now decide after philadelphia recycling company sued the now close trump taj mahal over these trump signs. recycling of urban materials for profit, it paid $250 for the letters that were being removed and put them up for auction on ebay. plerlz were stolen and ebay cancelled that auction. tomorrow in trenton will reveal his final state budget this comes as the governor is facing criticism from both sides of the aisle from those trying to replace him. democratic candidates says christie's policies have failed. lieutenant governor who is also running for governor is promising to audit trenton. >> there are still questions this afternoon about what caused the crash that killed two dover police officers. toxicology results did not come back today. patrolman robert due fanty was with the department for two years, cadet watts were there for six months. both were killed early sunday morning. and this is the area the officers took a sharp curve and slammed right into a utility pole. accident investigators say dufante was driving. funeral arrangements are being made. >> today the philadelphia passport agency is marking a big milestone. nbc10 in old city where mayor jim kenny was on hand to mark the agency's 50 nch anniversary celebration. it's one of 29 across the country and helps applicants with urgent travel plans. >> nearly 600 penn state university employees are taking a voluntariry retirement package from the school. reports out of state college say more than two-thirds of those employees work the main campus, 46% of employees eligible for early retirement took it. that was more than the school said it expected. penn state officials say it's not clear how much money the school will save after they hire new workers. >> this afternoon japanese auto parts maker is pleading guilty enwill pay a $1 billion penalty for hiding air bag problem. they can explode with too much force. sendi sending shh rap nel into drivers and passengers. 16 people have been killed worldwide. more than 180 injured. >> a massachusetts town is still under a state of emergency today while neighbors deal with a tornado aftermath. take a look. the tornado destroyed buildings and trees over the weekend in conway. officials say families impact by the storm found a place to stay. no one here was seriously hurt. >> back here in p.a. high winds swept over the area. winds reached 95 miles an hour in the town of brickerville. seven buildings were destroyed. >> back to go our first alert weather do we have any more of those storms in our forecast. that's one question i have and also 70s again later down the road. >> some were thinking winter's here to stay for a while. maybe not. >> no it's more this roller coaster stuff. after we get through the 70 on wednesday. we do have a more wintry like pattern developing for the first half of march. it's 54 degrees not feeling like winter now. yesterday it felt like it. today it's a little bit milder. we have southwest winds trying to warm us up. we have a lot of clouds around preventing the temperature from being even higher than it is and the other thing preventing it, at least at shore, the wind coming in off that colder ocean. ocean temperature 43 so it's only 47. ocean city, ventnor, holgate, 49. and then farther inland, it's milder, wood booin at 54, egg harbor township at 53 degrees. all about the wind direction and there's going to be a big contrast over the next couple of days as well. we're going back into the 70s on wednesday and we may set some more records, but we're going to pay for that with some strong to severe thunderstorms wednesday afternoon and wednesday evening and some several windy days ahead aside just from those brief thunderstorms. we have some light radar echos over the area, a few sprinkles reported in some places but that's not the main system. we're watching what's developing in the middle of the country. and that is what is going to bring the severe weather here. so it's for all neighborhoods. it's for wednesday afternoon and wednesday evening for severe thunderstorms with damaging winds, hail and frequent lightning. those storms on saturday afternoon, some of them were pretty fierce and the atmosphere is set up even more potent for wednesday than it was just a couple of days ago. here's the future cast. we go through the night tonight and into tomorrow. not all that cold to start off the day and then we go into the 60s without any precipitation during the day but tomorrow night, different story. we may see some thunderstorms in parts of the area and then wednesday, look at that low temperature near 60 degrees. there's one round of showers and storms possibly in the morning and another one later on during the day. so wednesday could be a pretty active day and of course the timing of those storms will help determine whether we set those high temperature records or night. now, tomorrow it's dry during the day. during the evening that's when we could see the storms. look at the temperatures. langhorne 65. even allentown 60 in reading, 66 degrees, 66 in robbinsvile. but cooler right at the jersey shore. we could see a couple showers down toward the beaches later on during the day. that wind southwest at 10 to 20-mile-per-hour. and overall just want to give you an idea we've gone from 66 to 76 then back down, 50, 43, 42. does morning that's cold. we warm up a little bit more early next week and look at the towards the end of next week. we're talking about a colder pattern once we get past wednesday. >> a lot of people saying what just happened. that moment that not even holiday could have scripted. >> this is crazy. it still has the whole world talking this afternoon. >> this is not a joke. i'm afraid they read the wrong thing. >> the oscar confusion and what happened? >> uninvited guest. see what made its way inside one woman's apartment that landed just fit away from her. >> wendy's, see what they're about to let some people do. >> the dow jones just closed at a record high for the 12th consecutive day. what's more magical than playing pot of gold... with top prizes of $50,000? the answer's winning... on the spot. oh, yes!! play pot of gold, the new game from the pennsylvania lottery. and you could win... on the spot. keep on scratchin'! for years, fios has been promising fast internet to small businesses. but for many businesses, it's out of reach. why promise something you can't deliver? comcast business is different. ♪ ♪ we deliver super-fast internet with speeds of 150 megabits per second across our entire network, to more companies, in more locations, than fios. we do business where you do business. ♪ ♪ a scare for a new york city woman over the weekend. police are looking for the owner of a drone that crashed right into this high rise apartment. the drone smashed through the window of a 27th floor apartment in manhattan's skip bay. the 66-year-old woman was inside. she wasn't hurt when the drone landed swruft feet from her. >> happening right now in new york. millions of people are watching this live stream of a pregnant giraffe preparing to give birth. this is april and she is pregnant with her fourth calf. more than 20 million people have watched this stream. officials say labor can last from, get this, just a few hours to a few days. >> no mom wants to hear that. >> not at all. it's been a mild start to the work week. it's only going to get warmer too. >> march is going to be coming in like a lion. potentially some record breaking warmth and severe storms on the horizon. i'll tell you what to expect and when in your neighborhood next on my first alert forecast. >> very unfortunate what happened. personally i blame steve har have i for this. >> plus the biggest mistake in oscar's history. how it happened and why it wasn't the only thing that went wrong. >> should elected leaders in a south jersey city double their own pay? >> that money can be spent in other ways. >> reporter: while supporters say the planned salary hike are long overdue. >> coming up all new at five. privacy concerns over these machines law enforcement used them to catch criminals but why your personal information could be at risk as well. y26vfy y5yy ♪ we buy any car dot com ♪ ♪ we buy any car dot com ♪ ♪ any any any any ♪ did you know trading in your car at a dealer could cost you money? a recent study found consumers who trade in their car pay an average of $990 dollars more. so don't trade in... sell it.... to we buy any car. learn more and get your free online valuation now at we buy any car dot com ♪ find out how much your car is worth at ♪ >> and the academy award for best picture "la la land." >> a film flub with drama you would find in the best movie played out on live tv last night at the oscars. made me sit up from my couch. there is an investigation into how an envelope mixed up that led to a moment that even holiday could not script. >> you bet there's an investigation. >> nbc keith jones to walk us through what happened. >> "la la land" took home it's 7th oscar after being named best picture. right? end of story. only it wasn't. officials came out and said "moonlight" is the actual winner. take a look. >> thank you to our incredible cast and crew we're all up here right now. >> i'm sorry. there's a mistake. "moonlight" you guys won best picture. >> "moonlight" won. >> this is not a joke. >> this is not a joke. >> i'm afraid they won the wrong thing. >> this is not a joke. "moonlight" has won best picture. "moonlight," best picture. >> price waters house cooper is the firm in charge of tallying up the winner and handing out winners. they were handed the wrong envelopes. they're now launching a investigation into how it happened. >> during the in mem ram second a picture of producer janet patterson was used when it should have been the jan patterson. and warren beatty says he knew something was wrong, emma stone, "la la land" that's why he kept looking at it. handed it over dunaway so she could have that steve harvey moment. >> look at the this, it's wrong and she didn't realize this because she saw the name of the film. >> exactly. exactly. you could see the confusion going on stage before you realize what the mix-up was. there's a lot of mass chaos going on and then the director quickly jumped into action to clarify it. >> you and me both jumping up from our couches saying you're kidding me. >> but the "la la land" producers and cast members, they were so gracious in saying, we are -- we take pleasure in giving this award to "moonlight." >> it was very nice. >> really gracious. >> unbelievable night. >> crazy. thanks. >> the people behind "la la land" they did not go home empty handed. they have a lot to cheer about today. one of them is from montgomery county. his story ahead. >> would you give yourself a raise if you could? i think so. most of us would say yes. >> but in vineland a debate is raging about whether elected leaders should raise their pay. vineland is in cumberland county. it is wildly considered the poor city in new jersey. ted greenberg has the story. >> reporter: says he was upset when he found out vineland city council members were moving to significantly hike their salaries and the mayor's. >> i don't think it's fair. >> reporter: the local lawmakers set to hold a final vote on an plan that would double their current $5,000 pay next year, slightly more for the council president. the mayor's salary jumping from $30,000 now to 60,000 in 2018. the pay increases would be the first since 1987. >> if they're doing a good job, they should get a little bit more. >> that money could be spent in other ways besides more money for them. >> reporter: the pay hike would be incentive for more qualified candidates to seek public office down the road and bring the council's office more in line in what their counter parts are making in nearby bridgeton and millville. >> vineland's mayor saying he'll wave his health benefits package to fund the salary hikes insisting taxpayers won't be footing the bill. >> that's going to cover the majority of it, that's for sure. >> when i see it i believe it. everything looks gone paper. >> reporter: the elected leaders would get smaller prorated raises this year if the plan gets the green light tomorrow. fattening paychecks for the first time in 30s 30 years. nbc10 news. >> let's check out what's happening in the news around our area. >> berks county will take a first step toward closing the elementary center next year. board members will meet to go over the plan. the school has fewer students and growing money problems. >> a northampton county college is running out of room to house its students. up to 78 incoming freshman will be put up in temporary dorms on two campuses parking lots in all 33 modular units will be used for the temporary housing. plans call for the temporary dorms to be in service for a year or two. >> in montgomery county neighbors can voice their opinion on where to build a new state park in lansdale. four sites are being considered. they want to hear what residents have to say about that park. tonight's meeting is for public comment on. the vote will be on march 15th. >> right now it's your chance to get two trees planted in your yard for free. >> rittenhouse square today where tree philly spring yard giveway. registration is now open. anyone living in philly to have the chance to get two free trees planted on their property. for more information on applying for the trees you can log on to web. >> new concerns from doctors next about marijuana. >> too much of pay good thing. a good reason to slow down when it comes to sugar. >> plus order up. a first for fast food. >> the rush to the doctors office. why are so many people getting sick. nbc10 news makes an appointment to get the answer. dear fellow citizen, i know what it's like to worry about student loan debt. i graduated into it. it was keeping me from doing the things i love, like traveling to see my nephews. but i knew there had to be a way to manage it. citizens bank education refinance loan. call... or visit to find out how much you could save in less than two minutes. i refinanced more than 6 federal and private loans. even if you've already consolidated, you can still refinance your undergrad and grad loans. now that i'm saving, i can visit my nephews. and i can help you with your student debt, so you can do whatever's important to you. if you have a question about whether refinancing is right for you, ask me. sincerely, robert kennedy, fellow grad and fellow citizen. citizens bank education refinance loan. call... to see how much you could save now. ♪ ♪ >> announcer: this is nbc10 news. warning the afternoon as marijuana becomes legal in more states. the american academy of pediatric the drug has grown more potent in the past few hours. 17% of people who began smoking pot during adolescence become addicted. the drug not only harms the lungs it can impair teens judgements and concentration. australian researchers say they found a link between sugar and alzheimer's disease. researchers found too much glucose damages a vital enzyme connected to the early stage of alzheimer's. >> long lines can be a thing of the past at wendy's restaurants. they announced plans to naul one thousand self ordering kiosks by the end of the year. the typical restaurants will get three kiosks. they expect will cut down on labor cost. a way to get that frosty faster. >> up next, sorry left in the lirch by a lease. >> plus another big warm-up on the way and then another round of storms. i'm tracking it all next in my exclusive first alert forecast. >> all new at five. there are new exhibits as you tour the african-american museum. we'll take you inside. next at five. ♪ trading-in or selling your car, truck or suv? 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>> sure thing. >> thank you. >> you're quite welcome. now toyota had two other pieces of advice for consumers. understand your lease agreement in full before you sign and if someone in your family unexpectedly dies, contact creditors as soon as possible. >> the last thing you want to have to deal with those, that kind of paper work. you're also grieving and you're not really thinking about it right away. if it comes to mind just contact the creditors right away and they can work things out. >> harry, thank you. >> let's go to our recover counter. we now stand at $342,266. >> do you have a consumer complaint for nbc10 responds. you have to fill out the form on our website. you can give us a call and we'll respond to you. >> coming up tomorrow, a woman has problems with her new couch just weeks after buying it. after her warranty didn't protect her like she thought it would she called nbc10 responds. >> nbc10 responds hosted an event on friday that had the phones ringing off the hook in our studios. we invited a team of local lawyers to answer your question about immigration and we were able to help a lot of people. so we're planning more phone banks on all kinds of topics that effect you and your family so stay tuned with more on that. >> cooler air moved in over the weekend ushered in by those strong storms. they were really loud. they had my dog shaking. >> and they had trees shaking and there was some damage especially in lancaster county and up toward the poconos, even parts of maryland had couple of tornadoes out of that. 54 degrees right now. we got cold for one daily and now we're warming up again. 54 is well above average for this time of the year so are these other temperatures. you see a lot of clouds up there but we're not seeing much in the way of rain. we got some light rain reported in lancaster and in harrisburg right now so it's possible there could be a couple sprinkles in the next couple of hours. but it's not all that cold. leesport is 50s. kutztown is 48 degrees. whitehall's 51 as is bethlehem, easton, nazareth is 50 degrees and it's going to be a whole lot warmer than that over the next couple of days. now, remember on saturday, 73 degrees, but that dropped and we told you about that drop at least a week in advance down to 46 yesterday. 54 today, 66 tomorrow, 76 on wednesday and we were telling you about that 70 degrees for wednesday back a week ago too. so take a look at your seven-day forecast. sometimes we can go seven days and beyond with high accuracy even about extreme weather. here's the first alert for wednesday, the storms for all neighborhoods. this is in the afternoon and perhaps into the evening in parts of the area. the exact timing is little bit difficult because there may be two separate lines of storms but some of them could be severe. we have a lot of wind high up in the atmosphere and any thunderstorms capable of bringing that down into the surface and creating some damaging winds. these are the little sprinkles, most of this not reaching the ground. the next system starting to develop out in the middle of the country. here's the hour by hour as we go through the night tonight and into tomorrow. just cloudy skies in the morning and some breaks of sunshine allows temperatures to get into the 60s. maybe thunderstorm tuesday evening. for wednesday starting off fairly quiet. there may be one line of showers coming through in the morning and then here's this. any organized line of storms on wednesday is capable of producing 60 mile hour gust or even higher and there may be another little disturbance riding along that creating heavier rain. so wednesday's going to be a very active day. tomorrow is just going to be an unseasonably mild day. the average high is 47 for this time of the year and this again is not even the warmest day of the week. trenton at 66 degrees, atlantic city, though, only 56. south wind coming off of that chillier ocean. and the temperatures, look at this over the next four days, the jump tuesday and wednesday, followed by another crash in the temperatures for thursday and friday and we're talking about windy days as well. i think we're going to have some gusty winds probably all four of those days. the strongest will be on wednesday. >> so a similar set up to what we had saturday leading into sunday is what we'll have wednesday with those strong storms and that will bring in that cooler air. >> right. except for the fact that the atmosphere is more extreme than it was on saturday so i think they'll be more severe storms than they were saturday and stronger storms. so -- >> and the timing of that again? >> it is in the afternoon and some of it could come let's say before three in parts of the area and other parts of the area maybe not till seven. >> if you have any loose lawn furniture that you bring out because of the 70s, secure it. >> have a nice lunch out then bring it inside. >> tomorrow on nbc10 today anesthesiologist are you in for a little workout. feel the burn. >> and i've done that many times. all this week, vie and tracy are testing the hottest workouts. this one is hard. learn how to tighten and tone your body one muscle at a time. that plus first alert weather and traffic and all the news you need to start your day from 4:30 to 7:00 a.m. >> i'm so glad they didn't ask us to do that on camera. >> i want you to go with me one day. >> but no cameras allowed. the "la la land" best picture mistake of the academy awards. talk of the town. >> did you know a man from our area worked on "la la land" ended up a big winner any way. his story straight ahead. y29ijy y5yy it's league night!? 'saved money on motorcycle insurance with geico! goin' up the country. bowl without me. frank.' i'm going to get nachos. snack bar's closed. gah! ah, ah ah. ♪ ♪ i'm goin' up the country, baby don't you wanna go? ♪ ♪ i'm goin' up the country, baby don't you wanna go? ♪ geico motorcycle, great rates for great rides. dear fellow citizen, i know what it's like to want to relax with your family. but enjoying today doesn't mean losing sight of tomorrow. so while i invest in "the now" my mortgage, vacations i still invest in the future, like my children's college tuition and retirement. i can help you piece together your financial journey for today and tomorrow. if you have a question about investing, ask me. sincerely, amanda etheridge, fellow planner and fellow citizen. got some breaking news here from skyforce10. what you're looking at workers on the scene of a gas line that has ruptured here. this is in upland delaware county. so some roads are closed in the area as they work to fix this ruptured gas line. good news here there's been no explosion, no one is hurt here but they do want to fix that ruptured line. we'll keep you posted. >> back to the oscars. ♪ >> benj pasek is a winner. he cowrote the song "city of stars." it took home the oscar. the 31 thanked his mom who was with him at the oscars. >> we are the only profession that celebrates what it means to live a life. >> thank you really appreciate it. peace and blessings. >> even in my dreams this could not be true. but to hell with dreams, i'm done with it because this is true. >> another big winner in this year's oscars, diversity. this year's awards featured the most african-american winners ever. mon lite about a young gay black man won best picture. vie olea davis took home best supporting actress for "fences." she gave everyone chills. >> here keith jones and erin coleman. >> a new take on the threats of vandalism targeting jewish communities in our regions. >> nbc10 talked to people visiting a local jewish cemetery today where dozens of headstones were toppled over. we're live in philadelphia and in washington, d.c. >> and warm air continuing to boost our temperatures the next couple days. then we're tracking thunderstorms again. we'll take a look at the timing of it all coming up. >> plus all new at 5:00. detectives tracking criminals. the nbc10 investigators look into why your privacy could be endangered in you're anywhere near a suspect. antiis a met tic acts. what family members are saying tonight about this hateful vandalism. >> jcc's evacuated for the fifth time this year. there's a coordinated attempt to threaten jewish centers. >> coughing and sneezing. are you feeling the blues? get to the bottom of why so many people are feeling sick. >> announcer: nbc10 starts now. >> obviously it's very upsetting and i feel sick to my stomach. >> toppling headstones one by one at a philadelphia jewish center. >> this is not just a random act. >> hate toward the jewish community from the cemetery to jccs. bomb threats targeting local centers. >> andig

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Australia , New Castle County , Delaware , United States , Delaware County , Pennsylvania , Kutztown , Penn State University , Jewish Cemetery , West Bank General , West Bank , Russia , Whitehall , Montgomery County , Dover , Atlantic City , New Jersey , Massachusetts , Allentown , Millville , Trenton , Jersey , Cape May , New York , Japan , Norristown , Lancaster County , Berks County , Washington , Philadelphia , Rittenhouse Square , State College , Coatesville , Maryland , Bethlehem , Cumberland County , Australian , America , Japanese , American , Janet Patterson , Keith Jones , Olea Davis , Martin Luther King , George W Bush , Jim Kenny , Steve Harvey , Warren Beatty , Robert Kennedy , Taj Mahal , Sean Spicer , Jan Patterson , Ted Greenberg , Erin Coleman , Amanda Etheridge ,

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Transcripts For WCAU NBC10 News At 4pm 20170227 :

Transcripts For WCAU NBC10 News At 4pm 20170227

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>> no real security cameras or anything i'm guessing? >> no. >> reporter: no guards or anything like that. >> no. >> reporter: many overturns tomb stones are in the back corners. the stone themselves don't capture fingerprints so investigators had to collect weaker evidence like beer cans and bottles. they don't have a suspect let alone a motive but it would ultimately be the district attorney's decision to charge this as a hate crime if a religious attack was the motivation. philadelphia's mayor believes our national political environment has, quote, empowered and emboldened bigots. >> sad to say what it looks like it probably is. we're in an environment where bigotry and hatred have been given permission. >> reporter: the mayor called on elected offices higher than his to condemn this vandalism forcefully. as of just about 90 minutes ago, that agency will lead the evidence gathering from here on out. reporting live i'm george spencer nbc10 news. >> just a few hours ago, 180 interfaith leaders came together at lutheran seminary. it was the part of a previously plan program called come together. in light of what happened over the weekend they spoke out against into have rans and hate. >> islamaphobia, is anti-semitism. >> every headstone and every grave marker is replaced or repaired. >> there will be more meetings like this one as they watch what they describe as a growing problem across the country. cydney long in the out pouring of emotion and sidney we know we heard in george's piece just one person talking about heart broken in dealing with this and other people are just reeling from this. >> reporter: dozens if not hundreds of people have been here to mt. car mel throughout the day today. they have brought with them their tissues, and flowers. they have come to pray and check on the status of their own loved ones. just as much as these headstones tombstone here are shattered, so two are their hearts but not their faith. >> i think the reason they did it is because we kind of now have permission to let all of our hatred show. >> reporter: don't have loved ones buried here. but today they visit. they came prepared to share coffee, give hugs or pick up debris in the midst of massive december kraigs. >> it's terrifying to me. >> this is a moment when i feel connected to jews because this is an anti-see me tic act. >> reporter: because it's a crime scene it's too soon to be the graves back together. dozens of others feel sheer heart break. >> this is by far the worst i have seen. >> reporter: they question why, why would anyone commit such a terrible act? >> that's a ton of tombstones. that's a ton. >> it's the proximity of a jewish cemetery and basically a working class gentile neighborhood. >> people need to stop hating each other. people couldn't do that unless they felt the world was on their side and that's what donald trump being in charge represents. >> reporter: now she told me she stands up for muslims black, all faiths and nationalities. she says it will also take a loved feel movement that of martin luther king's i have a dream to move past this current nightmare we're feeling in our society. >> we just heard philadelphia mayor kenny condemning the vandalism. the mayor is calling on the white house to lead the way in showing that this type of behavior cannot be tolerated. >> bigotry and hatred will never go away but it's the government's responsibility to tamp it down and to arrest and convict and emprison those who exhibit it. >> president trump has personally addressed this. just hours ago his white house press secretary condemned the hateful acts. >> no one in america should feel afraid to follow the religion of their choosing freely and openly. the president is dedicated to preserving these original principle of our our nation. >> all of this happening across the country at least 19 jewish community centers were evacuated today alone including ones in pennsylvania, new jersey and delaware. >> and take a look at this video from cherry hill. the center was evacuated around 10:45 this morning. cherry hill police gave the all clear after going through that building. we spoke with an employee at the center the ongoing threats are scary for everyone. >> very unnerving. you just feel that you're not safe anywhere and especially working in an organization where it's jewish organization, it's scary. >> employees also say the evacuations were especially tough for seniors at the center who had to leave the building as quickly as possible. just before the center in cherry hill is evacuated this scene was unfolding in new castle county. you can see people evacuating in wilmington after a bomb threat was called in. police in new castle county cleared that building about an hour after the evacuation and people were allowed back inside. and many montgomery county you can see police and at least one canine responding in wynnwood. this was just before noon. no one was hurt during these jcc threats in our area. pennsylvania governor tom wolf is already responding to the threats, any antisee met tic act aimed at jewish institutions is truly reprehensible and we might find those responsible and hold them accountable. >> another look at the destruction from skyforce10. we have much more reaction to this vandalism plus updates on the investigation. out are continuing coverage on the nbc app. >> the 70 degrees temperatures may be gone for a bit but still a pretty nice day out there. this couple taking their dog for a walk in west philadelphia. mix of clouds and sundown the shore. here's a live look at cape may. an empty beach there but it's waiting for us when it warms up again. chief meteorologist glenn "hurricane" schwartz has the first look at the forecast. >> another warmup? >> we're going to go back up into the 70s this week. this time will just be for one day. today is warmer than yesterday. 54 degrees in philadelphia. way above average for this time of the year. 50 in coatesville, 52 in allentown and these temperatures are 10, 12, 13 degrees warmer than at this time yesterday and we're going to see a similar jump for tomorrow and then another jump for wednesday. we were 73 degrees on saturday, 73 with severe thunderstorms in some areas dropped to 46 on sunday. back up to 54 today then 66 tomorrow, 76 degrees on wednesday and that's when we might see some more records break. philadelphia's record is 76. i think we're going to come very close to that. the record that has the best chance of being broken is allentown, the record is 67 and we're predicting 76 degrees. but we've got a threat of severe thunderstorms. we've issued a first alert for that. we'll get into that coming up. now to a key ruling in the bill cosby case. he lost his bid to move his upcoming sex assault out of montgomery county. it's not a complete defeat. deanna durante is live in norristown. >> it will be a jury from outside the county that gets to hear this high profile case. >> reporter: it will. that was something that both sides agreed to throughout this proceeding. however the defense attorneys say that the media and politicians have branded bill cosby as a villain. they say he can't get a fair trial anywhere especially here in montgomery county. bill cosby thanks the fan outside the montgomery county courthouse. inside he remains silent where his criminal case should be heard. the american and international press has been judge, jury and executioner of cosby. he maintains his innocence. he's accused of sexually assaulting in 2004. since her case became public dozens of women have publicly accused cosby of sexual misconduct. no other criminal case exists. part of why the attorney says his client can't get a fair trial anywhere. the judge says the case will go to trial on june 5th and the case will be heard in montgomery county but the jury will be pulled from some where else in the state. >> no comment today. thank you. >> reporter: both prosecutors and defense attorneys avoid questions after the ruling was handed down. we do not yet know where the jury will come from or if a suitable jury pool can be selected. that is again something that defense says can't happen that everybody at this point has an opinion against his clients. the attorney told the court now where will this jury pool come from? that is with the pennsylvania supreme court. reporting live nbc10 news. >> let it implode. that's what president donald trump is saying about the affordable care act. >> he said politically the best thing republicans can do is nothing. saying it will show how obamacare is a quote, failing disaster. but the president added that wouldn't be good for the people. >> let it be a disaster because we can blame that on the dems that are in our room and we can blame that on the democrats and president obama. let it implode and then led it implode in '18. don't do anything. and they will come begging for us to do something. >> this morning former president george w. bush opened up about president trump's relationship with the media in a "today" show exclusive. a free and independent press is quote, indispensable to democracy and power can be dangerous. >> we need an independent media to hold people like me to account. power can be very addictive and it can be corrosive and it's important for the media to call to account people who abuse their power. >> president bush also says people deserve to know more about russia's contacts with president trump's campaign before the election. house intelligence officials say congress should not start a wish hunt to investigate the issue. >> president trump is expected to sign a new immigration executive order on wednesday. that order was supposed to be signed last week but press secretary sean spicer said the president was holding off to make sure the plan is, quote, flawless. the initial order was blocked by a federal judge after it called for halting entry into the u.s. from seven muslim majority countries. i'm heading down to washington, d.c. to join lauren mayk to prf view the president's speech to congress. we'll give you live coverage. nbc10 will give you the president's address live at 9:00 tomorrow night and our news coverage will begin as soon as the president is finished speaking. the city council held the meeting this afternoon to look at the financial impact from the trump administration, congress and the state budget. brennan boil spoke out against some of republicans plan. >> who owns these letters, that's what a court will now decide after philadelphia recycling company sued the now close trump taj mahal over these trump signs. recycling of urban materials for profit, it paid $250 for the letters that were being removed and put them up for auction on ebay. plerlz were stolen and ebay cancelled that auction. tomorrow in trenton will reveal his final state budget this comes as the governor is facing criticism from both sides of the aisle from those trying to replace him. democratic candidates says christie's policies have failed. lieutenant governor who is also running for governor is promising to audit trenton. >> there are still questions this afternoon about what caused the crash that killed two dover police officers. toxicology results did not come back today. patrolman robert due fanty was with the department for two years, cadet watts were there for six months. both were killed early sunday morning. and this is the area the officers took a sharp curve and slammed right into a utility pole. accident investigators say dufante was driving. funeral arrangements are being made. >> today the philadelphia passport agency is marking a big milestone. nbc10 in old city where mayor jim kenny was on hand to mark the agency's 50 nch anniversary celebration. it's one of 29 across the country and helps applicants with urgent travel plans. >> nearly 600 penn state university employees are taking a voluntariry retirement package from the school. reports out of state college say more than two-thirds of those employees work the main campus, 46% of employees eligible for early retirement took it. that was more than the school said it expected. penn state officials say it's not clear how much money the school will save after they hire new workers. >> this afternoon japanese auto parts maker is pleading guilty enwill pay a $1 billion penalty for hiding air bag problem. they can explode with too much force. sendi sending shh rap nel into drivers and passengers. 16 people have been killed worldwide. more than 180 injured. >> a massachusetts town is still under a state of emergency today while neighbors deal with a tornado aftermath. take a look. the tornado destroyed buildings and trees over the weekend in conway. officials say families impact by the storm found a place to stay. no one here was seriously hurt. >> back here in p.a. high winds swept over the area. winds reached 95 miles an hour in the town of brickerville. seven buildings were destroyed. >> back to go our first alert weather do we have any more of those storms in our forecast. that's one question i have and also 70s again later down the road. >> some were thinking winter's here to stay for a while. maybe not. >> no it's more this roller coaster stuff. after we get through the 70 on wednesday. we do have a more wintry like pattern developing for the first half of march. it's 54 degrees not feeling like winter now. yesterday it felt like it. today it's a little bit milder. we have southwest winds trying to warm us up. we have a lot of clouds around preventing the temperature from being even higher than it is and the other thing preventing it, at least at shore, the wind coming in off that colder ocean. ocean temperature 43 so it's only 47. ocean city, ventnor, holgate, 49. and then farther inland, it's milder, wood booin at 54, egg harbor township at 53 degrees. all about the wind direction and there's going to be a big contrast over the next couple of days as well. we're going back into the 70s on wednesday and we may set some more records, but we're going to pay for that with some strong to severe thunderstorms wednesday afternoon and wednesday evening and some several windy days ahead aside just from those brief thunderstorms. we have some light radar echos over the area, a few sprinkles reported in some places but that's not the main system. we're watching what's developing in the middle of the country. and that is what is going to bring the severe weather here. so it's for all neighborhoods. it's for wednesday afternoon and wednesday evening for severe thunderstorms with damaging winds, hail and frequent lightning. those storms on saturday afternoon, some of them were pretty fierce and the atmosphere is set up even more potent for wednesday than it was just a couple of days ago. here's the future cast. we go through the night tonight and into tomorrow. not all that cold to start off the day and then we go into the 60s without any precipitation during the day but tomorrow night, different story. we may see some thunderstorms in parts of the area and then wednesday, look at that low temperature near 60 degrees. there's one round of showers and storms possibly in the morning and another one later on during the day. so wednesday could be a pretty active day and of course the timing of those storms will help determine whether we set those high temperature records or night. now, tomorrow it's dry during the day. during the evening that's when we could see the storms. look at the temperatures. langhorne 65. even allentown 60 in reading, 66 degrees, 66 in robbinsvile. but cooler right at the jersey shore. we could see a couple showers down toward the beaches later on during the day. that wind southwest at 10 to 20-mile-per-hour. and overall just want to give you an idea we've gone from 66 to 76 then back down, 50, 43, 42. does morning that's cold. we warm up a little bit more early next week and look at the towards the end of next week. we're talking about a colder pattern once we get past wednesday. >> a lot of people saying what just happened. that moment that not even holiday could have scripted. >> this is crazy. it still has the whole world talking this afternoon. >> this is not a joke. i'm afraid they read the wrong thing. >> the oscar confusion and what happened? >> uninvited guest. see what made its way inside one woman's apartment that landed just fit away from her. >> wendy's, see what they're about to let some people do. >> the dow jones just closed at a record high for the 12th consecutive day. what's more magical than playing pot of gold... with top prizes of $50,000? the answer's winning... on the spot. oh, yes!! play pot of gold, the new game from the pennsylvania lottery. and you could win... on the spot. keep on scratchin'! for years, fios has been promising fast internet to small businesses. but for many businesses, it's out of reach. why promise something you can't deliver? comcast business is different. ♪ ♪ we deliver super-fast internet with speeds of 150 megabits per second across our entire network, to more companies, in more locations, than fios. we do business where you do business. ♪ ♪ a scare for a new york city woman over the weekend. police are looking for the owner of a drone that crashed right into this high rise apartment. the drone smashed through the window of a 27th floor apartment in manhattan's skip bay. the 66-year-old woman was inside. she wasn't hurt when the drone landed swruft feet from her. >> happening right now in new york. millions of people are watching this live stream of a pregnant giraffe preparing to give birth. this is april and she is pregnant with her fourth calf. more than 20 million people have watched this stream. officials say labor can last from, get this, just a few hours to a few days. >> no mom wants to hear that. >> not at all. it's been a mild start to the work week. it's only going to get warmer too. >> march is going to be coming in like a lion. potentially some record breaking warmth and severe storms on the horizon. i'll tell you what to expect and when in your neighborhood next on my first alert forecast. >> very unfortunate what happened. personally i blame steve har have i for this. >> plus the biggest mistake in oscar's history. how it happened and why it wasn't the only thing that went wrong. >> should elected leaders in a south jersey city double their own pay? >> that money can be spent in other ways. >> reporter: while supporters say the planned salary hike are long overdue. >> coming up all new at five. privacy concerns over these machines law enforcement used them to catch criminals but why your personal information could be at risk as well. y26vfy y5yy ♪ we buy any car dot com ♪ ♪ we buy any car dot com ♪ ♪ any any any any ♪ did you know trading in your car at a dealer could cost you money? a recent study found consumers who trade in their car pay an average of $990 dollars more. so don't trade in... sell it.... to we buy any car. learn more and get your free online valuation now at we buy any car dot com ♪ find out how much your car is worth at ♪ >> and the academy award for best picture "la la land." >> a film flub with drama you would find in the best movie played out on live tv last night at the oscars. made me sit up from my couch. there is an investigation into how an envelope mixed up that led to a moment that even holiday could not script. >> you bet there's an investigation. >> nbc keith jones to walk us through what happened. >> "la la land" took home it's 7th oscar after being named best picture. right? end of story. only it wasn't. officials came out and said "moonlight" is the actual winner. take a look. >> thank you to our incredible cast and crew we're all up here right now. >> i'm sorry. there's a mistake. "moonlight" you guys won best picture. >> "moonlight" won. >> this is not a joke. >> this is not a joke. >> i'm afraid they won the wrong thing. >> this is not a joke. "moonlight" has won best picture. "moonlight," best picture. >> price waters house cooper is the firm in charge of tallying up the winner and handing out winners. they were handed the wrong envelopes. they're now launching a investigation into how it happened. >> during the in mem ram second a picture of producer janet patterson was used when it should have been the jan patterson. and warren beatty says he knew something was wrong, emma stone, "la la land" that's why he kept looking at it. handed it over dunaway so she could have that steve harvey moment. >> look at the this, it's wrong and she didn't realize this because she saw the name of the film. >> exactly. exactly. you could see the confusion going on stage before you realize what the mix-up was. there's a lot of mass chaos going on and then the director quickly jumped into action to clarify it. >> you and me both jumping up from our couches saying you're kidding me. >> but the "la la land" producers and cast members, they were so gracious in saying, we are -- we take pleasure in giving this award to "moonlight." >> it was very nice. >> really gracious. >> unbelievable night. >> crazy. thanks. >> the people behind "la la land" they did not go home empty handed. they have a lot to cheer about today. one of them is from montgomery county. his story ahead. >> would you give yourself a raise if you could? i think so. most of us would say yes. >> but in vineland a debate is raging about whether elected leaders should raise their pay. vineland is in cumberland county. it is wildly considered the poor city in new jersey. ted greenberg has the story. >> reporter: says he was upset when he found out vineland city council members were moving to significantly hike their salaries and the mayor's. >> i don't think it's fair. >> reporter: the local lawmakers set to hold a final vote on an plan that would double their current $5,000 pay next year, slightly more for the council president. the mayor's salary jumping from $30,000 now to 60,000 in 2018. the pay increases would be the first since 1987. >> if they're doing a good job, they should get a little bit more. >> that money could be spent in other ways besides more money for them. >> reporter: the pay hike would be incentive for more qualified candidates to seek public office down the road and bring the council's office more in line in what their counter parts are making in nearby bridgeton and millville. >> vineland's mayor saying he'll wave his health benefits package to fund the salary hikes insisting taxpayers won't be footing the bill. >> that's going to cover the majority of it, that's for sure. >> when i see it i believe it. everything looks gone paper. >> reporter: the elected leaders would get smaller prorated raises this year if the plan gets the green light tomorrow. fattening paychecks for the first time in 30s 30 years. nbc10 news. >> let's check out what's happening in the news around our area. >> berks county will take a first step toward closing the elementary center next year. board members will meet to go over the plan. the school has fewer students and growing money problems. >> a northampton county college is running out of room to house its students. up to 78 incoming freshman will be put up in temporary dorms on two campuses parking lots in all 33 modular units will be used for the temporary housing. plans call for the temporary dorms to be in service for a year or two. >> in montgomery county neighbors can voice their opinion on where to build a new state park in lansdale. four sites are being considered. they want to hear what residents have to say about that park. tonight's meeting is for public comment on. the vote will be on march 15th. >> right now it's your chance to get two trees planted in your yard for free. >> rittenhouse square today where tree philly spring yard giveway. registration is now open. anyone living in philly to have the chance to get two free trees planted on their property. for more information on applying for the trees you can log on to web. >> new concerns from doctors next about marijuana. >> too much of pay good thing. a good reason to slow down when it comes to sugar. >> plus order up. a first for fast food. >> the rush to the doctors office. why are so many people getting sick. nbc10 news makes an appointment to get the answer. dear fellow citizen, i know what it's like to worry about student loan debt. i graduated into it. it was keeping me from doing the things i love, like traveling to see my nephews. but i knew there had to be a way to manage it. citizens bank education refinance loan. call... or visit to find out how much you could save in less than two minutes. i refinanced more than 6 federal and private loans. even if you've already consolidated, you can still refinance your undergrad and grad loans. now that i'm saving, i can visit my nephews. and i can help you with your student debt, so you can do whatever's important to you. if you have a question about whether refinancing is right for you, ask me. sincerely, robert kennedy, fellow grad and fellow citizen. citizens bank education refinance loan. call... to see how much you could save now. ♪ ♪ >> announcer: this is nbc10 news. warning the afternoon as marijuana becomes legal in more states. the american academy of pediatric the drug has grown more potent in the past few hours. 17% of people who began smoking pot during adolescence become addicted. the drug not only harms the lungs it can impair teens judgements and concentration. australian researchers say they found a link between sugar and alzheimer's disease. researchers found too much glucose damages a vital enzyme connected to the early stage of alzheimer's. >> long lines can be a thing of the past at wendy's restaurants. they announced plans to naul one thousand self ordering kiosks by the end of the year. the typical restaurants will get three kiosks. they expect will cut down on labor cost. a way to get that frosty faster. >> up next, sorry left in the lirch by a lease. >> plus another big warm-up on the way and then another round of storms. i'm tracking it all next in my exclusive first alert forecast. >> all new at five. there are new exhibits as you tour the african-american museum. we'll take you inside. next at five. ♪ trading-in or selling your car, truck or suv? takes the hassle out of selling in just 3 easy steps. one, get your free online valuation. two, drive to your local car buying center. and three, walk out with your check in as little as 30 minutes ! so don't wait...get your free online valuation now at ♪find out how much your car is worth at♪ in today's nbc10 respond. what happens to a car lease contract if you pass away. >> it's a question two sisters had to answer and answer it fast because their mother unexpected passed away with payments left. they called nbc responds. you helped them out. >> nothing more frustrating and devastating for a family like this. this mother only drove the car for six weeks before her untimely death. >> she was a wonderful mom. she gave us everything. >> reporter: peggy died of cancer in early february. >> in january things went downhill. it started spreading fast. faster than we expected. >> erin new her mom leased a toyota in december. she contacted the company right away to find out her options. her mom's estate was still on the hook for the contract. >> they're only response was so sorry. >> that news only added to sarah's grief. she reached out to nbc10 respond. >> we knew you helped in the past and were hoping you could do something. >> we contacted toyota which says it determines these situations on a case by case basis. the company pointed out a clause in the contract that says a consumer will be in default even if you die but after we got involved, toyota decided to let peggy's estate out of the contract. >> it's been the best news that we've gotten. obviously in a few weeks. >> the value of the rest of her three year lease, $5,422.66. >> thank you so much. can i give you a hug? >> sure thing. >> thank you. >> you're quite welcome. now toyota had two other pieces of advice for consumers. understand your lease agreement in full before you sign and if someone in your family unexpectedly dies, contact creditors as soon as possible. >> the last thing you want to have to deal with those, that kind of paper work. you're also grieving and you're not really thinking about it right away. if it comes to mind just contact the creditors right away and they can work things out. >> harry, thank you. >> let's go to our recover counter. we now stand at $342,266. >> do you have a consumer complaint for nbc10 responds. you have to fill out the form on our website. you can give us a call and we'll respond to you. >> coming up tomorrow, a woman has problems with her new couch just weeks after buying it. after her warranty didn't protect her like she thought it would she called nbc10 responds. >> nbc10 responds hosted an event on friday that had the phones ringing off the hook in our studios. we invited a team of local lawyers to answer your question about immigration and we were able to help a lot of people. so we're planning more phone banks on all kinds of topics that effect you and your family so stay tuned with more on that. >> cooler air moved in over the weekend ushered in by those strong storms. they were really loud. they had my dog shaking. >> and they had trees shaking and there was some damage especially in lancaster county and up toward the poconos, even parts of maryland had couple of tornadoes out of that. 54 degrees right now. we got cold for one daily and now we're warming up again. 54 is well above average for this time of the year so are these other temperatures. you see a lot of clouds up there but we're not seeing much in the way of rain. we got some light rain reported in lancaster and in harrisburg right now so it's possible there could be a couple sprinkles in the next couple of hours. but it's not all that cold. leesport is 50s. kutztown is 48 degrees. whitehall's 51 as is bethlehem, easton, nazareth is 50 degrees and it's going to be a whole lot warmer than that over the next couple of days. now, remember on saturday, 73 degrees, but that dropped and we told you about that drop at least a week in advance down to 46 yesterday. 54 today, 66 tomorrow, 76 on wednesday and we were telling you about that 70 degrees for wednesday back a week ago too. so take a look at your seven-day forecast. sometimes we can go seven days and beyond with high accuracy even about extreme weather. here's the first alert for wednesday, the storms for all neighborhoods. this is in the afternoon and perhaps into the evening in parts of the area. the exact timing is little bit difficult because there may be two separate lines of storms but some of them could be severe. we have a lot of wind high up in the atmosphere and any thunderstorms capable of bringing that down into the surface and creating some damaging winds. these are the little sprinkles, most of this not reaching the ground. the next system starting to develop out in the middle of the country. here's the hour by hour as we go through the night tonight and into tomorrow. just cloudy skies in the morning and some breaks of sunshine allows temperatures to get into the 60s. maybe thunderstorm tuesday evening. for wednesday starting off fairly quiet. there may be one line of showers coming through in the morning and then here's this. any organized line of storms on wednesday is capable of producing 60 mile hour gust or even higher and there may be another little disturbance riding along that creating heavier rain. so wednesday's going to be a very active day. tomorrow is just going to be an unseasonably mild day. the average high is 47 for this time of the year and this again is not even the warmest day of the week. trenton at 66 degrees, atlantic city, though, only 56. south wind coming off of that chillier ocean. and the temperatures, look at this over the next four days, the jump tuesday and wednesday, followed by another crash in the temperatures for thursday and friday and we're talking about windy days as well. i think we're going to have some gusty winds probably all four of those days. the strongest will be on wednesday. >> so a similar set up to what we had saturday leading into sunday is what we'll have wednesday with those strong storms and that will bring in that cooler air. >> right. except for the fact that the atmosphere is more extreme than it was on saturday so i think they'll be more severe storms than they were saturday and stronger storms. so -- >> and the timing of that again? >> it is in the afternoon and some of it could come let's say before three in parts of the area and other parts of the area maybe not till seven. >> if you have any loose lawn furniture that you bring out because of the 70s, secure it. >> have a nice lunch out then bring it inside. >> tomorrow on nbc10 today anesthesiologist are you in for a little workout. feel the burn. >> and i've done that many times. all this week, vie and tracy are testing the hottest workouts. this one is hard. learn how to tighten and tone your body one muscle at a time. that plus first alert weather and traffic and all the news you need to start your day from 4:30 to 7:00 a.m. >> i'm so glad they didn't ask us to do that on camera. >> i want you to go with me one day. >> but no cameras allowed. the "la la land" best picture mistake of the academy awards. talk of the town. >> did you know a man from our area worked on "la la land" ended up a big winner any way. his story straight ahead. y29ijy y5yy it's league night!? 'saved money on motorcycle insurance with geico! goin' up the country. bowl without me. frank.' i'm going to get nachos. snack bar's closed. gah! ah, ah ah. ♪ ♪ i'm goin' up the country, baby don't you wanna go? ♪ ♪ i'm goin' up the country, baby don't you wanna go? ♪ geico motorcycle, great rates for great rides. dear fellow citizen, i know what it's like to want to relax with your family. but enjoying today doesn't mean losing sight of tomorrow. so while i invest in "the now" my mortgage, vacations i still invest in the future, like my children's college tuition and retirement. i can help you piece together your financial journey for today and tomorrow. if you have a question about investing, ask me. sincerely, amanda etheridge, fellow planner and fellow citizen. got some breaking news here from skyforce10. what you're looking at workers on the scene of a gas line that has ruptured here. this is in upland delaware county. so some roads are closed in the area as they work to fix this ruptured gas line. good news here there's been no explosion, no one is hurt here but they do want to fix that ruptured line. we'll keep you posted. >> back to the oscars. ♪ >> benj pasek is a winner. he cowrote the song "city of stars." it took home the oscar. the 31 thanked his mom who was with him at the oscars. >> we are the only profession that celebrates what it means to live a life. >> thank you really appreciate it. peace and blessings. >> even in my dreams this could not be true. but to hell with dreams, i'm done with it because this is true. >> another big winner in this year's oscars, diversity. this year's awards featured the most african-american winners ever. mon lite about a young gay black man won best picture. vie olea davis took home best supporting actress for "fences." she gave everyone chills. >> here keith jones and erin coleman. >> a new take on the threats of vandalism targeting jewish communities in our regions. >> nbc10 talked to people visiting a local jewish cemetery today where dozens of headstones were toppled over. we're live in philadelphia and in washington, d.c. >> and warm air continuing to boost our temperatures the next couple days. then we're tracking thunderstorms again. we'll take a look at the timing of it all coming up. >> plus all new at 5:00. detectives tracking criminals. the nbc10 investigators look into why your privacy could be endangered in you're anywhere near a suspect. antiis a met tic acts. what family members are saying tonight about this hateful vandalism. >> jcc's evacuated for the fifth time this year. there's a coordinated attempt to threaten jewish centers. >> coughing and sneezing. are you feeling the blues? get to the bottom of why so many people are feeling sick. >> announcer: nbc10 starts now. >> obviously it's very upsetting and i feel sick to my stomach. >> toppling headstones one by one at a philadelphia jewish center. >> this is not just a random act. >> hate toward the jewish community from the cemetery to jccs. bomb threats targeting local centers. >> andig

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Australia , New Castle County , Delaware , United States , Delaware County , Pennsylvania , Kutztown , Penn State University , Jewish Cemetery , West Bank General , West Bank , Russia , Whitehall , Montgomery County , Dover , Atlantic City , New Jersey , Massachusetts , Allentown , Millville , Trenton , Jersey , Cape May , New York , Japan , Norristown , Lancaster County , Berks County , Washington , Philadelphia , Rittenhouse Square , State College , Coatesville , Maryland , Bethlehem , Cumberland County , Australian , America , Japanese , American , Janet Patterson , Keith Jones , Olea Davis , Martin Luther King , George W Bush , Jim Kenny , Steve Harvey , Warren Beatty , Robert Kennedy , Taj Mahal , Sean Spicer , Jan Patterson , Ted Greenberg , Erin Coleman , Amanda Etheridge ,

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