Transcripts For WCAU NBC10 News At 4pm 20161212 : comparemel

Transcripts For WCAU NBC10 News At 4pm 20161212

wants to appeal his sentence. but at this point we don't know when that appeal will come. so once it's filed, that's when we'll know more about those details. >> all right, mitch blacher. and our coverage of today's sentencing continues at 4:30. coming up in 30 minutes, we'll speak to a legal expert about the sentencing and any possible grounds for appeal. 20 minutes of nonstop news continues with federal marshals shooting and killing a suspect while serving a warrant. authority say the suspect grew his weapon first. this all unfolded shortly after 10:00 a.m. behind a home on hellerman street near frontenac in the city's oxford circle neighborhood. we have more on what the agents were doing there, from nbc 10's tim furlong. tim? >> reporter: agents were looking for this guy to came out of the house. they say they tried to bring him in calmly and peacefully. they took him across the street. he started running this way, that's when they say he turned around and pulled a gun on the agents. that's when they shot him. >> i heard pop, pop, pop, three. >> reporter: the shots came from the gun of a u.s. marshal. agents had been staking out the corner of heller and cranford, looking for 28-year-old alex robledo. officials say he pulled a gun on him and they shot and killed him in the alley, a gun and shell casings left near his body. hours late, robledo's family arrived. >> there was a shooting in july and he was on the run. i haven't seen him since. >> reporter: she says he called her just once and never heard from him again. >> he said he didn't want to live anymore, he was tired of living. i started crying, i told him, don't talk like that. and he hung up the phone. that was the last i heard of him. >> reporter: shirley says alex had mental he'll issues and she's not surprised this happened today. that doesn't mean she isn't heartbroken at his mom. >> he had the biggest heart ever. i'm sorry. [ crying ] >> reporter: back live, just to let you know how it works, the marshals carry out warrants for other agencies, in this case for philadelphia police. we'll hear from philadelphia police in our 5:00 newscast. tim furlong, nbc 10 news. turning to our weather, today's damp and chilly temperatures didn't seem to bother this guy walking near 19th and fairmont today. pups in the poconos will need more than that to stay warm, temperatures in the 30s. they're not skiing just yet about the area had about an inch of snow overnight. you hear that? that's the sound of the wintry mix that fell in quakertown, bucks county this morning. the roads were covered with slush and puddles and the weather slowed down traffic in the early morning hours. nbc 10 first alert meteorologist sheena parveen is here. >> not our last round of cold weather, many more to come. >> one down. >> one down, now we're all warming up, we're above freezing, good news, helped to melt what fell this morning. temperatures near 50. the rain is now moving offshore. we are on the dry side. we still have the clouds around. but those are really starting to break up across the part of the area. that's going to cool us down as we go through tonight. look at the temperatures now. in the poconos, they're still in the mid-30s. allentown, 43 degrees. philadelphia warmed up to 50. wilmington, mount holly, 49. 49 in dover. we're getting warmer air in for the moment. for tonight we are going to start to cool down quite a bit. by 6:00 p.m., 45 degrees. 9:00, clouds clearing more, down around 41 degrees but feeling moore like the mid-30s. then by tomorrow morning, you'll notice temperatures right around freezing. it will be colder again into tomorrow morning. we do have one small weather system on the way for part of the area tomorrow. here's what it looks like by 9:00 p.m. tomorrow evening. it looks like most of the area could be kind of in a dry slot so we can see rain to our south, insofar as to our north. part of the area could see a small chance for this later tomorrow evening. that's not going to be a big deal. the big weather story this week is going to come thursday night and friday morning. the cold air is going to stay here. take a look at act particular air moving in by thursday. it will be very windy, gusting near 45 miles per hour through part of the area. this is going to be the coldest air that we've seen so far. last week we said it because it was at the time. but now this is going to be the coldest air. we could see windchills below zero for part of the area come early friday. i'll show you a closer look at that forecast coming up. the push for a recount in pennsylvania took a major blow today. a federal judge rejected the green party's request for a presidential election recount. the judge said there was no evidence that the pennsylvania vote was hacked as green party lawyers suggested. the judge said such suspicions, quote, border on the irrational." clinton lost the state by 44,000 votes. now to the transition to trump. the president-elect is taking criticism for a possible secretary of state pick before he officially announced his decision. nbc 10's keith jones joining us live in our digital news center with the quick reaction to mr. trump's apparent choice. keith? >> jim, sources close to the transition team confirmed that exxonmobil ceo rex tillerson will get the nod. that's not sitting well with some lawmakers from both sides of the aisle. tillerson is known for his close relationship with russian president vladimir putin. mr. trump calls that part of tillerson's appeal. today several lawmakers suggested that tillerson's close ties to moscow logistiwill make difficult for him to be confirmed, especially with reports from the cia that russia interfered with the election last month. today president-elect trump tweeted, quote, unless you catch hackers in the act, it is very hard to determine who was doing the hacking. why wasn't this brought up before the election, unquote. today senate republican leaders supported an investigation into possible hacking. >> obviously any foreign breach of our cyber security measures is disturbing, and i strongly condemn any such efforts. >> mcconnell says the senate intelligence committee will investigate. this week mr. trump will hold his first knew conference since being elected, he's expected to detail how he'll manage his business dealings. nbc 10, live in the breaking news center, keith jones. reports say new jersey governor chris christie is working with lawmakers from both parties to tweak new jersey state law which bars sitting governors from accepting law other than their salaries. christie had been expected to get a job in the trump administration which now seems unlikely. a final farewell in atlantic city to trooper frankie williams. he died a week ago when a wrong way driver crashed into his cruiser in cumberland county. nbc 10's ted greenberg joins us live from atlantic city. ted? >> reporter: jim, trooper frankie williams was remembered here today as a passionate man who made a huge positive impact on people both on and off the force. under gray skies and falling rain, a sea of blue along atlantic city's boardwalk, bidding farewell to a former brother, friend, and family member. >> he went out as he lived his life, with an explosion, with admiration, with love. that's who he was and that's how he lived. >> reporter: more than a thousand members of law enforcement came to boardwalk hall to pay their respects to rookie new jersey state trooper frankie williams, the 31-year-old newknenewlywed and r driver dying in a crash, 11 months after he joined state police. >> to see someone cut them in the most productive, wonderful time of their life after being married two months is horrible. >> he was one of those kind of guys that his smile was just -- it takes your breath away. >> reporter: sarah snelling worked with williams at lowe's in egg harbor township before his career in law enforcement. >> he left a lasting impression on you. you couldn't help not like frankie. >> reporter: police officers from across the country traveled long distances to attend the funeral, including members of the utah highway patrol. >> part of it is brotherhood. a lot of it is to return the favor. we lost a trooper from last month and we had agencies from over all the country that came to utah to pay their respects. >> reporter: for new jersey state police, the procession to a cemetery is painfully familiar. >> this is the fourth member we've lost in about 18 months. just a terrible thing for an organization to have to go through. >> reporter: cameras were not allowed inside the funeral service. i can tell you trooper williams' mother was among those who spoke. in tearfully talking about her son she said she wanted so much more for him because he gave her everything. live in atlantic city, i'm ted greenberg, nbc 10 news. parents and students in the camden school district have reason to celebrate this afternoon. the superintendent delivered his state of the schools address this morning. among the improvements, graduation rates rose from 49% last year to 70% this year. the dropout rate got cut almost in half. one camden student is on his way to cornell university. >> i had no clue when i was in middle school that kids didn't graduate. like i didn't know that half of my classmates wouldn't make it to the end. 50% is a really low number. you know, 70%, we could still do better. >> the superintendent says parents had told him they want the district to focus more on special education and parent/teacher relationships next year. today a big push for parents in our area to apply for student aid. local education officials along with u.s. education undersecretary held a meeting at philadelphia military academy in north philadelphia. they say the application process is easier than before and there's $150 billion available for them to apply. the family of a female firefighter killed in the line of duty has filed a lawsuit against the makers of her safety equipment. joyce craig died in 2014 after becoming trapped as she worked to put out this house fire in philadelphia. she's the first female firefighter to be killed on the drop. today her estate filed suit against more than a dozen companies linked to her protective gear she was wearing. nbc 10 has not heard back from the companies named in the suit. a teenager died early this morning during a shootout in west philadelphia just after midnight. dozens of shots were fired including several that hit the 17-year-old victim. police hope surveillance video will help them solve this case. a retired corrections officer was taken into custody early this morning for allegedly drinking and driving. philadelphia police tell us the man hit three parked cars on north 5th street and dauphin, then kept going. police caught up to the driver a few blocks away. in south jersey an unidentified driver is dead after rear ending a transit bus. police tell us the empty bus had finished its run and was heading to the garage when it was hit. the bus driver was not hurt. some atlantic city gamblers are not picking up their winnings. gambling regulators seized money for jackpots. the money will now go to programs for seniors and the disabled. [ applause ] the ribbon was cut today, officially opening factory berlin in wilmington. the technology company is based in germany. the governor says the first state is becoming a popular destination for foreign companies wanting to expand into the u.s. >> a lot of great places in this country were startups. they will not fall through the cracks. >> he sealed the deal with factory berlin while on a trade mission last year. a portion of "a" street has a new name. it's now called charles and naomi smith way. the smiths owned one of the oldest businesses in the neighborhood in wiggle ton, sepia cleaners. members of the family were there for the street sign designation. newcastle county's police chief is stepping down. the chief will retire from the force in early january. he was appointed chief back in 2012 but he's been with the department for nearly 30 years. during his tenure, the department grew in size. officers got technological upgrades and introduced body cameras. speaking of technology, philadelphia's broadband network is getting some major upgrades. today the mayor's office announced a new 15-year deal with comcast business for an institution network. it's also known as an i-net. officials say it will significantly boost the city's networking speeds and capacity while reducing costs. comcast is the parent company of nbc 10. and turning to over to sheena parveen, we made it through a cold weekend and the wintry mix that came overnight. >> more cold to come, sheena? >> yes, we have a lot more cold to come in the forecast. wait 'til you see what will happen later this week. we'll call this bitter cold, because we could see windchills below zero for part of the area. we'll show you the timing on that in just a minute. it's not for a few days. we have seen clouds clearing out quite a bit, looking across the river in camden. clear skies tonight will allow temperatures to drop off. we're at 50 in philadelphia and delaware. we've ward up quickmed up quick. for tonight we'll get cold again, around freezing by tomorrow morning. pennsylvania suburbs are in the mid-40s. lehigh valley, mid- to low 40s. many of our south jersey neighborhoods around the had i had mid- to upper 40s. mt. laurel, 40 degrees. sincinnamo cinnamonsen, 40 degrees. locally we're dry, the snow up to our north. the rain has moved offshore. we'll stay dry through the rest of tonight. tomorrow, however, we do have one small weather system that will be approaching. i think our chances are going to be pretty slim to get much out of this one. parts of the area, i wouldn't be surprised if you saw a scattered shower maybe later in the day. here is what it looks like as we go into tomorrow afternoon. you see the clouds increasing. then by 2:00 p.m. we should have a pretty good area of snow just off to our west. that's going to be the next weather system. it's not very impressive. there's not a lot of moisture with it. by 10:00 p.m., notice how we're kind of in between an area of snow near the poconos and rain down to our south. wouldn't be surprised if south jersey and delaware saw a stray rain shower later in the night tomorrow. maybe in the lehigh valley, poconos, you could see an isolated snow shower. we'll watch that closely. chances are kind of slim, though. into wednesday, we dry out. watch what happens as we go into thursday. we'll have a big area of high pressure setting up just in the right spot to pull down that cold air. so we're talking about bitter winds setting up for thursday into thursday night and into friday morning. and we are talking about the coldest air we've seen so far. last week we had our coldest wear. this week it's going to be even colder. now when you factor in the wind on top of the cold, here is what it will feel like. starting at wednesday, 5:30 p.m., feeling like 30 degrees. look at the numbers dropping into 7:00 a.m. thursday. that's not even the coldest. 7:00 a.m. a.m. o:00 a.m. on th around single digits. overnight into early friday, now we have windchills, the feels-like temperature below zero for part of the area. doylestown could be down to a minus five, pottstown three degrees below zero. trenton four degrees below zero. alp toilabamillentow allentown, minus seven. that's overnight thursday into early friday, winds could be gusting to 45 miles per hour at the same time. first alert for pennsylvania, new jersey, and delaware, some areas seeing below zero windchills. we're giving you a heads up right now. make sure you bundle the kids up. you might want to have them in the car at the bus stop before the bus actually gets there. we expect bitter cold winds gusting at 45 miles per hour. as we showed you, some neighborhoods feeling below zero degrees early friday morning. it is going to be a cold one. but quickly, as we go into the weekend, temperatures will start to rebound. high temperatures thursday and friday. actual temperatures in the 20s. it's not going to feel like that. it's going to feel much colder. into saturday, that's when our next weather system approaches in the form of rain and snow. by sunday, we could be warming to near 50 degrees. we would see a lot of snow and wintry mix change over to rain again by sunday. if the moisture lingers long enough to where temps get cold enough, we could see a changeover back to snow before it leaves. we'll watch that closely for you as we get closer to that. for the following week, temperatures start in the 30s. closer look at your neighborhood weather, coming up. >> all right, sheena. breaking news to tell you about, donald trump has remained the winner of wisconsin after a statewide recount that showed few changes in vote totals there. the recount showed him defeating hillary clinton by more than 22,000 votes. green party candidate jill stein requested and paid for that recount. the push for a recount in pennsylvania, that took a major blow today. a federal judge rejected the green party's request for a presidential election recount here. ♪ students at the chester arthur school in south philly had their dancing shoes on today in a big way. the talented middle schoolers from a handful of philadelphia schools took part in a dance-off semifinal, part of "dancing classroom philly." it gives the kids a sense of teamwork and accomplishment, judged on form, sometime, atyle rhythm. a frantic mother holds her lifeless baby in an office. up next, the hero who stepped up, and what he learned a short time before it happened. plus something you may not realize. tracking your every move. uber's new policy is making some customers uneasy. and high notes. the romantic musical that just took a major lead in the oscars race. first, a look at the closing bell on wall street. the dow jones industrials finished up with nasdaq and s&p closing down. >> announcer: this is nbc 10 news. take a look at this security video, it captures the moment a frantic mother handed her unconscious infant to a stran stranger. that man is a florida deputy who just finished cpr training. the 15-month-old had stopped breathing. donaldson immediately right into action. >> i had cory in my arms. i said a little prayer and said, god, give me strength to save this baby. he did. >> the two met up recently with the baby's mother who praised donaldson who thanked him for saving her baby's life. isn't it remarkable how things happen and who is in the right place at the right time? >> as we said, exactly. >> good thing that he had that training. so good. things are drying out and warming up a little bit. >> yes, but we're bracing for the colder air before the week is over, right, sheena? >> yes, enjoy the day a lot, because we'll have a big cold spell moving in. this is the coldest day we've seen so far and the wind on top of it could make some neighborhoods feel like below zero degrees. i'll show you who, coming up. the sentence for chaka fattah. the former congressman learns his fate. we'll talk to an expert on what could be coming next. hello, peco. so i'm calling to see if you can help me save on my energy bill. we can do that. great. i live in a post-war, pre-war, mid-century home and the heating system is a turbine, hvac, reverse hydrogen, boiler pipe unit. well sir, i can see that you live in a twin and based on the size, your usage has been spiking. ♪ that's exactly what i thought. if you're not an expert, peco can help. we have lots of ways to help you save energy and money. peco. the future is on. i really did save hundreds on my car insurance with geico. i should take a closer look at geico... geico has a long history of great savings and great service. over seventy-five years. wait. seventy-five years? that is great. speaking of great, check out these hot riffs. you like smash mouth? uh, yeah i have an early day tomorrow so... wait. almost there. goodnight, bruce. gotta tune the "a." (humming) take a closer look at geico. great savings. and a whole lot more. >> announcer: this is nbc 10 news. there is a cold blast coming. the worst of the season so far. a live look at camelback and tannersville. there's snow there on the ground now. here's how it looked in camden today, people walking along nickle boulevard. a blast of the winter hits parts of the northeast today, parts of massachusetts saw a blanket of snow. other parts of the state got five inches before the snow turned to rain later this afternoon. things are warming up and drying out after our early morning rain. >> but just a matter of time before the arctic air come back. in chicago, brutally cold temperatures are already moving in. we begin with first alert meteorologist sheena parveen and a first look at our forecast. >> yes, as we go into the next few days, it will get cold. on thursday, things will get bitterly cold, winds gusting to 45 miles per hour. so enjoy the rest of today, we're around 50 degrees in western pennsylvania. the clouds have cleared out in the suburbs. still see clouds in new jersey and parts of the lehigh valley, which has rebounded to 43 degrees, many delaware neighborhoods near 50 degrees. we're nice and dry. rain has moved offshore. things have warmed up today. we'll see big changes as we go into the later part of the week. for tonight, with clouds clearing, temperatures will be dropping back down to near freezing. by tomorrow morning, 8:00 a.m., we're dry but also cold again. 27 allentown, 28 degrees ex ton, atlantic city 33. trenton coming in around 31 tomorrow morning. then we have a small weather system approaching later in the day tomorrow. not going to be a big deal. we'll stay dry most of the day. clouds are going to increase. you see some snow to our north, rain down to our south. that's later in the night tomorrow. i think there is a chance that south jersey and delaware could see a scattered rain shower. farther north, near the poconos, lehigh valley, wouldn't be surprised if you saw a scattered snow shower. it's what happens once this leaves and we go into thursday that we'll see changes, cold air and windy. we'll see how low the feels-like temperature will be dropping in your neighborhood, all coming up. winter weather is pounding the midwest and other parts of the country. nbc's wendy woolfolk is live in chicago. >> reporter: as you well know, sheena, we're nine days away from the official start of winter. clearly old man winter decided to show up early. winter weather has arrived across much of the u.s. and it's packing a punch. >> it's cold. >> reporter: from coast to coast, snow and freezing rain affecting millions. in at least six midwest states, more than a foot of snow. and now an ashg arctic air mass pulling south will make the bone-chilling temperatures much worse by the end of the week. >> i don't like windchill. i can do without the wind. >> reporter: temperatures 10 to 30 degrees below average are forecast from the midwest to the east. the northeast is bracing for highs only in the teens. the midwest could see minus 30 windchills. the snow and ice also making a travel nightmare. over the weekend, thousands of flights were cancelled. in detroit sunday, a delta plane skidded off a runway. fortunately no one was hurt. there are people who welcome the snow with less than two weeks until christmas. >> it's the mood and the setting. but after the holidays, i'm done. >> reporter: but with no end in sight and the mercury only going downward, winter weather veterans are ready. >> rolling with the punches and making sure my car is in the garage when it can be. >> bring it on! >> reporter: after a mild november, a dose of reality with the official start of winter around the corner. the reality is the snow and ice are not going to melt anytime soon. that arctic express is apparently on its way. and i'm told now today is going to seem warm by the end of the week. live in chicago, i'm wendy woolfolk, nbc 10 news. >> all right, wendy. we want to remind you to get your neighborhood forecast any time by downloading the nbc 10 app. back to our top story. former pennsylvania congressman chaka fattah will spend ten careers in pris years in prison. the judge sentenced him today, calling the crimes "astonishing." fattah apologized to the four aides and friends convicted with him. for further analysis of the case, we turn to enrique latoyes, live in our news center. >> enrique, prosecutors wanted 20 years, he was sentenced ten. how do you feel about that sentence? >> if you're the person serving it, it's going to be a long time. the prosecutors wanted 20 years. the judge took all the evidence, the information given about the sentencing background, all the good deeds and everything that he had done in his career. mr. fattah came from a very humble background and was able to rise up in his community and do the things he was able to do. but in the end he was convicted of this crime. the judge settled on ten years. ten years is a long time, is the way i look at it, if you think about where you were at ten years ago and think about where you plan on being in ten years, that puts it in perspective. >> he's been out of prison for the last several months, now the judge has given him until the end of january to get his affairs in order and report to prison. is this the way it usually proceeds? >> this particular case is a nonviolent crime. he didn't know until today what he would end up getting. ten years is a very long time. the judge has given him the opportunity to get his affairs in order. the united states bail office will already have a background of mr. fattah. they'll know where he lives, they'll have his passport, they'll know his finances. there's been no history of him missing any court dates or not reporting on time. >> enrique, thank you. our coverage of today's sentencing continues on nbc 10 news at 5:00. we'll talk to enrique further about fattah's chances at appeal. we'll also look back at the timeline of events that brought us to today in this high profile case, still ahead at 5:00. it's an update now from uber. and it's making some users uneasy. >> up next, big brother is watching. what the company can now do even when you're not using the uber app. >> announcer: this is nbc 10 news. the benefits of receiving kangaroo mother care as a newborn last into early adult hoot. kangaroo mother care is continuous skin to skin contact between a parent and child. it's often recommended for preemies to help with breast feeding and bonding. researchers found 20 years later, these same children were less likely to have hyperactivity or behavior problem. a new uber policy is making some customers feel uneasy. they've changed their privacy policy, now allowing them to track your location for up to five minutes after your driver drops you off. uber claims the data gathered will help improve the customer experience. so the rain and the cold have come and gone. >> but the temperatures are about to take another tumble, a big dorop, sheena. we're talking about the coldest we've seen yet, windchills below zero for parts of the area. we'll show you who can expect that and when, next. and the modern musical that finds itself as the golden globes favorite this afternoon, those stories and more ahead on news 10 news at 4:00. awards season has officially kicked off in hollywood. today the 2017 golden globes nominees were announced, highlighting the best in television and movies. >> we keep running into each other. >> maybe it means something. >> i doubt it. >> on the film side, the musical "la la land" leaves the way with seven golden globes nominations. laura dern and don cheadle helped announce the nominees today. here is a look at the films competing for best drama. "hacksaw ridge," "hall or high water," "lion," "manchester by the sea," and "moonlight." it airs right here on january 8th on nbc 10. now to the tale of the two teams playing it out, the eagles' latest letdown came yesterday at the linc. things have been electric at the wells fargo center with the flyers not on quite the winning streak there. >> csn's john clark is with us. shame the flyers can't rub off on the birds. >> it would be nice. the flyers are flying high. the birds are heading south. the flyers have won nine straight games, the flyers' longest winning streak in 22 seasons. in their history they've only had three longer win streaks. the last time the flyers lost was black friday. they won in overnight time last night in detroit. what a finish. they're playing together as a team. they're playing on both ends of the ice. the offensive players are also playing defensively. and now only three teams in hockey have more points than them. in february they're going to be playing right here on nbc 10 in the stadium series at heinz field in pittsburgh. as we talked about, the eagles, the other way. they've lost four straight, lost eight of ten overall. they're ravaged by injuries on offense. they lost a few more offensive linemen, lost two runningbacks, they lost a couple of long snappers. the bright spot for next year really is carson wentz. it looks like they have found their future franchise quarterback. coming up in an hour, we're going to tell you how many eagles could miss the rest of the season, including long snapper and "america's got talent" star john dorenbos. i'm john clark. back to you. >> so sad to see that. we hope he'll be fine. i was surprised that you stayed in your chair when we said this bitter cold blast is coming. i was expecting you to just take off. >> i've been okay so far this season. it hasn't been like what we're about to get, sheena. >> it's actually going to get very cold. by that we mean windchills, that feels-like temperature below zero for parts of the area, from thursday night into friday morning. that is going to be the coldest air we've seen yet. it's going to be colder than last week, if you thought last week was cold. we're at 50 in philadelphia. delaware neighborhoods, mid-40s for south jersey, pennsylvania suburbs mid- to low 40s. west bradford, 44, chadford coming in at 46. parts of bucks county, low 40s. bedminster, 42. new hope township coming in at 44 degrees. tonight we'll stay dry. no more rain coming, no more wintry mix coming tonight. we do start to cool down. temperatures will be around freezing in the morning. then we go into thursday. we're talking about wind and bitter cold. that's going to make it feel below zero degrees in some parts of the area. then we talk about the weekend. after that bitter cold gets here, we have our next round of rain and snow. that really depends on where you live. we do have a weather system coming. it looks like both weekend days. locally, we're nice and dry. the rain has moved offshore. that will give us colder temperatures. starting in the 30s for morning lows. tomorrow afternoon we'll stay relatively dry. more clouds around. 43 if you're in fairmount. sharehold schwenksville, 42. we could see a snow shower farther north, rain shower farther south. chance of a late day shower in long port. dover at 43 degrees. parts of the southern delaware could see rain showers tomorrow night. we dry out, temperatures around freezing. by afternoon tomorrow, we stay dry. by 11:00 p.m., we have some snow showers up near the poconos and the lehigh valley. it would be cold enough to support any snowfall. don't be surprised if you do see a passing snow shower for south jersey and delaware. we could see rain showers. we'll be in the middle of a weather system that will be bringing us frozen precip to the north, rain to the south. in the morning, temperatures around the freezing mark. we have a first alert out for bitter cold, to give you a heads up, pennsylvania, new jersey, and delaware. it's going to start thursday night and last through friday morning. we'll see windchills during the single digits during the day on thursday. we have this bitter cold moving in. then winds gusting at about 45 miles per hour. that will leave some neighborhoods feeling below zero degrees. so now this is showing you how cold it's going to feel. wednesday, 5:30 p.m., is when we're starting the clock, feeling around 30. watch as these numbers just drop off into the thursday night and friday morning. 6:30 friday morning, some areas feeling below zero. doylestown, minus five, single digits for south jersey and delaware. we have some very cold air on the way. we'll talk more about this plus your weekend forecast coming up. he says he sent the shipment but it never showed up. >> that's when he decided to contact nbc 10 responds. the results they got, straight ahead on nbc 10 news at 4:00. turning to nbc 10 responds. this afternoon a reading man says he was getting the runaround from a shipping company. >> after months without a resolution, i called nbc 10 responds and reporter ines ferre. >> reporter: the last shipment was sent out back in february. he bought a generator, some tools, and solar cells and paid marinara cargo $375 to ship them to his family. >> electricity is a big issue in nicaragua. >> reporter: the shipment was supposed to arrive in april. >> they were giving me excuses always. >> reporter: he called them the first of every week. after more than six months with no answers, he called nbc 10 responds. we contacted the company. the owner told us the cargo is stuck in customs in nicaragua because of weight restrictions. the company offered to give him money back for the lost cargo plus credit on a future shipment, a total of $1710. how do you feel? >> i feel excited. >> reporter: ines ferre, nbc 10 responds. >> adding that money to our recovery calendar which is now $238,571. >> if you have a consumer complaint, fill out our form online and we'll respond. and tomorrow, a woman says her new stove was posing a safety hazard. after calls for help went nowhere, she called harry. we'll have the story tomorrow. today at 5:00, deadly gunfire erupts in a philadelphia neighborhood. >> u.s. marshals say they were forced to shoot. we'll tell you why authorities wanted to bring the suspect in. and we're going to get cold again tonight but even colder weather is coming later this week. wait until you see what it's about to feel like. that's coming up. and we'll tell you about a new way to soothe your baby's pain when it comes to time for those vaccines. that's ahead on nbc 10 news at 5:00. deadly force. u.s. marshals pull the trigger on a man they say was on the run. we'll tell you what led to the gunfire in the middle of a philadelphia neighborhood. a trooper remembered. see how officers across our area paid their respects to a fallen hero. and fattah learns his fate. a judge hands down the punishment for the former long time local congressman. >> announcer: nbc 10 news starts now. u.s. marshals say they were forced to shoot a suspect in one philadelphia neighborhood this morning. now that suspect's mother is speaking out. good evening, i'm erin coleman. >> i'm keith jones. officials say the marshals were trying to bring in a wanted man, but things quickly turned deadly. nbc 10's tim furlong is live at oxford circle. tim, how did this all unfold? >> reporter: keith, marshals tracked him to this house. they were sitting here waiting. when they saw him come out with his girlfriend this morning, they tried to catch up with him and bring him in peacefully. he ran away to this alley over here. marshals say he turned around, pulled out a gun, and fired at them. u.s. marshals had been staking out a home waiting for alex robledo. the marshals' office told me the agents trying to bring him in. the police say he wouldn't obey the agents' commands and pulled out a gun. >> he pulled out a weapon and they fired, striking him a couple of times. >> he's not real like bright, like he has mental problems. he's like a loose cannon. so it didn't surprise me. >> reporter: she knew her son was involved in a shooting on huntington street in july. she says once he went on the run, she hasn't spoken to him. police say the spokesperson for the police seemed to say this was a pretty clear case. police are checking to see if robledo fired first at the agents. either

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Delaware , United States , Russia , Nicaragua , Atlantic City , New Jersey , Massachusetts , Hollywood , California , Fairmont , Pennsylvania , Dover , Allentown , Cornell University , Illinois , Bedminster , Trenton , Mount Holly , Jersey , Chicago , Moscow , Moskva , Germany , Philadelphia , Florida , Wisconsin , West Bradford , Quakertown , Oxford Circle , Cumberland County , Heinz Field , Utah , Berlin , Pottstown , Newcastle County , America , Russian , Sheena Parveen , Joyce Craig , Jill Stein , Sarah Snelling , Don Cheadle , Frankie Williams , Vladimir Putin , Ted Greenberg , Carson Wentz , Keith Jones , Chris Christie , Laura Dern , Wendy Woolfolk , Chaka Fattah , Ines Ferre , Rex Tillerson , Alex Robledo , Naomi Smith , John Clark , Erin Coleman , Hillary Clinton ,

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Transcripts For WCAU NBC10 News At 4pm 20161212

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wants to appeal his sentence. but at this point we don't know when that appeal will come. so once it's filed, that's when we'll know more about those details. >> all right, mitch blacher. and our coverage of today's sentencing continues at 4:30. coming up in 30 minutes, we'll speak to a legal expert about the sentencing and any possible grounds for appeal. 20 minutes of nonstop news continues with federal marshals shooting and killing a suspect while serving a warrant. authority say the suspect grew his weapon first. this all unfolded shortly after 10:00 a.m. behind a home on hellerman street near frontenac in the city's oxford circle neighborhood. we have more on what the agents were doing there, from nbc 10's tim furlong. tim? >> reporter: agents were looking for this guy to came out of the house. they say they tried to bring him in calmly and peacefully. they took him across the street. he started running this way, that's when they say he turned around and pulled a gun on the agents. that's when they shot him. >> i heard pop, pop, pop, three. >> reporter: the shots came from the gun of a u.s. marshal. agents had been staking out the corner of heller and cranford, looking for 28-year-old alex robledo. officials say he pulled a gun on him and they shot and killed him in the alley, a gun and shell casings left near his body. hours late, robledo's family arrived. >> there was a shooting in july and he was on the run. i haven't seen him since. >> reporter: she says he called her just once and never heard from him again. >> he said he didn't want to live anymore, he was tired of living. i started crying, i told him, don't talk like that. and he hung up the phone. that was the last i heard of him. >> reporter: shirley says alex had mental he'll issues and she's not surprised this happened today. that doesn't mean she isn't heartbroken at his mom. >> he had the biggest heart ever. i'm sorry. [ crying ] >> reporter: back live, just to let you know how it works, the marshals carry out warrants for other agencies, in this case for philadelphia police. we'll hear from philadelphia police in our 5:00 newscast. tim furlong, nbc 10 news. turning to our weather, today's damp and chilly temperatures didn't seem to bother this guy walking near 19th and fairmont today. pups in the poconos will need more than that to stay warm, temperatures in the 30s. they're not skiing just yet about the area had about an inch of snow overnight. you hear that? that's the sound of the wintry mix that fell in quakertown, bucks county this morning. the roads were covered with slush and puddles and the weather slowed down traffic in the early morning hours. nbc 10 first alert meteorologist sheena parveen is here. >> not our last round of cold weather, many more to come. >> one down. >> one down, now we're all warming up, we're above freezing, good news, helped to melt what fell this morning. temperatures near 50. the rain is now moving offshore. we are on the dry side. we still have the clouds around. but those are really starting to break up across the part of the area. that's going to cool us down as we go through tonight. look at the temperatures now. in the poconos, they're still in the mid-30s. allentown, 43 degrees. philadelphia warmed up to 50. wilmington, mount holly, 49. 49 in dover. we're getting warmer air in for the moment. for tonight we are going to start to cool down quite a bit. by 6:00 p.m., 45 degrees. 9:00, clouds clearing more, down around 41 degrees but feeling moore like the mid-30s. then by tomorrow morning, you'll notice temperatures right around freezing. it will be colder again into tomorrow morning. we do have one small weather system on the way for part of the area tomorrow. here's what it looks like by 9:00 p.m. tomorrow evening. it looks like most of the area could be kind of in a dry slot so we can see rain to our south, insofar as to our north. part of the area could see a small chance for this later tomorrow evening. that's not going to be a big deal. the big weather story this week is going to come thursday night and friday morning. the cold air is going to stay here. take a look at act particular air moving in by thursday. it will be very windy, gusting near 45 miles per hour through part of the area. this is going to be the coldest air that we've seen so far. last week we said it because it was at the time. but now this is going to be the coldest air. we could see windchills below zero for part of the area come early friday. i'll show you a closer look at that forecast coming up. the push for a recount in pennsylvania took a major blow today. a federal judge rejected the green party's request for a presidential election recount. the judge said there was no evidence that the pennsylvania vote was hacked as green party lawyers suggested. the judge said such suspicions, quote, border on the irrational." clinton lost the state by 44,000 votes. now to the transition to trump. the president-elect is taking criticism for a possible secretary of state pick before he officially announced his decision. nbc 10's keith jones joining us live in our digital news center with the quick reaction to mr. trump's apparent choice. keith? >> jim, sources close to the transition team confirmed that exxonmobil ceo rex tillerson will get the nod. that's not sitting well with some lawmakers from both sides of the aisle. tillerson is known for his close relationship with russian president vladimir putin. mr. trump calls that part of tillerson's appeal. today several lawmakers suggested that tillerson's close ties to moscow logistiwill make difficult for him to be confirmed, especially with reports from the cia that russia interfered with the election last month. today president-elect trump tweeted, quote, unless you catch hackers in the act, it is very hard to determine who was doing the hacking. why wasn't this brought up before the election, unquote. today senate republican leaders supported an investigation into possible hacking. >> obviously any foreign breach of our cyber security measures is disturbing, and i strongly condemn any such efforts. >> mcconnell says the senate intelligence committee will investigate. this week mr. trump will hold his first knew conference since being elected, he's expected to detail how he'll manage his business dealings. nbc 10, live in the breaking news center, keith jones. reports say new jersey governor chris christie is working with lawmakers from both parties to tweak new jersey state law which bars sitting governors from accepting law other than their salaries. christie had been expected to get a job in the trump administration which now seems unlikely. a final farewell in atlantic city to trooper frankie williams. he died a week ago when a wrong way driver crashed into his cruiser in cumberland county. nbc 10's ted greenberg joins us live from atlantic city. ted? >> reporter: jim, trooper frankie williams was remembered here today as a passionate man who made a huge positive impact on people both on and off the force. under gray skies and falling rain, a sea of blue along atlantic city's boardwalk, bidding farewell to a former brother, friend, and family member. >> he went out as he lived his life, with an explosion, with admiration, with love. that's who he was and that's how he lived. >> reporter: more than a thousand members of law enforcement came to boardwalk hall to pay their respects to rookie new jersey state trooper frankie williams, the 31-year-old newknenewlywed and r driver dying in a crash, 11 months after he joined state police. >> to see someone cut them in the most productive, wonderful time of their life after being married two months is horrible. >> he was one of those kind of guys that his smile was just -- it takes your breath away. >> reporter: sarah snelling worked with williams at lowe's in egg harbor township before his career in law enforcement. >> he left a lasting impression on you. you couldn't help not like frankie. >> reporter: police officers from across the country traveled long distances to attend the funeral, including members of the utah highway patrol. >> part of it is brotherhood. a lot of it is to return the favor. we lost a trooper from last month and we had agencies from over all the country that came to utah to pay their respects. >> reporter: for new jersey state police, the procession to a cemetery is painfully familiar. >> this is the fourth member we've lost in about 18 months. just a terrible thing for an organization to have to go through. >> reporter: cameras were not allowed inside the funeral service. i can tell you trooper williams' mother was among those who spoke. in tearfully talking about her son she said she wanted so much more for him because he gave her everything. live in atlantic city, i'm ted greenberg, nbc 10 news. parents and students in the camden school district have reason to celebrate this afternoon. the superintendent delivered his state of the schools address this morning. among the improvements, graduation rates rose from 49% last year to 70% this year. the dropout rate got cut almost in half. one camden student is on his way to cornell university. >> i had no clue when i was in middle school that kids didn't graduate. like i didn't know that half of my classmates wouldn't make it to the end. 50% is a really low number. you know, 70%, we could still do better. >> the superintendent says parents had told him they want the district to focus more on special education and parent/teacher relationships next year. today a big push for parents in our area to apply for student aid. local education officials along with u.s. education undersecretary held a meeting at philadelphia military academy in north philadelphia. they say the application process is easier than before and there's $150 billion available for them to apply. the family of a female firefighter killed in the line of duty has filed a lawsuit against the makers of her safety equipment. joyce craig died in 2014 after becoming trapped as she worked to put out this house fire in philadelphia. she's the first female firefighter to be killed on the drop. today her estate filed suit against more than a dozen companies linked to her protective gear she was wearing. nbc 10 has not heard back from the companies named in the suit. a teenager died early this morning during a shootout in west philadelphia just after midnight. dozens of shots were fired including several that hit the 17-year-old victim. police hope surveillance video will help them solve this case. a retired corrections officer was taken into custody early this morning for allegedly drinking and driving. philadelphia police tell us the man hit three parked cars on north 5th street and dauphin, then kept going. police caught up to the driver a few blocks away. in south jersey an unidentified driver is dead after rear ending a transit bus. police tell us the empty bus had finished its run and was heading to the garage when it was hit. the bus driver was not hurt. some atlantic city gamblers are not picking up their winnings. gambling regulators seized money for jackpots. the money will now go to programs for seniors and the disabled. [ applause ] the ribbon was cut today, officially opening factory berlin in wilmington. the technology company is based in germany. the governor says the first state is becoming a popular destination for foreign companies wanting to expand into the u.s. >> a lot of great places in this country were startups. they will not fall through the cracks. >> he sealed the deal with factory berlin while on a trade mission last year. a portion of "a" street has a new name. it's now called charles and naomi smith way. the smiths owned one of the oldest businesses in the neighborhood in wiggle ton, sepia cleaners. members of the family were there for the street sign designation. newcastle county's police chief is stepping down. the chief will retire from the force in early january. he was appointed chief back in 2012 but he's been with the department for nearly 30 years. during his tenure, the department grew in size. officers got technological upgrades and introduced body cameras. speaking of technology, philadelphia's broadband network is getting some major upgrades. today the mayor's office announced a new 15-year deal with comcast business for an institution network. it's also known as an i-net. officials say it will significantly boost the city's networking speeds and capacity while reducing costs. comcast is the parent company of nbc 10. and turning to over to sheena parveen, we made it through a cold weekend and the wintry mix that came overnight. >> more cold to come, sheena? >> yes, we have a lot more cold to come in the forecast. wait 'til you see what will happen later this week. we'll call this bitter cold, because we could see windchills below zero for part of the area. we'll show you the timing on that in just a minute. it's not for a few days. we have seen clouds clearing out quite a bit, looking across the river in camden. clear skies tonight will allow temperatures to drop off. we're at 50 in philadelphia and delaware. we've ward up quickmed up quick. for tonight we'll get cold again, around freezing by tomorrow morning. pennsylvania suburbs are in the mid-40s. lehigh valley, mid- to low 40s. many of our south jersey neighborhoods around the had i had mid- to upper 40s. mt. laurel, 40 degrees. sincinnamo cinnamonsen, 40 degrees. locally we're dry, the snow up to our north. the rain has moved offshore. we'll stay dry through the rest of tonight. tomorrow, however, we do have one small weather system that will be approaching. i think our chances are going to be pretty slim to get much out of this one. parts of the area, i wouldn't be surprised if you saw a scattered shower maybe later in the day. here is what it looks like as we go into tomorrow afternoon. you see the clouds increasing. then by 2:00 p.m. we should have a pretty good area of snow just off to our west. that's going to be the next weather system. it's not very impressive. there's not a lot of moisture with it. by 10:00 p.m., notice how we're kind of in between an area of snow near the poconos and rain down to our south. wouldn't be surprised if south jersey and delaware saw a stray rain shower later in the night tomorrow. maybe in the lehigh valley, poconos, you could see an isolated snow shower. we'll watch that closely. chances are kind of slim, though. into wednesday, we dry out. watch what happens as we go into thursday. we'll have a big area of high pressure setting up just in the right spot to pull down that cold air. so we're talking about bitter winds setting up for thursday into thursday night and into friday morning. and we are talking about the coldest air we've seen so far. last week we had our coldest wear. this week it's going to be even colder. now when you factor in the wind on top of the cold, here is what it will feel like. starting at wednesday, 5:30 p.m., feeling like 30 degrees. look at the numbers dropping into 7:00 a.m. thursday. that's not even the coldest. 7:00 a.m. a.m. o:00 a.m. on th around single digits. overnight into early friday, now we have windchills, the feels-like temperature below zero for part of the area. doylestown could be down to a minus five, pottstown three degrees below zero. trenton four degrees below zero. alp toilabamillentow allentown, minus seven. that's overnight thursday into early friday, winds could be gusting to 45 miles per hour at the same time. first alert for pennsylvania, new jersey, and delaware, some areas seeing below zero windchills. we're giving you a heads up right now. make sure you bundle the kids up. you might want to have them in the car at the bus stop before the bus actually gets there. we expect bitter cold winds gusting at 45 miles per hour. as we showed you, some neighborhoods feeling below zero degrees early friday morning. it is going to be a cold one. but quickly, as we go into the weekend, temperatures will start to rebound. high temperatures thursday and friday. actual temperatures in the 20s. it's not going to feel like that. it's going to feel much colder. into saturday, that's when our next weather system approaches in the form of rain and snow. by sunday, we could be warming to near 50 degrees. we would see a lot of snow and wintry mix change over to rain again by sunday. if the moisture lingers long enough to where temps get cold enough, we could see a changeover back to snow before it leaves. we'll watch that closely for you as we get closer to that. for the following week, temperatures start in the 30s. closer look at your neighborhood weather, coming up. >> all right, sheena. breaking news to tell you about, donald trump has remained the winner of wisconsin after a statewide recount that showed few changes in vote totals there. the recount showed him defeating hillary clinton by more than 22,000 votes. green party candidate jill stein requested and paid for that recount. the push for a recount in pennsylvania, that took a major blow today. a federal judge rejected the green party's request for a presidential election recount here. ♪ students at the chester arthur school in south philly had their dancing shoes on today in a big way. the talented middle schoolers from a handful of philadelphia schools took part in a dance-off semifinal, part of "dancing classroom philly." it gives the kids a sense of teamwork and accomplishment, judged on form, sometime, atyle rhythm. a frantic mother holds her lifeless baby in an office. up next, the hero who stepped up, and what he learned a short time before it happened. plus something you may not realize. tracking your every move. uber's new policy is making some customers uneasy. and high notes. the romantic musical that just took a major lead in the oscars race. first, a look at the closing bell on wall street. the dow jones industrials finished up with nasdaq and s&p closing down. >> announcer: this is nbc 10 news. take a look at this security video, it captures the moment a frantic mother handed her unconscious infant to a stran stranger. that man is a florida deputy who just finished cpr training. the 15-month-old had stopped breathing. donaldson immediately right into action. >> i had cory in my arms. i said a little prayer and said, god, give me strength to save this baby. he did. >> the two met up recently with the baby's mother who praised donaldson who thanked him for saving her baby's life. isn't it remarkable how things happen and who is in the right place at the right time? >> as we said, exactly. >> good thing that he had that training. so good. things are drying out and warming up a little bit. >> yes, but we're bracing for the colder air before the week is over, right, sheena? >> yes, enjoy the day a lot, because we'll have a big cold spell moving in. this is the coldest day we've seen so far and the wind on top of it could make some neighborhoods feel like below zero degrees. i'll show you who, coming up. the sentence for chaka fattah. the former congressman learns his fate. we'll talk to an expert on what could be coming next. hello, peco. so i'm calling to see if you can help me save on my energy bill. we can do that. great. i live in a post-war, pre-war, mid-century home and the heating system is a turbine, hvac, reverse hydrogen, boiler pipe unit. well sir, i can see that you live in a twin and based on the size, your usage has been spiking. ♪ that's exactly what i thought. if you're not an expert, peco can help. we have lots of ways to help you save energy and money. peco. the future is on. i really did save hundreds on my car insurance with geico. i should take a closer look at geico... geico has a long history of great savings and great service. over seventy-five years. wait. seventy-five years? that is great. speaking of great, check out these hot riffs. you like smash mouth? uh, yeah i have an early day tomorrow so... wait. almost there. goodnight, bruce. gotta tune the "a." (humming) take a closer look at geico. great savings. and a whole lot more. >> announcer: this is nbc 10 news. there is a cold blast coming. the worst of the season so far. a live look at camelback and tannersville. there's snow there on the ground now. here's how it looked in camden today, people walking along nickle boulevard. a blast of the winter hits parts of the northeast today, parts of massachusetts saw a blanket of snow. other parts of the state got five inches before the snow turned to rain later this afternoon. things are warming up and drying out after our early morning rain. >> but just a matter of time before the arctic air come back. in chicago, brutally cold temperatures are already moving in. we begin with first alert meteorologist sheena parveen and a first look at our forecast. >> yes, as we go into the next few days, it will get cold. on thursday, things will get bitterly cold, winds gusting to 45 miles per hour. so enjoy the rest of today, we're around 50 degrees in western pennsylvania. the clouds have cleared out in the suburbs. still see clouds in new jersey and parts of the lehigh valley, which has rebounded to 43 degrees, many delaware neighborhoods near 50 degrees. we're nice and dry. rain has moved offshore. things have warmed up today. we'll see big changes as we go into the later part of the week. for tonight, with clouds clearing, temperatures will be dropping back down to near freezing. by tomorrow morning, 8:00 a.m., we're dry but also cold again. 27 allentown, 28 degrees ex ton, atlantic city 33. trenton coming in around 31 tomorrow morning. then we have a small weather system approaching later in the day tomorrow. not going to be a big deal. we'll stay dry most of the day. clouds are going to increase. you see some snow to our north, rain down to our south. that's later in the night tomorrow. i think there is a chance that south jersey and delaware could see a scattered rain shower. farther north, near the poconos, lehigh valley, wouldn't be surprised if you saw a scattered snow shower. it's what happens once this leaves and we go into thursday that we'll see changes, cold air and windy. we'll see how low the feels-like temperature will be dropping in your neighborhood, all coming up. winter weather is pounding the midwest and other parts of the country. nbc's wendy woolfolk is live in chicago. >> reporter: as you well know, sheena, we're nine days away from the official start of winter. clearly old man winter decided to show up early. winter weather has arrived across much of the u.s. and it's packing a punch. >> it's cold. >> reporter: from coast to coast, snow and freezing rain affecting millions. in at least six midwest states, more than a foot of snow. and now an ashg arctic air mass pulling south will make the bone-chilling temperatures much worse by the end of the week. >> i don't like windchill. i can do without the wind. >> reporter: temperatures 10 to 30 degrees below average are forecast from the midwest to the east. the northeast is bracing for highs only in the teens. the midwest could see minus 30 windchills. the snow and ice also making a travel nightmare. over the weekend, thousands of flights were cancelled. in detroit sunday, a delta plane skidded off a runway. fortunately no one was hurt. there are people who welcome the snow with less than two weeks until christmas. >> it's the mood and the setting. but after the holidays, i'm done. >> reporter: but with no end in sight and the mercury only going downward, winter weather veterans are ready. >> rolling with the punches and making sure my car is in the garage when it can be. >> bring it on! >> reporter: after a mild november, a dose of reality with the official start of winter around the corner. the reality is the snow and ice are not going to melt anytime soon. that arctic express is apparently on its way. and i'm told now today is going to seem warm by the end of the week. live in chicago, i'm wendy woolfolk, nbc 10 news. >> all right, wendy. we want to remind you to get your neighborhood forecast any time by downloading the nbc 10 app. back to our top story. former pennsylvania congressman chaka fattah will spend ten careers in pris years in prison. the judge sentenced him today, calling the crimes "astonishing." fattah apologized to the four aides and friends convicted with him. for further analysis of the case, we turn to enrique latoyes, live in our news center. >> enrique, prosecutors wanted 20 years, he was sentenced ten. how do you feel about that sentence? >> if you're the person serving it, it's going to be a long time. the prosecutors wanted 20 years. the judge took all the evidence, the information given about the sentencing background, all the good deeds and everything that he had done in his career. mr. fattah came from a very humble background and was able to rise up in his community and do the things he was able to do. but in the end he was convicted of this crime. the judge settled on ten years. ten years is a long time, is the way i look at it, if you think about where you were at ten years ago and think about where you plan on being in ten years, that puts it in perspective. >> he's been out of prison for the last several months, now the judge has given him until the end of january to get his affairs in order and report to prison. is this the way it usually proceeds? >> this particular case is a nonviolent crime. he didn't know until today what he would end up getting. ten years is a very long time. the judge has given him the opportunity to get his affairs in order. the united states bail office will already have a background of mr. fattah. they'll know where he lives, they'll have his passport, they'll know his finances. there's been no history of him missing any court dates or not reporting on time. >> enrique, thank you. our coverage of today's sentencing continues on nbc 10 news at 5:00. we'll talk to enrique further about fattah's chances at appeal. we'll also look back at the timeline of events that brought us to today in this high profile case, still ahead at 5:00. it's an update now from uber. and it's making some users uneasy. >> up next, big brother is watching. what the company can now do even when you're not using the uber app. >> announcer: this is nbc 10 news. the benefits of receiving kangaroo mother care as a newborn last into early adult hoot. kangaroo mother care is continuous skin to skin contact between a parent and child. it's often recommended for preemies to help with breast feeding and bonding. researchers found 20 years later, these same children were less likely to have hyperactivity or behavior problem. a new uber policy is making some customers feel uneasy. they've changed their privacy policy, now allowing them to track your location for up to five minutes after your driver drops you off. uber claims the data gathered will help improve the customer experience. so the rain and the cold have come and gone. >> but the temperatures are about to take another tumble, a big dorop, sheena. we're talking about the coldest we've seen yet, windchills below zero for parts of the area. we'll show you who can expect that and when, next. and the modern musical that finds itself as the golden globes favorite this afternoon, those stories and more ahead on news 10 news at 4:00. awards season has officially kicked off in hollywood. today the 2017 golden globes nominees were announced, highlighting the best in television and movies. >> we keep running into each other. >> maybe it means something. >> i doubt it. >> on the film side, the musical "la la land" leaves the way with seven golden globes nominations. laura dern and don cheadle helped announce the nominees today. here is a look at the films competing for best drama. "hacksaw ridge," "hall or high water," "lion," "manchester by the sea," and "moonlight." it airs right here on january 8th on nbc 10. now to the tale of the two teams playing it out, the eagles' latest letdown came yesterday at the linc. things have been electric at the wells fargo center with the flyers not on quite the winning streak there. >> csn's john clark is with us. shame the flyers can't rub off on the birds. >> it would be nice. the flyers are flying high. the birds are heading south. the flyers have won nine straight games, the flyers' longest winning streak in 22 seasons. in their history they've only had three longer win streaks. the last time the flyers lost was black friday. they won in overnight time last night in detroit. what a finish. they're playing together as a team. they're playing on both ends of the ice. the offensive players are also playing defensively. and now only three teams in hockey have more points than them. in february they're going to be playing right here on nbc 10 in the stadium series at heinz field in pittsburgh. as we talked about, the eagles, the other way. they've lost four straight, lost eight of ten overall. they're ravaged by injuries on offense. they lost a few more offensive linemen, lost two runningbacks, they lost a couple of long snappers. the bright spot for next year really is carson wentz. it looks like they have found their future franchise quarterback. coming up in an hour, we're going to tell you how many eagles could miss the rest of the season, including long snapper and "america's got talent" star john dorenbos. i'm john clark. back to you. >> so sad to see that. we hope he'll be fine. i was surprised that you stayed in your chair when we said this bitter cold blast is coming. i was expecting you to just take off. >> i've been okay so far this season. it hasn't been like what we're about to get, sheena. >> it's actually going to get very cold. by that we mean windchills, that feels-like temperature below zero for parts of the area, from thursday night into friday morning. that is going to be the coldest air we've seen yet. it's going to be colder than last week, if you thought last week was cold. we're at 50 in philadelphia. delaware neighborhoods, mid-40s for south jersey, pennsylvania suburbs mid- to low 40s. west bradford, 44, chadford coming in at 46. parts of bucks county, low 40s. bedminster, 42. new hope township coming in at 44 degrees. tonight we'll stay dry. no more rain coming, no more wintry mix coming tonight. we do start to cool down. temperatures will be around freezing in the morning. then we go into thursday. we're talking about wind and bitter cold. that's going to make it feel below zero degrees in some parts of the area. then we talk about the weekend. after that bitter cold gets here, we have our next round of rain and snow. that really depends on where you live. we do have a weather system coming. it looks like both weekend days. locally, we're nice and dry. the rain has moved offshore. that will give us colder temperatures. starting in the 30s for morning lows. tomorrow afternoon we'll stay relatively dry. more clouds around. 43 if you're in fairmount. sharehold schwenksville, 42. we could see a snow shower farther north, rain shower farther south. chance of a late day shower in long port. dover at 43 degrees. parts of the southern delaware could see rain showers tomorrow night. we dry out, temperatures around freezing. by afternoon tomorrow, we stay dry. by 11:00 p.m., we have some snow showers up near the poconos and the lehigh valley. it would be cold enough to support any snowfall. don't be surprised if you do see a passing snow shower for south jersey and delaware. we could see rain showers. we'll be in the middle of a weather system that will be bringing us frozen precip to the north, rain to the south. in the morning, temperatures around the freezing mark. we have a first alert out for bitter cold, to give you a heads up, pennsylvania, new jersey, and delaware. it's going to start thursday night and last through friday morning. we'll see windchills during the single digits during the day on thursday. we have this bitter cold moving in. then winds gusting at about 45 miles per hour. that will leave some neighborhoods feeling below zero degrees. so now this is showing you how cold it's going to feel. wednesday, 5:30 p.m., is when we're starting the clock, feeling around 30. watch as these numbers just drop off into the thursday night and friday morning. 6:30 friday morning, some areas feeling below zero. doylestown, minus five, single digits for south jersey and delaware. we have some very cold air on the way. we'll talk more about this plus your weekend forecast coming up. he says he sent the shipment but it never showed up. >> that's when he decided to contact nbc 10 responds. the results they got, straight ahead on nbc 10 news at 4:00. turning to nbc 10 responds. this afternoon a reading man says he was getting the runaround from a shipping company. >> after months without a resolution, i called nbc 10 responds and reporter ines ferre. >> reporter: the last shipment was sent out back in february. he bought a generator, some tools, and solar cells and paid marinara cargo $375 to ship them to his family. >> electricity is a big issue in nicaragua. >> reporter: the shipment was supposed to arrive in april. >> they were giving me excuses always. >> reporter: he called them the first of every week. after more than six months with no answers, he called nbc 10 responds. we contacted the company. the owner told us the cargo is stuck in customs in nicaragua because of weight restrictions. the company offered to give him money back for the lost cargo plus credit on a future shipment, a total of $1710. how do you feel? >> i feel excited. >> reporter: ines ferre, nbc 10 responds. >> adding that money to our recovery calendar which is now $238,571. >> if you have a consumer complaint, fill out our form online and we'll respond. and tomorrow, a woman says her new stove was posing a safety hazard. after calls for help went nowhere, she called harry. we'll have the story tomorrow. today at 5:00, deadly gunfire erupts in a philadelphia neighborhood. >> u.s. marshals say they were forced to shoot. we'll tell you why authorities wanted to bring the suspect in. and we're going to get cold again tonight but even colder weather is coming later this week. wait until you see what it's about to feel like. that's coming up. and we'll tell you about a new way to soothe your baby's pain when it comes to time for those vaccines. that's ahead on nbc 10 news at 5:00. deadly force. u.s. marshals pull the trigger on a man they say was on the run. we'll tell you what led to the gunfire in the middle of a philadelphia neighborhood. a trooper remembered. see how officers across our area paid their respects to a fallen hero. and fattah learns his fate. a judge hands down the punishment for the former long time local congressman. >> announcer: nbc 10 news starts now. u.s. marshals say they were forced to shoot a suspect in one philadelphia neighborhood this morning. now that suspect's mother is speaking out. good evening, i'm erin coleman. >> i'm keith jones. officials say the marshals were trying to bring in a wanted man, but things quickly turned deadly. nbc 10's tim furlong is live at oxford circle. tim, how did this all unfold? >> reporter: keith, marshals tracked him to this house. they were sitting here waiting. when they saw him come out with his girlfriend this morning, they tried to catch up with him and bring him in peacefully. he ran away to this alley over here. marshals say he turned around, pulled out a gun, and fired at them. u.s. marshals had been staking out a home waiting for alex robledo. the marshals' office told me the agents trying to bring him in. the police say he wouldn't obey the agents' commands and pulled out a gun. >> he pulled out a weapon and they fired, striking him a couple of times. >> he's not real like bright, like he has mental problems. he's like a loose cannon. so it didn't surprise me. >> reporter: she knew her son was involved in a shooting on huntington street in july. she says once he went on the run, she hasn't spoken to him. police say the spokesperson for the police seemed to say this was a pretty clear case. police are checking to see if robledo fired first at the agents. either

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