Transcripts For WCAU NBC10 News At 11pm 20170522 : compareme

Transcripts For WCAU NBC10 News At 11pm 20170522

three other people were hurt in that crash. all of them are in stable condition. we'll keep you updated on this breaking news as we get new information. tonight a story we first brought you as breaking news last night. a violent weekend in philadelphia including a scene where nine people were shot in an area spanning two blaukz. right now the search is still on for at least one gunman who fired dozens of shots at people who were just hanging outside on a saturday night. nbc andrea thomas. he and many of those others were taken here to temple university hospital. >> reporter: shattered glass and bullet holes are remnants of a night of violence that are e rezdants on 23rd street say started innocently. >> just a positive energy, positive vibe. >> reporter: a group was hang out dancing and listening to music by multiple accounts. that's when victims told police two men approached and started shooting. at least 20 shell cases were found at the scene. >> by the time i got in my house, the gunfire start. and by the time i got back outside, the police were already on the site, on-the-scene. >> reporter: nine people including this one's cousins were shot. some residents drove the injured to the hospital before police arrived. >> it makes me feel like we really have this evil lurking amidst of us. >> reporter: residents were sitting outside their homes today questions why this happened as police continue the investigation, hoping surveillance helps them track down the suspects. at last check two out of the nine were still in critical condition. and police have not made any arrests. reporting live in north philadelphia, aundrea thomas. a veteran is beaten and dumped in new york while a service men was taken away. a man says he has nothing to do with it and lives right here in philadelphia. police put out this picture of brian cohen saying he's the suspect in the case. but tonight cohen is speaking with nbc 10 saying he was not involved, lives in south philadelphia but explains his relationship with lebron. >> i don't know if they're saying i'm the attacked him, if i'm the guy who took the dog, but i'm not even one of the three. i was in philadelphia on mother's day with my mother. so this is just a beef that goes back with me and him in regards to -- you can send the police, a cameronman, anyone you want. >> he says the last time he saw lebron was the day after easter. in just a few hours jury selection in the trial of bill cosby will begin. 12 jurors will be picked from western pennsylvania for the trial that will happen right here in montgomery county. keith jones is live outside the county in pittsburgh tonight. walk us through it. >> reporter: well, denise, first thing is first. we're in pittsburgh because they've been ardent they wanted an impartial jury. then the judge, going to welcome in more than 100 potential jurors per day in order for both sides to ask some questions and select 12 jurors and six alterinates. and that's all going to take place here tomorrow. criminal charges for sexual assaults stemming from an alleged incident in 2004. >> ready for trial? >> reporter: court documents say he allegedly gave her pills to help her relax and sexually assaulted her inside a home. it ended in a confidential settlement and then the deposition was unsealed in 2015, which led reports to reopen the case and file criminal charges. since then more than 40 accusers have come forward. >> are you telling me they're all lying? >> you know better thanimate. >> cosby who pleaded not guilty, gave an interview on serious km. do you agree with that? >> could be, could be. there are so many pivotals, so many different -- nefarious is a great word. >> reporter: local attorney believes this interview was the start of his statagy. >> he presents himself as dr. huksitable. he has so much to offer the community. >> from a judge's perspective it's probably the single most important thing that you're going to do is help select this jury. >> reporter: and that was former atlantic county superior court judge michael. coming up at 11:37 i'm going to talk with him. we sat down earlier. he went through exactly what's going to take place here tomorrow morning inside that courtroom for jury selection. here live keith jones, nbc 10 news. >> thanks, keith, we'll see you soon. in north philadelphia an investigation is underway after a pregnant woman was found dead inside this charred apartment. it happened around 8:00 this morning. the fire marshal is calling the fire suspicious. there were no other injuries. also a neighborhood is in mourning after three people died in this house fire. an elderly couple and their grandson. we see what's happening and how their community is remembering them. >> reporter: the news hit hard for neighbors, friends, and family. the smell of smoke woke them up, and then they heard the sound of screams. >> i'm bagging on the window. ms. anne come out the window. your house is on fire. >> reporter: they began attacking the fire. his long time wife didn't leave him. both died with their 30-year-old grandson. later when the fire was out they embraced each other remembering who was lost. >> he was really outgoing. my anne, a good god fearing christian woman. >> reporter: a family member shared this photo. he just bought a new car parked out front. >> he wanted to go fishing with all the guys. that's what they do. >> reporter: they held events here in this space across the street. they just had a party yesterday. >> it's just a devastation, so sad. >> reporter: local leaders say the couple looked out for everybody. >> just a great couple. just really sorry to see him go. >> reporter: the fire marshall officers investigating the cause of this fire. they want to try to avoid another tragedy like this one. 322 in westchester was closed for hours this afternoon because of a small plane that had to make an emergency landing. they saw the plane flying low, clip some power lines and then land. now here's new video of that plane. the pilot is doing okay. route 22 was closed while crews cleaned up the mess. well, another developing torsy. one person is dead, two others in the hospital after a boat crashed during today's point pleasant beach grand prix. it was trying to make a u-turn and landed on another boat. someone montana second boat was killed. >> we know that the person who died was young, had a lovely wife and children. it's a very sad day. >> the mayor added waters were a little rough but otherwise conditions were pretty good. a body was recovered. it was discovered around 4:00 near the linden avenue boat ramp. a 16-year-old boy was swimming with friends friday night when he went missing. police have not yet said if the body is the missing teen. erika, we looking for a soggy morning tomorrow? that's right, denise. in fact we already see some rain here. approaching parts of lee high valley, chester county as well. coming up in just a bit we do have our hour by hour forecast. we're going to time out those showers for you. not making it to the ground yet, but they sure will. it is going to be unseasonably chilly, so keep those umbrellas and jackets handy. denise, back to you. >> all right, erika, thank you. well, president trump is wrap wg up day two of his first international trip as president. his first international speech was delivered today to more than 50 leaders. he was talking about extremism abroad, putting the burden on muslim extremist nations. he had tough words for iran. >> it is a government that speaks openly of mass murder, vowing the destruction of israel, death to america, and ruin for many leaders and nations in this very room. >> the president heads to israel tomorrow. now, coming up on nbc 10 news, recent receipts insult. tonight a local restaurant is publicly apologizing for a note written about police officers on this receipt. we'll show you what the note said. next hear how a local family say they got the last note written by america's first serial killer more than a century ago. ♪ nobody does underwater stunts, sylvia. except me, of course. this is my stop. adios! ♪ if you're a stuntman, you cheat death. it's what you do. if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. it's what you do. número uno! new tonight a deepening mystery in the words of a killer. >> they got a little weirded out. >> a new search for the truth. >> so this is the first time people are seeing this letter. >> yeah. >> and now nbc 10 investigators expose an unseen note. a century old story of h.h. hoems when they revealed the family dug up hiss grave earlier this month. a couple found a first-hand clue tucked in their family bible. >> the bible was in a box i was going through. >> reporter: clar was cleaning out her mother's old books when she stumbled on this well-worn bible. >> we just assumed it was, you know, an interesting bible. >> reporter: but as her son read the newspapers stuffed inside, she came across this inscription, a note signed with the zngive signature of h.h. hoems, america's first signature killer. most of the news has focus odon this cemetery where his desa descendants exhumed his body. but this bible belonged to the first cousin of clar's great gre great-grandfather. church records indicate that he worked just around the corner from the site soft old prison. they imagine he administered to inmates awaiting execution, includi including holmes. that inscription may provide new clues about holmes. the middle of the note is indecipherable, written in the heavy letter ogf a man who admitted to killing at least 27 people but then changed his story to killing only two. it concludes with this. >> i leave you prayers with all my heart h.h. holmes may 7, 1996. >> the day of his execution. >> reporter: they believe the hand written letter revealed something unexpected. >> that letter turns around and says at the 11th hour, he was remorseful. >> this is a true artifact. >> reporter: he's confident that the inscription was written by holmes, but he doubts the serial killer was truly reformed. >> at that point on the day of your execution, isn't it a little too late to ask for your soul to be reprieved from eternal damnation when you've basically killed men, women and children? >> reporter: a sense that father daily sich watted them on the right side of history. >> i'd say i'm glad i'm related on this side rather than the other side. >> reporter: for the investigators george spencer nbc 10 news. >> nbc 10 has complete coverage on the life and mystery of h.h. holmes. meteorologist erika martin. we're going to be seeing a lot of rain. >> we do have rain on the way, so it looks like a soggy start to workweek. so let's take a look at your doppler radar. this is our one hour loop right now. conditions are dry right now, but give it a little time and we will start to get reports moving across. those clouds are building very quickly. current temperature 59 degrees, and winds are southeasterly at 8 miles per hour. be sure to look at the bottom of your screen for your most accurate forecast. so current temperatures in and around the metro area seeing lots of upper 50s. also seeing 58, 59 and current temperature, 59 degrees. so conditions for tonight not that bad. but for tomorrow we're only going to top out in the low 70s and a little bit warmer by tuesday. seeing lots of upper 50s and some low 60s. lendardsville 68 for you. white hall, 61. and south mountain current temperature 58 degrees. don't forget we do have that easterly and southeasterly influence. as we take a look at your pa suburbs seeing a lot of 50s and upper 60s. new hope current temperature 58 degrees for you. easter lees and southeasterlies, that makes all the it difference. atlantic city, 7, and philadelphia 8 mile per hour wind speeds. top wind speed for philadelphia today 17 miles per hour, so not that bad. we're going to go ahead and go through tomorrow. you can see the showers are working their way in from west to east. we do have a warm front working the way across the area. by 3:00 a.m. we could see some pockets of heavy downpour moving through parts of chester county. we do have a warm front, but right behind that we have a cold front. and that will trigger some isolated thunderstorms. give yourself some extra time for that 9:00 a.m. commute, because we will definitely see some heavy downpours. i'm going to keep clouds in the forecast on tuesday, and possibly some showers on wednesday. i do think we will see some late fog developing tuesday into wednesday. so just a heads up now for that late commute especially after sunset on tuesday. so temperatures, again, will start to climb by tuesday. however, it's going to be not the warmest day of the week. and coming up in just a bit i do have your memorial day weekend forecast. erika, thank you. daniel pommels. what a season it has been looking to continue their dominance tonight against boston. but it came down to the final shot in the final second to name the winners. and giving the major league batters the absolute business. his first game in over a month, beautiful tay for baseball. hey, hey good to see you. as always i'm danny pommels. making his first start in 31 days because of his back injury. throwing ten in the third shutout innings. but this is the show. the first batter noa faces adam frasier. noa strikes him out. two strike outs for pierts starter and delaware native giving up just one hit in five frames. bases loaded, one out in the sixth. that brings in the first run of the game. next batter bases filled, allows just one run and strikes out five in seven innings. although earlier he did extend his hitting streak to eight games, waste a good outing from nola. >> just feeling good. didn't miss a beat. >> he looks like his old self today. that's the thing that i take out of this game that i'm really happy about. we asked him how the fans have welcomed him to the city of brotherly love. >> philadelphia is a great community, me and my family. so go birds, fly eagles fly. thanks for the support i've been getting. >> well, like any receiver would, looking forward to catching. he's expected to take on more of a leadership role with the squad. and jeffrey says that won't be a problem at all. >> great lead, great teammate, great person. sky's the limit for our fans and skies the limit for our team. the cavaliers trying to take a 3-0 lead over the celtics today. celtics minus isaiah thomas. he has a hip injury, but celtics down 2-0 in the ear series. down as many as 21 in this one, but they come back. marcus mark, four minutes left, tie game, left alone. 101-101 boston. final minute, cavs down three, 30 seconds left. picks up a pair. ten seconds left kyrie irving taking to the left hand. we're tied again. last chance. open, gets the members bounce. celtics win. cavs still lead the series, though, two games to one. tied at two, not anymore after this one. pens scored early and often. sydney crosby the flex one from the point. later 30-0. i think you get the idea here. still in the first period, nothing going write. scoring from a sick angle. how sick was it? well, he scored behind the goal with his back to it. they take a 3-2 series lead. we'll see how some potential fillies are doing down on the farm. what if there was a paint for your door... ...that not only made a big first impression... ...but was designed to withstand sunlight this bright... ...this bright... ...or even this bright. if a paint could protect your door's color against the strongest uv rays... makes you wonder... is it still paint? aura grand entrance from benjamin moore®. only available at independently owned paint and hardware stores. i need the phone that's where i happen to be... to be the one that rings. i need not to be missed phone calls... to not be missed. i need seamless handoff... canyon software. from reception, to landline, to mobile. i need one number... not two. i'm always moving forward... because i can't afford to get stuck in the past. comcast business. built for business. some food for thought. eldernet held its spring fund-raiser. more than 100 people were there to raise money. it provides aid for older adults. we'll show you why this boxing match was about much more than the sport and how it'll let this man live with his family in the united states. and tomorrow morning on nbc 10 today sleep tracker trouble. it could be doing more harm than good. what you need to know to get the best night's rest. plus, we'll tell you where to find free fun for the entire family. right now on nbc 10 here comes the rain. we're tracking a monday morning soaker as you head back to wurg and school tomorrow. good evening and welcome back to nbc 10 news at 11. thanks for staying up with us. we're tracking rain heading our way tomorrow. and for personalalized forecast where you live, it's time for nbc 10 weather. we turn it over to erika martin. erika. that's right. we have showers being reported just to east of burke county. unseasonably chilly for today all because we did have this southeasterly influence. mount holly 56 degrees for you. warm at allen town at 50 for you. into the 80s by this incoming weekend, just in time for memorial weekend. i do think we'll see some scattered showers alreadied making it into the metro area. you will need the umbrellas and also some extra time. it will be a little slick out there. lee high valley 54. and coming up in just a bit i have your hour by hour forecast, and we will time out the rain showers and those isolated thunderstorms. denise, back to you. >> tomorrow morning the trial will begin in the sexual assault trial of bill cosby. keith jones joins us tonight with a look at one of the most important parts of this trial. keith. >> reporter: denise, why are we in pittsburgh? a lot of people are asking that question. because bill cosby's defense team wanted an impartial jury. he'll twauk in tomorrow mornjerk the then judge will invite more than 100 people per day so both sides can interview them and decide on 12 jurors and six alterinates. now just 12 people will decide his fate in court. >> from a judge's per spect it's probably the single most important thing you're going to do is help select this jury. >> reporter: he has 20 years experience on the bench. he's presided over cases that's drawn national attention. >> i used to tell the jurors everybody knows something about something, but are you able to put it aside and only decide this case by what you hear on these four walls of the courtroom? >> reporter: that's the oath potential jurors must take. they plan to screen about 125 jurors per day. both sides get to ask questions like are they fans of the cosby show or have they been victims of sexual assault or knew someone who has been victim easized. they'll be sequestered in a hotel, a practice the judge is fond of. >> when you tell me you can't do this, you can't do this, in today's environment, the social media, there's all kind of temptations out there. >> reporter: they could get homesick for a few weeks, worse yet one of their kids could get sick, the judge would have to stop the case to address that problem. jury selection gets under way tomorrow morning, and make sure you stay with us here at nbc 10. keith jones, nbc 10 news. keith, thank you. a 7-year-old boy running after a ball in the street struck by a car. police say the driver of a jeep wrangler stopped for some kids playing basketball just before the incident. the boy was taken to the hospital but he's expected to be okay. no charges have been filed. well, the fate of two bus county elementary schools will headline a school committee meeting tomorrow. there's a proposal to call solidate rolling hills and possibly one more. the owner of a popular jersey shore restaurant is apologizing tonight after his employees wrote what he calls a gross message on a receipt. there's a picture of the receipt. it says cops, pigs, purtos, which is spanish for pigs. the owner says gross and disrespectful and says at least one of his workers has been fired. in a post today the owner says in part i have grown up in this town and always relisled on the local police department to keep myself and my family and friends safe. i would appreciate you could understand our frustrating situation. next on nbc 10 imagine two of the biggest moments of your life all happening in the span of seconds. well, that's what happened to this local graduate today. we'll explain the lovely moment for a woman whose name is lovely day. oh, my god, oh, my god. >> a toifring two seconds for a family in canada after a sea liian came out of the water and snatched a little girl sitting on the ledge. a man quickly jumped in to save the girl who appeared to be okay. marine experts believe the sea lion thought the girl's dress was a snack. 855 students in all received their degrees. >> michael richard pence. >> dozens of grad kwts of the university of notre dame walked out of their ceremony today in protest when vice president pence began to speak. there were some boos and cheers. but pence said nothing about what happened. a graduate walked off the stage with a lot more than her diploma today at graduation. take a look. lovely day now fiance surprised her. and the couple tells us they're getting married this september. congratulations. a now to a boxer where he's in a fight for his life. it not only puts him in line for a title shot but also gives him a chance to stay in the u.s. he's hoping to be granted an eba green card. well, he came to the u.s. illegally in 1996 has three children. two were born in the u.s. >> it's hard. you have nothing. i love that there's opportunity. whatever you want to do, you can make it here. there's a lot of hope here. >> it's only granted to 4% of those seeking permanent residency here. tonight was the final curtain of the wringly and barbby brothers circus. animal activists have long protested they mistreated their elephants. in the end the humane society and aspca had to pay the circus more than $25 million for those claims. gone tonight is not only a circus but a way of life. i never thought i would run away with a circus, but i did. >> did you think it was going to end? >> i never thought it was going to end, never, not in a million of years. >> they say the animals will either go to sank chairs or circuses in europe. should we say the newest weapon in the fight to sniff out electronic criminals. meet iris, a 2-year-old lab dor retriever with remarkable talent. she has a nose for computer chips. based out of new jersey, iris helped the fbi search an apartment, who was charged with last year's bombing attacks in new york and new jersey. quite the scene today at lincoln financial field as the eagles hosted its annual football festival for women. everyone was excited to get a picture with football player alshon jeffrey. plus the women took their kicks like an eagles kicker, right on the field. >> i'm a huge eagles fan. i got this as a mother's day present for a mom that's an even bigger moth bigger eagles fan. >> we're excited for them to not only get to know us a little bit but -- >> i'm having a lot of fun. take a look at this. look at these little people go. they came for the healthy kids running series. the oldest kids were 2. the oldest were in middle school. lots of parents had a great time. honoring those who made the ultimate sacrifice, memorial day celebrations got underway today. this was the scene in maine street for cities 82nd annual day parade. nice out there today, but it's changing? that's right, we have rain on the way. it's going to be a soggy monday morning, denise. but no worries. at least it's going to start to warmup by the middle of the week and a little bit dryer by tuesday and wednesday. of course, i'll get to it ten day in just one moment. but a live look outside. we can see the rain hasn't made it here just yet, but we do have some rain reports already. the entire delaware valley, notice the direction of those showers. kind of west, southwesterly towards the northeast that's because we have a stationary band that's going to lift with a warm front. we do have reports of showers making to the ground. so keep that in mind. keep the umbrellas handy. especially for tomorrow morning, you will need it. as far as that stationary boundary lifting as a warm front, we do have a pressure to north of us and an area of high pressure to the east of us. however, we do have this bound right here. what that means is we do have some showers working their way across the area. and i do think this cold front once it sweeps on through, it will trigger some isolated thunderstorms especially for tomorrow morning and for the afternoon hours. so jersey right now, seeing lots of 50s. dry in new jersey but you will see showers soon enough. and for the jersey shore we do have that southeasterly influence. upper township 56. and summers point currently at # 57 degrees. hour by hour forecast, already seeing those showers moving through. and notice we're not seeing too much going on right now but early tomorrow morning or maybe about 9:00 a.m. we will see those showers moving through the area. just a heads up now, you do want to give yourself some time for that commute. it's not going to be the warmest day not for tomorrow, but it's going to warmup by tuesday just a little bit. again, this is not the warmest week especially with the fact we just had a heat wave last week. i'll get through this very quickly. so we do have the threat of thunderstorms and showers. so much going on, especially for your monday i just can't get to everything. everyone's dying to know about memorial day, of course. >> danny pommels joins us now with sports. hey, erika. a gold medal in the world championship might not be a bad consolation prize. and more from the eagles. he's looking forward to being part of a potentially exclosive offense this season. hey, danny pommels with you once again. after going 2 and 7 on their nine game road trip, the fillies back home tomorrow. but that doesn't mean things are going to get easier. the colorado rockies coming into town. there is some reason for optimism after aaron bounced back today. nola sends him to the dug outlooking. needs some help from his defense, rob, josh bell an extra base hit. nola, makes it 1-0. was ahead in the 3-1 count but strikes out as the fillies lose 1-0. >> well, we haven't been swinging the bats well the whole trip, to be honest with you. and we need to swing the bats better and pitch better. and today was a good start going home with a nice seven inning performance. we had a lead, and that was great to see. so we're not swinging the bats well. nick williams at the pitch, joe nathan serves up a pitch and he gets ahold of it for his fifth round trip of the year. that ties it at 1. two run shot. lee high valley wins this one 3-1 sweeping the three game steer series. they have won nine of their last ten. carson has a season under his belt now. excited to see what year two will bring for the rook. >> we're going to be good offense. that's our role right now is finding good offense. we've got a new guy, a lot of sound on offense. well, the most controversial pick is jones who tore his achilles and may not even play this season. while he did not comment on jones specifically, he did talk about an athlete bouncing back from this type of injury. >> instead of going out and doing a 40 yard, they take a slely. they see if their tendon can do it, their tendon can handle that. so about four months post op, we'll have them start getting onto the field. but really getting into a football shape, it's going to be five, six months. there was a world championships that wraps up today in germany. five fliers were on the canadian team which faced sweden for the cold. trying to lead his team to victory going for a third straight title. a scramble ends up with brandon o'reilly scoring to tie this one up. go to a shootout. sweden takes the lead from this goal. trying to score to keep the shootout going. and coming through. they get their first gold medal since 2013. that is all for sports. i'm danny pommels. up next on nbc 10 it's in-depth with graham bensinger. >> this week we sit down with hall of famer joe tory. he opens about his abusive father. >> my sister, ray, she was protecting my mom with this kitchen knife. and that's when he went for his revolve in the drawer. >> plus he remembers his incredible yankee streak. all that coming up next on in-depth right here on nbc 10. >> erika, back with the final check of the forecast. you really want to get to that 10-day. >> coo do. and i had a huge hoegy for dinner, so i can barely make it through. memorial day weekend, look at this, we're going to see a mix bag here. fingers crossed at least we won't get too much. follow on social media for more updates. >> and tomorrow we're talking about a wash out. >> that's right. >> carry the umbrellas and be careful on the roads tomorrow. that's nbc 10 news for now. have a great monday. try to stay dry. time, that -- we represented you know, more than the yank cease there. we represented the city of new york. and -- i got that point across and i didn't have to -- convince anybody about it. ♪ ♪ in a career spanning nor than half a century, joe torre has excelled at player, a manager, and now a major league baseball executive. >> i'm so close to baseball. i felt i wanted to do something significant in a -- in a some

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