Transcripts For WCAU NBC10 News At 11pm 20170131 : compareme

Transcripts For WCAU NBC10 News At 11pm 20170131

investigators say wet roads from a snow squall may have played a role in this crash. >> we saw the snow moving through center city tonight. this was the view during the evening commute. >> a similar scene on the ground in northern liberty. people forced to bundle up to deal with the snow and cold temperatures. >> and across the river in camden more snow. you can see some massive flakes right here and we're tracking more snow for tomorrow morning and it could have a very different impact depending on where you live that's why nbc10 first alert is so important. >> who will see the snow? >> the farther north you are the more likely you are to see that snow in the morning, not every neighborhood is going to be seeing it unlike today where a lot of people got it with traffic is just fine tonight but temperatures are below freezing and some of the wet roads could be icy first thing in the the morning. this is the area of snow we're watching for the morning. it's racing through ohio into pennsylvania now. now in philadelphia itself i don't know necessarily expect any snow but it will be blow freezing all the way till about 9:00 a.m. p.a. suburbs, chester county, montgomery county possible snowflakes as early as 7:00 a.m. and most likely in the lehigh valley look at that temperature, 24 degrees with some light snow and a little bit more by 9:00 a.m. other neighborhoods in delaware and south jersey don't necessarily have to worry about that. we'll talk more about the rest of the day and other threats of snow later on during the seven day period. >> we'll see you then. >> new at 11:00 several big developments in the debate over president trump's immigration ban. tonight he fired his acting attorney general, after she announced she would not defend the controversial order. >> sally yates san obama administration pointee. she is being replaced by dana boente. the senate has not confirmed jeff sessions president trump's permanent choice for attorney general. >> the state department says it will grant an exemption to about 900 refugees who were traveling when the immigration ban came down. this does not apply to refugees from the seven majority muslim nations who are barred from traveling right now to the u.s. >> tonight democrats protested the immigration ban at the supreme court. earlier today senate republicaned blocked the democrats effort to overturn the executive order. >> there was another rally in the lehigh valley tonight. >> this after a local family voted for president trump and now finds their loved ones barred from america. nbc10 reports. >> reporter: as the crowd rallied tonight they mentioned the family of allentown who's family members were sent back to the middle east over the weekend. we've learned that lawyers are filing a lawsuit on their be half to get them back to the united states. >> love not hate makes america great. >> reporter: a crowd of about 200 cheered and held candles in easton center square. >> i wanted to see that we are not alone at all. >> others only had to look to the heart ache of their lee high family members who have being directly impacted by the president's executive order. >> people who followed our parallel process and have not circumvented that process deserve to come here. >> 20 miles from easton in allentown. the family is fighting the government's refusal to allow six of their relatives into the u.s. when they were turned away from philadelphia international airport over the weekend. >> two security guards were waiting for them. they took them. they said are you syrians? they said yes. they said come with us. they were sent on the next flight to qatar now wet money and stuck in damascus the attorney plans to file a lawsuit to get them back on u.s. soil. a fight with 9-year-old at the rally puts into her own words. >> people should be able to come to america if they want to. if they're not welcome, then it's not a good message to send to anyone, children, pashts, anybody. >> lawyers plan to file that lawsuit in federal court tomorrow morning. in easton, nbc10 news. >> students at the university of pennsylvania held a rally of their own tonight against president trump's immigration ban. >> no hate, no fear. immigrants are welcome here. >> university city where more than a hundred people waved signs and chanted. the university is stronger because of its international students and faculty. penn's president who attended this rally says the university is offering legal help by those effected by the executive order. >> tonight former president obama is weighing in that said in part, citizens exercising their constitutional right to assemble, organize and have their voices heard by their elected officials is exactly what we expect to see when american values are at stake. with regard to comparisons to president obama's foreign policy decisions as we've heard before the president fundamentally disagrees with the notion of discriminating against individuals because of their faith or religion. >> americans feelings about this whole issue. 48% of voters said they support suspending immigration from terror prone regions even if it means turning away refugees from those regions. the same poll found 53% want to require immigrants to register with the federal government. this pole was conducted earlier this month. >> a south jersey 9/11 survivor says he's in favor of president trump's executive order on immigration. lou gee cardo escaped the south tower on the morning of secht 11th. president trump is only trying to stop terrorist for reaching our borders. he doesn't see the travel ban as an attack on islam. >> he's just doing what he feels right to protect our country. >> he says he hopes lawmakers strengthen the vetting process so there is less confusion. >> president trump signed another executive order today this one slashes government regulations. under the order if a patrol agency wants to enact new regulations, the agency would have to cut two regulations that flr exist. president trump says the change is designed to help small businesses. >> tomorrow president trump will announce his selection for the supreme court. nbc10 news has learned there are two finalists neil gorsuch and thomas hardiman. both are appeals court judges. president trump is nominating a justice to replace anthony scalia. and also happening tomorrow the deadline to sign up for health care under the affordable care act. >> tonight philadelphia's mayor is sending a message from city hall to the u.s. capitol, he says a repeal of the act without replacement will leave more than 2,000 people ininsured in the city of brotherly love. >> good evening. these are the joint letters right here from philadelphia's mayor and city controller. they say a repeal of obamacare would jeopardize lives. the city wants people to sign up for the existing program. >> reporter: says the decision to come to this west philly community center is about as important as it gets. >> i'm getting older that's first and foremost and i need to take care of my health. >> tonight she enrolled through health >> today has been my busiest day. >> we spoke with this marketplace navigator people have been confused and worry about the future of the program. >> a lot of questions like why should apply, it's about to go away. >> the president and top republicans have said the aca markets are failing and they intend to repeal and replace them a position they ran on. >> you're going to be very proud with what we put forth having to do with health care. >> the mayor and city controller 220,000 people would be left uninsured without an appropriate replacement. >> way before you snatch the rug underneath of someone you've got to have a plan in place. >> in spite of the uncertainty these people have chosen to enroll. >> if you don't sign up, what's going to happen? you have nothing. >> when i spoke to a local republican about the mayor's warning, he said everyone should wait to hear about the replacement plan before jumping to conclusions. i'm drew smith, nbc10 news. >> former president george h.w. bush is resting at home tonight after he was released from the hospital. the 92 former president was admitted more than two weeks ago with a respiratory related to pneumonia. he spent several days in intensetive care. >> a local community is remembering two girls who were killed by a suspected drunk driver. friends and family held a vigil in northeast philadelphia to remember 10-year-old loraya braxton and her sister kimberly phillips. they were hit on roosevelt boulevard. the driver was arrested and charged with homicide by vehicle and drunk driving. the mother of the girls spoke tonight. >> i don't care what y'all going through with anybody, until you better hold y'all kids because you never know when their time is up. >> a preliminary hearing for the driver accused in the girls' death is set for next month. >> up next, dozens of cars volled in pileups on pennsylvania roads. what started the chain reaction. >> the potential knockout punch for an organization that's helped a generations of ploel kids. >> this is josh from the customer service department. can you hear me okay? >> it's a call you don't want to answer. a warning about a new scam that let's thieves into your wallet with a simple one word response, glenn? >> i'm tracking this snow potential for tomorrow and maybe even more later in the week and into the weekend. your most accurate forecast coming up. >> she purchased an extended warranty for her washer. when it broke she paid to fix it but fought the company for months to get reimbursed. see how one call to harry got her results. [ alarm clock beeping ] weather. ♪ [ laughter ] cartoons. wait for it. [ cat screech ] [ laughter ] ♪ [ screaming ] [ laughter ] make everyday awesome with the power of xfinity x1... hi grandma! and the fastest internet. [ girl screaming ] [ laughter ] >> drop back, jab. >> the owner of a local boxing gym says he's in the biggest fight of his life. >> he's ordered to pay $100,000 or his gym may close for good after more than 40 years of serving the kensington community. brandon hudson has the story. >> let's go, one two, one two. >> reporter: for more than 46 years his jessica boyington is to make better boxers. is a snapshot of his impact on the boxing world especially in philadelphia. his gym is in danger of closeing. >> this gym has helped a lot of kids. i've had people come up to me and tell me what i meant to them. >> he lost a 2015 to another boxing trainer chuck mcguire in which the court ordered he pay mcguire $106,000. he says he can't afford that and now he's trying to raise money to stay afloat during the appeals process. >> this guy comes in and he's trying to steal my gym. >> we don't want the gym. that's never been what this is about. >> mcguire's attorney says spoke on his clients behalf. mcguire needs the settlement money to recoup his lawsuits from his partnership with skrulio. >> my client's gym was closed for eight months and his kids paid a monthly fee to use that gym. >> mcguire sued him claiming he was locked out following a dispute over rent. while the two sides disagree on what prompted the lawsuit, paper work shows locks were changed. >> it was the dumbest thing we could have done. since the court decision skril lowe says he's received a lot of support from his family and boxers he's trained. brandon hudson, nbc10 news. >> new at 11:00 the boy scouts of america is opening up its programs to transgender children who identify as boys. the organization announced it will now base enrollment on the gender listed on the scout application form and not the child's birth certificate. a recent case in new jersey factored into the decision last year. an 8-year-old scout member from secaucus was kicked out of his troops he is transgender. >> poor visibility and slick roads played a role in this 20 car pileup in western pennsylvania. it happened late this morning. that's about an hour northwest of pittsburgh. crews still working tonight to clean up that wreckage. >> i. 83 has opened up involving 40 cars. snow squalls led to the pileup here. one person died, nine others were hospitalized. >> some of us could see more snow tomorrow. >> i'll tell you we're not going to be seeing snow squalls tomorrow like what we saw today. it's going to be a steadier, lighter type snow. philly airport here everything's going fine. there was a heavy squall that came through the entire area because it was coming down so far for a brief period of time but we have practically nothing left from that snow squall. it's moving offshore here. this is the next area moving in through ohio and into the western pennsylvania and some parts of our area are much more likely than others to see snow with this one. and here we are at 6:00 a.m. coming in through berks county, lehigh valley, poconos and we could see several hours worth of at least light snow. other computer models are more impressive than this one obviously and even into the afternoon there could be some precipitation but by then it may be warm enough for rain in the philadelphia area and even some of the northern suburbs. but there could be anch or so of snow especially on grassy areas. it's 23 degrees in coatesville right now. anything for the morning rush would stick by afternoon it would tend to melt. here's the neighborhood forecast. we go through the night tonight. we're clearing. we're cold. by tomorrow morning, 4:30, 5:00 a.m. it's still dry but some of that light snow starts coming in, here's 7:30, allentown, quakertown, reading getting a little of that. generally dry farther to the south. as we go through the morning, still some more light snow in allentown, quakertown, reading. now we add trenton to the list and start to get some mixed precipitation in philadelphia area and trenton and perhaps farther south during the afternoon while we still have a mix in allentown. so again, that would be the most likely area. reading, the second most likely area to see some snow accumulation out of that. we have a bigger threat later in the weekend. that is a more significant system. just so happens to be super bowl sunday. it's going to turn very cold later in the week especially thursday all the way through sunday, way below normal temperatures in some parts of the area may not get to the freezing mark and there is the potential for some accumulation especially from philadelphia northward a wintry mix in some of the other areas. as we get closer we'll pinpoint it even more. >> all right, glenn. can you hear me? it's a question you don't want to answer. >> how scammers are using your response to drain your bank account? >> plus we'll take you inside a super sendoff for a star from our area. dear fellow citizen, i know what it's like to want to relax with your family. but enjoying today doesn't mean losing sight of tomorrow. so while i invest in "the now" my mortgage, vacations i still invest in the future, like my children's college tuition and retirement. i can help you piece together your financial journey for today and tomorrow. if you have a question about investing, ask me. sincerely, amanda etheridge, fellow planner and fellow citizen. >> a warning about a new robocall scam popping up across the country. an answer to a simple question could have criminals raiding your bank account. >> he said this is tony moore. can you hear me clearly? and i just hung up. >> but the call doesn't end there for everyone. if you answer yes, it gets recorded and the scammers then call back demanding payment by thugz recording as proof you agreed to pay for goods or services. federal trade commissions says if you receive a prerecorded sales call or if someone asks can you hear me, hang up and never give out personal information over the phone. >> a super send off today in chester county. >> it came in advance of the biggest game in sports, the super bowl. an electric scene this morning at st.'s phillips in exton. they held a pep rally to honor one of their own matt ryan. it's where he got his start. ryans family was in attendance before they head off to houston ahead of the big game. hopefully he'll do well. we can say that since the eagles are clearly not in the super bowl. >> we can root for matt ryan and we're going to hear from him and the sixers without joel embiid, they do something they haven't done in three years, plus how long will joel be out, that is next. >> announcer: this is sports desk brought to you by xfinity. >> i'm john clark from csn the sixers without joel embiid again. they started the season 2 and 10 without joel but tonight they've won three of their last four without joel. remember two months ago? today demarcus cousin trying to dry the wells fargo center. tj mcconnell, nice. then it's darrio check out the past down low to robert covington who will finish. sixers go on a 28 to 12 run. covington, looks like carson wentz beats the buzzer. sixers lead after three. they're most in three years. more from darrio in the fourth. look at this pass, wow. darrio gets the hockey assist. kings fighting back. cousins, 46 points, 15 rebounds, kings within one but cousins would foul out and the crowd loves it. sixers beat the kings 122-19, 74 points in the second half. they have won three of their last four without joel. >> i think i'm more hip and i feel it would be because we were losing, maybe all the game, but you always we can come. >> that's one thing about our team. we haven't gotten discouraged. if things aren't going our way. we tuck our tails and run. >> i think the foundation is starting to prove dividends. >> it doesn't sound like joel embiid is going to play the next two games. he has a knee contusion so he has missed five of the last six. sixers are being cautious. >> joel has this crush tonight. this little girl met her crush. she loves the movie frozen so she sings a song to it in to joel embiid. >> there are the falcons and penn charters he has waited his entire life for this moment. >> we'll enjoy this part of it. it's cool. you never know when you're going to get these opportunities in your life to come out here, have all these fans and media people here so we'll enjoy it tonight. we feel good with where we're at. >> all the way from exton p.a. i'm john clark. we're right back. afoot and light-hearted i take to the open road. healthy, free, the world before me, the long brown path before me leading wherever i choose. the east and the west are mine. the north and the south are mine. all seems beautiful to me. dave this fios party is da bomb! fo shizzle! it's tv totally ahead of its time. yo, let me check that. oh snap. that x1 voice remote is crunk! and it lets me search with the sound of my voice. what should i watch? things have come a long way since you got fios. [nervously laughs] what's fios? fios has fallen behind. don't fall with it. xfinity x1 will change the way you experience tv. tiki barber running hambone!a barber shop?t hut! yes!!! surprising. yes!!! what's not surprising? how much money david saved by switching to geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more. who's next? >> what kind of morning commute are people going to have? >> that depends on what neighborhood you're in as we were saying. lehigh valley, berks county, those areas have the best chance of seeing some snow when you get up in the morning. it's going to be a steady light snow as opposed to those heavy brief snow squalls that we had today. so there's that snowflake for allentown on tuesday but in wildwood, dover, you don't see any precipitation. in philadelphia, perhaps a little bit of snow. then on wednesday, it's a little bit warmer, starts cooling down thursdays and friday. and then as we go to the ten day on ten you'll see how much colder it's getting thursday, friday and into next weekend and the first chance of any kind of accumulation after tomorrow would be on sunday, just so happens to be super bowl sunday. at the moment doesn't look like a big storm but there are some models that do suggest some potential. >> all right, again. thank you. i'm jacqueline london. >> and i'm jim rosenfield. thanks for watching tonight. we'll see you tomorrow. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> steve: from studio 6b in rockefeller center in the heart of new york city, it's "the tonight show starring jimmy fallon." tonight, join jimmy and his guests -- ricky gervais. vanessa hudgens. musical guest, noah cyrus

Related Keywords

New York , United States , Qatar , Rockefeller Center , Center City , Texas , Damascus , Dimashq , Syria , Philadelphia , Pennsylvania , Chester County , Delaware , Burlington County , New Jersey , Secaucus , Montgomery County , Dover , Coatesville , Quakertown , Houston , University City , Ohio , Allentown , Trenton , Jersey , Americans , America , Syrians , American , Lou Gee , Anthony Scalia , Jimmy Fallon , Brandon Hudson , Jim Rosenfield , Vanessa Hudgens , Noah Cyrus , Tony Moore , Neil Gorsuch , Robert Covington , Thomas Hardiman , Chuck Mcguire , Kimberly Phillips , John Clark , Amanda Etheridge , Carson Wentz , Ricky Gervais , Matt Ryan ,

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Transcripts For WCAU NBC10 News At 11pm 20170131 :

Transcripts For WCAU NBC10 News At 11pm 20170131

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investigators say wet roads from a snow squall may have played a role in this crash. >> we saw the snow moving through center city tonight. this was the view during the evening commute. >> a similar scene on the ground in northern liberty. people forced to bundle up to deal with the snow and cold temperatures. >> and across the river in camden more snow. you can see some massive flakes right here and we're tracking more snow for tomorrow morning and it could have a very different impact depending on where you live that's why nbc10 first alert is so important. >> who will see the snow? >> the farther north you are the more likely you are to see that snow in the morning, not every neighborhood is going to be seeing it unlike today where a lot of people got it with traffic is just fine tonight but temperatures are below freezing and some of the wet roads could be icy first thing in the the morning. this is the area of snow we're watching for the morning. it's racing through ohio into pennsylvania now. now in philadelphia itself i don't know necessarily expect any snow but it will be blow freezing all the way till about 9:00 a.m. p.a. suburbs, chester county, montgomery county possible snowflakes as early as 7:00 a.m. and most likely in the lehigh valley look at that temperature, 24 degrees with some light snow and a little bit more by 9:00 a.m. other neighborhoods in delaware and south jersey don't necessarily have to worry about that. we'll talk more about the rest of the day and other threats of snow later on during the seven day period. >> we'll see you then. >> new at 11:00 several big developments in the debate over president trump's immigration ban. tonight he fired his acting attorney general, after she announced she would not defend the controversial order. >> sally yates san obama administration pointee. she is being replaced by dana boente. the senate has not confirmed jeff sessions president trump's permanent choice for attorney general. >> the state department says it will grant an exemption to about 900 refugees who were traveling when the immigration ban came down. this does not apply to refugees from the seven majority muslim nations who are barred from traveling right now to the u.s. >> tonight democrats protested the immigration ban at the supreme court. earlier today senate republicaned blocked the democrats effort to overturn the executive order. >> there was another rally in the lehigh valley tonight. >> this after a local family voted for president trump and now finds their loved ones barred from america. nbc10 reports. >> reporter: as the crowd rallied tonight they mentioned the family of allentown who's family members were sent back to the middle east over the weekend. we've learned that lawyers are filing a lawsuit on their be half to get them back to the united states. >> love not hate makes america great. >> reporter: a crowd of about 200 cheered and held candles in easton center square. >> i wanted to see that we are not alone at all. >> others only had to look to the heart ache of their lee high family members who have being directly impacted by the president's executive order. >> people who followed our parallel process and have not circumvented that process deserve to come here. >> 20 miles from easton in allentown. the family is fighting the government's refusal to allow six of their relatives into the u.s. when they were turned away from philadelphia international airport over the weekend. >> two security guards were waiting for them. they took them. they said are you syrians? they said yes. they said come with us. they were sent on the next flight to qatar now wet money and stuck in damascus the attorney plans to file a lawsuit to get them back on u.s. soil. a fight with 9-year-old at the rally puts into her own words. >> people should be able to come to america if they want to. if they're not welcome, then it's not a good message to send to anyone, children, pashts, anybody. >> lawyers plan to file that lawsuit in federal court tomorrow morning. in easton, nbc10 news. >> students at the university of pennsylvania held a rally of their own tonight against president trump's immigration ban. >> no hate, no fear. immigrants are welcome here. >> university city where more than a hundred people waved signs and chanted. the university is stronger because of its international students and faculty. penn's president who attended this rally says the university is offering legal help by those effected by the executive order. >> tonight former president obama is weighing in that said in part, citizens exercising their constitutional right to assemble, organize and have their voices heard by their elected officials is exactly what we expect to see when american values are at stake. with regard to comparisons to president obama's foreign policy decisions as we've heard before the president fundamentally disagrees with the notion of discriminating against individuals because of their faith or religion. >> americans feelings about this whole issue. 48% of voters said they support suspending immigration from terror prone regions even if it means turning away refugees from those regions. the same poll found 53% want to require immigrants to register with the federal government. this pole was conducted earlier this month. >> a south jersey 9/11 survivor says he's in favor of president trump's executive order on immigration. lou gee cardo escaped the south tower on the morning of secht 11th. president trump is only trying to stop terrorist for reaching our borders. he doesn't see the travel ban as an attack on islam. >> he's just doing what he feels right to protect our country. >> he says he hopes lawmakers strengthen the vetting process so there is less confusion. >> president trump signed another executive order today this one slashes government regulations. under the order if a patrol agency wants to enact new regulations, the agency would have to cut two regulations that flr exist. president trump says the change is designed to help small businesses. >> tomorrow president trump will announce his selection for the supreme court. nbc10 news has learned there are two finalists neil gorsuch and thomas hardiman. both are appeals court judges. president trump is nominating a justice to replace anthony scalia. and also happening tomorrow the deadline to sign up for health care under the affordable care act. >> tonight philadelphia's mayor is sending a message from city hall to the u.s. capitol, he says a repeal of the act without replacement will leave more than 2,000 people ininsured in the city of brotherly love. >> good evening. these are the joint letters right here from philadelphia's mayor and city controller. they say a repeal of obamacare would jeopardize lives. the city wants people to sign up for the existing program. >> reporter: says the decision to come to this west philly community center is about as important as it gets. >> i'm getting older that's first and foremost and i need to take care of my health. >> tonight she enrolled through health >> today has been my busiest day. >> we spoke with this marketplace navigator people have been confused and worry about the future of the program. >> a lot of questions like why should apply, it's about to go away. >> the president and top republicans have said the aca markets are failing and they intend to repeal and replace them a position they ran on. >> you're going to be very proud with what we put forth having to do with health care. >> the mayor and city controller 220,000 people would be left uninsured without an appropriate replacement. >> way before you snatch the rug underneath of someone you've got to have a plan in place. >> in spite of the uncertainty these people have chosen to enroll. >> if you don't sign up, what's going to happen? you have nothing. >> when i spoke to a local republican about the mayor's warning, he said everyone should wait to hear about the replacement plan before jumping to conclusions. i'm drew smith, nbc10 news. >> former president george h.w. bush is resting at home tonight after he was released from the hospital. the 92 former president was admitted more than two weeks ago with a respiratory related to pneumonia. he spent several days in intensetive care. >> a local community is remembering two girls who were killed by a suspected drunk driver. friends and family held a vigil in northeast philadelphia to remember 10-year-old loraya braxton and her sister kimberly phillips. they were hit on roosevelt boulevard. the driver was arrested and charged with homicide by vehicle and drunk driving. the mother of the girls spoke tonight. >> i don't care what y'all going through with anybody, until you better hold y'all kids because you never know when their time is up. >> a preliminary hearing for the driver accused in the girls' death is set for next month. >> up next, dozens of cars volled in pileups on pennsylvania roads. what started the chain reaction. >> the potential knockout punch for an organization that's helped a generations of ploel kids. >> this is josh from the customer service department. can you hear me okay? >> it's a call you don't want to answer. a warning about a new scam that let's thieves into your wallet with a simple one word response, glenn? >> i'm tracking this snow potential for tomorrow and maybe even more later in the week and into the weekend. your most accurate forecast coming up. >> she purchased an extended warranty for her washer. when it broke she paid to fix it but fought the company for months to get reimbursed. see how one call to harry got her results. [ alarm clock beeping ] weather. ♪ [ laughter ] cartoons. wait for it. [ cat screech ] [ laughter ] ♪ [ screaming ] [ laughter ] make everyday awesome with the power of xfinity x1... hi grandma! and the fastest internet. [ girl screaming ] [ laughter ] >> drop back, jab. >> the owner of a local boxing gym says he's in the biggest fight of his life. >> he's ordered to pay $100,000 or his gym may close for good after more than 40 years of serving the kensington community. brandon hudson has the story. >> let's go, one two, one two. >> reporter: for more than 46 years his jessica boyington is to make better boxers. is a snapshot of his impact on the boxing world especially in philadelphia. his gym is in danger of closeing. >> this gym has helped a lot of kids. i've had people come up to me and tell me what i meant to them. >> he lost a 2015 to another boxing trainer chuck mcguire in which the court ordered he pay mcguire $106,000. he says he can't afford that and now he's trying to raise money to stay afloat during the appeals process. >> this guy comes in and he's trying to steal my gym. >> we don't want the gym. that's never been what this is about. >> mcguire's attorney says spoke on his clients behalf. mcguire needs the settlement money to recoup his lawsuits from his partnership with skrulio. >> my client's gym was closed for eight months and his kids paid a monthly fee to use that gym. >> mcguire sued him claiming he was locked out following a dispute over rent. while the two sides disagree on what prompted the lawsuit, paper work shows locks were changed. >> it was the dumbest thing we could have done. since the court decision skril lowe says he's received a lot of support from his family and boxers he's trained. brandon hudson, nbc10 news. >> new at 11:00 the boy scouts of america is opening up its programs to transgender children who identify as boys. the organization announced it will now base enrollment on the gender listed on the scout application form and not the child's birth certificate. a recent case in new jersey factored into the decision last year. an 8-year-old scout member from secaucus was kicked out of his troops he is transgender. >> poor visibility and slick roads played a role in this 20 car pileup in western pennsylvania. it happened late this morning. that's about an hour northwest of pittsburgh. crews still working tonight to clean up that wreckage. >> i. 83 has opened up involving 40 cars. snow squalls led to the pileup here. one person died, nine others were hospitalized. >> some of us could see more snow tomorrow. >> i'll tell you we're not going to be seeing snow squalls tomorrow like what we saw today. it's going to be a steadier, lighter type snow. philly airport here everything's going fine. there was a heavy squall that came through the entire area because it was coming down so far for a brief period of time but we have practically nothing left from that snow squall. it's moving offshore here. this is the next area moving in through ohio and into the western pennsylvania and some parts of our area are much more likely than others to see snow with this one. and here we are at 6:00 a.m. coming in through berks county, lehigh valley, poconos and we could see several hours worth of at least light snow. other computer models are more impressive than this one obviously and even into the afternoon there could be some precipitation but by then it may be warm enough for rain in the philadelphia area and even some of the northern suburbs. but there could be anch or so of snow especially on grassy areas. it's 23 degrees in coatesville right now. anything for the morning rush would stick by afternoon it would tend to melt. here's the neighborhood forecast. we go through the night tonight. we're clearing. we're cold. by tomorrow morning, 4:30, 5:00 a.m. it's still dry but some of that light snow starts coming in, here's 7:30, allentown, quakertown, reading getting a little of that. generally dry farther to the south. as we go through the morning, still some more light snow in allentown, quakertown, reading. now we add trenton to the list and start to get some mixed precipitation in philadelphia area and trenton and perhaps farther south during the afternoon while we still have a mix in allentown. so again, that would be the most likely area. reading, the second most likely area to see some snow accumulation out of that. we have a bigger threat later in the weekend. that is a more significant system. just so happens to be super bowl sunday. it's going to turn very cold later in the week especially thursday all the way through sunday, way below normal temperatures in some parts of the area may not get to the freezing mark and there is the potential for some accumulation especially from philadelphia northward a wintry mix in some of the other areas. as we get closer we'll pinpoint it even more. >> all right, glenn. can you hear me? it's a question you don't want to answer. >> how scammers are using your response to drain your bank account? >> plus we'll take you inside a super sendoff for a star from our area. dear fellow citizen, i know what it's like to want to relax with your family. but enjoying today doesn't mean losing sight of tomorrow. so while i invest in "the now" my mortgage, vacations i still invest in the future, like my children's college tuition and retirement. i can help you piece together your financial journey for today and tomorrow. if you have a question about investing, ask me. sincerely, amanda etheridge, fellow planner and fellow citizen. >> a warning about a new robocall scam popping up across the country. an answer to a simple question could have criminals raiding your bank account. >> he said this is tony moore. can you hear me clearly? and i just hung up. >> but the call doesn't end there for everyone. if you answer yes, it gets recorded and the scammers then call back demanding payment by thugz recording as proof you agreed to pay for goods or services. federal trade commissions says if you receive a prerecorded sales call or if someone asks can you hear me, hang up and never give out personal information over the phone. >> a super send off today in chester county. >> it came in advance of the biggest game in sports, the super bowl. an electric scene this morning at st.'s phillips in exton. they held a pep rally to honor one of their own matt ryan. it's where he got his start. ryans family was in attendance before they head off to houston ahead of the big game. hopefully he'll do well. we can say that since the eagles are clearly not in the super bowl. >> we can root for matt ryan and we're going to hear from him and the sixers without joel embiid, they do something they haven't done in three years, plus how long will joel be out, that is next. >> announcer: this is sports desk brought to you by xfinity. >> i'm john clark from csn the sixers without joel embiid again. they started the season 2 and 10 without joel but tonight they've won three of their last four without joel. remember two months ago? today demarcus cousin trying to dry the wells fargo center. tj mcconnell, nice. then it's darrio check out the past down low to robert covington who will finish. sixers go on a 28 to 12 run. covington, looks like carson wentz beats the buzzer. sixers lead after three. they're most in three years. more from darrio in the fourth. look at this pass, wow. darrio gets the hockey assist. kings fighting back. cousins, 46 points, 15 rebounds, kings within one but cousins would foul out and the crowd loves it. sixers beat the kings 122-19, 74 points in the second half. they have won three of their last four without joel. >> i think i'm more hip and i feel it would be because we were losing, maybe all the game, but you always we can come. >> that's one thing about our team. we haven't gotten discouraged. if things aren't going our way. we tuck our tails and run. >> i think the foundation is starting to prove dividends. >> it doesn't sound like joel embiid is going to play the next two games. he has a knee contusion so he has missed five of the last six. sixers are being cautious. >> joel has this crush tonight. this little girl met her crush. she loves the movie frozen so she sings a song to it in to joel embiid. >> there are the falcons and penn charters he has waited his entire life for this moment. >> we'll enjoy this part of it. it's cool. you never know when you're going to get these opportunities in your life to come out here, have all these fans and media people here so we'll enjoy it tonight. we feel good with where we're at. >> all the way from exton p.a. i'm john clark. we're right back. afoot and light-hearted i take to the open road. healthy, free, the world before me, the long brown path before me leading wherever i choose. the east and the west are mine. the north and the south are mine. all seems beautiful to me. dave this fios party is da bomb! fo shizzle! it's tv totally ahead of its time. yo, let me check that. oh snap. that x1 voice remote is crunk! and it lets me search with the sound of my voice. what should i watch? things have come a long way since you got fios. [nervously laughs] what's fios? fios has fallen behind. don't fall with it. xfinity x1 will change the way you experience tv. tiki barber running hambone!a barber shop?t hut! yes!!! surprising. yes!!! what's not surprising? how much money david saved by switching to geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more. who's next? >> what kind of morning commute are people going to have? >> that depends on what neighborhood you're in as we were saying. lehigh valley, berks county, those areas have the best chance of seeing some snow when you get up in the morning. it's going to be a steady light snow as opposed to those heavy brief snow squalls that we had today. so there's that snowflake for allentown on tuesday but in wildwood, dover, you don't see any precipitation. in philadelphia, perhaps a little bit of snow. then on wednesday, it's a little bit warmer, starts cooling down thursdays and friday. and then as we go to the ten day on ten you'll see how much colder it's getting thursday, friday and into next weekend and the first chance of any kind of accumulation after tomorrow would be on sunday, just so happens to be super bowl sunday. at the moment doesn't look like a big storm but there are some models that do suggest some potential. >> all right, again. thank you. i'm jacqueline london. >> and i'm jim rosenfield. thanks for watching tonight. we'll see you tomorrow. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> steve: from studio 6b in rockefeller center in the heart of new york city, it's "the tonight show starring jimmy fallon." tonight, join jimmy and his guests -- ricky gervais. vanessa hudgens. musical guest, noah cyrus

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