Transcripts For WCAU NBC10 News At 11pm 20160130 : compareme

Transcripts For WCAU NBC10 News At 11pm 20160130

you will see only on 10 live at temple university hospital where that injured passenger is being treated tonight. george? >> reporter: yeah. jim, we have learned that victim was hurt pretty badly. rushed into surgery here. before detectives even got a good chance to speak with him. it was apparently a case of commuter frustration that became violent. >> getting off. >> that's the fight right there. >> reporter: next to the big pile of snow, you will see the two men brawling, punches knocking each other to the ground and a stabbing and the man who did it remains on the run tonight. >> it happened very quickly. >> yeah. fast. >> reporter: this nearby business owner asked us to protect his identity narrating the mid afternoon crime that started on this route 56 bus making the 10-mile trip from the northeast down to nicetown. the attacker apparently boarded with a bad bus pass causing trouble until the driver had to pull over and call police. >> right there. arguing inside the bus. the bus. >> reporter: as that lady got off, the remaining passengers grew more frustrated by the delay. many of them filing off on their own. but the victim remained on board and eventually told the man to get off the bus and quit slowing down everyone else. that apparently sparked this attack. beginning on the bus and then spilling out on to the street. >> happened so fast. he stab me. throw a couple punches. he said, he stabbed me. real fast. >> reporter: so fast that no one stopped the man. the attacker simply walks away while the driver and victim waited for police and medics to arrive. we're told that victim is in his 40s and should survive. a camera on board that bus captured the attack from that perspective. we're expecting that on-board video to be released next week some time as philly police work to track down this attacker. live tonight in north philadelphia, george spencer, nbc 10 news. new at 11:00, a man is in critical condition tonight after being shot and crashing his car in philadelphia's olney neighborhood. he tried to drive himself to the hospital. he crashed into three cars, flipping his vehicle, near einstein hospital. no one is arrested. police think it's drug related. a home with a body inside. now a killer on the loose tonight in newcastle. >> authorities are looking for gregory parker after a man was killed in the home that parker shared with his friend. >> we are learning more about the victim. aundrea? >> reporter: spence is known as shawn johnson and calls his family and not hearing from him, they knew something was wrong. what they do not know is why and how he ended up in this house. tonight, a lone police cruiser guards this home at the top of the cul-de-sac. police say 47-year-old shawn spence also known as shawn johnson found dead here thursday night suffering from what's described as significant physical injury. >> i'm sad and really heartbroken to hear about what happened to shawn. >> reporter: johnson worked as a security guard at a nearby drugstore. >> from the amount of time that i did know him, i can say he was a wonderful guy. and i really hope that whoever did this they find him. >> reporter: gregory parker lived at this home and police say he's a person of interest. he's well-known and liked in the neighborhood. according to his website, the 52-year-old used to play professional basketball overseas and in the u.s. development league and coaches students now. >> asked me if i want to learn to play basketball to train me. >> reporter: police say the two men knew each other. johnson's family has this message for him. >> turn yourself in, man. i mean, it wasn't worth it. nobody worth killing. but if you're out there, turn yourself in. before somebody else find you. >> reporter: detectives continue to look for gregory parker. meanwhile, we are learning that johnson leaves behind three daughters. reporting live in newcastle, nbc 10 news. tonight philadelphia police are working on an arrest warrant after two guns got inside a high school today. one of them was fired during a fight between students. nbc 10 was there as three teenagers led into central detectives. tonight they're not facing charges. police tell us a group of kids started fighting near a stairwell at ben franklin high school. a security guard heard a gun go off. >> well, actually, my daughter usually go to lunch around 12:15 so she usually call me around this time but she called me a little before and said that was in lockdown. she said there was a shooting at the school. >> no one was hurt. police found a shell casing in the stairwell and looking for the gun it came from. however, they found another gun behind a radiator in the school. firefighters pulled one person from a burning house in trenton tonight. sky force 10 over the scene on south clinton avenue around 8:30. we're told the victim was flown to the hospital with sere you injuries. investigators working the find out how the fire started. embattled mayor stepped up to the podium today to deliver the annual state of the city address. he talked about diminishing crime and economic growth. but he made no mention of the fbi investigation facing his administration. the fbi is locking into a possible play to pay scheme involving campaign contributions and city contracts, something we asked him about. >> were you involved in steering any contracts to campaign contributors? >> i can't talk about an ongoing investigation. sorry. >> reporter: do you fear an indictment? >> we have a great story to tell her. we have a great city. my focus on the state of the city speech. >> city council voted for the mayor to resign. he has not been charged or indicted. but other city officials have. from our sister station telemundo 62, a facility used as a federal immigration detention center is losing the state license. the pennsylvania department of human services said it will not renew the license for the residential center in leesport and said it's not a child residential center. advocates are celebrating the decision. >> basically, stating that the state of pennsylvania stands with our community and saying that family detention is wrong. >> the facility's license expires february 21st and advocates expect it to close on that day and only two others day in the country. the state department says 22 e-mails from hillary clinton's private e-mail server were top secret. today is the first time the obama administration has confirmed that. today the state department released the latest group of e-mails when clinton was secretary of state and the government did not release them with top secret information. this latest turn in the e-mail scandal comes as clinton campaigns in iowa today, three days before the caucuses there. and the polls now have clinton tied with bernie sanders in iowa and while sanders said he won't make the e-mails an issue he is calling clinton out far fund-raiser held here in philadelphia two days ago and slammed her for her financial industry ties. since wednesday's event hosted by capital square partners and lester holt asked her about that in an exclusive one on one interview. >> we both have stood up to wall street. i've stood up before most people stood up back when i was a senator. we both have plans. mine is more expansive, tougher, more effective, comprehensive. >> clinton says she's proud to have a broad base of support across the country. on the republican side, ted cruz is brushing off a new insult from donald trump as the pair compete for a win in the iowa caucuses. trump mocked cruz's canadian birth again today calling him an anchor baby. cruz said trump is welcome to say whatever he wants and up to the iowa voters to pick the best candidate. lauren mayk is in iowa. look for her live reports starting tomorrow at 11:00. delaware county democrats partied at an inaugural ball tonight. they hosted tonight's event to show the elected and that's the council members and school board members. tonight, we know of more cases of the zika virus here in the u.s. two new cases were confirmed in texas and illinois. the zika virus spreads through mosquitos. the white house says president obama and president of brazil discussed the concerns about the outbreak. right now, brazil is seeing a wave of birth defects caused by the zika virus. national transportation safety board expected to release new details monday about that deadly amtrak derailment in port richman. they said speed was a factor. the crash killed eight and injured more than 200 others. imagine this. animal rescue comes to your door. threaten you and then take your dog and then you find out they were imposters. i'm keith jones. how the real spca stepped in and saved the day. a facebook crackdown. how the social media giant is tightening it rules on guns. and the pope's fiat hit it is auction block at philadelphia. we'll tell you the price someone was willing to pay to own the papal ride. glenn? yeah, i'm tracking a big weekend warm-up. i'll tell you when to expect the near-record temperatures in my first alert forecast. tonight a family dog is home again after his owner says a group of people stole him impersonating the spca. >> the group took the dog because of a photo on social media and as keith jones reports the real spca stepped in to bring the pet back home to philadelphia. >> reporter: this, my friends, king, an 8-year-old big old rottweiler. his owners tell me a group pretending to be the spca came to the door and almost took them from him forever. >> i didn't think i was going to have him back again. >> reporter: brenda johnson remembers when king was a small puppy. >> isn't he beautiful? he is like a family member to us. >> reporter: now, he is about 90 pounds. brenda said he often stays in this garage. she showed us his chain. the same way several animal rescue groups say hang was hanging from in this picture. brenda says he's jumping. >> look at the animal. he didn't look like he's abused. healthy. registered to the state. >> reporter: she claims several people claimed up tuesday night claiming to be the spca and threatening her with animal cruelty charges. >> not right. whatever they're doing to me they're doing it to other people and they really took advantage of us. >> reporter: tonight, i spoke with the animal rescue groups they say they didn't threaten brenda, never claimed to be from the spca saying brenda rightfully handed the rottweiler over. we also talked to the spca. they helped bring king back home to brenda. no charges will be filed. brenda said she plans to file a complaint with the state and file a lawsuit against the animal rescue group. keith jones, nbc 10 news. warning tonight about rabid raccoons in new jersey. one found this week tested positive now for ray byes and we also lernled a raccoon that attacked a boy in north new jersey ra bid, as well. it attacked the 6-year-old on his way to school. the animal jumped on the boy's back, began scratching and biting his face as you see. he has a number of cuts to his face and out of the hospital tonight. a man who heard the child's mom screaming for help killed the animal. facebook is cracking down on gun sales. the social networking site is banning users from advertising or selling firearms. the same goes for instagram. a spokesperson said the policy only applies to peer to peer sales. but not advertisements for gun that is are posted by licensed retailers. big honor tonight for a local lawyer. japanese government honoring dennis marakawa. the award celebrating achievements in international relations, promotion of japanese culture, professional advancement and developments in the welfare or reservation of the environment. the same honor given to clint eastwood in 2009. people in burlington county popped in to check out the work of local artists at a special event tonight. third thursday art pop-up in burlington and extended through the weekend because of the blizzard. it's showcasing the work of three artists. the event runs through tomorrow. $82,000? that's how much the pope's philadelphia fiat sold for tonight. michael chapman of chapman ford won the car over at least 19 other bidders at the black tie tailgate raising money for the division of neurology at shop. you may remember the pope in the modest car in september. pontiff known for his simplicity. glenn, you'd look good to that. >> that's right. he sped right by. right by the station. and we got to see all of that. everybody's out there waving. remember, one week ago tonight? you're just starting the blizzard of 2016. we still have snow to get rid of. some of it melts during the day and then refreezes at night. we have another issue with that today. and the warm-up really begins on sunday. you'll notice that tremendously. and then it gets warmer an that as we head into next week and it does not mean that's the end of winter. no way. 33 degrees. it's still kind of windy out there. making it feel like 23. so it's pretty cold. the temperatures below freezing in most places, too. 29 in westchester. pottstown. 28 in redding. 29 in wilmington. of course, a lot of these places already have the snow cover. when you have clear skies, the heat escapes to space a little bit better at night and gets colder. and as we go through the night tonight, we are zil going to have a little bit of wind so we have the temperatures plotted here along with the windchills getting down as low as 16 in philadelphia. the temperatures still in the 20s and then it starts jumping as we go in through the morning. not much snow left in some areas, no snow in extreme southern dell we are and new jersey. following this every day. and now the light blue only six inches of snow left. or three inches of snow left. in northern delaware. some places have even less than that. like in center city, philly. some of these places just one inch. but there's more snow in northeast philly. and in chestnut hill. little more snow in parts of montgomery. some places in the purple still with a foot on the ground and much of the lehigh valley still has a foot on the ground. we had some snow showers today. didn't really add to the snow cover and some rain showers, as well. that is gone. and now we're dry for a while. at least until monday. we have clearing and cold conditions with a re-freeze coming in. 23 for a low in philadelphia. 17 north and west. during the day tomorrow, start off with sunshine. clouds later in the day. dry day. not nearly as windy. temperatures into the low 40s. seven-day forecast, look at that. beautiful day on sunday. temperatures in the 50s. near 60 monday with some showers possible. another mild day on tuesday and then really warm. how about 64 degrees on wednesday? that would be a record high. along with thunderstorms as a strong cold front comes through and then it starts getting cold again later in the week. so that warm stretch is just that. a warm stretch. that is not the end of winter. >> for the people who wanted it to snow last week, they got it. people missing the warm weather, they'll get i. >> a lot of that snow will be gone after wednesday. that's for sure. >> melting it just like that. glenn, thanks. runners, get ready. registration lottery monday for the broad street run and runs through february 12th. register for the 10-mile race. lottery selections are random and you will have an equal chance no matter when you sign up. not running, you can watch the race live on may 1st right here on nbc 10. i'm john clark. eagles lock up the third offensive player this week and who's in tears he found out he's staying with the birds? steph curry in town to face the sixers. what does he think of the rebuilding project in that is next. ♪ you like being picture perfect. you should want your banking to be too. stop into td bank and we'll help set you up with picture perfect banking. new customers, open a checking and savings account and you can get a polaroid cube+ video camera on the spot. i'm john clark. the eagles continue to lock up the key offensive players. right tackle lane johnson with a new deal. $35 million guaranteed. so that makes him the highest paid right tackle in the nfl. but he's probably going to move to left tackle when peters is done and that could be after this coming season. lane has never missed a game due to injury. >> i would like to get stuff early and get locked in. i was happy. obviously something you don't want to pass up. i want to be here the rest of my career. i have guys in the locker room like my brothers. >> and one of his brothers re-signed on a three-year deal. brent celek, fifth all time in birds reception. only eagle on the team longer is john doranbos. >> this is one of greatest days of my life. to be able to say i'll be a philadelphia eagle for life is -- it's a dream come true. my agent called me the night of my birthday and said, you know, we got a deal done. and, you know, i looked over at my wife. i was so excited, i probably had tears coming out of my eyes. >> got to love him. the chargers staying in san diego for at least the season and they could move to l.a. avenue that. look who's in town tonight. steph curry. the reigning mvp, leading scorer in the nba. he and the warriors take on the sixers here. he went through three bad losing seasons first coming into the nba. before they turned into championship contenders. he thinks the sixers can rebuild quicker than we all think. >> it doesn't matake much. takes health, building through the draft and guys that you have to be able to build a core that, you know, you're comfortable with and grow around. they have pieces. take a look at this. a fan, steph curry. no access and hung wires down. steph autographed both. sent them back up and so impressed he took his own video of this. look at this. the kid is a genius. he got to give it to steph curry. when a guy. teacher, give this kid a "a" on the project. jesse biddle designated for assignment. i'm john clark. enjoy your weekend. ♪ there you go. nice moves there. university of delaware police department on the verge of going viral with this music video. posted this song, copline bling. of course, a spoof of drake's "hotline bling." i'm not going to sing it. it encourages students to call police any time they need help. i believe that's keith jones. >> i wonder if they did auditions for this. >> he is talented. >> so many parodies off that drake song and video. crazy. >> we should do a weather one, glenn. >> yeah. drake is it? >> yeah. >> i heard the name. >> you can talk about the weather. >> okay. we've got warming trend as we head through the weekend and then it gets even warmer. so that good-bye arctic air. at least for a while and then the mild air comes back. we have near record warmth on wednesday and then, yeah, that's not the end of winter. here comes toward the end of the week and next week is pretty cold so just get ready for that because we have more winter on the way. >> yeah. not over yet. far from over. thanks, glenn. >> thanks for watching and have a great weekend. good night. ♪ >> steve: from studio 6b in rockefeller center in the heart of new york city, it's "the tonight show starring jimmy fallon." tonight, join jimmy and his guests -- tyler perry, wagner moura,

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New York , United States , Rockefeller Center , Japan , Center City , Texas , Philadelphia , Pennsylvania , Brazil , Delaware , Illinois , Burlington County , New Jersey , San Diego , California , Temple University Hospital , Redding , Iowa , Delaware County , Trenton , Burlington , Pottstown , Westchester , Japanese , Clint Eastwood , Wagner Moura , Jesse Biddle , Shawn Johnson , Chapman Ford , Jimmy Fallon , Lester Holt , Michael Chapman , Keith Jones , Brenda Johnson , Gregory Parker , George Spencer , Tyler Perry , John Clark , Ben Franklin , Hillary Clinton , Ted Cruz , Shawn Spence , Bernie Sanders ,

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Transcripts For WCAU NBC10 News At 11pm 20160130 :

Transcripts For WCAU NBC10 News At 11pm 20160130

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you will see only on 10 live at temple university hospital where that injured passenger is being treated tonight. george? >> reporter: yeah. jim, we have learned that victim was hurt pretty badly. rushed into surgery here. before detectives even got a good chance to speak with him. it was apparently a case of commuter frustration that became violent. >> getting off. >> that's the fight right there. >> reporter: next to the big pile of snow, you will see the two men brawling, punches knocking each other to the ground and a stabbing and the man who did it remains on the run tonight. >> it happened very quickly. >> yeah. fast. >> reporter: this nearby business owner asked us to protect his identity narrating the mid afternoon crime that started on this route 56 bus making the 10-mile trip from the northeast down to nicetown. the attacker apparently boarded with a bad bus pass causing trouble until the driver had to pull over and call police. >> right there. arguing inside the bus. the bus. >> reporter: as that lady got off, the remaining passengers grew more frustrated by the delay. many of them filing off on their own. but the victim remained on board and eventually told the man to get off the bus and quit slowing down everyone else. that apparently sparked this attack. beginning on the bus and then spilling out on to the street. >> happened so fast. he stab me. throw a couple punches. he said, he stabbed me. real fast. >> reporter: so fast that no one stopped the man. the attacker simply walks away while the driver and victim waited for police and medics to arrive. we're told that victim is in his 40s and should survive. a camera on board that bus captured the attack from that perspective. we're expecting that on-board video to be released next week some time as philly police work to track down this attacker. live tonight in north philadelphia, george spencer, nbc 10 news. new at 11:00, a man is in critical condition tonight after being shot and crashing his car in philadelphia's olney neighborhood. he tried to drive himself to the hospital. he crashed into three cars, flipping his vehicle, near einstein hospital. no one is arrested. police think it's drug related. a home with a body inside. now a killer on the loose tonight in newcastle. >> authorities are looking for gregory parker after a man was killed in the home that parker shared with his friend. >> we are learning more about the victim. aundrea? >> reporter: spence is known as shawn johnson and calls his family and not hearing from him, they knew something was wrong. what they do not know is why and how he ended up in this house. tonight, a lone police cruiser guards this home at the top of the cul-de-sac. police say 47-year-old shawn spence also known as shawn johnson found dead here thursday night suffering from what's described as significant physical injury. >> i'm sad and really heartbroken to hear about what happened to shawn. >> reporter: johnson worked as a security guard at a nearby drugstore. >> from the amount of time that i did know him, i can say he was a wonderful guy. and i really hope that whoever did this they find him. >> reporter: gregory parker lived at this home and police say he's a person of interest. he's well-known and liked in the neighborhood. according to his website, the 52-year-old used to play professional basketball overseas and in the u.s. development league and coaches students now. >> asked me if i want to learn to play basketball to train me. >> reporter: police say the two men knew each other. johnson's family has this message for him. >> turn yourself in, man. i mean, it wasn't worth it. nobody worth killing. but if you're out there, turn yourself in. before somebody else find you. >> reporter: detectives continue to look for gregory parker. meanwhile, we are learning that johnson leaves behind three daughters. reporting live in newcastle, nbc 10 news. tonight philadelphia police are working on an arrest warrant after two guns got inside a high school today. one of them was fired during a fight between students. nbc 10 was there as three teenagers led into central detectives. tonight they're not facing charges. police tell us a group of kids started fighting near a stairwell at ben franklin high school. a security guard heard a gun go off. >> well, actually, my daughter usually go to lunch around 12:15 so she usually call me around this time but she called me a little before and said that was in lockdown. she said there was a shooting at the school. >> no one was hurt. police found a shell casing in the stairwell and looking for the gun it came from. however, they found another gun behind a radiator in the school. firefighters pulled one person from a burning house in trenton tonight. sky force 10 over the scene on south clinton avenue around 8:30. we're told the victim was flown to the hospital with sere you injuries. investigators working the find out how the fire started. embattled mayor stepped up to the podium today to deliver the annual state of the city address. he talked about diminishing crime and economic growth. but he made no mention of the fbi investigation facing his administration. the fbi is locking into a possible play to pay scheme involving campaign contributions and city contracts, something we asked him about. >> were you involved in steering any contracts to campaign contributors? >> i can't talk about an ongoing investigation. sorry. >> reporter: do you fear an indictment? >> we have a great story to tell her. we have a great city. my focus on the state of the city speech. >> city council voted for the mayor to resign. he has not been charged or indicted. but other city officials have. from our sister station telemundo 62, a facility used as a federal immigration detention center is losing the state license. the pennsylvania department of human services said it will not renew the license for the residential center in leesport and said it's not a child residential center. advocates are celebrating the decision. >> basically, stating that the state of pennsylvania stands with our community and saying that family detention is wrong. >> the facility's license expires february 21st and advocates expect it to close on that day and only two others day in the country. the state department says 22 e-mails from hillary clinton's private e-mail server were top secret. today is the first time the obama administration has confirmed that. today the state department released the latest group of e-mails when clinton was secretary of state and the government did not release them with top secret information. this latest turn in the e-mail scandal comes as clinton campaigns in iowa today, three days before the caucuses there. and the polls now have clinton tied with bernie sanders in iowa and while sanders said he won't make the e-mails an issue he is calling clinton out far fund-raiser held here in philadelphia two days ago and slammed her for her financial industry ties. since wednesday's event hosted by capital square partners and lester holt asked her about that in an exclusive one on one interview. >> we both have stood up to wall street. i've stood up before most people stood up back when i was a senator. we both have plans. mine is more expansive, tougher, more effective, comprehensive. >> clinton says she's proud to have a broad base of support across the country. on the republican side, ted cruz is brushing off a new insult from donald trump as the pair compete for a win in the iowa caucuses. trump mocked cruz's canadian birth again today calling him an anchor baby. cruz said trump is welcome to say whatever he wants and up to the iowa voters to pick the best candidate. lauren mayk is in iowa. look for her live reports starting tomorrow at 11:00. delaware county democrats partied at an inaugural ball tonight. they hosted tonight's event to show the elected and that's the council members and school board members. tonight, we know of more cases of the zika virus here in the u.s. two new cases were confirmed in texas and illinois. the zika virus spreads through mosquitos. the white house says president obama and president of brazil discussed the concerns about the outbreak. right now, brazil is seeing a wave of birth defects caused by the zika virus. national transportation safety board expected to release new details monday about that deadly amtrak derailment in port richman. they said speed was a factor. the crash killed eight and injured more than 200 others. imagine this. animal rescue comes to your door. threaten you and then take your dog and then you find out they were imposters. i'm keith jones. how the real spca stepped in and saved the day. a facebook crackdown. how the social media giant is tightening it rules on guns. and the pope's fiat hit it is auction block at philadelphia. we'll tell you the price someone was willing to pay to own the papal ride. glenn? yeah, i'm tracking a big weekend warm-up. i'll tell you when to expect the near-record temperatures in my first alert forecast. tonight a family dog is home again after his owner says a group of people stole him impersonating the spca. >> the group took the dog because of a photo on social media and as keith jones reports the real spca stepped in to bring the pet back home to philadelphia. >> reporter: this, my friends, king, an 8-year-old big old rottweiler. his owners tell me a group pretending to be the spca came to the door and almost took them from him forever. >> i didn't think i was going to have him back again. >> reporter: brenda johnson remembers when king was a small puppy. >> isn't he beautiful? he is like a family member to us. >> reporter: now, he is about 90 pounds. brenda said he often stays in this garage. she showed us his chain. the same way several animal rescue groups say hang was hanging from in this picture. brenda says he's jumping. >> look at the animal. he didn't look like he's abused. healthy. registered to the state. >> reporter: she claims several people claimed up tuesday night claiming to be the spca and threatening her with animal cruelty charges. >> not right. whatever they're doing to me they're doing it to other people and they really took advantage of us. >> reporter: tonight, i spoke with the animal rescue groups they say they didn't threaten brenda, never claimed to be from the spca saying brenda rightfully handed the rottweiler over. we also talked to the spca. they helped bring king back home to brenda. no charges will be filed. brenda said she plans to file a complaint with the state and file a lawsuit against the animal rescue group. keith jones, nbc 10 news. warning tonight about rabid raccoons in new jersey. one found this week tested positive now for ray byes and we also lernled a raccoon that attacked a boy in north new jersey ra bid, as well. it attacked the 6-year-old on his way to school. the animal jumped on the boy's back, began scratching and biting his face as you see. he has a number of cuts to his face and out of the hospital tonight. a man who heard the child's mom screaming for help killed the animal. facebook is cracking down on gun sales. the social networking site is banning users from advertising or selling firearms. the same goes for instagram. a spokesperson said the policy only applies to peer to peer sales. but not advertisements for gun that is are posted by licensed retailers. big honor tonight for a local lawyer. japanese government honoring dennis marakawa. the award celebrating achievements in international relations, promotion of japanese culture, professional advancement and developments in the welfare or reservation of the environment. the same honor given to clint eastwood in 2009. people in burlington county popped in to check out the work of local artists at a special event tonight. third thursday art pop-up in burlington and extended through the weekend because of the blizzard. it's showcasing the work of three artists. the event runs through tomorrow. $82,000? that's how much the pope's philadelphia fiat sold for tonight. michael chapman of chapman ford won the car over at least 19 other bidders at the black tie tailgate raising money for the division of neurology at shop. you may remember the pope in the modest car in september. pontiff known for his simplicity. glenn, you'd look good to that. >> that's right. he sped right by. right by the station. and we got to see all of that. everybody's out there waving. remember, one week ago tonight? you're just starting the blizzard of 2016. we still have snow to get rid of. some of it melts during the day and then refreezes at night. we have another issue with that today. and the warm-up really begins on sunday. you'll notice that tremendously. and then it gets warmer an that as we head into next week and it does not mean that's the end of winter. no way. 33 degrees. it's still kind of windy out there. making it feel like 23. so it's pretty cold. the temperatures below freezing in most places, too. 29 in westchester. pottstown. 28 in redding. 29 in wilmington. of course, a lot of these places already have the snow cover. when you have clear skies, the heat escapes to space a little bit better at night and gets colder. and as we go through the night tonight, we are zil going to have a little bit of wind so we have the temperatures plotted here along with the windchills getting down as low as 16 in philadelphia. the temperatures still in the 20s and then it starts jumping as we go in through the morning. not much snow left in some areas, no snow in extreme southern dell we are and new jersey. following this every day. and now the light blue only six inches of snow left. or three inches of snow left. in northern delaware. some places have even less than that. like in center city, philly. some of these places just one inch. but there's more snow in northeast philly. and in chestnut hill. little more snow in parts of montgomery. some places in the purple still with a foot on the ground and much of the lehigh valley still has a foot on the ground. we had some snow showers today. didn't really add to the snow cover and some rain showers, as well. that is gone. and now we're dry for a while. at least until monday. we have clearing and cold conditions with a re-freeze coming in. 23 for a low in philadelphia. 17 north and west. during the day tomorrow, start off with sunshine. clouds later in the day. dry day. not nearly as windy. temperatures into the low 40s. seven-day forecast, look at that. beautiful day on sunday. temperatures in the 50s. near 60 monday with some showers possible. another mild day on tuesday and then really warm. how about 64 degrees on wednesday? that would be a record high. along with thunderstorms as a strong cold front comes through and then it starts getting cold again later in the week. so that warm stretch is just that. a warm stretch. that is not the end of winter. >> for the people who wanted it to snow last week, they got it. people missing the warm weather, they'll get i. >> a lot of that snow will be gone after wednesday. that's for sure. >> melting it just like that. glenn, thanks. runners, get ready. registration lottery monday for the broad street run and runs through february 12th. register for the 10-mile race. lottery selections are random and you will have an equal chance no matter when you sign up. not running, you can watch the race live on may 1st right here on nbc 10. i'm john clark. eagles lock up the third offensive player this week and who's in tears he found out he's staying with the birds? steph curry in town to face the sixers. what does he think of the rebuilding project in that is next. ♪ you like being picture perfect. you should want your banking to be too. stop into td bank and we'll help set you up with picture perfect banking. new customers, open a checking and savings account and you can get a polaroid cube+ video camera on the spot. i'm john clark. the eagles continue to lock up the key offensive players. right tackle lane johnson with a new deal. $35 million guaranteed. so that makes him the highest paid right tackle in the nfl. but he's probably going to move to left tackle when peters is done and that could be after this coming season. lane has never missed a game due to injury. >> i would like to get stuff early and get locked in. i was happy. obviously something you don't want to pass up. i want to be here the rest of my career. i have guys in the locker room like my brothers. >> and one of his brothers re-signed on a three-year deal. brent celek, fifth all time in birds reception. only eagle on the team longer is john doranbos. >> this is one of greatest days of my life. to be able to say i'll be a philadelphia eagle for life is -- it's a dream come true. my agent called me the night of my birthday and said, you know, we got a deal done. and, you know, i looked over at my wife. i was so excited, i probably had tears coming out of my eyes. >> got to love him. the chargers staying in san diego for at least the season and they could move to l.a. avenue that. look who's in town tonight. steph curry. the reigning mvp, leading scorer in the nba. he and the warriors take on the sixers here. he went through three bad losing seasons first coming into the nba. before they turned into championship contenders. he thinks the sixers can rebuild quicker than we all think. >> it doesn't matake much. takes health, building through the draft and guys that you have to be able to build a core that, you know, you're comfortable with and grow around. they have pieces. take a look at this. a fan, steph curry. no access and hung wires down. steph autographed both. sent them back up and so impressed he took his own video of this. look at this. the kid is a genius. he got to give it to steph curry. when a guy. teacher, give this kid a "a" on the project. jesse biddle designated for assignment. i'm john clark. enjoy your weekend. ♪ there you go. nice moves there. university of delaware police department on the verge of going viral with this music video. posted this song, copline bling. of course, a spoof of drake's "hotline bling." i'm not going to sing it. it encourages students to call police any time they need help. i believe that's keith jones. >> i wonder if they did auditions for this. >> he is talented. >> so many parodies off that drake song and video. crazy. >> we should do a weather one, glenn. >> yeah. drake is it? >> yeah. >> i heard the name. >> you can talk about the weather. >> okay. we've got warming trend as we head through the weekend and then it gets even warmer. so that good-bye arctic air. at least for a while and then the mild air comes back. we have near record warmth on wednesday and then, yeah, that's not the end of winter. here comes toward the end of the week and next week is pretty cold so just get ready for that because we have more winter on the way. >> yeah. not over yet. far from over. thanks, glenn. >> thanks for watching and have a great weekend. good night. ♪ >> steve: from studio 6b in rockefeller center in the heart of new york city, it's "the tonight show starring jimmy fallon." tonight, join jimmy and his guests -- tyler perry, wagner moura,

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