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Nightly news begins right now. Good evening. We begin with an nbc news exclusive. A new and much different account of last months u. S. Military mission in yemen emerging that challenges the trump administrations claim that it was a success. Multiple officials tell us the raid has not produced the valuable intelligence that has been cited by the white house. This and other new details emerging as the grieving father of senior chief petty officer ryan owens is sharing his own questions about that mission. Details now from Senior Investigative correspondent cynthia mcfadden. Reporter tonight, the father of the highly decorated navy s. E. A. L. Killed in the secret raid in yemen is revealing why he declined to meet the president at Dover Air Force base as his sons body arrived there. Bill owens telling the miami herald he has questions for the president about his youngest son ryans death. Why at this time did there have to be this stupid mission when it wasnt even barely a week into his administration . For two years prior, everything was missiles and drones. Now all of a sudden we had to make this grand display . Plans for the raid had begun during the obama administration. But just five days in, the Trump White House decided to launch. A new administration, i think naturally is going to be springloaded to the moveout and demonstrate something. Weve seen that in the political realm. Its not surprising we saw it in the military realm here. Reporter the white house has repeatedly called the Yemen Mission a success in gathering important intelligence. We gathered an unbelievable amount of intelligence. Reporter today addressing bill owens comments. I can tell him that on behalf of the president , his son died a hero. And the information that he was able to help obtain through that raid, as ive said, was going to save american lives. Reporter tonight multiple officials tell nbc news that is simply untrue. The raid has yielded no intelligence of value, at least not yet. In addition to the death of ryan owens, six other u. S. Service members were wounded. And at least 25 civilians were also killed, including nine children under the age of 13. A pentagon official told nbc news today they do not dispute these numbers. Meanwhile, the pentagon already has at least three investigations into the raid under way. I think we need to understand why this mission, why now, what happened, and what the actual output was. A Defense Department official pushed back this afternoon claiming that there was a significant amount of intelligence collected. All of this happening as the administration is looking at its counterterrorism policies. The pentagon submitting its isis strategy review today. Cynthia mcfadden, thank you. Nbc news confirmed there has been another wave of bomb threats at Jewish Community centers and schools in 11 states, triggering evacuations of children. Also another despicable act of vandalism at a cemetery. Nbcs Anne Thompson has details. Reporter more anxious moments at Jewish Community centers and day schools evacuating today. It was scary for everybody. Its a horrible situation whats going on these days. Reporter the latest wave of bomb threats targeted 21 places in the eastern half of the country. But they were just threats. In philadelphia, this is why the fbi opened a hate crimes investigation. More than 100 headstones toppled at mt. Caramel jewish cemetery. Mark weissman, alone and with strangers, tried to summon superhuman strength to right the memorial of his grandparents, arthur and frida stern. It had to be hatred. Not specifically for them, but because of what religion they were. Reporter aaron malin discovered the destruction yesterday. I hope it doesnt have anything to do with the political environment in the country. But its hard to say. Reporter rabbi adam zeft says in the jewish tradition, caring for the dead is the ultimate test of love and loyalty. Im hearing today about the bomb threat against theme menhe Elementary School that my children went to. That context makes it extremely hard. Reporter as happened in st. Louis last week, when jewish graves there were desecrated, an offer of help from the muslim community. Im worried more that its being seen as its okay to do. So whoever did it, we hope that youre watching, we hope that youre caught. Reporter so the dead and the living can again be at peace. Anne thompson, nbc news, philadelphia. In washington tonight, pressure is intensifying for an independent investigation on russia, including a call from a leading republican. Theres also new resistance to those calls by the white house. Now former president george w. Bush, who has rarely spoken out on politics since leaving office, is weighing in exclusively with nbc news. Our White House Correspondent Kristen Welker has details. Reporter tonight, mounting scrutiny over russia after Top Republican congressman darrell issa breaking ranks with the president , calling for a special prosecutor to look into potential ties between Trump Campaign aides and russian officials. Youre going to need to use the special prosecutors statute and office. Reporter the president declining to directly weigh in today. Do you support a special prosecutor on russia . Reporter as the press was hustled out, whispering he hasnt spoken to russia in years. I havent called russia in ten years. Reporter that contradicts mr. Trumps own public statements. This 2014 speech one of many in which hes touted his ties to russian president vladimir putin. As an example i own the miss universe, i was in moscow recently. I spoke indirectly and directly with president putin, who could not have been nicer. Reporter even former president george w. Bush insisted more information is needed in an exclusive interview with matt lauer on today. I think we all need answers. Whether or not a special prosecutors the right way to go, youre talking to the wrong guy. I am sure, though, that that question needs to be answered. Reporter today the white house tried to knock down the controversy. I guess my question would be, a prosecutor for what . We have for six months heard story after story come out about unnamed sources, say the same thing over and over again. And nothings come of it. Reporter tonight the fight is heating up on capitol hill. We still have not seen any evidence of anyone from the Trump Campaign or any other campaign, for that matter, thats communicated with the russian government. Reporter Foreign Policy experts weighing in. I think the president himself would do well to get all the facts out. Nobodys talking about rerunning the election. But we do need to know what happened during the elections. Reporter tonight darrell issa called an independent investigation critical for transparency. All looming as the president prepares to give his first joint address to Congress Tomorrow night. Lester . Kristen welker, thank you. The white house revealed that President Trump plans to hike defense spending by 10 , or 54 billion. As part of his first budget proposal. And it would put other federal agencies in line to absorb some potentially deep cuts. We get details on this from nbcs hallie jackson. Money money money reporter the president whos talked plenty about his money im really rich. Reporter now spending the taxpayers in a new budget blueprint thats as much a political document as a financial one. We have to start winning wars again. Reporter that means a lot more money on the military, a lot less almost everywhere else. President trump wants to add 54 billion to beef up the pentagon, intelligence agencies, and homeland security. And slash the same amount to agencies like the epa and the state department. We are taking his words and turning them into policies and dollars. Reporter his new budget director emphasizes its just an outline, but the cuts could mean less money for, say, arts programs or helping people in need overseas. I dont even know if the president really understands the ramifications of the cuts that are being proposed. Reporter right now the government spends the majority of its budget on entitlements, like medicare and social security. Programs the president s promised to protect. Even though Party Leaders like paul ryan have pushed to overhaul them to save money. The president has made clear he doesnt want to touch these entitlements, are you comfortable with the budget that doesnt do that . Repealing and replacing obamacare is fundamental entitlement reform. You cannot have a serious, credible, fiscally responsible budget that does not address the challenges in our entitlement programs. Reporter a framework for now as the president puts our cash behind his campaign promises. Hallie jackson, nbc news, the white house. Our primetime coverage of the president s address to Congress Begins at 9 00 eastern, 6 00 pacific, tomorrow night here on nbc. In kansas, a man under investigation for a possible hate crime made his first court appearance, accused of shooting two indian immigrants, one of them fatly, along with a third man who tried to step in. We get details from nbcs blake mccoy. Reporter making his first court appearance, accused shooter Adam Purinton was assigned a public defender in the shooting the fbis investigating as a possible hate crime. It was 7 00 p. M. Last wednesday night when police say he opened fire on two indian men at a bar in olathe, kansas. Witnesses say purinton yelled get out of my country before being kicked out, and returning with a gun. Ive got two down. Reporter kuchibhotia was shot and killed, madasani was injured. A third man was shot trying to interve intervene. Police arrested purinton 70 miles away after he confessed to a bartender he said he shot and killed two iranian people. Reporter purintons family ankles our affiliate kshb the navy veteran suffered from ptsd. Ive never am a million years thought he would hurt somebody else. Reporter madasani says the shooting has not shaken his desire to remain in the u. S. Thats not what this Community Stands for. I believe in the greater good. Reporter tonight kuchibhotlas widow flew with he is body to india. I believe that love needs to respect, not hate. Reporter blake mccoy, nbc news, olathe, kansas. Auto parts maker takata pleaded guilty to fraud today in federal court as part of a 1 billion settlement for covering up an air bag defect linked to at least 16 deaths. Now a lawsuit filed alleging five automakers honda, toyota, nissan, ford, bmw knew takatas air bags were dangerous for years but continued to use them. Nissan and toyota have declined to comment. Calls to the others were not immediately returned. The oscar shocker seen around the world. One of the most jawdropping moments in the history of live event television. Best picture, the academy awards, somehow they had the wrong envelope and they read the wrong winner. How in the world did it happen . Nbcs joe friar has new information. Reporter as far as hollywood endings go la la land. Reporter this was quite the twist. La la land announced as best picture, at first. Theres a mistake. Moonlight, you guys won best picture. Reporter modernday dewy defeats truman moment stunning the starstudded audience along with everyone on stage. This is not a joke. Moonlight has won best picture. Moonlight. Reporter so what happened . Look closely, you can see the envelope given to presenters Warren Beatty and faye dunaway says actress in a leading role. I opened the envelope and it said emma stone, la la land. Reporter an executive with Price Waterhouse coopers, an Accounting Firm that oversees voting, said today, we made a human error. Our partner on the left side of the stagehanded the wrong envelope to Warren Beatty. Throughout the night he carried a suitcase with one set of envelopes, his colleague martha ruiz carried a duplicate set. They stood on opposite ends of the stage during the show and could be seen onstage during the chaos. In an interview before the oscars, they said they memorized the results in case the wrong winner is announced. If something were to occur, we would go directly to the stage manager and let them know theres a problem. They would make a correction, probably right then on stage, and do it live. Reporter and that is what happened. You cannot script this stuff. Those guys were extremely gracious. In handing over and calling us up to the stage. So much love to them. Reporter a finale no one could have predicted. Joe friar, nbc news, los angeles. Still ahead here tonight, heart attack shocker. A major health scare for a tv fitness guru. How his close call is raising awareness about a sometimes overlooked risk factor. Also, do you have the right stuff for a newly announced mission to the moon . How you could take the trip of a did you make that . I did. Nt. Hey, come look what lisa made. Wow. You grilled that chicken . Yup i did. Nt. Mhm, lisa. You roasted this . Uhuh. Nt. Introducing smartmade by smart ones. Real ingredients, grilled and roasted using the same smart cooking techniques you do. You own a grill . Smartmade frozen meals. Its like you made it. And you did. Nt. Fun in art class. Come close, come close. I like that. [ all sounds come to a crashing halt ] ah. When your pain reliever stops working, your whole day stops. Awww. Try this. For minor arthritis pain, only aleve is fda approved to work for up to 12 straight hours with just one pill. Thank you. Come on everybody. Aleve. Live whole. Not part. Back now with Surprising Health news about a wellknown tv personality. Bob harper, the fitness pro on nbcs the biggest loser, is recovering from a nearfatal heart attack he suffered while working out. Hes alive, thanks to the quick actions of a doctor. But it does raise the question how can someone whos the picture of health suffer a heart attack . Heres a warning we should all hear from nbcs tom costello. Reporter he is one of americas bestknown fitness gurus. Who is going to be my comeback canyon player . Reporter biggest loser star trainer bob harper was working out in a new york gym two weeks ago when he suddenly collapsed. A doctor nearby performed cpr and used a defibrillate tore save his life. Harper tells tmz he woke up two days later in the hospital and remained there another six days. Nbcs john torres is an e. R. Doctor. This was a very close call. If he didnt get the help he needed immediately at the gym, then get to the hospital right after that, he might not be with us today. Reporter harper is just 51 years old. A fitness and diet fanatic, he suggested his heart attack could be due to genetics since his mother died from a heart attack. But harper is the picture of health. Good diet, lots of exercise. Yep nettics can be very powerful. Genetics can be very powerful. Even if you do all the right things, if you have the bad genes, you can have a heart attack. Reporter the stats a sobering reminder for anyone middle aged. In twothirds of men who suffer heart attacks the first symptom is the heart attack itself, or sudden death. Doctors say its a wakeup call for all of us. Know your family heart history, and watch for symptoms. Fatigue, nausea, shortness of breath, chest or arm pain. Everyone should learn cpr, and businesses should have automatic defibrillators on hand. Tom costello, nbc news, washington. We are back in a moment with some terrifying moments on the road caught on camera. Do you know how your laxative works . You might be surprised. Stimulant laxatives make your body go by forcefully stimulating the nerves in your colon. Miralax is different. It works with the water in your body to hydrate and soften, unblocking your system naturally. Miralax. They carry your fans shpassions, hopes, and dreams. S. And maybe, a chance at greatness because shoulders were made for greatness. Not dandruff. Your body was made for Better Things than rheumatoid arthritis. Before you and your rheumatologist move to another treatment, ask if xeljanz is right for you. Xeljanz is a small pill for adults with moderate to severe ra for whom methotrexate did not work well. Xeljanz can reduce joint pain and swelling in as little as two weeks, and help stop further joint damage. Xeljanz can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. 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Oh, yes play pot of gold, the new game from the pennsylvania lottery. And you could win. On the spot. Keep on scratchin back now with that surprise announcement from elon musk and spacex. Launching a mission beyond the moon. Theyre taking some paying customers for the ride. The question is, would you want to go . Heres nbcs kerry sanders. Reporter spacex, a private rocket company, going where no man or woman has gone before. Into deep space. With two paying passengers next year. Spacex owner Billionaire Elon Musk announcing hes already taken two substantial deposits for a we canlong mission to the moon and back. Spacexs dragon capsule will circle the moon like the apollo 11 crew 47 years ago. But these participatings who will be trained astronauts will notice land as Neil Armstrong did. Thats one small step for man, one big leap for mankind. Reporter tonight the 98s of the two astronaut passengers, genders, and how much theyre paying, remains a secret. But a hint from elon musk, theyre not from hollywood. Kerry sanders, nbc news, Kennedy Space center. In california, horrifying rollover accident caught on camera. Surveillance video appears to show a car run a stop sign and tbone an suv, sending the vehicle flying. Good samaritans leapt when in to help those in the suv who reportedly suffered nonlife threatening injuries. The other driver reportedly had a toddler in the car. Both are said to be okay. When we come back here, breaking bread and barriers around coaching means making tough choices. Jim youre in but when you have high Blood Pressure and need Cold Medicine that works fast, the choice is simple. Coricidin hbp is the only brand that gives powerful cold symptom relief without raising your Blood Pressure. Coricidin hbp. They have to be great on the inside and outside. My hygienist said to think of my teeth like an apple. To strengthen both, she said to go pro. Go pro with crest prohealth advanced. It strengthens. 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At humana, we can help you with a personalized plan for your health for years to come. Finally tonight, as many of you gather at the dinner table, a story about the International Language of food and how its helping those who have left everything behind for new lives, new homes, and new friends in america. Nbcs katie beck has our inspiring america report. Nice to meet you. Reporter sharing a meal is a universal exchange. A speechless conversation. The easiest way to kind of connect people is through food. Reporter this is a supper club of strangers. 40 people with a common cause, to help someone in need. A refugee named najwa. Six months ago, fled the syrian city of homs, escaping wartorn streets, finding refuge in los angeles, safe and free. Refugee families come with almost nothing. The baby didnt have a crib. Reporter Mary Whitehall answered a call to help. When she saw the Family Living without basic essentials, she posted a list on facebook. Marys list. Bedding, clothes, toys, crossed off. The size of the response was really, really amazing and overwhelming. Translator when mary helped us, she became a sister to me. Reporter then more families, more lists. 60 families helped so far. Youre a stay at homemom. And now . Now youre what . I am a volunteer gone wild. Reporter local Restaurant Owner katie killgow wanted to help marys families take the next step. Shed read about refugee supper clubs help new arrivals earn money. Everybody loves the food . Yes, amazing. So good. Reporter a syrian meal prepared and served by refugees. The event sold out in just two hours. This is a neighbor movement. Its a movement of friends who believe in families and they believe in embracing and welcoming people. Reporter and for this meal, the most shared experience was the taste of kindness. Tell your friends. Reporter katie beck, nbc news, los angeles. And thats going to do it for us on a monday night. Im lester holt. For all of us at nbc news, thank you for watching and good night. Oscar night shocker weve got warren bitty and faye dunaway blunder. How did this happen . Its extra right now. Oscar nights front page fiasco. This is is not a joke. Moonlight has won best picture. Is that the craziest of all time. The shot you didnt see of ma herbal ali in disleave. Warren beatty minutes after the mishap. What happened . Plus what Steve Harveys staying today about the moment that mirrored his fain muss beauty pageant blunder. Justin and jessica, the king and queen of the ball. The red car spet officially open im with the timberlakes. All the red carpet couples news, scarlet johanssons mystery date, who was ryan goslings plus one . Plus, viola davis right after her showstopping, tear, jerking victory speech. 30 years of hard work. I can make your hands clap. Then a metallic invasion we break down the red carpet runway with adam glassman. Its almost like two dresses in one. Five million in

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