Transcripts For WCAU NBC 10 News At 9am 20150404 : compareme

Transcripts For WCAU NBC 10 News At 9am 20150404

wind gusts in lancaster and 38 mile per hour wind gusts in atlantic city. so for today, plan on more sunshine throughout the afternoon. 55 by 1:00, 56 by 3:00. windy, though. we'll talk more about your saturday night forecast and your easter forecast coming up. breaking news out of gloucester county. one person is dead after getting hit by a car on a highway in mantua township. the driver stopped at the scene. no one has been arrested. police are investigating. meanwhile, the northbound lanes of route 55 in that area remain closed. today, funeral services will be held for the off-duty police officer who was killed inside of his delaware county home. girlfriend of officer mark hudson is accused of shooting and killing him with his own service weapon last saturday. nbc 10's jesse gary is live in collingdale where the viewing and funeral will take place later on this morning. jesse? >> reporter: rosemary that viewing is slated to begin at 10:00 this morning here at st. joseph's. i'm told by the police chief, things might be running ahead of schedule not behind. so the viewing is 10:30 and the service -- i'm sorry, the viewing at 10:00 and the service at 11:30 for officer mark hudson. let's take a look at our video. he was killed about a week ago in his home his apartment allegedly shot in the chest by his girlfriend. tee tyaina finch. she first said the dog grabbed his service revolver and when she tried to remove the weapon from the dog's mouth it went off. then later saying the two had gotten into a fight and she shot him in the chest. he was pronounced dead later at the hospital presbyterian hospital, due to that gunshot wound. he had been a volunteer officer for four years for the borough police department and had also worked for the yadin fire department for about ten years. so this death, this murder has definitely rocked both those two departments and the community. finch is charged with murder in this case. again, the viewing to start at 10:00, though it might be running ahead of schedule. i'll try to get an update on the times for you when i join you again in 30 minutes. live in delaware county jesse gary nbc 10 news. in philadelphia police are interviewing someone in connection with a deadly hit and run investigation. a driver struck and killed a man along delaware avenue in the fishtown section of the city last night. police say the victim is a man in his 20s. the driver of an suv hit him enjust kept going. no one has been arrested or is considered a suspect at this time. but police tell us they are talking to someone who may have information on the case. new this morning out of new york several people are under arrest after this massive brawl at resorts world casino. about 300 people were involved in the group fight last night. witnesses say they were throwing punches and throwing chairs. officers arrested three people. there were no serious injuries but the casino took on thousands of dollars worth of damage. investigators are now looking into whether the fight was gang related. back in our area dozens of crews battled an overnight fire in the city's kensington neighborhood. a blaze broke out at this two-story building. it started on the first floor of the mini market. the flames did not spread to the apartments above and there were no serious injuries. no word yet on what caused this fire. today we are earning more about the philadelphia woman arrested after investigators say she tried to join the terror group isis. keonna thomas appeared before a federal judge yesterday. she has no criminal history and is the mother of young children. the federal prosecutors say she left an online trail of radicalized postings going back nearly two years. according to authorities she planned to leave her home on north tenth street and join isis in syria. the trip never happened. >> it's just a shame. you never know who you're living next to. >> thomas is being held without bail and is expected back in court on wednesday. she could face up to 15 years in prison. investigators say this arrest in philadelphia is not related to a case in new york where two women are charged with plotting a terror attack. prosecutors say they were inspired by isis. the women appeared in court on thursday and were held without bail. according to authorities, they wanted to pull off a terror attack like the boston marathon bombings. philadelphia police say it was an argument between two men that led to a shooting in the middle of a neighborhood steps away from a father and his young son. it happened last night in tacony. an 18-year-old was shot in the back and a 20-year-old in the shoulder. both of the men are in stable condition. the bystanders were not injured. they have watched surveillance video of the shooting that clearly shows what happened. ♪ a local faith-based group came together in song and prayer last night to raise awareness about gun violence. heeding god's call rallied in the overbrook section of philadelphia to draw attention to the impact that guns have on families and neighborhoods. organizers held t-shirts and signs representing loved ones lost to gun violence. the group included local rabbis, pastors and imams. it's the same neighborhood where police say three teenagers shot and killed a man last month while he was walking his dog. today is holy saturday on the christian calendar. it's the final day of lent and of holy week leading up to easter sunday this is a live look over the cathedral basilica of saints peter & paul. the basilica will open at 9:00 this morning. there are no masses today. the archbishop will celebrate an easter vigil mass this evening at 8:00. yesterday, christians marked good friday the west kensington ministry at norris square observed the stations of the cross. artists presented different works representing the stations which refer to the events of the day when christians believed jesus was crucified. good friday is one of the hole left day-- holiest days of the christian calendar. members of the jewish few are celebrating as well. many jews will eat matzo bread during passover. next a new clue that the democrats' leading lady is gearing up to announce a run for the white house. welcome back on this saturday morning. we started out saturday with lots of showers, kind of dreary and now we're starting that clearing process. actually seeing a little sunshine in some spots. here's a live look outside looking down at the shore. it's looking really pretty. temperatures cooler than where we started out, though. drying out, you can see on radar that we are seeing the showers over the atlantic. we'll see more sunshine over the next few hours. temperatures 51 in philadelphia. 38 degrees in mt. pocono. 51 in atlantic city 54 in dover. another piece of the puzzle we have wind gusts, winds gusting near 40 miles aen hour. the wind is a big deal today. that's our big weather headline as we head throughout the afternoon. these winds will continue throughout the after-nene and evening hours before they lessen tonight. for today, clearing and windy, winds out of the northwest 20 to 30 miles per hour. not a bad afternoon over all. easter looks good as well. we're tracking many days of our seven-day with some rain. now to the race for philadelphia mayor, the candidates are getting ready to square off in a debate next week. lynn ab ra ham, nelson diaz doug oliver milton street and anthony williams will all participate. they'll answer questions ranging from education funding and pension payments. nbc 10 and telemundo 62 is proud to partner with the greater philadelphia chamber of commerce to host the debate for philadelphia mayor. it will be held on tuesday night at the kimmel center. jim rosenfield will moderate the debate which you can watch right here on nbc 10. we want to give you a chance to submit your questions to the candidates. all you have to do is click on the nbc 10 news app or go to tomorrow on nbc 10 "@issue," you can get to know more about the candidates and where they stand on the topics important to you. "@issue" airs tomorrow morning at 11 oox 30 right here on nbc 10 after "meet the press." in what could be a sign of things to come hillary clinton has sign a lease at a building in new york that analysts believe could be her campaign headquarters. a person familiar with the plan says that clinton has signed the lease for two floors in a brooklyn heights office. according to political insiders. clinton is expected to announce she's running for president in the coming weeks. the time is 8:41. when we come back we'll meet this week's wednesday's child. plus a windy day ahead. what about tomorrow for easter sunday? meteorologist michelle grossman will have the full first alert forecast when we return. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ if you want it ♪ ♪ go out and get it ♪ new this morning, the extremist group al shabaab has issued a statement warning of more attacks in kenya like thursday's deadly assault on a university campus. meantime meantime, medical staff say they have rescued a survivor who had been in hiding at the clj for two days. kenyan medical staff confirmed the 19-year-old woman hid in a cup board and covered herself with clothing. she was too scared to alert rescuers after they entered the building. at least 147 people were killed in the attack by islamic militants. security forces killed four of the militants to end the siege. last night, kenyan officials announced five arrests. pope francis condemned the deadly attack by islamic militants targeting christians. he made that statement hours before he took part in the traditional good friday coliseum procession in rome. the torch-lit ceremony recalls the suffering and death of jesus christ by crucifixion. the the. let's check in with this week's wednesday's child. he's a young man who loves sports and loves to cook. he's looking for a forever family to help make his life complete. nbc 10's vai sikahema introduces us to robert. >> are we going to make cupcakes? >> we are. >> reporter: this is robert. >> hi, robert. >> reporter: he's a fun-loving and friendly young man. he has an infectious smile paired with an outgoing personality. he loves to create and cook. we headed out to the night kitchen in chestnut hill p.a. to learn baking secrets. >> press and go around in a circle. >> reporter: we both got right in the mix. robert was in his element putting his own style on his cupcakes. >> i like to cook a lot. it's something i can go freely with. it's like you do something and it's like oh, my god, it's really good. >> reporter: he's passionate about sports and is studying culinary arts. >> i played baseball as a pitcher. >> reporter: you did? >> yes. >> reporter: how do you do? >> sort of good. >> reporter: robert has a warm heart. he wants to share with a family and he knows what he needs in a forever family. >> just a family that would, i feel, is going to understand me and will actually help me to better understand you know what helps me. >> reporter: he is ready for his forever home. >> i'm kind of just looking for a family, basically. i mean, maybe a mom and a dad. a pet. i love pets. i love dogs. dogs are awesome. maybe a little brother or something like that. >> reporter: robert is this week's wednesday's child. if you'd like to help make robert's dream come true or the dream of any wednesday's child sponsored by the dave thomas foundation, go to and search wednesday's child. you can also call the national adoption center at 1-866-do-adopt. now, your nbc 10 first alert weather. >> all right. our weather right now, big difference than a few hours ago. we had rain that moved in overnight. temperatures in the 60s, a cold front came through, the showers moved out. now we're looking at much cooler air across the area. weather headlines, we're seeing clearing skies, more sunshine as we go throughout this saturday. also windy. windy this morning. windy this afternoon and evening. winds gusting near 40 miles per hour and more rain in your seven-day. looking outside, we are windy, we're also looking at mostly cloudy skies across the area. 51 right now in philadelphia. winds out of the northwest at 22 miles per hour that is sustained, not gusting. so look at your winds, wind gusts across the area at 34 miles per hour in philadelphia, up to 34 mile per hours in wilmington. 21 mile per hour wind gusts in glassboro. that's bringing in the cooler air. this is what you can expect over the next several hours with the winds gusting. mostly cloudy skies, temperatures mainly in the 40s to the north and west. 47 in allentown, 47 in lancaster. 50 degrees in wilmington. south and east same story, temperatures mainly in the 50s. we were in the 60s a few hours ago, 51 in atlantic city. look at radar, skies are clearing, most of the showers are off the coast at this point and we will continue to clear as we head throughout the next couple of hours. windy, that's your big weather headlines this afternoon. mostly clear skies tonight for your saturday night plans pap we're waking up to a cold sunday morning. sunrise services for easter looking at temperatures around the freezing mark in philadelphia. today, clearing and windy, 55 to 58. that's around normal for this time of the year. winds ouch the northwest at 20 to 30 miles per hour but gusting higher than that. tonight, lighter winds, clear skies, we'll see the temperatures dip down to near freezing in philadelphia. around 35 29 north and west. colder to the north and west. winds out of the southwest at 5 to 10 miles per hour. seven-day forecast as we go throughout time here we're looking at mostly sunny skies as we head throughout the next couple of hours. the showers moved off for the most part. we're looking at clearing conditions, 56 cooler than what's normal for this time of year. by sunday waking up to frigid temperatures for your sunrise services. dress in winter gear with temperatures below freezing in many spots. rebounding nicely by the afternoon. 62 degrees. it will be breezy as well. feeling like the upper 50s in many, many spots. things begin to change. monday looking at sunshine giving way to clouds 67. tuesday, mostly cloudy with a chance of rain. a front comes through. that brings you unsettled weather on tuesday. 61. by wednesday, another shot for rain as well. wednesday, cloudy skies. it will be a dreary looking day. temperatures well below normal for this time of year. chance of rain once again and that front that moves through will move backward. looking at mostly cloudy skies by thursday. a chance for showers, 38. at least warmer, temperatures near 68. fans at last night's phillies/pirates preseason game saw security upgrades at citizens bank park. metal detectors. fans have to walk through the airport-style metal detectors before entering the ballpark. some entrances mike mcfadden's restaurant will use security wands instead. join us for "welcome home phillies" on monday afternoon. keith jones and jacqueline london host our pregame coverage, live from the ballpark, beginning at 2:00. we cover the parade as the team makes its way into citizens bank park. watch the game right here on nbc 10 at 3:00. before you head to a game this season check out what's new at the cqllpark from food to phillies fashion. you'll find it all right now on the nbc 10 news app. still xiaxahead, a story of survival. when you find out what happened to this black lab you won't believe how well she's doing. this is nbc 10 news. at 8:53 on this saturday here is a live look from our adventure aquarium camera looking towards center city. we have a couple things going on here. obviously the camera is shaking just a little bit. that's because it's breezy out there today. that will be the issue, the winds. the clouds are starting to clear just a little bit. that rain has moved out. temperatures right now in the low 50s. it will warm up a little bit more today and tomorrow for easter sunday we're in for a bigger warmup. meteorologist michelle grossman will have more of the details throughout the newscast. severe weather in the philippines, weather officials have downgraded the typhoon into a storm. thousands of people were told to leave the country's coastline. the storm is expected to bring strong winds and dump heavy rainess over the weekend. northwestern china is reeling from some sandstorms. areas across china see sandstorms every spring as heavy winds lift soil from the country's farmlands and dump dust into homes and cars thousands of miles away. information retrieved from the black box data recorder of a doomed german jet shows its co-pilot repeatedly accelerated the plane before it slammed into the french alps. people living near the crash site continue to bring flowers and other tributes to the victims. members of the recovery team are continuing their work nearby. officials say dna from all 150 people on board the plane has been found. back here in the u.s. in louisiana, developing story about a police officer who's being treated at a hospital after he was wounded in a shootout. this happened last night in slidell. that's about a half hour outside of new orleans. according to police the officer was responding to a disturbance when shots were fired. the suspect took off but was captured by a canine officer. suspect was injured but police have not said if it was from a gunshot wound or from the dog. no word on the condition of the injured officer. in michigan it's a story of survival. this 2-year-old black lab named jemaah is lucky to be alive after her owner shot her in the head with an arrow. a construction worker found her wandering with that arrow through her head and called animal control. the arrow penetrated just above her left eye and somehow did not affect her eyesight or brain. so far, authorityies have not filed charges against the owner but animal control officers are hoping to find her a new home. still ahead on nbc 10 news today, a final farewell for a fallen officer. nbc 10's jesse gary is live in delaware county where a viewing and funeral will take place later this morning. we're tracking showers earlier. they moved off the coast. now we're tracking cooler air. the wind is blowing around that flag. we'll talk more about the wind today. a pretty nice forecast for your easter weekend. we'll talk about that coming up. this is nbc 10 news. a final farewell this morning for a police officer in delaware county shot and killed in his own home. we'll have a preview coming up in a live report. philadelphia police are asking for your help this morning as they look for the driver wanted in a deadly hit and run. the victim was killed along delaware avenue in an area that's busy on a friday night. we'll have to get through a windy saturday before calmer conditions move through, just in time for our easter sunday. then of course the phillies home opener is on monday. here's a live look at citizens bank park where we're hoping for sunny clear skies for the start of the week. we'll see. good morning. welcome back to nbc 10 news today. i'm rosemary connors. let's get right to the weekend weather with meteorologist michelle grossman. i have to say, no snow out there. that's good. the rain moved on. we really haven't had a fantastic spring day yet. >> i know. we're not going to get a fantastic spring day today. tomorrow we'll get closer. it will be breezy. today we had the showers to start out with. mild temperatures they're starting to drop but it will look prettier throughout the day. there's a live look outside. we are looking from our adventure aquarium camera. we have the showers that came through overnight. they're off the coast at this point. we're starting to see clearing in the skies as well. we are seeing the winds pick up. 32 mile per hour wind gusts in philadelphia. 36 mile per hour wind gusts in mt. pocono. we'll continue to see the winds gusting throughout the afternoon and evening hours, not letting up until the overnight hours. temperatures, again, we start out in the 60s in many spots. we're in the 40s to the north and west. 48 in allentown, 51 in philadelphia, 54 in dover. 53 degrees in atlantic city. we have that cold northwesterly flow. that keeps the temperatures low throughout the day. we get to the mid-50s as opposed to the 60s where we started out. by 11:0054, by 1:00 55 and then by 3:00 56 degrees. today a community will come together to say a final fair welt to an off-duty police officer who was shot and killed in his own home. the girlfriend of officer mark hudson is accused of shooting him with his own service weapon last saturday. nbc 10's jesse gary is live in colin dale delaware county where today's services are being held. jesse? >> rosemary you can see behind me some of the officers and fire department officials have started to arrive. i'm told things are running a little bit ahead of schedule. there's a prayer service inside of st. joseph's church on the left-hand side of your screen. that doesn't wrap up until 9:30 this morning. after that's finished officer hudson's body will be brought inside for the viewing. the viewing is from 10:00 to 11:30. the funeral will start at 11:30. after which he'll be buried at zion in colin dale. his girlfriend, teeiannayaina finch is charged with murder in the case. hudson was a four-year volunteer for the darby borough police department. he also volunteered for a decade for the yadin fire department came in as a 16-year-old. chief said watched him transform and grow into a young man who was the leader in that fire department. again, we're waiting for the casket to arrive and then it will be brought in at around 9:30 9:35-ish. we'll have an update in the next 30 minutes. we are following breaking news out of gloucester county this morning. a stretch of road in mantua township remains closed after a driver struck and killed a pedestrian. this happened along route 55. right now, the northbound lanes are shut down. the driver did stop at the scene and nobody has been arrested. police continue to investigate. in philadelphia police are interviewing someone in connection with a deadly hit and run investigation. they have also recovered a vehicle but it's unclear if the car was the one involved in the crash. it happened last night along delaware avenue in fishtown. police say the victim is a man in his 20s. the driver of an suv hit him and just kept going. police tell us nobody has been arrested or is considered a suspect at this time. they are talking to someone who may have information on the case. also out of fda, dozens of crews battled an overnight fire in the city's kensington neighborhood. it start on the first floor of the mini market. the flames did not spread to the apartments above. one person was treated for smoke inhalation but there are no other injuries. no word yet on a causaç of this fire. >> today we are learning more about the philadelphia woman under arrest after investigators say she tried to join isis. keonna thomas has no criminal history and is a mother of young children. the federal prosecutors say she left an online trail of radicalized postings going back nearly two years. according to authority, she planned to leave her home on north tenth street and join isis in syria. thomas is scheduled to be back in court on wednesday. seeking closure and justice. family and friends gathered at a vigil in vineland to remember the man who died while in police custody. it's a case that has some people accusing police of excessive force. an attorney is now launching an independent investigation into the death of phillip white of cumberland county. this morning, we are getting a closer look at what happened. this is newly released cell phone video of the final moments of phillip white's life. police say on tuesday they were responding to a report of a disorderdis disorderly person. >> you see what's happening here, all of it? >> uh-huh. >> i need your information. i have to take your phone. >> you're going to take my phone. >> you want to video it we're going to take your phone. >> the cumberland county police department says they are awaiting toxicology results. dozens under arrest after a drug sweep. police have charged 60 people with selling or buying crack, heroin and marijuana in spots like kensington and north philadelphia. officers also confiscated two dozen vehicles in the sweep. neighbors we spoke with are happy about the arrest. >> people don't want to be around. >> the drugs, they need to clean up around here. >> police tell us this is just the start of cracking down on areas known for drug crimes. >> >> the florida developer buying revel has a bigger picture, it involves buy the another casino. he hopes to acquire the show boat casino. the plan is called the phoenix project, if approved, the move would turn the showboat into a branch campus of stockton university. but trump entertainment says not so fast. even though stockton bought the building there's a legal requirement that says showboat can only be operated as a casino. and the five suburbs that is prime real estate for prospective buyers. welcome back on this saturday morning. we have hours that moved through earlier. we are drying out right now. leftover clouds mostly cloudy skies in philadelphia. view from our adventure aquarium camera. we are cooler than 24 hours ago. 16 degrees colder in mt. pocono 11 degrees colder in philadelphia. we started off the day mild. right around 61 degrees overnight and then temperatures dropping ever since. temperatures right now, we are into the 40s north and west. 51 in philadelphia 53 in millville, 48 in allentown. the big weather story are the winds. the winds gust throughout the day at 32 miles per hour in philadelphia. up to 36 mile per hours in mt. pocono. we talk more about the wind today. today is holy saturday on the christian calendar, the final day of lent and holy week. you're looking live over the cathedral basilica of saints peter & paul in center city philadelphia. the basilica opened about ten minutes ago at 9:00. but there are no masses this morning. the archbishop will celebrate an easter vigil mass this evening at 8:00. in west philadelphia, volunteers spent the day helping the less fortunate on good friday. they provided meals for families who struggle to put food on the table. the dinner happened off a worship service. people of the jewish faith are marking the eight-day festival of passover. one montgomery county family is marking the holiday with a milestone. the black family are holding their 100th seder. the time right now is 9:11. still ahead, meteorologist michelle grossman will be back with your first alert forecast for easter sunday and for the week ahead. plus caption this. the story behind this picture of former phillies pitcher jamie moyer. at book club they were asking me what you're doing now, janice. blogging. your blog is just pictures of you in the mirror. it's called a fashion blog todd. well, i've been helping people save money with progressive's discounts. flo, can you get janice a job? [ laughs ] you should've stuck to softball! i was so much better at softball than janice, dad. where's your wife, todd? vacation. discounts like homeowners' multi-policy -- i got a discount on this ham. i've got the meat sweats. this is good ham, diane. paperless discounts -- give it a rest, flo. all: yeah, flo, give it a rest. this is nbc 10 news. at 9:14 on this saturday morning, here's a live look over lake wallenpaupack. in the poconos, temperatures in the upper 30s, they'll warm into the upper 40s today. this morning we are learning the scope of a data breach involving the philadelphia fire department three years after it happened. names, birth dates and social security numbers were taken illegally. investigators say an employee of advanced data processing gave patient information to a theft ring. that company handles billing services for ambulance agencies across the country including ems services for the philadelphia fire department. the fire department's independent investigation revealed that the employee accessed information of 750 patients who used ems services on april 1 of the and 2nd of 2012. that's in addition to the four months worth of information stole from ems patients between february and october of 2012. it's unclear whether the information was used fraudulently. if you think you were affected by this breach the fire department is offering free credit monitoring. get those forms from the fire department or we've got more information. download the free nbc 10 news app. a real estate firm has come up with a list of the top philadelphia suburbs for young people. here's a look at the top five according to movoto. number one, drexel hill number two, laurel spring three, devon, four king of prussia and cherry hill rounds out the list. the rankings were based on several criteria including% of residents between 22 and 34 the median home value and household income. now your nbc 10 first alert weather. >> all right. we start out this saturday overnight with rain. lasting until 5:00, 6:00 in the morning. it's all up the coast at this point. we're starting to clear out. temperatures are mild also. we're starting to see them drop. we're into the 50s and 40s now as opposed to the 60s overnight. weather headlines on your saturday morning clearing skies, looking better and better out there. we'll see more sunshine as we go throughout the day. we're also seeing a very very windy day. winds gusting over 40 miles per hour at times, this afternoon, into this evening. we're seeing that right now also. more rain in your seven-day forecast. half of your seven-day has a chance for rain or showers. a look outside, winds gusting near 40 miles per hour in some spots. 51 in philadelphia mostly cloudy skies, winds out of the northwest at 21 miles per hour. 11 degrees colder than this time yesterday. wind gusts across the area 36 mile per hour wind gusts in millville. same story in philadelphia, 34 in reading and this will be the theme throughout the day. the headlines will be the clearing skies and windy conditions. looking at mostly cloudy skies still in philadelphia. but not bad compared to the rain we had overnight. temperatures, they've dropped also into the 40s north and west. 51 in philadelphia. 48 degrees in allentown, 49 in lancaster. 53 in atlantic city and 54 in denver. deníes? dover. skies clearing. we're looking at shower activity to the south of us. otherwise, i think it will break apart as it moves to the east. nothing to worry about. it won't lessen until overnight. mostly clear, less wind. that will happen when the temperatures drop near freezing. even below freezing north and west. you wake up on your sunday morning, sunrise services for easter. you may have a chilly morning. you may want to dress with a winter coat in many spots. clearing, 55 to 58. our high temperature came a couple hours ago. by this afternoon, we stay put in the mid-50s. winds gusting towards 40 miles per hour. tonight, 35 in philadelphia, may be cooler than that in some spots. 29 north and west. winds out of the southwest at 5 to 10 miles per hour. those winds go down with the exception of the poconos, the higher elevations but otherwise we'll see the winds dying down the clearer skies and that will drop the temperature. your easter forecast on sunday by 7:00 if you're going to the sunrise services we're looking at temperatures by 36. by 9:0041 and by noon 50 degrees. overall nice day, just breezy conditions. not the wind today but still breezy. there's your easter forecast 62. monday sunshine gives way to clouds, 67. by tuesday, mostly cloudy. could see a chance for a shower. 61, that lingers gives us a chance of rain on wednesday, that front goes backwards and brings us another round of rain on thursday. 58. same story on friday cloudy chance for showers at 68. former philly jamie moyer is retired from baseball after more than two decades in the big leagues. and these days he's relaxing and having fun or at least trying to have fun. yesterday moyer tweeted this picture from his trip to disneyland where he was stuck on a roller coaster. it happened on the california screamin' attraction. moyer was only stuck for a short time but he was there to take this pic and add a caption saying not sure what's more difficult, pitching in a major league game or this. hi, i'm amy fadool from comcast sports net. the phillies are back from florida. two exhibition game in their on-deck series against the pirates before the season opener monday afternoon. andrew mccutchen back up the middle. eric horang allowed four runs on nine hits in 4 2/3 innings. bottom of the ninth, phillies down 5-4. blanco lays down the bunt. tony sanchez comes up. the catcher will airmail this one. hernandez scores, ties the game at 5. ben revere, steps up to the plate, trying to be the hero. he has just two career home runs. why would i tell you that? because he did that. gone to right. two-run shot gives the phillies a 7-5 win. he gets carried off by jonathan papelbon, a first walkoff home run and it doesn't even count. >> it's my first. think about it, you never know if it will come up in the season. i'll try to get out there, get a good swing on the ball and everything. we got the win. it was good. good team win tonight. >> cole hamels, the obvious choice to be the phillies opening day starter. yesterday we heard from the ace. despite many baseball expert's opinion that the deck is stacked again the phillies when it comes to team chemistry, hamels thinks the team has a better hand to play this year. >> there's a lot of hidden moments behind the schemes of team work and camaraderie. i think guys are finally starting to pick that up and be a little bit more together opposed to the direction we were last year. there's a good cohesiveness that you can sense. i really feel like the clubhouse has really been a lot more enjoyable this spring. >> nbc 10 is your place for the phillies home opener on monday. before the team hits the field, our team will bring you a pregame show, "welcome home phillies" at 2:00 p.m. you can see that with keith jones and jacqueline london. then first pitch just after 3:00. that's all monday, right here on nbc 10. tiger woods will play in the masters next weekend. the 39-year-old played in just 47 holes in two tournaments this season. he did take a break from competitive golf back on february 11th to work on some issues with his game. according to the "baltimore sun" the nfl is set to hire sarah thomas as the league's first full-time female official. she was an official in the college ranks last year. the nfl would not confirm the hiring saying the roster of officials is not yet complete. that will do it for sports. i'm amy fadool, comcast sports net. numbers don't lie. easter is one of the sweetest days for candy sales. new consumer survey finds that easter ranks up there with halloween. this year americans will spend more than $2 billion on easter candy. that's about 25 bucks a person here in the northeast. some businesses say it's a make or break holiday for them because the next few months can be slow for stores selling chocolate. not for me. you either michelle. you're a chocolate lover. >> every day. happening today in delaware, it's the opening day of upstream trout season. the season got under way at 7:30. people can fish at six streams in northern us in castle county. the philadelphia comic con runs through tomorrow. appearing all weekend, actor austin st. john, the original red power ranger. also appearing, "star trek" actor george taki. today is the gran opening of mariners pier. you are invited to hop on over at noon. kids can get their picture taken with, who else but the easter bunny. big weekend of stuff to do. you know that? >> i do know yes. >> easter eggs. >> they'll be falling from the sky in trenton. the city joins several churches and a community organization to hold an easter festival featuring a helicopter easter egg drop happening at cadwalader park. there's live entertainment and family activities from 9:30 this morning until 12:30 this afternoon. >> that's awesome. >> a lot going on. >> there is a lot. that was a mouthful, right? >> the weather will cooperate. windy this afternoon. that might be the only problem. clearing skies. here's a pretty look from our cape may camera. it will be a big difference within 30 days people running around in their bathing suits. easter sunday, mostly sunny, breezy, 62. looks to be a really nice day. monday things begin to change. tuesday a front comes through. we have a chance of rain pretty much every day from tuesday on. >> we expect that. >> no snow though. >> that will do it for us. we'll see you back here tomorrow. have a good one. jenna (voiceover): hi, my name is jenna. alyssa (voiceover): i'm alyssa. michelle (voiceover): my name is michelle. and we live in rockaway, new jersey. my daughters are-- alyssa is my oldest. she's 16. she just had her sweet 16. and my younger daughter is jenna, and she's 12. my daughters-- for the most part, they get along pretty well. i think there's always sibling rivalry, especially with girls. and i don't think it matters the age difference at all. they're still going to fight and bicker. but in the end, they really are, i think, very good friends. after my dad passed away, i know

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