Transcripts For WCAU NBC 10 News At 6pm 20141225 : compareme

Transcripts For WCAU NBC 10 News At 6pm 20141225

databases and making 9/11-style threats to any theater who dared open its doors. penn cinema here in delaware decided to show it, anyway, one of just a few hundred theaters who decided to take a stand. >> this is america. it's the land of freedom. merry christmas, north korea. >> reporter: sony pictures is releasing this movie on demand, xbox, youtube and sony pictures' website for $10. live in wilmington, randy gyllenhaal, nbc 10 news. >> a lot of local theaters are showing "the interview." check out our nbc 10 mobile app to find out where the movie is playing in our area. ta group of hackers left thousands of online gamers furious this christmas. a group calling themselves lizard squad bragged on twitter about taking out the online networks of xbox and play station. play station is owned by sony, the same company hackers threatened if the company released the movie "the interview." microsoft's xbox agreed to stream the film. so far there are no indications the two hacks are in fact related. ♪ on this christmas, the first lady joined the president for his weekly address. they touched on the holiday and the families of service members in afghanistan. >> after a long day, we can come home because they're willing to leave their families and deploy. we can celebrate the holidays because they're willing to miss their own. >> and so as our troops continue to transition back home, back to our businesses, our schools, our congregations and our communities, it's up to all of us to serve them as well as they served us. >> the first family right now is vacationing in hawaii until the new year. pope francis is praying for comfort for the families of the children killed in last week's massacre at a military school in pakistan. in his christmas day speech to a crowd in st. peters square, the pontiff spoke of the suffering of children around the world. he also had harsh words for some in affluent nations. he prayed for an end to the hardened hearts of, quote, so many men and women immersed in worldliness and indifference. ♪ ♪ come to save us lord this beautiful booming voice filled the sanctuary of the church of the redeemer for christmas mass today. people gathered at the bryn-mawr parish this morning to celebrate the birth of jesus christ. the church also celebrated last night's midnight mass with a choir and orchestra. ♪ the cathedral basilica of saints peter and ball was filled with worshippers today. it held several services begins with midnight mass. here's a live look right now at the basilica this christmas night. been a mild holiday so far. things are already starting to cool down. so what can we expect for tonight? let's go to nbc 10 first alert chief meteorologist glenn "hurricane" schwartz. glenn? >> yeah, jim, it's actually going to start feeling more like december out there. they've had a rough weekend in the poconos. this is camelback. they will be able to start making snow as we go into the weekend. may actually get some of the natural stuff next week. but it's dry for now. we've had some fair weather clouds during the day today, but they are gone and we have clear skies. it's 50 degrees now. 45 in pottstown. 39 in the poconos. and 48 degrees even in georgetown, delaware. we still have a few places showing gusts of 20 to 25 miles an hour. we have seen gusts up to 40 miles an hour this afternoon in philadelphia, itself. now, as we go through the rest of the night, the clear skies, very light wind is going to allow the temperature to drop down into the low 40s in philadelphia at 11:00. it will be in the 30s in many of the suburbs. so get the winter coats back out. you're really going to need them next week. i'll have the details on that plus new year's in just a few minutes. well, could be a rough ride for uber if philadelphia cab companies have their way. 45 of them are suing the popular ride-share service. nbc 10's mitch blacher is live tonight at 30th street station with how this could affect customers. mitch? >> reporter: jim, philly cap drivers say this is about protecting those customers as well as bottom lines. uber says it's about giving those customers a choice. philadelphia cab companies claim unfair competition is crippling their business. >> you have the proper insurance to carry all the customers. all right? and all the things that we're required to have, we have. >> reporter: 45 philly cab companies have sued the popular ride-share service in federal court claiming uber is a criminal enterprise and operates in blatant violation of federal and state law. >> our patience is exhausted. you're either going to have to comply this time or the next stop is going to be the commonwealth court of pennsylvania. >> reporter: pennsylvania regulatoe erore erors gave uber chance to operate in the state but not in philadelphia. uber's lowest end service has drivers use their own cars. the lawsuit claims many of them are not insured or are underinsured. are you insured? >> yes, of course. >> reporter: rama drives for uber-black, the company's upscale service. >> uber is really convenient. something, you know, for the future, you know? >> reporter: he said he wouldn't use uber-x because of the insurance issue. he also says uber-black drivers carry more insurance than a taxi. the lawsuit claims uber cars have been seized, its drivers cited for illegal activities. we saw that firsthand this year as the philadelphia parking authority towed some uber drivers. >> they are not licensed, not inspected. we don't know what type of insurance they have. it's a hack cab service and they're trying to bully their way in. >> reporter: again, uber says it is just trying to give customers a choice. the company claims it will fight this lawsuit. live at 30th street station tonight, mitch blacher, nbc 10 news. the florida developer in line to purchase the former revel casino hotel in atlantic city wants a discount. attorneys for glenn straub said in a court filing yesterday the property should be sold for $87 million, not the $94.4 million runner-up bid straub put in in auction. another firm backed out when it couldn't resolve a dispute over the casino's costly power plant. christmas got off to a scary part for neighbors no buck county, called police around 2:00 this morning saying dwight gregory was pointing a pistol outside his window in bristol township. officers arrested gregory. they found several rifles and ammunition. gregory is now charged with harassment and making terroristic threats. a tragedy outside a jersey shore church on christmas eve. police say a 77-year-old woman died when a car hit her on route 206 in hammonton. the woman was crossing the road after leaving st. anthony of padua church around 5:30 last night. police have not released her name. the driver did stop at the scene. police are still investigating the crash. tonight, police are discrediting a death hoax involving rapper beanie sigel. rumors have been spreading online at the philadelphia native has died. police tell nbc 10 that is not true and he remains in the hospital. he was shot last month in pleasantville, atlantic county. there have been no arrests in that case. jersey shore families open their hearts and homes to the newest members of the coast guard. far away from their own loved ones this christmas. >> to have people that we don't even know come and take us in means the absolute world to us. >> reporter: i'm ted greenberg with why one recruit was brought to tears. also, it's a christmas tradition. george washington crossing the delaware river. why this year's re-enactment was noticeably different. i'm tracking our next chance for rain. i'll also tell you what kind of weather we can expect for new year's eve. then a lot colder. don't miss my exclusive nbc 10 first alert forecast. if you found a new phone or tablet under the tree, don't forget to download our nbc 10 mobile app. the new one. you'll find breaking news and weather at the touch of your fingers. it's a free download. you can get it right now on george washington made his christmas day trip across the delaware river with considerably better weather than the first time around. re-enactor crossed the delaware from washington crossing in bucks county. washington and his troops faced snow and freezing temperatures during the event in 1776. today's forecast, quite a contrast. >> i have been wanting to come out here for years and years and years and we decided that today was going to be the day, and it's a beautiful day for the crossing. >> original crossing as we said in 1776, it hauled 2,400 soldiers, 200 horses, and 18 cannons across the delaware. today, coast guard recruits at the jersey shore found a home away from home. host families welcomed them for christmas celebrations and for one recruit, the holiday was extra special. nbc 10 jersey shore bureau reporter ted greenberg shows us why. >> reporter: it's a house they've never been to before. but on this christmas, meryl nelson wants these four coast guard recruits far away from their families to feel like their home. >> family is such a very big thing to me, and i can't -- i can't even give enough thanks. >> it makes it a wonderful day for them and for me. >> merry christmas. thanks so much for doing this. >> reporter: thanks to scores of generous jersey shore host families, some 330 recruits from across the country get to take a break from their rigorous eight-week boot camp at the coast guard's training center in cape may. the program is called operation fireside coordinated by the american red cross. it's now in its 33rd year. >> they're away from home. most of them for the very first time. and to get just a little taste of christmas morning with a family, it's just so important to keep their spirits up. >> reporter: the recruits don't have access to cell phones during most of their training and there isn't a lot of time for relaxing, either. but today, they are encouraged to call home and just chill out. >> i feel like i'm not crazy right now. i feel like i got my sanity back. >> keep writing to me, all right? >> reporter: when joshua rodriguez talked to his family in florida, he was brought to tears. >> oh my god, we're having a baby. >> reporter: he found out he's going to be a dad. >> it blew me away. what a christmas present. >> reporter: ted greenberg, nbc 10 news. gathering for those not celebrating christmas today. nbc 10 here at the national museum of american jewish history in philadelphia's old city for the annual day of family fun. kids got to dance, they got to make crafts and enjoy some story telling. for more than 30 years, the museum has hosted the event which is open to members of all religions. this christmas is also throwback thursday on social media. mrs. obama's office marked the occasion by tweeting this photo of the first couple with the caption, merry christmas. the picture is not dated but it certainly looks vintage. now your nbc 10 first alert weather with chief meteorologist glenn "hurricane" schwartz. >> and if you were inside opening presents, it was a pretty nice day to get outside other than the wind. temperatures pretty mild again today as people strolled around market street in old city. and it's going to be relatively mild over the next couple of days as well, but tonight it's going to be quite a bit colder than last night. that's for sure. relatively mild weekend, but not nearly as warm as christmas eve was. and it's going to feel like winter next week. maybe even look a little like winter if you know what i mean. the temperature last night at 6:00 was 62. it rose to 64 at 9:00. that tied a record high for the day. 65 at 2:00 a.m. that's the official high for today. by 6:00 a.m., we were down to 53 then went down to 50 and that's where we are now. winds 14 miles an hour. we're not seeing the gusts in philadelphia international like we were earlier. we saw gusts up to 40 miles an hour as we've been telling you for days it was likely to happen. the temperatures now in the mid 40s to near 50 degrees. and as the wind dies down, the temperature will be able to drop pretty significantly and we're 10 to 15, even 16 degrees colder than at this time yesterday. northeast philly and dover showing the biggest drops of all. and the wind direction coming out of the west. that's a drier direction. that's how we got the sunshine today. and it's also somewhat colder. you can see the sustained wind. some cases up to 16 miles an hour. reading and lancaster. now, the west wind also blew some of those clouds across the great lakes and into our area during the afternoon, but right now they're retreating back toward the great lakes. there's no precipitation associated with them. as you an see. and just a little bit of light snow in wisconsin. that's the closest. that's with a cold front that we're going to be dealing with as we go through the weekend. the meantime, we have high pressure right nearby. that's going to keep things nice and dry for the next couple of days. most on the mild side as we approach this front. as the front comes in, and it will come in on sunday, it looks like it will have some showers with it. not necessarily a lot of rain. but as the front comes through, the cold air will come down, and then this area of low pressure may ride along the front, bringing some kind of wintery precipitation in by monday. could be some rain changing to a wintery mix, potentially even changing to snow in parts of the area. that one needs to be watched closely. the future temps, well, it's on the mild side for a while, but the cold air and eventually some of the arctic air will be returning to the u.s. it's been missing during the month of december for the most part. clear and much colder tonight. 36 for a low in philadelphia. 29 in some of the coldest suburbs. tomorrow, still relatively mild for this time of the year, plus less wind, plus sunshine. lot of people are going to enjoy that. same thing with saturday. maybe even a little milder. sunday, mild weather, but the clouds come in. showers come in. then the cold comes on monday where it feels like wintertime. again, rain changing to that wintery mix and we may see well below normal temperatures the rest of the week but the chance of some snow flurries by new year's. a special furry christmas delivery from santa's helpers today. >> merry christmas from santa. this is lucy. >> nbc 10 in vineland this morning. the cumberland county spca surprised gia here with a three-month-old puppy named lucy. she'd written santa a letter asking for a puppy this christmas after her dog, prince, passed away. the girl's mother, toni, says prince comforted gia. >> their love was unbelievable for each other and when she lost him, i think she lost a little piece of her heart. so i knew that she needed it then. >> you do get attached to our dogs. gia wasn't the only one who got a surprise this christmas. the spca also brought along lucy's brother, linus, as a present for toni. i'm ron burke. up next, lesean mccoy laments sunday's eagles game. is it as big as it could be? it's a very merry christmas for a couple of nba point guards. no question about that. but your erectile dysfunction - that could be a question of blood flow. cialis tadalafil for daily use helps you be ready anytime the moment's right. you can be more confident in your ability to be ready. and the same cialis is the only daily ed tablet approved to treat ed and symptoms of bph, like needing to go frequently or urgently. tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and medicines, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex. do not take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain, as it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. do not drink alcohol in excess. side effects may include headache, upset stomach, delayed backache or muscle ache. to avoid long term injury, get medical help right away for an erection lasting more than four hours. if you have any sudden decrease or loss in hearing or vision, or any allergic reactions like rash, hives, swelling of the lips, tongue or throat, or difficulty breathing or swallowing, stop taking cialis and get medical help right away. ask your doctor about cialis for daily use and a free 30-tablet trial. i'm ron burke from comcast sportsnet. just another thursday for the eagles who did practice today ahead of their season finale with the giants on sunday. the season is ending a lot earlier than anyone expected back on thanksgiving. >> like i said three weeks ago, we was 9-3, so in the games we did lose, you know, were all close games. i mean, each one of them. all the games have really been close, you know, and every game we had a chance. >> not too early to look to next year and who will be the eagles starting quarterback unless you're head coach chip kelly that is. nick foles will miss his eighth straight game sunday. when asked about foles' future, kelly was not ready to offer an opinion. >> we have a process that we go through. i watch every single game, every single throw, every single decision that everybody made in every position before we make legitimate decisions in terms of what we do. i don't think it's fair to any player or anything to say, yeah, i saw enough, let's sit down today, make a decision what we're going to do for the rest of the year. that's just not the way we do it. we have a process we go through and the process takes a while. the flyers off until saturday when they visit the nashville predators. ray emery expected to start in goal. the sixers back in action tomorrow trying for a third consecutive win as they take on the trail blazers in portland. this afternoon, wizards and knicks. late in the second, drive, hits the lay-up. the wizards up 16 on a knicks team trying to snap a five-game skid, eight straight at home, as wall put on the show splitting a couple defenders, 360 degrees of separation in the air. wall gets run into by quincy acey who throws a forearm. acey is ejected. wall draws a technical foul. wizards get the victory 102-91. bigger game for russell westbrook. thunder and spurs in the third. westbrook puts okc up 11 matching its largest lead. thunder playing without kevin durant. the spurs fight back. matt bonner had a team high 17. gets the slam to draw snoan antonio up five. 11 sis also for westbrook. thunder win 114-106. that's sports. i'm ron burke. con cast sportsnet. jim? >> thanks, ron. happy holidays. for a look at what's coming up on "nbc 10 news at 11." a vet gets a new home for christmas. tonight, a local family offering up their home for a veteran in need. bringing holiday cheer to some children in need. meet the man who calls himself jewish santa claus. dr. joseph dressed up as st. nick and visited the ronald mcdonald house in camden today. this is a tradition he and his family have been taking part in for the last 14 years. >> to be able to help someone who is disabled and unable to get home on the holidays, to bring a little cheer in their lives, it's a beautiful feeling. >> right now, there are 22 families staying at the ronald mcdonald house in camden while their children get medical treatment. so nice of him to do that. and nice to have this mild weather around if you don't mind having mild christmases. >> yeah, the official for christmas day, 65 degrees. tomorrow, more than 10 degrees colder but that's still way above average for this time of the year then it's mild on saturday as well. next week, different story. >> then watch out for the cold. >> for all of us here at nbc 10, i'm jim rosenfield. the news continues now with nbc nightly news. on the broadcast tonight, now playing. cyber threats aside, crowds across the country lining up tonight for the big opening that almost didn't happen. some moviegoers calling it their patriotic duty, as north korea responds. in the hospital. the latest on the condition of former president george h.w. bush spending christmas under the close watch of doctors. crowded skies. drones everywhere. one of the hottest holiday gifts this the year. so popular that flying schools can barely keep up with demand. the celebration across the country and around the world. the pope's message at the vatican. here at home we ask you what makes this the most wonderful time of the year. "nightly news" begins now.

Related Keywords

Ronald Mcdonald House , Florida , United States , Delaware River , Delaware , Afghanistan , Philadelphia , Pennsylvania , Cumberland County , Wisconsin , Washington , District Of Columbia , Pakistan , Pleasantville , Dover , North Korea , Jersey , Hawaii , Pottstown , America , North Korean , American , Ray Emery , Russell Westbrook , Jim Rosenfield , Peters Square , Santa Claus , Joshua Rodriguez , Glenn Straub , Chris Schroeder , Ted Greenberg , Dwight Gregory , Xbox Youtube , Ron Burke , Meryl Nelson , Matt Bonner , Jesus Christ , Kim Jong , Randy Gyllenhaal ,

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Transcripts For WCAU NBC 10 News At 6pm 20141225 :

Transcripts For WCAU NBC 10 News At 6pm 20141225

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databases and making 9/11-style threats to any theater who dared open its doors. penn cinema here in delaware decided to show it, anyway, one of just a few hundred theaters who decided to take a stand. >> this is america. it's the land of freedom. merry christmas, north korea. >> reporter: sony pictures is releasing this movie on demand, xbox, youtube and sony pictures' website for $10. live in wilmington, randy gyllenhaal, nbc 10 news. >> a lot of local theaters are showing "the interview." check out our nbc 10 mobile app to find out where the movie is playing in our area. ta group of hackers left thousands of online gamers furious this christmas. a group calling themselves lizard squad bragged on twitter about taking out the online networks of xbox and play station. play station is owned by sony, the same company hackers threatened if the company released the movie "the interview." microsoft's xbox agreed to stream the film. so far there are no indications the two hacks are in fact related. ♪ on this christmas, the first lady joined the president for his weekly address. they touched on the holiday and the families of service members in afghanistan. >> after a long day, we can come home because they're willing to leave their families and deploy. we can celebrate the holidays because they're willing to miss their own. >> and so as our troops continue to transition back home, back to our businesses, our schools, our congregations and our communities, it's up to all of us to serve them as well as they served us. >> the first family right now is vacationing in hawaii until the new year. pope francis is praying for comfort for the families of the children killed in last week's massacre at a military school in pakistan. in his christmas day speech to a crowd in st. peters square, the pontiff spoke of the suffering of children around the world. he also had harsh words for some in affluent nations. he prayed for an end to the hardened hearts of, quote, so many men and women immersed in worldliness and indifference. ♪ ♪ come to save us lord this beautiful booming voice filled the sanctuary of the church of the redeemer for christmas mass today. people gathered at the bryn-mawr parish this morning to celebrate the birth of jesus christ. the church also celebrated last night's midnight mass with a choir and orchestra. ♪ the cathedral basilica of saints peter and ball was filled with worshippers today. it held several services begins with midnight mass. here's a live look right now at the basilica this christmas night. been a mild holiday so far. things are already starting to cool down. so what can we expect for tonight? let's go to nbc 10 first alert chief meteorologist glenn "hurricane" schwartz. glenn? >> yeah, jim, it's actually going to start feeling more like december out there. they've had a rough weekend in the poconos. this is camelback. they will be able to start making snow as we go into the weekend. may actually get some of the natural stuff next week. but it's dry for now. we've had some fair weather clouds during the day today, but they are gone and we have clear skies. it's 50 degrees now. 45 in pottstown. 39 in the poconos. and 48 degrees even in georgetown, delaware. we still have a few places showing gusts of 20 to 25 miles an hour. we have seen gusts up to 40 miles an hour this afternoon in philadelphia, itself. now, as we go through the rest of the night, the clear skies, very light wind is going to allow the temperature to drop down into the low 40s in philadelphia at 11:00. it will be in the 30s in many of the suburbs. so get the winter coats back out. you're really going to need them next week. i'll have the details on that plus new year's in just a few minutes. well, could be a rough ride for uber if philadelphia cab companies have their way. 45 of them are suing the popular ride-share service. nbc 10's mitch blacher is live tonight at 30th street station with how this could affect customers. mitch? >> reporter: jim, philly cap drivers say this is about protecting those customers as well as bottom lines. uber says it's about giving those customers a choice. philadelphia cab companies claim unfair competition is crippling their business. >> you have the proper insurance to carry all the customers. all right? and all the things that we're required to have, we have. >> reporter: 45 philly cab companies have sued the popular ride-share service in federal court claiming uber is a criminal enterprise and operates in blatant violation of federal and state law. >> our patience is exhausted. you're either going to have to comply this time or the next stop is going to be the commonwealth court of pennsylvania. >> reporter: pennsylvania regulatoe erore erors gave uber chance to operate in the state but not in philadelphia. uber's lowest end service has drivers use their own cars. the lawsuit claims many of them are not insured or are underinsured. are you insured? >> yes, of course. >> reporter: rama drives for uber-black, the company's upscale service. >> uber is really convenient. something, you know, for the future, you know? >> reporter: he said he wouldn't use uber-x because of the insurance issue. he also says uber-black drivers carry more insurance than a taxi. the lawsuit claims uber cars have been seized, its drivers cited for illegal activities. we saw that firsthand this year as the philadelphia parking authority towed some uber drivers. >> they are not licensed, not inspected. we don't know what type of insurance they have. it's a hack cab service and they're trying to bully their way in. >> reporter: again, uber says it is just trying to give customers a choice. the company claims it will fight this lawsuit. live at 30th street station tonight, mitch blacher, nbc 10 news. the florida developer in line to purchase the former revel casino hotel in atlantic city wants a discount. attorneys for glenn straub said in a court filing yesterday the property should be sold for $87 million, not the $94.4 million runner-up bid straub put in in auction. another firm backed out when it couldn't resolve a dispute over the casino's costly power plant. christmas got off to a scary part for neighbors no buck county, called police around 2:00 this morning saying dwight gregory was pointing a pistol outside his window in bristol township. officers arrested gregory. they found several rifles and ammunition. gregory is now charged with harassment and making terroristic threats. a tragedy outside a jersey shore church on christmas eve. police say a 77-year-old woman died when a car hit her on route 206 in hammonton. the woman was crossing the road after leaving st. anthony of padua church around 5:30 last night. police have not released her name. the driver did stop at the scene. police are still investigating the crash. tonight, police are discrediting a death hoax involving rapper beanie sigel. rumors have been spreading online at the philadelphia native has died. police tell nbc 10 that is not true and he remains in the hospital. he was shot last month in pleasantville, atlantic county. there have been no arrests in that case. jersey shore families open their hearts and homes to the newest members of the coast guard. far away from their own loved ones this christmas. >> to have people that we don't even know come and take us in means the absolute world to us. >> reporter: i'm ted greenberg with why one recruit was brought to tears. also, it's a christmas tradition. george washington crossing the delaware river. why this year's re-enactment was noticeably different. i'm tracking our next chance for rain. i'll also tell you what kind of weather we can expect for new year's eve. then a lot colder. don't miss my exclusive nbc 10 first alert forecast. if you found a new phone or tablet under the tree, don't forget to download our nbc 10 mobile app. the new one. you'll find breaking news and weather at the touch of your fingers. it's a free download. you can get it right now on george washington made his christmas day trip across the delaware river with considerably better weather than the first time around. re-enactor crossed the delaware from washington crossing in bucks county. washington and his troops faced snow and freezing temperatures during the event in 1776. today's forecast, quite a contrast. >> i have been wanting to come out here for years and years and years and we decided that today was going to be the day, and it's a beautiful day for the crossing. >> original crossing as we said in 1776, it hauled 2,400 soldiers, 200 horses, and 18 cannons across the delaware. today, coast guard recruits at the jersey shore found a home away from home. host families welcomed them for christmas celebrations and for one recruit, the holiday was extra special. nbc 10 jersey shore bureau reporter ted greenberg shows us why. >> reporter: it's a house they've never been to before. but on this christmas, meryl nelson wants these four coast guard recruits far away from their families to feel like their home. >> family is such a very big thing to me, and i can't -- i can't even give enough thanks. >> it makes it a wonderful day for them and for me. >> merry christmas. thanks so much for doing this. >> reporter: thanks to scores of generous jersey shore host families, some 330 recruits from across the country get to take a break from their rigorous eight-week boot camp at the coast guard's training center in cape may. the program is called operation fireside coordinated by the american red cross. it's now in its 33rd year. >> they're away from home. most of them for the very first time. and to get just a little taste of christmas morning with a family, it's just so important to keep their spirits up. >> reporter: the recruits don't have access to cell phones during most of their training and there isn't a lot of time for relaxing, either. but today, they are encouraged to call home and just chill out. >> i feel like i'm not crazy right now. i feel like i got my sanity back. >> keep writing to me, all right? >> reporter: when joshua rodriguez talked to his family in florida, he was brought to tears. >> oh my god, we're having a baby. >> reporter: he found out he's going to be a dad. >> it blew me away. what a christmas present. >> reporter: ted greenberg, nbc 10 news. gathering for those not celebrating christmas today. nbc 10 here at the national museum of american jewish history in philadelphia's old city for the annual day of family fun. kids got to dance, they got to make crafts and enjoy some story telling. for more than 30 years, the museum has hosted the event which is open to members of all religions. this christmas is also throwback thursday on social media. mrs. obama's office marked the occasion by tweeting this photo of the first couple with the caption, merry christmas. the picture is not dated but it certainly looks vintage. now your nbc 10 first alert weather with chief meteorologist glenn "hurricane" schwartz. >> and if you were inside opening presents, it was a pretty nice day to get outside other than the wind. temperatures pretty mild again today as people strolled around market street in old city. and it's going to be relatively mild over the next couple of days as well, but tonight it's going to be quite a bit colder than last night. that's for sure. relatively mild weekend, but not nearly as warm as christmas eve was. and it's going to feel like winter next week. maybe even look a little like winter if you know what i mean. the temperature last night at 6:00 was 62. it rose to 64 at 9:00. that tied a record high for the day. 65 at 2:00 a.m. that's the official high for today. by 6:00 a.m., we were down to 53 then went down to 50 and that's where we are now. winds 14 miles an hour. we're not seeing the gusts in philadelphia international like we were earlier. we saw gusts up to 40 miles an hour as we've been telling you for days it was likely to happen. the temperatures now in the mid 40s to near 50 degrees. and as the wind dies down, the temperature will be able to drop pretty significantly and we're 10 to 15, even 16 degrees colder than at this time yesterday. northeast philly and dover showing the biggest drops of all. and the wind direction coming out of the west. that's a drier direction. that's how we got the sunshine today. and it's also somewhat colder. you can see the sustained wind. some cases up to 16 miles an hour. reading and lancaster. now, the west wind also blew some of those clouds across the great lakes and into our area during the afternoon, but right now they're retreating back toward the great lakes. there's no precipitation associated with them. as you an see. and just a little bit of light snow in wisconsin. that's the closest. that's with a cold front that we're going to be dealing with as we go through the weekend. the meantime, we have high pressure right nearby. that's going to keep things nice and dry for the next couple of days. most on the mild side as we approach this front. as the front comes in, and it will come in on sunday, it looks like it will have some showers with it. not necessarily a lot of rain. but as the front comes through, the cold air will come down, and then this area of low pressure may ride along the front, bringing some kind of wintery precipitation in by monday. could be some rain changing to a wintery mix, potentially even changing to snow in parts of the area. that one needs to be watched closely. the future temps, well, it's on the mild side for a while, but the cold air and eventually some of the arctic air will be returning to the u.s. it's been missing during the month of december for the most part. clear and much colder tonight. 36 for a low in philadelphia. 29 in some of the coldest suburbs. tomorrow, still relatively mild for this time of the year, plus less wind, plus sunshine. lot of people are going to enjoy that. same thing with saturday. maybe even a little milder. sunday, mild weather, but the clouds come in. showers come in. then the cold comes on monday where it feels like wintertime. again, rain changing to that wintery mix and we may see well below normal temperatures the rest of the week but the chance of some snow flurries by new year's. a special furry christmas delivery from santa's helpers today. >> merry christmas from santa. this is lucy. >> nbc 10 in vineland this morning. the cumberland county spca surprised gia here with a three-month-old puppy named lucy. she'd written santa a letter asking for a puppy this christmas after her dog, prince, passed away. the girl's mother, toni, says prince comforted gia. >> their love was unbelievable for each other and when she lost him, i think she lost a little piece of her heart. so i knew that she needed it then. >> you do get attached to our dogs. gia wasn't the only one who got a surprise this christmas. the spca also brought along lucy's brother, linus, as a present for toni. i'm ron burke. up next, lesean mccoy laments sunday's eagles game. is it as big as it could be? it's a very merry christmas for a couple of nba point guards. no question about that. but your erectile dysfunction - that could be a question of blood flow. cialis tadalafil for daily use helps you be ready anytime the moment's right. you can be more confident in your ability to be ready. and the same cialis is the only daily ed tablet approved to treat ed and symptoms of bph, like needing to go frequently or urgently. tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and medicines, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex. do not take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain, as it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. do not drink alcohol in excess. side effects may include headache, upset stomach, delayed backache or muscle ache. to avoid long term injury, get medical help right away for an erection lasting more than four hours. if you have any sudden decrease or loss in hearing or vision, or any allergic reactions like rash, hives, swelling of the lips, tongue or throat, or difficulty breathing or swallowing, stop taking cialis and get medical help right away. ask your doctor about cialis for daily use and a free 30-tablet trial. i'm ron burke from comcast sportsnet. just another thursday for the eagles who did practice today ahead of their season finale with the giants on sunday. the season is ending a lot earlier than anyone expected back on thanksgiving. >> like i said three weeks ago, we was 9-3, so in the games we did lose, you know, were all close games. i mean, each one of them. all the games have really been close, you know, and every game we had a chance. >> not too early to look to next year and who will be the eagles starting quarterback unless you're head coach chip kelly that is. nick foles will miss his eighth straight game sunday. when asked about foles' future, kelly was not ready to offer an opinion. >> we have a process that we go through. i watch every single game, every single throw, every single decision that everybody made in every position before we make legitimate decisions in terms of what we do. i don't think it's fair to any player or anything to say, yeah, i saw enough, let's sit down today, make a decision what we're going to do for the rest of the year. that's just not the way we do it. we have a process we go through and the process takes a while. the flyers off until saturday when they visit the nashville predators. ray emery expected to start in goal. the sixers back in action tomorrow trying for a third consecutive win as they take on the trail blazers in portland. this afternoon, wizards and knicks. late in the second, drive, hits the lay-up. the wizards up 16 on a knicks team trying to snap a five-game skid, eight straight at home, as wall put on the show splitting a couple defenders, 360 degrees of separation in the air. wall gets run into by quincy acey who throws a forearm. acey is ejected. wall draws a technical foul. wizards get the victory 102-91. bigger game for russell westbrook. thunder and spurs in the third. westbrook puts okc up 11 matching its largest lead. thunder playing without kevin durant. the spurs fight back. matt bonner had a team high 17. gets the slam to draw snoan antonio up five. 11 sis also for westbrook. thunder win 114-106. that's sports. i'm ron burke. con cast sportsnet. jim? >> thanks, ron. happy holidays. for a look at what's coming up on "nbc 10 news at 11." a vet gets a new home for christmas. tonight, a local family offering up their home for a veteran in need. bringing holiday cheer to some children in need. meet the man who calls himself jewish santa claus. dr. joseph dressed up as st. nick and visited the ronald mcdonald house in camden today. this is a tradition he and his family have been taking part in for the last 14 years. >> to be able to help someone who is disabled and unable to get home on the holidays, to bring a little cheer in their lives, it's a beautiful feeling. >> right now, there are 22 families staying at the ronald mcdonald house in camden while their children get medical treatment. so nice of him to do that. and nice to have this mild weather around if you don't mind having mild christmases. >> yeah, the official for christmas day, 65 degrees. tomorrow, more than 10 degrees colder but that's still way above average for this time of the year then it's mild on saturday as well. next week, different story. >> then watch out for the cold. >> for all of us here at nbc 10, i'm jim rosenfield. the news continues now with nbc nightly news. on the broadcast tonight, now playing. cyber threats aside, crowds across the country lining up tonight for the big opening that almost didn't happen. some moviegoers calling it their patriotic duty, as north korea responds. in the hospital. the latest on the condition of former president george h.w. bush spending christmas under the close watch of doctors. crowded skies. drones everywhere. one of the hottest holiday gifts this the year. so popular that flying schools can barely keep up with demand. the celebration across the country and around the world. the pope's message at the vatican. here at home we ask you what makes this the most wonderful time of the year. "nightly news" begins now.

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