Transcripts For WCAU NBC 10 News At 11p 20140916 : compareme

Transcripts For WCAU NBC 10 News At 11p 20140916

her parents is found attacked in the woods. police say she had scratches and bruises. she was found in the 7600 block of roosevelt boulevard in northeast philadelphia. that's in the pennypack park area. >> reporter: jack lyquline, detectives are interviewing the girl where she is in stable condition. a man passing by found her within an hour. the girl was unresponsive when she was found in the area of pennypack park just north of cottman avenue. she had bruises on the back of her leg and a knot on her head. she gained consciousness on the way to the hospital and police say she was too disoriented to tell what happened to her. she was on a septa bus making her way home tonight but investigators are trying to unravel how she ended up in a wooded area. police say a man found the 15-year-old about 2-3 feet on the sidewalk on the other side of the guardrail. >> somebody walking by can see her. someone driving by north on the boulevard would not be able to see this female. we're very fortunate that someone did walk by. did see this female unconscious and did notify police. . >> reporter: this is a joint investigation between northeast detectives and the special victims unit. they say their clothes are in ta tact, but they're still trying to see if she was sexually assaulted. >> you can take away their money, but you can't take away their spirit. this woman is accused of stealing money from the new jersey force cheer association. nbc 10's keith jones joins us live from mt. laurel, burling ton county. the cheer leaders held a much-needed fundraiser tonight. >> they may not be able to afford uniforms. the reason being, well, this one here, police say, is owned by the woman who allegedly stole $9,000 from them. this is the reason these 22 girls practice for months. to compete. the coaches don't take a paycheck. police say this woman, janine hamilton, an executive board member, took over $9,000 over the last eight months. the coach says that hurts! devastated and betrayed. >> schuster works full time as a nurse. after this shift, police say the 44-year-old filed a false police report claiming her purse was stolen and five grand was inside. once that was defungt, officers say she copped to the crime. >> you're heartbroken. at this point, i just want to push forward. >> reporter: michelle just took over as treasurer. she's planning fundraisers like this one. >> we're going to do things a little differently. i'm going to have open books. we're going to show people what's coming in, what's going out. >> reporter: as for the girls, they say they're one big family and doing their best to weather the storm. >> we're ready to handle this and we all know that we are. we're all capable of understanding that mistakes happen and that we're ready to move forward. >> don't make it a big deal. don't go ahead and spread the word about it. it just needs to stay inside our little group. >> hamilton is awaiting release. in the meantime, this new jersey cheer force is relying solely on donations and fundraisers. reporting live in mt. laurel, keith jones, nbc 10 news. >> our eyes are on the radar tonight as we could see some rain for the morning commute. >> that's right, jacquline, some rain moving in for part of the morning commute. locally right now, it looks fine. just some rain outside. the rain is back off to our west and moving in this direction. so we'll see some showers a as we go through the morning hours tomorrow. they're moving into parts of western pa. the timing for tomorrow's rain by about 7:00. 23 you're leaving that early, it will be around 60 degrees with some scattered showers. by 9:00, we'll still have the showers around. they'll be continuing to move into parts of new jersey. by 11:00 a.m., we should start to see more clearing after the afternoon gradual clearance with more sunshine. coming up, we'll see how long the cool temperatures will last. >> breaking news, a deadly shooting inside a bar in the juniatta section of philadelphia. it happened an hour ago in the family tavern at the corner of east luzerne and bennington streets. so far, no arrests. police arrested a suspect in connection to the shooting of a 13-year-old boy in philadelphia tonight. police say the teenager was shot twice in the stomach just before 8:00. sky force 10 flew above the 3600 block of north marvine street. police have not identified the suspect. football player ray rice plans to appeal his indefinite suspension tomorrow at the nfl players' association. the nfl suspended rice for two games before the video of him knocking out his future wife in atlantic city was made public. the league then changed the suspension to indefinite. the ravens fired rice one week ago. the same prosecutor in atlantic county who led ray rice into a prevention program is now having second thoughts on punishing a philadelphia mother. if convicted, she faces 3-10 new jersey without registering her gun. it's legally registered in pennsylvania. tonight, the prosecutor sent her a letter saying her trial has been postponed several weeks while he reviews his office' position on the matter. >> i said oh, my god, you know, maybe things can look up for mommy. maybe mommy won't be going to jail. >> the possible shift in petition comes as the new jersey second amendment society put up these billboards saying free shanine from unfair prosecution. the first court appearance is set for october 8th. that's when he's set to enter a plea on charges he removed a tree branch. the injuries were photographed by houston police. the vikings said peterson is expected to play this week. the team benched him for yesterday's game after the grand jury indicted him on friday. today, peterson i am not a perfect parent, but i am not a child abuser. new development, major developments in the casino cry sisz on just seven hours of ford casino, the trump plaza, will close its doors for good in atlantic city. and it comes as we're getting new legal insights on george spencer. >> trump plaza patrons say many of the slot machines have been shut down and the table games have ended. it seems more and more people here are calling away fr a pivot that has helped define atlantic city hosted in venues like board walk ham. the lights still flashed this evening, but as of 6:00 a.m. tomorrow morning, no one will call the casino home any longer, including its 1,000 employees, now joining the thousands more of other unemployed casino workers. >> it's terrible. especially for me, what i do as a d.j. >> allen joseph's d.j., a gig that goes silent tonight. t the trump plaza first opened in 1984. sergio perez, a barback here for six years, was taking photos tonight. >> for now, i wanted's time fortous move forward and i'm going to miss the place, no doubt about it. >> today, the attorney for a florida developer who bid $90 million on the recently closed property told a judge if that sale happens, portions of revel could be re-opened in weeks. the rest rants and night clubs, but not the casino. he says any reincarnation of revel would increase destination, not gambling. >> reporter: tonight, she said she's not convinced that ac's beach or its entertainment will be enough to lure her back again. >> it was mainly about gambling. there's not a lot here to draw a family in. now. that i can see. >> trump plaza, plus the three other casino that is have closed here in atlantic city this year, employed a total of more than 8,000 workers. reporting in at lantic city, i'm george spencer, nbc 10 news. >> there are now just eight casinos open. >> workers received their warn letter that the casino could shut down in november. a former high school teacher in princeton is accused of having a sexual relationship with one of his students. 39-year-old nolan johnson was a technology theater teacher at the hun school in princeton. today, johnson was charged with sexual assault and endangering the welfare of a child. he is accused of having sex with a 16-year-old girl several times, both on and off campus this year. tonight, a warning for parents in mt. laurel new jersey after a child says a man in a van tried to lure him into a vehicle. police say it happened friday afternoon in the 100 block of willow turn which is near route 38. a man in a white van pulled up next to him saying he sells candy and to come inside to pick out what he wants. the boy ran away and told his parents. >> sky force 10 over the side of a new resurfacing project. today, penn dot crews began working on street road as part of a $5 million project. drooi drivers can expect lane restriction from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. this week. the street road project is expected to wrap up in july of next year. all eyes are on pennsylvania's lawmakers tomorrow to see if they'll pass the cigarette tax bill that will generate about $80 million a year to the philadelphia school jtjut the state house o representatives k vote on the bill, it has to be put on the chambers calendar. officials say they need revenue to start flowing into the district by october 1st. if not, cuts would be implemented that could close schools as early as christmas. >> police believe the gunman who am best of your recollectibushe troopers may have had formal firearms training. corporal brian dixon was killed and another shooter kritically hurt. when the shooter opened fire friday night in pike county. dixon spent a year at the belmont barracks in winfield before being transferred. >> he was a natural leader. he was a good man to have here at the station. the guys that worked for him loved him. >> ten of he has colleagues will be honorary pallbearers thursday in january ton. two men beaten by a group of men and women. they say it's because they're gay. new, tonight, what they told us about the attack. >> a philadelphia-based clothing company in trouble over this sweatshirt. why 34 say it's shining a light on a university massacre. >> coming tomorrow morning, i'm tracking some rain for part of your morning commute. also, cool temperatures. i'll show you the forecast coming up. don't believe tom corbett's tv ad. the facts speak for themselves. tom corbett cut a billion dollars from our schools. he took an ax to education. twenty-seven thousand educators were laid-off. class sizes increased. and now almost eighty percent of school districts plan to raise property taxes. tom corbett. can't trust him on education. can't trust him to be for us. philadelphia-based urban out fitters is the subject of controversy today because of this. a kent state sweatshirt that apeeshs to have bloodstains. it reminds many of the massacre of the school's national campus. national guardsmen killed four and wounded nine others. the stains were not meant to look like blood and just discolor rations in the shirt supposed to look vintage and faded. the company says it will stop selling the shirt. tonight, a $40,000 reward leading to the arrest and conviction of a person killing her bade by in frank ford. they're looking for a white ford sedan that was the target of the gunfire. megan dodo was hit by a stray bullet while sitting outside a home. the baby girl was delivered, but died overnight. tonight, surveillance video could be the key to break the case of an attack on two men. police are investigating as a hate crime. tonight, one victim just out of the hospital and his mouth wired shut managed to talk to nwc 10. live from the scene in center city. >> reporter: the pair tonight tell us us that they spoke with detectives earlier in the day. it looks like police have clear surveillance video of this group walking along 16th street just before the attack. an attack the couple says happened because they're gay. >> when i had three or four of these guys on me, i turned around and i saw his head hit the ground. like hashd. hard but didn't come up. his neck didn't move back up. and i was horrified. i thought he was dead. >> this 28-year-old man opened up about the moment he and his boyfriend were viciously attacked last week. and how he feared the attackers were going to kill his parter in. >> we got beat up bad. it got to the point where even a girl hit us. >> reporter: the beating was so brutal his boyfriend, who just got home from the hospital, tells us his mouth needs to be wired shut and he'll need agt weeks to fully recover. >> they had to reset that and wire it shut. >> reporter: the victims say they were assaulted because they're gay. >> they said to us, is that your fen boyfriend. yeah. and then they hit us. >> reporter: it all unfolded around 10:45 thursday night while they were on their way to grab pizza. they were walking in the area of 16th and chancellor streets. they say someone in the group asked whether they were a couple. and when they answered yes, they were jumped. >> he goes,oh, so you're dirty [bleep]. >> the group appeared to be drunk as they apparently screamed homophobic slurs. tonight, the victims are hoping this group is caught so they can pay for their crime. >> it's not just us. i don't want this to happen to anybody else. >> now, one of the victims was also robbed of his wallet. meantime, no word if and when police will release that video. it's a story we'll stay on top of. for now, live in center city, nbc 10 news. >> now, your nbc 10 first alert weather. meteorologist sheena parvine. >> some change is coming for your morning commute. great start for the week. come tomorrow morning, we'll be tracking some showers across the area. nothing very heavy, most of this should be on the light side. for the morning hours, just keep that in mind. the fall weather does stay in the forecast. we'll be in the 70s pretty much all week. a dry stretch of weather is coming along with that. really, tomorrow morning is the only chance of rain we have within about the next seven days. temperatures north and west are very cool. 55 potstown, 55 allen town. 57 degrees millville. so we are still giving the cool temperatures tonight. but we do have the clouds increasing through the area. the rain is just off to our west. so it's starting to move into parts of western pa and come tomorrow morning, some of us whether be seeing the rain for the kmorning commute. we don't have the rain around priegt now. again, it's just the clouds increasing across the area. the clouds will be bringing the rain by tomorrow morning. future weather keeps us dry overnight. our 6:00 a.m., we koumd see some light showers. 7:00, 8:00 in the morning. even pitch 9:00 and 10:00, but the rain by this time should be moving into new jersey, starting to leave the area and through the afternoon, we'll have more improvements. take a look at the cool temperatures, though, to our north and west. we have low 50s just to our north and west around the great lakes. you can really see all the cool air that's still in place, that will continue to move in even after the rain moves through. so, for tonight, about 60 degrees for the low temperature. 53 air yas north and west. tomorrow, early showers, gradual clearing in the aver noon. high temperatures once the rain leaves, anywhere from 73-76 degrees. by wednesday, thursday and friday, we have a nice, dry stretch of weather. take a look at those high temperatures in about the mid to low 70s. some morning, we could be in the low 50s. that means areas in the north and west will be in the 40s. we warm up slightly. but the weather looks praelly good especially for the eagle's game on sunday. >> thanks, gina. we'll have the eagle's score coming up for you. and the phillies didn't have to pun niche jonathan pappelbon. baseball did. we'll tell you about it and the phillies' response. that's next. no! could have gotten me one. i did. grab a spicy smoked sausage breakfast sandwich. it's the smoked sausage you crave, now spicy. >> announcer: this is the xfinity sports desk brought to you by xfinity. your home for the most live sports. >> hey, i'm john clark. jonathan papal bonn suspended tonight for seven games and is also fined for his actions during yesterday's game. here it is, pat made a gesture towards the phillies' fans yesterday. he says he was just making an adjustment. and umpire cowboy joe west ejected him saying he made an inappropriate gesture. and then west grabbed pat. obviously, baseball and the phillies right-hand turn buying pap el bonn's excuse. here's what the phillies say tonight. the phillies fully support the decision by the commissioner's office. we apologize to the fans for the actions of our player yesterday. here's's decision on why this suspension is warranted. >> jonathan, three years ago, signed a con trakt in philadelphia, the richest ever give ton a reliever. $50 million. and that was fuelled by the fans in their interest. so major league baseball comes down hard on him for making the obscene gesture to the very people that line his pockets. >> the eagles taking on the kolts right now in indianapolis. this is going to be a shoot out. take a look, it is a good game out there. 27-27 right now. houbt darren sprawls. 35 receiving yards, 61 total yards of offense. they have provided the touchdowns along with shawn mccoy and eagle's linebacker michael kendricks. deshawn jackson hopes to play against the eagles in his return to philly. there's no structural damage and the redskins won't know if d-jax will play. the birds won't face rg3. he dislocated his left ankle right there yesterday. an m.r.i. shows no fractures. the red skins today say they hope he will play this season. he woke up sore today, bud the pain is a lot less than yesterday. by the way, your phillies score right now, they're losing 1-0 in san diego in the sixth inning. i'm john clark. we're right back. some showers in the morning? >> yes, we have some showers early in the morning. and then we'll start to clear in the afternoon. developing sunshine, improving conditions. highs will be around 75 degrees, though. a nice, dry stretch. temperatures well below average for this time of the year in about the mid to low 720s. as we go to the weekend, temperatures warm up a bit on sunday. it looks pretty good for the eagle's gachl. that's nbc 10 news at 11:00. up next, barbara st rerks isand appears on "the tonight show" for the first time in nearly 50 years. so you definitely want to stay up and see what she has to say. "the tonight show" is next. we'll see you back here tomorrow night. 6 fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. everybody knows that parker. well... did you know auctioneers make bad grocery store clerks? that'll be $23.50. now .75, 23.75, hold 'em. hey now do i hear 23.75? 24! hey 24 dollar, 24 and a quarter, quarter, now half, 24 and a half and .75! 25! now a quarter, hey 26 and a quarter, do you wanna pay now, you wanna do it, 25 and a quarter- -sold to the man in the khaki jacket! geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. to prove a point about internet speeds, we slowed down an up escalator. this is crazy i don't get it, this one is working ladies, shouldn't up be as fast as down? yeah. shouldn't internet speeds match as well? yes. do your socks match? my socks match. do your eyeballs match? yes. cable does not match the speeds. makes you want to go mad. erggggh. only verizon fios comes with speedmatch - upload speeds as fast as your download speeds join now at verizon. call ththere it for customers with disabilit this is where i met your grandpa. right under this tree. ♪ (man) some things are worth holding onto. they're hugging the tree. 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Transcripts For WCAU NBC 10 News At 11p 20140916 :

Transcripts For WCAU NBC 10 News At 11p 20140916

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her parents is found attacked in the woods. police say she had scratches and bruises. she was found in the 7600 block of roosevelt boulevard in northeast philadelphia. that's in the pennypack park area. >> reporter: jack lyquline, detectives are interviewing the girl where she is in stable condition. a man passing by found her within an hour. the girl was unresponsive when she was found in the area of pennypack park just north of cottman avenue. she had bruises on the back of her leg and a knot on her head. she gained consciousness on the way to the hospital and police say she was too disoriented to tell what happened to her. she was on a septa bus making her way home tonight but investigators are trying to unravel how she ended up in a wooded area. police say a man found the 15-year-old about 2-3 feet on the sidewalk on the other side of the guardrail. >> somebody walking by can see her. someone driving by north on the boulevard would not be able to see this female. we're very fortunate that someone did walk by. did see this female unconscious and did notify police. . >> reporter: this is a joint investigation between northeast detectives and the special victims unit. they say their clothes are in ta tact, but they're still trying to see if she was sexually assaulted. >> you can take away their money, but you can't take away their spirit. this woman is accused of stealing money from the new jersey force cheer association. nbc 10's keith jones joins us live from mt. laurel, burling ton county. the cheer leaders held a much-needed fundraiser tonight. >> they may not be able to afford uniforms. the reason being, well, this one here, police say, is owned by the woman who allegedly stole $9,000 from them. this is the reason these 22 girls practice for months. to compete. the coaches don't take a paycheck. police say this woman, janine hamilton, an executive board member, took over $9,000 over the last eight months. the coach says that hurts! devastated and betrayed. >> schuster works full time as a nurse. after this shift, police say the 44-year-old filed a false police report claiming her purse was stolen and five grand was inside. once that was defungt, officers say she copped to the crime. >> you're heartbroken. at this point, i just want to push forward. >> reporter: michelle just took over as treasurer. she's planning fundraisers like this one. >> we're going to do things a little differently. i'm going to have open books. we're going to show people what's coming in, what's going out. >> reporter: as for the girls, they say they're one big family and doing their best to weather the storm. >> we're ready to handle this and we all know that we are. we're all capable of understanding that mistakes happen and that we're ready to move forward. >> don't make it a big deal. don't go ahead and spread the word about it. it just needs to stay inside our little group. >> hamilton is awaiting release. in the meantime, this new jersey cheer force is relying solely on donations and fundraisers. reporting live in mt. laurel, keith jones, nbc 10 news. >> our eyes are on the radar tonight as we could see some rain for the morning commute. >> that's right, jacquline, some rain moving in for part of the morning commute. locally right now, it looks fine. just some rain outside. the rain is back off to our west and moving in this direction. so we'll see some showers a as we go through the morning hours tomorrow. they're moving into parts of western pa. the timing for tomorrow's rain by about 7:00. 23 you're leaving that early, it will be around 60 degrees with some scattered showers. by 9:00, we'll still have the showers around. they'll be continuing to move into parts of new jersey. by 11:00 a.m., we should start to see more clearing after the afternoon gradual clearance with more sunshine. coming up, we'll see how long the cool temperatures will last. >> breaking news, a deadly shooting inside a bar in the juniatta section of philadelphia. it happened an hour ago in the family tavern at the corner of east luzerne and bennington streets. so far, no arrests. police arrested a suspect in connection to the shooting of a 13-year-old boy in philadelphia tonight. police say the teenager was shot twice in the stomach just before 8:00. sky force 10 flew above the 3600 block of north marvine street. police have not identified the suspect. football player ray rice plans to appeal his indefinite suspension tomorrow at the nfl players' association. the nfl suspended rice for two games before the video of him knocking out his future wife in atlantic city was made public. the league then changed the suspension to indefinite. the ravens fired rice one week ago. the same prosecutor in atlantic county who led ray rice into a prevention program is now having second thoughts on punishing a philadelphia mother. if convicted, she faces 3-10 new jersey without registering her gun. it's legally registered in pennsylvania. tonight, the prosecutor sent her a letter saying her trial has been postponed several weeks while he reviews his office' position on the matter. >> i said oh, my god, you know, maybe things can look up for mommy. maybe mommy won't be going to jail. >> the possible shift in petition comes as the new jersey second amendment society put up these billboards saying free shanine from unfair prosecution. the first court appearance is set for october 8th. that's when he's set to enter a plea on charges he removed a tree branch. the injuries were photographed by houston police. the vikings said peterson is expected to play this week. the team benched him for yesterday's game after the grand jury indicted him on friday. today, peterson i am not a perfect parent, but i am not a child abuser. new development, major developments in the casino cry sisz on just seven hours of ford casino, the trump plaza, will close its doors for good in atlantic city. and it comes as we're getting new legal insights on george spencer. >> trump plaza patrons say many of the slot machines have been shut down and the table games have ended. it seems more and more people here are calling away fr a pivot that has helped define atlantic city hosted in venues like board walk ham. the lights still flashed this evening, but as of 6:00 a.m. tomorrow morning, no one will call the casino home any longer, including its 1,000 employees, now joining the thousands more of other unemployed casino workers. >> it's terrible. especially for me, what i do as a d.j. >> allen joseph's d.j., a gig that goes silent tonight. t the trump plaza first opened in 1984. sergio perez, a barback here for six years, was taking photos tonight. >> for now, i wanted's time fortous move forward and i'm going to miss the place, no doubt about it. >> today, the attorney for a florida developer who bid $90 million on the recently closed property told a judge if that sale happens, portions of revel could be re-opened in weeks. the rest rants and night clubs, but not the casino. he says any reincarnation of revel would increase destination, not gambling. >> reporter: tonight, she said she's not convinced that ac's beach or its entertainment will be enough to lure her back again. >> it was mainly about gambling. there's not a lot here to draw a family in. now. that i can see. >> trump plaza, plus the three other casino that is have closed here in atlantic city this year, employed a total of more than 8,000 workers. reporting in at lantic city, i'm george spencer, nbc 10 news. >> there are now just eight casinos open. >> workers received their warn letter that the casino could shut down in november. a former high school teacher in princeton is accused of having a sexual relationship with one of his students. 39-year-old nolan johnson was a technology theater teacher at the hun school in princeton. today, johnson was charged with sexual assault and endangering the welfare of a child. he is accused of having sex with a 16-year-old girl several times, both on and off campus this year. tonight, a warning for parents in mt. laurel new jersey after a child says a man in a van tried to lure him into a vehicle. police say it happened friday afternoon in the 100 block of willow turn which is near route 38. a man in a white van pulled up next to him saying he sells candy and to come inside to pick out what he wants. the boy ran away and told his parents. >> sky force 10 over the side of a new resurfacing project. today, penn dot crews began working on street road as part of a $5 million project. drooi drivers can expect lane restriction from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. this week. the street road project is expected to wrap up in july of next year. all eyes are on pennsylvania's lawmakers tomorrow to see if they'll pass the cigarette tax bill that will generate about $80 million a year to the philadelphia school jtjut the state house o representatives k vote on the bill, it has to be put on the chambers calendar. officials say they need revenue to start flowing into the district by october 1st. if not, cuts would be implemented that could close schools as early as christmas. >> police believe the gunman who am best of your recollectibushe troopers may have had formal firearms training. corporal brian dixon was killed and another shooter kritically hurt. when the shooter opened fire friday night in pike county. dixon spent a year at the belmont barracks in winfield before being transferred. >> he was a natural leader. he was a good man to have here at the station. the guys that worked for him loved him. >> ten of he has colleagues will be honorary pallbearers thursday in january ton. two men beaten by a group of men and women. they say it's because they're gay. new, tonight, what they told us about the attack. >> a philadelphia-based clothing company in trouble over this sweatshirt. why 34 say it's shining a light on a university massacre. >> coming tomorrow morning, i'm tracking some rain for part of your morning commute. also, cool temperatures. i'll show you the forecast coming up. don't believe tom corbett's tv ad. the facts speak for themselves. tom corbett cut a billion dollars from our schools. he took an ax to education. twenty-seven thousand educators were laid-off. class sizes increased. and now almost eighty percent of school districts plan to raise property taxes. tom corbett. can't trust him on education. can't trust him to be for us. philadelphia-based urban out fitters is the subject of controversy today because of this. a kent state sweatshirt that apeeshs to have bloodstains. it reminds many of the massacre of the school's national campus. national guardsmen killed four and wounded nine others. the stains were not meant to look like blood and just discolor rations in the shirt supposed to look vintage and faded. the company says it will stop selling the shirt. tonight, a $40,000 reward leading to the arrest and conviction of a person killing her bade by in frank ford. they're looking for a white ford sedan that was the target of the gunfire. megan dodo was hit by a stray bullet while sitting outside a home. the baby girl was delivered, but died overnight. tonight, surveillance video could be the key to break the case of an attack on two men. police are investigating as a hate crime. tonight, one victim just out of the hospital and his mouth wired shut managed to talk to nwc 10. live from the scene in center city. >> reporter: the pair tonight tell us us that they spoke with detectives earlier in the day. it looks like police have clear surveillance video of this group walking along 16th street just before the attack. an attack the couple says happened because they're gay. >> when i had three or four of these guys on me, i turned around and i saw his head hit the ground. like hashd. hard but didn't come up. his neck didn't move back up. and i was horrified. i thought he was dead. >> this 28-year-old man opened up about the moment he and his boyfriend were viciously attacked last week. and how he feared the attackers were going to kill his parter in. >> we got beat up bad. it got to the point where even a girl hit us. >> reporter: the beating was so brutal his boyfriend, who just got home from the hospital, tells us his mouth needs to be wired shut and he'll need agt weeks to fully recover. >> they had to reset that and wire it shut. >> reporter: the victims say they were assaulted because they're gay. >> they said to us, is that your fen boyfriend. yeah. and then they hit us. >> reporter: it all unfolded around 10:45 thursday night while they were on their way to grab pizza. they were walking in the area of 16th and chancellor streets. they say someone in the group asked whether they were a couple. and when they answered yes, they were jumped. >> he goes,oh, so you're dirty [bleep]. >> the group appeared to be drunk as they apparently screamed homophobic slurs. tonight, the victims are hoping this group is caught so they can pay for their crime. >> it's not just us. i don't want this to happen to anybody else. >> now, one of the victims was also robbed of his wallet. meantime, no word if and when police will release that video. it's a story we'll stay on top of. for now, live in center city, nbc 10 news. >> now, your nbc 10 first alert weather. meteorologist sheena parvine. >> some change is coming for your morning commute. great start for the week. come tomorrow morning, we'll be tracking some showers across the area. nothing very heavy, most of this should be on the light side. for the morning hours, just keep that in mind. the fall weather does stay in the forecast. we'll be in the 70s pretty much all week. a dry stretch of weather is coming along with that. really, tomorrow morning is the only chance of rain we have within about the next seven days. temperatures north and west are very cool. 55 potstown, 55 allen town. 57 degrees millville. so we are still giving the cool temperatures tonight. but we do have the clouds increasing through the area. the rain is just off to our west. so it's starting to move into parts of western pa and come tomorrow morning, some of us whether be seeing the rain for the kmorning commute. we don't have the rain around priegt now. again, it's just the clouds increasing across the area. the clouds will be bringing the rain by tomorrow morning. future weather keeps us dry overnight. our 6:00 a.m., we koumd see some light showers. 7:00, 8:00 in the morning. even pitch 9:00 and 10:00, but the rain by this time should be moving into new jersey, starting to leave the area and through the afternoon, we'll have more improvements. take a look at the cool temperatures, though, to our north and west. we have low 50s just to our north and west around the great lakes. you can really see all the cool air that's still in place, that will continue to move in even after the rain moves through. so, for tonight, about 60 degrees for the low temperature. 53 air yas north and west. tomorrow, early showers, gradual clearing in the aver noon. high temperatures once the rain leaves, anywhere from 73-76 degrees. by wednesday, thursday and friday, we have a nice, dry stretch of weather. take a look at those high temperatures in about the mid to low 70s. some morning, we could be in the low 50s. that means areas in the north and west will be in the 40s. we warm up slightly. but the weather looks praelly good especially for the eagle's game on sunday. >> thanks, gina. we'll have the eagle's score coming up for you. and the phillies didn't have to pun niche jonathan pappelbon. baseball did. we'll tell you about it and the phillies' response. that's next. no! could have gotten me one. i did. grab a spicy smoked sausage breakfast sandwich. it's the smoked sausage you crave, now spicy. >> announcer: this is the xfinity sports desk brought to you by xfinity. your home for the most live sports. >> hey, i'm john clark. jonathan papal bonn suspended tonight for seven games and is also fined for his actions during yesterday's game. here it is, pat made a gesture towards the phillies' fans yesterday. he says he was just making an adjustment. and umpire cowboy joe west ejected him saying he made an inappropriate gesture. and then west grabbed pat. obviously, baseball and the phillies right-hand turn buying pap el bonn's excuse. here's what the phillies say tonight. the phillies fully support the decision by the commissioner's office. we apologize to the fans for the actions of our player yesterday. here's's decision on why this suspension is warranted. >> jonathan, three years ago, signed a con trakt in philadelphia, the richest ever give ton a reliever. $50 million. and that was fuelled by the fans in their interest. so major league baseball comes down hard on him for making the obscene gesture to the very people that line his pockets. >> the eagles taking on the kolts right now in indianapolis. this is going to be a shoot out. take a look, it is a good game out there. 27-27 right now. houbt darren sprawls. 35 receiving yards, 61 total yards of offense. they have provided the touchdowns along with shawn mccoy and eagle's linebacker michael kendricks. deshawn jackson hopes to play against the eagles in his return to philly. there's no structural damage and the redskins won't know if d-jax will play. the birds won't face rg3. he dislocated his left ankle right there yesterday. an m.r.i. shows no fractures. the red skins today say they hope he will play this season. he woke up sore today, bud the pain is a lot less than yesterday. by the way, your phillies score right now, they're losing 1-0 in san diego in the sixth inning. i'm john clark. we're right back. some showers in the morning? >> yes, we have some showers early in the morning. and then we'll start to clear in the afternoon. developing sunshine, improving conditions. highs will be around 75 degrees, though. a nice, dry stretch. temperatures well below average for this time of the year in about the mid to low 720s. as we go to the weekend, temperatures warm up a bit on sunday. it looks pretty good for the eagle's gachl. that's nbc 10 news at 11:00. up next, barbara st rerks isand appears on "the tonight show" for the first time in nearly 50 years. so you definitely want to stay up and see what she has to say. "the tonight show" is next. we'll see you back here tomorrow night. 6 fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. everybody knows that parker. well... did you know auctioneers make bad grocery store clerks? that'll be $23.50. now .75, 23.75, hold 'em. hey now do i hear 23.75? 24! hey 24 dollar, 24 and a quarter, quarter, now half, 24 and a half and .75! 25! now a quarter, hey 26 and a quarter, do you wanna pay now, you wanna do it, 25 and a quarter- -sold to the man in the khaki jacket! geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. to prove a point about internet speeds, we slowed down an up escalator. this is crazy i don't get it, this one is working ladies, shouldn't up be as fast as down? yeah. shouldn't internet speeds match as well? yes. do your socks match? my socks match. do your eyeballs match? yes. cable does not match the speeds. makes you want to go mad. erggggh. only verizon fios comes with speedmatch - upload speeds as fast as your download speeds join now at verizon. call ththere it for customers with disabilit this is where i met your grandpa. right under this tree. ♪ (man) some things are worth holding onto. they're hugging the tree. 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