Transcripts For WCAU Meet The Press 20160807 : comparemela.c

WCAU Meet The Press August 7, 2016

With clintons running mate, senator tim kaine of virginia. How do you govern if the public doesnt trust you . Pole vault, clinton surges into the lead but there are warning signs for her in the nbc news wall street journal poll, joining me for insight and analysis this sunday morning are hugh hewitt, host on the Salem Radio Network and joyann reid and managing editor of bloomberg pal ticks and yamiche of the new york times. Welcome to sunday, its meet the press. Announcer from nbc news in washington, this is meet the press with checked to. Good sunday morning. Does it feel different . We in the media thought we seen the end of the beginning but we were wrong. They would be bailed out with a win in the primary or a boost. The primary is over and after a head shaking week for donald trump, it may be safe to pull out a political bro mine. You cant win in august but you can lose it. Our nbc news wall street journal gives clinton the ninepoint lead and clinton leads by three in the fourway matchup when you include gary johnson and jill stein. A New Washington post abc poll puts clinic town ahead 5042. These National Polls are hardly alone, this is what the real clear politics graph of polls looks like. Beginning in july, you can see trump did get a bump from his convention. Thats the little red hump there but clinton now leads by an average of seven Percentage Points and you can see the graph open up. The news is bad for trump in state polls where clinton pulled ahead in Battle Ground states, double digits in a couple but the biggest news on friday, this georgia poll had clinton up four points. Democrats havent won georgia since 1992 and Clinton Campaign is expanding staff in georgia and arizona likely means tv ads are coming there on another vulnerable red state. By the way, this is a week they pulled out of virginia. Perhaps nobody is happier to see the olympics begin than donald trump. The olympics have a way of taking voters minds off politics for awhile and maybe, just maybe trump uses that time as a chance to reset. If you dont like me, thats okay. Vote for pence because its the same think. For months, trump has been locked, now unraveling is an understatement. Trumps campaign appears to be one gap away from a full implosion. Trump began the week with an attack on gold star parents. I was viciously attacked on the stage of the Democratic Convention by mr. Khan and i responded. Refused to endorse the Top Republican in washington, speaker paul ryan. Does trumps nonendorsement jab signify lingering resentments between the two of you . Heck if i know, jay, i wont try to psycho analyze this stuff. Ill be the last one to use nuclear. Ill be the last one. Believe me. Trump told usa today if daughter ivanka was sexually harassed, i would like to think she would find another career or company if that was the case. He claimed again and again to have seen a secret video of a u. S. Cash shipment to iran that does not exist. I dont think youve heard this anywhere but here, iran provided all of that footage, the tape of taking that money off that airplane. Finally backtracking on friday, its all adding up to a talk of a political intervention, which the campaign has denied. Its a totally false report. Were doing well. Trump wasnt happy when his Campaign Manager pointed the finger at trump. My candidate is in control of his campaign. The worst news for trump, the polls. Hes dipped below 40 nationally and losing ground in the swing states he needs to win. Down nine points in michigan in a fourway ballot test. 13 points in pennsylvania, 15 points in New Hampshire and even georgia suddenly looks competitive. Some swing state republicans are defecting. Running against him on the air. People ask me, what do you think about trump . Honestly, i dont care for him much. Others even saying they will vote for Hillary Clinton. At the highest levels of the party and even among trumps allies, there is a feeling of desperation. Donald trump is the one person that can fix his campaign and if hes going to be the issue, were going to lose. Trump is trying to turn the page. Paul ryan. Reading an endorsement of ryan, john mccain and kelly ayacht at a rally on friday planning a monday speech in detroit with the odds of replacing trump on the ballot very slim, some Republican Leaders are telling their house and senate candidates, its every republican for themselves. If i were advising a candidate, the first thing id say is dont put yourself in the middle of other peoples races. I spoke with senator tim kaine of virginia campaigning in milwaukee. Let me start with our poll and a lot of other polls. Essentially, if you look at our poll, this race would be over right now, but for one giant issue that the American Public has, and that is a trustworthiness issue with secretary clinton. How do you how do you govern if the public doesnt trust you . And if they dont trust you, how do you restore the trust . Chuck, im not assuming that will be the case. I think we came out of the convention with a real positive momentum. It started with churn on the democratic side on monday but by thursday night we were together polling the same direction. Hillary clinton did a great job telling her store ry and others talked about how it happened. The reason were doing veteran polling is folks are getting reintroduced in a positive way. The other thing i have the ability to do as her running mate, i can brag about hillary in a way shes not going to brag about herself. Were both midwesterners, i love talking about other people. And i love talking about Hillary Clintons life of service, especially her work to empower families and children which has been a consistent theme. She didnt help herself on another sunday show she was asked about the email situation and what director come yes sa ed i want to get you to respond on the other side. Its secretary clinton and director comey. I had not sent classified material nor received anything marked classified. Fbi director james comey said none of those things you told the American Public were true. Chris, thats not what i heard director comey say. Secretary clinton said i did not email any classified material to anyone. There is no classified material. That was true. There was close fied assifie material. What i said is consistent with what i have told the american people. Did Hillary Clinton lie to the fbi . We have no basis to conclude she lied to the fbi. Did she lie to the public . I cant answer. Let me ask you senator kain can you conclude here whether or not secretary clinton lied to the American Public . Im going to jump to the punch line. I heard Hillary Clinton say over and over again when i sit next to her and watch her on tv that with respect to the emails, i made a mistake and ive learned something and i wouldnt do it again and ive heard her apologize. I did hear that back and forth and i think Chris Wallace and hillary were sort of talking past each other last week. She was saying what director comey acknowledged to be true, when she spoke to the fbi, the fbi thought her answers in that setting were truthful. Chris might have been asking her a different question, but the bottom line is this, she made a mistake and she said over and over again i made a mistake and ive learned from it and im going to fix it and i apologize for it. In an interview, you said she told you shes going to do it differently. What does that mean . Are you guys going to be i think the transparent what does that mean . The same thing shes said. Look, knowing what i know now, i wouldnt have done the private server in they what. She said its a mistake. Im not presumptuous enough to think about how im going to do things after november, but i know that this is something that shes learned from and were going to be real transparent, absolutely. Im going to move to National Security issues. Im going to ask you about this iran issue, obviously, theres been some concern that the payments that the American Government owed the iranian government going back in the 70s were essentially made right at the same time as the hostages that they had were released, the president swears its not ransom. But how can down why the American Public looks like it was some sort of connection that iran wasnt going to budge until the u. S. Started giving back money it thought it belonged to them . Chuck, here is the only thing new about this. This arrangement, the settlement of a claim with iran, the payment of a portion of that settlement, hostages coming home, thank god. This was brief to congress and the American Public months ago. The only thing new this week, the only thing new is donald trump is claiming to have seen a nonexist tablentin video of cag given to the iranians. He finally got shamed into acknowledging senator. Thats not that wasnt my question. My question is, i understand, fine, it was 6 months old news. It doesnt mean. Do you understand why it looks like a ransom . I understand why donald trump is trying to make something out of it but look, you have two important issues. The first one is there was a legitimate claim against the United States. The United States bargained it down to a fraction. Were making claims in International Tribunals and having claims made against us all the time. We paid a portion of the claim, and we got hostages home. Both of those things are appropriate and i understand why trump is trying to make something out of it, but theres just no there there. You dont believe it looks like a ransom . No, absolutely not. We dont pay for hostages. We dont negotiate for hostages, absolutely not. Were a nation of laws and if there is a claim we think we owe something on, we try to bargain the best way we can. This week by began, there was an announcement of air strikes. In 2011 you were critical of the administration saying they needed to get authorization for the initial intervention into libya. Do you believe right. Do you believe the president made a mistake going into libya against isis without congressional authorization . I do not think we should be in an offensive war without congressional authorization. Thats my position. Secretary clinton said congress should do its job instead of hiding under their desks and have a debate and have a vote on military action against isil. If we do that, im confident congress would support military action, but what we see is a congress that doesnt want to vote yes or no. I really put the fault of this more on congress shoulders, chuck, but i dont think the current legal authorities are sufficient to wage this war against isil and even though there is legal dispute about that, i also believe the head of the joint chief of staff said, he said our troops deserve to know that Congress Supports this mission because they are out risking their lives and some lost their lives already. Its fair to say you and s secretary clinton disagree because she says it does provide the legal justification to do this. You in 2014 disagreed with that conclusion. So you guys are on opposite sides of this issue. I have very grave doubts about whether the legal authorities currently in place allow us to wage an offensive war against isil but secretary clinton and i get to exactly the same spot in that hillary has said, this probably goes back six or eight months now, that congress should finally own up to its responsibility that the most solum responsibility in article one of the contusion to authorize this military action. Our troops deserve it. Our allies need to know it and our adversary needs to know it. Let me ask you about going one more when it comes to syria. Absolutely. Do you believe it was a mistake in hindsight not reenforcing the red line . I actually think when the president did was he brought a war authorization request to congress on the Foreign Relations committee. I voted for it and after the Foreign Relations committee voted yes, we were able to broker a deal to have syria get rid of one of the largest chemical weapon stockpiles in the country. If you go to israel, they say the destruction of the stockpile was very, very good. Where i do think there were challenges is there was a mixed message sent about whether or not assad must go. Once the president said assad must go and we chose and i think wisely we chose not to make the deposing of the leader of another country the priority. That raises some expectations that was probably unfortunate. So yeah, whether you think back retrospect, we could do things differently but it was a very, very difficult situation and remains so. Couple final questions. I know were running out of time. If you win this election, or lose, youre going to be participate income a lameduck session of congress. Yeah. Number one, are you now committed to fight tpp in that lame duck now that youve essentially switched your position with secretary clinton. Is that going to be your position . It is. I was a strong supporter a year ago of giving president obama the ability to negotiate a trade deal but i said at the time when that deal was done and on the table, i was going to look carefully and expressed a very serious concern i had with how it was developing, which is that companies were given rights to enforce provisions but the labor and environmental provisions could not be effectively enforced. That was never fixed. Id asked again and again to understand this piece of the tpp and ive never gotten a good answer. We cant have a deal that cannot be enforced and so for that reason, im going to oppose it after election day. Do you believe the nomination should be taken up during the lame duck regardless if you win or lose. Absolutely. He should be taken up as t nominee. Look, if it coa comes up for vote, its supposed to be the legit the question for nominees, of course i vote. Its not 100 his nomination stays if your ticket wins . You know, i think the dems may well take it. I think were going to g ting. It will be the republic majority. I have id no ya. They pledged that they wont. If it does, im going to vote for him. All right. Senator kaine. Ill leave it there. Be safe on the campaign trail. Thanks for coming on. You got it. Panelists here, hello all. Hello. I want to dig into a couple things in the kaine interview but before that, simple state of the race, mark youve seen campaigns lost in august. Obviously we know they are not won in august. Maybe in hindsight. Is this that kind of week for donald trump . He had so many problems not just in the horse race but certain demographic groups. It is challenging for any republican to build a demograph demographic. Donald trumps performance over the last ten days made that harder. Its hard to see right now where he gets, again, the demographics to add up to 270. It is august. He does have debates, but on the trajectory, this would not be a close race. Hue huet where is the point of no return . September. I dont applaud it or endorse it but the fact of the american electr electret, if donald trump walks out on september 6th and announces trump, the new season and says that was last season and i completely changed. A lot of americans in reality mind set, reality tv mind set will accept that and give him a second chance. They are cheered by the reuters poll. A lot of people dont put credibility in it. They are not believers like the other poll. September will tell. The problem with that is if it was one thing, if it was just that the candidates temperament is difficult to manage, if it was just they dont have a ground game in the swing states, dont have resources deployed in ski states and if it wasnt the bad week came immediately after the golden week for any campaign right after your convention, donald trump actually stepped into Hillary Clintons Convention Time to make himself the issue. So the fact he emulated in that important ten days after the convention and now you have a long august where people are not necessarily top of mind thinking about the candidates and the image of him is engrained, hell come into september with the image baked and he doesnt have a ground game to fix the campaign. There is always a but when we talk about, in fact, this week there has always been a but and the but is Hillary Clinton, truth worth n trustworthiness and i want to play Hillary Clintons response. It would be the montage i used with senator kaine but it happened after i was emailing senator kaine. I have said during the interview and in many other occasions over the past month that what i told the fbi, which he said is truthful is consistent with what i said publicly, i may have short circuited it and for that, i, you know, will try to clarify. She cannot seem to shes got to clarify. She herself said i got to clarify again. This is a year now. Its year Hillary Clinton the last words you want to say this summer are i have to clarify or im short circuited. The idea shes still talking about this and its mushing and you havent come to a clear answer goes to the fact she has real credibility issues. The issue here is donald trump, the demographics of donald trump need to win the election are the constituencies i think will have a real problem even if he comes out after labor day and says im a new donald trump. You had a track record of ascending some of the main people you need to win the election and i was having a conversation with republican strategists last night because i want to the convince for the National Association of black journalist and they said no, we were pushing him to talk in front of the nabj and pushing him to talk in front of a National Urban league and he didnt want to do it. He felt it was a hostile group. I think that will go to the problems hes going to have. Can i just say on emails, the blessing and the course for Salem Radio Network<\/a> and joyann reid and managing editor of bloomberg pal ticks and yamiche of the new york times. Welcome to sunday, its meet the press. Announcer from nbc news in washington, this is meet the press with checked to. Good sunday morning. Does it feel different . We in the media thought we seen the end of the beginning but we were wrong. They would be bailed out with a win in the primary or a boost. The primary is over and after a head shaking week for donald trump, it may be safe to pull out a political bro mine. You cant win in august but you can lose it. Our nbc news wall street journal gives clinton the ninepoint lead and clinton leads by three in the fourway matchup when you include gary johnson and jill stein. A New Washington<\/a> post abc poll puts clinic town ahead 5042. These National Polls<\/a> are hardly alone, this is what the real clear politics graph of polls looks like. Beginning in july, you can see trump did get a bump from his convention. Thats the little red hump there but clinton now leads by an average of seven Percentage Points<\/a> and you can see the graph open up. The news is bad for trump in state polls where clinton pulled ahead in Battle Ground<\/a> states, double digits in a couple but the biggest news on friday, this georgia poll had clinton up four points. Democrats havent won georgia since 1992 and Clinton Campaign<\/a> is expanding staff in georgia and arizona likely means tv ads are coming there on another vulnerable red state. By the way, this is a week they pulled out of virginia. Perhaps nobody is happier to see the olympics begin than donald trump. The olympics have a way of taking voters minds off politics for awhile and maybe, just maybe trump uses that time as a chance to reset. If you dont like me, thats okay. Vote for pence because its the same think. For months, trump has been locked, now unraveling is an understatement. Trumps campaign appears to be one gap away from a full implosion. Trump began the week with an attack on gold star parents. I was viciously attacked on the stage of the Democratic Convention<\/a> by mr. Khan and i responded. Refused to endorse the Top Republican<\/a> in washington, speaker paul ryan. Does trumps nonendorsement jab signify lingering resentments between the two of you . Heck if i know, jay, i wont try to psycho analyze this stuff. Ill be the last one to use nuclear. Ill be the last one. Believe me. Trump told usa today if daughter ivanka was sexually harassed, i would like to think she would find another career or company if that was the case. He claimed again and again to have seen a secret video of a u. S. Cash shipment to iran that does not exist. I dont think youve heard this anywhere but here, iran provided all of that footage, the tape of taking that money off that airplane. Finally backtracking on friday, its all adding up to a talk of a political intervention, which the campaign has denied. Its a totally false report. Were doing well. Trump wasnt happy when his Campaign Manager<\/a> pointed the finger at trump. My candidate is in control of his campaign. The worst news for trump, the polls. Hes dipped below 40 nationally and losing ground in the swing states he needs to win. Down nine points in michigan in a fourway ballot test. 13 points in pennsylvania, 15 points in New Hampshire<\/a> and even georgia suddenly looks competitive. Some swing state republicans are defecting. Running against him on the air. People ask me, what do you think about trump . Honestly, i dont care for him much. Others even saying they will vote for Hillary Clinton<\/a>. At the highest levels of the party and even among trumps allies, there is a feeling of desperation. Donald trump is the one person that can fix his campaign and if hes going to be the issue, were going to lose. Trump is trying to turn the page. Paul ryan. Reading an endorsement of ryan, john mccain and kelly ayacht at a rally on friday planning a monday speech in detroit with the odds of replacing trump on the ballot very slim, some Republican Leaders<\/a> are telling their house and senate candidates, its every republican for themselves. If i were advising a candidate, the first thing id say is dont put yourself in the middle of other peoples races. I spoke with senator tim kaine of virginia campaigning in milwaukee. Let me start with our poll and a lot of other polls. Essentially, if you look at our poll, this race would be over right now, but for one giant issue that the American Public<\/a> has, and that is a trustworthiness issue with secretary clinton. How do you how do you govern if the public doesnt trust you . And if they dont trust you, how do you restore the trust . Chuck, im not assuming that will be the case. I think we came out of the convention with a real positive momentum. It started with churn on the democratic side on monday but by thursday night we were together polling the same direction. Hillary clinton did a great job telling her store ry and others talked about how it happened. The reason were doing veteran polling is folks are getting reintroduced in a positive way. The other thing i have the ability to do as her running mate, i can brag about hillary in a way shes not going to brag about herself. Were both midwesterners, i love talking about other people. And i love talking about Hillary Clintons<\/a> life of service, especially her work to empower families and children which has been a consistent theme. She didnt help herself on another sunday show she was asked about the email situation and what director come yes sa ed i want to get you to respond on the other side. Its secretary clinton and director comey. I had not sent classified material nor received anything marked classified. Fbi director james comey said none of those things you told the American Public<\/a> were true. Chris, thats not what i heard director comey say. Secretary clinton said i did not email any classified material to anyone. There is no classified material. That was true. There was close fied assifie material. What i said is consistent with what i have told the american people. Did Hillary Clinton<\/a> lie to the fbi . We have no basis to conclude she lied to the fbi. Did she lie to the public . I cant answer. Let me ask you senator kain can you conclude here whether or not secretary clinton lied to the American Public<\/a> . Im going to jump to the punch line. I heard Hillary Clinton<\/a> say over and over again when i sit next to her and watch her on tv that with respect to the emails, i made a mistake and ive learned something and i wouldnt do it again and ive heard her apologize. I did hear that back and forth and i think Chris Wallace<\/a> and hillary were sort of talking past each other last week. She was saying what director comey acknowledged to be true, when she spoke to the fbi, the fbi thought her answers in that setting were truthful. Chris might have been asking her a different question, but the bottom line is this, she made a mistake and she said over and over again i made a mistake and ive learned from it and im going to fix it and i apologize for it. In an interview, you said she told you shes going to do it differently. What does that mean . Are you guys going to be i think the transparent what does that mean . The same thing shes said. Look, knowing what i know now, i wouldnt have done the private server in they what. She said its a mistake. Im not presumptuous enough to think about how im going to do things after november, but i know that this is something that shes learned from and were going to be real transparent, absolutely. Im going to move to National Security<\/a> issues. Im going to ask you about this iran issue, obviously, theres been some concern that the payments that the American Government<\/a> owed the iranian government going back in the 70s were essentially made right at the same time as the hostages that they had were released, the president swears its not ransom. But how can down why the American Public<\/a> looks like it was some sort of connection that iran wasnt going to budge until the u. S. Started giving back money it thought it belonged to them . Chuck, here is the only thing new about this. This arrangement, the settlement of a claim with iran, the payment of a portion of that settlement, hostages coming home, thank god. This was brief to congress and the American Public<\/a> months ago. The only thing new this week, the only thing new is donald trump is claiming to have seen a nonexist tablentin video of cag given to the iranians. He finally got shamed into acknowledging senator. Thats not that wasnt my question. My question is, i understand, fine, it was 6 months old news. It doesnt mean. Do you understand why it looks like a ransom . I understand why donald trump is trying to make something out of it but look, you have two important issues. The first one is there was a legitimate claim against the United States<\/a>. The United States<\/a> bargained it down to a fraction. Were making claims in International Tribunals<\/a> and having claims made against us all the time. We paid a portion of the claim, and we got hostages home. Both of those things are appropriate and i understand why trump is trying to make something out of it, but theres just no there there. You dont believe it looks like a ransom . No, absolutely not. We dont pay for hostages. We dont negotiate for hostages, absolutely not. Were a nation of laws and if there is a claim we think we owe something on, we try to bargain the best way we can. This week by began, there was an announcement of air strikes. In 2011 you were critical of the administration saying they needed to get authorization for the initial intervention into libya. Do you believe right. Do you believe the president made a mistake going into libya against isis without congressional authorization . I do not think we should be in an offensive war without congressional authorization. Thats my position. Secretary clinton said congress should do its job instead of hiding under their desks and have a debate and have a vote on military action against isil. If we do that, im confident congress would support military action, but what we see is a congress that doesnt want to vote yes or no. I really put the fault of this more on congress shoulders, chuck, but i dont think the current legal authorities are sufficient to wage this war against isil and even though there is legal dispute about that, i also believe the head of the joint chief of staff said, he said our troops deserve to know that Congress Supports<\/a> this mission because they are out risking their lives and some lost their lives already. Its fair to say you and s secretary clinton disagree because she says it does provide the legal justification to do this. You in 2014 disagreed with that conclusion. So you guys are on opposite sides of this issue. I have very grave doubts about whether the legal authorities currently in place allow us to wage an offensive war against isil but secretary clinton and i get to exactly the same spot in that hillary has said, this probably goes back six or eight months now, that congress should finally own up to its responsibility that the most solum responsibility in article one of the contusion to authorize this military action. Our troops deserve it. Our allies need to know it and our adversary needs to know it. Let me ask you about going one more when it comes to syria. Absolutely. Do you believe it was a mistake in hindsight not reenforcing the red line . I actually think when the president did was he brought a war authorization request to congress on the Foreign Relations<\/a> committee. I voted for it and after the Foreign Relations<\/a> committee voted yes, we were able to broker a deal to have syria get rid of one of the largest chemical weapon stockpiles in the country. If you go to israel, they say the destruction of the stockpile was very, very good. Where i do think there were challenges is there was a mixed message sent about whether or not assad must go. Once the president said assad must go and we chose and i think wisely we chose not to make the deposing of the leader of another country the priority. That raises some expectations that was probably unfortunate. So yeah, whether you think back retrospect, we could do things differently but it was a very, very difficult situation and remains so. Couple final questions. I know were running out of time. If you win this election, or lose, youre going to be participate income a lameduck session of congress. Yeah. Number one, are you now committed to fight tpp in that lame duck now that youve essentially switched your position with secretary clinton. Is that going to be your position . It is. I was a strong supporter a year ago of giving president obama the ability to negotiate a trade deal but i said at the time when that deal was done and on the table, i was going to look carefully and expressed a very serious concern i had with how it was developing, which is that companies were given rights to enforce provisions but the labor and environmental provisions could not be effectively enforced. That was never fixed. Id asked again and again to understand this piece of the tpp and ive never gotten a good answer. We cant have a deal that cannot be enforced and so for that reason, im going to oppose it after election day. Do you believe the nomination should be taken up during the lame duck regardless if you win or lose. Absolutely. He should be taken up as t nominee. Look, if it coa comes up for vote, its supposed to be the legit the question for nominees, of course i vote. Its not 100 his nomination stays if your ticket wins . You know, i think the dems may well take it. I think were going to g ting. It will be the republic majority. I have id no ya. They pledged that they wont. If it does, im going to vote for him. All right. Senator kaine. Ill leave it there. Be safe on the campaign trail. Thanks for coming on. You got it. Panelists here, hello all. Hello. I want to dig into a couple things in the kaine interview but before that, simple state of the race, mark youve seen campaigns lost in august. Obviously we know they are not won in august. Maybe in hindsight. Is this that kind of week for donald trump . He had so many problems not just in the horse race but certain demographic groups. It is challenging for any republican to build a demograph demographic. Donald trumps performance over the last ten days made that harder. Its hard to see right now where he gets, again, the demographics to add up to 270. It is august. He does have debates, but on the trajectory, this would not be a close race. Hue huet where is the point of no return . September. I dont applaud it or endorse it but the fact of the american electr electret, if donald trump walks out on september 6th and announces trump, the new season and says that was last season and i completely changed. A lot of americans in reality mind set, reality tv mind set will accept that and give him a second chance. They are cheered by the reuters poll. A lot of people dont put credibility in it. They are not believers like the other poll. September will tell. The problem with that is if it was one thing, if it was just that the candidates temperament is difficult to manage, if it was just they dont have a ground game in the swing states, dont have resources deployed in ski states and if it wasnt the bad week came immediately after the golden week for any campaign right after your convention, donald trump actually stepped into Hillary Clintons<\/a> Convention Time<\/a> to make himself the issue. So the fact he emulated in that important ten days after the convention and now you have a long august where people are not necessarily top of mind thinking about the candidates and the image of him is engrained, hell come into september with the image baked and he doesnt have a ground game to fix the campaign. There is always a but when we talk about, in fact, this week there has always been a but and the but is Hillary Clinton<\/a>, truth worth n trustworthiness and i want to play Hillary Clintons<\/a> response. It would be the montage i used with senator kaine but it happened after i was emailing senator kaine. I have said during the interview and in many other occasions over the past month that what i told the fbi, which he said is truthful is consistent with what i said publicly, i may have short circuited it and for that, i, you know, will try to clarify. She cannot seem to shes got to clarify. She herself said i got to clarify again. This is a year now. Its year Hillary Clinton<\/a> the last words you want to say this summer are i have to clarify or im short circuited. The idea shes still talking about this and its mushing and you havent come to a clear answer goes to the fact she has real credibility issues. The issue here is donald trump, the demographics of donald trump need to win the election are the constituencies i think will have a real problem even if he comes out after labor day and says im a new donald trump. You had a track record of ascending some of the main people you need to win the election and i was having a conversation with republican strategists last night because i want to the convince for the National Association<\/a> of black journalist and they said no, we were pushing him to talk in front of the nabj and pushing him to talk in front of a National Urban<\/a> league and he didnt want to do it. He felt it was a hostile group. I think that will go to the problems hes going to have. Can i just say on emails, the blessing and the course for Hillary Clinton<\/a> is the email story is complicated. The course is trying to explain it, her answers are so detailed and complicated when you explain youre losing. She sounds like a lawyer. Its also so complicated when you talk to voters they dont get it. They have g mail so it doesnt sound criminal so when donald trump goes over the top and tries to say its criminal, he e leads the audience. Short circuit is portuguese for i did not tell the truth. Her problem is trustworthiness. Short circuit was a bad 80s movie. She reinforced her worst thing. Sula the roman dictator, no friend has done me an injury that i have not repaid in full and he relives that every day. Her dishonesty and his enemys list are the two competing narratives. Mark, i get the sense we may be getting to the point where Hillary Clinton<\/a> gets in the im done answering emails and i wont do it anymore and ill be curious to see how that plays out. I believe that her campaign needed to clean up what happens last sunday but for now they dont think they will lose on trust worth kn n trustworthiness. Trustworthy numbers, honesty they are about equal. Shes narcotic rowed the gap. This will come down to the economy and who people think will make their lives better and on that score, both have a lot of work to do. They do. I want to pause and talk more about the campaign but when we come back, well hear from two of Donald Trumps<\/a> strongest supporters. Lieutenant general mike flynn retired to be a candidate to be trumps running mate and Florida Governor<\/a> rick scott who heads Donald Trumps<\/a> super pack and out of the olympics, gold, si silver and bronze medals for gas of gasfilled week. Here is one contender. I always wanted to get the purple heart. Purple heart. This was m you can fly across welcome town in minutes16, or across the globe in under an hour. Whole communities are living on mars and solar satellites provide earth with unlimited clean power. In less than a century, boeing took the world from seaplanes to space planes, across the universe and beyond. And if you thought that was amazing, you just wait. Foand millions moremericans lwho feel its effects. S, lets walk together to make an even bigger impact and end alzheimers for good. Find your walk near you at alz. Org walk. Our next guest is a retired threestar general briefing trump since at least february. Lieutenant general Michael Flynn<\/a> spent 33 years in the military come nating with his position of the defense agaency from 2012 t 2014 and influence can be heard on Global Security<\/a> and he was vetted to be trumps running mate. Flynn who just this year released the field of fights. Its his book how to fight international terrorism. Welcome to meet the press. As you know this week there have been questions raised about Donald Trumps<\/a> temperament and Clinton Campaign<\/a> wants to make it a big issue. I want to play a quick excerpt of a video hitting today. The prime objective of the Foreign Policy<\/a> of putin has been to destroy nato. Nato is obsolete and extremely expensive to the United States<\/a>. This gets at this issue of putin, russia and nato. Right. Let me ask you une kwif quickly, where is he on nato . Does he believe it in as a robust Important Institution<\/a> . I mean, im going to state just like the current supreme ally commander just recently said. What nato needs to be done with is needs to be modernized. The organizations, the nations part of nato need to understand what their capabilities are and understand what their responsibilities are. And one of those responsibilities when you become a member of nato and sign up for that for the responsibilities that not only come with being with providing capability but also being able to have others respond for you in time of need is to pay your bills and i mean, thats a big deal. If we it doesnt mean were not going to, you know, support our responsibilities as america, but this means people have to realize he actually said he might with hold, that you have to think about those things. Was that a responsible thing to say . I think what we have to do is make sure we understand what our responsibilities are in an al Alliance Like<\/a> nato. Ill go back to the previous, particularly military commanders but part of the system, if you will, alliance that said they understand they need to do more. This issue of russia, though, does keep coming back with donald trump. Mike moorrell, im guessing somebody you worked with and putin said he was a korean officer trained to identify vulnerabilities and exploit them. Thats what he did early in the primaries. Mr. Putin played upon mr. Trumps vulnerabilities and the intelligence business we would say mr. Putin recruited mr. Trump as an agent of the federation. Is putin treating the Global Clinton Initiative<\/a> as a participant . I mean, so i mean, you know, what youre asking is something that is hypothetical versus what we know is going on with the clintons and their relationships with russia and russian organizations, i mean, not just in russia. I think thats something that there has to be, you know, a give and take on this on all of these comments and things out in the media right now. Okay. What is why is there there is a feeling of a close relationship with putin and let me go back to nato. Do you believe nato, i mean, in its current capacity so does it still need to be a chuck on russia. The assumptions nato built on need to be revisited because there is a highly complex threat environment we are facing and nato needs to come to grips with sort of the modernization, resources, types of capabilities we need. There has been recent changes and some recent things that have been taken by nato but this is really not so much about nato but its about how we as americans and how we as america decide how were going to operate in the 21st century. Were in the second decade, chuck and were behind the power curve in so many ways. Let me ask you this, when we were talking about he was asked about ukraine, he was asked about crimea and sort of implied that all right, thats over and done with, the russians can keep crimea. He didnt say it directly but implied that. Be specific about how you, i think, for all the media, how they address the things hes saying and what it is we have to do do you believe russians are illegally taken away crimea. If i appreciate you highlighting my book. I take russia on in my book. And i do believe russia has an anti u. S. View of the world. You have to read russias National Security<\/a> strategy and im not sure what ours is. I know what russias is and they have a view of the United States<\/a> that is not in our best interest. Does donald trump understand that . Donald trump clearly understands that. He gets it. Let me ask you one final thing on this issue of Nuclear Weapons<\/a>. Does he believe that you can use Nuclear Weapons<\/a> tactically . Because that seems to be where this idea why cant you use nukes tactically and talking about isis, why would you take that off the table. Does he believe in a tactical use of them . Yeah, i mean, i would say thats really not the issue as much as understanding all of our capabilities and understanding what it is we bring to bear and also this notion about being predictable or unpredictable. We have become the best enemies around the world by continuing to tell our enemies exactly what were going to do and in your previous segment, you mentioned the red line. We just had the secretary of defense on the other day telling the world essentially which towns we were going to conduct an movement. We say how many troops were sending in. Our enemies love when we telegraph what were doing. General flint, ill leave it there. Appreciate it. When keep come back, despite rising poll numbers, there are bright red flags and she gives us our second entry into the olympic style gold, silver and bronze competition for the worst or best gas of the week. You heard this one a little earlier but here it is again in case you missed it. What i told the fbi which he said is truthful is consistent with anything meant to stand needs a stable foundation. A body without proper foot support can mean pain. The dr. Scholls kiosk maps your feet and recommends our custom fit orthotic to stabilize your foundation and relieve foot, knee or lower back pain from being on your feet. Dr. Scholls. G. Welcome back. It that time again, the weekly Data Download<\/a>. In a deep dive to the nbc news wall street journal poll. As we showed you clinton reads 4738 but this poll is not all good news for clinton. There are some significant weaknesses and surprising areas of strength for donald trump. On personal characteristics, trump leads clinton by 13 points on the issue of being honest and straightforward. 3522. More than half of voters, 56 give clinton a negative rating on this. In fact, its where shes consistently struggled this entire campaign and on the issues that concern voters the most, trumps attack on the khan family really is no bigger of a concern than clintons email controversy or her paid speeches. In fact, all three controversies rank higher for voters than concern for trumps failure to release tax returns and we should note, both of clintons issues were bigger concerns to independent voters than either of trumps so why is clinton so far ahead . She dominates in two key characteristi characteristics, knowledgeable and leads 5723 and having the right temperament to be president. She leads by more than 30 points over trump 4816. A ninepoint lead for clinton is significant but overall both candidates are heading into the fall with the same problems they each have been struggling with throughout this entire campaign. And right now, the voters are saying they care more about temperament than honesty. Can trump turn that around . When we come back, well hear when we come back, well hear from donald tr todd spaletto, president of the north face, we are working on the prototype to match customers to gear. Watson, lets give it a try. Say its midjune and im backpacking in yosemite. Of our 353 jackets, i can recommend nine. Watson, what if it rains . There is just a 3 chance of rain, so i recommend the breathable stretch fleece fuse form dolomiti jacket. A Perfect Choice<\/a> watson. No wonder our Customer Loyalty<\/a> numbers keep climbing. I believe we can do even better. I like the way you think. I believe we can do even better. Bp wind farms are monitored 24 7 at our remote operations center, so onsite teams can count on Early Warning<\/a> of approaching weather. Because safety is never being satisfied. And always working to be better. Because safety is never being satisfied. Bp drilling teams train in Virtual Reality<\/a> simulators in here, so were better prepared for any situation out there. Because safety is never being satisfied. And always working to be better. Welcome back. At times its not easy to find republicans eager to support donald trump but one elected republican is rick scott now in the second term as governor of florida. Governor scott is the National Chairman<\/a> of the super pac that is dedicated to electing donald trump and of course, in the middle of the dealing with the arrival of the zika virus in his state. Welcome back to meet the press. Good morning, chuck. We have a new ad coming out. I hear you and before i get to politics, i want to do a quick update from you on zika. The cdc issued a travel warning to this neighborhood thats basically right next door to downtown miami, the winwood neighborhood. Is it safe now to go into the winwood neighborhood . Absolutely. I was there on thursday. I talked to local businesses. I had breakfast. We are doing a very good job of working to get rid of the mosquitos, there are department of health at the state and local level are doing a very good job. We have 16 cases. We have been able to reduce the area that we had a concern about by ten blocks on friday. So we are working hard. Were making sure everybody pregnant has the opportunity to get an assessment and test if they want it. And were keeping everybody informed. What were doing is working. You said the federal government failed the state when it came to zika but cut. In hindsight, do you regret making that cut. In august to get this funding passed. We allocated dollars better. We reduce funding but dramatically reduced the funding over the last five years or six. We have. The feds need to become a partner. I ask on friday or on thursday when i met with the cdc, i asked for 10,000 more zika repair kits. We need the federal government to show up and we have to Work Together<\/a> and this is an international issue, not just a florida issue. Governor, lets move to politics. You talked about, youre on here and got a new attack ad hitting secretary clinton. Ill hit an excerpt and hit you on the other side. We came out of the white house not only dead broke but in debt. It didnt last long, a foundation created and money started to roll. Speeches, regimes, wall street insiders, corrupt dictators had one thing in common, their check cleared. Let me ask you this, its only airing in three states and you guys only have a budget to compete in three states. Are you can you compete state to state for the Clinton Campaign<\/a>. The Clinton Campaign<\/a> committed a little over 100 million in ads. This starts tomorrow in three states. Ohio, North Carolina<\/a> and florida. We need to continue to raise money. You can go to rebuilding america. Com to look at the ads that weve had up and this new ad and we have to were out there working every day to raise money to set the record straight. We got donald trump business person versus Hillary Clinton<\/a> a careered politician. Hillary clinton is never created private sector job. Thats the election. Its all about jobs. It was interesting, your ad is hitting her on personal stuff when it comes to paid speeches and implies on some transparency issues and things like that. Let me ask you, why did you release your tax returns when you ran for governor of florida the first time . I figured, you know, my view is give everybody all the information and let them make good decisions. As you know, every candidate does things differently. Not everybody releases tax returns. I release tax returns and release my balance sheet. Ive been blessed in Public Housing<\/a> going to school and had the opportunity to build businesses. I understand you did that. Was your advice to donald trump to be more transparent when you want to make attacks on Hillary Clintons<\/a> stick. Dont you want the high ground here . Well, every candidate is going to do something different. Lets think about this. They walked out of the white house broke and started a foundation and worth over 100 million. There is something that doesnt pass the smell test. Thats our concern. Publics, you shouldnt be getting rich because youre a public servanservant. I guess the question with the tax return issue is dont voters need to know you released it because your integrity is called into question and conflicts of interest. There were legitimate reasons attacks being made against you. You said im putting out my tax returns so everybody can see if there is a conflict of interest or not. You did a blind trust. Thats what voters are wondering about donald trump. Doesnt that eliminate those questions if he releases these returns . Chuck, i can tell you my case, i released my tax returns and assets that i had. I want to make sure nobody knows i had a conflict. I dont take a salary. I pay my own way to fly around the state. Thats what i do. Every candidate is different. Chuck, this election is about jobs. Donald trump knows how to create jobs. Hillary clinton a careered politician never created jobs. She had a chance to destroy isis. She failed. Donald trump has said hell focus on destroying isis. Thats why i support donald trump. I want jobs. I want somebody to defend this country. If you were running for president , you would be releasing more information, though . Well, i mean, my track record is, you next ive always been as transparent as i can. Everybody knows im not making money in the job but every candidate is different. This sbis about jobs. I need a partner in dc. Governor rick scott from florida. Thanks for your time. Appreciate you coming on. Come to florida, chuck. I do all the time. Go the to see mom, thats for sure. Thank you. Well be back in a moment with republican worries about donald trump going to start running away from them in congressional races and later, well reveal our panel gold, silver and bronze gaffes of the week. Yes, we have olympic fever, too. Yes, we have olympic fever, too. Actually, i was mapping the oceans. Yes, we have olympic fever, too. 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If we fail to protect our majority in congress, we could be handing president Hillary Clinton<\/a> a blank check. Mark, president Hillary Clinton<\/a> aid blank check. Not too subtle of a signal that says republicans youre on your own. The 1996 Republican Party<\/a> abandoned the president. Why does a congressional state wing loyal in tough times. If you have conflu wednesday of interest. The only personal loyalty. Most members of congress dont know donald trump. The reason picking mike pence was a great idea, they know mike pence. Mike pence will keep them loyal personally until and unless they decide you got to tell voters dont give Hillary Clinton<\/a> the blank check. We seen the party do it before. Youve been doing reporting. What are republicans telling you . They want to try to wait for donald trump to pivot. They have been waiting for the vis pivot for a long time. Even though they have a big lead in the house, the senate is vulnerable and at some point you say how do we stick with the candidate and stick with this message . I think within the Republican Party<\/a>, people are trying to pressure donald trump to say Different Things<\/a> and to do Different Things<\/a> and try to be unifying but even just this week with the fact he was holding out endorsing paul ryan, that shows that hes not as interested in party in someways as people want him to be. Keep in mind its a high Risk Strategy<\/a> when you wait. We live in a world where you have early voting. There is a possibility if donald trump is still being donald trump well after labor day and october people are voting. He could be day to day losing in realtime. Hugh, the risk is both ways this is what glen boldger, do we run the risk of depressing the base or run the risk of being tarred and feathered by not repudiating. Were dammed if we do and dammed if we dont. He leads part of the party but leader ryan is the guy who leads. Hes talented enough to walk between votes. Hes able to thread this needle. I think he does it by directing fire at president obama. His presidency is six words, leading from behind, red line, jv. 52 job rating. The red line, you brought up earlier with general flint empowers everyone from donald trump on the way down to do whatever they need to do to remind people that you can change your mind. Here is the problem, if you try to run on National Security<\/a> issues, president obama is the most popular politician that weve discussed this morning and secondly, Donald Trumps<\/a> main gaffes this week are on issues that touch on National Security<\/a> then why cant we use Nuclear Weapons<\/a>. This affinity for vladimir putin. The mistakes go to the core of what republicans used to be strong on, issues of military and National Security<\/a>. Youre not going to win over the suburban security mom with a candidate so unstable in the washington poll numbers, more than 70 say he actually, it gives him anxiety. Rick scott is right about the issues republicans want donald trump to talk about. Jobs and strong on National Security<\/a>. The problem is trump cannot convince voters he was a serious person qualified to be commander in chief with the right temperament. If voters dont see him as someone qualified or having the right temperament, they wont take his ideas or jobs and isis seriously. How does he change the personality and temperament. This is who he is. Hes not pretending this be this way. He is this way. You cant change the fundamentals. The frustration with the republicans im talking to is he really isnt capitalizing on the fact Hillary Clinton<\/a> is also having issues and gaffes. She walks out of the interview with the fbi, footage and this moment and again have a gaffe. She has this issue with females and again, here you are with this whole week. I think republicans are also deeply frustrated because you look at the Data Download<\/a> segment is key. It shows they have as much issues with her issues as his issues. How does a 70yearold woman prove shes telling the truth. She isnt 70. 69. How does she persuade people it goes back to if you have issues with Hillary Clinton<\/a>, the republican nominee isnt bringing those up. Hes triggered instantly by mr. Khan or a personal sauce. List narcissim outweighs his ability to do the baseline of politics so what you do is have donald trump continue webally m the argument of donald trump. Ill pause because we have medals to handout. Its ocho li olympic scoring. I dont know the results. Coming up, meet the press even parents need a time out sometimes, especially from communications technology. So why not spend one hour totally unplugged . Read, talk, make art, or whatever. No batteries required. Kept in a mayo jar since midnight. Here are the results beginning with the bronze medal. A man came up to me and he handed me his purple heart. I use waalways wanted to get th purple heart. This was much easier. Hugh hewitt, that was cringe worthy because you get a purple heart when you get injured. There is a lack of understanding how to receive the highest honor. You dont want to be kerry walsh jennings. Well see who wins next. Lets go to the silver medal. What i told the fbi, which he said was truthful is consistent with what i said publicly, so i may have short circuited it and for that, i, you know, will try to clarify. Short circuit, bad 80s movie. Again, its the over complicated explanation shes an attorney and in the answers you dont want to come across as an attorney. Thats for sure and now gold. I was viciously attacked on the stage of the Democratic National<\/a> convention by mr. Khan, and i responded. I have to say, that i think ended up with a gold, actually you read the profile of the khans today in your publication. I think this goes back against his idea of National Security<\/a> and alienating a family and showing to be president ial if you disagree with this family, how do you go after them . I think voters are having a hard time and over 70 of people feel like he handled this poorly even if they dont agree with the khans, they feel like he handled it poorly. He wants to convince voters he cares about people like them and his failure to express empathy for the khans. Empathy is a huge issue overall in general. Thank youall. Before we say goodbye, quick programming note as you get ready to watch the olympics here on nbc, there will be coverage on ms srkmsnbc and catch mtd d. Thats all for today. Remember, if its sunday, its introducing dunkins new cold brew coffee, steeped slowly in cold water for small batches with an ultrasmooth, fullbodied flavor. 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Hi, erch mike tirico, dan patrick and i with you for the next eight hours, including katie","publisher":{"@type":"Organization","name":"","logo":{"@type":"ImageObject","width":"800","height":"600","url":"\/\/\/33\/items\/WCAU_20160807_130000_Meet_the_Press\/WCAU_20160807_130000_Meet_the_Press.thumbs\/WCAU_20160807_130000_Meet_the_Press_000001.jpg"}},"autauthor":{"@type":"Organization"},"author":{"sameAs":"","name":""}}],"coverageEndTime":"20240625T12:35:10+00:00"}

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