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Is portrayed by your counsel and the attached letters in your memorandum, nor the devil that is portrayed by the state. Reporter and with that, he imposed the sentence. Youre going to do a year in the house of corrections. And probation. Reporter a year in jail, probation and registration as a sex offender. And the judge was quick to add he didnt believe that the girl had given her consent. She was in over her head. And thats very clear. Reporter but instead of being led away in handcuffs, owen labries mother grabbed him and sobbed. After the court said he would go home for now pending an appeal. Im going to be handling the appeal for owen. Reporter his appeal lawyer says theres even a chance labrie will avoid jail altogether and clear his name as a registered sex offender. The best Case Scenario is that we win all of our issues on appeal, we come back to trial on the misdemeanors and we prevail there. Thats the best Case Scenario. Reporter the family friend now says he can think about his future, whatever it may be. And i think that he really is looking forward to this finally coming to an end for him so that he can move on with his life. Reporter as for the victim, her mother told us her daughter finally feels vindicated. I was very satisfied that the judge acknowledged the extreme impact that owen labries actions had on my daughter. I hope that it signals to my daughter that this hasnt been in vain, that somebody hurt her. Reporter i know that she feels shes a voice now for others who may feel like they dont have that voice. Yes. And were very, very grateful to the authorities here in New Hampshire for treating her with the dignity and respect that they did from the very, very beginning. Reporter nbc news asked st. Pauls for comment on this case. It declined. But in an earlier statement, the school did say the following. The entire st. Pauls School Community has been deeply affected by this incident. It is our responsibility to ensure that our students live and Learn Together in a community that is built on respect, caring and support for one another. In the end, says victims advocate, laura dunn, the st. Pauls case can teach all of us a lesson. What do you take away from a case like this . I think no means no. But the modern way of thinking, what everyone is saying is the best way of thinking about it, is yes means yes. If you dont have yes, guess what . You have a no. Thats all for now. Im lester holt. Thanks for joining us. You get that now . This sunday, the Iowa Caucuses. The candidates have had their say, now its time for iowa voters to have theirs. Can donald trump win here and just simply start to roll . I dont even think i have to campaign anymore. Why am i even wasting my time . Can ted cruz beat trump and turn this into a twoman race . The time for all that media noise is past. This is your time. What about marco rubio . Does he finish second and become the chief challenger to trump . You see some deceitful things going on in the last minute. Ted cruz, marco rubio and rand paul are all with me here live. Plus, what will the latest email story do to Hillary Clintons chances . I never sent or received any email marked classified. Can Bernie Sanders pull the upset and end the idea that her nomination is inevitable. Theyre going to throw everything they have at us. Sanders joins us this morning. Im chuck todd in des moines, iowa. Joining me here for insight and analysis are tom brokaw of nbc news, Jennifer Jacobs of the Des Moines Register, joyann read of msnbc and david brody of christian broadcasting network. Cruz, rubio, paul, sanders, the candidates are all here. Were going to do our own caucus. Welcome to sunday and a special edition of meet the press. From des moines, iowa, this is a special edition of meet the press with chuck todd. Good sunday morning. Theyre here. The iowa ku kcaucuses. It all happens tomorrow night. Were here in des moines at the west end architectural salvage, a coffee shop that also sells custom and vintage furniture. And of course the candidates are here, all here, all over iowa selling themselves. In fact, on this last full day before the caucuses, the 13 candidates campaigning in iowa are holding 38 events making lastminute pitching hoping iowa will become the first step on the road to nomination. We couldnt be more excited or heavily caffeinated. Stay tuned for our Christmas Eve of politics. We start with the latest bloomberg poll. Put it up on the screen on the republican side, trump with a fivepoint lead over ted cruz, marco rubio in third at 15 and ben carson still in double digits at 10 with rand paul at 5. And the democratic race its Hillary Clinton continuing to hold a nor row threepoint lead over Bernie Sanders 4542. We got a lot to get to this morning. The latest developments in the Hillary Clinton email story, Bernie Sanders will join us later. Marco rubio and rand paul are standing here at west end salvage, but we begin with senator ted cruz from texas by his own admission needs a win here in iowa to keep the Trump Campaign from being in his word, unstoppab unstoppable. Senator cruz, welcome back to meet the press. Chuck, good morning. Good to be with you. Your campaign i take it doesnt believe the Des Moines Register poll. You believe youre ahead. What i found was interesting if you add up the other candidates that are going after evangelical voters, ben carson, Mike Huckabee, rick santorum, theyre 14 if you add it to the 23 youll be the runaway winner here. Is ben carson going to cost you iowa . Listen, at the end of the day this race was always going to come down to do conservatives unite. Ten months ago you and i visited right at the outset. If youd told me ten months ago that the day before the Iowa Caucuses we would be in a statistical tie for first place, i would have been thrilled and astonished. And we are thrilled and astonished. The question is going to come 36 hours from now, do conservatives come together . In past cycles what washington has always wanted is to splinter and divide conservatives. If that happens youre worried about that a little bit. Im always worried about it. The only way i know how to run theres the only joke, two ways to run, scared and unopposed. The only way i know how to run is scared. And were going to run hard every minute. You know, tomorrow were going to complete the full grass. We will have been to all 99 counties in iowa. We are campaigning one after the other asking for the votes of the men and women of iowa and focusing on the grass roots and ground game. You believe if trump wins here hes unstoppable . Not necessarily well, you said it. Our friend caught you on tape there. Actually, what i said he could be. That iowa his winning here would give him momentum. No doubt about it. Hes in a strong position in New Hampshire. And the people of iowa if they want a strong principled conservative, the people of iowa can impact that powerfully 36 hours from now. Monday night at 7 00 p. M. And, you know, i think the stakes are too high to get this wrong. You know, the most common sentiment you hear from people is theyre frustrated with washington. Theyre frustrated with politicians. They say one thing and do another. We cant get burned again. And that frustration, the reason that i see conservatives uniting behind our campaign is theyre looking for a consistent conservative, someone they can trust to be a fiscal conservative, a social conservative and a National Security conservative. At the beginning of this month you led in the polls. Donald trump went after you, sometimes viciously, okay, on various things. And it seemed to work. The reason trumps ahead is his attacks on you. Are you tough enough to take a punch . Oh, listen, anyone that has millions of tens of millions of dollars of attack ads run against them is going to have an impact. Will you be able to survive a race with Hillary Clinton . Absolutely. Its going to be tough. This is just two weeks. Listen, the fact theyre all shooting at me six weeks ago everyone shooting at trump. Now all the republican candidates are shooting at me. That reflects a change in this race. And ill note, donald, youre right, six weeks ago donald thought i was terrific, i was his friend, he was singing my praises. Then his poll numbers started dropping. Our numbers started surging. And suddenly he began blasting me, not on policy, not on substance but on personal insults and attacks. And, chuck, my approach consistently both before and after he started doing that is not to respond in kind. I think the people of iowa deserve better than insults. So my focus is policy and substance and record and who will be a consistent proven conservative. Why did you suddenly stop going after trump on paid ads and going after in your campaign attack marco rubio . How concerned are you about senator rubio catching you here in iowa . Listen, we are drawing contrast, both trump and marco are attacking me. Theyre attacking me with all their might. And were drawing contrast. And the contrasts are clear. The contrasts by the way are substantive and policy based. A vote for marco rubio is a vote for amnesty. A vote for donald trump is a vote for obamacare. If you look at their positions, marco rubio right now is a president ial candidate is advocating amnesty, advocating citizenship for 12 Million People here illegally. And donald trump right now as a candidate is advocating fullon expanding obamacare to make it socialized medicine. Donald trump and Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders have the identical position on health care, which is they want to put the government in charge of you and your doctor. Now, my views are polar oppos e opposites of both of those. If im elected there will be no amnesty, we will secure the border. If im elected we will repeal every word of obamacare. So that gives a clear and simple choice for the voters. Lets talk about two issues here that seem to be potentially tripping you up here in iowa. One is ethanol. You are have come out against these subsidies. Youve called it a grave ri train. A lot of iowans including the republican governor doesnt like it. Im going to put these numbers, isnt it understandable why iowans like these subsidies. Ethanol and biodiesel support more than 46,000 jobs, generated 2. 5 billion for iowan households, a state with unemployment under 4 . This is an important part of their economy. Absolutely. And, listen, my view on energy we should pursue all of the above. We ought to be pursuing every energy source. Youll be hurting their economy. But with no mandates and sub di u subsidies. The people attacking me are lobbyists and democrats. His son is a lobbyist who makes hundreds of thousands on lobbying ethanol. His family makes a ton of money. The lobbyists very much want to keep iowa focused on the ethanol mandate because it keeps iowa dme dependent on washington. Means every year they have to go back to washington and maintain the mandate, lobbyists get paid, politicians get paid. No subsidies for oil and gas, no subsidies for anybody. But the other piece thats very important and resonating is im going to also tear down the epas ethanol blend wall, which means make it legal to sell midlevel blends of ethanol. And that in turn can expand ethanol share of the marketplace by 60 but not based on mandates and subsidies based on the free market. Its so clear you spent a lot of time in iowa look at you talking about midlevel fuel sales. At the end of the day, how does this not hurt the iowa economy . Thats what governor branstad is saying. A vote for you is going to hurt the economy. But, chuck, the point i made this actually would expand the iowa economy. Right now ethanol is banging into the rfs. Its essentially the blend wall is a cap. As people in iowa knownprv as i traveled around and do town halls, ethanols not expanding its market share because the epa is preventing it from doing it. By the way, no other candidate has pledged to remove the blend wall. No other candidate is focusing on the future for ethanol. And you know someone who joined me on my bus tour across the state, fellow named dave vandergrind, he built more than half the ethanol plants in the state of iowa. Hes the one who estimates you could see a 60 market increase. You know whos hurt by my plan . The lobbyists in washington and the people who are helped are iowa farmers and jobs here in the state of iowa. One final question, you talk about Ronald Reagan a lot. You talk about you want to sort of have a presidency like his. He famously had a terrific relationship with democrat tip one oneil. He got stuff done. Are you and nancy pelosi going to be able to get stuff done . Absolutely. How . In my entire time of the senate ive treated every member of the senate with civility and respect. I dont think Mitch Mcconnell would say that. As others attack me, i dont respond in kind. When donald trump calls me a canadian anchor baby, i dont respond with an yun insult. In fact, ill sing donalds praises. I like donald. I think hes bold and brash. I think hes been too willing to get a deal and grow government and support cronyism, but thats a policy digs tings. At the end of the day why was reagan able to change the country . Because he built a Grassroots Movement that reagan revolutioned that turned this country around. Thats what were doing. Weve got 12,000 volunteers in iowa and its all about turnout. If conservatives want a principled conservative to not get burned again, they need to come out monday night 7 00 p. M. Im going to leave it there. Senator cruz, you have to finish the full grassley. My next guest florida senator marco rubio under sustained attack from the Cruz Campaign in recent days. In fact, take a look at this ad they put out on rubios immigration stance. I am not and i will never support, never have and never will support any to grant blanket legalization amnesty. Marco rubio was part of the gang of eight trying to secure amnesty. One of the architects of the plan senator marco rue yobio. It was marco rubio a member of the gang of eight and ted cruz that wasnt. And senator marco rubio joins me now. Senator, welcome back to meet the press. Thank you. You just had a nice friendly hug with senator cruz there. Thats not such a fraeiendly ad here. It goes to the issue of the gang of eight. Actually no, no, let me can you explain the issue of amnesty . Define amnesty . The ad is deceitful, actually talks about cap and trade, it stops my statement right when i start explaining that im against cap and trade and Big Government mandates. The gang of eight was a bill that was thats not that was dealt with three years ago as an effort to fix our immigration laws. It was the best that could be done in a senate controlled by harry reid at the time. The hope was that the house would take it up and make it better, but it was a way to start that. In the absence of progress thats how barack obama has now forced on america not one but two unconstitutional executive orders that seek to actually legalize people here with no enforcement. Now, thats not the way were going to do it when im president. When im president , when im the nominee, were going to keep our majority in the house and senate and were going to pass first and foremost immigration laws that secure our border. And until that is in place, were not going to be able to do anything else. Thats the lesson of the last ten years. The American People we do not have the Political Support to do it all at once. They do not trust the federal government to enforce immigration laws. And as a result the key that unlocks the door to make progress on illegal immigration is to bring illegal immigration under control first. And we will do that when im president. Ive had a lot of republicans in iowa that ive talked to who really like you and then they say why wont he repudiate the gang of eight . Thats not how were going to do it when im president. Thats not going to be the law that well pass do you regret ever being involved . Look, i tried to fix a problem. This is a real problem. Where are we today . We are worse off today than we were five years ago. We have more Illegal Immigrants here. We have two unconstitutional executive orders on amnesty. I went to washington to fix a problem. Immigration is a serious problem. It impacts my state and the state that i live in. We are impacted by illegal immigration in a dramatic way. This issue has to be dealt with. Each year it gets harder to solve, more difficult to solve, but it is now clear more than ever before that you are not going to be able to do anything on immigration until you first bring illegal immigration under control and prove it to people. Not just pass a law that says it and thats how were going to do it when im president. You have eluded to the fact that majority is not yet sort of where you might be on what to do for instance with the undocumented. Do you think this is whats holding your campaign back . That the difference between third and second or third and first for you is your immigration position . No, look, we had 11 people running for president that are running competitive campaigns. 11 people on the ground in iowa spending money, campaigning, working hard themselves to gain voters. So a lot of this is segmented right now. Ted cruz is clearly the frontrunner in iowa. He has 10,000 volunteers, spent millions of dollars here, got every endorsement he wanted. So we always knew that going in, but we feel really good about the progress were making here. We have taken on more negative attacks than every other candidate combined. Jeb bushs souper pac basically spent a third of its money attacking me and yet we keep growing and feel positive about it. We feel positive about what its going to mean monday night in iowa and New Hampshire. You brought up the cap and trade issue. Ill play the full quote of what you said. Florida should position itself for what i believe is inevitable and that is a federal cap and trade program. Florida should do everything it can to be an early come plier so it can access early compliance funds and help influence what that cap and trade looks like at the federal level. So im in favor of giving the department of Environmental Protection a mandate that they go out and design a cap and trade or a Carbon Tax Program and bring it back to the legislature for ratification some time in the next two years. All right. We gave you full context there. No, you didnt. Theres more after that clip. Well explain. No it does come across as youre saying its inevitable so florida has to prepare. But what you just played is not the full clip. Right after that i said im not in favor of implementing it. Im in favor of them bringing it back to the legislature. I do not support Big Government mandates. The context of that that was in 2006 and 07 when the leading candidates for president were john mccain, barack obama, Hillary Clinton. All three supported cap and trade. And i was the speaker of the house and i said there is a chance that the federal government will pass cap and trade. Im not in favor of it. But if they do, we have to be prepared to comply with that requirement even if we dont like it. And i dont want it to cost the state of florida money to have to comply. Everyone knew it. The democrats knew that position. When charily christ proposed cap and trade, i was the first person to speak out of it in a full oped in the miami herald. Right after that theres even more. This gets at what sort of i think is the challenge for all of the candidates on both sides is youre basically saying, look, you got to sometimes govern with what you have, not with what you want. Right. But the voters they want more than that. The voters seem angry. Theyre not satisfied with this idea that, you know, youre doing the you got to work with what you have in washington, not with what you want. You know, i dont think thats true. I think voters understand to solve problems its going to take the ability to work with people you dont agree with on a bunch of other issues. I think people understand my Higher Education ideas, i think Student Loan Debt in america is a huge problem. Were not going to have free college, but i think theres a bipartisan way to work on helping with student loan. Thats why i work with mark warner on it and worked with other people on this sort of issue. There are issues that were not going to agree on. Repealing obamacare, thats why we have elections. So i think if theres a chance to Work Together and you dont have to betray your principles, you Work Together. But there are issues where you cant do that. Thats why we have elections and debate and all those sorts of things in america. Why are you the personally most popular republican candidate, pretty much here, you and ben carson here neck and neck, but overall nationally you have the highest favorable rating. Why arent you higher . Again, i think it goes back to the fact there are now 11 people running for president of the United States, running competitive campaigns. I mean, these are not thirdrate candidates. These are former governors, ceos of major companies, serious people. And former senator rick santorum. And theyre campaigning hard. So youve got the voters have a lotd of choices. I think once the race narrows i feel pretty good about our prospects. Thats the question a lot of your donors, where do you im running for president of the United States. But you need to win eventually. We will. Heres how we win, we win by having more delegates than anybody else u anyone else and more than half the delegates. Im confident were going to achieve that. I dont think youre going to really get clarity on this race until the race narrows a little bit. Whats a good night for you tomorrow . We want as many votes as we can. We feel real positive about what its going to lead to. That expectation game for us we always knew we were an underdog in iowa. Other people have a lot more people on the ground here, they spent more money, but were going to have a good night. Im excited about it. Senator rubio, be safe on the trail. I think well see you in New Hampshire as well. When we come back, are Iowa Democrats ready to vote for a 74yearold socialist whos not even a registered member of the Democratic Party . Were about to find out. Senator Bernie Sanders joins me in a moment. We were born 100 years ago into a new american century. Born with a hunger to fly and a passion to build something better. And what an amazing time its been, decade after decade of innovation, inspiration and wonder. So, we say thank you america for a century of trust, for the privilege of flying higher and higher, together. Thwith aches, chills,g. And fever, theres no such thing as a little flu. And it needs a big solution an antiviral. 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We have tom brokaw, Jennifer Jacobs, msnbc National Correspondent joyann and david brody. David, im going to start with you because, look, ted cruz is make or break depending if he pulls but its uniting evangelicals. It is. You touched on it in that interview. Ted cruz goes around in all of these Campaign Stops and says we need if youre going to vote for ben carson, nice guy, but please dont. It goes on, Mike Huckabee and all these folks. If you actually add the numbers up, ted cruz runs away here in iowa with it. The problem is is that not only does he have to contend with the fact others will vote for carson and huckabee and others, donald trump is taking 19 as we see in the latest poll of evangelicals which i know is shocking for folks an excedrin moment for folks. Were trying to get a feel of who the trump people are, cruz people, weve put a compilation tor together of the voters ive spoken to. Im for ted cruz because our country was founded on the bible and the constitution. If we ged ted cruz in there, theyre going to start getting in line and doing what we need to get done. My second choice would be marco rubio. Reporter how do you feel about donald trump . I watch his show. But i dont know im afraid of what he might do once hes in office. Reporter why are you caucusing for trump . Because hes going to make America Great again. I think everybodys a little bit afraid. Americans are afraid, the world is afraid. I hope hes tough on illegal immigration like he says. I believe he can keep our country safe. He is not politically correct. And i am fine with that. Reporter would you be caucusing if he wasnt running . Probably not. Ive never caucused before. Reporter how long have you lived in iowa . 49 years. There it is. Buffalo bill hat guy there, he has lived here his whole life and has never caucused. And hes a donald trump thats who donald trump needs to show up. Are they going to show up . Well, you never know. Its interesting to me that ted cruz has all the high points in this Des Moines Register Bloomberg Politics poll. Everybody likes him better than donald trump. They think he has the greatest knowledge and depth of experience. But donald trump is the guy that they think would be best to fight the u. S. Enemies. And thats a big deal in this race. So, you know, everyone says that Donald Trumps organization is suspect. But people really have faith in him right now. And i think you can see, too, donald trump also has the most loyal backers. If you look at the polling, hes got the most unchangeable voters. They are sticking with him. Thats why i think youre seeing more intramural fighting particularly between cruz and rubio because rubios are among the least adherent. So i think what youre seeing with ted cruz is hes trying to not only take away the ben carson supporters but also go after those rubio supporters for whom hes actually the number one second choice. Its interesting, tom, put up the favorable ratings from jennifers poll here. The Des Moines Register. The two most popular people, republicans, are the guys running third and fourth, ben carson and marco rubio. The guy in first is the least favorable of our top four, donald trump. It goes to the point, its loyalty but not growth. Its loyalty within the Republican Party and within different portions of the Republican Party. I really think that a big piece of what donald trump has going for him is celebrity culture that we live in in america. And he is everywhere and comes in with that big airplane and people say id like to have a little piece of that. Heres a guy running strongly among evangelicals married three times, he had affairs around the world with other people, he went broke a couple of times. They bore right through that. So were playing in a different ballpark this year. Well, its a good point. I would say this, theres a huge block of evangelical voters that are the sick and tired evangelical voter, this election specifically those folks are ruling the day. You know, evangelicals are sick of being played as political pawns for years. I mean, look at the federal marriage amendment in 2004, if i can go back in history but george w. Bush campaigned on that, told evangelicals to get out at the polls and karl rove dropped it like a hot potato. They believe donald trump will stick up for them. David, explain this, we were talking about this earlier. Who is it a different evangelical voter thats for trump than is it different explain the difference. You were telling me theres a difference between the Trump Evangelical and the cruz ev evangelic evangelical. There is. Theres a nuance there. First of all we know evangelicals are not a monolithic group. Of course not. But a lot are identified evangelicals. Im not trying to get on anyones case, if you will, but look, the reality is is that theres a certain type of evangelical that votes for donald trump, a little bit more of a cultural christian if you will. But then there is the bible study, wednesday night service, you know, the ones that youre going to see at the potluck on sunday, thats the ted cruz folks. Thats your cruz. Those are the cruz folks. But look, the reality is donald trump is still playing well with even some of those folks that go to service on wednesday night. Hes crossing into both realms. Last word, tom. You have to keep track of who loses here. Where do those votes go . Thats going to be critically important. Three or four people drop out, 40 of the vote they represent, where do they go when it comes to New Hampshire . So losing is as important as winning here. Thats what iowas all about, losing sometimes. And then winning. Anyway, were back in a moment. Were going to talk about the democratic race and the man who has defied all expectations. Forget trump, lets talk about sanders. Hes upended hillary krclinton expected march to the nomination. Senator Bernie Sanders of vermont joins me next. Jake reese, day to feel alive jake reese, day to feel alive jake reese, day to feel alive the wolf was huffing and puffing. Like you do sometimes, grandpa . Well, when you have copd, it can be hard to breathe. It can be hard to get air out, which can make it hard to get air in. So i talked to my doctor. She said. Symbicort could help you breathe better, starting within 5 minutes. Symbicort doesnt replace a rescue inhaler for sudden symptoms. Symbicort helps provide significant improvement of your lung function. Symbicort is for copd, including chronic bronchitis and emphysema. It should not be taken more than twice a day. Symbicort contains formoterol. Medicines like formoterol increase the risk of death from asthma problems. Symbicort may increase your risk of lung infections, osteoporosis, and some eye problems. You should tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high Blood Pressure before taking it. Symbicort could mean a day with better breathing. Watch out, piggies children giggle symbicort. Breathe better starting within 5 minutes. Call or go online to learn more about a free trial offer. If you cant afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. Welcome back. To the democratic race where independent senator Bernie Sanders is running neck and neck with Hillary Clinton. Hes counting on young enthusiastic reporters many whom never caucused before to turn out tomorrow and put him over the top. If they do likely so signal a new beginning for the nomination. Senator sanders joins me from cedar rapids, iowa. Thank you for joining me, sir. My pleasure. Let me start with the importance of winning fsh your candidacy. Is there a path to the nomination without you upsetting Hillary Clinton here in iowa first . Well, chuck, let me just say this. As you well know, when we began this campaign, we were at 3 in the polls. We were 50 points behind Hillary Clinton. Today as youve indicated were neck and neck. I think we have a real shot to win this if there is a large voter turnout. And its not just young people. It is working class people. It is middle class people who are sick and tired of status quo politics. Thats true in iowa. Its true in New Hampshire. Its true all over this country. So to answer your question, yeah, i think we really do have a path toward victory because people want to see this country boldly move in a new direction so that not all wealth and income is going to the top 1 . But dont you have to win iowa here if this is going to become a big National Campaign . Well, theres no question, you know, that what happens here is very, very important. And if we can win and pull off a major upset, it will really be a springboard, i think, to other states. But at the end of the day i think in terms of division of delegates, whether you win by two points or lose by two points not going to matter a whole lot. But heres the point, we are running a National Campaign. Erer strong not just in New Hampshire. Were gaining ground significantly in South Carolina and nevada. We are strong all over this country. I want to play for you something secretary clinton said friday about your Health Care Ideas and get you to respond to it. Here it is. I dont want us to be thrown back into a terrible, terrible national debate. I dont want us to end up in gridlock. People cant wait. People have Health Emergencies cant wait for us to have some theoretical debate about some better idea that will never ever come to pass. Senator, i would say the biggest difference between her supporters and your supporters is her supporters will say, you know, i really like what senator sanders is trying to talk about but he cant get his plans passed. Thats essentially what secretary clinton is saying. What are you saying . Well, first of all, what secretary clinton has implied throughout this campaign or last month or two that somehow i who spent my life fighting for universal health care to guarantee health care to every man, woman and child, to have the United States join the rest of the industrialized world in making health care as a right. Somehow im going to dismantle the Health Care System and leave millions of children without health care, or elderly people without health care. That is absolutely an outrageous and incorrect statement. Of course that will never happen. At a time when we are spending three times more per person on health care than the people in the united kingdom, far more than the people in other countries, we pay the highest costs for prescription drugs than the people elsewhere, yes, i think our vision is to move forward to guarantee health care to every man, woman and child in a Cost Effective way. But obviously to pay for it, and to pay for a lot of your ideas, youre going to be raising some taxes. Nancy pelosi, head of the House Democrats said this. Were not running on any platform of raising taxes. It was an implied sort of she didnt want you at the top of the ticket with those House Democrats. What do you tell her . You know, chuck, lets just look at the facts. The facts are that we are spending far more than other countries on health care. My proposal will save middle class families thousands of dollars a year on their health care costs. Most people tell me, yes, they would be happy to pay 1,000 more in taxes if theyre paying 5,000 less in health care premiums. So, you know, this is an issue where we have got to control health care costs, guarantee health care to all people and do what every other major country on earth is doing. We have got to take on the Drug Companies who are ripping us off and the private insurance companies. And you dont think youre going to be a problem for House Democrats who dont want to run on raising taxes . No, i think in fact Hillary Clinton will be the problem. Because i think our campaign is the campaign that is generating excitement and energy that will result in a high voter turnout. Republicans win when voter turnout is low. Democrats win when voter turnout is high. I think our campaign is raising the issue about a rid the economy of corrupt Campaign Finance system. Secretary clinton yesterday just announced, i suppose with pride, that her super pac brought in 45 million. I dont have a super pac. Our average contribution is 27. I want to ask you about your relationship with president obama and a book you endorsed. President obama, the most popular democrat in this Des Moines Register poll. There is a book by bill press, its called buyers remorse, how obama let progressives down. Your name is featured as sort of the top endorser of the book. It says bill press makes the case, dot, dot, dot, read this book, in fairness to you, the dot, dot, dot doesnt have you saying anything negative about barack obama but simply signing on this book. Chuck, what it has me saying is what i believe. In that the next president must be extremely aggressive in bringing more people into the political i think barack obama has done a fantastic job. He hasnt let down you dont believe hes let down professi progressives . You think bill press is wrong . No, i think president obamas done a fantastic job. The Economy Today is infinitely better than it was seven years ago. But y  what we have got to doo involve people in the political process in a way that we have not done. The reason that the rich get richer and everybody else gets poorer is big money controls what goes on in congress. The antidote to that is a Political Revolution involving people in the political process. And thats what the go ahead. Fair enough. The latest revelations about secretary clinton and her emails, do they give you any you personally any hesitation about her electability or about her honesty . Well, heres the issue. You know, as you well know, chuck. And ive been asked every day, you know, by the media, attack Hillary Clinton, attack Hillary Clinton. What ive chosen to do in this campaign is to focus on the issues facing working families and the middle class. And not make personal attacks against Hillary Clinton. You know, i think this is a serious issue. I am not going to attack Hillary Clinton. The American People will have to make that judgment. But i am going to continue to focus on is why the middle class continues to disappear. And we have massive levels of income and wealth inequality and a Campaign Finance system which allows billionaires to buy elections. Senator sanders, i got to leave it there. Stay safe on the trail. Its going to be a fascinating 24 hours. Thanks very much. Thank you. Coming up, the issue that has haunted Hillary Clinton more than any other this campaign season, did the email problem just get worse for her . And what does it mean for Iowa Democrats on monday night . The possibility of a flare swas almost always on my mind. Thinking about what to avoid, where to go. And how to deal with my uc. To me, that was normal. Until i talked to my doctor. She told me that humira helps people like me get uc under control and keep it under control when certain medications havent worked well enough. Humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. 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What . Oh wow. I mean with all this technology. Thats a game changer. Welcome back. As you already know tomorrow iowa voters will select candidates through the caucus system. Not a primary. But what exactly is a caucus . Were here with your complicated answer. Caucuses are held in places like schools, churches and government buildings. And its where voters gather and show up in person to select their candidate. At one of over 1,600 precincts across iowa. But in Iowa Republicans and democrats caucus very differently. So lets start with the republicans. Its easier. They show up to their caucus location and simply cast a secret ballot for the candidate of their choice. Delegates are awarded proportionally based on their overall statewide vote total. Pretty straightforward, right . Its basically an Old Fashioned firehouse primary. Now, if only it were that simple for the democrats. First, there are pitches from representatives of each candidate. Then voters move around the caucus site, lets say a high school gym, and gather with likeminded supporters. Clinton supporters in one corner, sanders backers in another, omalley folks in a third and something called undeclared, they meet as well. But, for example, if martin omalley, who is pulling the lowest, cant seef at least 15 at this site, his supporters can go to another candidate or become undeclared. By the way, this works the same for the undeclared if they dont get 15 , they have to choose among those who did meet the threshold. This all continues until only viable candidates with at least 15 support or the undeclared group if they have 15 support remain. By the way when youre watching the raw election returns tomorrow night, well get raw numbers of actual votes on the republican side and youll see hundreds of thousands on the democratic side. It will only be a few hundred or a thousand or two because what youll see is adding up of local delegates, its a little bit confusing. Youll just have to wait for somebody to say so and so won, so and so won when nbc news declares it. Hopefully we can say you can take it to the bank. Well be back in a moment with the latest on the clinton emails. Before i had the shooting, burning, pinsandneedles of diabetic nerve pain, these feet were the first in my family to graduate from college, raised active twin girls, and trained as a nurse. But i couldnt bear my diabetic nerve pain any longer. So i talked to my doctor and he prescribed lyrica. Nerve damage from diabetes causes diabetic nerve pain. Lyrica is fda approved to treat this pain. Lyrica may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. Tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worsening depression, or unusual changes in mood or behavior. 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Chase for business. So you can own it. And we are back. Panel is back. Tom brokaw, Jennifer Jacobs, joyann reed and david brody. Start a little bit, i also talked to a bunch of democrats at various clinton and sanders events. Let me give you a taste of giving their case for why theyre passionate or pragmatic. Take a listen. I like a lot of what bernie says, but i think its more realistic to go with hillary. Reporter did you caucus eight years ago . Yes. Reporter who did you caucus for then . Barack. I felt the charisma of obama much more so than hillary at the time. Reporter what about hillary this time makes you feel better . The competition. Going to start for omalley, if hes not viable then we will probably go to bernie. Reporter what takes you from clintons . Probably too much establishment or something. Bernie talks about the big banks. And shes taking money from them. I think that at the end of the day when hes sitting down thinking about what hes going to do, he genuinely cares about me. I like what sanders says because with the gun laws make sense. Yes, you didnt mishear. That young man is undecided between Bernie Sanders and ted cruz. Only in iowa. You cant make that up. What was interesting there is you did get a taste from the voters that there is the democrat that is thinking about democratic voters thinking about who can get the job done, that seems to be a hillary person. Then theres some idealism with the bernie folks. But your poll has a totally different story on this idea of enthusiasm. Bernie sanders talks about his people are more enthusiasenthus. Look what your poll has. You have clinton people with more enthusiasm. Its true. They like her best for her strength and preparedness. That is true. In the bottom line argument is he has the empathy and vision, however the conventional wisdom is he has more enthusiasm not true. Our poll shows that she is winning on who would you be more enthusiastic as the nominee, she wins. And especially on the very enthusiastic, which is that really strong, strong passion. She gets 53 saying they will be very enthusiastic about her, only 49 for him. Boy, there is nothing in this poll that indicates sanders is going to win unless these firsttime caucus goers search. The metrics for her are certainly better going into the caucus. But i think the reason youre seeing the bigger turnout and the more visible passion for Bernie Sanders, his candidacy really represents the two big disappointments of the progressive wing, the most liberal wing of the Democratic Party have to do with number one, no prosecutions of wall street bankers after the great recession. And number two, the fact that there was no public option or universal health care in terms of like a medicare for all. Those two pockets of resistance to the obama years are driving the Bernie Sanders moment. Its driven by an anger at barack obama. But the challenge is youre running essentially to succeed the democratic president. So if youre saying we need to repudiate the administrations policies on bankers and on health care, what youre repudiating barack obama. It becomes very difficult to get barack obama supporters to support you. The guy with the 90 favorable rating higher than both those current democrats running. Well, whats been missing from the democratic side however is what is the International Policy . What are they going to do about isil . Were in a war. And theres been almost no discussion on the democratic side. I asked Bernie Sanders the other day, he all to the landscape but clearly didnt have an idea how he would deal with whats going on in the middle east. Its almost all at this point very domestic. And so in the Iowa Caucuses tomorrow night, Democratic Caucuses, well have three candidates and then the fbi investigation. Well, you bring up emails. Republicans are excited about the email story, right, david . They want to start the general election now. Absolutely. They love it. Does it impact democratic voters . Our polling has showed, no. It doesnt effect them. I dont think its there yet. Quite honestly i think it will be there but in an unspoken way. But is it an explosion or is it a fizzle . Thats the part well, the line in the New York Times story about this that i think stands out most to democrats is the information was not classified at the time it was sent. So long as that is the case, democrats are dismissing this issue. I think Bernie Sanders could do a lot more damage to Hillary Clinton not necessarily bringing up the emails, the specific emails, but bringing up authenticity, bringing up establishment, bringing up here we go again. You know, this narrative that has already formed on Hillary Clinton, if he can continue to tap into that it might be different. Isnt the issue its interesting here. Has bernie done enough to beat her . He does seem to be like he doesnt want to go everywhere. Look, barack obama, he didnt have any qualms about going after those trust issues, turn the page. He went right at her. But hesitancy i think because of that same issue. For democrats this is not a change election. This is 1998, this is the attempt to continue the obama legacy and protect it. Hillary clinton has a much easier argument to make. Wrapping her arms around the president saying i will protect his legacy, bernie has to say i want to fundamentally change to overturn obama legacies. They fire back really hard saying hes playing dirty and promised not to campaign negatively and he kind of stepped back again. Bernie sanders reminds me a little of howard dean 12 years ago. Uhoh. Were out of momentum on this program on sunday morning, kim, me, roger simon and others said looks like howard deans going to pull it off. Oops. Then hes third. And a distant third at that. So there was an enormous amount of excitement around him that matches Bernie Sanders. I talked to another gentleman in mt. Pleasant wlo said i think this areas going to go for sanders. I said why do you think that . He said the bernie people are louder. The clinton people are softer. And thats what he took. But that goes to your dean. The dean people were louder in 04, but that didnt mean there were more of them. Thats true. Real quick, on the enthusiasm polling you showed there its interesting. Theyre more enthusiastic for Hillary Clinton as the nominee. Thats the key. As the nominee. In other words, yeah, well be enthusiastic we want the white house back. Thats the issue. Yeah. Theres also a drive they want a female president as well. 80 of Democratic Caucus goers want a woman. 69 would be comfortable with a socialist. By the way in iowa. Well be back in 45 seconds with an end game segment and surprise guest, senator rand paul will join the panel. Well be right back. Good journalism is about telling a story from more than one perspective. Embracing diversity can enrich your story by allowing you to see things from more than just one point of view. Thats a story worth telling. The more you know. Nbc 10 starts now. Decision dayc is here. Registered voters will cast their ballots in the iowa caucus in the First Official test for the candidates running for president. Happening today, were expecting to learn new details about that deadly amtrak derailment in philadelphia. The ntsb will release thousands of pages of information about the crash. And let the melting continue. Heres a live look at the battleship new jersey. Temperatures are in the 40s and theyre going up. Its 4 00 a. M. Good morning, this is nbc 10 news today. Im tracy davidson. Lets get right to meteorologist bill henley with his first alert forecast for this monday. Bill . Tracy, were starting off with clouds but we are dry at least for now. Thats going to change this afternoon. You can see the showers that are

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