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Spicey [ light laughter ] according to a new poll, americans find former fbi director james comey to be more trustworthy than president trump. Also more americans prefer pepsi to the bottle marked rat poison. [ light laughter ] shocking polls. There are some shocking polls out there. [ light laughter ] labor secretary Alexander Acosta spoke to the press this afternoon and pushed for wider use of Apprenticeship Training for people who, quote, learn better by doing. Of course learning by doing doesnt always work for everyone. [ light laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] attorney general Jeff Sessions will testify tomorrow in front of the Senate Intelligence committee in an open hearing. Though he almost didnt have to. [ laughter ] just got in there. President trump yesterday called former fbi director james comey cowardly. Though, if comey is the cowardly one, im pretty sure trump is the one without a brain. [ cheers and applause ] puerto rico this weekend voted to ask congress to recognize them as the 51st state, and if youre worried how the flag will look, were getting a new one anyway. [ light laughter ] a Birth Control pill has been recalled due to a packaging error that puts placebo pills at the beginning of the pack rather than at the end. So pick up a pack today at unplanned parenthood. [ light laughter ] and finally, los angeles will soon be home to a popup restaurant based on 90s tv show save by the bell and just like in the show Dustin Diamond will be working there. [ laughter and applause ] ladies and gentlemen, weve got a great show for you tonight. Some of our favorites are here tonight. I dont know if youve been watching the handmaids tale, on hulu, its absolutely fantastic. The star of it, elisabeth moss, is here tonight. [ cheers and applause ] he has a new special coming up on netflix. Its, oh, hello on broadway with nick kroll and his fantastic special the comeback kid is on cd and vinyl. One of our favorites, funniest guy in show business, john mulaney, is here tonight. [ cheers and applause ] our dear friend john mulaney. And also, music from the fantastic Country Singer songwriter we love here, Brett Eldredge is back on the show. [ cheers and applause ] hell be performing a great new song for you all. Before we get to all that, republicans are trying a new tactic in their bid to save Donald Trumps presidency. Attacking the credibility of the former fbi director james comey. Which means its now trumps word versus comeys. And im not sure thats a fight the white house is going to win. For more on this, its time for a closer look. [ cheers and applause ] seth with the russia investigation weighing on trump and his administration bogged down by allegations that he committed obstruction of justice, the president has been eager to brag about his accomplishments. Even nonexistent ones like today when he held his first full Cabinet Meeting at the white house and made this outlandish claim. Never has there been a president , with few exceptions, in the case of f. D. R. He had a major depression to handle. Whos passed more legislation, whos done more things than what weve done. Seth thats right. Theres never been a president whos done more, even bill clinton took six years to get impeached, i might do it in six months, you guys. [ cheers and applause ] we are racing. We are racing ahead. Its also important to note that the Trump Administration has signed no major legislation. In his time in office he has touched more glowing orbs than he has signed legislation. [ light laughter ] hes been in more trucks than hes signed legislation. Hes photo bombed more weddings than hes signed legislation. And if you thought maybe someone in his cabinet would point that out, you are out of luck. Because instead, they went around the table taking turns thanking and praising him. Mr. President , thank you for the honor to serve the country. Its a great privilege, youve given me. I cant thank you enough for the privilege that youve given me and the leadership that youve shown. Mr. President , its been a great honor to work with you. I want to thank you for getting this country moving again. On behalf of the entire senior staff around you, mr. President , we thank you for the opportunity and the blessing that youve given us, to serve your agenda. Seth is there anything creepier than watching trump make his staff go around the room and praise him . [ light laughter ] even kim jongun is like, dude, have some self respect, you gotta [ applause ] now you may remember that in his testimony last week comey said trump had tried to get him to end his investigation of former National Security advisor, michael flynn. Telling comey in a private oval office meeting, i hope you can let this go. Which, of course, is usually what World Leaders say to trump when hes shaking their hand. [ light laughter ] i hope can you let this go. I have to use this to eat and drive. [ light laughter ] wrap it up now, this of course has raised the question of whether the president committed obstruction of justice. Trump in return, has accused comey of leaking the conversations to the press despite the fact that comey was a private citizen at the time, and the conversation was not classified. At a press conference on friday with the president of romania, trump continued to defend himself. Although, he seemed to wanna keep his comments brief. No collusion, no obstruction. Hes a leaker. Seth oh, no. [ laughter and applause ] oh, no. Hes talking like his tweets now. If hes ever called to testify, hes gonna do it as a meme. Trump was then asked [ laughter and applause ] trump was then asked about comeys testimony and denied the allegations. Now he could have just left it there. But then he couldnt help but add on to his answer in a way that makes it sound like he totally did it. He did say under oath that you told him to let the flynn you said you hoped the Flynn Investigation, you could he could let go. I didnt say that. So he lied about that . Well, i didnt say that. I mean, i will tell you, i didnt say that. And did he ask you to pledge his and thered be nothing wrong if i did say it according to everybody that ive read today, but i did not say that. [ light laughter ] seth he just cant help himself. Hes like a husband who denies cheating on his wife but also wants credit for getting laid. [ laughter ] i didnt sleep with her but if i had, it would have been at ritzcarlton room 417. [ laughter and applause ] and 418, would have complained. So trump denies that he asked comey to end the Flynn Investigation or asked him for loyalty and he even said hed be willing to say so under oath. So he said those things under oath. Would you be willing to speak under oath to give your version of those events . 100 . And i didnt say under oath. I hardly know the man. Im not going to say i want you to pledge allegiance who would do that . Seth you would. [ light laughter ] in fact, any time you hear the question who would do that, the answer is likely donald trump. [ light laughter ] who would set up a Fake University to rip people off . Donald trump. Who would brag about committing Sexual Assault . Donald trump. Who would tweet a made up word and leave it up for hours . Dobald trufefe. [ laughter and applause ] so this is actually an important new development. Trump has now offered to testify under oath although im not sure thats a good idea. This may shock you but trump has been deposed under oath before and under oath hes had to admit to his lies. For example in, 2007 he sued a reporter who wrote a book raising questions about his net worth. Lawyers pressed trump on various false claims and according to the washington post, 30 times they caught him. 30 times. Its easier to catch trump in a lie than it is to catch a toddler trying to steal a cookie. [ light laughter ] kevin . One of those lies was when trump was asked about public claims he had made about his own net worth, but had to admit under oath it was all bs. It starts with saying, have you ever not been truthful . Trump says, my net worth fluctuates. And it goes up and down with markets and with attitudes and with feelings. Even my own feelings, but i try to be truthful. And then it goes on to say, the lawyer says, let me just understand that a little bit. Lets talk about net worth for a second. You said that the net worth goes up and down based on your own feelings . Trump says, yes, even my own feelings. As to where the world is, where the world is going and that can change rapidly from day to day. Seth trumps net worth changes based on his feelings. I honestly believe hes confused net worth with self worth. [ laughter and applause ] there are some mornings some mornings where i feel like 10 billion and then other mornings where im so sad, i only feel like 9 billion tops. [ light laughter ] so now rather than simply change the subject trump and his allies have made this a question of credibility. Theyre essentially asking, who are you going to believe . James comey or donald trump . Thats right, who are you going to believe . The former head of the fbi, or a former casino owner and reality tv host whos been bankrupt four times, married three times, paid 25 million to settle a Fraud Lawsuit a month before taking office, and said the following things about vladimir putin. I have no relationship with putin. I do have a relationship with putin. I have nothing to do with putin. Ive never spoken to him. I spoke indirectly and directly with president putin. And im not, lets be clear [ cheers and applause ] i am not the only one calling him a liar. Just take that press conference with the president of romania. Trump was asked if they had discussed whats known as the Visa Waiver Program in their meeting. Trump said they had not and was immediately contradicted by the romanian president. We didnt discuss it but there would be certainly it would be something we will discuss. Mr. President . I mentioned this issue. Seth oh, you did . Well, im sorry to say i taped our conversation and okay, yeah, he did. Right at the beginning. Okay. [ light laughter ] in fact, you can see Trump Supporters in real time grappling with how to defend his obvious lies because they cant seem to get on the same page about what trump said to comey. Like his son. Donald trump jr. Remember, trump said, flat out, that did he not tell comey i hope you can let this go. And yet don jr. Seemed to admit that domys testimony was accurate. You and i both know my father a long time. When he tells you to do something yes. Guess what, theres no ambiguity in it. There is no, hey, im hoping. You and i are friends. Hey, i hope this happens, but you gotta do your job. Thats what he told comey. Seth so he did say it then. These guys are like crooks who cant get their alibi straight. He couldnt have been at the bank. He was with me at the bank. [ light laughter ] and then, of course, as we told you last week theres the gop line that trump cant be held accountable for his actions because he doesnt know what he is doing. Chris christie called it new york city conversation. Paul ryan said, hes new to this. And florida senator marco rubio tried his own version of the trump is an idiot defense. Is this the actions of someone who is putting together a plan to impede an investigation or is this a nonpolitician, unconventional figure who simply operates in ways that are different from previous president s and no one has either informed him or hes been unwilling to be informed about why the sort of requests, like the one he made, would be inappropriate. Seth see. All it is, is no one told him it was inappropriate. But try that next time you get pulled over. Oh, i saw the stop sign, officer, but i didnt know it meant stop driving. [ light laughter ] i stopped singing. [ light laughter ] and now trump himself is joining in on the attacks on comey tweeting, on sunday. I believe the james comey leaks will be far more prevalent than anyone ever thought possible. Totally illegal. Very cowardly. But, if theres anyone who should be concerned about legal jeopardy here, its trump. In fact, trumps lawyers have become so concerned about the possibility that his tweets could hurt him in court, that one option considered in the white house, involved having a group of lawyers review and vet president trumps tweets in advance. Can you imagine what trumps legally vetted tweets would sound like . Haters and losers. [ light laughter ] stipulating that such terms are subjective, pursuant, to relevant codes and libel laws. Refuse to admit that mexico. As well as its subisdiaries, llcs, and other related or independent entities. Will pay. Pay, not being limited to actually disbursement of monetary funds. For the wall. Reader acknowledges the wall may be defined to include fencing, rivers, existing natural boundaries, scare crows, do not enter signs, dirt hedges, and or unseen physical barriers that may or may not appear visible to the naked eye. [ cheers and applause ] so republicans cant even agree whether the president is too dumb to know what hes doing, and now the president is accusing his former fbi director of lying under oath even though his own supporters admit that what comey said was true. Its crazy, or to put it another way. Who would do that . Seth this has been a closer look. [ cheers and applause ] well be right back with elisabeth moss, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] the the one you create is at olive garden. Create your own tour of italy starting at 12. 99. Choose 3 of 9 of your favorites. And have everything you love all on one plate. Create your own tour of italy for a limited time only at olive garden. First you start with this. These guys. A place like shhh no. Found it and definitely lipton ice tea. Lots of it. A lipton meal is what you bring to it. And the refreshing taste of lipton iced tea. Hey, bud. You need some help . No, im good. Come on, moe. 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Can you catch him on tour this summer with his band lillake, opening up for megadeth, eric moore is here, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] thanks for being here, eric. Our first guest tonight is a golden globe winning actress you know from top of the lake and mad men. She stars in the critically acclaimed series the handmaids tale. The Season Finale streams wednesday on hulu. Lets take a look. I just cant stop thinking about when we went out. Our adventure. I enjoyed that. Did you . Yes. Very much. Its just so exciting, you know . Seth please welcome back to the show, our friend elisabeth moss, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] seth hi there. Hi. Seth im so happy to you have here. So happy to be here. Seth im also so happy to see you in person again because this show is very dark, and very depressing. Really . Seth and you go through a very rough time. And then seeing you smiling again puts me in a very good mood. Its a sex romp, seth. Seth you think this is a sex romp . Its not that bad. Seth it is not a sex romp. Come on. Seth what now, for those who dont know this, based on a Margaret Atwood book from 1985, explain for us who you play. Yes. Try to stay with me. Its a little farfetched. But its about a rightwing fundamentalist group who takes over the government, and takes away all of womens rights. Seth okay. All right. So crazy. Seth its like, yeah. So its like a present apocalypse movie. [ light laughter ] yes. Totally. Seth and this is obviously there is a great deal of intensity and darkness to this. Do you find like when youre actually doing it that you can be sort of upbeat and happy while youre on set, or is it is it sort of overwhelming . Yeah, no. Im actually, im pretty good at it. Im not a method actor at all. Im pretty good at keeping it light. I like to have fun on set. And a lot of especially like the september, october portion of handmaids tale filming was my team was in the playoffs the chicago cubs, yeah. Yes. And then, was in the world series. So most of my acting and emotional, like, stress and anger and strife came from following the cubs. The whole season. [ light laughter ] seth thats great. And are you worried that because you watch the handmaids tale and you think to yourself, oh my god, this could never happen, right . Yeah. Seth and then, thats what also people said about the cubs. [ light laughter ] were you worried that, oh, no if this could happen, who knows where its going. Who knows whats going to happen. Seth again, this was this is a shot after they won. So there you are. Youre sort of half handmaids outfit. And very happy [ light laughter ] this is literally during the filming of episode 10. This is all that matters to me. Seth and this is very so your Costume Department made a cubs bonnet. [ laughter and applause ] yes. Isnt that cool . Isnt that cool . Seth and like again, this is this would be definitely against the rules in the show. Oh yea, oh for sure. Seth youre not allowed to support teams, im pretty sure. No, definitely not allowed to support your teams. But im planning on sneaking it in at season two. Seth yeah how is bonnet life . Bonnet life seth because i was wondering when youre on set, there is sometimes, you know, all the handmaids have to wear the bonnet. It is hard to find certain costars . Yes, yeah, it really is. It actually especially when were doing a scene like this where theres like 50 or 100 of us. And youll find like, the director and hair and makeup people kind of just wandering through the crowd. Like, lizzy, lizzy . And ill have to like raise my hand. Over here. But its great for hiding. Seth so, it is nice . Yes. Seth do you ever find a time where youre in your bonnet just chilling. Oh, absolutely. If you just like want to like not be found, its actually kind of great. Seth thats great. You just put your head down. No one can see you. Seth yeah, im going to start wearing one on the subway. Totally. [ light laughter ] seth yeah speaking of, this was an actual subway ad to let people know the kind of show that they would be watching if they watch handmaids tale. Subtle. Seth yeah. [ light laughter ] very, very subtle. Really subtle. Really holding back. Seth im sure not a Single Person on the subway filled put a you over your face. [ laughter ] nobody with a sharpie went to work on that. Totally. Seth and youve been using this expression as well. We know about netflix and chill. This show you feel like a good way to present this is hulu and panic. Yes. Its great, right . I cant take credit for it. It was actually from entertainment weekly, Leah Greenblatt came up with it. But i straight up stole it and was like, this is amazing, im using it all the time. Seth and so how do you feel is the right way to watch this show . Is this a show to watch with alcohol. Seth with alcohol . [ light laughter ] with people or do you think this is a good cause i feel like maybe this is one thats meant to be done alone. It maybe is meant to be done alone but you probably should like phone a friend afterwards. Seth yeah. Just to like have a support system. Seth right. So just get all your friends watch it at the same time alone, but then sort of Conference Call in. Yeah. Ive actually been thinking about opening a hotline just like the day after the episode just like to like, council people. Seth talk people down. Talk people through it. Seth by the way, for those who havent seen it, youre way too happy for how dark the show is. [ light laughter ] theyre going to say, you know what . She was having fun and i tuned it and i thought it be fun. [ light laughter ] i get i get it all out in the show, you know. Seth yeah. I get it all out. There. Seth but you dont get it all out there because this is not your only show that is dark. I would say. So top of the lake, which was a fantastic show. Thank you. Seth that is coming back for a second season. Yes. Seth and holly hunter was your incredible costar the first time. This time Nicole Kidman is going to be in it. Yep. Seth and is it true that you wanted in the first season was oppressively dark. Is it true you want it to be even a little bit darker . Yes. Seth wow. And do you feel like you executed on that . Yes. Seth oh, my god. Thats fantastic. Definitely. I mean you know, for me its just about being challenged. Its about having something more to do as an actor and making it more complex, you know . So, yeah, i definitely asked for it to be more fd up. [ light laughter ] as they say. Seth yes. And then now it sounds like, im doing a bit, but this is also true that youre working on a project where you play typhoid mary . Yes. [ light laughter ] seth is that so . I know. Seth and youre not these arent just parts that youre casting. You produce these things as well. Yeah, yeah. Im executive producer on handmaids tale and e. P. On fever the typhoid mary project as well. Seth gotcha. Yeah, i figure id just take a break from Handmaid Tale and do something about like a murderer. [ light laughter ] you know . Seth yeah, be on the other side of it. Just take a little time off. Seth yeah. Just getting my murderer hat and then ill be ready for season two of handmaids tale. Congratulations on all of it. Thank you. Seth ive been such a fan of your work for so long. And its so great to see all this new stuff coming out. Im a huge fan of yours. Youre doing amazing stuff with everything. Seth well, thank you. Thank you seth its always a pleasure to see you, elisabeth. [ cheers and applause ] elisabeth moss, everybody. Season finale of handmaids tale streams wednesday on hulu. Well be right back with john mulaney. [ cheers and applause ] what do you have there . P3 its meat, cheese and nuts. I keep my protein interesting. Oh yea, me too. I have cheese and uh these herbs. 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Oh a chip. laughter Binge Watching isnt always rewarding. But hotels. Com is. Thanks captain obvious. How long have you been here . Unlock instant savings now and earn free nights to use later. Hotels. Com. Lobster and shrimp are teaming up in so many new dishes. Fest, like coastal lobster and shrimp, with shrimp crusted with kettle chips. Or new, overthetop lobster and shrimp overboard. But it cant last, so hurry in. You got a kitchen thats brand new. And youd like to keep it that way, too. You wanna set out on your own, so you can teach yoga and just say om. Cuz the two of you are about to be three. A little help can go a long way in your life. And nationwide is on your side. [ cheers and applause ] seth welcome back, everybody. Our next guest is an Emmy Award Winning writer and comedian whose hit broadway show oh, hello begins streaming tomorrow on netflix and beginning friday, his standup special, the comeback kid is available on cd and vinyl. Please welcome back to the show our very good friend, john mulaney, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] seth hi, buddy. How are you doing . Seth im good. You presented at the tonys last night. Yes. Nick kroll and i presented at the tony awards. Seth and i will say [ cheers ] it was amazing. Seth i feel like oh, hello should have been nominated for a tony. It was the i thought oh, hello was great. Im in it. Theres only two people in it and im one of them. But, when i was watching the tonys, which is like, its like the broadway of award shows. [ light laughter ] it was theyre so good, like they did full numbers from dear evan hansen. Great comet did an amazing number from the show. I was watching it and i was like, oh theyre talented. Like, were fine. [ light laughter ] its a crazy show. Seth were you was there anyone you were excited to meet . Yeah, i was backstage. And i saw tommy tune, broadway legend tommy tune. And we talked about your mom. Seth yeah. [ light laughter ] and i did actually talk seth well this well this is i talked to tommy tune about your mom. Now, you all know this. [ light laughter ] but my grandmother and seths mom were in a local production in marblehead massachusetts of a hospital benefit musical review, stay with me. [ light laughter ] and it was directed by a young tommy tune. Seth yeah. And it was calls pills a poppin and it saved the hospital. So its no laughing matter. But, you know, youve talk to your mom about it. Ive talked to my nana many times. New england stories always sound fake. Seth yeah. You know, they sound like limericks. You know, like a man named tommy tune came to town. He saved the hospital. [ light laughter ] youre like, did he . So, i said to him, i go up to him. I go, hey youre tommy tune. And he was. So he said, yeah. And i said [ laughter ] i said my nana was in pills a poppin which you directed. He goes, oh pills a poppin in marlbehead massachusetts. And i was like, its real. [ laughter ] and i said, did you know that hillary meyers, seth meyers mother, was also in that. And he said, oh thats wonderful. I was like, was it a fun experience . He said, it took weeks. They had no training. [ light laughter ] so he like he loved pills a poppin. He said, thats how he got his experience was doing benefits in different towns. Seth thats so fantastic. It was awesome. Everyone the tonys has this like beautiful spirit. Everyone is the Broadway Community is so excited. People bring their kids. There was a kid in a tuxedo near me. And, which is they always look very serious. So youre like are you really a kid . [ light laughter ] and i asked him who are you wearing and he said amazon. Seth oh, thats pretty great. You you looked incredibly dashing last night. And here i am. Seth you went a white dinner jacket tuxedo. I did. I wore a white jacket. Seth yeah. Okay, i had a reason for this. Seth what was the reason . When i wear a regular tuxedo, because people dont know who i am, they think im an usher at events. [ light laughter ] and we were at the snl 40th anniversary. Which is saturday night live. The acronym. So, when they had the 40th, i was standing with you but then you walked away. So, now im standing alone in a tuxedo. And i see Frank Langella from the americans. Seth a legend. And a legend. Walking right towards me and looking right at me. And hes about nine feet tall. And he walks up to me and he goes, im Frank Langella. And i was like, yes . He goes, langella. Frank. And i was like mulaney, john. [ light laughter ] and he was like, are you an usher . I said, no. Im a writer. Which is a step below usher, but he found his seat. [ light laughter ] seth he found a seat. He found his seat. Seth so you you work on this show, oh, hello. I really stress how much people have to watch it on netflix. And, did you have a good crew . Did you like working with thats the thing. At the tony awards and working on broadway, you have developed such an appreciation for all of the departments from set design, costumes, lighting, sound. Theyre such talented craftsmen. And we had an amazing prop master named mike, who was so devoted to props. That i asked him once, he worked on a show called i am my own wife. Which was also at the lyceum theater. Famous broadway show starring jefferson mays. And i asked him, what is that about . I never saw that. He said, oh, that show . He goes, thats about all these phonographs. Okay . And then you have all the antique clocks. All right . And then you have all these antique chairs. You see . And i realize he was just describing the props. [ laughter ] like thats how he absorbed the show. And he goes, and all of its real antiques. Oh, and i guess its about a transgendered woman in nazi germany. He said that at the end. [ light laughter ] which is what its about. But if you like if like the special effects guy from wicked was like, wicked. all right. Its about a broom, okay . [ light laughter ] and i got to hold it on a rope. And and if i drop it, a lady gets hurt. Seth did you mike also was so dedicated to the props that we had a joke in oh, hello that we cut the joke before i tell you the joke. Because its not good, right . So we had a joke about a kandinsky painting, which is a thing in six degrees of separation. Theres a lot of nods to plays, that dont get applause. So we [ light laughter ] we had a joke that we had a kandinsy and he was a playboy cartoonist. So we cut it. All right . So he had all these blown up playboy cartoons. Mike comes to rehearsal one day, he goes. I got some cartoons to see. Okay. I go, yeah. He goes, and he holds up a playboy cartoon. Old one. Blown up. And i can see it. But he walks me through it. So were both looking at a cartoon. He goes, all right. So you got a beautiful woman in bed. Okay . And then next to her, whos that . Its santa claus. [ light laughter ] but then the husbands in the doorway so theres trouble. And then the caption says, ive heard of a Stocking Stuffer but this is ridiculous. so its a santa joke. Next cartoon. And i was like this should be a tv show where you describe cartoons to people. Seth you you have a guest every episode. Yes. Seth steve martin is the guest on the netflix special. Yes. With a bonus interview from michael j. Fox. They both did the broadway show. Seth fantastic. They are both our guests. It was fantastic. Seth did you have a particular favorite over the course of the run . Seth meyers. Seth oh, please. No, im very yeah. [ cheers and applause ] seth its nice. Its nice to be its nice to be nice. Its nice to be nice to people. Seth well now you have to say what happened on the night that it was steve martin. What that, i bumped you . Seth yeah. All right. [ light laughter ] so we had no guest and we had cameras coming. And we were getting to that point, were like, why do we need a guest . You know, we were defensive because we forgot to book someone. So steve martin, wed been wanting to have. He was working on his own show up in connecticut. And i it was like a tuesday. I called seth. I said would you be a guest again . We really need someone for this netflix special. And you graciously agreed. And then thursday morning i woke up to an email from steve martin saying im back in town. Is the show still running . Id love to be a guest. I said how about thursday . [ light laughter ] i just have to make one call. And i called you at like 8 00 a. M. Seth yeah. You know, so either like someone had died, or you were about to get bumped. [ light laughter ] and you picked up the phone and you went, yeah . And i said im bumping you for steve martin. Seth it was great. It was such an honor to be bumped for steve martin. And i told you the next time i do the show, you should bump me for steve martin. Seth yeah. Which is seth nope. Nope. Not gonna happen. [ laughter ] seth so did you have a favorite . Other than you know what was a memorable one for me was f. Murray abraham. Okay . Who was another broadway star. Also plays, like, dar adal on homeland. He played salieri in amadeus. Seth yep. The legendary composer. Salieri. My parents played salieri for me in the womb. Thats a fun joke. But [ light laughter ] thats a twist. But he was my favorite guest because he didnt watch the show. You sat in the audience and had some frame of reference before you came on stage with our two 70yearold characters gil and george for the too much tuna segment of the show. F. Murray abraham showed up and he came in, in like a dashing blazer and turtleneck. And he said hello, i cant stay for the show. And he goes, im going to dinner with friends from europe. Which is like one of the most famous continents. Right . [ light laughter ] so were like do you want to know what its about . He goes, i dont need to know. And then he exits. Because actors exit, they dont leave. [ light laughter ] he comes five minutes before hes supposed to walk out. He has no idea what the show is at all. And joellen, our wonderful producer says, can i get you some water . And he says, champagne. And luckily we had an opening night. So someone sent me champagne. But i couldnt drink. You know, violent alcoholic. So she goes to get the bottle, she pours him a glass of champagne. He comes out, and he was seeing all of it for the first time. So we go, ladies and gentlemen, f. Murray abraham. And he walks out, like [ light laughter ] he sits down and does the segment and then i dance with him. There he is. Theres me and f. Murray abraham dancing. And he walks off. And hes like, he takes a big bow. The crowd cheers. He walks off stage, he goes, thats the most fun ive ever had. And then he sees joellen, and he says, i love you. And then he exited. [ laughter and applause ] the best. The best. Seth thanks for being here. Congrats on the show. Thank you, buddy. Seth always great to see you. Great to see you. Seth john mulaney everybody. Oh, hello begins streaming on netflix tomorrow. And the comeback kid cd and vinyl, june 16th. Well be right back with more late night. [ cheers and applause ] ,these two should not be wed, speak now. coughs so sorry. Oh no. Its just that your friend daryl here is supposed to be Live Streaming the wedding and hes not getting any service. I missed, like, the whole thing. What . And i just got an unlimited plan. Its the right plan, wrong network. You see, verizon has the largest, most reliable 4g lte network in america. Its built to work better in cities. Tell you what, just use mine. Thanks. No problem. All right, lets go live. Say hi to everybody who wasnt invited vo when it really, really matters, you need the best network and the best unlimited. Just 45 per line for four lines. Showing up in your and now im sure its more than a stroke of luck yeah, i love you, do you love me, too . Yeah, i love you, do you love me, too . Clap your hands if it feels good clap your hands, ohh theresany day now ful baby. [crunch] youre eating doritos . Really . laughter owww give me that screaming [baby crying] [crunch] cindy, you dont evenno dress. Ress. Uhuh, youre not going anywhere in those rags. Cindy . Introducing an allnew crossover, toyota chr. Toyota. Lets go places. Pshare the same values in helping others. Lo thats why we support service dogs for heroes. We provide welltrained service dogs for veterans in need. Our goal . To raise 1 million. Visit petsmart to donate at the register. Petsmart for the love of pets. Rumor confirmed. Theyre playing. What . We gotta go. Where . San francisco. When . Friday. We gotta go. [ tires screech ] any airline. Any hotel. Any time. Go where you want, when you want with no blackout dates. [ muffled music coming from club. Blue monday by new order. Cheers. ] how does it feel the travel rewards credit card from bank of america. Its travel, better connected. [ cheers and applause ] seth welcome back, everybody. So a few years ago im home at my parents house, i go in the attic and i find my first video game system, which was the jorbus. I dont know if you guys remember the jorbus, but it is a precursor to the nintendo. It was made by the, now out of Business Department store, montgomery ward. And its been so much fun to play the old games on my jorbus. I think a lot of them were ahead of their time. And so we thought it would be fun if we took a look at some of them in a segment we call old video games. [ cheers and applause ] first up, if you had a jorbus, you had to have this game. It was Convenience Store caper and in this game, you played as a 13yearold boy who has to sneak into a 7eleven and steal a playboy. [ light laughter ] and the whole point was just to try to look as natural as you could without being caught by the store attendant. Anything i can help you with . No, no, everythings fine. Seth and then the problem is you walked around and saw your moms friend. You had to avoid her. Oh, hey there, young man. Oh, hello. Seth and then this is really scary. Your parish priest is there. [ light laughter ] hello, my son. Hello, father. Seth but eventually if you could avoid everybody, you can find your way back to the magazine rack, and you would steal a magazine, and then using the highest quality 16 bit graphic, you actually got to see a naked woman. [ laughter and applause ] i dont have to tell you guys, cindy crawford. [ light laughter ] next, most of you probably heard of the arcade game space invaders. Where you battle alien space ships. Jorbus had a game called space invaders, slightly different. In this game you play as a guy in the Movie Theater who doesnt want his personal space invaded. So you keep moving when everyone sits in a seat next to you. So here you go. Youre the guy in the yellow. You got to move around. Any time somebody perfectly happy, ready to go. Oh, dont sit here. I guess ill move over here. Seth lady with a kid. Thats a huge bummer. And then, right when you think you have it, a guy in a cowboy hat sits in front of you. So you just basically have to leave the theater and lose the game. Oh god, a hat. Im going to go. [ light laughter ] game over seth i played it 100 times easy. It was not fun. Next up, this was another classic jorbus game. Some said it was a ripoff of nintendos ledgend of zelda series. I dont think so. I think it stands on its own. Im talking, of course, about the legend of zelda fitzgerald. [ light laughter ] and this game you play as novelist, f. Scott fitzgerald, trying to find his manic depressive wife, zelda, who vanished during a party. Hello, old sport. Welcome to my party. Hello, old sport. You seen zelda . Are you making fun of my party, old sport . Seth of course, because youre an alcoholic you constantly have to go to the bar to get more drinks. Gin martini, old sport. Seth eventually, you follow the green light and you find out your wife is being held by earnest hemingway. And then, you have to fight earnest hemingway, who is also an alcoholic. Thats not fair. Seth basically you fight until one of you decides youd rather be drinking instead. Believe it or not, that was actually the first video game that never sold a single copy. [ light laughter ] this last game was super popular on jorbus, its called cooking for elvis. In this game, you play as a chef working in graceland in the 1970s and you have to make Peanut Butter and banana sandwiches for elvis. So the way it works, you just tap a as fast as you can and you throw sandwiches into elvis mouth. But if you arent able to tap a fast enough, elvis gets hungrier and hungrier and eventually if you yeah, he eats you. [ laughter and applause ] give it up for the jorvis, everyone. The best there ever was. [ cheers and applause ] well be right back with more late night [ cheers and applause ] a Millie Dresselhaus doll happy birthday, sweetie oh, millies. Trick or treat were so glad to have you here. What if we treated great female scientists like they were stars . Yasss queen what if Millie Dresselhaus, the first woman to win the National Medal of science in engineering, were as famous as any celebrity . [Millie Dresselhaus was seen having lunch today. ] [. Rumors of the new discovery. ] what if we lived in a world like that . crowd applauding we know a place thats already working on it. Grooves in your sandwich . Do you always put cheezit of course theyre chips. Chips. 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The best tour of italy is the at olive garden. Create your own tour of italy starting at 12. 99. Choose 3 of 9 of your favorites. And have everything you love all on one plate. Create your own tour of italy for a limited time only at olive garden. The ford summer sales event is on. Its gonna work, i promise you, we can figure this out. Babe. Little help. Hold on, mom. No, wifi. Wifi. Its not a question, its a thing. Take on summer right with ford, americas bestselling brand. Now with summers hottest offer. Get zero percent for seventytwo months plus an additional thousand on top of your tradein. During the ford summer sales event get zero percent for seventytwo months plus an additional thousand on top of your tradein. Offer ends july 5th. [ cheers and applause ] seth tonights musical guest is a platinum selling artist whose forthcoming selftitled album will be released on august 4th. Here to debut his brand new song, love someone, please welcome back to the show, Brett Eldredge, folks. [ cheers and applause ] lets go. Oh baby would you look right there the way the sun is hitting your hair the way the world just stopped right here in midair i dont ever wanna move you put the cool in the breeze you put the weak here in my knees you put me right where im supposed to be in your blueeyed sea and i wanna sail away cause when i wake up in the middle of the night you holding me so tight good glory me my oh my sure feels good to love someone when you laugh at the way i dance when you smile when you hold my hand i look at you and i understand sure feels good to love someone you knock me out kiss by kiss i need you baby sip by sip sit back and let me drink you in im falling to you over and over and over again when i wake up in the middle of the night youre holding me so tight good glory me my oh my sure feels good to love someone when you laugh at the way i dance when you smile when you hold my hand i look at you and i understand sure feels good to love someone come on, it feels good. Everywhere i want to go and everywhere i want to be at everywhere ive ever been everything ill ever need is sitting right here next to me when i wake up in the middle of the night you holding me so tight good glory me my oh my sure feels good to love someone when you laugh at the way i dance when you smile when you hold my hand i look at you and i understand sure feels good to love someone sure feels good everybody go out there. [ cheers and applause ] seth Brett Eldredge, everyone. Catch him on tour with luke bryan this summer. For dates go to bretteldredge. Com. Well be right back. [ cheers and applause ] my daughter is. Studying to be a dentist and she gave me advice. She said. Dad go pro with crest prohealth. 4 out of 5 dentists confirm. These crest prohealth. Products help maintain a. Professional clean. Go pro with Crest Pro Health crest prohealth. Really brought my mouth. To the next level. This scarf all thats my left to rememb. Sayonara. What. 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