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[ laughter ] Trump Campaign manager Kellyanne Conway admitted this weekend that donald trump is trailing Hillary Clinton. Said conway, no, literally, hes trailing her. [ laughter ] trumps Campaign Manager said over the weekend that trump would be willing to challenge Hillary Clinton to another debate. Oh, thats a good idea. Wrong. Seth well [ laughter ] but maybe youd win this time. Wrong. [ light laughter ] seth you could study and stick to the issues. Wrong. [ light laughter ] seth all right. Well, hey, you know, at least youre still a billionaire. Wrong. [ laughter ] seth i knew it. I knew it. [ applause ] donald trump said at a rally this weekend that Hillary Clinton was exhausted and weak after the debates. Yeah, probably because you kept sniffing all the oxygen out of the room. [ light laughter ] anyone would be lightheaded after that. Many news outlets are saying donald trump will almost certainly pivot to media and launch his own tv network after the election. Which means as early as next year we could see trump tv filing for bankruptcy. [ laughter ] donald trump said at last weeks debate that he will keep the nation in suspense as to whether he will accept the results of the election. In suspense . Wow, hes a regular oh my god. [ laughter and applause ] the Cheesecake Factory is set to open its first location here in new york city tomorrow. So i bet somebodys regretting all that bridge traffic now. [ laughter and applause ] president obama last week said that this years election is like dantes inferno. Well thats fine, as long as it doesnt turn into a disco inferno. [ light laughter ] no matter who wins, rhythm loses. [ light laughter ] google has announced that with just two weeks until the election, one of the most searched for questions is, is hillary a republican . So it sounds like someone finally figured out how to get online. [ laughter ] and finally, samsung announced recently that people who turn in their recalled galaxy note 7 phones will be eligible for a free note 8 next year when it debuts. Said customers, im not falling for it. Ive been burned by samsung before. [ laughter and applause ] ladies and gentlemen, we have a great show for you tonight. From the new series on bbc america, dirk gentlys holistic Detective Agency, elijah wood is back on the show. [ cheers and applause ] she is an old friend of ours. From tbss people of earth, the great ana gasteyer is joining us this evening. [ cheers and applause ] and we will have music from an incredible trumpet player and singersongwriter. Spencer ludwig is here tonight. [ cheers and applause ] so, look forward to that. Look forward to all of that. But before we get to it, we are just about two weeks away from the president ial election. And as donald trump continues to lag behind in the polls, hes lashing out at everything from the media to the election process itself. For more on this, its time for a closer look. [ applause ] seth as his campaign sputters to a close, trump has launched a series of increasingly paranoid attacks on a host of perceived enemies, from the media to pollsters to banks. In fact, hes so paranoid that last night in florida he even told the crowd that as he flew over the everglades he was afraid hed get eaten by an alligator. I just flew over and let me tell you, when you fly over the everglades and you look at those gators and you look at those water moccasins goin, you say, i better have a good helicopter. [ light laughter ] i told the pilot, you sure were okay . Seth and i think i think trumps fear of alligators solidifies his role as 2016s captain hook. [ laughter ] but, you know, with a super tiny hook. [ laughter and applause ] so after weeks after weeks of flailing from one controversy to the next, trump tried to get back on track with a major speech saturday in gettysburg, pennsylvania, the site of Abraham Lincolns famous address during the civil war. Trumps Campaign Said the event would feature a series of major new policy proposals, and the speech was a chance for trump to finally rise above the fray and come across as president ial. And he definitely did not do that. Trump spent the first 15 minutes of his address railing against the system, the media, and even threatening to sue the women who accused him of sexual misconduct. Every woman lied when they came forward to hurt my campaign. All of these liars will be sued after the election is over. Seth so, basically trump did worse at gettysburg than the south did. [ laughter ] trump giving a speech at gettysburg only made sense if it was also the location where Abraham Lincoln was caught on a hot mic before taping an episode of access pennsylvania. And i think we actually have that tape. So you were saying, president lincoln . I find myself drawn to beautiful women. I embrace them. I dont even wait. And when youre a man of great fame they allow this to happen. They are indeed amenable to these embraces. You can even on most occasions take the liberty of grabbing them by the pu president lincoln im just being honest. Seth special thanks to daniel daylewis who came in and recorded that today. [ laughter ] and it isnt just trump whos going a little off the rails. Vice President Joe Biden slammed trump for his comments on the access hollywood tape, bragging about Sexual Assault and said this. Press always asks me, dont i wish i were debating him . No, i wish we were in high school, i could take him behind the gym. [ audience ohs ] seth take him behind the gym . So you want to smoke a joint and make out with him . [ laughter ] because if youre talking about fighting him, Everybody Knows fights are at the monkey bars at 3 15. [ light laughter ] the big problem for trump in the closing stretch is that he cant seem to connect with voters outside his base and attacking his accusers isnt going to help him with female voters. Trump dug himself an even deeper hole with women voters last week when he called hillary a nasty woman during the third debate. And his supporters in the republican party, like texas congressman brian babin havent exactly been helping trump with their attempts to defend that comment. He called her a nasty woman. Well is that appropriate . You know what . Shes saying some nasty things. Do you think its appropriate to call her a nasty woman . Well, im a gentile southerner, allen so that means no. No, i think, i think sometimes a lady needs to be told when shes being nasty. Seth sometimes a lady needs to be told when shes being nasty. That, of course, is the opening line from the upcoming novel fifty shades of red. [ laughter ] so now instead of trying to win the election by saying things that might actually get more people to vote for him, trump has decided instead to complain that its rigged against him. For the past few weeks, hes been claiming that the media, the clinton campaign, and a secret group of International Bankers have been working together to steal the election from him. And this week his campaign added another perceived enemy to that list dead people. Therere dead people who are on the voter rolls. We know that people who are dead are still on the voter rolls. Gotta keep the dead folks on the voter rolls. We see 1. 75 Million People on the rolls who are now dead. 1. 8 Million People are dead. [ light laughter ] but theyre registered to vote. Seth yeah. They might be registered, but i have a feeling turn out will be low. [ laughter and applause ] trump advisor Rudy Giuliani even claimed that the dead voters were helping one side in particular. Dead people generally vote for democrats rather than republicans. [ light laughter ] seth and i know dead people, because i am, of course, king of the vampires. [ laughter ] but trumps claim that the election is rigged isnt just idle talk, its having real consequences. Trumps supporters believe what he says. In fact, some of them are taking his rhetoric about election rigging seriously enough that theyre going to heed trumps call to monitor polling places to watch for supposed fraud. One trump supporter told the boston globe quote, trump said to watch your precinct. Im going to go for sure. Ill look for well, its called racial profiling. Mexicans, syrians, people who cant speak american. Im going to go right up behind them. Ill do everything legally. I want to see if theyre accountable. Im not going to do anything illegal. Im going to make them a little bit nervous. Youre going to make them a little bit nervous . Where have you been for the last 15 months . Were all a little bit nervous. [ light laughter ] but of course, republicans cant easily distance themselves from trumps rigged election rhetoric, because they themselves have spent years building up the myth of voter fraud. Passing laws that require voter i. D. S and cutting back on polling places and early voting. And even though theres absolutely no evidence of widespread voter fraud anywhere in the country. In fact, if anyone is trying to suppress votes in a way that could impact the outcome of elections, its republicans. Just look at whats happening in north carolina, where republican politicians cut back on early voting. Across the state long lines crawled outside polling sites thursday. Theres about 40 less sites than there were opening day four years ago. Part of the lines are being caused by a lot of people packing in to less sites. You know, lines around the state vary anywhere from ten minutes to four hours. Seth people are waiting in line for four hours to vote. To put that in context, four hours is longer than donald trump prepared for any of the debates. [ light laughter ] well, thats because hed rather have a puppet as president of the united states. No puppet. No puppet. And its pretty clear youre the puppet. [ laughter ] seth the only place trump ever spent four hours is backstage at a Miss Universe pageant. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] so theres obviously obviously no evidence for trumps claims of a rigged election, but there is evidence that something is off with trumps mood. Because as the Washington Post reported over the weekend, quote, donald trump is in a funk. In fact, trump is so morose he cant seem to bring himself to do his favorite thing, talk about himself on tv. Last week in ohio, he was confronted by a local tv reporter during an interview and just walked away midquestion. 19 days out from the election. Youve been labeled a racist, youve been called a sexist. Thank you very much. How do you respond to that . I am the least racist person youve ever met. Seth so sad. [ light laughter ] i mean, just listen to his voice. Even he cant muster the energy to pretend what hes saying isnt ridiculous. Im the least racist person. Everybody says so. Well, some people say so. Nobody says so. [ laughter and applause ] this has been a closer look. Well be right back with elijah wood, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] one smart choice leads to the next. The new 2017 ford fusion is here. Its the beauty of a wellmade choice. It isnt just grandmas who are i lipassionate about turkey,k so is subway. The allwhite meat in our new, thickcut autumn carved turkey sandwich has no artificial preservatives or flavors, and is topped with cheddar and cranberry mustard sauce. Only at subway. When the time comes. You gotta run and dont look back. This is over. Product not yet rated. Playstation its so delicious. I cant believe it has 40 fewer calories than butter. I cant believe its made with real, simple ingredients. I cant believe were on a whale. I cant believe my role isnt bigger. Oh, its real. Real ingredients. Unbelievable taste. Go ahead, enjoy. Real ingredients. Unbelievable taste. An ovenbaked digiorno . Or waiting for delivery . Did you have that beard when we ordered . A hot, freshbaked crust . Or . Did we order extra soggy . Dont settle for delivery. Rise to the occasion. Its not delivery. Its digiorno. I liv in a black out town midnight where we used to dance underneath the ugly halogen lamps oh, it all went away so fast in a black out [ cheers and applause ] seth welcome back, everybody. Joining the 8g band all this week, shes an accomplished musician and composer from right here in new york city. One of our favorite drummers, Allison Miller is here. There she is. [ cheers and applause ] be sure to check out some of allisons drumming tips over at reverb. Com. Welcome back allison. And also very exciting you guys fred armisen is here tonight. Give it up for fred. [ cheers and applause ] and its been awhile since freds here, and its so great catching up with him backstage. One the things fred and i always talk about is how much we love tv. Theres so much great tv on right now. Fred so much great stuff. Seth peak tv. Theyre calling it peak tv. The best. I love it all. Seth and one of the things fred says to me because ill complain that i cant watch all the great shows that are on. I just dont have enough time in the day. Fred claims hes seen every episode of every Television Show thats currently on the air. Is that true . Fred absolutely. Very, very true. Everything. Seth because if you said it to impress me, now is the time to admit, and i wont be mad. I get it. Fred no, i have seen everything. I love it all. [ light laughter ] seth okay. That means its time once again for Fred Armisens extremely accurate tv recaps. [ cheers and applause ] okay. So now to prove youre not lying, im going to give you the title of a new show and youre going to tell me what its about. Fred great. [ laughter ] seth timeless, right here on nbc. Fred timeless is so good. Have you seen it . Seth i have not seen it. Fred the pilot . Nothing . Seth i havent seen any of it, no. Fred nothing . Its so good. Seth, it is so good. Seth great. What is timeless about, fred . Fred its the melting of the polar icecaps. [ laughter ] right . And so they go there and they just start measuring. Seth who . Who goes . Fred the group from nbc. This, like, group of people from nbc. [ laughter ] they go there and theyre like, forget the scientists. Were going to measure this ice, these glaciers. Were going to measure it. We cant we cant make heads or tails of seth so what people from nbc go . Is it just fred its just like the higher ups, you know. [ laughter ] so theyre like, enough of the scientists. Were going to go and measure it. So they get, like, all these rulers and all these tape measurers, and sure enough theyre like, this is not good. [ light laughter ] like, you know yesterday there was more ice, now theres a little bit less. So they start looking for townspeople to interview. So they go out there. They cant find anybody. Seth they cant find anyone at the polar icecaps . Fred no. Seth that makes sense to me. Fred but not to them. So they start interviewing each other. [ laughter ] right . They start interviewing each other. What do you think . Like, this is crazy. I cant believe its all so true. And weve gotta start changing things. And then for the next half an hour they sit there [ laughter ] thinking about it. Lets just think about it. Seth so if im watching, what am i seeing on my tv screen then . Fred youre watching them sit there after about five minutes of having interviewed each other. And also after having measured all the glaciers. Seth and thats all the show is . Fred seth, its well done. Its shot. [ laughter ] they put so much money into like the cameras and the cinematography. It is beautiful. Seth okay. This is weird, because according to tv guide, timeless is about a trio that travels through time to battle a master criminal out to alter human history. Fred history, yes. Yes. [ laughter ] that is more correct of a description. Seth okay. Give it up for fred armisen, everybody and the entire 8g band right over there. [ cheers and applause ] you guys, our first guest tonight starred in the massively popular film franchise the lord of the rings. You can see him in the new bbc america series dirk gentlys holistic Detective Agency, which airs saturdays at 9 00 p. M. Lets take a look. This is bad. This isnt gonna work. This is a bad idea. Nonsense. This is the perfect opportunity to get some answers. The man shot at us. What if he just pulls a gun . Aha. Thats why i brought this. What is that supposed to do . You know what they say about bringing a knife to a gun fight. That its bad . Oh, bloody hell, is that what that means . Seth please welcome back to the show elijah wood, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] hello, sir. Seth how are you . Im so happy to have you back. Im so happy to be back. Seth and i want to give you a chance to explain the show because ive seen you try to explain it and you seem to have a difficult time with it. And the thing thats weird is you have been in other weird shows. Yeah. Seth like you were in a show wilfred where a guy played your dog. Right. Seth and you could explain that. I could, yeah. That was pretty simple. Seth but this one is tricky. Give it your best shot. Tell us what dirk gentlys is about. Oh man. Ive been trying to do this for a week and it doesnt get any easier. Seth yeah, because the clip was funny but we dont know what its about. Sure. Yeah, no. Its about a detective called dirk gently who is a holistic detective. Which means that hes not a traditional detective. He doesnt look for clues or interview witnesses. He goes on hunches and coincidences and follows intuition. Um, i he asks me to be his assistant. Seth okay. I reluctantly join him and effectively, its a weird detective show in which anything is possible. There are random elements that converge constantly. There are energy vampires. Theres time travel. Its very difficult to describe. Its too many elements in one thing. Seth you did a really good job. I thought that was a very didnt you think that was an excellent sales pitch . [ applause ] it is at its heart, at its core, a detective story. There is a mystery at its core, but its constantly throwing new things at you. Seth all right, perfect. Great. [ light laughter ] that wasnt so hard. Seth so i heard that you and the cast did this is like i guess team bonding . You did an escape room. We did an escape room. Seth for those who dont know, can you do escape rooms or have i exhausted you powers of explanation . Oh, no, ive done it. Seth okay. So tell people what escape rooms are. So escape room is essentially, um it is a room in which you are thrust with anywhere from four to five or six people and you are tasked with getting out of that room. Its anywhere from 45 minutes to 60 minutes and there are a series of puzzles that you have to solve in order to get out. And oftentimes theyre themed. It could be like a jailbreak or you could be in a mineshaft and have to get out of that. Whatever it is. Its essentially puzzles. Its clues. Seth its a perfect thing for people in a detective show to do. Im very impressed. Yes. Seth so did you get out of the room . We failed so miserably, seth. [ laughter ] seth oh no, thats not good. So heres the thing. I was the only one in the group that had any experience. Id done two escape rooms and gotten out of each of them. But it kind of depends on the team working together. Its very much about teamwork. We went into this thing, and we ended up getting three 15 minute additions to be able to get out. Seth thats depressing. cause theres a guy who sort of can tell you if youre going the wrong path. Correct. So youre being watched if anyones never done this. Youre being watched the entire time. Youre being monitored and you can also ask for clues. You get penalties after a certain point if you ask for too many clues. But we got to this point where we literally didnt know what was happening anymore, and they just a little thing came up, an additional 15 minutes. Im like, god, guys. This is terrible. [ light laughter ] so we got out. Seth theyre not going to leave you there. Thats true. Seth weve talked about this before. You are a huge halloween fan. I am. Seth and i know its coming up. Yes. Seth thats a bit of a newsflash. Its coming up, yeah. In a week. Seth do you have any great costumes from your past or any that stick out in your mind . I do. When i was ten years old i was working on a movie called radio flyer, and that was probably the best costume ive ever had. Because i was working on a film so i was able to use the resources of the Makeup Department and the wardrobe department. And i was the phantom of the opera, and they made my face look like it was burned. It was very, very great. Seth thats fantastic. One of the worst costumes ive ever had was very much a last minute thing and i think i was probably, like, 15, 14, and i went out as paper bag man. Seth oh, no. [ light laughter ] and literally used, like, whole foods paper bags that we had in excess. Had that over my head, covered my entire body and went trick or treating. It was pretty bad. Seth what a huge gap between you without a Film Department [ laughter ] and you with a Film Department. True. Yeah. Seth and then what are you going to do this year . I dont really know. As far as costumes are concerned i still dont have a plan, which tends to be the case every year. Seth sure. Theres some people who are very good and plan a month, two months in advance. Seth theyre very good at that, but i feel like theres then a gap in the rest of their lives as far as what theyre good at. [ light laughter ] like people who know what theyre going to be in august, theres other [ bleep ] thats gone wrong in their life. [ light laughter ] or too much time on their hands perhaps. Seth i feel like bill collectors show up and say, hey, whats going on . And theyre like, ill get to it. Its august. I need to figure out but ive got this costume. Seth yeah. Well, every year i go to my friends house in pasadena. Pasadena is kind of incredible because its just very its like street after street of incredible neighborhoods. Seth yeah, its like where you classically think of a halloween being. Exactly. In fact halloween was filmed the movie was filmed in pasadena. Seth well there you go. I didnt even know that. Yeah. So the streets are just droves of children and families so they have a big porch and we just sit on the porch and sing karaoke and kids come up. We give them candy, and ill trick or treat as well. Seth and do people dress in costumes . I do [ laughter ] seth i dont think they were laughing because they didnt believe you. Oh. Seth i think it was the opposite. You are a man of many skills. True story you are also a dj. I am. Seth you are a dj. You will dj events, you will dj parties. Yes. Seth ive read online that your dj name is dj frodo. True or false . So false. Seth okay. [ audience aws ] how is that out there . Unequivocally false. Seth yeah. Im so happy to hear its false, by the way. Same. But yeah, its a funny thing. I think it was someone said it online and it spread like wildfire, to the point where people have asked me or, you know, oh, so your dj names dj frodo . Or are you dj frodo . And ive had to constantly tell people thats not my dj name, which is so crazy because i would be insane to call myself dj frodo. Seth also people would be insane thats embarrassing seth to go to a party with dj frodo. [ laughter ] like, what kind of party are you going to . Thank you. Seth what level of drugs do you have to take to think dj frodo is the party you want to be at . Probably mushrooms. [ laughter ] [ applause ] seems appropriate. Seth my interest in dj frodo goes from like here to here on mushrooms. Right . It suddenly becomes way more acceptable. Seth what is your dj name . Just my name. E and then i dj with my friend zach cowie and we go under wooden wisdom. Seth wooden wisdom. And now you guys do whats your style of music . So we play its all vinyl and we play everything from stuff from the 70s through to the 90s. A lot of international stuff. African, turkish. Seth so not you dont play hits . We do not play hits. Seth gotcha. And i guess thats sort of the appeal is you hear stuff you havent heard before. Exactly. Seth does everybody like that . No. Seth okay. [ laughter ] so we get booked for a lot of different gigs and more often than not, literally 90 of the time they have a sense of what were playing, so were playing to crowds and to clubs where theres an expectation of what were bringing and they want that kind of thing. Seth which is great. Occasionally we have been booked to play kind of Larger Hotels resorts that have sort of a Club Atmosphere and despite the fact that they know what were bringing i think theyre kind of going on my name or something and they ignore that. And this has happened probably four times where weve gone this happened in vegas, too where where we have gone to play, were like 40 minutes into our set, and theyll shut us down. [ laughter ] seth how do they shut you down . Theyll come and whisper in one of our ears and say, okay, i think its not really working. [ laughter ] and this is not what our clientele likes. And its a funny feeling because at the end of the day, i dont want to play music to a group of people that dont want to hear what were playing. Seth right. So its fair enough, fine for me to not play, cause youre not going to get that response anyway, but you cant help but feel rejected . Seth yeah. And that you have somehow failed . Despite the fact that its not the kind of thing that you want to be playing. Seth also because you guys are vinyl is there a real sad moment where you have to pack it all up . Really, there is . Kind of. Yeah. Seth so after what are you supposed to do . Because when you do forty minutes, how long are you sort of contracted to go . Normally its an hour and a half. Seth okay, gotcha. So its about halfway. For that kind of thing, it would be an hour and a half. Yeah. So we get about halfway through and then what will end up happening is their resident dj will come up and well put a record on and hell seamlessly transition as we are putting our things away. And we walk with our tail between our legs. Seth and is there because i imagine this would be depressing, too does he ever play something and people just flood an empty dance floor . It has happened. But it literally goes from like a killer 70s disco tune to like the most cheesy dance music. Seth and so then you cant and everyone in droves is like this is what we came for seth and youre like, i thought you wanted turkish dance [ laughter ] thank you so much for being here. Its a pleasure. Seth always a pleasure to see you. [ cheers and applause ] thank you so much. Seth give it up for elijah wood, everybody. Dirk gentlys hollistic Detective Agency airs saturdays at 9 00 pm on bbc america. Well be right back with ana gasteyer. [ cheers and applause ] if you didnt expect to see an applebees usda choice top sirloin searing to smoky oak perfection on a new woodfired grill. Just wait until you see the price. Woodfired steak with two sides for just 9. 99. Now for a limited time. Only at applebees. My doctor says i havey, whats skittles pox. Are they contagious . I dont think so. Contract the rainbow taste the rainbow faster,on that old pc . you should retire that, too. You know. I know. New pcs are lightning fast to play 4k video. And yet here is the worlds fastest swimmer on the worlds slowest computer. You know about it, now do something about it. Upgrade to a new pc. Powered by intel®. Intel mnemonic so, why havent you upgraded . It keeps me humble. Imy bargain detergentgh a couldnt keep up. Isaster. So, i switched to tide pods. Theyre super concentrated, so i get a better clean. Tide. Number one rated. Its got to be tide ill have that goat cheese garden salad. That gentleman got the last one. Sir, you give me that salad and i will pay for your movie and one snack box. Can i keep the walnuts . Sold. But i get to pick your movie. Can i pick the genre . Yes, but it has to be a comedy. A little cash back on the side. With the blue cash everyday card from american express, you get cash back on purchases with no annual fee. Throw. Its more than cash back. Its backed by the service and security of american express. [ cheers and applause ] seth welcome back, everybody. Our next guest is an actress, singer, and comedian you know from shows like suburgatory and saturday night live. Starting tomorrow, she will be performing at the Carlyle Hotel through november 5th, and her new series, people of earth, premieres on october 31st on tbs. Lets take a look. Why is he writing . Chelsea, we discussed this. Ozzies a journalist, and we agreed that he could write an article about the group. I didnt agree to that. I clearly said, chelsea, that if this makes anyone uncomfortable, they dont have to participate today. Well, i didnt hear that. Okay, well, i said it incredibly clearly, and you nodded. Just to assure everybody, your real names will not be used in this article. Well, its too late now. No its not. I dont its too late now. Seth please welcome to the show, our very good friend, ana gasteyer. [ cheers and applause ] seth how are you . Im great hi [ cheers ] seth so wonderful to have you here. Thank you [ cheers and applause ] seth oh, its so delightful. Its so nice to be in the building. Seth its so great to have you back in the building. Thank you. Seth and we were in another this is an old home of yours. We were in washington, d. C. A couple of weeks ago. Yes. Seth thats you were from there. I grew up in washington, d. C. Seth and i have to say, my week there, i was very taken with how and it seemed like the young people there were very invested. Yes. Seth they seemed to know what was going on in the world. Yes. Seth was that your up bringing . Were you a kid who was interested in politics at a very young age . Oh, no. Seth okay. Yeah. [ laughter ] no, my family was very invested, and i liked looking at myself in the mirror predominantly, but i [ laughter ] seth that was your hobby . I grew up on capital hill. Seth okay. I mean, i grew up right there in, which in the 70s, was sort of a rough neighborhood, and i played the violin, and i had an eye patch. Seth you had an eye patch in the 70s . So that explains why im in comedy. Seth yes. All of that, but no, i was i mean, i definitely care about politics, and i definitely have become more outspoken with politics. Seth are you trying to tell me that a young kid with an eye patch and violin was not grabbing the attention of all the young gentlemen . It was it was kind of tough, yeah. It was a tough road to hoe, and then yeah. And then, i went uptown to the fancy school where the obama girls go, and i didnt fit in there either because i didnt have, you know, critter shorts. Seth what are critter shorts . You know, with the little whales and things on them. Seth oh, gotcha. [ laughter ] yeah. Seth what did you have on your shorts . Oh, i mean, i had marshalls clothes. Seth oh, i got ya. I had factory irregulars. Yeah, you know. Seth so, this, this show, people of earth, we just saw a clip. Yeah. Seth you play a you run a support group for people who have been abducted by aliens. Correct. [ laughter ] seth now, do you, in your life, do you know people who have claimed to have any sort of alien encounters . Um, i do i do know people i dont know, i dont have my husband has three great fears in life. Theyre prison, wet feet and aliens. Seth oh, wow. And theyre really, meaningfully, painfully terrifying to him. Seth i hope wet feet is third. I you know, it depends. Its very visceral for him. Seth yeah. Like, he got caught biking in Marthas Vineyard one time in a torrential downpour, and his feet were very wet for several hours, and i saw a side of him i did not care for. Seth wow. [ laughter ] yeah. Seth so, its not other peoples wet feet. Its his own feet. Seth its his own feet getting wet. Yeah, his own wet feet. But there is, if you think about it, intellectually. Seth how does he take a shower . Its like sitting in a wet foor situation. Seth okay, yeah. I got it. Okay. No, in, like, a leaky dock boot. Seth got it. All right. There you go. You know. But, so, and theres probably a line there between the aliens and the wet feet. Its all sort of slimy and cold things. Seth got it. If you think about it. And, so, we have a lot of books about alien abduction, you know, especially when they were very theyre coming back in, now aliens. Seth yeah. For awhile, it was aliens back the turn of the century. Seth sure. And by that, i mean 2000, and then, and then we had, whatever. We had vampires for awhile. Seth yeah. And we had zombies. And now, aliens are back. Seth aliens are back. Yeah. Seth which is exciting. Its a good time to be in the alien business. And its not a bad time to get abducted if you think about it. Seth its a good time to get abducted. [ laughter ] yeah, it really is. I mean. Seth yeah. You know. [ applause ] seth good time to get abducted. Its not a bad time. Seth this is railroad exciting. You are performing at cafe carlyle at the Carlyle Hotel. For those who do not know the sort of history of that room, let us know the kind of show youre going to do. Well, its a very swanky, uptown, classy place, which i, i think you look at me and you think seth yeah. Classy, and theres a lot of alcohol served. Seth lot of alcohol. Yes, so its a boozy, classy situation. Seth yeah. [ laughter ] which i enjoy. And i enjoy a drunk audience, and i play ridiculous jazz. And, you know Elaine Stritch live there forever and ever and played there. Seth yeah. Woody allen plays there. Bobby short used to play there. So, its a huge honor, careerwise, in terms of my jazz life to be playing there. Seth and youre are you singing, sort of, jazz standards, or are you sort of tailoring it to your own likes . Yeah, theres ana gasteyers version of jazz standards, and there its ridiculous jazz i call it. Its drunkards jazz. Seth okay. Yeah. [ laughter ] seth and is it important how important is the inebriation level of the crowd for your show . Its not that important. I mean, if youre a shirley temple, you know, totaller, then come on out and get high on sugar and have a good time. Seth there you. But, um, no, i mean, theres a lot of, like, hilar i like Old Fashioned songs, and this room is an incredibly, like, where you would get dressed up and go out on a date. I go two or three times a year with my husband. I love it. Its super romantic. Its like of, like, an old throwback to new york, and, um, so to best of my abilities, i will not say, you know, [ bleep ] and things like that a lot seth thats great. But to the best of my ability. Seth to the best, yeah. You were trying tonight, i think, and i did try. Seth yes, there you go. I tried to put on a classy face, but i will but its also, like, im kind of excited because i feel like i dont know. Its a part of new york that i really love, and its an honor to do the show for two weeks, because you can really kind of settle in and play some songs. Theyre all crazy, like, novelty songs from the 30s. Seth thats fantastic. And a little somebody doesnt put on an eyepatch, but she might bust out the fiddle. Seth wow [ cheers ] im just saying. Seth thats fantastic. Im just saying. Seth were going to talk some more about some other upcoming stuff you have going on. Stick around. Well be right back with more from ana gasteyer. [ cheers and applause ] cheering on tv you may write me down in history, with your bitter, twisted lies. You may trod me in the very dirt, but still like dust, i rise. You can shoot me with your words. You can cut me with your lies. You can kill me with your hatefulness. But still, like air. We rise. An ovenbaked digiorno . Or waiting for delivery . Did you have that beard when we ordered . A hot, freshbaked crust . Or . Did we order extra soggy . Dont settle for delivery. Rise to the occasion. Its not delivery. Its digiorno. Its so delicious. I cant believe it has 40 fewer calories than butter. 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But pat toomey actually owned a bank. Most people owe the bank. And when he went to washington, he voted to change the laws. To benefit wall street and banks like his. Voting to gut Consumer Protections that crack down. On predatory lending and fraud. To take money from you and. Line the pockets of wall street millionaires like. Himself. Pat toomey out for himself, all in for wall street. Dscc is responsible for the content of this advertising. [ cheers and applause ] seth welcome back. Were here with ana gasteyer, and this is very exciting. We were just talking. You and amy poehler and a bunch of other talented people did a fundraiser here for Hillary Clinton called laugh your pantsuit off. Seth laugh your pantsuit off. Yeah, yeah. Seth and im very excited you and you and poehler both played Hillary Clinton, so that was great. We did, yeah. So, we hosted it together, and thats us wearing some politicallythemed pussy bows, which was great. Seth yeah, thats nice. [ laughter ] i get it. I get it. Seth twice now. Twice now. Twice now. Thats it. So, i guess i owe you 15. Seth there you go. 15, yeah. Its 7. 50 each time you say it. Per, okay. [ bleep ] whoops, 21. All right. Here we go. It was great. It was a night of female comics and a couple of supportive men like yourself, and we had wonderful act we had jenny and amber from your show come out. Seth there you go. We had all kinds of we had the two dope queens and jane curtain and rachel dratch. Seth but this is what i appreciate about you because, obviously, you do the fundraiser for hillary, but i also heard you are doing a televised Christmas Special with donald trump. Yeah, well i believe in being fair and balanced seth yeah. As so many of us do, and, you know, donald is theres a number of things hes going to be considering after the election, you know. Hes going to be possibly hosting the view. I know youve heard that, probably. Seth yeah. Um. Seth hell be great. [ laughter ] yeah, hes great. Hes good at over talking, and he seth and opinions. He doesnt mind fights, yeah. Seth right. And he can bash rosie as much as possible. Seth its perfect. Itll be great. But, he is also doing an oldtimey family Christmas Special. Seth thats great. Which is a trump family Christmas Special in branson at one of his new properties, and [ laughter ] they have asked me to sing a song on it. Seth thats great. So, im really excited. Can i sing it to you . Seth oh, my god. Wed love to hear it. Oh, my god. I cant believe it [ cheers and applause ] this is, like, a surprise. Seth oh, great. Such a surprise. Seth such a surprise. Im so surprised. Seth such a surprise. Im so glad we have the mic there. I mean, its amazing to have the track hey, kids, how are you . I got a pine tree all dipped in gold with diamond ornaments got a fleet of immigrant service and pay them each 50 cents [ laughter ] underneath my tree i got three new wives egg nog caviar its a trumpy kind of christmas my names on a big ole building because the little ones kind of bore me got our zales stones and mistletoe the kissing is mandatory i got a doll in a doll in a doll in a doll from my best friend vlad putin making up words grabbing some ass its a trumpy kind of christmas [ laughter ] holidays with my loved ones make my eyes get kind of misty we fill up all the stockings heres a lump of coal for Chris Christie m [ laughter ] he ate it, yall oh Christmas Morning i give everyone pictures of myself for holiday entertainment i might make mike pence dress like an elf hes funny make sure to invite my kids for creepy daddydaughter hugs big gut tiny hands its a trumpy kind of christmas some nasty women bad hombres its a trumpy kind of christmas oh shoot i dont pay taxes so its gonna be big league yall [ cheers and applause ] Merry Christmas [ cheers and applause ] seth ana gasteyer, everybody people of earth premieres october 31st on tbs well be right back with music from spencer ludwig. 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Pay as little as a 15 copay. Visit latuda. Com. Pat toomey and donald trump theyre just wrong for the women of pennsylvania. New fallout for donald trump. Should a woman be punished for having an abortion . There has to be some form of punishment. For the woman . Yeah, there has to be some form. I would support legislation in pennsylvania that would ban abortion, and i would suggest we have penalties for doctors who perform them. Pat toomey and donald trump theyre not for you. Priorities usa action is responsible for the content of this advertising. Pat toomey he was a founder of this Pennsylvania Bank and owned stock worth as much as a million dollars. Under toomeys leadership, the bank used a controversial foreclosure practice called confession of judgement to take away homes from people across pennsylvania. The practice is banned in 35 states because its considered predatory, but pat toomey didnt care. Pat toomey the banker hes really not for you. Senate majority pac is responsible for the content of this advertising. Seth our next guest is a trumpeter, singer, and songwriter from los angeles making his television debut. Performing diggy, please welcome to the show, spencer ludwig. [ cheers and applause ] fresh suit alligator shoes did you get the news about me young fruit how am i gonna chose i can only fit three in the back seat at the tippitytop of the clickityclock were goin out tonight past three find out what im talkin about i got a move that youve never seen everybodys lookin clean under the neon light lets turn it on to show them just how we get freaky right ill get you dancin to the diggydiggydiggydido this is my town if you dont know now you know do that thing that you do ill show you a new move check out the diggydiggydiggydido dont fail me now feet dont fail me now dont fail me now feet dont fail me now now now how am i gonna lose i been movin like this since i was two downtown im fadin into you are you ready to take it to footloose imma flippityflop that clickityclock were stayin out tonight we wont leave by now i hope you figured it out ill give you more than youll ever need everybodys lookin clean under the neon light lets turn it on to show them just how we get freaky right ill get you dancin to the diggydiggydiggydido this is my town if you dont know now you know do that thing that you do ill show you a new move check out the diggydiggydiggydido dont fail me now feet dont fail me now dont fail me now feet dont fail me now come on seth meyers ill get you dancin to the diggydiggydiggydido this is my town if you dont know now you know do that thing that you do ill show you a new move check out the diggydiggydiggydido dont fail me now feet dont fail me now dont fail me now feet dont fail me now dont fail me now feet dont fail me now dont fail me now feet dont fail me now [ cheers and applause ] seth spencer ludwig, everyone download diggy now. Well be right back. [ cheers and applause ] its about time the taco. Came out of its shell. Its baking season. Warm up with pillsbury. You can never tell from the outside just how many warm, flaky layers are on the inside. But lets just say its more than ever. Share the warmth of grands biscuits, now with even more flaky layers its baking season. Warm up with pillsbury. [ cheers and applause ] seth my thanks to elijah wood, ana gasteyer, spencer ludwig, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] fred armisen, Allison Miller, the entire 8g band. Stay tuned for carson daly. Well see you tomorrow. [ cheers and applause ] carson hey, everybody its your buddy, carson daly. Thank you so much. Tonight, were coming to you from 97. 1 amp radio. We got a great show. Were gonna start with the music. Were gonna have the tv debut of moving units. Well do that live nations wiltern

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