Transcripts For WCAU Early Today 20150828 :

Transcripts For WCAU Early Today 20150828

forecast. there he is. hi, bill. >> it's a beautiful start. the humidity is low. skies are clear. the numbers, at this hour they're falling. 49 degrees in the pocono mountains. 59 in trenton, wilmington at 60, 66 in philadelphia. we're running a bit cooler than yesterday. just like yesterday, low humidity we'll see lots of sunshine. clear skies at 6:00. 65. by 9:00 up to 71 degrees. we still see the northerly wind. the humidity stays low. warming into the upper 70s by noontime today. in ten minutes i'll have the neighborhood by neighborhood forecast for you, show you how warm it gets where you live. jessica boyington has your first alert traffic on a friday morning, jessica. >> on a friday morning in the last month of the summer had is actually a good thing for commuters. we do have to head out the door. we pretty much avoid a lot of delay and jam up for friday morning, right before the weekend, especially you can see a three-minute drive time. headed westbound, westbound lanes right in here from 95 up towards the schuylkill expressway. they still haveç cones out in e area on the eastbound side. not blocking off any lanes. watch out for that, though, heading through it the area. if you're out in philadelphia and moving along on 95 or the schuylkill expressway, the blue route, everything is moving along just firn. t patco, new jersey transit and septa moving along just fine this morning. let's get to the breaking news, a man running from police, car jacked a driver, taking the victim's passengers on a wild ride. those passengers are safe now. the bad guy is still on the run but he left behind the perfect clue. nbc 10's katy zachry is live in south philadelphia. all right, katy, lay all this out for us here. >> reporter: chris, a lot happened in a short amount of time early this morning. but fortunately philadelphia police officers saw most of it and they say they know who they're looking for. they believe the man behind all of this as you look at our video, the marne driving this black mustang is a former prison inmate. they say this because they found what's believed to be his prison i.d. at one of the scenes. now, initially pulled him over for driving erratically. when officers walked up to his car, he took off. they followed in their cruiser to see him crash the mustang several blocks away. officers say the suspect then carjacked another vehicle nearby that had people in it. he forced the driver and the passenger out and drove off. but detectives say two women were sitting in the back seat during this time. eventually the suspect pulled the car over, jumped out and ran. the two women got control of the car and drove a nearby police officer who was on patrol at an intersection. the four people who were carjacked, they are all right now behind me inside being interviewed by south detectives, south detectives are trying to piece together what they need to fill in the blanks so they can find this guy. they have not released, again, who they believe this person is. his name or his i.d. but we're told they have his i.d. inç possession. we're going to stay on top of the story. police are commenting about this and we'll bring you some of their thoughts coming up until the next half hour. reporting live in south philadelphia, katy zachry, nbc 10 news. a plea for help. that's what the family of a bucks county man is making while at the same time thanking the people who helped save his leif. early monday morning, 23-year-old robbie scott was hit you about a car on brown avenue in bensalem. the vehicle kept going. two off duty firefighters found scott and called for help. nbc 10 was with his family when they met and thanked one of those firefighters. scott is still in critical but stable condition. the impact, says his grandmother, shattered almost every bone on the left side of his body. first responder ryan thompson tells us what he found. >> we jumped out of the car and do what we could. >> thank god they found him. i don't know if he would have survived if he was there any longer. i really done the know. >> scott's family has put up to a $1,000 reward. the vehicle would have damage to the front hood and maybe the wind shield. philadelphia police have arrested a suspect in that series of burglaries near drexel university. police say since saturday, someone broke into five homes in powelton village taking electronics, backpacks and other items. manuel mikes faces murder and child endangerment charges. in march, his 9-week-old stepdaughter died at a home in millville. the medical examiner discovered bluntd force trauma to the back of the baby's head. the district attorney now says the sheriff's deputy who was injured in the incident was actually shot by another deputy. authorities say on tuesday, curtis smith burst into the courthouse with a knife, deputy. another deputy shot and killed smith. originally the d.a. said the first deputy was wounded by smith's knife. yesterday he said the injury to the deputy's fingers came from a bullet fired by the other deputy. prosecutors say smith had a history of bizarre behavior. secret service arrested him in march for scaling the white house fence. the deputy attacked by smith and shot in the altercation is still recovering this morning. the district attorney ruled the shooting was justified. as philadelphia prepares for the pope's visit, septa wants to us pass along new information here. first of all the transit agency says there are more than 100,000 rail passes still available for that weekend. also more parking spaces are opening up at septa stations and septa will now keep running that weekend as long as it takes to get people back home after the papal event. and septa's general manager points out all of their drop points are within a two-mile walk of logan circle. >> we're macking it easy for you. we're running express service on the regional rail and trolley lines. it's easy. it's an easy commute. once you get downtown, it's an easy walk to the event. >> you can also ride the airport line into center city. one other option there. learn more about the pope's visit, including the transportation changes and the schedules for trains and buses by tapping the nbc 10 news app. we have all of the information there, including the pope's itinerary. the nbc 10 news app is a free download. imagine working without pay. that's what teachers and staff in the chester upland school district agreed to do yesterday. the district is operating under a $20 million deficit and does not have the manien to meet payroll on september 9th. the staff said they don't want that the to prevent students from going to class. classes will start as scheduled next week while the district tries to find a funding solution. speaking of funding swlugss, the persons budget battle continues and a new poll shows mostç voters blame lawmakers f the stalemate. frankland and marshal college con ducked the survey. it shows 54% hold the legislature responsible. 46% meantime blame governor tom wolf. pennsylvania has been without a spending plan for nearly two months. some safety net services have been interrupted by that. basketball fans are remembering darryl dawkins. there's a lot to remember. the former 76er star famous for his monster dunk died yesterday of a heart attack. he passed away at lehigh valley hospital at age 58. he goes by the name chocolate thunder. he pioneered the slam dunk, stunning crowds by smashing two backboards in 1979. it actually changed the way backboards were made. he went on to coach at lehigh carbon community college. dawkins wanted to make a difference in the lives of young people. >> the talent and how kind he was in sharing that with our students. >> he really touched the lehigh valley as well as tri-c. >> he loved his kids, janis, his wife and i know they're going to >> and dawkins also leaves behind four churn. the sixers released a statement calling dawkins an absolute legend. now your nbc 10 first alert weather with meteorologist bill henley. >> just about ten minutes after 4:00. here we go again, another cool start this morning. the temperatures running a little bit cooler than yesterday. just like the last couple of days, nice and comfortable during the afternoon. the humidity stays low as the temperatures climb back into the 80s this afternoon and we'll go warmer this weekend. we're looking for a warmup. we will reach into the 90s over the weekend. right now, 59 degrees. reading seeing a few scattered clouds, no rain with the clouds. 66 degrees in philadelphia and cape may is in the clear at 59 degrees. there's a clear view of beach avenue. another sunny day at the shore, another day with afternoon temperatures near ç80 degrees right on the beach. just inland, it will be into the 80s. there you can see completely clear in cape may. with those scattered clouds in the reading area, no soon of showers and none expected today. you'll need your sun glasses with bright sunshine today, 74 in the pocono mountains, very low 80s for allentown, quakertown and reading. will reach into the 80s for trenton, mount holly and norristown. the humidity stays low. the sunshine will be bright. for rehoboth, 79. low 80s for cape may. dover hits 81 degrees this afternoon. up to 82 for wilmington. 84 in philadelphia. and just 83 degrees today for williamstown. the weekend, yes, it will be warmer. 88 saturday with lots of sunshine. a few extra clouds and into the 90s starting on sunday. i'll show you how long those 90s last in the seven-day forecast, chris, when i'm back in ten minutes. we will mark our calendars for that. 11 minutes after 4:00. time to get a check of the roads and i was told a few minutes ago that everything is looking nice and clear out there. let's hope that's still the case. nbc 10's jessica boyington with that. >> so far nice and clear, chris. 95 around girard avenue, you can see the southbound drive time doing just fine, a 13-minute trip from woodhaven road up towards the vine street expressway. you can see on the southbound side that's where that drive time would typically jam up, heading into the center city area. northbound lands are doing just fine also. the pa turnpike, all the cars are green. moving along nicely. 22 minutes, 23 minute at the most, eastbound from valley forge up towards route 1. in montgomery county, in shelton ham, watch out for this accident on east side avenue and north avenue. remembering the victims of the virginia tv news tragedy. we'll take you to a vigil for the two journalists. will vice president joe biden actually get into the race for çpresident? we'll find out why he says his whole heart isn't in it, at least not yet. . we celebrate and give thanks to the lives of those who were lost to gun violence. >> we continue to plague our country and the world. >> in virginia, hundreds of people gathered outside the roanoke news station after two of their journalists were shot and killed during a live interview. adam ward and alison parker were shot to death by a former colleague during their morning broadcast. as this memorial continues to grow, so does the anger and outrage over what happened. police say the shooter, vester flanagan had two 9 millimeter glocks. >> grief, which is still apparent and will be that way for a while. it's turned to anger. i'm relentless and i'm not going to stop until something happens. >> parker was interviewing the leader of the local chamber of commerce, again in virginia when flanagan opened fire. she was injured in the shooting. the chamber of commerce official was. he's expected to be okay, though. meantime, police found flanagan had three license plates and a wig, a possible clue that he planned to try to escape before taking his own life. 4:16 now and decision 2016 time. we're now hearing from vice president joe biden. just as a new poll number suggests that his popularity is rising. biden is pondering a run for the white house. last night he broke his silence on the subject by saying that his answer really hinges on his family. he spoke during a conference call with democratic officials. he described his struggles in the months after his son beau died recently. >> if i were to announce to run, i have to be able to commit to all of you that i would be able to give it my whole heart and my whole soul and right now, both are pretty well banged up. >> the new poll numbers do indicate the democrats may be ready for a biden presidential run. here they are. a new quinnipiac vice president finds biden's favorability is 48%. the next closest republican, donald trump, 36% likability. a city that's already strapped for cash is on the hook for nearly $900,000 in legal bills to defend its embattled mayor. a law firm billed reading city government for several cases involving mayor vaughn spencer dating back to 2012. he's accused of awarding city contracts to members of his campaign without going through the normal bidding process. spencer has not been charged with a crime at this point. a similar investigation is happening in allentown. the fbi is looking into mayor ed pawlowski for the same type of possible misconduct. agents raided allentown city hall eight days before the raid in reading. pawlowski denies any wrongdoing. 4:18. from the nbc 10 jersey shore bureau, a new facility opens up in atlantic county. it's designed to pave the way, they say, to a better airport. the federal aviation administration dedicated its new national airport and paste research facility in egg harbor township yesterday. >> it allows sort of all types of weather, conditions,ç friction, tire conditions. so it allows us to be able to do that effectively so we can apply the appropriate technology as we invest in our infrastructure. >> the goal is to help airports save money by lowering costs and extending pavement life. 4:19 now. at least four people died in severe flooding and mud slides caused by tropical storm erika as it moved across the caribbean island of dominica. 20 people are reported missing. right now erika is impacting puerto rico. it is projected to hit the bahamas, the u.s. virgin ian lads and st. martin. the storm is forecast to hit florida as a possible hurricane next week. now your nbc 10 first alert weather with meteorologist bill henley. >> 19 minutes after 4:00. we're on our way to another beautiful day and this has not changed much with the last few das. a nice breeze blowing out of the northwest. that's dry air coming into the area. 66 degrees in philadelphia. 1 degree cooler than yesterday at this time. south philadelphia, completely in the clear over citizens bank park. lots of sunshine, back into the 80s this afternoon. 50s for millville, trenton at 59. doylestown is 57 degrees and currently it's 57 in langhorne where it's right at 60 degrees for levittown and penndel. we're seen scattered clouds the last couple mornings but they don't last. they're on the move. with tropical storm erika, tremendous rainfall, 9 inches as it moved past dominika. 45 mile-an-hour winds, not as strong as yesterday. it's puerto rico that's being impacted this morning, 50 miles south of puerto rico. we'll be tracking erika as she moves. today, sunshine will move the temperature into the low 80s, low humidity continues today but you'll notice it creeps up a bit over the weekend along with the temperature. not bad tomorrow, sunny and 88 degrees after a moznhng low of 63 degrees. then we're into the 90s. here comes july-like heat for sunday. for monday, for tuesday, wednesday and thursday. and tuesday we could see showers and thunderstorms, just a chance of some much-needed rainfall. >> all right, bill, 4:21 now. let's get a check of the roads and head over to south jersey and see what's happening on 42 now with nbc 10's first alert traffic reporter jessica boyington. jessica? >> we're out in runnemede on the 42 freeway around new jersey turnpike. where it's actually even difficult to see anything happening unless a car goes by on the roadway. good news there. all lanes are open, traffic moving through the area northbound as you can see right in here. we have a five-minute drive time northbound from 55 up towards the walt whitman bridge. currently no problems on the walt, the tac pal, ben, the betsy are all doing okay so far for the morning. on the schuylkill expressway if you're heading through the conshohocken curve area, all green, everything is moving 12 minutes, which is a little bit low, headed eastbound or westbound from the blue route up towards the vine street expressway. also watch out for this accident scene in shelton ham on east glenside avenue and north avenue. chris? some important information for parents before you send your kids back to school with expensive gadgets in their backpacks. we'll tell you what some experts are saying whether it's worth it to buy insurance for those tech devices. doggy drive, how uber got involved in the fund-raising efforts that connect people with puppies. if you ever wonder what happens behind the scenes here at nbc 10 news today, this would be a great time to logon to prry scope and find out what tracy davidson is wearing that has me doing a double take this morning. >> oh, come on. >> what is going on there? that applause a little more genuine yesterday morning. wall stsuet is hoping for a third straight day of gains today. the dow will open 359 points higher this morning and that follows yesterday. buyers went on a binge showing the u.s. economy grow faster in the second quarter than first thought. the stock market exchanges in shanghai and tokyo were up today, the current rally follows a six-day slump driven by worries about the chinese economy. if kids or students break an electronic device it's usually the parents who have to replace it. but now there are more ways to ensure those gadgets. instead of buying extended warranties from retailers, look to the manufacturers. the wireless carriers or independent firms for lower cost insurance. that advice comes from a senior tech rider from nbc also theft may be covered through your renters or home owners insurance. something to check into there. happening today, there's going to be 75 more men and women protecting the streets of philadelphia. a new class of police officers graduating this morning, a ceremony will happen at temple university and just a heads up if you drive near that area, you could expect to see road closures between 9:00 and 2:00 this afternoon. instead of a coffee break, office workers used a puppy play date as their afternoon pick me up yesterday. uber partnered with the spca to offer employees and adorable distractions during the workday. interested businesses were able to order 15 minutes of play time with adoptable puppies delivered by uber. the cost was just $20 and 100% of the proceeds go to the s. ca. how about that? the goal was to raise $4,000 which they easily did. we're still waiting to hear the final total. now your nbc 10 first alert weather. >> i read that uber also delivered this low humidity that we've been enjoying today. >> wow, nice. >> fantastic. 4:27 right now. cool this morning, 65 degrees. nice breeze blowing inq/ center city. there are changes ahead for the weekend. it's a friday morning. how 'the traffic looking at this hour? jessica boyington has your first alert traffic. good morning, jessica. >> good morning, bill. we're doing okay. happy friday. route 309 at the pa turnpike. no problems or cars in sight northbound or southbound. we're dong just fine. coming up at 4:30 we'll check route 95 and see if it's the same there. and overnight, philadelphia police chase a suspect throughout the city and witness him carry out a carjacking. coming up, i'll tell you what key piece of evidence police say he left behind that could lead officers right to him. nbc 10 breaking news. a wild story in south philadelphia involving a stolen car, a carjacking and a kidnapping and police say after crashing that stolen car, the suspect left behind an unbelievable piece of evidence. taking a live look outside this morning. look for sunshine and low humidity. it's cool again. 65 degrees at 4:30. good morning, this is nbc 10 news today. i'm tracy davidson.

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Williamstown , Pennsylvania , United States , Levittown , Cape May , New Jersey , Conshohocken , Millville , Tokyo , Japan , Shanghai , China , Norristown , Dover , Philadelphia , Florida , Virginia , Dominica , Bahamas , The , Logan Circle , Puerto Rico , Atlantic County , Temple University , Quakertown , Drexel University , Allentown , Trenton , Jersey , Mount Holly , Rehoboth , Chinese , Katy Zachry , Tracy Davidson , Vester Flanagan , Joe Biden , S Virgin Ian , Alison Parker , Robbie Scott , Darryl Dawkins , Chris Cato , Vaughn Spencer , Curtis Smith , Ryan Thompson ,

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