crowd cheers keep on scratchin giant has unbelievable pro tip produce prices. so youll never have to choose between your favorites. I thought i was your favorite. Thats right honey. Bye take a fresh look at giants produce prices. [crowd cheering] [band plays fanfare] [cheering, band continues] [crowd cheering swells] [cheering, band fades] [indian music plays] yeah, mate, i said 30, you cant expect to get away with it like that. Make a better deal or its off. Ok . Well, ill see you tomorrow then, 10 00. [man] one fortynine, please. How much is the milk . Fortynine pence. Thank you very much. Thank you. [traffic humming] mm. Too much. Much too much butter. I like butter. Milks gone up. Hm . 49p a pint. [denis] good grief well have to economize. I suppose we could always sell the car. [laughs] or take in paying guests [chuckles] [footsteps] watch out. Shes on the prowl. [indistinct chatter] eat your egg. Goodness there you are. Yes. Here we are. [woman whispering] how did this happen . How could she possibly have got out . Its very, very important that the front door is left locked. Of course. Please, make it clear to whoevers on after you. [man] dixon. [june] im afraid im gonna have to phone the station about this. Anything could have happened. [man] i understand. [woman] shes starting to clear her husbands cupboard, so. [woman 2] mmhm. [woman 1] i may need your help. Can you bring up any cases that you can find in the basement . [woman 2] of course. Mm beautiful day. Mm. Oh, youve made a start. Carols coming soon, ill get some bags. Anything you want to go to mark, ill bring up a suitcase for it. Mmmm. No, no, no, no. The gray. You sure . Mm. [grunts] definitely the gray. Rightyho. Boss knows best. [denis humming] ah damn damn it. Blot it. Blot it. Pardon . Youre supposed to be looking after her. [denis] now look what youve done. Are they to keep the loonies out or you in . Hm. Ill be off then. Wear your scarf. Theres a chill out there. [susie] good morning, lady thatcher. Are you all right . How are you feeling . Im fine, thank you, susie. Ive just been reading about the bombings. Of course. Frightful. [cell phone ring tone plays] [switches off phone] sorry. These are the books for you to sign. I brought as many as i could find. Shall we go through your appointments . We said wed go through them today. Yes, of course, dear. Today. [susie] the invitation has come from lord armstrong for lunch on the first friday of next month. I said no, because you have a concert that afternoon, but if youd like to. It looks like a very interesting program. What are they playing . Um, i think they said. Rodgers hammerstein. [ shall we dance plays] shall we dance . On a bright cloud of music shall we fly . Shall we dance . Shall we then say good night and mean goodbye . Or perchance when the last little star has left the sky shall we still be. Oh oh. [music fades] silly man. He hasnt got his scarf on. [siren blares] [booming] did someone cover the butter . Ill go. Leave it. Margaret [plane rumbling, explosions] good girl. Tomorrow, no matter what they do, itll be business as usual. [woman] two of the small beef, mr. Roberts. [alfred] what is the life blood of any community . Its business. Not just big business, but small businesses, like mine. Margaret cups [alfred] we on this island are strong. Were selfreliant. Sometimes, were plain bloodyminded. But we also believe in helping each other. And i dont mean by state handouts. [girl 1] margaret, do you want to come to the pictures . [girl 2] shes not coming out, shes got to study. Miss hoity toity [laughing] [alfred] never run with the crowd, margaret. Go your own way. [echoing] go your own way. [girls laughing] [alfred] never run with the crowd. Open it then. Ive got a place at oxford. [sobbing] dont let me down, margaret. Mother my hands are still damp. Margaret roberts. Oh tea. Margaret cups [indistinct chatter] [laughter] [denis] theyre talking about you again. Wha. What time is it . Suns not quite over the yard arm. Its time for tea. [phone rings] [sighs] look, margaret. What have you got on your head . Found it in the cupboard, and thought, bugger it, its friday, why not fancy dress . [margaret] you look ridiculous. [foreign accent] boss lady no like . No, denis, boss lady no like. [indistinct whispering] no, no, no. Its going fine. But its taken carol eight years to persuade her to participate. Feet [woman] well, its her pills. You can never be sure shes taking them. I think sometimes she hides them. [denis] oh, rumbled [woman] they give her about an hours clarity, then she slips again. [carol] can i suggest you remove the sticker from the back of your car . [man] sorry. [carol] well then, take the sticker off i call that false advertising, wouldnt you . [man] ive got another. I would say keep the change, but there isnt any change. [carol] hello, june. Any news . I brought every single bag i could find. [man on tv] he gave a speech recently, trying to come up with a broad base. Hello, ma. Bloody taxi driver wouldnt take my card. I said dont have a sticker saying you take visa and then insist on cash. Oh can you believe it . Rummaging around the bottom of my bag. He didnt get a tip. I didnt know that you were dropping by today, dear. Yes, you said yesterday, you were going to start on dads things, in the cupboards, and then i was going to help you dress. Youve got michael and. Jacqueline. Coming for dinner tonight. Yes, of course. Were having halibut. [man on tv] this is a major catastrophe that has struck our capital. As you can see. Isnt it terrible . They think its alqaeda. [man on tv]. And the firebrigade are trying to get all the people out of the building. The Prime Minister and his senior staff were due to be staying at the hotel, but checked out earlier. [margaret] denis itll be fine. Come get your head down. Its ten to three, for gods sake. [margaret] denis [man] at ten to three this morning, an explosion extensively damaged the grand hotel in brighton. [man 2] brighton, scene of the conservative party conference. [man 3]. Which the Prime Minister and a number of her cabinet were staying. They escaped unhurt, but its reported that. [man 2] five people have died, many others are injured, some critically. [man 4] the ira have claimed responsibility. We must release a statement, offering our condolences. Im sure theyve already. We must never, ever, ever give in to terrorists. Is it warm in here . I hear you went out today. You mustnt go out on your own, mummy. Weve talked about that. There was no milk. Call robert, hell get it for you if junes not up. I am not for the knackers yet. [denis] now, take it easy, margaret. No ones saying that. If i cant go out to buy a pint of milk, what is the world coming to . Really, carol. Please dont fuss about it. Youve always been like this, fuss, fuss, fuss. You must find Something Better to do with your time. Its most unattractive in a woman. When i was your age, the last thing i wanted to do was fuss around my mother. Four down, nine letters. Something b, something t, something n. Something, something, something. Refusal to change course. Obstinate. [laughs] [carol] what . [denis] i knew youd get it. Ob. Ill wear the pearls. Ill wear the pearls. [indistinct chatter] [man] ah, miss roberts. Hoping to be chosen as our candidate for parliament. Well, i dont like coalitions, i never have. [indistinct chatter] [conversation fades] start on the outside, work your way in. [man] attlee has his sights set on the steel industry, you mark my words. [man 2] theyll be nationalizing the bloody air next. Yes, hold your breath, sir. Thats Government Property dreadful. Was your father a political man, too, miss roberts . Oh, yes, to his core. And mayor of grantham. And a grocer as well. [margaret] yes. And did you help. In the. Shop. Oh, yes. It was a family business. A very good starting point for the political life, im sure. That, and a degree from oxford. [conversation fades in] no, dont. Whiskey. [indistinct chatter] [margaret] so what i do think is that a man should be encouraged to stand on his own two feet. Yes, we help people. Of course we help people. But for those that can do, they must just get up and do. And if somethings wrong, they shouldnt just whine about it, they should get in there and do something about it, change things. With all due respect, miss roberts, what may have served in grantham. Can serve very well for the people of dartford, too. Really . [margaret] i know much more than those who have never lived on a limited income. Just like the man or woman in the street, when i am short one week, i have to make economies the next. Nothing like a slice of fiscal responsibility. [margaret] a man might call it fiscal responsibility, a woman might call it good housekeeping. Im not sure a Home Economics lesson is quite what the dartford constituents need. They see industry being nationalized, the unions on the up, the pound on the slide. Whoever can sort that lot out, hes my man. Or woman . [laughs] ladies, shall we . [man] miss roberts, do join the ladies. [man] well. Thats told us [laughter] so, margaret, how would you have dealt with this if youd been Prime Minister . Where . [carol] the bombings, mummy. Today. We were just talking about them. No. Yes. We have always lived alongside evil. But it has never been so patient, so avid for carnage, so eager to carry innocents along with it into oblivion. Hear, hear. [murmuring] western civilization must root out this evil, wherever it hides, or she risks defeat at the hands of global terror in a nuclear age. Unimaginable. The Prime Minister made a very good statement, i thought. Yes. Clever man. Quite a smoothie. [laughter] chrit can happen to anyone. S a help is within reach. All you need to do is ask. Vanessa i was a fullblown heroin addict, selling my soul to get high. But i got help, and you can too. James i just know i didnt want to feel that pain anymore. I got help. You can too. Aj most people think addicts are beyond help. When i see an addict, i see hope. Chris christie dont suffer. Dont wait. Call 844 reach nj or visit reachnj. Gov. You dont mind if i sit down. No, no. I heard you speak at the conference in brighton in 1984, just after the ira bombed the grand hotel. You were remarkable. I hope you appreciate what an inspiration youve been to women like myself. Well, it used to be about trying to do something. Now, its about trying to be someone. Mm. Anyway, i. Thank you. Good night, lady thatcher. Good night to you. [indistinct chatter] do the clasp. I cant quite. Yes. You have an eyelash. Oh . Make a wish. [chuckles] [laughs] oh, i spoke to dr. Michael today. Hes very good. Very expensive. I know youre not due to see him for another month, but ive spoken to him and he can fit you in tomorrow. Just for a checkup. Ma, please. What does mark think about it . Mark . Mm. Tell him to come up. I want to talk to him about this. Marks with sarah and the children. Well, tell him to come up and see me after hes kissed them good night, would you, carol, darling . Hes not here, mummy. Mark lives in south africa. And youre not Prime Minister anymore. And dad is, uh. Dad is dead. You look exhausted, dear. You really must try to get some sleep. [clears throat] taxis will be few and far between at this hour. Rightyho. Nightnight, ma. Sleep well. Good night, dear. [opera fades in] [man] twentyfouryearold miss Margaret Roberts lost her bid to win a seat in parliament today, but she has put new life into the dartford conservative association. Winning candidate mr. Dodds had better watch out, this bright young woman is on his tail. [laughs] eat oh disaster hang on, hang on. Hang on. You shaved thousands off their majority. You did splendidly. Not splendidly enough. Ah, i see. Self pity. No ones saying you dont need a safe seat. You deserve a safe seat. But it does not come unless you learn to play the game a little. What game . Youre a grocers daughter. And proud of being. And in their eyes. A single grocers daughter. But if you were to become the wife of a moderately successful businessman, youd get to parliament. And id get to be the happiest man in. Wherever they select you. Margaret, will you marry me . [breath trembling] well . Yes. Yes what . [margaret] i love you so much, but. I will never be one of those women, denis, who stays silent and pretty on the arm of her husband. Or remote and alone in the kitchen, doing the washing up, for that matter. [denis] well get a help for that. No. Ones life must matter, denis. Beyond all the cooking and the cleaning and the children, ones life must mean more than that. I cannot die washing up a tea cup. I mean it, denis. Say you understand. Thats why i want to marry you, my dear. Oh [sobs] [laughs] now, eat. [ shall we dance] shall we dance . On a bright cloud of music shall we fly . Shall we dance . Shall we then say good night and mean goodbye . Or perchance when the last little star has left the sky shall we still be together with our arms around each other . And shall you be my new romance . [laughing] [music fades] oh oh. There they are, my little twins. [seagulls crying] [margaret] oh. Mark. [denis] cornwall, wasnt it . Bloody hell. [margaret laughs] [denis] look at em, little imps. [margaret laughs] you look happy. Yes, i do, dont i . Youre drinking too much. Whatcha doing . Not like you, looking back. Dont want to dig around too deep, m, dont know what you might find. You can rewind it, but you cant change it. [boy laughing] [moaning] [man] mr. Eric deakins, labor, 13,437. Mr. Ivan spence, liberal, 12,260. [shouting] we won mrs. Margaret thatcher, conservative, 29,697. I can now announce the new member of parliament from finchley, 1959. Come along, please [man]. Mrs. Margaret thatcher. [children shouting] please mummy, dont go [engine starts] [children shouting] you promised hey mummy wait, mummy [indistinct chatter] [silence] no. [indistinct chatter] [man] mrs. Thatcher. Excuse me. Sorry. Mrs. Thatcher, airey neave. Welcome to the madhouse. Follow me. [man] the honorable lady, the member of parliament, from finchley. [shouting] order the right honorable lady, the secretary of state for education. [shouting] thank you, mr. Speaker. The right honorable gentleman knows very well that we have no choice but to close the schools. [shouting] shame disgrace because his union paymasters have called a strike deliberately to cripple our economy. [shouting] rubbish teachers cannot teach when there is no heating, no lighting in their classrooms. And i ask the right honorable gentleman, whose fault is that . [shouting] yours methinks the right honorable lady doth screech too much. [laughter] and if she wants us to take her seriously, she must learn to calm down [laughter] very good if the right honorable gentleman could perhaps attend more closely to what i am saying, rather than how i am saying it, he may receive a valuable education in spite of himself [laughter, murmuring] why has. Why has this conservative government failed . [shouting] it hasnt failed. Minister, the breakdown in essential public services, is not the fault of the trade unions. Its entirely their fault. But of this conservative government in which you so shamefully serve [shouting] [indistinct chatter] fios is not cable. Were a 100 fiber optic network. Now with our new fios gigabit connection, you get amazing download speeds up to 940 megs, 20 times faster than most people have. And the price is amazing too for 79. 99 a month online for the first year youll get our fastest triple play with hbo included for 2 years. Leave cables slower internet speeds behind. So hurry up and switch to fios gigabit connection for 79. 99 with tv, hbo and multiroom dvr service for two years all with a two year agreement. At ikea, we believe that everything you need should be within reach. That anything that matches your taste can match your budget. That green living doesnt have to cost much green. We believe that you should always have room for the little things. And that your dream kitchen should work as hard as you do. Save up to 15 at the ikea kitchen event. Perfect dasure is. Game huh . I dont know about you gus, but i think a foul balls coming our way. Im ready crack of the bat, crowd cheers whoa almost had it maybe next time. What about this time . Pay me the new scratchoff from the pennsylvania lottery. With top prizes of 100 grand thats some catch giggles crowd cheers keep on scratchin unless we can reach a compromise. The miners are asking for a 35 percent increase in wages. Obviously, we cant go anywhere near that. The unions are not our enemies and never have been. We want, and have always wanted, the broadest consensus. [all] hear, hear. Im sure we are all in agreement that we must do nothing for the moment that will further inflame the current situation. Hear, hear, Prime Minister. The fact of the matter is, its absolutely crucial that we are seen by the public to be acting as conciliators and not aggressors. Hear, hear. [all murmur] yes, education secretary. Yes. Prime minister, with the miners union leader today calling for the army to mutiny in support of the strikes, this seems the wrong time for conciliation. [all groaning] [Prime Minister] be patient. Theyll come back on again in a moment. [man] anybody got a shilling . [man 2] ah, boy scout. Be prepared. Thank you, margaret. Oh it lives. Your thoughts are duly noted. [man] compromise, compromise, compromise. [man] we on this island are strong. Were selfreliant. Napoleon called us a nation of shopkeepers. He meant it as an insult, but to me its a compliment. Thats why he couldnt beat us, thats why hitler cant beat us. We conservatives believe in giving people the freedom and opportunity to fulfill their own potential, especially the young. Theres no good in pretending were all equal, were not all the same, never have been, never will be. We should encourage our children to aspire to achieve more than we have, for our children today will be the leaders of tomorrow. [applause] [man on radio] its 1974, youd think it was world war ii. Blackouts, no petrol. Its a mess. Heath should resign now and make way for someone whos not afraid to tackle the unions. [carol] i swear, its all gone completely out of my head. My driving instructor says i should pass, but i feel as if ive hardly had any lessons. [indistinct] maybe third time lucky. The only thing you should remember is that everyone else is either reckless or inept. Usually both. One must be brave if one is to take the wheel. Move to your right a little bit. Well, hes in the way move to the right [carol screams] [tires screech] hey look out so sorry terribly sorry [laughing] [carol] hey, look at me, driving thanks, ma, that was terrific i really feel like ive got a handle on it now. You should have seen us, pa. Are you trying to cook your own breakfast . Denis i can boil a bloody egg. Mummy took me for a test drive. We went absolutely everywhere. All over the place. Yeah . Ive decided. Im going to run. What for . Im going to run for leader of the party. Silly me good luck [carol] all the time i thought i was having a driving lesson, it was all about my mother, just for a change whats she on about . [denis] its her driving test this morning oh, right. Of course