Transcripts For WBZ WBZ This Morning 20161015 : comparemela.

Transcripts For WBZ WBZ This Morning 20161015

thought it could be getting down -- don't you but the temperatures will be dropping a little bit more as we go through the morning. in raleigh, the pinegrove elementary school, rode my bike by there a couple of days ago, 37 degrees in revere, at the whelan elementary school 39, in rice at the elementary school 35. very cold out there and are frosting places. 28degrees right now in taunton, 30 degrees. boston is 43 right now. many 20s across new england. it is a frosty morning, definitely a cold morning. a little bit of hiking club is going by. it seems to be sending bout -- out and disappearing and for the most part we will have a nice sunny day overall. your forecast for the weekend 61 today, a chilly start. tomorrow it will become quite breezy out of the southwest. we make it 70-72 with a mix of sunshine and clouds. i will see with the rest of the this is really something, strangers jump to the rescue of a woman trapped inside a sinking suv. they saved her life with seconds to spare, and this morning those good samaritans are sharing their story. here is lisa moeller. >>reporter: on friday afternoon the 2 men said they heard a splash and saw the aftermath. then kenneth and one other dove into saver. -- save her. appeared to sing. >> he got sucked down a little bit, at the same time, would seem to be forever was about 10 seconds, she popped up. >> i lost her. >>reporter: is the man grew tired, dan took over grabbing a cushion for the woman to float on. kenneth joined him about 20 feet from shore, finally she was >> she said thank you, jesus. >>reporter: a woman treated for mild hypothermia but conscious and alert when transported to the hospital. crews worked through the afternoon and into the night to pull out her car with no luck. dan and kenneth, lucky to be there at the critical moment. >> when you think about the coincidence of that, it is breathtaking. >>reporter:police say this was probably just an awful accident. they say the woman likely hit hospital overnight just as a precaution. louisa mohler, "wbz this morning." we are following a developing story this morning a level three sex offenders back under arrest this morning. richard gardner was arrested yesterday at a homeless shelter on southhampton street in the south in. investigators say he was wanted on a fugitive warrant from rhode island. the convicted child rapist was released from prison early after service -- serving 30 years of his 190 year sentence. much more on the new depm next half hour. a boston high school student killed in a car accident for the 18-year-old girl attended boston leadership community academy. crisis counselors are bring a block -- brought in to talk to students. five others were injured in yesterday's crash. "breaking news", a big win for scientists. world leaders and everyone else worried about the environment, more than 150 nations including the united states have reached a making climate change worse. developed nations like the us will have to reduce the use of hydrofluorocarbons -- just carbons up by 10% over the next three years. they are cool and susan refrigerators and aerosol sprays. 2 officer shot in the line of duty after they underwent another round of surgery. last night investigators finished searching the gun man's house, and at the same time the community, where the shooting help and, how they walk for peace. >>reporter:they marched silently as one in blue. >> we thought it was important to show support for men and women that protect us every day. >>reporter:the family lives on glad -- gladstone street fires -- feet away from the firefight doesn't 2 aust -- officers away to the hospital. they want to help everyone move on from wednesday night. officers responded to this home. kurt, wearing a ballistics vest and armed with this -- an assault rifle open fire. he shot the 2 officers before a shoot out killed him. investigators carried out bags of evidence on friday, as they figure out a motive. >> i see a dual personality, one second he wants to be a cop, and the points in the other direction. it seems like mix of guy. >>reporter: captain mccormick walked out front leading the community who show they are behind their officers. >> it is the least i can do. my brother was a police officer that was killed in the line of duty and they live their lives on the line for us every day. they do not get a lot of credit. >>reporter:they finish with a prayer for the 2 men. at the famous east boston unthinkable violence unfolded. both officers, underway with more surgery. they are in stable but critical condition. and east boston, katy bryce, "wbz this morning." >> for the first time we're hearing from the surgeon that treated the officers, the night of the shootout he also helped train boston police to use tourniquets to save lives. >> this is the embodiment of recognizing that anyone can be empowered to help or their buddy. and, that this life-saving maneuver does not have to be done by a medical professional. when it is done properly, it stays alive. >> doctor king also ran the 2013 marathon and treated marathon survivors. on air and online for the latest developments. tempers flare outside of court after disturbing new details were revealed about a violent home invasion in orange. the suspect faced a judge yesterday for the first time, as leah martin reports, the elderly couple was targeted because their vehicle would not have g ps. >>reporter:a man kneels in prayer at the home were 95-year- old thomas hardy was stabbed and suffocated. the 77-year-old wheel bound chair wife, joanna fisher, now fighting for her life after being bludgeoned and choked, her throat cut. the couple accused appeared behind a glass wall in court. the 27-year-old whitney smith mouthed i love you too family, she had joshua hart, who is 23, were picked up in virginia after days on the run allegedly committing robberies along the horrific home invasion that lasted, by our estimates, for almost 2 hours. >>reporter:heart allegedly told police he did it to avoid going to jail on another charge. he said smith was avoiding court mandated drug treatment. >> a plan was devised to allow them to escape and start a new life. >>reporter:outside, tensions flared. between family, friends, angry townspeople. >> they murdered a 95-year-old man and slit his wife's throat. >>reporter:joshua and smith left separately their families with little to say. >> i think it is horrible. >>reporter:back inside, a close friend of the victims was brought to tears. >> the drugs coming into this area are capable of turning a human being into an animal. i think tom's spirit will live on. >>reporter:both are charged to campaign 2016 now, donald trump will be back in new england this weekend for 2 campaign events. he will make stops in new hampshire and then head to bangor maine. he continues to insist multiple women are lying and claims that he touched them inappropriately against their will. he is urging a boycott of people magazine. both which published accusations from different women. e-mails reportedly hacked from the accounts of top clinton advisor suggest the campaign asked bill clinton to cancel -- cancel a speech to an investment firm last year because it might look like the former secretary of state was too close to wall street. mrs.clinton does not have any public events scheduled. although vice presidential candidate tim kaine will be in miami, florida. a judge has ordered north carolina to extend its voter registration deadline. the state democratic party sued for the extension claiming the voters from getting the paperwork filled out, in person, and time. early voting starts on thursday and voters will be allowed to register, at that time. we party see what tom brady looks like when he's got something to prove. how number 12 and the rest of the patriots are preparing for his return to gillette tomorrow. a strange turn of events that is threatening to send a record setting waves crashing to the west coast. and, break out those lottery tickets. here is a look at your wedding (climbing sounds) when kevin jorgeson needs light, he trusts duracell quantum because it lasts longer. ? (duracell slamtones) welcome back, the nfl may say we are in week 6, but really you might want to think about tomorrow's game of the patriots home opener. tom brady returns to the field, for the first time, the season. dan roach has a preview. >>reporter:we all know how tough it is to predict what is going to happen week to week in the nfl. we can guarantee at least one thing when the patriots made the bangles tomorrow at loud. why? simply because tom brady's first home game of the 2016 season. tomorrow will be nine months since brady last played at gillette stadium. brady threw for 302 yards on a parent touchdowns in a game, scored another himself from a yard out. it's only week 6, but you know the atmosphere tomorrow will be as electric as it was back in january. >> i look forward to playing every it's always fun to be out there. [inaudible] hopefully we can make enough plays to keep them on their toes. >>reporter:we've got you covered tomorrow starting with patriots game day at 11:30 a.m., kick off at 1 p.m. our fifth quarter post game show right after the game right here on wbz. it will be interesting to see how brady follows up on his 406- cleveland on sunday. i am dan roach, wbz sports. a developing story right now from washington were people living on the coast are preparing for a huge, potentially damaging waves, a perfect storm between the winds that are they -- that they are expecting today and high tide later this morning. barry just slid on and on his wheels, how are you doing? >> doing just fine. >> we are chilly out there -- chilly out there this >> it is cold. down about 30 degrees right now. it's not as cold as it could have been, but it is still getting colder. you know what, one good thing about summer, we talked about this before. coming in early in the morning and having it nice and warm, and now it's a cold. >> i was thinking that, to, i do not have a remote starter on my car which is the worst. >> i don't either. i have to admit i turned the getting soft, barry. >> tough going for me here. anyway, hi everybody on the saturday morning. take a look at the pacific storm out there, they have had one burst after another crushing onshore. here comes the next impulse out here which will move in. yesterday yesterday winds 5 0- 100 miles per hour on the coast way. this moon coming up tonight. they will be watching high tides and wave battery out there for sure. look at the central part of the nation, warm air coming up there and meantime we have the chilly air over us with this giant high-pressure center there. we have that tropical storm in the cold way offshore. adding some waves on the new england coastline today. take a look at these high temperatures off to the southwest of us today where it temperatures 80-83 here on tuesday. that is the kind of air which is coming our way. we are not done with the warmth just yet. we've got 28 laconia, plymouth, new hampshire 25, radiation cooling at some of these airports, massachusetts, pittsburgh is 35 right now, we've got 29 nor word -- norwood, boston, mostly in the 30s over most of cape cod. my be a couple of places in the cape with a touch of frost. temperatures to the upper 50s along the coast, to near 60, 62 might be running a little too high, we will call a 60-61 degrees, hardly any wind at all today. tomorrow, the wind is pretty gussy out of the southwest party can see where the arrows and the wind particles are will be in the lower 60s. it may be around 70-72 especially west and northwest of boston tomorrow afternoon. i wouldn't be surprised if it is going to be close to 70, down at gillette stadium for the big game tomorrow afternoon. a mix of sunshine and clouds, very mild and very nice. running 10-20 with a few higher gusts. the high coming over us now is a process to the east and southeast. av it warms up tomorrow, this front comes through with a couple of showers and we are looking for really warm here on tuesday. especially tuesday will be the warmest of the week when we could be around 80280 -- 80- 8 0-82 degrees. we will have a sunshine tomorrow and some clouds coming in in the afternoon turning partly cloudy. a couple of showers tomorrow night and early on monday and then off to 82, another self-effacing, can you believe this 82 on tuesday. clouds on wednesday with a few showers north and west of boston and probably the end of the week and part of next week and will be wet. >> it is all over the place. that is crazy. >> 82 looks mighty fine. and another thought in the relationship between cuba an change that could bring cuban cigars, and your neighbors poker game. kelly ayotte: let's be honest - both donald trump and hillary clinton are far from perfect... and i'm not perfect either. but when partisan politicians shut down the government, i led the fight to reopen it. protect new hampshire's clean air and clean water. i've been called a problem solver by independent groups, and ranked as one of the most bipartisan senators. i'm kelly ayotte - and i approve this message, because whether i'm working with republicans, democrats, or independents, starting today at noon, samsung galaxy note 7 will be banned from all us flights. phones will not be allowed on board orch passengers who try to trouble with the phones will have them confiscated and could face fines for the galaxy note 7 has been overheating and catching fire. samsung says it will no longer produce that phone. starting monday, americans traveling overseas will able to -- will be able to bring home cuban rum and cigars. travelers can purchase unlimited amounts of cuban goods in any country where they are sold legally as long as they are for personal consumption. oving. -- maybe. media police officer so inspired with using the force to keep the streets safe. peanu. taste the fave you crave today. ? with simply right checking from santander bank, just make one deposit, payment, withdrawal or transfer each month to waive the monthly fee. and there's no minimum balance. you're alright... with simply right checking from santander bank. ? are you feeling alright, baby? ? the outside corporate interests bankrolling question two are trying to deceive you. here's the truth: every time a new charter school opens, it drains money from the existing public schools. which means real cuts to our kids - in arts, technology, ap classes, pre-school, bus service and more. that's why question two's opposed by the massachusetts pta and school committees all across the state. join them in voting no on question two. ? cozy up this fall with dunkin's coffee and espresso flavors. sip salty and sweet with our new salted caramel macchiato or drink in the season with the classic taste of pumpkin. america runs on dunkin'. welcome back, a south bend indiana police officer has a to keep traffic moving and you say. this guy takes his traffic directing duties seriously and has a lot of fun while he is at it. his star wars and site -- inspired light sabers not only inspire traffic, but inspires light shows while pedestrians are waiting to cross. hey, keeps them busy. it is 5:27, a frightening fall for a man at a local cemetery, a mistake that sent him tumbling into a gray. an update on a developing story as a convicted child rapist is arrested as a f ugitive. watchers have chimed in early on the saturday morning. we thank them for giving us all of the information. checking out a few of the reports renouncing what the numbers look like. upper 30s around here, we have a cool spot out here, 28 degrees that is from james and barry, massachusetts. the temperature will go down another degree or so. it is chilly in spots, cold all over the place. how about your weekend? my away. ? ? on social security and medicare, these are the facts. kelly ayotte voted for deep cuts in medicare and social security. here are the votes. she voted against protecting social security from the threat of privatization. and said she's open to raising the retirement age for social security. look it up yourself. the fact is kelly ayotte's supporting big, corporate special interests. she's not working for us. dscc is responsible a convicted child rapist and registered sex offender is under arrest. why police say he is a fugitive. new evidence in the trial of a local woman police say encouraged her boyfriend to take his own life. a frightening fall at a local cemetery. what is being done to prevent good morning everybody, rise and shine, 5:30, it is a chilly one out there. good morning, i am kerry connolly and barry burbank is standing by with the latest on our chilly morning out there. >> do not get worried. we will have some nice warm weather coming in. good morning, hi everybody on the saturday morning let's go to what it is happening -- what is happening, 39 degrees, at the cosign. out in sterling, it is 34. it is chilly and temperatures will be going down a little bit more. much of western new england height and cloudiness come by this morning but most of that is sending out and disappearing. most of the clouds will stay to the north today so today will be a nice sunny day as savages go to 61, a chilly start area and a pretty gussy winds tomorrow out of the southwest in the afternoon. we will get up to 72. by the way tonight will not be as cold as the past few nights. the full forecast coming up. three men are being hailed as heroes after they pull a 68- year-old woman from her car. it was sinking in the arlington pond. police believe it was an accident and say the woman likely stepped on the gas instead of the break. she was transported to the hospital and treated for mild hypothermia. the couple accused in the on friday. whitney smith and joshua hart are both charged with first- degree murder, and they are held without bail. investigators think the elderly couple was targeted because of their vehicle not having gps. a community comes together to pray for the 2 officer shot in the line of duty after the other went another round of surgery lastly. they say kurt was wearing a ballistic vest armed with an assault rifle open fire, shooting 2 officers investigators carried out bags of evidence friday from the gun man's home is a figure out a motive. now to a developing story, a level three sex offender who had a neighborhood on edge is back under arrest. boston police arrested -- arrested richard gardner at a homeless shelter in the south end. he was sentenced to 190 years in prison but got out of jail. he was wanted out of rhode >>reporter:just days after his probation was transferred from plymouth to suffolk county, richard gardner was arrested here in his new home, the southhampton street shelter in boston. us marshals in boston police arrested gardner on a fugitive from justice warrant out of rhode island after he violated his probation there by showing up at a library last weekend. a violation of a city ordinance. the convicted child rapist and level three sex offender was released earlier this month after serving nearly 30 his parents home where he was met by outraged neighbors. >> we should have been notified prior. >> we have to pick our kids about the bus stop because nobody wants to let their kids walk home. >>reporter:gardner now 49, within his early 20s when he was convicted of raping and kidnapping several boys in both massachusetts and rhode but years later he appealed, and his sentence drastically shortened. gardner will be arraigned here in boston, on monday, before facing possible extradition to rhode island. the babysitter accused of kidnapping and torturing a little girl in hamilton is going to prison. abigail hannah pleaded guilty and apologized in court. in 2015 she broke into a hamilton home and kidnapped a two year old girl, she used to babysit, the child was found hours later, naked on the side of the road with her head s haved. hannah was sentenced to 5-7 years in state prison followed by 10 years of probation. never before heard evidence played in the courtroom on friday. she is a young woman accused of encouraging her high school barf -- boyfriend to commit suicide. bill shields reports on the new legal drama from taunton. >>reporter:the attorneys for michelle carter wanted evidence to stay out of court. but the proceedings went forward. in 2014, police say carter, helped her boyfriend conrad roy monoxide poisoning. police went after her phone. >> detectives with the fairview police department obtained 2 search warrants. one for the phone of michelle carter. >>reporter: one text to a friend after roy committed suicide said "his death is my fault. i was on the phone with him, and he got out of the car, because it was working. he got scared. ". today the tape of police talking to her in 2014 was entered as evidence. this was not the start of the trial again this was all defense motions to suppress evidence. police evidence. it did not work. the trial starts, police evidence will go into court. in taunton, i am bill shields, "wbz this morning." a dramatic scene in vermont, court officers wield a man accused of killing fi courtroom to charge them. 36-year-old stephen, hit a car head on carrying five teenagers. killing them. the judge is ordering a mental evaluation in the case. a frightening fall at a local cemetery, thomas foster says he was crossing the west lawn cemetery in lowell when the ground fell right out from underneath him. sending him into a veteran's grave. >> it did not register right off the bat, until i stood up and thought about it for a small hole until i realized i fell to the ground and had to pull my leg out of the hole. >> the cemetery is in the process of filling in the gray. meanwhile they have placed a board to cover the hole. fans are to let get ready to welcome tom brady back where he belongs. brad marchand makes the best of what could've been a rough night for the bruins. we have full information coming up next. we've got some fog in in many locations. the weather should be just fine for some leaf raking this weekend. we've got the moon out there, and that moon is going to become full as we go through dear fellow citizen, time spent with my son really makes me appreciate "the now". but i also have to plan for my family's future. and that means taking on debt. in a smart way. like my mortgage - it's working for me. and if he needs a college loan down the road, that'll be worth it too. it's all about having a strategy, that fits your life. so, if you have a question about how to make debt work for you, ask me. look at this steak, just sitting there, taunting you. what's worse? it's not alone. it comes with this, this, or this too. are you gonna do something about it? if not? good luck sleeping tonight. you can't fake steak. longhorn steakhouse. tonight's special: great steak pairings. a center cut sirloin with a choice of bacon-wrapped shrimp, baby back ribs, or parmesan crusted chicken. the atmosphere at gillette stadium should be like a playoff game. tom brady places first home game of the season. not surprisingly brady and his teammates have downplayed that storyline this week. win. the patriots held the full practice friday in foxboro. wrong questionable with an illness. even though the bangles are just 2-3 and coming off a loss, the pats know they will be a challenge on both sides of the ball. >> become hard and they play hard. you have to be focused to play them. to be ready mentally -- they do not back down. >> one of brady's many weapons is running back james white, four passes out of the backfill for 63 yards in bengals team that you're going to be facing. they will come in here looking for a win, no question about that how dangerous is that? >> they are always dangerous no matter what their record is. they have a lot of talent, great defense, explosive offense. it will be a great challenge for us. their record as they come in here, with a chip on their shoulder, we have to be prepared their goods come in here ready to fight. we have to be prepared. >> it will be crazy at gille patriot's day at 11:30 a.m., kick off at 1, fifth quarter right after the game here on wbz. the beyond -- the bruins have a tough time tonight to not only will they be facing the maple leafs team in their home opener, they will be introducing themselves to rookie sensation austin matthews who set an nhl record setting 4 goals in his nhl debut. everyone but david, he assisted on three goals and tied the game in the second period. then scored a pair of his own in the third period to stay. marchand played with david, and that line accounted for all six goals in the game. baseball, game one a lcs, blue jays and indian in cleveland. scoreless in the bottom of the six, francisco put the indians on the board, a 2 run to shot -- a 2 run shot to right center , shut them down with the battle, those teams will play again tonight. college football, bc has the week off, harvard plays holy cross and umass is at louisiana tech. i am dan roach, wbz sports. >> thank you so much. barry burbank is here this morning, you look nice this >> >> thank you. so, i wrote myself a big note -- we've got to get on it. apple picking. >> you better do it today. don't leave just yet, i don't want to have to do the whole show. wait until the show is over. [ laughter] >> okay. it is time, we are running out.> today. >> i do. 20-30. >> this is really something, it is a great expedition to go up there this time of year, especially clear. look at the lovely colors thanks to carrie mccandless for that shot. the colors around new england this year are just incredibly beautiful, even down here in southern new england have tons of pictures. love to see your pictures as well as you would love to share send them out on twitter or put them on our facebook and also on our webpage. the foliage is pretty much at peak across north central massachusetts. it is actually past peak especially above the notches in northern new england. not too many leaves will come down today, not too much wind shaking the leaves loose right as you go up north into northern new england, will be in the mid- 50s up there for today. and reverse the numbers you get mid 60s for tomorrow, partly cloudy weather coming up and it will be even warmer than that down here tomorrow. these are the numbers right now we saw temperatures in the 30s and some lower 40s around new england. in some 50s up to the southwest. tonight it will be milder than last by several degrees. by the way, hi everybody up there at bake lake. that is there kind of weather. chilly here today, high- pressure right over us supporting them. there goes tropical storm nicole way off into the ocean. temperatures today will be going up into the range of the upper 70s and lower '80s. we will have that kind of air here coming along about tuesday. today, upper 50s along the coast, gentle breeze away from the oceans around 61 in most spots. in terms of if you heightened clouds may be seen today. and then we are looking at cloudiness which may be increasing coming up tomorrow. looks like a bit of cloud cover in the afternoon. than a couple of showers making their way here tomorrow night into monday morning, just a couple. and then partly sunny on monday. 68-72 tomorrow, low to middle 60s on the south facing coastal locations. here is my seven-day accuweather forecast, we are up to about 73 on monday, i am telling you, i am so excited about this i am losing my voice. >> getting all choked up? >> really. thursday 82, 78 on cape cod with gusty southwest winds. and then we have few clouds and showers across northern massachusetts. still about 77 on wednesday. once the rain sets and at the end of the week it may be wet here thursday, friday saturday. is go to trivia for this hour, we have a full moon tonight, and what is that full moon called this month? the harvest, the pumpkin, the frost moon, the hunters moon? >> i'm going to go with frost. i don't really know. >> the answer is -- hunters. it seems like it would be frost, there is no frost the moon. actually, it is the closest approach, the earth, from the moon to the earth is happening during the full moon time. next month we have a super, super man. it's the closest approach the moon has made to the earth since 1948. >> the whole perigee thing stresses [laughter] still ahead this morning, an amazing story of survival, in common, that is not all these 2 women share. we will explain when we come the outside corporate interests bankrolling question two are trying to deceive you. here's the truth: every time a new charter school opens, it drains money from the existing public schools. that's 400 million just last year - according to the state's own data. which means real cuts to our kids - in arts, technology, ap classes, pre-school, bus service and more. that's why question two's opposed by the massachusetts pta join them in voting no on question two. ? with simply right checking from santander bank, just make one deposit, withdrawal, transfer, or payment each month to waive the monthly fee. and there's no minimum balance. tander bank. ? are you feeling alright, baby? ? they both escaped nazi germany and grew up doors down from each other but it took decades for these women to find out they are actually family. one of those women lives on the cape, the other in chicago. they had an awful lot in common. they escaped from the holocaust, they went to the same high school, the same university. as liam finds out, they just discovered they shared the same grandfather, as well. >> i have searched, for years, and then here she is. >>reporter: renata and beatrice were both born in 1933, >> i was born in 33, the year that hitler came into power, and my parents were actually managing my grandfathers butcher shop. it was closed within a few months. they could not work anymore. >>reporter:targeted for being jewish, but not as terrified parents moved their family to bulgaria and eventually to america, beatrice is family fled to belgium. they tried, but failed to find sanctuary in america. remember running out with my father. i knew my life, as it existed, was over. >>reporter:desperate to keep her safe, beatrice's parents hit her in the countryside with a pair of catholic sisters. >> my father took me on a train with my cousins and i thought i was going to summer camp. >>reporter:just nine years old and feeling abandoned she wrote her parents a letter. >> dear daddy and mommy, your little girl loves you with all of her hearts, and wishes that again. >>reporter:did you ever see your parents again after that? >> no. >>reporter:she later learned her father was shot and killed by nazis, her mother sent to auschwitz never heard from again. after the core, beatrice made it to chicago as her mother had hoped where she was adopted by an aunt and uncle. seven years later, beatrice use and discovered a new branch of her family, including a familiar >> our grandfathers were brothers. >>reporter:after all these years, the women are now back together. >> the best thing was, finding renata. we spent a life so connected, we would have loved each other. i can tell that. >>reporter:the families held an extended reunion this summer, and hope the families will remain close for generations to >> the fact that trixie is a lie person, who i knew as a kid, turns out to be my cousin. i admire you and who you are today. i think we do what we have to do, seriously. we take the real good things, >> that is incredible. that was liam martin reporting. we will be right back.

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