Transcripts For WBZ WBZ This Morning 20160917 : comparemela.

Transcripts For WBZ WBZ This Morning 20160917

cloudiness. you see a little bit of that bending right over new england. today will be a lovely day. it will be in the upper 70s. some of that cloudiness will be around but it will be turning warm. a nice breeze out of the south, southwest. tomorrow it will be humid. today will not be humid. there will be scattered showers north and west of boston. we will go to the upper 80s where there is just a little sun peeking above the clouds. some bait news overnight. a teenager hit and killed by a commuter train in west newton. it leaves passengers delayed for hours on end. it happened in newtonville near the west newton offramp to the pike in this happened in the "cut through" we're told. the teenager was trespassing. brains were delayed for an hour or more. the train was heading inbound into the city. one passenger describes the >> we were basically sitting on the train. osama way to the red sox game. the conductor came over the intercom and let us know that there was a possible fatality on this train and it was considered a crime scene. other than that, he did not livers -- give us any other details. >> the district attorney's office is investigating the circumstances that foul play is not suspected. police say that they have a taped confession of the man accused of murdering two nuns. sister paula merrill of eh stabbed of the -- stabbed to death inside the mississippi home they shared while working as nurse practitioners are one of the country's poorest areas. during the grand jury testimony yesterday, rodney earl sanders admitted he killed the women. there is an audio recording of the concession -- of the confession. he is facing capital murder police officer, and a civilian were shot in the western part of the city. one suspect is dead the police said -- police spent most of the night searching for another suspect. it is not clear what triggered the shooting, but there was already a large police presence in that area before shots were fired. to fort worth officers were shot in fort worth -- to shots -- to officers were shot in fort worth. last night, three players in worcester joined -- in worcester joined a protest. they asked that the protest into a football rivalry between dog -- doherty memorial high school in their rival. one kneeling player turned to for during the national anthem. >> when i first saw colin kaepernick do it, i realize this was finally something that i could do as a peaceful protest. >> its last night's -- in last night's game, one player followed kaepernick to promote awareness of racial oppression. he claimed he would be suspended for the move but that never happened. >> during the national anthem tonight, we would like everyone to sand -- stand. if you choose not to stand, we believe in. nobody can criticize them for that. >> i supported. there might teammates. i have to support them. >> it sparked strong opinions from others in the crowd. >> i am here to support my freedom of speech. young people standing up for what they believe in. >> it is a peaceful thing that you can do. a peaceful way of standing up for what you believe in. >> who fought for that freedom. >> reporter: after the protests, the team beat their opponent 34-28. searching for group of people who set an american flag on fire. someone was standing beneath it on a barrel outside of a corner store. three people are seen running give them a clearer picture of those suspects. volunteers are doing everything they can to help protect dozens of dolphins on cape cod. it is one day after a group of people tried to help a stranded spotted -- a stranded spotted yesterday. >> reporter: rescuers stood right here just in case a pot of dolphins were in the harbor and dangerously close to the shoreline as the tide went out. >> reporter: and evening of always string change to a dolphin rescue messaging -- rescue mission. they were along the harbor when they spotted about 20 dolphins. >> they were still in their and they were heading into the cold where they were yesterday. >> reporter: the international fund for animal welfare stood ready on the pier. they knew that the dolphins the beach. >> reporter: maria watched two of the 16 dolphins stranded. the pod frolicking in the harbor was new. >> there is a larger group in cape cod bay. we're seeing smaller groups breakup. >> reporter: they were not giving them the chance to beach. carl is a man of the sea. he made sure to keep his distance. >> i kept going back and forth or i would put my engine in neutral and make a lot of noise hopefully that would scare them to go in the other direction. >> they did not beach.>> reporter: the pod stram out -- swam out to deeper water. maria bowed to make the last two days just the beginning of her involvement with saving dolphins. >> it was great to be part of something so amazing and have it so successful. dolphin that was rescued on thursday beached itself again friday morning that they were able to rescue it again a release of back into the ocean. in other news this morning, the cost of prosecuting marathon jihad deny is will remain a government secret. they went to court to find the cost to taxpayers. last year, he was sentenced to death for his role in the bombings. a man involved in a five- hour long standoff at a public gas station will have a mental health evaluation. 38-year-old benjamin kimball is facing arson and arrest. he threatened to blow up the cumberland farms and refuse to get on his -- to get out of his suv. an off-duty new york police department -- police officer is out of the hospital 24 hours after being attacked face. otherwise, he is okay. police shot the suspect and that suspect is in critical condition. acta school means back to -- back to bullying for some kids. one young student is wanting to change bullying one step at a time. taste the many sides of brookside. smooth dark chocolate outside. exotic fruit flavor inside. brookside. for all your sides. this. is. everything. honey bunches of oats. it's all of this, this, this, and this. it's the mother of all cereals. it's that, and that, and all of that. it's the most cerealriffic cereal. honey bunches of oats. [music] welcome back. it is 5:12 am right now. happy birthday curious george. curious george was published back in 1941. it is harvard -- it's harvard square location is in danger of in -- of closing. now the stores owners are calling out to fans to help save the store. they've started an online petition asking for 1000 fans to send a message to the developer and the city to save the store in harvard square. without a big party. you can celebrate with curious george himself today at the only curious george shop. it runs from 2 pm to 5 pm with cake and chunky monkey ice cream. the stores encouraging you to build -- to bring a new book or toy to the party. i wonder where you could get a new book on short notice? i wonder about that. >> i wonder about that. >> be there. she loves curious george. >> it is curious george's 70th birthday party. >> it is my 30th birthday party today.>> party? >> yes. it is really fun. >> the only way i could parties come to work on a saturday morning. company man. thank you very much.'s -- -- thank you very much. the last couple of days has been on the cool side. we have to blue squares there. that is unusual. we did not have many of those through the entire summer. we had lots of red squares in august. we've had a few squares in september. we had that 900 day not too long ago. last friday, we could go friday. but we're looking at temperatures that will be going up today. we had 70s in boston. it was in the mid-70s. it will be warmer at the coast and east little bit warmer today. these are the numbers right now. we have 40s to the south of boston. at martha's vineyard this morning, it is in the 40s. that we have 50s -- 60s and 70s off to the west. the dew point, you know how drive the areas. are some of the fog in the valleys this morning. it is going to burn off quickly day long today. in that we have this high humidity coming in for tomorrow with dew points climbing. you will feel the humidity back tomorrow. today's highs will be around the upper 70s. 79 in many low spots west and northwest of boston. as we's -- as we go over southeastern massachusetts, mid- 70s in the south shore and a few low to midshipman 70s on the shores well. boston will be about 77, 78. national highs will be warmer. all in the 80s. we could have teat boston. southwest of the city. the high pressure off shore will give a safe -- will give us a southerly breeze. we will find that living in later tonight and tomorrow. we do have this cold front on the way in that will get closer to the east coast instead of rain. it will not be all that much rain tomorrow. we end up with a partly sunny north and west of boston. they start to move closer to the city and redefine tomorrow night. i don't think that this model is showing enough showers here. i think is going to be more productive than this. plan on some showers tomorrow. note 4:30 pm tomorrow afternoon. it is not raining all the time. areas south of boston for sure have the best chance of seeing some sun at tes go about the low 80s tomorrow. then we will have rain coming up on monday. those it areas -- most areas will have lower temperatures. we now have a tropical just -- tropical depression julia. they only have 30 mile an hour winds. we will be watching tropical storm carl because that looks like it will become hurricane and beheading into the northeast of the bahamas sometime next week will be and to maintain -- in the meantime, here's a forecast. quite a bit of sunshine. tomorrow, varying amounts of clouds. if you showers will be around north and west of boston. and it will be a wet day. it is only near 70 it becomes nice. tuesday and wednesday looking good. looking pretty good, chris. summer trying to hang on a little bit longer. 89-year-old -- a nine-year-old is taking pulling into his own hands once and for all. he saved up money for 800 bracelets city handed out at school. the bracelet says "live bully free." he is stating that it is powerful. if you are bullied before, look at your wrist and you will have the band. i am thinking that it will stop but i hope it will. straka bracelets were intended for just the fourth grade. it quickly spread through kindergarten through fifth grades. good work jason. why one person went under you brush your teeth diligently...two times a day, right? but 80% of your mouth's bacteria arentt even on teeth. eughty purschunt?! colgate total's different. it fights bacteria on teeth, tongue, cheeks and gums. protecting 100% of your mouth's surfaces. colgate total for whole mouth health. this pimple's gonna last forever. aw com'on. clearasil ultra works fast to begin visibly clearing up skin in as little as 12 hours. and acne won't last forever. just like your mom won't walk in on you... forever. remembered this morning. edward albee died on friday at the age of 88. he won three pulitzer prizes for works including "who was afraid of virginia woolf?" his plays included dark themes but he felt that art should hold a mirror for society even if you don't like the reflection. a man who directed the movie "field of dreams" has he chose to end his own life on friday. assisted suicide is legal and british columbia, canada where he had been receiving treatment from kidney disease, and car accident -- and -- and a car accident. he wrote field of dreams as to put the berger controversy warning. this commercial contains brief moments of product nudity. stripped of chocolate. its peanuts exposed around a soft caramel center. a payday bar will get you through your day. chicago cubs president is relying on an old trick. he used it while he was in boston. this photo has been circulating on social media. he was in disguise catching the game from wrigley field. of course, in what has become a red sox legend, as the a red sox -- as theo retired, he stuck out the side wearing a gorilla costume to avoid reporters. what led to a case of road rage involving a school bus. also ahead, a local schools thenceforth it -- $400,000 donation. summer criticizing where that is taking place. a look at your lottery numbers. live from the channel for studios in boston. this is wbz this morning. straka morning. it is 5:30 am on your saturday it is warming up. >> warming up. sometimes you get these september mornings in the fall. you get a really cool morning but the sun is strong this time of morning. with the sun over top of you, it will warm up fast. we warm up nice with temperatures going up a solid 30 degrees or a little more for the morning lows, chris. the morning everyone. will go to the weather but network and see how these 3m schools, at sage school, and medfield massachusetts, it is 40s pick -- at the milton academy, it is 49. it is cool out there this morning. look what happened here. we got a 39 in taunton. it just went down to 39 degrees there. is so chilean some of the deeper valleys where the warmth just radiates very quickly during the night. last night, we had that full moon and we have some- cloudiness. it is mostly very thin for the most part. it is not going to interfere more clouds forming today. at east facing locations where it is cool, the lower 70s, we also have the lower 80s for tomorrow in boston. it will be humid tomorrow and there may be some scattered showers. most of the time will remain rain free. the forecast for the next several days, i will see you for that in just a few moments. some of the top stories for this saturday morning. a hit -- a teenager hit and rude -- often used as a transit route. the to denture was trespassing. the trains were delayed an hour or more. they lasted well into the night last night. the das office is investigating but they believe the death is not to be suspicious. two new breaking stories regarding police involved shooting. in philadelphia, a police severe is killed. in texas, to fort worth texas it -- campus officers were shot last night. both are expected to live so that -- both are expected to live. two nurse practitioners were stabbed to death during a home they shared. during the killed the women. he already face -- he already faces life in prison. i think that her bodyguards should drop all weapons. they should disarm, right? he is showing up next -- he put it today -- time to let ago. i think they should disarm. take their guns away. they don't want their guns. let's see what happens to her. >> -- >> reporter: it is not the first time that trump's been accused of about the second amendment. second amendment -- "second amendment people might be able to stopper." >> welcome to all of you deplorable's. >> reporter: the moment came after trump disavowed the birther movement that he helped lead. >> president barack obama was born in the united states.. >> reporter: in that statement, falsely -- was involved in that campaign. >> he has led the birther movement to attack our vice president. he hit trap on the birther tries. >> if a candidate is a radigan threatening, or if they practice in lies on the trail, that is who th >> reporter: lump -- trap late friday night. >> when they are in trouble, they pull out the racist word. they are in very big trouble i will tell you.>> reporter: she said that trump as a pattern of instilling violence that he is unfit to be president and that republican leaders should denounce his comments. says that clinton in trump will be in the presidential debates. the greene county party candidates did not meet the standards and they cannot be on stage. the first of eight will be in hostile university at new york. we will kerry it live here on wbz. is to police are on the attack after the woman said she was attacked while walking her dog. police are whether she was sexually assault. so far, they do not have a suspect in -- in custody. 20-year-old caitlin bonilla sexually assaulted a girl two years ago in the woods in saugus the player -- in saugus. a shocking run in on a new jersey hwy. in a. -- case of road rage led run a school bus off of the road. the truck driver beers into the best. there were no kids on board at the time. the school bus driver has been fire. fedex is investigating the both drivers are facing reckless driving charges. after part of using a $4 million donation to buy a football scoreboard, as we reported, long-time librarian left the university his entire estate when he died. that was $4 million. although he designated did some to go to the library itself. the school spent $1 million something new scoreboard. some of the alumni are furious. they said it'd -- it respects opinion but the decision is not going to change.>> while they who did it. they are trying to promote equal opportunity. wbz shonto a land shows us the group is reaching out for help and security a truck now. >> this is my big pile here. we have 250 cases of water. >> reporter: his garage looks like letter. with the town of deputy has been collecting donations for several weeks. >> we have a bunch of stuff. we have ran issues, a lot of quilts, blankets. we deftly cut generous amounts of cat food and dog food. >> reporter: in about one week, it will all go to atlanta. >> i told my wife that it happens again, i want to help >> i am so proud of him.>> reporter: monte carlo is one of many who dropped off items to send down south. >> i am doubting that -- i am donating medical supplies that are in use. a lot of medical supplies from my accident from back in january. i'm going to send them to louisiana because i have relatives in louisiana. relatives in texas. it is good news for them. >> and even of the community has stepped up to dona help. they still need a truck to send it. >> i am so scared right now. i am going to be honest here, but i am worried that what we may need to help. >> and i don't want to thank you for supporting the cause. the pubes he news. another great socks /yankees game. this one even better because of hi everybody. it was a nice moonlit night last night. if you night -- this picture was taken by rob wright at will back white house which is between newcastle, new hampshire and catering, maine. that leads us to the trivia for this hour. let's see what it is. the fall harvest moon is the full moon closest to what? the a time no is a closest to the first frost, indian summer, or the peak of the hurricane season. the full name of the harvest moon which we will talk about in a few minutes. taste the many sides of brookside. smooth dark chocolate outside. exotic fruit flavor inside. brookside. you brush your teeth diligently...two times a day, right? but 80% of your mouth's bacteria arentt even on teeth. eughty purschunt?! colgate total's different. it fights bacteria on teeth, tongue, cheeks and gums. protecting 100% of your mouth's surfaces. colgate total for whole mouth health. this. is. everything. honey bunches of oats. it's all of this, this, this, and this. it's the mother of all cereals. it's that, and that, and all of that. it's the most cerealriffic cereal. in all of history. yeah, it's that good. honey bunches of oats. good morning everyone. following thursday nights inning rally in walkoff win over the yankees, the two teams met again last night at fenway park. the momentum is -- in baseball is only as good as your next days starting pitcher. it fell upon claim uncles for boston. david ortiz singles to center. poppy will be out trying to stretch a single into a double. he tried to reach around the tag. no go. still in first, hanley ramirez. hanley, again. a home 12 centerfield. six homers, 13 rbis. socks up. a little trouble in the fifth. gary sanchez with a two-run double off of the while. 3-2, the score. boston's seventh we go. boston comes up and takes a first pitch and send it 25 for the season for jb j. yanks cut the sox lead from seven 7-4. after the game, ramirez was asked about his hoss back? i i have not got it yet. we have to keep forward. we have to keep forward and push him to his limits. writing every day, make all with what you've got. >> hanley's red-hot. it is still if you days before they take on the dolphins. we switched to football. we're not sure if rob krakowski will be on the field. he did not practice at all this week. rock -- brock was out on the field. will he did be on that point, we don't know. adding them on is sure to be electric atmosphere for sunday's home opener. >> it will be exciting. we just have to go out and perform. >> we love playing here. it is our home. i love playing here. a play in front -- i play in front of these fans. we're excited to be here. starting with tomorrow, the game day at 11:30 am. in our fifth quarter this game show, my teenage third of the wes welker let the cat out of the bag on a miami radio show. >> i had them up to do dinner saturday night. he was, like, i will be flying in from ann arbor later but how about that morning we go throw. i am sitting there, like, i was thinking about dinner. sure. i am trying i get up here and he says "let's go throw." >> he is going to be running two-minute drills in his backyard. >> college football. senior quarterback joe viviano making his first career start. he missed last year with a token fit. making up for lost time. no one open. rents in from 8 yards out. last night. this one from 18 yards. my sketch. harvard wins big 51-21 for the final. bc takes on -- first pitch after 1:00. david price will be on the mound against brian mitchell of the yankees. that is it for sports for now. i am brian roche, sports. no questions about a. so cool right now. was so warm and little later on that is what we can get in september. my swings in the temperature. let's see what is going on with the drought. the extreme drought has encompassed 52% of massachusetts. they are now at 19% of new hampshire according to the latest drought monitor. it is expanded by 30% of massachusetts them last week. we need some rain obviously a we will not get rain today. a slight chance of a few for some beneficial rain on monday. you can see the extreme drought has expanded here. i'm sure that most people have ever seen it dry -- so dry out there. we have crops failing, and a streams -- a lot of them, has dried up. the water levels in the lakes and ponds, people losing their well water, it is getting bad out here. we need rain that is getting there desperately. there is somewhat the spine. -- the high probability. we will have no rain for three or four days after that. we're hoping for some tropical moisture to get injected into this whole mess. some of that may be coming from julia which is way out in the atlantic. it is now just a tropical depression. a fund -- a frontal boundary is a long-lasting rain and not just a quick shower. that long-lasting rain should be on monday. with a few hikes in the clouds. temperatures are back in the 40s and some of the coolest suburbs. we have warmer air coming in and that will be coming in here on sought -- coming in here tomorrow. we have the dew points in the 40s right now. we have fog at some of the valley locations. the swamps, ponds, and bricks. but now, will dry out quickly. dire dew points are round 64 and should be here for tomorrow afternoon. high temperatures today will be in the upper 70s with the warmest weather west and northwest of boston with the south wind coming in. in the outer part of k fan as well. these will be highs across the nation -- in the outer part of these -- the frontal boundary here will head toward the east coast and some of the tropical moisture from julia may get injected into that tropical -- that frontal boundary to give us some rain. let's watch the temperatures go up today. watch the timestamp. we see some heights and cloudiness. hardly enough to brought -- to block out the sun. we will go in the 70s. tonight we fa not to the 40s like we have had the last few nights. tomorrow morning at 630 tomorrow morning at 6:30 am, we have showers off to the northwest. more showers should form later in the day. not depicted much by this computer model. and south of boston, we will be going up to the low 80s. 81 up to 84 where that will be more showers here. it will start redeveloping on sunday night. this whole area will expand and get wetter with time as we go going to the sox game today? they face the yankees this afternoon. a 105 they face the yankees this afternoon. a 1:05 pm game, should be 70 game, should be 78 or 79. i don't think it will be a washout at that point for tomorrow. it will be humid and warm at gillette tomorrow. 81. some sun through the clouds. a slight risk of a pass passing shower. it should not be reigning over the stadium tomorrow afternoon. we will have the rain coming up for monday. then we her out of it. it dries out on tuesday. it looks like a nice week coming up with temperatures way above average. 8282. lisko -- 80, 82. we have the full moon closest to what? closest to summer, or the full moon closest to the peak of hurricane season. it is the ottumwa no equinox. -- it is the of tom know equinox -- atumnal how a teenager is changing king's bro boy is already a successful car salesman. it is a side job working for his dad. in like most people, he is too young to pressure you to buy a car. paul burton has more. >> i am only 14 years old. you know i'm not going to pressure you into buying anything. life and he takes his job very seriously. it works with his dad. he has his own desk, billboard, and treats each of his customers with care and respect . >> teacher about the car and explain what options that it has. i'll let you drive it, and then we go and talk numbers. >> reporter: joey will be a freshman and he is already a trained sales associate at the dealership. >> he wants to learn. he continues to go through the sales training program. same. >> i am right now at 40, 50. >> what is better than for a kid to bring that to the dealership. >> reporter: joey started off here when he was sick -- when he was six years old. a few years ago, he moved up to cars. he has a hard time his customers. >> the dead cherished the opportunity to come to work with his son. >> it is emotional at times. he is just 14 years old and he handles himself like a professional. >> my dream job is to maybe take over this place and grow it.>> reporter: joey loves following in his father's tread barks. i am paul burton, wbz news. ? 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Miami , Florida , United States , Cape Cod Bay , Massachusetts , New York , Louisiana , Canada , New Hampshire , Texas , Philadelphia , Pennsylvania , Wrigley Field , Illinois , Boston , Saugus , Cape Cod , Bahamas , The , Mississippi , Harvard Square , South Shore , United Kingdom , Brookside , Worcester , Maine , Chile , Greene County , Jersey , West Newton , Chicago , Americans , British , Chilean , American , Chris Mckinnon , Paula Merrill , Brian Roche , Hanley Ramirez , Rodney Earl Sanders , David Ortiz , Gary Sanchez , Rodney King , Caitlin Bonilla , Monte Carlo , Joe Viviano , Virginia Woolf , Wes Welker , Barack Obama , Benjamin Kimball , Edward Albee , Kerry Connell , Paul Burton , Brian Mitchell ,

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Transcripts For WBZ WBZ This Morning 20160917 :

Transcripts For WBZ WBZ This Morning 20160917

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cloudiness. you see a little bit of that bending right over new england. today will be a lovely day. it will be in the upper 70s. some of that cloudiness will be around but it will be turning warm. a nice breeze out of the south, southwest. tomorrow it will be humid. today will not be humid. there will be scattered showers north and west of boston. we will go to the upper 80s where there is just a little sun peeking above the clouds. some bait news overnight. a teenager hit and killed by a commuter train in west newton. it leaves passengers delayed for hours on end. it happened in newtonville near the west newton offramp to the pike in this happened in the "cut through" we're told. the teenager was trespassing. brains were delayed for an hour or more. the train was heading inbound into the city. one passenger describes the >> we were basically sitting on the train. osama way to the red sox game. the conductor came over the intercom and let us know that there was a possible fatality on this train and it was considered a crime scene. other than that, he did not livers -- give us any other details. >> the district attorney's office is investigating the circumstances that foul play is not suspected. police say that they have a taped confession of the man accused of murdering two nuns. sister paula merrill of eh stabbed of the -- stabbed to death inside the mississippi home they shared while working as nurse practitioners are one of the country's poorest areas. during the grand jury testimony yesterday, rodney earl sanders admitted he killed the women. there is an audio recording of the concession -- of the confession. he is facing capital murder police officer, and a civilian were shot in the western part of the city. one suspect is dead the police said -- police spent most of the night searching for another suspect. it is not clear what triggered the shooting, but there was already a large police presence in that area before shots were fired. to fort worth officers were shot in fort worth -- to shots -- to officers were shot in fort worth. last night, three players in worcester joined -- in worcester joined a protest. they asked that the protest into a football rivalry between dog -- doherty memorial high school in their rival. one kneeling player turned to for during the national anthem. >> when i first saw colin kaepernick do it, i realize this was finally something that i could do as a peaceful protest. >> its last night's -- in last night's game, one player followed kaepernick to promote awareness of racial oppression. he claimed he would be suspended for the move but that never happened. >> during the national anthem tonight, we would like everyone to sand -- stand. if you choose not to stand, we believe in. nobody can criticize them for that. >> i supported. there might teammates. i have to support them. >> it sparked strong opinions from others in the crowd. >> i am here to support my freedom of speech. young people standing up for what they believe in. >> it is a peaceful thing that you can do. a peaceful way of standing up for what you believe in. >> who fought for that freedom. >> reporter: after the protests, the team beat their opponent 34-28. searching for group of people who set an american flag on fire. someone was standing beneath it on a barrel outside of a corner store. three people are seen running give them a clearer picture of those suspects. volunteers are doing everything they can to help protect dozens of dolphins on cape cod. it is one day after a group of people tried to help a stranded spotted -- a stranded spotted yesterday. >> reporter: rescuers stood right here just in case a pot of dolphins were in the harbor and dangerously close to the shoreline as the tide went out. >> reporter: and evening of always string change to a dolphin rescue messaging -- rescue mission. they were along the harbor when they spotted about 20 dolphins. >> they were still in their and they were heading into the cold where they were yesterday. >> reporter: the international fund for animal welfare stood ready on the pier. they knew that the dolphins the beach. >> reporter: maria watched two of the 16 dolphins stranded. the pod frolicking in the harbor was new. >> there is a larger group in cape cod bay. we're seeing smaller groups breakup. >> reporter: they were not giving them the chance to beach. carl is a man of the sea. he made sure to keep his distance. >> i kept going back and forth or i would put my engine in neutral and make a lot of noise hopefully that would scare them to go in the other direction. >> they did not beach.>> reporter: the pod stram out -- swam out to deeper water. maria bowed to make the last two days just the beginning of her involvement with saving dolphins. >> it was great to be part of something so amazing and have it so successful. dolphin that was rescued on thursday beached itself again friday morning that they were able to rescue it again a release of back into the ocean. in other news this morning, the cost of prosecuting marathon jihad deny is will remain a government secret. they went to court to find the cost to taxpayers. last year, he was sentenced to death for his role in the bombings. a man involved in a five- hour long standoff at a public gas station will have a mental health evaluation. 38-year-old benjamin kimball is facing arson and arrest. he threatened to blow up the cumberland farms and refuse to get on his -- to get out of his suv. an off-duty new york police department -- police officer is out of the hospital 24 hours after being attacked face. otherwise, he is okay. police shot the suspect and that suspect is in critical condition. acta school means back to -- back to bullying for some kids. one young student is wanting to change bullying one step at a time. taste the many sides of brookside. smooth dark chocolate outside. exotic fruit flavor inside. brookside. for all your sides. this. is. everything. honey bunches of oats. it's all of this, this, this, and this. it's the mother of all cereals. it's that, and that, and all of that. it's the most cerealriffic cereal. honey bunches of oats. [music] welcome back. it is 5:12 am right now. happy birthday curious george. curious george was published back in 1941. it is harvard -- it's harvard square location is in danger of in -- of closing. now the stores owners are calling out to fans to help save the store. they've started an online petition asking for 1000 fans to send a message to the developer and the city to save the store in harvard square. without a big party. you can celebrate with curious george himself today at the only curious george shop. it runs from 2 pm to 5 pm with cake and chunky monkey ice cream. the stores encouraging you to build -- to bring a new book or toy to the party. i wonder where you could get a new book on short notice? i wonder about that. >> i wonder about that. >> be there. she loves curious george. >> it is curious george's 70th birthday party. >> it is my 30th birthday party today.>> party? >> yes. it is really fun. >> the only way i could parties come to work on a saturday morning. company man. thank you very much.'s -- -- thank you very much. the last couple of days has been on the cool side. we have to blue squares there. that is unusual. we did not have many of those through the entire summer. we had lots of red squares in august. we've had a few squares in september. we had that 900 day not too long ago. last friday, we could go friday. but we're looking at temperatures that will be going up today. we had 70s in boston. it was in the mid-70s. it will be warmer at the coast and east little bit warmer today. these are the numbers right now. we have 40s to the south of boston. at martha's vineyard this morning, it is in the 40s. that we have 50s -- 60s and 70s off to the west. the dew point, you know how drive the areas. are some of the fog in the valleys this morning. it is going to burn off quickly day long today. in that we have this high humidity coming in for tomorrow with dew points climbing. you will feel the humidity back tomorrow. today's highs will be around the upper 70s. 79 in many low spots west and northwest of boston. as we's -- as we go over southeastern massachusetts, mid- 70s in the south shore and a few low to midshipman 70s on the shores well. boston will be about 77, 78. national highs will be warmer. all in the 80s. we could have teat boston. southwest of the city. the high pressure off shore will give a safe -- will give us a southerly breeze. we will find that living in later tonight and tomorrow. we do have this cold front on the way in that will get closer to the east coast instead of rain. it will not be all that much rain tomorrow. we end up with a partly sunny north and west of boston. they start to move closer to the city and redefine tomorrow night. i don't think that this model is showing enough showers here. i think is going to be more productive than this. plan on some showers tomorrow. note 4:30 pm tomorrow afternoon. it is not raining all the time. areas south of boston for sure have the best chance of seeing some sun at tes go about the low 80s tomorrow. then we will have rain coming up on monday. those it areas -- most areas will have lower temperatures. we now have a tropical just -- tropical depression julia. they only have 30 mile an hour winds. we will be watching tropical storm carl because that looks like it will become hurricane and beheading into the northeast of the bahamas sometime next week will be and to maintain -- in the meantime, here's a forecast. quite a bit of sunshine. tomorrow, varying amounts of clouds. if you showers will be around north and west of boston. and it will be a wet day. it is only near 70 it becomes nice. tuesday and wednesday looking good. looking pretty good, chris. summer trying to hang on a little bit longer. 89-year-old -- a nine-year-old is taking pulling into his own hands once and for all. he saved up money for 800 bracelets city handed out at school. the bracelet says "live bully free." he is stating that it is powerful. if you are bullied before, look at your wrist and you will have the band. i am thinking that it will stop but i hope it will. straka bracelets were intended for just the fourth grade. it quickly spread through kindergarten through fifth grades. good work jason. why one person went under you brush your teeth diligently...two times a day, right? but 80% of your mouth's bacteria arentt even on teeth. eughty purschunt?! colgate total's different. it fights bacteria on teeth, tongue, cheeks and gums. protecting 100% of your mouth's surfaces. colgate total for whole mouth health. this pimple's gonna last forever. aw com'on. clearasil ultra works fast to begin visibly clearing up skin in as little as 12 hours. and acne won't last forever. just like your mom won't walk in on you... forever. remembered this morning. edward albee died on friday at the age of 88. he won three pulitzer prizes for works including "who was afraid of virginia woolf?" his plays included dark themes but he felt that art should hold a mirror for society even if you don't like the reflection. a man who directed the movie "field of dreams" has he chose to end his own life on friday. assisted suicide is legal and british columbia, canada where he had been receiving treatment from kidney disease, and car accident -- and -- and a car accident. he wrote field of dreams as to put the berger controversy warning. this commercial contains brief moments of product nudity. stripped of chocolate. its peanuts exposed around a soft caramel center. a payday bar will get you through your day. chicago cubs president is relying on an old trick. he used it while he was in boston. this photo has been circulating on social media. he was in disguise catching the game from wrigley field. of course, in what has become a red sox legend, as the a red sox -- as theo retired, he stuck out the side wearing a gorilla costume to avoid reporters. what led to a case of road rage involving a school bus. also ahead, a local schools thenceforth it -- $400,000 donation. summer criticizing where that is taking place. a look at your lottery numbers. live from the channel for studios in boston. this is wbz this morning. straka morning. it is 5:30 am on your saturday it is warming up. >> warming up. sometimes you get these september mornings in the fall. you get a really cool morning but the sun is strong this time of morning. with the sun over top of you, it will warm up fast. we warm up nice with temperatures going up a solid 30 degrees or a little more for the morning lows, chris. the morning everyone. will go to the weather but network and see how these 3m schools, at sage school, and medfield massachusetts, it is 40s pick -- at the milton academy, it is 49. it is cool out there this morning. look what happened here. we got a 39 in taunton. it just went down to 39 degrees there. is so chilean some of the deeper valleys where the warmth just radiates very quickly during the night. last night, we had that full moon and we have some- cloudiness. it is mostly very thin for the most part. it is not going to interfere more clouds forming today. at east facing locations where it is cool, the lower 70s, we also have the lower 80s for tomorrow in boston. it will be humid tomorrow and there may be some scattered showers. most of the time will remain rain free. the forecast for the next several days, i will see you for that in just a few moments. some of the top stories for this saturday morning. a hit -- a teenager hit and rude -- often used as a transit route. the to denture was trespassing. the trains were delayed an hour or more. they lasted well into the night last night. the das office is investigating but they believe the death is not to be suspicious. two new breaking stories regarding police involved shooting. in philadelphia, a police severe is killed. in texas, to fort worth texas it -- campus officers were shot last night. both are expected to live so that -- both are expected to live. two nurse practitioners were stabbed to death during a home they shared. during the killed the women. he already face -- he already faces life in prison. i think that her bodyguards should drop all weapons. they should disarm, right? he is showing up next -- he put it today -- time to let ago. i think they should disarm. take their guns away. they don't want their guns. let's see what happens to her. >> -- >> reporter: it is not the first time that trump's been accused of about the second amendment. second amendment -- "second amendment people might be able to stopper." >> welcome to all of you deplorable's. >> reporter: the moment came after trump disavowed the birther movement that he helped lead. >> president barack obama was born in the united states.. >> reporter: in that statement, falsely -- was involved in that campaign. >> he has led the birther movement to attack our vice president. he hit trap on the birther tries. >> if a candidate is a radigan threatening, or if they practice in lies on the trail, that is who th >> reporter: lump -- trap late friday night. >> when they are in trouble, they pull out the racist word. they are in very big trouble i will tell you.>> reporter: she said that trump as a pattern of instilling violence that he is unfit to be president and that republican leaders should denounce his comments. says that clinton in trump will be in the presidential debates. the greene county party candidates did not meet the standards and they cannot be on stage. the first of eight will be in hostile university at new york. we will kerry it live here on wbz. is to police are on the attack after the woman said she was attacked while walking her dog. police are whether she was sexually assault. so far, they do not have a suspect in -- in custody. 20-year-old caitlin bonilla sexually assaulted a girl two years ago in the woods in saugus the player -- in saugus. a shocking run in on a new jersey hwy. in a. -- case of road rage led run a school bus off of the road. the truck driver beers into the best. there were no kids on board at the time. the school bus driver has been fire. fedex is investigating the both drivers are facing reckless driving charges. after part of using a $4 million donation to buy a football scoreboard, as we reported, long-time librarian left the university his entire estate when he died. that was $4 million. although he designated did some to go to the library itself. the school spent $1 million something new scoreboard. some of the alumni are furious. they said it'd -- it respects opinion but the decision is not going to change.>> while they who did it. they are trying to promote equal opportunity. wbz shonto a land shows us the group is reaching out for help and security a truck now. >> this is my big pile here. we have 250 cases of water. >> reporter: his garage looks like letter. with the town of deputy has been collecting donations for several weeks. >> we have a bunch of stuff. we have ran issues, a lot of quilts, blankets. we deftly cut generous amounts of cat food and dog food. >> reporter: in about one week, it will all go to atlanta. >> i told my wife that it happens again, i want to help >> i am so proud of him.>> reporter: monte carlo is one of many who dropped off items to send down south. >> i am doubting that -- i am donating medical supplies that are in use. a lot of medical supplies from my accident from back in january. i'm going to send them to louisiana because i have relatives in louisiana. relatives in texas. it is good news for them. >> and even of the community has stepped up to dona help. they still need a truck to send it. >> i am so scared right now. i am going to be honest here, but i am worried that what we may need to help. >> and i don't want to thank you for supporting the cause. the pubes he news. another great socks /yankees game. this one even better because of hi everybody. it was a nice moonlit night last night. if you night -- this picture was taken by rob wright at will back white house which is between newcastle, new hampshire and catering, maine. that leads us to the trivia for this hour. let's see what it is. the fall harvest moon is the full moon closest to what? the a time no is a closest to the first frost, indian summer, or the peak of the hurricane season. the full name of the harvest moon which we will talk about in a few minutes. taste the many sides of brookside. smooth dark chocolate outside. exotic fruit flavor inside. brookside. you brush your teeth diligently...two times a day, right? but 80% of your mouth's bacteria arentt even on teeth. eughty purschunt?! colgate total's different. it fights bacteria on teeth, tongue, cheeks and gums. protecting 100% of your mouth's surfaces. colgate total for whole mouth health. this. is. everything. honey bunches of oats. it's all of this, this, this, and this. it's the mother of all cereals. it's that, and that, and all of that. it's the most cerealriffic cereal. in all of history. yeah, it's that good. honey bunches of oats. good morning everyone. following thursday nights inning rally in walkoff win over the yankees, the two teams met again last night at fenway park. the momentum is -- in baseball is only as good as your next days starting pitcher. it fell upon claim uncles for boston. david ortiz singles to center. poppy will be out trying to stretch a single into a double. he tried to reach around the tag. no go. still in first, hanley ramirez. hanley, again. a home 12 centerfield. six homers, 13 rbis. socks up. a little trouble in the fifth. gary sanchez with a two-run double off of the while. 3-2, the score. boston's seventh we go. boston comes up and takes a first pitch and send it 25 for the season for jb j. yanks cut the sox lead from seven 7-4. after the game, ramirez was asked about his hoss back? i i have not got it yet. we have to keep forward. we have to keep forward and push him to his limits. writing every day, make all with what you've got. >> hanley's red-hot. it is still if you days before they take on the dolphins. we switched to football. we're not sure if rob krakowski will be on the field. he did not practice at all this week. rock -- brock was out on the field. will he did be on that point, we don't know. adding them on is sure to be electric atmosphere for sunday's home opener. >> it will be exciting. we just have to go out and perform. >> we love playing here. it is our home. i love playing here. a play in front -- i play in front of these fans. we're excited to be here. starting with tomorrow, the game day at 11:30 am. in our fifth quarter this game show, my teenage third of the wes welker let the cat out of the bag on a miami radio show. >> i had them up to do dinner saturday night. he was, like, i will be flying in from ann arbor later but how about that morning we go throw. i am sitting there, like, i was thinking about dinner. sure. i am trying i get up here and he says "let's go throw." >> he is going to be running two-minute drills in his backyard. >> college football. senior quarterback joe viviano making his first career start. he missed last year with a token fit. making up for lost time. no one open. rents in from 8 yards out. last night. this one from 18 yards. my sketch. harvard wins big 51-21 for the final. bc takes on -- first pitch after 1:00. david price will be on the mound against brian mitchell of the yankees. that is it for sports for now. i am brian roche, sports. no questions about a. so cool right now. was so warm and little later on that is what we can get in september. my swings in the temperature. let's see what is going on with the drought. the extreme drought has encompassed 52% of massachusetts. they are now at 19% of new hampshire according to the latest drought monitor. it is expanded by 30% of massachusetts them last week. we need some rain obviously a we will not get rain today. a slight chance of a few for some beneficial rain on monday. you can see the extreme drought has expanded here. i'm sure that most people have ever seen it dry -- so dry out there. we have crops failing, and a streams -- a lot of them, has dried up. the water levels in the lakes and ponds, people losing their well water, it is getting bad out here. we need rain that is getting there desperately. there is somewhat the spine. -- the high probability. we will have no rain for three or four days after that. we're hoping for some tropical moisture to get injected into this whole mess. some of that may be coming from julia which is way out in the atlantic. it is now just a tropical depression. a fund -- a frontal boundary is a long-lasting rain and not just a quick shower. that long-lasting rain should be on monday. with a few hikes in the clouds. temperatures are back in the 40s and some of the coolest suburbs. we have warmer air coming in and that will be coming in here on sought -- coming in here tomorrow. we have the dew points in the 40s right now. we have fog at some of the valley locations. the swamps, ponds, and bricks. but now, will dry out quickly. dire dew points are round 64 and should be here for tomorrow afternoon. high temperatures today will be in the upper 70s with the warmest weather west and northwest of boston with the south wind coming in. in the outer part of k fan as well. these will be highs across the nation -- in the outer part of these -- the frontal boundary here will head toward the east coast and some of the tropical moisture from julia may get injected into that tropical -- that frontal boundary to give us some rain. let's watch the temperatures go up today. watch the timestamp. we see some heights and cloudiness. hardly enough to brought -- to block out the sun. we will go in the 70s. tonight we fa not to the 40s like we have had the last few nights. tomorrow morning at 630 tomorrow morning at 6:30 am, we have showers off to the northwest. more showers should form later in the day. not depicted much by this computer model. and south of boston, we will be going up to the low 80s. 81 up to 84 where that will be more showers here. it will start redeveloping on sunday night. this whole area will expand and get wetter with time as we go going to the sox game today? they face the yankees this afternoon. a 105 they face the yankees this afternoon. a 1:05 pm game, should be 70 game, should be 78 or 79. i don't think it will be a washout at that point for tomorrow. it will be humid and warm at gillette tomorrow. 81. some sun through the clouds. a slight risk of a pass passing shower. it should not be reigning over the stadium tomorrow afternoon. we will have the rain coming up for monday. then we her out of it. it dries out on tuesday. it looks like a nice week coming up with temperatures way above average. 8282. lisko -- 80, 82. we have the full moon closest to what? closest to summer, or the full moon closest to the peak of hurricane season. it is the ottumwa no equinox. -- it is the of tom know equinox -- atumnal how a teenager is changing king's bro boy is already a successful car salesman. it is a side job working for his dad. in like most people, he is too young to pressure you to buy a car. paul burton has more. >> i am only 14 years old. you know i'm not going to pressure you into buying anything. life and he takes his job very seriously. it works with his dad. he has his own desk, billboard, and treats each of his customers with care and respect . >> teacher about the car and explain what options that it has. i'll let you drive it, and then we go and talk numbers. >> reporter: joey will be a freshman and he is already a trained sales associate at the dealership. >> he wants to learn. he continues to go through the sales training program. same. >> i am right now at 40, 50. >> what is better than for a kid to bring that to the dealership. >> reporter: joey started off here when he was sick -- when he was six years old. a few years ago, he moved up to cars. he has a hard time his customers. >> the dead cherished the opportunity to come to work with his son. >> it is emotional at times. he is just 14 years old and he handles himself like a professional. >> my dream job is to maybe take over this place and grow it.>> reporter: joey loves following in his father's tread barks. i am paul burton, wbz news. ? 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