Transcripts For WBZ WBZ This Morning 20160903 : comparemela.

Transcripts For WBZ WBZ This Morning 20160903

you thought it was dramatic, you can take hermine. the storms already pushing into our area but we will not see this brain until later in the holiday weekend. good morning to you. we have that storm on the coastline. you see it swirling around there. the removing the coastline. that is what we're dealing with today. we're not going to have anything here today. here's the latest plot for storm -- tropical storm hermine. northeast at 21 miles per hour. you might think that it is moving at that speed and it might be moving out of here in moving out to see. the problem is it will be moving slowly getting trapped. a tropical storm watch around new york city and along the connecticut coastline as well. there is no change from what the plume of rain will continue to get closer. eventually, we will see the rain up here but that will not happen -- that will not be happening until starting later tomorrow and monday. here it is coming at the northeast. the outflow is producing some of that high cloudiness which caused the great sunset yesterday. it will thin will be filtered during the day. at times, it may be damn. we have temperatures in the lower 50s in some parts. upper 60s in downtown boston. here's my forecast for the weekend. we have a high -- we have high cloudiness today. rain will of rain -- rain will arrive on the east coast tomorrow. regardless of what may be in store, many people are spending summers last hurrah from the cape are determined to is passengers catch the last boat of the night to martha's vineyard. getting over will be easier than getting back now that the trips have been canceled due to the approaching storm. >> i am nervous about getting home on monday. i'm going over for bachelor parsing i did not want to miss out on it. hopefully i will be able to get home. >> reporter: for now, about you enjoying -- it is about enjoying the weekend. >> i guess i will figure it out.>> reporter: rick was securing the lines on his 36 but boat. he didn't want to take any chances. >> part of the reason i want to be here is i know if it is going to blow heavy, i will was delightful. >> i think it is going to be a big washout for the labor day holiday. >> reporter: but at the., they were not about to let a storm spoil the party. once again, island queen has canceled sailings for sunday and monday night, the steamship authority is not canceled anything yet that their website said they did expect possible cancellations anytime between sunday and wednesday. you need to check the schedules if you have any travel plans at all down here. impoundment -- sky i was over the norwegian dawn ship as it was pulling out of port heading to bermuda. the company tells wbz it is monitoring the storm was state- of-the-art radar employed to amtrak is already making changes because of hermine today and tomorrow. boston in norfork virginia, they will operate between boston and richmond virginia instead. they are also suspending trains to savanna georgia and washington dc. as always, our weather team will be tracking hermine all around the clock. look for updates on the cbs boston weather app on our facebook page, twitter, and our website which is cbs an uber driver is free on bail banned from the service accused of assaulting a passenger. passenger say 32-year-old michael the dream of boston. a passenger wednesday morning and assaulted her in a dorchester parking lot. he said the contact was consensual. he was released on his own recognizance and ordered not to drive for or any other car service. arrested in our area since july. a second person is facing charges for the murder of and east boston woman. police arrested 21-year-old angel lemos friday morning in the -- in the death of blank of rain as. her body was found inside a garage and he and 16-year-old josi fernandez killed line is back in june. this morning, two missing kids are home safe in -- with their families. the kids were on their bikes and were put out an alert -- an alert was put out that they were missing. the rebound two hours lady under back with their parents. levin read reports about the lasting damage to a reputation. >> reporter: brought nick a [ null ] said he was devastated -- nika [ null ] said the substance in question gave him a positive test. he missed all of the preseason games that he suffered with the new orleans saints, this training camp. he said. are more important to me than my name and reputation. this might call that into question heartbroken. i don't want to cut corners. i want to do things the right way with high integrity and that is what i have always wanted to stand for. he was a captain on the team last season and a leader in the locker room the shares starting of the season will be without tom brady and think of it. the bridge over bridge road will be dedicated to army he was the first soldier to be killed in action after the september attacks. the services at 10:00, and they expect a big crowd there get there early if you plan to go. an unusually low clearance of a bridge in boston. remember that if you are driving a moving truck around town. two more drivers fell victim to boston's low bridges yesterday. the trip -- the state police tweeted out a picture for -- with for the bridge. a second driver noticed just how much the clearance was this time as the top of the truck was written straight out. a mom was videotaped leaving her child in a car while going into a gas station convenience store. as leah martin finds out, the million people. >> that is unacceptable. >> -- >> reporter: in just one day. it is also made its way to state and local police. >> a young girl pulls up with a newborn in the car leaves the baby in the car goes into the store.>> reporter: the new bed for man took the video because she could not believe what she was seeing. again while leaving her baby in the car. she was running an errand inside the convenience store. >> your great mom. >> -- >> reporter: 20-year-old breanna magrath was charged with reckless child endangerment. she confronted the man taking the video. >> real smart. >> are you allowed to videotape me? >> i don't have to ask you to videotape in public. are in. you can the recorded. >> that mother did not comment. the iconic groupings toy store in card shop will be closing its doors forever. otherwise, if you morts -- months before she died at age 101 started the shop with her husband and had rented since 1939. th maintain the shop the way ethel would have wanted it so they would it's -- so they decided to sell. anything that is not sold after the weekend will be donated to charity. was school about two start, -- with school about to start, students will find out why they have to ride the bus a half- ? ? ? this is the sweetest thing anyone's ever done. that one's from my friend caitlyn. "you always encouraged me to go after my dreams. well, it's my turn now. love always, your future maid of honor." time to bring that strength to your tooth enamel. colgate enamel health mineral repair toothpaste. strengthens weakened enamel 4x better. so smile with strength. welcome back. it is 513. students in brockton get ready to head back to school on tuesday. they will be bust more than 20 miles away from the building that they thought they would attend. katie price explains why. >> reporter: if john mckinley drives her daughter to school, it will be at making it difficult for the school.>> reporter: her seventh grader, morgan, tends a new charter school that was supposed to be here. but the school is far from making the grade for students and teachers. last week, building inspectors put stop work signs and they had no building permit. >> it is a big mistake. especially when you are talking students and a school. there is no way to secure the -- to provide security and that >> it goes to show that they are five by the night school operation. >> he worries a last-minute change will mean parents will pull the kids from the charter school and mckinley dismisses critics saying the charter school provides the best opportunity. >> permits are minor. my child's mind is at risk. going to norwood, fine paper want to get this education going. >> reporter: the charter school he would not comment. according to the website, free transportation will be provided to the temporary location in norwood. the school wants the state -- once the school finished. it is 515 it is 5:15 am right now. control. take one of those pillows and take a big smell. they smell really fresh. what if we told you we washed these sheets 7 days ago. really no way downy? downy fabric conditioner. give us a week, and we'll change your bed forever. want more freshness? add new downy fresh protect. we could brag about what's in new light & fit yogurt. but we'd rather talk about what's not in it. like no artificial colors or preservative ingredients. and with 70 calories... maybe we're kind of bragging? this. is. everything. honey bunches of oats. it's all of this, this, this, and this. it's the mother of all cereals. it's that, and that, and all of that. it's the most cerealriffic cereal. in all of history. yeah, it's that good. welcome back everyone. 518 welcome back everyone. 5:18 am. lots of going on weather-wise. it is a crazy looking storm. it is one that you do not stall -- and it's going to slow down, stall and swirl for days. there is a lot of information to look at and a lot of graphics to create. >> deep breath, very. guess what happened last year on labor day? it was 93 degrees. that was just the beginning. we had three days in a row. we had a heat wave yesterday on labor day and after. it was getting up into the 90s. 93, 96, 93. this year on labor day, there will be some rain around. the question is the intensity of the ring, the strength of the rain. we will have some rain this labor day. it will be around 67 degrees. concorde new hampshire, 49 degrees. we have a good radiation cooling spot in plymouth. it is 42 there this morning. we have 50s in massachusetts. 51 in bedford. 54 in taunton. it is a cool, crisp morning. it feels like fall today. is going to be a beautiful day but this will not be practicable beason -- there will be some sunshine. almost all the northeast is all nice dry air. it is hard a tropical storm around. high temperatures around, this is probably a little bit too high. we will adjust these numbers down along the coast. it will be at most 71, 72 along the coastline. we will have high clouds filtering the sun in deming it as it thickens and as it stands, it will get a little brighter. these are not storm producing clouds. it is outflow from the system way down the coastline which is tomorrow, we will have some cloudiness here in southern new england. it will get cloudiness during the day tomorrow. this model is not adequately showing how much is going to come back at his tomorrow. it will be simmering touching the south coast by the end of the day. hermine is about 60 miles to the west of cape hatteras right now. maximum wind, 60 miles per hour. mainly areas just to the east of that over open waters. it is moving east, northeast at 21 miles per hour. that direction and move straight out. once it gets out, all indications suggests it will start slowing down as it gets trapped. it can go anywhere so it will run into a big red light. tropical storm warnings all the with the coastline from north carolina almost up to atlantic city. the projected storm track goes out like this and it stalls work and moves around, maybe does some loops, waffles around thinks it could still be off to the south of cape cod even thursday morning. there is a possibility that it will be increasing winds up to 75 miles per hour eventually. that plume of rain comes up affiliation. willet pivot into new england? we think there will be some spiral bands which will eventually move in here. we will have some high seas and northeast scales south of boston . periods of somewhat heavy rain. here's my seven-day accuweather forecast. eureka with labor day weekend. a nice day except the sunshine will not be terribly bright because of the high cloudiness. turning cloudy tomorrow with showers on the south coast by the end of the day. periods of rain on monday and tuesday with temperatures mostly in the upper 60s and lower 70s. by the end of the week, we have a shot of some really hot weather. it could get to 90 or so by close just yet. the driver loses control and pledges to a river in maine. take a look at this. the driver speeds off the road into a park without ever slowing down. it then rolled on its side and went straight into the water. the 61-year-old driver had a medical emergency. someone nearby helped him get out of the truck. thank goodness. that is scary. this morning, protest and a stack of angry letters are waited for a staffer -- stanford swimmer and just released from jail. brock turner was released friday morning after serving half of his six-month sentence. his case sparked outrage after he was given only six months for the rape of an unconscious woman. lawmakers passed a new law sometimes modern technology cannot compete. why a herd of goats may be the best landscapers this area has ever seen. it is september already. today is the birthday of marty bulger. actor charlie scene -- sheen is 51. shaun white is 30. but if it is your birthday, ? ? ? you look at these things and you know you always have people in your corner. i'm hillary clinton, and i approve this message. michael hayden: if he governs consistent with some of the things he said as a candidate, i would be very frightened. gillian turner: he's been talking about the option of using a nuclear weapon against our western european allies. max boot: this is not somebody who should be handed the nuclear codes. charles krauthammer: you have to ask yourself, do i want a person of that temperament ing the nuclear codes? and as of now, i'd have to say no. [bill o'reilly sighs] i love you so much. and as of now, i'd have to say no. that's why i bought six of you... for when you stretch out. i want you to stay this bright blue forever... that's why you will stay in this drawer... forever. i can't live without you. and that's why i will never, ever wash you. protect your clothes from the damage of the wash with downy fabric conditioner. from stretching, fading and fuzz... so your favorite clothes stay your favorite clothes. downy fabric conditioner wash in the wow. this is interesting. goats are acting as gardeners in one town. the town broke -- brought in 20 goats to clear poison ivy and weeds from the denver dog park. these goats were passed -- fast. they use the goats is an eco- friendly way for clearing out the park. may hire them again to keep the area clear. >> i guess the poison ivy doesn't affect them like it did us because of the whiskers. a look back at the life and work of the st. of the gutters as they look to elevate mother theresa. how police say a quincy man accidentally killed his wife. as we head to break, what you think? are you feeling lucky? it could be your wedding day. you just don't know. here's a look at your winning live from the channel for studios in boston, this is wbz news this morning. morning. time to rise and shine. you are an earlybird if you are up with us already. we early birds on the weekend. >> did you have a nice weekend? i we have had a nice weekend on the cape. >> we have had such wonderful weather. >> nobody should be complaining about their vacation weeks this year. the only thing they can complain about is that it was morning it is cool. let's go to the bees and see what is happening at the boston pond. at the school, it is 56. it is coming closer to boston and we will go to bellingham. it is 54 donna brockton at the high school. we're looking at the 50s. some of the urban centers are a little warmer. if you cold spots may be in the upper 40s. we have a high cloud coming up for today. the sum shot -- sunshine at times. we will get brighter sunshine when the clouds are thinner. it will be cloudy tomorrow and it will get rainy and windy on monday with temperatures in the 60s. hermine is west of cape hatteras , south carolina. it is -- it has winds of 60 miles per hour. it off the coastline. tropical storm warnings all the way up the coast through much of the jersey coast. it looks like as it moves in the position here, it will hang around and whirl around or do a couple of loops. it may intensify more over the next few days. because it is so close, we have to keep an eye on it. it is block from coming straight up at us but we may have some spiral bands eventually. more on hermine in the local forecast in a few minutes. hurricane hermine officially making landfall in florida. it is the first storm to make landfall in that state in 11 years. its impact will be felt for a long time. one man was killed at a campground. more than 125,000 people are without power in 6000 members of the national guard are on standby for disaster relief. carolinas where heavy rain is expected. a new bedford mom is facing charges. she was videotaped leaving her baby in a car while going into a gas station convenience store. she even confronted the man taking the video when coming back outside. they have charged breanna mcgrath with reckless child endangerment. parents taking their kids to a charter school will have a longer distance. the charter had stopped wo the school had no building permits. free transportation will be provided to that temporary location in norwood. we're following a developing story in quincy where police describe the death of a woman is a tragic accident. she was run over by her own has been as he backed out of the driveway. the police tried to figure out exactly how it happened. >> around 2:30 pm, a call came involved in an accident. >> a woman was run over and killed. >> it is awful. it is kind of odd, when it happened right across the street. it was very sad. quincy police say a 54- year-old man backed over his 52- year-old wife and killed her in the driveway. >> if it were intentional, it is terrible. if it is an accident terrible. for the sanity of the neighborhood, it is scary that someone could have done something violent, especially to their life partner. family members quietly wait as police investigate. wednesday police believe it could be an accident but they assigned a homicide investigator to the case. police on scene release very few details. >> the husband was taken to the hospital for distress. wbz this morning. the state is shutting down a recycling visiting -- business after neighbors complained about the spell. they are order to stop the composting operations by next february. the state said they are not complying with all of the roles. 5:36 am now. the life and work of mother theresa will be celebrated in macedonia where -- where she and in a row where she was made a saint. jonathan looks back on her life. >> reporter: mother teresa touch the world by helping the poor, sick, and dying in india. >> the poor need our love and compassion. they give us much more than weekend to them. >> reporter: she became a nun at 16, and two years later left her home in yugoslavia to work in a convent in india. school in the slums of calcutta. mother teresa became one of the most recognizable people. she became -- she won the first nobel peace prize for her work in 1989. >> i am very happy to do my work for the hungry, for the homeless, for the sick.>> reporter: a medal of freedom calling her a hero of our time. >> mother teresa was busy as usual saving the world.>> reporter: sometimes called the mother of the gutter, her missions of charity did not provide enough to do -- to provide release -- relief to the dying, she was a fierce she wrote that deep down there is nothing that emptiness and dark as. pope john paul became a fan of mother teresa and became her friend. now, 19 years after her death, pope francis, who has also taken up the cause of helping the neediest will officially make mother teresa a saint. jonathan vigliotti, cbs news, lo vigliotti, cbs news, london. this 5:38 am. the hottest prospect for basalt makes a start for the red sox. -- the hottest prospect for baseball makes a start for the red sox. good morning on this saturday morning on this labor day weekend. we're still watching hermine spinning to the south giving heavy rain to the east in north carolina and southeastern virginia right now. it is moving to the north, northeast pretty fast. very closely. that leads me to the trivia for this hour. let's see what it is. how many letters of the alphabet are not used to name atlantic tropical storms. could there be only one letter that's not used? three letters? five letters? or seven? the one that we are using for this storm is the letter h. will talk about hermine's impact on this area and my accuweather forecast. i will see you in just a ? ? ? the best way to get together, is with the treat you make together. ? ? ? a box is where you keep things safe. who wants that? i'm moving forward. new oikos greek nonfat yogurt helps keep me going. now with all-natural ingredients with vitamin d and 12 grams of protein. oikos, be unstoppably you. four hundred million dollars. that's how much charter schools will drain from massachusetts public schools this year. four hundred million siphoned from local districts that desperately need it. four hundred million that won't fund more science and technology, arts or preschool, counseling, or smaller class sizes. four hundred million unavailable to the ninety-six percent not just a select few. it was showtime for red spot -- red sox prospect. the cuban born player played in his first major-league game last night. halcott i did not start but had to at-bats striking out one and walking one. it was arrest of the sox bats they came through last night's david ortiz and companies scored 16 a seven run pitching performance helped the red sox when this one by a score of 16-2. tom brady's us -- tom brady suspension officially starts today. rob ninkovich starts a suspension today as well. >> reporter: out of the mix until week five in cleveland. rob ninkovich will miss the the-counter substance. he has played in 116 consecutive games. he has missed most of this preseason for triceps injury that he suffered three weeks ago. he told mike read about the suspension before it became public because he wanted to get it out there. his supplements, he tested positive because of an ingredient that is not listed on the label. ai lesson for me to learn at this stage in my career. but i take responsibility for it. it is a mistake that i made and it hurts that i will not be there for my teammates. >> like rob ninkovich, he can rejoin the team on monday, october 3. until we five in cleveland, he plays entire first half against the giants. he threw for 66 yards. he entire game if belichick would've let him. he admitted that he will be watching his teammates from afar. i'm sure that i will be very curious and watching it at some level. we will see. i have ever dealt with it, so we will see. i will be cheering. i know that our fans do it, too, and that is what you do >> some of the players that are on the bubble are probably extremely nervous. 21 players have to be moved by 4:00 today. and in the case of anthony johnson. he may be nervous but he is not showing it.>> acuna mattia. we forget about all of those days. no worries for the rest the days. >> you can control and let everyone else have the day that they do. to a czechoslovakian report. one player will not play in the upcoming world of hockey due to an upcoming hip surgery. krejci is supposed to be ready for the start of the nfl season. -- for the start of the nhl season. kick off this morning at 730 for the start of the nhl seas 7:30 am. good thing you are already a. the eagles have little time to do the tourist thing since they left on tuesday but they are clear that this is a business trip. the acc opponent, they are a great football team. where going over there with the mentality that we are there to win a football game. >> we are itching to get the taste out of our mouths and get ready to write a new script. this is our opportunity right now to write a new script a bit it is a last round at boston. second shot on 17. that bought -- that sets up an easy bird. he is just six under. look at the shot of the day. he took a job after his approach -- he took a shot but this one goes right into the i am levin reed. >> that you have a good weekend? i the weather was fine for you down there? i perfect. it is been a great summer. >> that is a flipside and that is the drought. we do have the extreme drought in the drought monitor was updated this week. it has expanded actually. southward into parts of southern massachusetts zero the southeastern section. that is not good news. and we did not get too much rain this week work the doubt in the extreme -- the drought in the extreme category has moved down to mansfield and when are we going to get some rain? we would like to get some rain from this tropical system. that system produced more than 20 inches of rain in a couple of spots down in the panhandle of fla. yesterday, that is crazy stuff. we would like a few inches of rain here spread out over a few days. hopefully we will get some rain out of this before this is done. the exact, precise amount is truly uncertain. it depends upon the formation of these spiral bands that will spin in here eventually. we look at the northeast with the cool air around. look of baker lake, we hope everything is nice of there. of new england this morning in the most line locations. we have dew points in the 40s and middle 50s. it is nice try air. it feels like fall. it feels like september of course. we have some hot weather in the forecast. we will get to the forecast in a minute. mid-seventies will do it for today. a couple places in the coast may be a touch lower than that. the wins will come in from the northeast to east, especially down the satellite, this model is showing some high cloudiness. we will have outflow to our south at times. it was an out in the sunshine will get brighter. other times it may thicken up in the sunshine will become more dimmed. it is going to be beautiful and it will be a great time for mountain climbing and hiking we will see bearing mounds of cloud cover for tomorrow. it should get cloutier for tomorrow. watch the timestamp as the clouds start to push back in again even though they may received a little bit later today. they will come back northward again and the outer fringe of the rain bands will hit the cape later tomorrow. it may be closer than this and it made move on to newport in nantucket by tomorrow. it will continue to expand across the area. tropical storm hermine has winds of 60 miles per hour. it increase late yesterday after dropping down late yesterday morning after it was a minimal hurricane. tropical storm warning is along the carolina coast after new jersey coast. a tropical storm watch around long island and the coast of connecticut just to the west of rhode island. the storm will move out like this. rather quickly. is going to run into a block and not go much of anywhere. it will stall, and i think it will do much of a more dramatically than this is really suggesting here. it is going to move out and loop back. addis is -- as it is looking back, it will intensify. that means we have to watch this one all the way up through new york city in parts of southern new england. the heaviest rains should stay offshore that we should have some spiral bands moving in turn new england. some periods of heavy rain moving in monday and tuesday. the seas will become more certainly monday to tuesday as is will be a long-duration event. it will be there for days and days. it will spin up the ocean that it will cause dangerous rip currents and will be wet around here. you will see the wet weather lasting through tuesday and maybe into early wednesday before a system on the west starts to give this hermine a kick or a boot out appear. there you go. tuesday. it will be starting cloudy and turning 84 on sunday. will be up near 90 on thursday and friday., alphabet letters are not used to name tropical cyclones? we were using h, force, forgive me -- for hermine. is it one, three, five, or seven? >> the answer is c. what are they? >> queue, you, ask, why, z. >> you could do ursula for you? i i guess there is not enough names. >> they have six -- six list.'s -- six lists. and that is what it is. >> we will be right back. every part of you is strong. time to bring that strength to your tooth enamel. colgate enamel health mineral repair toothpaste. strengthens weakened enamel 4x better. so smile with strength. with colgate enamel health mineral repair. i absolutely love my new york apartment, but the rent is outrageous. good thing geico offers affordable renters insurance. with great coverage it protects my personal belongings should they get damaged, stolen or destroyed. [doorbell] uh, excuse me. delivery. hey. lo mein, szechwan chicken, chopsticks, soy sauce and you got some fortune cookies. have a good one. ah, these small new york apartments... protect your belongings. they lost their home to italy's earthq b with their lives. it turns out that they got something else back that could've never been replaced. that story when wbz this kelly ayotte: thanks, buddy. kelly (voiceover): i'm kelly ayotte. and when i take the plate for new hampshire... i'm up against a political machine that plays dirty -- throwing millions in false, negative ads... i'm out here knocking down every lie... because new hampshire deserves better. that's why i'm batting for good-paying jobs, to protect social security and medicare... ...and help families pay for college... ng at me... this. is. everything. honey bunches of oats. it's all of this, this, this, and this. it's the mother of all cereals. it's that, and that, and all of that. it's the most cerealriffic cereal. in all of history. yeah, it's that good. honey bunches of oats. more than a week after an earthquake hit central idiot, went back to their ham -- home to find their dog romeo. he survived days alone in the rubble. incredibly, the couple says romeo is walking and appears to be in pretty good health despite being in there for nine days. >> thank goodness they found him. top stories and an update on your accuweather forecast. coming up at the top of the hour, we are glad you are with ? ? ? is with the treat you make together. this morning, the carolinas are getting their dose of tropical storm hermine with intense rain, heavy winds, and storm surges. and this morning, the entire east coast is under alert. hermine could pick up strength

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East Boston , Massachusetts , United States , Brockton , Baker Lake , South Carolina , New Light , North Carolina , New Bedford , Connecticut , India , Mansfield , Cuba , Jersey , Carolinas , Provincia De Ciego Avila , Norway , New York , Georgia , Macedonia , New Hampshire , Washington , Boston , Rhode Island , Florida , Virginia , Cape Cod , Calcutta , West Bengal , London , City Of , United Kingdom , Denver , Colorado , Stanford , Leicestershire , Newport , Maine , Bedford , Italy , Bermuda , Norwegian , Cuban , Acuna Mattia , Marty Bulger , Breanna Mcgrath , Anthony Johnson , Levin Reed , David Ortiz , Brock Turner , Tom Brady , Michael Hayden , Leah Martin , Kerry Connolly , Charles Krauthammer , Gillian Turner , John Paul , Carey Conley , John Mckinley , Hillary Clinton , Kelly Ayotte ,

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Transcripts For WBZ WBZ This Morning 20160903 :

Transcripts For WBZ WBZ This Morning 20160903

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you thought it was dramatic, you can take hermine. the storms already pushing into our area but we will not see this brain until later in the holiday weekend. good morning to you. we have that storm on the coastline. you see it swirling around there. the removing the coastline. that is what we're dealing with today. we're not going to have anything here today. here's the latest plot for storm -- tropical storm hermine. northeast at 21 miles per hour. you might think that it is moving at that speed and it might be moving out of here in moving out to see. the problem is it will be moving slowly getting trapped. a tropical storm watch around new york city and along the connecticut coastline as well. there is no change from what the plume of rain will continue to get closer. eventually, we will see the rain up here but that will not happen -- that will not be happening until starting later tomorrow and monday. here it is coming at the northeast. the outflow is producing some of that high cloudiness which caused the great sunset yesterday. it will thin will be filtered during the day. at times, it may be damn. we have temperatures in the lower 50s in some parts. upper 60s in downtown boston. here's my forecast for the weekend. we have a high -- we have high cloudiness today. rain will of rain -- rain will arrive on the east coast tomorrow. regardless of what may be in store, many people are spending summers last hurrah from the cape are determined to is passengers catch the last boat of the night to martha's vineyard. getting over will be easier than getting back now that the trips have been canceled due to the approaching storm. >> i am nervous about getting home on monday. i'm going over for bachelor parsing i did not want to miss out on it. hopefully i will be able to get home. >> reporter: for now, about you enjoying -- it is about enjoying the weekend. >> i guess i will figure it out.>> reporter: rick was securing the lines on his 36 but boat. he didn't want to take any chances. >> part of the reason i want to be here is i know if it is going to blow heavy, i will was delightful. >> i think it is going to be a big washout for the labor day holiday. >> reporter: but at the., they were not about to let a storm spoil the party. once again, island queen has canceled sailings for sunday and monday night, the steamship authority is not canceled anything yet that their website said they did expect possible cancellations anytime between sunday and wednesday. you need to check the schedules if you have any travel plans at all down here. impoundment -- sky i was over the norwegian dawn ship as it was pulling out of port heading to bermuda. the company tells wbz it is monitoring the storm was state- of-the-art radar employed to amtrak is already making changes because of hermine today and tomorrow. boston in norfork virginia, they will operate between boston and richmond virginia instead. they are also suspending trains to savanna georgia and washington dc. as always, our weather team will be tracking hermine all around the clock. look for updates on the cbs boston weather app on our facebook page, twitter, and our website which is cbs an uber driver is free on bail banned from the service accused of assaulting a passenger. passenger say 32-year-old michael the dream of boston. a passenger wednesday morning and assaulted her in a dorchester parking lot. he said the contact was consensual. he was released on his own recognizance and ordered not to drive for or any other car service. arrested in our area since july. a second person is facing charges for the murder of and east boston woman. police arrested 21-year-old angel lemos friday morning in the -- in the death of blank of rain as. her body was found inside a garage and he and 16-year-old josi fernandez killed line is back in june. this morning, two missing kids are home safe in -- with their families. the kids were on their bikes and were put out an alert -- an alert was put out that they were missing. the rebound two hours lady under back with their parents. levin read reports about the lasting damage to a reputation. >> reporter: brought nick a [ null ] said he was devastated -- nika [ null ] said the substance in question gave him a positive test. he missed all of the preseason games that he suffered with the new orleans saints, this training camp. he said. are more important to me than my name and reputation. this might call that into question heartbroken. i don't want to cut corners. i want to do things the right way with high integrity and that is what i have always wanted to stand for. he was a captain on the team last season and a leader in the locker room the shares starting of the season will be without tom brady and think of it. the bridge over bridge road will be dedicated to army he was the first soldier to be killed in action after the september attacks. the services at 10:00, and they expect a big crowd there get there early if you plan to go. an unusually low clearance of a bridge in boston. remember that if you are driving a moving truck around town. two more drivers fell victim to boston's low bridges yesterday. the trip -- the state police tweeted out a picture for -- with for the bridge. a second driver noticed just how much the clearance was this time as the top of the truck was written straight out. a mom was videotaped leaving her child in a car while going into a gas station convenience store. as leah martin finds out, the million people. >> that is unacceptable. >> -- >> reporter: in just one day. it is also made its way to state and local police. >> a young girl pulls up with a newborn in the car leaves the baby in the car goes into the store.>> reporter: the new bed for man took the video because she could not believe what she was seeing. again while leaving her baby in the car. she was running an errand inside the convenience store. >> your great mom. >> -- >> reporter: 20-year-old breanna magrath was charged with reckless child endangerment. she confronted the man taking the video. >> real smart. >> are you allowed to videotape me? >> i don't have to ask you to videotape in public. are in. you can the recorded. >> that mother did not comment. the iconic groupings toy store in card shop will be closing its doors forever. otherwise, if you morts -- months before she died at age 101 started the shop with her husband and had rented since 1939. th maintain the shop the way ethel would have wanted it so they would it's -- so they decided to sell. anything that is not sold after the weekend will be donated to charity. was school about two start, -- with school about to start, students will find out why they have to ride the bus a half- ? ? ? this is the sweetest thing anyone's ever done. that one's from my friend caitlyn. "you always encouraged me to go after my dreams. well, it's my turn now. love always, your future maid of honor." time to bring that strength to your tooth enamel. colgate enamel health mineral repair toothpaste. strengthens weakened enamel 4x better. so smile with strength. welcome back. it is 513. students in brockton get ready to head back to school on tuesday. they will be bust more than 20 miles away from the building that they thought they would attend. katie price explains why. >> reporter: if john mckinley drives her daughter to school, it will be at making it difficult for the school.>> reporter: her seventh grader, morgan, tends a new charter school that was supposed to be here. but the school is far from making the grade for students and teachers. last week, building inspectors put stop work signs and they had no building permit. >> it is a big mistake. especially when you are talking students and a school. there is no way to secure the -- to provide security and that >> it goes to show that they are five by the night school operation. >> he worries a last-minute change will mean parents will pull the kids from the charter school and mckinley dismisses critics saying the charter school provides the best opportunity. >> permits are minor. my child's mind is at risk. going to norwood, fine paper want to get this education going. >> reporter: the charter school he would not comment. according to the website, free transportation will be provided to the temporary location in norwood. the school wants the state -- once the school finished. it is 515 it is 5:15 am right now. control. take one of those pillows and take a big smell. they smell really fresh. what if we told you we washed these sheets 7 days ago. really no way downy? downy fabric conditioner. give us a week, and we'll change your bed forever. want more freshness? add new downy fresh protect. we could brag about what's in new light & fit yogurt. but we'd rather talk about what's not in it. like no artificial colors or preservative ingredients. and with 70 calories... maybe we're kind of bragging? this. is. everything. honey bunches of oats. it's all of this, this, this, and this. it's the mother of all cereals. it's that, and that, and all of that. it's the most cerealriffic cereal. in all of history. yeah, it's that good. welcome back everyone. 518 welcome back everyone. 5:18 am. lots of going on weather-wise. it is a crazy looking storm. it is one that you do not stall -- and it's going to slow down, stall and swirl for days. there is a lot of information to look at and a lot of graphics to create. >> deep breath, very. guess what happened last year on labor day? it was 93 degrees. that was just the beginning. we had three days in a row. we had a heat wave yesterday on labor day and after. it was getting up into the 90s. 93, 96, 93. this year on labor day, there will be some rain around. the question is the intensity of the ring, the strength of the rain. we will have some rain this labor day. it will be around 67 degrees. concorde new hampshire, 49 degrees. we have a good radiation cooling spot in plymouth. it is 42 there this morning. we have 50s in massachusetts. 51 in bedford. 54 in taunton. it is a cool, crisp morning. it feels like fall today. is going to be a beautiful day but this will not be practicable beason -- there will be some sunshine. almost all the northeast is all nice dry air. it is hard a tropical storm around. high temperatures around, this is probably a little bit too high. we will adjust these numbers down along the coast. it will be at most 71, 72 along the coastline. we will have high clouds filtering the sun in deming it as it thickens and as it stands, it will get a little brighter. these are not storm producing clouds. it is outflow from the system way down the coastline which is tomorrow, we will have some cloudiness here in southern new england. it will get cloudiness during the day tomorrow. this model is not adequately showing how much is going to come back at his tomorrow. it will be simmering touching the south coast by the end of the day. hermine is about 60 miles to the west of cape hatteras right now. maximum wind, 60 miles per hour. mainly areas just to the east of that over open waters. it is moving east, northeast at 21 miles per hour. that direction and move straight out. once it gets out, all indications suggests it will start slowing down as it gets trapped. it can go anywhere so it will run into a big red light. tropical storm warnings all the with the coastline from north carolina almost up to atlantic city. the projected storm track goes out like this and it stalls work and moves around, maybe does some loops, waffles around thinks it could still be off to the south of cape cod even thursday morning. there is a possibility that it will be increasing winds up to 75 miles per hour eventually. that plume of rain comes up affiliation. willet pivot into new england? we think there will be some spiral bands which will eventually move in here. we will have some high seas and northeast scales south of boston . periods of somewhat heavy rain. here's my seven-day accuweather forecast. eureka with labor day weekend. a nice day except the sunshine will not be terribly bright because of the high cloudiness. turning cloudy tomorrow with showers on the south coast by the end of the day. periods of rain on monday and tuesday with temperatures mostly in the upper 60s and lower 70s. by the end of the week, we have a shot of some really hot weather. it could get to 90 or so by close just yet. the driver loses control and pledges to a river in maine. take a look at this. the driver speeds off the road into a park without ever slowing down. it then rolled on its side and went straight into the water. the 61-year-old driver had a medical emergency. someone nearby helped him get out of the truck. thank goodness. that is scary. this morning, protest and a stack of angry letters are waited for a staffer -- stanford swimmer and just released from jail. brock turner was released friday morning after serving half of his six-month sentence. his case sparked outrage after he was given only six months for the rape of an unconscious woman. lawmakers passed a new law sometimes modern technology cannot compete. why a herd of goats may be the best landscapers this area has ever seen. it is september already. today is the birthday of marty bulger. actor charlie scene -- sheen is 51. shaun white is 30. but if it is your birthday, ? ? ? you look at these things and you know you always have people in your corner. i'm hillary clinton, and i approve this message. michael hayden: if he governs consistent with some of the things he said as a candidate, i would be very frightened. gillian turner: he's been talking about the option of using a nuclear weapon against our western european allies. max boot: this is not somebody who should be handed the nuclear codes. charles krauthammer: you have to ask yourself, do i want a person of that temperament ing the nuclear codes? and as of now, i'd have to say no. [bill o'reilly sighs] i love you so much. and as of now, i'd have to say no. that's why i bought six of you... for when you stretch out. i want you to stay this bright blue forever... that's why you will stay in this drawer... forever. i can't live without you. and that's why i will never, ever wash you. protect your clothes from the damage of the wash with downy fabric conditioner. from stretching, fading and fuzz... so your favorite clothes stay your favorite clothes. downy fabric conditioner wash in the wow. this is interesting. goats are acting as gardeners in one town. the town broke -- brought in 20 goats to clear poison ivy and weeds from the denver dog park. these goats were passed -- fast. they use the goats is an eco- friendly way for clearing out the park. may hire them again to keep the area clear. >> i guess the poison ivy doesn't affect them like it did us because of the whiskers. a look back at the life and work of the st. of the gutters as they look to elevate mother theresa. how police say a quincy man accidentally killed his wife. as we head to break, what you think? are you feeling lucky? it could be your wedding day. you just don't know. here's a look at your winning live from the channel for studios in boston, this is wbz news this morning. morning. time to rise and shine. you are an earlybird if you are up with us already. we early birds on the weekend. >> did you have a nice weekend? i we have had a nice weekend on the cape. >> we have had such wonderful weather. >> nobody should be complaining about their vacation weeks this year. the only thing they can complain about is that it was morning it is cool. let's go to the bees and see what is happening at the boston pond. at the school, it is 56. it is coming closer to boston and we will go to bellingham. it is 54 donna brockton at the high school. we're looking at the 50s. some of the urban centers are a little warmer. if you cold spots may be in the upper 40s. we have a high cloud coming up for today. the sum shot -- sunshine at times. we will get brighter sunshine when the clouds are thinner. it will be cloudy tomorrow and it will get rainy and windy on monday with temperatures in the 60s. hermine is west of cape hatteras , south carolina. it is -- it has winds of 60 miles per hour. it off the coastline. tropical storm warnings all the way up the coast through much of the jersey coast. it looks like as it moves in the position here, it will hang around and whirl around or do a couple of loops. it may intensify more over the next few days. because it is so close, we have to keep an eye on it. it is block from coming straight up at us but we may have some spiral bands eventually. more on hermine in the local forecast in a few minutes. hurricane hermine officially making landfall in florida. it is the first storm to make landfall in that state in 11 years. its impact will be felt for a long time. one man was killed at a campground. more than 125,000 people are without power in 6000 members of the national guard are on standby for disaster relief. carolinas where heavy rain is expected. a new bedford mom is facing charges. she was videotaped leaving her baby in a car while going into a gas station convenience store. she even confronted the man taking the video when coming back outside. they have charged breanna mcgrath with reckless child endangerment. parents taking their kids to a charter school will have a longer distance. the charter had stopped wo the school had no building permits. free transportation will be provided to that temporary location in norwood. we're following a developing story in quincy where police describe the death of a woman is a tragic accident. she was run over by her own has been as he backed out of the driveway. the police tried to figure out exactly how it happened. >> around 2:30 pm, a call came involved in an accident. >> a woman was run over and killed. >> it is awful. it is kind of odd, when it happened right across the street. it was very sad. quincy police say a 54- year-old man backed over his 52- year-old wife and killed her in the driveway. >> if it were intentional, it is terrible. if it is an accident terrible. for the sanity of the neighborhood, it is scary that someone could have done something violent, especially to their life partner. family members quietly wait as police investigate. wednesday police believe it could be an accident but they assigned a homicide investigator to the case. police on scene release very few details. >> the husband was taken to the hospital for distress. wbz this morning. the state is shutting down a recycling visiting -- business after neighbors complained about the spell. they are order to stop the composting operations by next february. the state said they are not complying with all of the roles. 5:36 am now. the life and work of mother theresa will be celebrated in macedonia where -- where she and in a row where she was made a saint. jonathan looks back on her life. >> reporter: mother teresa touch the world by helping the poor, sick, and dying in india. >> the poor need our love and compassion. they give us much more than weekend to them. >> reporter: she became a nun at 16, and two years later left her home in yugoslavia to work in a convent in india. school in the slums of calcutta. mother teresa became one of the most recognizable people. she became -- she won the first nobel peace prize for her work in 1989. >> i am very happy to do my work for the hungry, for the homeless, for the sick.>> reporter: a medal of freedom calling her a hero of our time. >> mother teresa was busy as usual saving the world.>> reporter: sometimes called the mother of the gutter, her missions of charity did not provide enough to do -- to provide release -- relief to the dying, she was a fierce she wrote that deep down there is nothing that emptiness and dark as. pope john paul became a fan of mother teresa and became her friend. now, 19 years after her death, pope francis, who has also taken up the cause of helping the neediest will officially make mother teresa a saint. jonathan vigliotti, cbs news, lo vigliotti, cbs news, london. this 5:38 am. the hottest prospect for basalt makes a start for the red sox. -- the hottest prospect for baseball makes a start for the red sox. good morning on this saturday morning on this labor day weekend. we're still watching hermine spinning to the south giving heavy rain to the east in north carolina and southeastern virginia right now. it is moving to the north, northeast pretty fast. very closely. that leads me to the trivia for this hour. let's see what it is. how many letters of the alphabet are not used to name atlantic tropical storms. could there be only one letter that's not used? three letters? five letters? or seven? the one that we are using for this storm is the letter h. will talk about hermine's impact on this area and my accuweather forecast. i will see you in just a ? ? ? the best way to get together, is with the treat you make together. ? ? ? a box is where you keep things safe. who wants that? i'm moving forward. new oikos greek nonfat yogurt helps keep me going. now with all-natural ingredients with vitamin d and 12 grams of protein. oikos, be unstoppably you. four hundred million dollars. that's how much charter schools will drain from massachusetts public schools this year. four hundred million siphoned from local districts that desperately need it. four hundred million that won't fund more science and technology, arts or preschool, counseling, or smaller class sizes. four hundred million unavailable to the ninety-six percent not just a select few. it was showtime for red spot -- red sox prospect. the cuban born player played in his first major-league game last night. halcott i did not start but had to at-bats striking out one and walking one. it was arrest of the sox bats they came through last night's david ortiz and companies scored 16 a seven run pitching performance helped the red sox when this one by a score of 16-2. tom brady's us -- tom brady suspension officially starts today. rob ninkovich starts a suspension today as well. >> reporter: out of the mix until week five in cleveland. rob ninkovich will miss the the-counter substance. he has played in 116 consecutive games. he has missed most of this preseason for triceps injury that he suffered three weeks ago. he told mike read about the suspension before it became public because he wanted to get it out there. his supplements, he tested positive because of an ingredient that is not listed on the label. ai lesson for me to learn at this stage in my career. but i take responsibility for it. it is a mistake that i made and it hurts that i will not be there for my teammates. >> like rob ninkovich, he can rejoin the team on monday, october 3. until we five in cleveland, he plays entire first half against the giants. he threw for 66 yards. he entire game if belichick would've let him. he admitted that he will be watching his teammates from afar. i'm sure that i will be very curious and watching it at some level. we will see. i have ever dealt with it, so we will see. i will be cheering. i know that our fans do it, too, and that is what you do >> some of the players that are on the bubble are probably extremely nervous. 21 players have to be moved by 4:00 today. and in the case of anthony johnson. he may be nervous but he is not showing it.>> acuna mattia. we forget about all of those days. no worries for the rest the days. >> you can control and let everyone else have the day that they do. to a czechoslovakian report. one player will not play in the upcoming world of hockey due to an upcoming hip surgery. krejci is supposed to be ready for the start of the nfl season. -- for the start of the nhl season. kick off this morning at 730 for the start of the nhl seas 7:30 am. good thing you are already a. the eagles have little time to do the tourist thing since they left on tuesday but they are clear that this is a business trip. the acc opponent, they are a great football team. where going over there with the mentality that we are there to win a football game. >> we are itching to get the taste out of our mouths and get ready to write a new script. this is our opportunity right now to write a new script a bit it is a last round at boston. second shot on 17. that bought -- that sets up an easy bird. he is just six under. look at the shot of the day. he took a job after his approach -- he took a shot but this one goes right into the i am levin reed. >> that you have a good weekend? i the weather was fine for you down there? i perfect. it is been a great summer. >> that is a flipside and that is the drought. we do have the extreme drought in the drought monitor was updated this week. it has expanded actually. southward into parts of southern massachusetts zero the southeastern section. that is not good news. and we did not get too much rain this week work the doubt in the extreme -- the drought in the extreme category has moved down to mansfield and when are we going to get some rain? we would like to get some rain from this tropical system. that system produced more than 20 inches of rain in a couple of spots down in the panhandle of fla. yesterday, that is crazy stuff. we would like a few inches of rain here spread out over a few days. hopefully we will get some rain out of this before this is done. the exact, precise amount is truly uncertain. it depends upon the formation of these spiral bands that will spin in here eventually. we look at the northeast with the cool air around. look of baker lake, we hope everything is nice of there. of new england this morning in the most line locations. we have dew points in the 40s and middle 50s. it is nice try air. it feels like fall. it feels like september of course. we have some hot weather in the forecast. we will get to the forecast in a minute. mid-seventies will do it for today. a couple places in the coast may be a touch lower than that. the wins will come in from the northeast to east, especially down the satellite, this model is showing some high cloudiness. we will have outflow to our south at times. it was an out in the sunshine will get brighter. other times it may thicken up in the sunshine will become more dimmed. it is going to be beautiful and it will be a great time for mountain climbing and hiking we will see bearing mounds of cloud cover for tomorrow. it should get cloutier for tomorrow. watch the timestamp as the clouds start to push back in again even though they may received a little bit later today. they will come back northward again and the outer fringe of the rain bands will hit the cape later tomorrow. it may be closer than this and it made move on to newport in nantucket by tomorrow. it will continue to expand across the area. tropical storm hermine has winds of 60 miles per hour. it increase late yesterday after dropping down late yesterday morning after it was a minimal hurricane. tropical storm warning is along the carolina coast after new jersey coast. a tropical storm watch around long island and the coast of connecticut just to the west of rhode island. the storm will move out like this. rather quickly. is going to run into a block and not go much of anywhere. it will stall, and i think it will do much of a more dramatically than this is really suggesting here. it is going to move out and loop back. addis is -- as it is looking back, it will intensify. that means we have to watch this one all the way up through new york city in parts of southern new england. the heaviest rains should stay offshore that we should have some spiral bands moving in turn new england. some periods of heavy rain moving in monday and tuesday. the seas will become more certainly monday to tuesday as is will be a long-duration event. it will be there for days and days. it will spin up the ocean that it will cause dangerous rip currents and will be wet around here. you will see the wet weather lasting through tuesday and maybe into early wednesday before a system on the west starts to give this hermine a kick or a boot out appear. there you go. tuesday. it will be starting cloudy and turning 84 on sunday. will be up near 90 on thursday and friday., alphabet letters are not used to name tropical cyclones? we were using h, force, forgive me -- for hermine. is it one, three, five, or seven? >> the answer is c. what are they? >> queue, you, ask, why, z. >> you could do ursula for you? i i guess there is not enough names. >> they have six -- six list.'s -- six lists. and that is what it is. >> we will be right back. every part of you is strong. time to bring that strength to your tooth enamel. colgate enamel health mineral repair toothpaste. strengthens weakened enamel 4x better. so smile with strength. with colgate enamel health mineral repair. i absolutely love my new york apartment, but the rent is outrageous. good thing geico offers affordable renters insurance. with great coverage it protects my personal belongings should they get damaged, stolen or destroyed. [doorbell] uh, excuse me. delivery. hey. lo mein, szechwan chicken, chopsticks, soy sauce and you got some fortune cookies. have a good one. ah, these small new york apartments... protect your belongings. they lost their home to italy's earthq b with their lives. it turns out that they got something else back that could've never been replaced. that story when wbz this kelly ayotte: thanks, buddy. kelly (voiceover): i'm kelly ayotte. and when i take the plate for new hampshire... i'm up against a political machine that plays dirty -- throwing millions in false, negative ads... i'm out here knocking down every lie... because new hampshire deserves better. that's why i'm batting for good-paying jobs, to protect social security and medicare... ...and help families pay for college... ng at me... this. is. everything. honey bunches of oats. it's all of this, this, this, and this. it's the mother of all cereals. it's that, and that, and all of that. it's the most cerealriffic cereal. in all of history. yeah, it's that good. honey bunches of oats. more than a week after an earthquake hit central idiot, went back to their ham -- home to find their dog romeo. he survived days alone in the rubble. incredibly, the couple says romeo is walking and appears to be in pretty good health despite being in there for nine days. >> thank goodness they found him. top stories and an update on your accuweather forecast. coming up at the top of the hour, we are glad you are with ? ? ? is with the treat you make together. this morning, the carolinas are getting their dose of tropical storm hermine with intense rain, heavy winds, and storm surges. and this morning, the entire east coast is under alert. hermine could pick up strength

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East Boston , Massachusetts , United States , Brockton , Baker Lake , South Carolina , New Light , North Carolina , New Bedford , Connecticut , India , Mansfield , Cuba , Jersey , Carolinas , Provincia De Ciego Avila , Norway , New York , Georgia , Macedonia , New Hampshire , Washington , Boston , Rhode Island , Florida , Virginia , Cape Cod , Calcutta , West Bengal , London , City Of , United Kingdom , Denver , Colorado , Stanford , Leicestershire , Newport , Maine , Bedford , Italy , Bermuda , Norwegian , Cuban , Acuna Mattia , Marty Bulger , Breanna Mcgrath , Anthony Johnson , Levin Reed , David Ortiz , Brock Turner , Tom Brady , Michael Hayden , Leah Martin , Kerry Connolly , Charles Krauthammer , Gillian Turner , John Paul , Carey Conley , John Mckinley , Hillary Clinton , Kelly Ayotte ,

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