Transcripts For WBZ WBZ This Morning 20160823 : comparemela.

Transcripts For WBZ WBZ This Morning 20160823

now. we have 62 at logan airport. 49 in norwood and in taunton. even 47 in keen. so there are some cool pockets this morning. but it's going to be such a beautiful day. it will be sunshine from sun up to sun down. a little clouds coming across southern canada. none of that is coming down. it might be a couple of scattered clouds in the sky. in the morning rush, starting out at 55. sunrise now is up to button. we've got a west southwest breeze at 15 miles an hour. low humidity. sunset at 7:32. more on the weather in just a few minutes. back to you kate. >> all right. thank you. breaking overnight police reports ever a shooting in dorchester. officers were laying evidence markers and searching the area of lowell street. right now boston are looking for a suspect in a sexual a blue bmx-style bicycle when he approached a woman. the victim says he told her he had a knife and forced her to walk to the playground where he sexually assaulted her. the suspect is believed to be a hispanic man with short brown hair, about five feet 6 to 5'7". he also has tattoos on his right arm and back of his right hand. if you have any information, you should call boston police. it's been just since a tornado hit corn cord, and there's still plenty of cleaning up to do. >> meanwhile a worker is cleaning up after a wood chipper hit him in the face. the tornado hit dozens of homes and many are still without power. louisa has the latest on the clean up. >> reporter: at dusk parts of north con court appeared like a waste land. the jagged edges of trees into the window, curtains blowing in, they started sucking out. that's when i grabbed the dog and we headed -- i live on a slab, no base am. i have nowhere to go. so we hit underneath by the fireplace right there. >> reporter: and gary says he was awake with when it all started. he heard the ef1 tornado swirl towards his neighbor around 3:00 a.m. >> it sounded like this rumble that came through. it got louder and louder, then it quit, stopped. >> reporter: and saw the havocit >> i heard the trees falling. i heard all these trees up here popping. it sounded like popcorn. >> reporter: scenes like this all along the tornado's path. the national weather service determining it was a half a mile long, with winds gusting at roughly 100 miles per hour. remarkably, 39 homes were damaged but not a single resident hurt. >> we thought it was an earthquake. against the walls. >> reporter: clean-up crews disextended on the mass. slicing through trunks. a worker suffered minor injury when a wood chipper sprayed debris into his face. but the lack of structural distress, left residents in luck. >> there are limbs -- if you go in my backyard and look, you can't see the backyard. >> reporter: as of monday 62 customers remained without power. in concord, wbz this morning. anded governor got a firsthand look at the damage. he toured the area with the lieutenant governor, first responders and emergency manage. governor baker said given the number of trees down, it's amazing nobody was hurt or killed. the waiting continues for a proposed muslim cemetery in dudley. according to the "boston globe", the town's board of selectmen the issue will likely return to the selectmen's agenda next month. police believe the driver who hit and killed a woman in a lowell parker never even saw her. he was backing up yesterday morning when he hit 70-year-old claudia norman dan. the driver is not facing any charges. a summerville couple facing armed robbery charges accused robbing a nun. vanessa young and her spouse pleaded not guilty. quinnzy place say the couple robbed the nun. we spoke to the nun's superior, mother olga. she told me the nun -- >> it was the rosary that saved both of them. saved our sister's life and saved this woman from committing much bigger crime. >> mother olga says she believes accused women get the help they need. foxboro mrees are looking for a man they say saw a autographed patriots helmet. he was wearing a tom brady jersey when he hopped over the bar, grabbed the helmet and walked out on his tab. apparently he even called the next day to confess, saying he would bring the helmet back. it still hasn't been returned. anyone with information is asked to give them a call. massachusetts's new electronic tolling could cost some drivers more while o the open road tolling is expected to go into effect on october 28th, newly eninstalled began trees will charge drivers who have a transponder. under the proposed rates, the some rates will remain the same. from west newton to downtown, each trip will cost you 70 cents more. >> look at that. you're going to be paying 55 >> see, there you go. that sounds good to me. >> i have hawaii license plates on my car, and i'm from california. so i don't know what they're going to do with me. >> if you don't have a tran responders your rate would increase quite a bit. cameras will snap a picture of your plate and the mas d.o.t. will mail you a bill. several hearings will be held next year and the proposed rates will be voted on in november. donald trump heads to texas supporters while the controversy over hillary clinton's use of a private e-mail server continues to loom over her campaign. brian webb has the latest. >> reporter: appearing on jimmy kimmel last night, hillary clinton talked about getting ready to debate her republican opponent. >> i am drawing on my experience in elementary school. >> reporter: before addressing the latest chapter in her enduring e-mail saga. >> we've already release ready, i don't know, 30,000 plus, so ordered the state department to quickly release close to 15,000 previously undisclosed e-mails and documents recovered from her private e-mail server by the fbi during their criminal investigation. clinton campaign aides say they aren't sure what's in the documents but support all her work-related e-mails being released. at a campaign event in ohio, donald trump sought to keep the its foreign donors got preferential treatment at the state department during her tenure. >> the favor's done and the significant number of times it was done require an expedited investigation by a special prosecutor immediately, immediately, immediately. >> reporter: the republican nominee also made a pitch to minority voters. >> what do you have to lose? illustraten it out. you'll be able to walk down the street without getting shot. >> reporter: a new monmouth university pell finds clinton leads trump among hispanic voters 72 to 10%. brian webb for cbs news. president obama heads to louisiana today to tour the flood damage. the president did take some heat for staying on vacation and not visiting sooner, although the governor did ask him to stay away. 13 people h flooding. more than 60,000 homes are damaged. coming up on wbz this morning, wikileaks under fire. >> the new report accusing the group exposing private information. >> also ahead, a man, his hunting dog and a wild rescue on the cape. hour a gps device helped lead to a happy ending. >> and ihop cutting the price on pancakes today. the short stack deal to benefit . welcome back. fighting childhood hunger in a delicious way from 7:00 a.m. toen p.m. stack of their pancakes for just $1. and 100% of those proceeds from those pancakes sold will be donated to the share our strength no kid hungry campaign. they hope to reach their goal of 1 million short stacks sold at restaurants today. >> are they open at 4:00 a.m. with he could run over there right now. >> 7:00 a.m. following today's money up with, the cell phone carrier earning b wikileaks accused of exposing personal information. good morning, jill. >> reporter: good morning. wikileaks crusade to expose government secrets is inadvertently leaking personal information of regular citizens, including medical files belonging to sick kids, the mentally ill even survivors of sex abuse. the associated press has attempted to reach the founders, and at this point has not been successful. well now you can drive a commitment. for the first time, two-year leases of model s are being offered. they start at $593 a month and down payment of $7,000. verizon is a clear win her it comes to wireless studies. a new study looked at six categories including speed data reasonable and text perform answer in all 50 states. for the sixth year in a row, verizon was number one. from the basketball court to the opening bell yesterday. he's unveiling a $100 million venture capital fund. it will be based in los angeles. it's already invested money no derrick jeeter, the players tribune. i ran on the floor and i got a picture. highlight of my day. >> right on instagram. i looked it yesterday. i saw that -- i liked it yesterday. >> if you don't put it on instagram, did it really happen? we're proud of you. >> jill, she's always got something going on in the morning. >> i would be doing the same thing if i was down there with all the action. >> running down haighing down koeb briebt. what a difference a day make. yesterday we were listening to our phones waking us up in the middle tonight. today it is cool and beautiful. >> glad that happens once every 50 years. you're right, kate, no question about it. we have a nice morning out there. it is so different. i'm your fair weather friend. i love nothing like yesterday, that's for sure. today we're starting off on the cool side. we have nice dry air all day long. we have unlimited sunshine a very pleasant breeze. a warm arch. what more could you want? it's weather made-to-order, i guess. it's a cool start in many locations. the usual -- suspicious spots here whether you drop down in the cool areas, taunton is 49, but the airport is 62. these are the dew points, all in the upper 40s. the humidity will stay low right on through tonight. so you have it made today, that's for sure. excellent visibility all over the place. afternoon highs right around 82 degrees in many spots. a little cooler at south basin coastal locations. but otherwise it's really going to be great with this dry hair prevailing. great big high pressure ruling the roost here. it's pumping the warm and humid air back in that high is going to settle off to the south and become bermuda heat pumper for us. that means it's going to get hot again. tropical depression fiona. i don't think you have to worry about this t this little tropical wave which will be investigated is something we're going to be watching very closely because that's going to make -- come closer to the united states i think. this is tropical storm gston. anyway, it will be become a hurricane. that will stay way out at sea. so that's the general track. but this suspicious and prop cal wave, we'll have to watch that. it may be coming close to the southeastern united states, into the bahamas. we'll have to see if it does develop. the hurricane center will be watching it. 82 today, then starts to heat up again. 89, but still nice dry air tomorrow. gets humid on thursday and friday. again. and no showers or storms in the forecast until maybe sometime next week. that's it, back to you chris and kate. >> thank you very much, barry. good day for a run today. >> yes, a very good day. a sleepless night for a dog owner. >> his dog got stuck in a drainage pipe. as leeian martin report, there was a happy end. . >> this is belle. she's a coop hount. >> reporter: and one lucky dog. woods out. >> 3 or 4 nights a week. >> reporter: that's training for coop hound competitions where it's all about the relationship between human and dog and teaching the dog to tree a raccoon. >> your family, your friends and you don't want anything to happen to her. >> reporter: she's a winner. >> she beat other dogs to be crowned champion. >> reporter: while bell was hot in pursuit. >> she traced a raccoon into a pipe. a 12 inch plastic pipe like this. >> i looked underneath the pe feet back in the pipe that way. >> reporter: bell couldn't figure out how to back out. >> she was stuck in there and she couldn't turn around. >> reporter: police and fire came but said nothing could be done until daybreak, westin reluctantly went owe. >>. >> i didn't -- went home. he was back early and because bell was wearing this gps collar he could figure out roughly where she was in the pipe. >> she could only move forward. if i was here, and open up an air hole that she would come out. >> reporter: it worked. >> she came out. she looked like a wood chuck. she was happy as she could be. i moved that pipe, she popped right up. the tail was going, you know, it was a big, big relief on my part that she was out when she was safe and she was happy. glad to have you back. >> that was liam martin reporting. there's no permanent damage. at least not mentally. >> that's good. she and westin w indiana for a competition over the weekend. well, ahead it is game on for the wynne casino. >> the last legal set back has been settled. we'll have the details. >> plus ryan lochte dropped by his sponsors over his rio robbery claims and there could be even more fallout for that when i look for solutions, i don't start in washington, h,z/ and i don't assume one party has all the answers. you know where i find common-sense ideas? right here in new hampshire... where i'm fighting for the good-paying jobs that strengthen our economy. i worked to make childcare more affordable and make it easier ross party lines on clean air and energy efficiency efforts... and to strengthen social security and medicare. together, we're making new hampshire and america stronger. i'm kelly ayotte, . breaking overnight, police respond to reports of a shooting in dorchester. officers were laying evidence markers and searching the area of nor we will street. no word on victims or arrests. checking other stop stories this tuesday morning. boston police are looking for a suspect in a sexual assault in a south end. investigators say the man was on a blue bmx-style bike. greenwich park. the victim says he told her he had a knife and then forced her to walk to the carter playground where we sexually assaulted her. the suspect is believed to be hispanic man in his late 20s to mid-30s with short brown hashgs about five feet 6 to 5'7". he has tattoos. if you have any information, boston police would love to hear from you. all bets are on for the wynn casino. west summerville final fight. the city's mayor says both sides have reached an agreement to address transportation health and environment a. issues. when resorts is building the $2 billion complex, the casino is expected to open up june 2019. officials say her condition has gotten better but she's still in the hospital. a 3-year-old boy pulled from that same pool, though, remains in critical condition. this happened saturday night on the two women hit by a party bus early sunday morning in east boston actually fell out of an emergency window. that's according to the limo company's owners. the bus ran over one of the women, killing her. the company telling us they don't know how that window open. a dcr park ranger under arrest accused of hiding -- hiding a camera. he faces multiple charges prosecutors say he wanted to unsuspecting workers using a staff bathroom at the bathhouse. police were tipped off by a female lifeguard who noticed what looked like a pen with a flashing light. >> videos of certain employees -- [ inaudible ] and going to the bathroom. several women's genitals are clearly seen. in addition there is a video of in court yesterday. the dcr says it is disturbed over the allegations. ryan lochte has now lost all four major sponsors comforting him about $1 million. the move comes after lochte admitted to giving misleading statements about a supposed robbery in rio during the olympics last week. lochte has since apologized, saying he overexaggerated the story. he's also expected to face some sort of punishment from usa im committee. inch the red sox begin a series in tampa bay last year. price on the mound last night. eight shutdown innings, buzz his great performance overshadowed by an even better play here. an amazing catch by benintendi who robs the rays of a two-run home run. sox cruise to an he's i victory many this one beating tampa bay, 6-2. now to the patriots, jimmy not at the practice field. grady also reportedly wasn't with the team on sunday, too. espn boston's mike reese tried to get some clarity on braid's situation -- brady's situation. >> brady has been excused yesterday and today. you can confirm that? >> no comment on a personal situation. >> so there you go. wbz is the place for the pats third preseason game on friday starting with parti at 7:00. pats and panthers kick off at 7:30 followed by the fifth quarter post game show all right here on wbz. straight ahead, mixing it up at mix fest. >> the big names coming to the hat show for the preshow. stay with us. i found her wandering miles from home. when the phone rang at 5am, i knew it was about mom. i see how hard it's been on her at work and i want to help. for the 5 million americans living with alzheimer's, let's walk together to make an even bigger impact and end alzheimer's for good. ticks are out in mass. so check yourself, your kids, and your pets anytime you've been outdoors. check everywhere -- in your hair, under your arms, and between your toes. if you find a tick, remove it as soon as you can. use fine-tipped tweezers to grasp the tick close to the skin. use firm, even pressure pulling straight up, some tick bites can make you sick. so if you start to feel ill or notice a rash near the bite, call your doctor. . some big names in music coming to bost for a free show at the hat show. >> our sister radio station just announced the line-up mix fest. this year the show will feature shaggy and one republic lick. mark your calendar. the concert starts at 2:00. go to our website for more details. . >> how do you not going see shaggy? >>. >> we were blaring that in the newsroom. >> it's our new an then. your top stories weather and traffic straight ahead. >> the news at 5:00 starts right now. breaking right now at 5:00, dorchester, what we're learning this morning. >> police searching for the suspect who sexually assaulted a woman in a south end. the warning this morning for neighbors. >> and the clean-up underway after a tornado touches down in concord. we'll have a closer look at the damage that was left behind. . good morning. it is 5:00 right now. thanks for joining us. and barry burbank, if you went outside right now, it's feeling like september, like we've already turned the page a little bit possibly into the next season. >> it does, but it feels good, it feels kind of good out there. it's going to be warming up. it will feel like a nice summer day this afternoon. but we have some 47s on the map. how cold can it get? getting kind of cool when the air is nice and dry. the air is completely clear of

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Louisiana , United States , Canada , East Boston , Massachusetts , New Hampshire , Texas , Washington , Boston , California , Indiana , Foxboro , Bahamas , The , South Basin , Sandys , Bermuda , Ohio , West Newton , Hawaii , Americans , America , Barry Burbank , Wood Chuck , Ryan Lochte , Jimmy Kimmel , Claudia Norman Dan , Lowell Parker , Mike Reese , Los Angeles , Hillary Clinton , Kelly Ayotte , Brian Webb ,

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