Transcripts For WBZ WBZ News 20161011 :

Transcripts For WBZ WBZ News 20161011

>> reporter: we faced one final walk off by david ortiz but this one ends in tears. >> the season is over for the red sox but that seems a footnote to something even bigger. tonight we have team coverage, we want to begin with steve burton live at fenway. steve? >> reporter: this is not how it is supposed to and but not every story has a hollywood ending. the red sox season is over, along with the career of david ortiz. the place went absolutely nuts when he lost -- left the field. sox never led tonight, they got single from hanley ramirez, mookie betts scored in a single, and papi was fired up. he was taken out by a pinch runner to a huge ovation, the sox are swept, and one of the most remarkable careers in red sox history is over. i want to bring in dan right now because let me tell you something, it's the end of an era. a huge era. what this guy has done over and over through the years is amazing. the best player in history, there was a moment after the game, everyone was curious to see, most fans did not leave their seats. david ortiz waited until the cleveland indians got done celebrating on the field, then he had the field, tipped his hat to the mound and stood on the mound, where he has faced so many pitchers, come up with so many college -- clutch hits, the fans responded in a big way, david ortiz in tears, and one of those unforgettable moments in the history of this red sox franchise. david ortiz reflected on it when it was all said and done. >> that moment it hits you, you know, that you aren't going to be able to be performing, in the best baseball in the world in front of all of these -- no disrespect to anyone, but i think we have the best fans of hit me a little bit. i'm not going to lie to you. and like i say, you know, i tried to hold my emotions as best i could. but you know, that last second, i could not hold it no more. >> he held back a lot of emotion this year pickett has been a difficult year for him to get through, the ceremony here at fenway park this past weekend, tough for david, he is through it now and is going to go home some he reflects on his career in cooperstown someday, he will look back on one of the greatest careers we have ever seen. >> he is a superstar with class. what he has done on and off the field, he left everybody up around him. much more of david ortiz coming up in sports. the sox fans are stunned at fenway park. >> missed him already. steve burton, dan, thank you. outside fenway tonight. not the fairytale ending we really wanted there. >> reporter: it really wasn't. the red sox have come from behind on countless occasions. i think fans especially in the last two innings were really thinking it might happen again. in the end, it wasn't meant to be and i think it is fair to say there will never be another david ortiz. >> it was great, but, boy, i wanted him to play again tomorrow, i really did. >> were you biting your nails? >> oh, my god. that was one hell of a game, wasn't it? it really was. i wanted him right up there until the end, really. i wanted to see another world series. but it just did not happen. thanks for the memories, right? >> it is hard to see papi not win his last game. i think that it was disappointing not to win one game at home. a little bit of a letdown. but the offense was so good all to see them just come up so short at the last, you know, last outing, it's a little disheartening. >> it was good. they almost came back. >> they almost did, i know. how did you like to see big papi's last name? >> it was cool. >> a great game to bring the little guy to. we had a great time. >> it was surreal to see him up there for the last time. >> it was. it does not feel real but unfortunately, it was real. thank you, papi, for >> reporter: let's keep it in perspective. three world series championships, and even in his final season, david ortiz brought us to the playoffs. outside of fenway park, julie loncich, wbz news. >> thank you. from fenway to the suburbs, it is cold out there and getting colder. some areas could see a freeze for us tonight and the possibility of cranking up heat. >> some of the furnaces will be clicking on for the first time as we have some real chill out there and national weather service consequently put up this frost advisory which is quite expensive tonight, does not include cape cod and among the immediate coast, a bit of a breeze but the way the wind is dropping off inland it's going to be cold. we even have freeze warnings way out west, parts of central massachusetts westward. some of these numbers down to 33 and 36 in cold spots, we will have those readings going down perhaps into the upper 20s but boston along the coast in the 40s. more weather coming up in just a few minutes. the woman at the center of the trump tape breaks her silence about what he said that day on the bus. >> there is no room for objectification of women, not even in the locker room. >> "entertainment tonight" host nancy o'dell addressed trump's comments expanding on the statements she put down over the weekend. the candidates press on. >> reporter: both were back on the campaign trail tonight, donald trump trying to regain his footing after press pulling this morning shows he is down significantly with less than a month to go. >> i feel it is very important that i dress you all directly. >> reporter: nancy o'dell, slamming john trump's comments about her at least 2005 tape. >> there is no room for objectification of women or anyone for that matter, even in the locker room. >> i moved on her and i failed. i'll admit it. >> reporter: and hillary clinton in ohio monday, criticizing trump's response to that audio. >> trump spent his time last night attacking me when he should have been apologizing. >> reporter: trump holding a rally in pennsylvania downplayed the now infamous tape and said, he is not backing down. >> if they want to release more tapes, saying inappropriate things, we will continue to talk about bill and clinton -- bill and hillary clinton doing >> reporter: republicans have denounced him, house speaker paul ryan told gop members monday he will no longer defend or campaign with trump. but, the party chairman said in a conference call with members of the republican national committee, the gop is sticking with its nominee. >> the rnc is in full coordination with the trump campaign and we have a great relationship with them. >> reporter: the campaign is dealing with a league of its own, wiki leaks releasing 2000 hacked emails from clinton's campaign chairman including one in which a dnc official who was supposed to be neutral at the time alerted the clinton camp to some of bernie sanders' upcoming events. clinton and trump by the way will debate again next wednesday. in vermont, hundreds of people turned out to remember five teenagers who were killed in a weakened crash. police say the driver of a pickup was speeding going the were in and it burst into flames. police say he then stole and crashed a cruiser. this candlelight vigil was held at the soccer fields of harlan would need -- harlan would -- harling union high school. the driver was a 36-year-old who was hospitalized after the crash, but prosecutors want to charge him no later than this week. police are trying to figure out how a man drove the wrong way for miles on the mass pike. several people called 911 this afternoon. troopers say he drove 3 miles heading west in the eastbound lanes of the pike near newton. three drivers crashed trying to get out of the way. he ultimately crashed into a barrier. no one was seriously injured. the 80-year-old driver could be facing charges. two people wanted for a murder and home invasion in the town of orange will face a judge this week. police captured this couple hiding out in virginia. they are suspected of killing an elderly man, badly injuring his wife, in a violent home wbz's ken macleod is live with us tonight. the victim's family has a lot of questions tonight. >> reporter: family members have hinted in recent days this may not be a stranger to stranger crime. today they're thankful the suspect has been caught. >> get away, goodbye. >> reporter: that reaction at the home of 27-year-old brittany smith, now charged with murder, attempted murder, and home invasion, stunning her athol neighbors. >> it is terrifying because it is still very surreal. i can't imagine. it does not seem believable. >> reporter: smith and her apparent boyfriend, joshua hart, were both arrested in the parking lot of a virginia walmart over the weekend shortly after police say they ditch their getaway car. the old corolla belonged to 95- year-old tom hardy found stabbed to death inside of his home along with his wife, virginia. she survived the attack by john hardy managed only a brief smile this afternoon, unable to shed much light on why the suspect had targeted his older brother and sister-in-law, but hoping for swift justice. >> i hope they don't string him along for 5 years. i think they are guilty, they should be punished right away. >> reporter: the suspects will both be in court wednesday as prosecutors try to extradite them back to massachusetts where the stunned people of some answers. >> this does not happen here ever that i can remember. >> reporter: flowers keep arriving at the victim's home but no one understands why evil came tom hardy's way. >> i know it happened, that's all i know. >> the motive is still unclear but chances are we won't learn any more about that until the suspects are arraigned here in massachusetts. lisa? boston police are searching for the gunman who shot a 9- year-old girl at a playground early sunday morning at a when she was shot in the back. she is expected to recover but it is not the first time neighbors here have had to deal with violence. lawanda settled says her teenage son was shot and killed in the same area last december. >> it's just nerve-racking. like, how much could you bear? until you know how it feels to lose a kid, you don't understand. >> police are hoping that a surveillance camera in the area will lead to case. tonight, an important and new message for samsung users. >> the companies a stunning move to stop a phone from catching fire. tonight, our i-team reveals more changes coming down the road. the chance of a lifetime, samsung back in the news tonight, halting all sales of this after their safe replacement phones have also been catching fire. last month, the company recalled 2.5 million of the galaxy note 7 phones because the batteries can overheat. samsung is warning users to stop using their phones and powerdown devices to prevent a fire. tonight, an i-team investigation. in a few weeks, the state will flip the switch on >> and, ryan kath explained it could be just the beginning of big changes for massachusetts drivers. >> reporter: to set the price, mass. hired a consultant but the statement did not want to give -- but the state did not want to give up a copy of that to the i-team because it could explain changes coming down the pike. all electronic tolling looms to drivers. >> are we being monitored? is big brother watching? >> reporter: yes. snap a picture of her license plate and send you a bill. you have heard people say that the new system is neutral, but, the i-team discovered a document that could change that. buried in the contract was a consultant that helped massdot set: prices, a request to also study things like congestion pricing, collecting higher rates during rush hour. >> what do you think about that? >> i think you should absolutely not pay more if you travel during rush hour. >> people are barely getting by as it is. >> reporter: there is more cut. the more. the contract says the company could study told at the new hampshire border, carpool lanes, and based on vehicle miles traveled. >> people aren't ready for it right now. you talk about tolls, raising tolls, changing polls, people get upset. >> reporter: mary of the pioneer institute once sat on the board of directors for the mass turnpike. she says the new technology makes it easy for the state to change direction. >> it's not that difficult to move to this once you have >> reporter: massdot would not agree to an interview discuss the possibilities detailed in the contract. but, the i-team caught up with highway administrator tom timlin at a public meeting. >> how likely is that for drivers to see higher prices during rush hour? >> well, i think that when you're doing a contract and you know that you are entering into a new way of doing business, you want to make sure that you are incorporating all you can. >> reporter: interested the three-year deal he yanked with consultants was simply a way to give massdot options down the road. >> how likely is that? >> not even looking at it. as i stand here right now we are not looking at congestion pricing or anything other than taking new technology . >> why are they in the contract if it is something that they are not ever going to consider? >> reporter: a sentiment echoed by skeptical drivers. >> they are going to be tolling people's driveways at some point. >> reporter: for the i-team, on this day, bruce springsteen gave fans in harvard square a reason to smile. they waited hours at the harvard coop to get an autographed company -- copy of his autobiography, born to run." it was the last stop on his book tour in the u.s. >> is there any musician that has such devoted fans as bruce? >> i don't think so. >> people go to 150 concerts. waited outside to enjoy the vibe. >> pretty cool thing. if you waited outside tonight you are going to be bundled up. >> that's right, gloves and hats, things we have not broken out in quite some time. >> it has been a while but the heat has dropped off helping with radiation cooling. boston, 59, that'll be repeated tomorrow, not up to the 87 we had back in 1939. 5 years ago today, it was 85 degrees, that was the third day that was a pretty warm first part of october in 2011. boston hour by hour, it's going to go down slowly through the 40s, not much as suburbia will be way down in the 30s and then back up to the 50s tomorrow. clear tonight, sunny tomorrow. these are the numbers right now, some areas have fallen into the 30s and the usual cold spots, even down in southern england, from fitchburg, bedford, to where it is almost down to freezing already, 36 in taunton but milder on the cape because a breeze continues to blow. that'll keep temperatures a little bit a reminder to you, frost advisories out for much of the reason because it is going to be turning so-called. a freeze warning in western new england. at the bus stop tomorrow morning, it's going to be cold but hardly any wind. nice recovery. 54 by recess, the right home later, little bit cooler at the coast, a little bit of a breeze coming onshore. not much wind at all tomorrow compared to the gusty winds we had today. this will be the forecast it would be so nice to come back. we are going to trickle up to the 60s as the real warm air stays away from us. also, nicole should stay away from the east coast. the newest tropical storm has been out there for a while but with a hurricane, it likely will become a hurricane again in the next 24 to 48 hours as a threat bermuda. sometime wednesday night and thursday, the wind may go up to 100 miles an hour, at least i hurricane center feels right now as it streaks across the atlantic. for us, high pressure really in control. that's going to give us a nice day for tomorrow. moves over us, light wind will continue. then we get some cloudiness comping -- first thing come wednesday morning. before the cold front in the midwest get your late thursday with a brief shower. that's my seven-day accuweather forecast. warmer as we go through the next few days. the night will be cool, slight chance of a shower thursday and cool side. >> i like that we need it and are talking about the hurricane -- the weekend already. this is not the way we want to the season to and and, it is the end of an era in boston. the red sox get swept a series. we will show you the final dear fellow citizen, time spent with my son really makes me appreciate "the now". but i also have to plan for my family's future. and that means taking on debt. in a smart way. like my mortgage - it's working for me. and if he needs a college loan down the road, that'll be worth it too. it's all about having a strategy, that fits your life. so, if you have a question sincerely, brandon heaven fellow dad and fellow citizen. great time for a shiny floor wax, no? not if you just put the finishing touches on your latest masterpiece. timing's important. comcast business knows that. that's why you can schedule an installation at a time that works for you. even late at night, or on the weekend, if that's what you need. because you have enough to worry about. i did not see that coming. get better internet installed on your schedule. comcast business. all the emotion that david ortiz kept inside for the season just came out tonight. it was so touching. >> it was incredible that you watch them for 162 game is. it is so fun to watch, and then guys, it's just over and a co >> it's amazing. it's just amazing. i don't think reality has even hit the players that is actually over. it's the end of a season and an era. the red sox get swept at fenway park by the cleveland indians, and with it, david ortiz's career comes to a sudden end. david ortiz being introduced for maybe the final time, the crowd giving him all of their love to big papi. monster, xander bogaerts turns on the jets come all the way around from first base, beats the throw at the plate, sox get on the board, still down 2-1. drew pomerance came on in the top of the six, he gets tab for the two run shot by coco crisp, and of the monster seats, and the former red sox player was pumped. the indians extend their lead to 4-1. andrew miller hit a line drive to center, does not home, red sox down a 4-2 after six, making some noise in the eighth, two on after hanley ramirez walks, that comes round to second, within a run, and it's electric at fenway park. red sox are fired up and so is the crowd. ortiz came out of the game at the point for a pinch runner, the last time we would see him, they go ovation from the fenway crowd, high-fives from his teammates, xander bogaerts lines out to end the inning, the final at fenway, the sox are swept right out of the playoffs. their season comes to an abrupt halt. dan, you saw ortiz come out for the curtain call and it was emotional. >> reporter: david ortiz went inside, the crowd chanted, big papi, big papi. they did not want him to leave. then, david ortiz came out. and emotional moment for everyone involved. the 10 time all-star waves to the fans, tipped his hat to the crowd as he walked out to the mound and then waved, turned, and got into tears as he tried to say goodbye to everybody, red sox fans looking at a guy who brought three world series championships to the boston red sox a 20 year career, 14 with the red sox a 10 time all-star, world series mvp and it all comes to an end. david ortiz afterwards, it sunk in, wishing perhaps that it was not over. you know, i was cheering so bad once i got out of the game. i was counting on my teammates to put me back in it. made me wear this uniform one more day. you know, because i was not ready to, you know, be over with the playoffs. >> we series with them. and send them out. you know, the way we all wanted to. but, it did not happen. >> he created so many memories with you. how much will you cherish that? maybe not right now but looking back on it when all is said and done? >> yeah. i am proud to be his teammate for so long. i have been through a ton of i mean, we have been through everything together. and, you know, it's going to be tough not having him around. >> it's going to be tough for everybody not to have big papi, no longer with the red sox on a daily basis in the clubhouse on the field. the guy, steve, named by the ownership group the greatest clutch hitter in red sox history, perhaps the best way to sum up everything he did in a red sox uniform. >> let's hope he goes from here straight to the red sox fame. unless we can talk him into coming back for one more year. that's your job. >> that's the story at fenway. back to you. the incredible side captured from a bus. >> and what was going through ? with simply right checking from santander bank, just make one deposit, withdrawal, transfer, or payment each month to waive the monthly fee. and there's no minimum balance. you're alright with simply right checking from santander bank. how is this? a great white shark feet from a paddleboarder. >> the paddleboarder got out of the water as fast as he could. we'll be right back. er i choos. the east and the west are mine. the north and the south are mine. see you tomorrow. >> good night. terrible timing and for all thet even though i'm at home i still want to talk to you about the debate. here we go. spectacular home edition. welcome to not the show with me not at work. we're broadcasting from my study and because we're coming to you from the internet, my cohost today will be this adorable undecided kitty. say hello mr. whisker pet.

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