Transcripts For WBZ WBZ News 20160727 :

Transcripts For WBZ WBZ News 20160727

beach in the water. his heart broken family wants answer i am chris mckinnon. >> i am kathryn hauser police and the mayor spoke with the media. nicole jacobs is live in south boston with the latest on the heart breaking story nicole. >> reporter: kathryn chris, some of the camp counselors arrived here at the community center earlier this morning. the mayor says that they are receiving grief counseling for what was understandably yesterday. we have learned that is drop off camp so the number of kid can fluctuate from day to day. so there's question as to the rateo -- ratio between camper and staffer but everyone is doing all they can to support the family. it's been less than 24 hours little kyzr willis went to a day of summer camp and never made it haw mayor walsh commissioner evans and others making the heavy hearted walk. commissioner evans to tell me they found an image in the water they thought was a person and a little boy. >> reporter: the 7-year-old disappeared from the city run camp tuesday afternoon. and extensive search ended with crews discovering the body in the waters of carson beach. >> my heart goes out to the family. it breaks for the family. >> reporter: questions into what happened weren't answered this morning. officials telling us the investigation is ongoing. >> it's an acti we have investigators here now and we are trying to find out you know the last hours what happened to the child. >> reporter: the mayor and city officials now facing questions about camp protocols and staffing an area he says they are taking a closer look. >> they know we will take good care of their kids and again, the family that lost their son, those words don't mean anything to them today because they lost a son. >> reporter: and that's where the sad nestlingers. with the broke -- ling-- lingers. now with a broken heart missing a sweet innocent little boy. and taking a live look now at carson beach where the tragic news of that little boy's body being found here came yesterday evening. i can tell you we have learned this afternoon that there is some sur valve ants video on -- sur veil and video on the l -- surveillance video on the l street side and no video on the state owned side but that is something they are going to use in the investigation. we also know the community center is closed remainder of today. we are told it could likely reopen tomorrow. but that is a determination they will make later on in the day. but again, just devastating news for the family. live in south boston nicole jacobs wbz news. new details a wrong way driver on 495 collide head op on with another -- head on with another driver killing herself and the other driver. police say it's early in the investigation but it appears a 24-year-old woman was driving the wrong way on 495 south when she hit another car head on both she and the other driver were pronounced dead at the scene. police say two people are dead after a head on collision on 495 early wednesday. this was the scene just after 2:00 in the morning. the front end of two cars cr and debris strewn across the highway. state police say a 24-year-old woman from middleboro was driving the wrong way on 495 southbound near exit 13 in mansfield. investigators say she crashed head on into a 27-year-old taunton man driving this chevy cruz in the middle lane. police say both drivers why pronounce dead at the scene. investigators are still trying to figure out where the woman this tragic crash that two young lives. police are not releing the victim's names haq, been notif reporting live at the statepolice barracks anna meiler wbz news now back to you. >> thank you very much. we appreciate the update. breaking news in gillette stadium bill belichick speaking ahead of training camp. >> this is the first time we have heard from him since tom brady accepted the suspension let's listen in. day to day. some of them won't be participating. but we will just see how that goes: and on the roster so we will have an exemption for nate i talked to nate several times and wish him well in his endeavor and it's a great opportunity for him to follow his passion you no-par tis pay bring back something around his neck and that puts the roster at 88. we add john and bear to fill that out so we are at 90. kind of feel like usual we are at bottom of the you know we are at bottom like everybody else in the league starting all over again. we have a long way to go a lot of work to do. but you know it's exciting to start on that trip starts a couple steps here today and tomorrow and then we will be able to get in the pad in the weekend and you know get into some more traditional type football activities but theseare good build up days and they will be important for us. we have really 10 practices until we go with the bears and the saints and so, that will be 5 practices and two games so we of get insulation done and work on fundmentas and get into training camp and 7 opportunities between practices and the games to compete with the two organizations see where we are at at that point. we have you know finally some definition with tom's get jimmy ready for the start of the season for the arizona game,so that will be a obvious hey comprehensive process. tom will return as the starting quarterback. when he comes back but in the meantime, we have to prioritize the first part of the schedule and that will be getting jimmy ready to go so. >> that's pret they much-- step by step process i think the players are hopefully ready to handle the challenge of the training camp and working at different spots and doing the things we did in the spring but in a more competitive levelee ehaven'tually in pads and eventuallyley against good can he -- eventually against good competition in presea so games and take it day by day -- preseason games and take it day by day. ultimate outcome of everything in the investigation and suspension. >> it's what i said. no commentary we know what we have to work with and that's what we are doing. >> anymore details about who i you will prioritize getting jimmy ready for a seasoner with mays the first four games. >> not really. day by day. best. whatever we think is best, that's what we are going to do that's the priority. >> what's best more reps? >> we will find out. >> you have jimmy ray in the four and tom for the rest of the season and a rookie have you what more challenging situation in training camp on how to divvy up the snaps? >> i mean we will let it go and see how it goes we will situation. we have three players to work with and look around the league, look at some other years i seen teams that probably don't feel like they have anybody or maybe they have one so i think we are in a good situation and we will see how it plays out. >> you talked with tom at all about how he will deal with the four weeks away when you won't be -- he won't able to talk with you guys and what he may or may not be able to do to keep him ready. >> we are day to day what we talk about today and tomorrow >> when will you talk to him since you won't be able to talk to him the day before the 4 weeks? >> i will see him every day between now and whenever the day is. we will talk every day like we always do. >> do you talk about preparing for the. >> we talk every day. >> bill how would you characterize jimmy's work ethic josh said the one thing he noticeed about himself getting himself ready for the detail. >> that's good. i think that's good. works hard no issues. [audio not understandable] [ inaudible ] >> experience. everything. i mean everything. >> you are listening to coach bill belichick talking about and the big of the take away is that he was discussing the team's priority is getting jimmy garoppolo ready for the season this is the first time we are hearing from him since tom brady accepted his suspension. so we will continue to follow this one for you. he talked about it being a good situation. they will see how things play out and take things day by day. we will switch gears now. the heat continues this 90 degree heat. let's goat danielle niles with a look at how hot things will get. >> that sea breeze at the coastline chris and kathryn we will probably keep logan airport shy of reaching the 90 dough grow mark. 84 at logan airport and dew points in the lower 60s. so it crept up ever so slightly a little muggy when you step out. nothing oppressive wind from the the southeast is the key at 9 miles per hour. we have absolutely hit 90 must through the interior and we are shy of 90 right now in lawrence and 88 in plymouth and lower to middle 80s for many of us. a few to upper 70s from nantucket a couple puffy cumulus clouds. no storms to worry about or weather related issues for the ride home tonight. mostly clear 60s in the suburbs. back into the 90s we go tomorrow but tomorrow brings a chance for storms. morning is fine and that is map at lunchtime aokay. mid afternoon tomorrow. notice the hit or miss. i am not anticipating severe weather just general thunderstorms and the focus is north and west of boston heading throughout the evening. we will time out storms for friday in a few. >> thanks very much. >>fo> et to stay up-to-the minute with the at time anywhere with the cbs boston weather app and t weathe alerts for free search cbs app stores. breaking news charges dropped against a three remaining baltimore officers in the freddie gray case. the 25-year-old black man died in the back of a police van in 2015. now gray's mother says police are at fault for his death and that officers lied to investigators. prosecutor on case says freddie gray didn't kill himself and is rulinghedeath as a homicide. over to campaign 2016, now a. big round of applause this morning as bernie sanders makes a surprise visit massachusetts delegation breakfast at the dnc. sanders appearance' is on the -- appearance is on the heels of a historic night as hillary clinton becomes the first woman to be nominated for president by a major political party. >> later today there's major political star power on stage to support clinton's bit for the -- bid for white house. jamie yuccas has more from philadelphia. >> reporter: emotions spilled over as bernie sanders moved to seal the nomination. >> i move that hillary clinton the democratic party. >> reporter: with that, clinton smashed through the gender barrier as the first woman to lead a major party in the race for the white house. bill clinton turned on the charm with a deeply personal testimonial for his wife. >> you should elect her because she will never quit when thegoing gets tough she will never quit on you. >> hello, philadelphia. >> reporter: she tuned in by satellite and we put the biggest crack in that yet. >> reporter: she did a test run ahead of the speech that puts it in the biggest spotlight yet. tim kaine stepped up to the stage as does joe biden. and after last night's focus on victims of gun violence, members of law enforcement will have their turn including former philadelphia police commissioner charles ramsey. >> how do we bridge the gap between police and the community that exist in some communities. >> reporter: it will be an important moment for tonight's featured peeker president president obama. the white house says the president has stayed up late fine tuning the case for clinton and his personal legacy. jamie yuccas. >> stay with us wbz for our continuing coverage from the dnc liam martlin have reports from philadelphia all week long. donald trump says bernie sanders never what chance and just moments ago trump attacked president obama and his two term presidency. . >>i been the most ignorant president in our history. his views of the world as he says don't jive and the world is a mess. >> trump went onto say things won't change under clinton and says the dnc didn't have the american flag until republicans complained. and we will be back with much more news for you including danielle's forecast right here if you suffer from a dry mouth, then you'll know how uncomfortable it can be. but did you know that the lack of saliva can also lead to tooth decay and bad breath? well, there is biotene, and it helps keep your mouth healthy too. biotene, for people who suffer from a dry mouth. the expected challenge credited for funding a potential hi ground breaking thissing the sim of 2014 the -- summer of 2014 inspired by a baseball player raised money for als. he has sl -- als and a team of scientists isolated the gene presence in als patients. it may lead to new treatments and therapies. so, good news i mean really ground breaking news. >> wonderful real change happening from cool off. >> i was thinking the same thing. >> another day of 9 as-- 90s. the sea breeze is keeping some areas cooler. looks like we will hang in the mid to perhaps upper 80s. can we get to 90? it's going to be tough with the wind off the ocean east 12 moils per hour. notice the day is coming in off the ocean over the next several hours and once the sun sets we will cool back off gradually into the 70s. we are close to 90 shy of that in lawrence. no trouble doing it at least coming into the low 90s through the interior today. 83 in worcester. lower 80s on cape cod. humidity is still relatively it's nothing oppressive but you will notice it's a little muggy as you step out. satellite and radar showing nothing. no storms to worry about today. tonight either. overnight lows 60s in the suburbs and 70 downtown and good news for sky gazers we have another flyby tonight of the international space at 10:14 p.m. clear skies great for viewing it's going to be visible for 6 minutes traveling west to the northeast. so look up 10:14 tonight until 10:20 you will see that iss: the front coming to eastern canada see the storms firing up. that's our weather for tomorrow. so as the front sags south we will get storms to pop. sunshine in the morning and bidding clouds and notice how the storms are not all that widespread. or that intense. typical summertime shower or thunderstorm tomorrow and it late afternoon and evening. one or two may linger into the evening and first part of the overnight north and west of boston. so no severe weather tomorrow but any thunderstorms some downpours and lightning may be possible. highs tomorrow again, mid 90s. this is the last day of the real deep summer heat. low 90s in boston and 90 to 95 here worcester hills southern new hampshire a little sticky. 80s on the cape and 9to 95 -- 09 to 59 south -- 90 rain in the morning along the south coast and downpours on the cape and friday afternoon scattered showers and thunderstorms develop and they will be more numerous than tomorrow and then that will also spell relief. it will be humid but temps in the mid-80s and the weekend looks good an isolated storm threat on sunday and much more normal temperature rise. thanks. a harwich dog lot of and ? i feel too young to be this old. i just want to be her mom, not her full-time job. i'm the boss of me, but sometimes i need a little help. if you or a loved one has masshealth, call commonwealth care alliance ake it easier. a lost dog now found and one amazing tale. >> nancy and john robertson took teddy to florida with them but while he was there he escaped from a dog sitter after days of searching the an eye out for him for months until someone spotted teddy in the backyard. >> he saw me and lift up his head and recognized me and it was a beautiful reunion. >> it's been such a blessing to not only have our teddy back but to develop such great friendship. >> yeah we will be friends forever. >> teddy was in pretty rough shape after spending months alone in the woods but as you can see and to see he is home. >> when you think of summer you think of beach and barbeque and ice cream. coming up the spin one local bakery is putting on the treat look for re-- looking for relief from the heat. an ice cream doughnut from a local bakery. >> it looks pretty delicious right >> i from donu in the south end. it sells for 6 bucks and they came up with the idea when they were exme sothinerwe were mesmerizeed by that. >> that's a happy marriage best of both worlds. >> why not. >> we are the most unhealthy eaters everything that is unhealthy oh that's so good. >> one more day of 09 plus degree weather and cooler air is coming in. ice cream donuts for everybody. >> that's it for us today. next newscast is at 5. see you >> lily: you know, i notice that you don't wear your rings anymore. >> cane: yeah. you know, when i broke my elbow, my arm swelled up, my hand swelled up, so i had to take them off 'cause they didn't fit. >> lily: well, that was a long time ago. if they don't fit, we should get them resized. where are they? >> cane: i losem i'm sorry. i-i-i had them on the bedside table, and i went to look for them last week, and i just... i'm sorry. [ both laugh ] oh, my god. ohhh. where were they? >> lily: uh, i think mattie found them, 'cause i saw them on bessie bear's paw the other day. >> cane: so, bessie the bear stole them, huh? >> lily: mm-hmm.

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