Transcripts For WBZ WBZ News 20151113 :

Transcripts For WBZ WBZ News 20151113

[brief pause in captioning] but what he experienced veterans days with far different. >> next thing you know he pulled out the weapon he had. >> reporter: his new fair held a hatchet in his hand. they stayed calm and kept driving. >> he lost his job and all this stuff, so i was pretty much telling him like, okay, well you should have told me that. let's talk. >> reporter: the man became more stressed after he heard some beeping. one of the passengers started bank banging on the doors. >> he engaged him quickly, are you a veteran? and the guy says yes and officer golden says well, thank you for your service and that's when he kind of relaxed. was his day to drive that bus on veterans day. >> so many things go through your head you're like okay, what should i do? >> reporter: no one was hurt. the veteran is now receiving help. and as far as criminal charges are concerned he hopes the courts will go easy. katie, thank you. last of the rain moving out tonight but we are going to have to get ready for a windy weekend. >> creating waves and rough surf on the waves. let's get right to eric. >> reporter: across the area tonight you see that line from connecticut. that line going through fitchburg and worster. most of that rain ask all offshore by about 12:30 to 1:00 a.m. our warmest temperatures around 60. they will settle back by a 60s tomorrow. winds will be gusting 30 to 40 miles per hour throughout the day and looks like the wind is going to stick around into our weekend. we'll take a closer take a look in a few minutes. there is a brand new scandal for the secret service. an agent is under arrest for sexting charges. he sent to a person he thought was a 14-year-old girl. turns out it was an under cover police officer. and we may find one step closer to what happened to the tonight the lead singer of the band whose pyrotechnics sparked the fire, more than 10 years later does the apology come too late? >> for some of them this is way too late and pretty close to meaningless but one worcester man tells me he is ready to hear what jack russell has to say. >> it will be 13 years in february, almost unreal the station nightclub survivor micro ricardi. miekmike. he made it out with second over the years he has processed the pain even published a book about it. >> i feel guilt, having survivors' guilt. >> i doesn't see a man whose rock band killed 100 people, i saw a man that sat down with us tickets. survivors pain. >> it's taken him 13 years to say i'm sorry. >> i'm not absolutely solve absolving, but understand. wbz news. tonight a new hampshire mother is facing charges in her teen's daughter. her mother jasmine rude and boyfriend are charged in connection to the teen's death. >> the fact that it is the mother to have victim makes it even more disturbing to me. >> and published reports say that eve's mother was trying to push her into a life of prostitution and drugs. arrested. tonight we are learning the body of a teenager. the 18-year-old had been missing since mid october. a construction crew building a police do not expect foul play. many women are suing a birth control company. >> reporter: nearly 120 women claim they became pregnant while on birth control and they're asking for millions. this attorney is not involved in the class action lawsuit. >> this was a mess up. >> reporter: they were manufactured, packaged, sold and distributed and they were flipped 180-degrees meaning they were taking the pla cebo pill in the wrong order. >> if they had taken the steps into. pregnant and they did. >> reporter: they recalled the product in 2007. the company told cbs news the number of affected packets was small. 41 states allow for women to sue for unwanted pregnancies and the cost of raising children and in oregon they include a college education. and experts say winning this case will not be easy. it's difficult to prove these women became pregnant because of a mistake. a lesbian couple is fighting to get their child back. a judge be ordered that the child be placed with a hetero sexual couple. the women who are married plan to adopt the baby and are planning on hiring an attorney. they are games of skill, baker says he actually tried one of their free games online to get a sense of what it was all about. coming up, honored for his bravery. a captain earns the highest military honor in his life. role. it been a long time since we have had subfreezing we'll have more on that when we come back. mornings. wonderful, crazy mornings. we figure you probably don't have time to wait on hold. that's why at xfinity we're hard at work, building new apps like this one that lets you choose a time for us to call you. so instead of we'll call you when things are just as wonderful... [phone rings] but a little less crazy. we're doing everything we can to give you the best experience possible. because we should fit into your life. not the other way around. the one thing about soccer is when i put my uniform on, the age just leaves me. the ages leave all of us. we simply become kids again. i think all of us play for that very reason. it makes us the child we once were. the years just glide away, and i'm back to where i was. you are that little andy guy who used to be down in me, and i get to be that person all over again. my name is andrew, a u.s. army captain receiving the nation's highest military honor for bravery on the battlefield to captain groburg. he saved the lives of his fellow soldiers by tackling a bomb in afghanistan. that's exactly why we honor heroes like him because on his very worst day he managed to summon his very best. >> he suffered a severe leg injury. he says he shares his medal with the four people who made the ultimate sacrifice on that day. and the medal of honor has history in massachusetts. 263, that's the number the commonwealth has received the nation's highest military award. ben affleck was spotted shooting his new movie star by night. the scenes in lawrence focus on a bank robbery, he plans to spend two weeks shooting in florence including the north end. >> kind of a cool thing. >> it's ads some excitement on an otherwise dreary day. >> warmest part of the day was today. 56 here at 11:00. it's really pretty comfortable outside. we are at 63-degrees at the vineyard. we are going to see some changes while we all sleep later on tonight. watching a cold front marching through. these are the last of our raindrops here. looking at heavier rain in meramac. around boilston and clinton with some downpours. a big old gail is spinning its way across the great lakes. you can always send these in. george said, what is a -- it's when winds produce large water movements on lakes. it pushed all that water to one side and then the water level winds. once the showers move out we get bright skies. a couple of showers popping up tomorrow afternoon especially across the worster hills. the temperatures will be in the mid and upper 40s. the wind is the headline for our weather on the 13th. a couple of pop-up showers. again, the whole area, another above average day. every single day of this month has been in this category. tomorrow's gusts are over 35 miles per hour at times. saturdays gusts will be over 25 miles per hour and by sunday about 10 to 20 miles per hour for the wind. tough times for raking, that's for sure. peek gust here at 40 to 50 miles per hour especially tomorrow evening. we have power outages there during the nor'easter, might be tomorrow. it will be breezy on saturday for sure, but we do get some sunshine, a little brighter and less wind and milder. so the chill is in the air for saturday. sunday we get to the low 50s, breezy and cool after a chilly start. next week we are watching some big changes, snowstorm out towards the mountains. severe weather to the south if monday, tuesday, wednesday 60s. all right, eric, thank you. unlocking the secrets of our dna starting the day we are born. >> would you want to know? definition of optimism. a newborn baby and to keep them the picture perfect of health. >> some people call this the book of life. >> reporter: this allows doctors to decode the dna. >> now we have the ability to >> reporter: with je gnome ge nome can determine if a patient will have a positive or negative reaction to a particular medication, it will also show if you have the chances of alzheimer's. >> reporter: they understand this could be a tough sell for some parents. >> this maybe about something they know they won't be able to control. >> reporter: to find out what role if any it will have on their future medical care -- >> the question is, how is this going to impact individuals who can have it's day one of life? >> reporter: will it lead to issues in the issue of genetic discrimination? >> it might help, it might confuse things, it might be totally irrelevant, but it's trying to anticipate what the world is going to be like when you have this information available for all of us. >> reporter: only time will tell. wbz news. interesting story. i think we determined -- dew point to know? >> i think i do. >> i don't want to know. >> okay. trying out a different position on the field. could the team hold off the avalanche. a little while the bruins were looking good tonight. just didn't get it done. here is the thing with bruins. they only have one win at home and we're one month into the season. they lost to colorado at the were talking about. a minute 12 into the game. bruins go up 1-0. later in the play. back to tie it. the mouth. a match penalty and was tossed. still tied at two in the third. scores what would be the game winner. give up three unanswered goals. they fall 3-2. >> same old i guess, we're off to good starts again and get a lead and you've got to continue to play your game. you saw some turnovers at the blue line, so we are being a little stubborn right now respecting our game plan, you know, the whole game. >> clean those areas up and give ourselves a chance to win. >> come on, get it together. three offensive linemen were missing from practice and collin has been sick all week with a virus. catches from tom brady are taking back punches from the house. >> i always wanted one. i think if i got some room and caught it on the move i think i could do some damage. just don't let me catch it when there's 100 guys in front of me. i need to be on my wheels already. >> be sure to catch it here at wbz for all the behind the scene you cannot see anywhere else. fifth quarter game show over on the 23-year-old finished brand new national poling out tonight shows hillary clinton firmly in control of the democratic race for president leading bernie sanders by a whopping 52 to 33% york times survey is good news for the clinton campaign, it's also raises some warning signs. >> the american people are sick and tired of hearing about your e-mails. >> thank you. thank you. >> reporter: the air seems to have gone out of his candidacy and democrats now see her as more likely to bring about change and get her policies enacted if elect to as well as better equipped than sanders to handle international crisis, gun control and the economy. but the poll also flashes a few yellow lights, which candidate is to say what they really believe. 52% say clinton reflecting her long standing correct problems democrats and others clinton is influenced far more so special interests by 84%. the rest of the way will be no cake walk. saturday night 9:00 in their second debate. does he have anything left in the tank? >> he's got to keep doing what he's been doing for the party to go more centralists going with hillary. could be his last big chance. >> all right, john. phil! oh no... (under his breath) hey man! hey peter. (unenthusiastic) oh... ha ha ha! joanne? is that you? it's me... you don't look a day over 70. am i right? r jingle jingle. if you're peter pan, you stay young forever. it's what you do. if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. you make me feel so young... it's what you do. you make me feel tomorrow one of those days where you wear a nice hat and

Related Keywords

United States , Worcester , Massachusetts , New Hampshire , Afghanistan , Colorado , Boston , Oregon , Fitchburg , Connecticut , American , Ben Affleck , Tom Brady , Jack Russell , Hillary Clinton , Bernie Sanders ,

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Transcripts For WBZ WBZ News 20151113 :

Transcripts For WBZ WBZ News 20151113

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[brief pause in captioning] but what he experienced veterans days with far different. >> next thing you know he pulled out the weapon he had. >> reporter: his new fair held a hatchet in his hand. they stayed calm and kept driving. >> he lost his job and all this stuff, so i was pretty much telling him like, okay, well you should have told me that. let's talk. >> reporter: the man became more stressed after he heard some beeping. one of the passengers started bank banging on the doors. >> he engaged him quickly, are you a veteran? and the guy says yes and officer golden says well, thank you for your service and that's when he kind of relaxed. was his day to drive that bus on veterans day. >> so many things go through your head you're like okay, what should i do? >> reporter: no one was hurt. the veteran is now receiving help. and as far as criminal charges are concerned he hopes the courts will go easy. katie, thank you. last of the rain moving out tonight but we are going to have to get ready for a windy weekend. >> creating waves and rough surf on the waves. let's get right to eric. >> reporter: across the area tonight you see that line from connecticut. that line going through fitchburg and worster. most of that rain ask all offshore by about 12:30 to 1:00 a.m. our warmest temperatures around 60. they will settle back by a 60s tomorrow. winds will be gusting 30 to 40 miles per hour throughout the day and looks like the wind is going to stick around into our weekend. we'll take a closer take a look in a few minutes. there is a brand new scandal for the secret service. an agent is under arrest for sexting charges. he sent to a person he thought was a 14-year-old girl. turns out it was an under cover police officer. and we may find one step closer to what happened to the tonight the lead singer of the band whose pyrotechnics sparked the fire, more than 10 years later does the apology come too late? >> for some of them this is way too late and pretty close to meaningless but one worcester man tells me he is ready to hear what jack russell has to say. >> it will be 13 years in february, almost unreal the station nightclub survivor micro ricardi. miekmike. he made it out with second over the years he has processed the pain even published a book about it. >> i feel guilt, having survivors' guilt. >> i doesn't see a man whose rock band killed 100 people, i saw a man that sat down with us tickets. survivors pain. >> it's taken him 13 years to say i'm sorry. >> i'm not absolutely solve absolving, but understand. wbz news. tonight a new hampshire mother is facing charges in her teen's daughter. her mother jasmine rude and boyfriend are charged in connection to the teen's death. >> the fact that it is the mother to have victim makes it even more disturbing to me. >> and published reports say that eve's mother was trying to push her into a life of prostitution and drugs. arrested. tonight we are learning the body of a teenager. the 18-year-old had been missing since mid october. a construction crew building a police do not expect foul play. many women are suing a birth control company. >> reporter: nearly 120 women claim they became pregnant while on birth control and they're asking for millions. this attorney is not involved in the class action lawsuit. >> this was a mess up. >> reporter: they were manufactured, packaged, sold and distributed and they were flipped 180-degrees meaning they were taking the pla cebo pill in the wrong order. >> if they had taken the steps into. pregnant and they did. >> reporter: they recalled the product in 2007. the company told cbs news the number of affected packets was small. 41 states allow for women to sue for unwanted pregnancies and the cost of raising children and in oregon they include a college education. and experts say winning this case will not be easy. it's difficult to prove these women became pregnant because of a mistake. a lesbian couple is fighting to get their child back. a judge be ordered that the child be placed with a hetero sexual couple. the women who are married plan to adopt the baby and are planning on hiring an attorney. they are games of skill, baker says he actually tried one of their free games online to get a sense of what it was all about. coming up, honored for his bravery. a captain earns the highest military honor in his life. role. it been a long time since we have had subfreezing we'll have more on that when we come back. mornings. wonderful, crazy mornings. we figure you probably don't have time to wait on hold. that's why at xfinity we're hard at work, building new apps like this one that lets you choose a time for us to call you. so instead of we'll call you when things are just as wonderful... [phone rings] but a little less crazy. we're doing everything we can to give you the best experience possible. because we should fit into your life. not the other way around. the one thing about soccer is when i put my uniform on, the age just leaves me. the ages leave all of us. we simply become kids again. i think all of us play for that very reason. it makes us the child we once were. the years just glide away, and i'm back to where i was. you are that little andy guy who used to be down in me, and i get to be that person all over again. my name is andrew, a u.s. army captain receiving the nation's highest military honor for bravery on the battlefield to captain groburg. he saved the lives of his fellow soldiers by tackling a bomb in afghanistan. that's exactly why we honor heroes like him because on his very worst day he managed to summon his very best. >> he suffered a severe leg injury. he says he shares his medal with the four people who made the ultimate sacrifice on that day. and the medal of honor has history in massachusetts. 263, that's the number the commonwealth has received the nation's highest military award. ben affleck was spotted shooting his new movie star by night. the scenes in lawrence focus on a bank robbery, he plans to spend two weeks shooting in florence including the north end. >> kind of a cool thing. >> it's ads some excitement on an otherwise dreary day. >> warmest part of the day was today. 56 here at 11:00. it's really pretty comfortable outside. we are at 63-degrees at the vineyard. we are going to see some changes while we all sleep later on tonight. watching a cold front marching through. these are the last of our raindrops here. looking at heavier rain in meramac. around boilston and clinton with some downpours. a big old gail is spinning its way across the great lakes. you can always send these in. george said, what is a -- it's when winds produce large water movements on lakes. it pushed all that water to one side and then the water level winds. once the showers move out we get bright skies. a couple of showers popping up tomorrow afternoon especially across the worster hills. the temperatures will be in the mid and upper 40s. the wind is the headline for our weather on the 13th. a couple of pop-up showers. again, the whole area, another above average day. every single day of this month has been in this category. tomorrow's gusts are over 35 miles per hour at times. saturdays gusts will be over 25 miles per hour and by sunday about 10 to 20 miles per hour for the wind. tough times for raking, that's for sure. peek gust here at 40 to 50 miles per hour especially tomorrow evening. we have power outages there during the nor'easter, might be tomorrow. it will be breezy on saturday for sure, but we do get some sunshine, a little brighter and less wind and milder. so the chill is in the air for saturday. sunday we get to the low 50s, breezy and cool after a chilly start. next week we are watching some big changes, snowstorm out towards the mountains. severe weather to the south if monday, tuesday, wednesday 60s. all right, eric, thank you. unlocking the secrets of our dna starting the day we are born. >> would you want to know? definition of optimism. a newborn baby and to keep them the picture perfect of health. >> some people call this the book of life. >> reporter: this allows doctors to decode the dna. >> now we have the ability to >> reporter: with je gnome ge nome can determine if a patient will have a positive or negative reaction to a particular medication, it will also show if you have the chances of alzheimer's. >> reporter: they understand this could be a tough sell for some parents. >> this maybe about something they know they won't be able to control. >> reporter: to find out what role if any it will have on their future medical care -- >> the question is, how is this going to impact individuals who can have it's day one of life? >> reporter: will it lead to issues in the issue of genetic discrimination? >> it might help, it might confuse things, it might be totally irrelevant, but it's trying to anticipate what the world is going to be like when you have this information available for all of us. >> reporter: only time will tell. wbz news. interesting story. i think we determined -- dew point to know? >> i think i do. >> i don't want to know. >> okay. trying out a different position on the field. could the team hold off the avalanche. a little while the bruins were looking good tonight. just didn't get it done. here is the thing with bruins. they only have one win at home and we're one month into the season. they lost to colorado at the were talking about. a minute 12 into the game. bruins go up 1-0. later in the play. back to tie it. the mouth. a match penalty and was tossed. still tied at two in the third. scores what would be the game winner. give up three unanswered goals. they fall 3-2. >> same old i guess, we're off to good starts again and get a lead and you've got to continue to play your game. you saw some turnovers at the blue line, so we are being a little stubborn right now respecting our game plan, you know, the whole game. >> clean those areas up and give ourselves a chance to win. >> come on, get it together. three offensive linemen were missing from practice and collin has been sick all week with a virus. catches from tom brady are taking back punches from the house. >> i always wanted one. i think if i got some room and caught it on the move i think i could do some damage. just don't let me catch it when there's 100 guys in front of me. i need to be on my wheels already. >> be sure to catch it here at wbz for all the behind the scene you cannot see anywhere else. fifth quarter game show over on the 23-year-old finished brand new national poling out tonight shows hillary clinton firmly in control of the democratic race for president leading bernie sanders by a whopping 52 to 33% york times survey is good news for the clinton campaign, it's also raises some warning signs. >> the american people are sick and tired of hearing about your e-mails. >> thank you. thank you. >> reporter: the air seems to have gone out of his candidacy and democrats now see her as more likely to bring about change and get her policies enacted if elect to as well as better equipped than sanders to handle international crisis, gun control and the economy. but the poll also flashes a few yellow lights, which candidate is to say what they really believe. 52% say clinton reflecting her long standing correct problems democrats and others clinton is influenced far more so special interests by 84%. the rest of the way will be no cake walk. saturday night 9:00 in their second debate. does he have anything left in the tank? >> he's got to keep doing what he's been doing for the party to go more centralists going with hillary. could be his last big chance. >> all right, john. phil! oh no... (under his breath) hey man! hey peter. (unenthusiastic) oh... ha ha ha! joanne? is that you? it's me... you don't look a day over 70. am i right? r jingle jingle. if you're peter pan, you stay young forever. it's what you do. if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. you make me feel so young... it's what you do. you make me feel tomorrow one of those days where you wear a nice hat and

Related Keywords

United States , Worcester , Massachusetts , New Hampshire , Afghanistan , Colorado , Boston , Oregon , Fitchburg , Connecticut , American , Ben Affleck , Tom Brady , Jack Russell , Hillary Clinton , Bernie Sanders ,

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