Transcripts For WBZ WBZ News 20151012 :

Transcripts For WBZ WBZ News 20151012

" incredibly virile." yeah. nelson: i like that one. just man to man? " hair color: silver fox." i-i am not comfortable with these answers, please. online profile, that's the first impression. that's the best version of yourself. the... the better version. yeah. (scoffs) you have over 50 messages. captioning sponsored by cbs and toyota. captioned by media access group at wgbh hoping this surveillance video will lead them to a suspect in a violent crime spree. >> the patriots taking down dallas. we'll see you after c s i. i can't wait to see you soon. now at chili's, mix & match fajitas. with our new prime rib and your fresh mex favorites. [ woman vocalizing ] on wbz surveillance video of an armed robbery in progress. it could be part of a much larger crime spree. >> you thought today was great weight till great, wait till you see my forecast tomorrow. >> the patriots staying a perfect 4-0 on the season. a live look right now at the city on a beautiful fall evening. the weather could not be better for holiday weekend and it looks like the best is yet to come. good evening everybody. >> thanks for joining us columbus day will be quite warm tomorrow meteorologist barry burbank is here with the details. people are going to like this forecast. >> they are going to like the forecast. they have been loving me all weekend long. i don't know how long that's going to last. while it's good weather it's great. 57 degrees in boston. 48 dew point southwest breeze blowing at 14 miles an hour. that's the warm weather wind direction it's going to get warmer tomorrow. we start to bounce back up 70s. around boston even upper 70s off to the fort and west. not many clouds around. we had some this morning. they have disappeared. most of tomorrow should be sunny all day long. so it's looking really nice for columbus day. and it looks like the last day of the weekend is going to be the best as it goes to 77. i'll see you with the rest of tonight boston police are searching for suspects in four armed robberies within 20 minutes and sexual assault s all if one neighborhood in dorchester last month. police are asking for the public's help reporter: police are searching for the man wanted in a crime spree in dorchester. four separate robberies . >> makes me want to think twice about how i leave my walk home alone. reporter: police release this surveillance hoping to identify this person of interest wearing a red shirt and cake pants. police say all four armed robberies happened within the span of 20 minutes between 10:00 and 10:20. in each case the suspect demanded cash and threatened to stab individuals if they did not hands over their money. >> kind of surprising. >> i heard of violence in this neighborhood per se years ago, >> it used to be a hotbed. reporter: the person is not wanted but detectives are investigating to see if the man was also involved in a sexual assault in dorchester on the same day. >> any time you get situation like that there's always active investigation. i know there was good footage helpful in the apprehension potentially. reporter: this is a relatively quiet neighborhood but incidents like these make them think twice. >> are you careful when you go out. >> yes. i don't use headphones when i go out. >> maybe you shouldn't walk alone. reporter: anyone with information asked to call boston police. crews had to clean up this large mess on the road in greenfield. a tractor-trailer truck in a car crashed head-on on route 2. the truck ended up upside down as you can see sprawled across the road spilling its load of construction material. the car sustained heavy damage. as bad as it looks police say both drivers got out of the wreckage on their own. that part of route 2 was closed for several hours until crews could clear that mess. vandal who painted swastikas on a bike path between brewster and here witch. member of the new england anti- defamation league snapped a picture of the hate symbols. they have already been painted over. to a developing story from connecticut. a swat team shoots and kills a man in a hotel room. state police arrived at the econ 0 lodge early this morning. the man was shooting a gun. police ordered the man to drop his weapon. when he refused they shot him. police say it is a split second decision they had to make. >> troopers don't go into a situation expecting or wanting this. >> guests were evacuated put up at other area hotels. police say the man was suspect in several armed robberies in that area. two bother boats and a dock on the cape has been destroyed by fire. one boat caught fire flames spread to another boat and to no word yet on what caused that fire. two quincey families are burned out of their homes fit. fire broke out on the second floor of a home on phillips street it spread to the third floor and the attic everyone was able to get out safely but the building is a total loss. still perfect. patriots keep rolling the season winning their fourth straight game in dallas. sports director steve burton is here. steve they got off to sort of a slow start. >> they got rolling once they got going. you know you're an excellent football team you when you put up 30 points on the road in dallas. not every game is going to be a thing of beauty. the pie rots beat the cowboys 30 to 6 offense struggled early but finally got things going in the 2nd quarter. dion lee us gets to the one yard line that set up brady from a yard out doing what he does best. does anybody do it better? up the middle. paths led 13-3 at the break. paths driving again check out lewis. what a find this dwai has been. he ducks, he gets in the end zone. what a play. what a touchdown. what a find he is. 20-3 lead. patriots 4th quarter brady with his second touchdown again. through the air. hits julian adleman 59-yard score. that made it 27-6. patriots win 0-6 to stay unbeaten on the year at 4-0. dion lewis he continues to impress. >> he's done a great job for us. he's come in and made a huge impact on our team. i'm sure he had a lot of belief in himself and i've seen this in a lot of football last year. he's just been amazing mayor games. we got to keep it going. it's a long season. so only four games into it. and we're going to need all those guys all those backs to play well, this year. >> coming up in sports final. live in dallas recap the game and go one-on-one with devin mccormickty that's all tonight as we look ated to indy. thousands of the best runners in the world came to boston today. >> bother ton athletic association held its half marathon. nichol jacobs reports on the event that's become a tradition. reporter: a beautiful fall sunday morning would not be complete without 8500 runners taking on 13.1 miles. >> it's an awesome day and i'm so glad the weather turned out. it was perfect out there. the leaves were chaining changing it was beautiful. >> the boston athletic association 15th half marathon brought out some of the top he least. with kenya winning for the men. this year's boston marathon winner caroline. >> it's always special which a boston marathon champion comes back for the new york city marathon. charity for 500 runners for dana farber cancer institute. joseph st. pierre was the first to finish for the charity. he also works for dana farber. >> i continue my passion for running. it mixes with my job. i feel it was great not only was i raising money but working hard. so it's like a physical mental spiritual aspect of it it's great. reporter: as runner after runner crossed the finish line many took steps bailed by and in memory of those they love. >> i think about my mother the whole time. i have a picture on my bib she was along for the ride. reporter: a ride worth all the sweat and the hard work and the hardware. well worth all the memories. in boston, nichol jacobs, wbz news. donald trump hits a sour note. >> a musician told the donald to stop playing his music. >> a major malfunction one airline causes headaches for travelers across the country. one of boston's oldest theaters going dark. turn of the century institution. the leaves are popping in this fall foliage ex- extravaganza thanks to terry for this picture in foxborough. temperature will be popping here as well tomorrow. forecast is just ahead. pumpkin excitement is back at dunkin'. pick up your favorite pumpkin-flavored baked treats and beverages, like the new pumpkin macchiato mornings. wonderful, crazy mornings. we figure you probably don't have time to wait on hold. that's why at xfinity we're hard at work, building new apps like this one that lets you choose a time for us to call you. so instead of waiting on hold, we'll call you when things are just as wonderful... [phone rings] but a little less crazy. we're doing everything we can to give you because we should fit into your life. people of the coffee drinking world, dunkin' has a dark roast coffee that's deliciously roasted just right for a bold start and smooth finish that's never bitter. put down the dark roast you've been putting up with . >> republican presidential hopeful donald trump walking out to aerosmith dream on. front man steven tile letter is asking trump to stop using his song at campaign events. attorneys for tyler mailed a cease and desist letter he doesn't have the permission to use that. it gives a false impression of aerosmith endorsing trump's presidential bid. well the democratic presidential debate is two days from tonight. >> a new poll seems to show the same issue dogging both of the front runners. brian webb breaks down the numbers. reporter: the latest cbs poll shows voters have trust issues with hillary clinton and donald trump. clinton scored just 35% among democratic primary voters for being honest and trustworthy on the republican side trump comes >> i happen to be an honorable guy. one thing that's very important when i go to new hampshire iowa and south carolina i have very good numbers in terms of favor ability you know why i'm there a lot. reporter: trump is still top dog in the republican race at leader. but he and jeb bush have the highest unfavorable ratings among the republicans with bush august. ben carson who is running second to trump gets the best republican numbers for being carson told john dinger son why he believes congress is so dysfunction all. >> over the last few elections a lot of people have been sent to washington with the thought that maybe some changes could be made and i don't think anyone is seeing any changes. reporter: despite her struggles clinton is still far ahead in the democratic race. the same cbs poll shows her holding on to 46% of primary voters compared to 27% for sanders and 16% for vice- president joe biden. head start on the honesty issue finishing ahead at 61%. brian webb for cbs news new york. president obama by the way says whoever becomes the next speaker of the house he hopes that person will be willing to compromise. the president spoke tonight on 60 minutes telling steve croft he and retiring speaker john boehner had a decent working relationship. >> he did care about the institution. he recognized that nobody gets a hundred percent in our democracy. i won't say that he and i were ideal partners, but he and i some things done. >> right now many republicans are rallying around former presidential ryan. check people in manually. southwest is urging customers to arrive at least 2 hours before their scheduled departure time. one of boston's oldest theaters may have held it's last performance. >> the book of mormonite venue anderson college is considered converting it into a dining hall and performance space. >> i think boston would be losing a lot of architectural history, a lot of theater appreciation, and it's one of those things where good is dying here in the city. >> at the moment there are no scheduled events at the theater. the colonial by the way opened in 1900 making it the oldest continually operating theater here in boston. by the bay if you're wondering you can make the outside historic landmark you can't landmark. what they want with it. >> who's the most popular person in the room tonight it's not you. >> harry . weekend. >> best is yet to come. day. take a look at this. fantastic at name takes cat. what a beautiful sunrise. we had some cloudiness some high mid level cloudiness when the sun came up it made it so color full. a lot of the clouds started thinning out disappearing in the afternoon. boston high 68 degrees that's about 5 above the average for this date. record though 82 back in 1955. let's take a look at the lower highs around the area mostly in the upper 60s almost everywhere cooler in cape cod. most of the nation had some very pleasant temperatures today even hot in some spots like it was down where the pats played in dallas where it was 95 today. few other spots had it close to 90. this warm weather is going to be expanding toward us but we're not going to get this warm. we're going to have temperatures in the mid to upper 70s coming up tomorrow. this cold front here will be approaching here tuesday or late tuesday night probably it's going to run out of gas producing in the way of rain. not much rain until friday. there is a system offshore it may start to trend northward. we may get scraped by a couple of showers i'll show you that shortly late tomorrow night. 57 still in boston. we have a few 40s back out where the wind is light. the sky is clear. it will not be quite as cold as last night was. still cool enough by the time we get to the start of the tufts 10k at noon. it will be up to 70 south miles per hour. beautiful day. let's take the tour and see how upper 70s from nashua to bedford to lawrence. # #, 78 in many of these spots. cooler in the outer part of cape ann in the upper 60s there. we get to the upper 70s from fitchburg down through worcester at the airport a little cooler downtown worcester should be about 75 to 77. cooler on cape cod mostly mid to upper 60s there. watch the time stamp you can see hardly any clouds at all. it's going to be essentially clear maybe just a few patchy clouds might be seen, but nice day coming up. the clouds will come in tomorrow night and then there might be a couple of showers flirting with the eye i-lands but most of the energy stays offshore. some sunshine on tuesday. front comes in from the west gives a couple of showers perhaps but they will be weakening as they move in tuesday evening. if you go up to the lakes or the mountains 69 or 70 degrees. looking pretty nice to me. take a look at the rest of the week it's going to be about 74 on tuesday. but that's still a little bit above average on wednesday the cooling continues on thursday with a mix of sunshine and clouds. most of the clouds in the afternoon. we'll be having some showers here on friday. cooling off saturday and next weekend especially sunday is going to be very cold. and windy for the head charles regatta. >> thank you very much. it was a great day for a walk in support of the down's syndrome community. thousands gathered in wakefield for the best buddies walk. government baker has declared october down syndrome awareness month in massachusetts. still ahead in sports. the patriots finally get dallas trash talking. that's amazing. it's amazing. this is amazing. that's amazing! real people are discovering surprising things at chevy. we're sold. it's so pretty. beautiful! it feels great. perfect. this is not what i would expect from a chevy at all. get more than you expect for less than you imagined. the 2015 models are going fast. find your tag and get cash back for 15% of the msrp on select 2015 vehicles in stock. or, get zero percent financing for seventy-two months on most remaining . i don't know how a sunday gets purchase better today the weather the football. >> perfect weather. patriots game all the dallas trash talking greg hardy trash talking serving up some humble pie. >> teams don't learn. >> they trash talk the patriots. >> you don't. >> you fire tell me up so thank you. >> exactly right. get this the last three games the patriots have scored 121 points. today's victims the dallas cowboys of it on the road in dallas. the cowboys had no shot. paths started slow that was mainly because of the pressure they were getting on tom brady. greg hardy giving the pats all sorts of trouble but bill belichick defense was doing a pretty good job as well. this despite the fact dante hightower left the game with an injury to his hip and didn't return. the pats offense puts a drive together third and one. dion lewis gets to the outside takes it down to the one yard line. that set up this patriots first touchdown. >> ball just across the right chandler motions to the right. brady straight ahead td for td12 and the patriots. big fight to follow and the patriots fans look at brady jacked up on the white back line. >> of course he's jacked up. the 57-yard field goal gave the pats the 10 point lead on the half and opening drive on 3rd quarter brady to lewis what a play. what a play. he ducks he gets under he goes over the goal line. way a touchdown. oh, man. what a play 4th quarter paths put it away. brady loss one to adleman comes down at the 40 cuts inside takes it to the end zone. 59-yard catch and run. patriots led 27-6. but this game was also about the defense. no tony romo. patriots beat the cowboys 30-6. remay perfect at 4-0. chalk one up for the defense. >> our defense the big thing we don't pay any attention to the offense does. they got a job and we got a job. no matter who is scoring every possession they are going 3 and out kicking field goals we got to get them the ball back. i think from playing here for a couple of years we know if we can just keep getting them the ball back eventually we'll be able to make a run. >> . >> patriots or 4-0. guess who's next? the team we've been wait the indianapolis comes. they have been complaining about some deflated football. >> . >> what's that story? i don't remember that story. >> this game is personal. it's personal. >> brady took the highlight circled this one. >> you bet. >> this was a good sunday in it wasn't the only good thing. >> boston's columbus day parade winding through the city

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New York , United States , Cape Ann , Massachusetts , Boston , Foxborough , Cape Cod , Washington , District Of Columbia , Connecticut , Worcester , Kenya , Anderson College , South Carolina , Bedford , Hampshire , Dallas , Texas , Fitchburg , Barry Burbank , Steve Croft , Ben Carson , Steve Burton , Dante Hightower , John Boehner , Joe Biden , Nichol Jacobs , Dana Farber , Jeb Bush , Garth Rizzo , Tony Romo , Tom Brady , Hillary Clinton , Brian Webb ,

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Transcripts For WBZ WBZ News 20151012 :

Transcripts For WBZ WBZ News 20151012

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" incredibly virile." yeah. nelson: i like that one. just man to man? " hair color: silver fox." i-i am not comfortable with these answers, please. online profile, that's the first impression. that's the best version of yourself. the... the better version. yeah. (scoffs) you have over 50 messages. captioning sponsored by cbs and toyota. captioned by media access group at wgbh hoping this surveillance video will lead them to a suspect in a violent crime spree. >> the patriots taking down dallas. we'll see you after c s i. i can't wait to see you soon. now at chili's, mix & match fajitas. with our new prime rib and your fresh mex favorites. [ woman vocalizing ] on wbz surveillance video of an armed robbery in progress. it could be part of a much larger crime spree. >> you thought today was great weight till great, wait till you see my forecast tomorrow. >> the patriots staying a perfect 4-0 on the season. a live look right now at the city on a beautiful fall evening. the weather could not be better for holiday weekend and it looks like the best is yet to come. good evening everybody. >> thanks for joining us columbus day will be quite warm tomorrow meteorologist barry burbank is here with the details. people are going to like this forecast. >> they are going to like the forecast. they have been loving me all weekend long. i don't know how long that's going to last. while it's good weather it's great. 57 degrees in boston. 48 dew point southwest breeze blowing at 14 miles an hour. that's the warm weather wind direction it's going to get warmer tomorrow. we start to bounce back up 70s. around boston even upper 70s off to the fort and west. not many clouds around. we had some this morning. they have disappeared. most of tomorrow should be sunny all day long. so it's looking really nice for columbus day. and it looks like the last day of the weekend is going to be the best as it goes to 77. i'll see you with the rest of tonight boston police are searching for suspects in four armed robberies within 20 minutes and sexual assault s all if one neighborhood in dorchester last month. police are asking for the public's help reporter: police are searching for the man wanted in a crime spree in dorchester. four separate robberies . >> makes me want to think twice about how i leave my walk home alone. reporter: police release this surveillance hoping to identify this person of interest wearing a red shirt and cake pants. police say all four armed robberies happened within the span of 20 minutes between 10:00 and 10:20. in each case the suspect demanded cash and threatened to stab individuals if they did not hands over their money. >> kind of surprising. >> i heard of violence in this neighborhood per se years ago, >> it used to be a hotbed. reporter: the person is not wanted but detectives are investigating to see if the man was also involved in a sexual assault in dorchester on the same day. >> any time you get situation like that there's always active investigation. i know there was good footage helpful in the apprehension potentially. reporter: this is a relatively quiet neighborhood but incidents like these make them think twice. >> are you careful when you go out. >> yes. i don't use headphones when i go out. >> maybe you shouldn't walk alone. reporter: anyone with information asked to call boston police. crews had to clean up this large mess on the road in greenfield. a tractor-trailer truck in a car crashed head-on on route 2. the truck ended up upside down as you can see sprawled across the road spilling its load of construction material. the car sustained heavy damage. as bad as it looks police say both drivers got out of the wreckage on their own. that part of route 2 was closed for several hours until crews could clear that mess. vandal who painted swastikas on a bike path between brewster and here witch. member of the new england anti- defamation league snapped a picture of the hate symbols. they have already been painted over. to a developing story from connecticut. a swat team shoots and kills a man in a hotel room. state police arrived at the econ 0 lodge early this morning. the man was shooting a gun. police ordered the man to drop his weapon. when he refused they shot him. police say it is a split second decision they had to make. >> troopers don't go into a situation expecting or wanting this. >> guests were evacuated put up at other area hotels. police say the man was suspect in several armed robberies in that area. two bother boats and a dock on the cape has been destroyed by fire. one boat caught fire flames spread to another boat and to no word yet on what caused that fire. two quincey families are burned out of their homes fit. fire broke out on the second floor of a home on phillips street it spread to the third floor and the attic everyone was able to get out safely but the building is a total loss. still perfect. patriots keep rolling the season winning their fourth straight game in dallas. sports director steve burton is here. steve they got off to sort of a slow start. >> they got rolling once they got going. you know you're an excellent football team you when you put up 30 points on the road in dallas. not every game is going to be a thing of beauty. the pie rots beat the cowboys 30 to 6 offense struggled early but finally got things going in the 2nd quarter. dion lee us gets to the one yard line that set up brady from a yard out doing what he does best. does anybody do it better? up the middle. paths led 13-3 at the break. paths driving again check out lewis. what a find this dwai has been. he ducks, he gets in the end zone. what a play. what a touchdown. what a find he is. 20-3 lead. patriots 4th quarter brady with his second touchdown again. through the air. hits julian adleman 59-yard score. that made it 27-6. patriots win 0-6 to stay unbeaten on the year at 4-0. dion lewis he continues to impress. >> he's done a great job for us. he's come in and made a huge impact on our team. i'm sure he had a lot of belief in himself and i've seen this in a lot of football last year. he's just been amazing mayor games. we got to keep it going. it's a long season. so only four games into it. and we're going to need all those guys all those backs to play well, this year. >> coming up in sports final. live in dallas recap the game and go one-on-one with devin mccormickty that's all tonight as we look ated to indy. thousands of the best runners in the world came to boston today. >> bother ton athletic association held its half marathon. nichol jacobs reports on the event that's become a tradition. reporter: a beautiful fall sunday morning would not be complete without 8500 runners taking on 13.1 miles. >> it's an awesome day and i'm so glad the weather turned out. it was perfect out there. the leaves were chaining changing it was beautiful. >> the boston athletic association 15th half marathon brought out some of the top he least. with kenya winning for the men. this year's boston marathon winner caroline. >> it's always special which a boston marathon champion comes back for the new york city marathon. charity for 500 runners for dana farber cancer institute. joseph st. pierre was the first to finish for the charity. he also works for dana farber. >> i continue my passion for running. it mixes with my job. i feel it was great not only was i raising money but working hard. so it's like a physical mental spiritual aspect of it it's great. reporter: as runner after runner crossed the finish line many took steps bailed by and in memory of those they love. >> i think about my mother the whole time. i have a picture on my bib she was along for the ride. reporter: a ride worth all the sweat and the hard work and the hardware. well worth all the memories. in boston, nichol jacobs, wbz news. donald trump hits a sour note. >> a musician told the donald to stop playing his music. >> a major malfunction one airline causes headaches for travelers across the country. one of boston's oldest theaters going dark. turn of the century institution. the leaves are popping in this fall foliage ex- extravaganza thanks to terry for this picture in foxborough. temperature will be popping here as well tomorrow. forecast is just ahead. pumpkin excitement is back at dunkin'. pick up your favorite pumpkin-flavored baked treats and beverages, like the new pumpkin macchiato mornings. wonderful, crazy mornings. we figure you probably don't have time to wait on hold. that's why at xfinity we're hard at work, building new apps like this one that lets you choose a time for us to call you. so instead of waiting on hold, we'll call you when things are just as wonderful... [phone rings] but a little less crazy. we're doing everything we can to give you because we should fit into your life. people of the coffee drinking world, dunkin' has a dark roast coffee that's deliciously roasted just right for a bold start and smooth finish that's never bitter. put down the dark roast you've been putting up with . >> republican presidential hopeful donald trump walking out to aerosmith dream on. front man steven tile letter is asking trump to stop using his song at campaign events. attorneys for tyler mailed a cease and desist letter he doesn't have the permission to use that. it gives a false impression of aerosmith endorsing trump's presidential bid. well the democratic presidential debate is two days from tonight. >> a new poll seems to show the same issue dogging both of the front runners. brian webb breaks down the numbers. reporter: the latest cbs poll shows voters have trust issues with hillary clinton and donald trump. clinton scored just 35% among democratic primary voters for being honest and trustworthy on the republican side trump comes >> i happen to be an honorable guy. one thing that's very important when i go to new hampshire iowa and south carolina i have very good numbers in terms of favor ability you know why i'm there a lot. reporter: trump is still top dog in the republican race at leader. but he and jeb bush have the highest unfavorable ratings among the republicans with bush august. ben carson who is running second to trump gets the best republican numbers for being carson told john dinger son why he believes congress is so dysfunction all. >> over the last few elections a lot of people have been sent to washington with the thought that maybe some changes could be made and i don't think anyone is seeing any changes. reporter: despite her struggles clinton is still far ahead in the democratic race. the same cbs poll shows her holding on to 46% of primary voters compared to 27% for sanders and 16% for vice- president joe biden. head start on the honesty issue finishing ahead at 61%. brian webb for cbs news new york. president obama by the way says whoever becomes the next speaker of the house he hopes that person will be willing to compromise. the president spoke tonight on 60 minutes telling steve croft he and retiring speaker john boehner had a decent working relationship. >> he did care about the institution. he recognized that nobody gets a hundred percent in our democracy. i won't say that he and i were ideal partners, but he and i some things done. >> right now many republicans are rallying around former presidential ryan. check people in manually. southwest is urging customers to arrive at least 2 hours before their scheduled departure time. one of boston's oldest theaters may have held it's last performance. >> the book of mormonite venue anderson college is considered converting it into a dining hall and performance space. >> i think boston would be losing a lot of architectural history, a lot of theater appreciation, and it's one of those things where good is dying here in the city. >> at the moment there are no scheduled events at the theater. the colonial by the way opened in 1900 making it the oldest continually operating theater here in boston. by the bay if you're wondering you can make the outside historic landmark you can't landmark. what they want with it. >> who's the most popular person in the room tonight it's not you. >> harry . weekend. >> best is yet to come. day. take a look at this. fantastic at name takes cat. what a beautiful sunrise. we had some cloudiness some high mid level cloudiness when the sun came up it made it so color full. a lot of the clouds started thinning out disappearing in the afternoon. boston high 68 degrees that's about 5 above the average for this date. record though 82 back in 1955. let's take a look at the lower highs around the area mostly in the upper 60s almost everywhere cooler in cape cod. most of the nation had some very pleasant temperatures today even hot in some spots like it was down where the pats played in dallas where it was 95 today. few other spots had it close to 90. this warm weather is going to be expanding toward us but we're not going to get this warm. we're going to have temperatures in the mid to upper 70s coming up tomorrow. this cold front here will be approaching here tuesday or late tuesday night probably it's going to run out of gas producing in the way of rain. not much rain until friday. there is a system offshore it may start to trend northward. we may get scraped by a couple of showers i'll show you that shortly late tomorrow night. 57 still in boston. we have a few 40s back out where the wind is light. the sky is clear. it will not be quite as cold as last night was. still cool enough by the time we get to the start of the tufts 10k at noon. it will be up to 70 south miles per hour. beautiful day. let's take the tour and see how upper 70s from nashua to bedford to lawrence. # #, 78 in many of these spots. cooler in the outer part of cape ann in the upper 60s there. we get to the upper 70s from fitchburg down through worcester at the airport a little cooler downtown worcester should be about 75 to 77. cooler on cape cod mostly mid to upper 60s there. watch the time stamp you can see hardly any clouds at all. it's going to be essentially clear maybe just a few patchy clouds might be seen, but nice day coming up. the clouds will come in tomorrow night and then there might be a couple of showers flirting with the eye i-lands but most of the energy stays offshore. some sunshine on tuesday. front comes in from the west gives a couple of showers perhaps but they will be weakening as they move in tuesday evening. if you go up to the lakes or the mountains 69 or 70 degrees. looking pretty nice to me. take a look at the rest of the week it's going to be about 74 on tuesday. but that's still a little bit above average on wednesday the cooling continues on thursday with a mix of sunshine and clouds. most of the clouds in the afternoon. we'll be having some showers here on friday. cooling off saturday and next weekend especially sunday is going to be very cold. and windy for the head charles regatta. >> thank you very much. it was a great day for a walk in support of the down's syndrome community. thousands gathered in wakefield for the best buddies walk. government baker has declared october down syndrome awareness month in massachusetts. still ahead in sports. the patriots finally get dallas trash talking. that's amazing. it's amazing. this is amazing. that's amazing! real people are discovering surprising things at chevy. we're sold. it's so pretty. beautiful! it feels great. perfect. this is not what i would expect from a chevy at all. get more than you expect for less than you imagined. the 2015 models are going fast. find your tag and get cash back for 15% of the msrp on select 2015 vehicles in stock. or, get zero percent financing for seventy-two months on most remaining . i don't know how a sunday gets purchase better today the weather the football. >> perfect weather. patriots game all the dallas trash talking greg hardy trash talking serving up some humble pie. >> teams don't learn. >> they trash talk the patriots. >> you don't. >> you fire tell me up so thank you. >> exactly right. get this the last three games the patriots have scored 121 points. today's victims the dallas cowboys of it on the road in dallas. the cowboys had no shot. paths started slow that was mainly because of the pressure they were getting on tom brady. greg hardy giving the pats all sorts of trouble but bill belichick defense was doing a pretty good job as well. this despite the fact dante hightower left the game with an injury to his hip and didn't return. the pats offense puts a drive together third and one. dion lewis gets to the outside takes it down to the one yard line. that set up this patriots first touchdown. >> ball just across the right chandler motions to the right. brady straight ahead td for td12 and the patriots. big fight to follow and the patriots fans look at brady jacked up on the white back line. >> of course he's jacked up. the 57-yard field goal gave the pats the 10 point lead on the half and opening drive on 3rd quarter brady to lewis what a play. what a play. he ducks he gets under he goes over the goal line. way a touchdown. oh, man. what a play 4th quarter paths put it away. brady loss one to adleman comes down at the 40 cuts inside takes it to the end zone. 59-yard catch and run. patriots led 27-6. but this game was also about the defense. no tony romo. patriots beat the cowboys 30-6. remay perfect at 4-0. chalk one up for the defense. >> our defense the big thing we don't pay any attention to the offense does. they got a job and we got a job. no matter who is scoring every possession they are going 3 and out kicking field goals we got to get them the ball back. i think from playing here for a couple of years we know if we can just keep getting them the ball back eventually we'll be able to make a run. >> . >> patriots or 4-0. guess who's next? the team we've been wait the indianapolis comes. they have been complaining about some deflated football. >> . >> what's that story? i don't remember that story. >> this game is personal. it's personal. >> brady took the highlight circled this one. >> you bet. >> this was a good sunday in it wasn't the only good thing. >> boston's columbus day parade winding through the city

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