Transcripts For WBZ CBS Overnight News 20161121 : comparemel

Transcripts For WBZ CBS Overnight News 20161121

now this fast-setting concrete - you can mix it up in a buggy. what we're gonna be doing though we're gonna dump it directly into the hole and add some water. makes the process of what we're doing a little bit easier. - now what you wanna do is put in about half of a bag, and then we'll soak it with water. let that soak in and then add more dry mix then more water and keep working our way as we adjust the pole as we go along. now the idea is to fill the hole almost to the top with a little bit of room left for grass or mulch or something like that. then we'll be able to moisten the top and let it set up. it shouldn't take too long. - ok. we got the lightpost nice and secure. once we get bob, our electrician, out here you can see this light's gonna look real nice up on the post. nice addition to the whole front yard here. - we've had a lot of things going on outside, but we also have been working hard inside appliances so that we're all set for insulation and drywall. and that will include a gas pipe and eventually a valve for our range; a drain, a vent, and hot and cold water supply lines for our island's sink and dishwasher; and a water supply box for the ice maker on the refrigerator. the laundry area needs a rough-in box for the washer drain pipe along with a stub-out for the sink drain. now, the same sort of thing here in the powder room. we have our drain and our hot and cold water lines all set to go. something a little bit different: we have our faucet valves coming out of the wall, so it'll be there instead of sitting on top of the sink. now, up here in the upstairs bathroom, we're gonna have a double vanity and then in here, same porcelain fixture for our toilet. and then right here, we'll have our tub with our showerhead and our valves to control that. looks like there's a little bit of work yet to do there. now, the tub is a cast-iron tub with an enamel surface. fixtures are made take a look. - jeff pittner heads up cast- iron quality here. we took a walk through the factory as he explained all the steps needed to fabricate a high-quality enamel cast-iron fixture like the one matt's got. so how do you take molten iron and turn that into a cast-iron tub? - well, the first thing is, we have to take all the raw materials, which include a lot of scrap iron. we batch that up and melt different molding lines for molding purposes. the molds themselves are made out of sand. we use a steel pattern or a urethane pattern to make the mold, and we compress that sand and make a very solid sand mold out of that. and you've got an inside or a top side and a bottom side, and they come together in the machine to form the complete mold. and then between that mold now, there's about a 260/1,000, and that's what actually forms the actual casting. now, after the casting is cast, then it has to cool down because the iron, of course, is still molten and once it gets cool enough, we actually dump the casting out of the mold, and eventually, we have a picker that actually picks the bathtub up, then, and sets it on a conveyer. the bathtub then goes down another series of conveyers where we hang the casting up again, and it goes through this and it removes all the remaining sand that's still on the casting. and then once that's complete, it goes to final grinding, where it's prepared for the enameling process. in the enameling process, we actually take that casting, then, and we put into a furnace, heat it up to 1,700 degrees, pull it out, put it into another furnace for another couple minutes, bring it back out, and apply the first coat of enamel. the enamel, again, is a powdered glass material that we put on with a sieve. 50/1,000 thickness. after that's completed, we put it back in the furnace, melt that in for about two minutes, bring it out, apply a second coat, which is a topcoat of about 20/1,000. and once that's complete, put it back in the furnace one more time, let that melt in, bring it out, and you've got a finished bathtub now that's ready to go to inspection, where inspectors then will go over the casting and determine if it's fit for further processing at that point. - so at before we're installing some here. that we're using on the side porch and deck floor out back. they got a good start on the last show here putting in the two sets of steps to transition from the doorways down to the surface, and that took care of phase one. so now we're ready for phase two: covering the deck and the porch floor. well, bryan, the steps look great. - thank you. - but i know that this main part, the fld, is really gonna kind of be on a larger scale. so do you want to talk a little bit about how you get ready for that? - yes, we first got here this morning and got our heights established and where our drainage needs to go. then next we measured out for our rebar, the reinforcement for the patio. - now, you're expecting about 12 yards of concrete, so how are you planning on getting it to where it needs to be? - we'll we're gonna back the truck up, and we're gonna wheel it. we have so much rebar laid out over this membrane, we want to make sure we don't puncture it, so we'll lay plywood over the top of the rebar so we're able to wheel it in and place it that way. - now, this concrete's just like what you used for the steps. - yeah, that's correct. so from the plan here, the color's mixing in the truck. and the color matches the steps that we installed earlier. - now, to prep the concrete, you're screeding, floating, getting everything all set for your pitch and your drainage, right? - yes, we are basically molding the concrete to have proper drainage. that our patio's just a little lower than the perimeter of the stone ledge, we want to make sure we're able to get the water away from the house to the scuppers. and leveling it out those scuppers is what's necessary so water can escape from the patio. - and all of that put together, that's got to be kind of tricky. - that's correct. with the amount of different angles and different types of pitches that we have, it is kind of challenging with that, but we've accomplished the ultimate goal of getting the water moved away from the house. with all the obstacles that we have, with the stone, turning the corner, the steps, the fireplace, there's a lot of things that play a factor slope the concrete for it to drain properly. - so once you get everything kind of set where it needs to be, a little bit of troweling, and then you're on to stamping, right? - yes, we trowel it, get it all closed up. then it's just instinct on knowing when and where to start the stamping process, over-broadcasting a secondary color. this particular stamp design, ashlar slate, is a little bit more intense in installing because you have a stone pattern, and you want to have that stone pattern be consistent throughout the pour while you're stamping, measuring and kind of dry-laying the stamps prior to you applying them to the concrete. - as you're laying the stamps out, you do want to make sure you get just the right amount of pressure for a good impression. - that is correct; you want to make sure that you achieve the full depth of the stamp to detail the details of the stamp from start to finish. so you got to know when to start, how deep you should impress the first stamp, knowing where you're gonna end at. - and it's not just stamping. you're doing a lot of detail work as well. so if 65 is around the corner, think about an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. like all standardized medicare supplement insurance plans, they help cover some of what medicare doesn't pay. and could save you in out-of-pocket medical costs. so don't wait. call to request your free decision guide. and gather the information now to help you choose a plan later. these types of plans let you pick any doctor and there's a range of plans to choose from, depending on you needs and your budget. so if you're 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surprising? how much money heather saved by switching to geico. my cold medicines' wearing off. that stuff only lasts a few hours. or, take mucinex. one pill fights congestion i won't be seeing you for a while. why take medicines that only last 4 hours, when just one mucinex lasts 12 hours? scientists are warning of an earthquake danger in california. officials aren't taking any chances. nearly 1,200 emergency responders took part in a massive earthquake drill last week. mireya villarreal has the the story. >> reporter: a magnitude 7.# earthquake hits california and the clock is ticking. national guardsmen are working to pull a trapped man from an elevator shaft while a especially trained dog searches for stranded survivors. this drill is mean h the real thing. >> you want to be the best prepared. best trained, and most efficient as possible. >> but these extreme scenarios could easily become reality. usgs scientists discovered that two of the country's most dangerous faults, once thought to be at least two miles apart, are actually connected, creating one massive, 11-mile-long fault. using this device they confirm the hayward fault reaches the san francisco. >> the longer a fault, the larger earthquake. if the faults went together along their length it would be magnitude 7.4. >> reporter: what kind of damage are we talking about here? in 1906 the great quake leveled san francisco neighborhood killing thousand. in 1989, the quake killed 64 people and caused $6 billion in damage. earthquake. the team is trying to predict the future by studying when earthquakes appeared here in the past and how often. when an earthquake occurs, the sediment along the fault line shifts which creates a time stamp in the mud. watts' team drops down the long tubes into the bay floor to collect samples. the cores are pulled from the water and cut. >> pull this look a cheese sliced open. >> wow. >> awesome. >> and photographed. >> think of it as looking down through time. we can find a date for flat layers on top. then the layers that are offset. bracket in. theage of when that earthquake happened on that fault. >> watts' research will help scientists belter understand the two faults as their potential for damage makes emergency preparation like this even more essential. mireya villarreal, cbs news, california. still ahead, faith and flying. they go hand in hand at most (achoo!) you can pick up the flu from surfaces for up to 48 hours. it's like having a sick family member in your home. but lysol kills 99.9% of germs including 8 cold and flu viruses. to help protect your home lysol that. you bought a wig, a jersey, and overpriced nachos... ...don't let sinus symptoms bring you down now. get fast sinus relief with vicks sinex and get back in the game. you love the soft feel of your feet when you take care of them. and at amop? we love it too. but that annoying hard skin just keeps coming back. and always way, way, way too soon. no matter what you do. amop? presents pedi perfect... a new level of hard skin removal. it removes hard skin thoroughly yet effortlessly and reveals the silkiest smoothness you can rely on. because it lasts, and lasts, and lasts. g smoothness. amop?. love every step. faith and flying go hand in hand. boarding a plane you are putting faith in the pilot and crew. but majerle hall found that religious acts of faith are becoming more common at america's air ports where chapels help travelers stay grounded before they fly. >> reporter: he is flying to morocco for business. his nearly 12 hour journey began i kennedy international airport. by doing this i am fulfilling my duties. >> reporter: this small mosque filled with travelers and airport employees. imam says attendance is growing. >> for muslims it is very important to have a space, so they can go inside. not disturb anybody. >> reporter: more than half air ports have dedicated space for here at jfk, four chapels, one for each major religion. the islamic center, a synagogue and catholic and protestant church side by side in terminal 4. our lady of the skies. >> there is a full-fledged con congregation? >> jfk its a city that employs about 36,000 employees that's bigger than many parishes. >> the father spends most of his time reaching out to passengers on the go. he calls it sweeping the terminal. >> i'm looking for any sign of distress. >> most of the time people want directions. others need more. >> people are very stressed when they enter the airport. and we find that the chapel is a place where they can find some peace. >> reporter: for many travelers it's time well spent. we close in the black hills of south dakota where it was round up time for a herd of buffalo. some of which were auctioned off this weekend. chip reid saddled up for this report. >> reporter: the earth rumbles as 1,100 buffalo stampede across about 60 volunteer cowboys and girls ride herd. including -- >> 81-year-ld bob lindt. >> didn't care who. two people. >> ain't in there and charging you ain't riding. >> reporter: this spur jingling, chaps wearing buckaroo participated in the nation's biggest buffalo roundup of its kind for the past 45 years. roundup, bob? >> to me, it's the run is the, you know when we are actually pushing the buffalo and they're running just as hard as they can run. we are running. an adrenaline kicking son of a gun. tell you that for a fact. >> a lot of fun, yes. but a buffalo can weigh 2,000 pounds. just ask first timer, chris. >> i had a bull come at me on my horse. we had to boogie out of there pretty quick. made for a memorable event. >> reporter: more than 30 million buffalo once roomed the u.s. in the 1800s they were slaughtered by pioneers all most to extinction. today one of the largest herds, calls custer state park home. >> there is a purpose to the roundup? >> for the health of the herd? >> health of the herd. to hold the herd in manageable number so they don't overgraze the land. >> ready. >> after the roundup they're vaccinated, calves are branded. some cows are sold. for landis it never gets old. >> when you quit during your thing that you look to do, you r >> reporter: for this cowboy, living a good long life means making your home where the buffalo roam. chip reid, cbs news, in the black hills of south dakota. that's the overnight news for this monday. for some, the news continues. for others check back with us a little later for the morning news and cbs this morning. from the broadcast center in new >> announcer: this is the cbs "overnight news." welcome to the "overnight news," i'm elaine quijano. it is thanksgiving week, the busiest travel week of the year. if you are not hosting the holiday feast you may want to make your travel plans now. triple a says more than 48 million americans will be moving by planes, trains, and automobiles between now and next weekend. that is about a million more travelers than last year. jamie yuccas has more on the thanksgiving getaway. >> pack your patience if your holiday travel brings you through chicago. travel site, predicts o'hare airport will be the and tomorrow, about 500 workers including aircraft cabin cleaners, and janitors could walk off the job. workers voted to take action over wages and working conditions there last week. almost 4 million people will travel wednesday through sunday. jim and his son are already on their way. >> what do you anticipate ng a lot lighter than i expected. come tuesday wednesday, it is going to be massive. >> nearly 90% of thanksgiving travelers will drive to gram mas this year. drivers will see savings at the pumps with gas prices expected to be the second cheapest since 2008. when the national average was just a dollar 85. today it is $2.14 per gallon. google checked travel times and found today was the best day to hit the road. if you want to avoid gridlock coming home, the search engine says leave on black friday at remember the tuesday and wednesday before thanksgiving and the sunday are the busiest days to travel. nearly 750,000 people will take amtrak to and from their destination. after long lines and major complaints, the tsa says it added staff. the agency says it is now ready for the additional 55,000 passengers a day over the thanksgiving holiday. but elaine, they still recommend arriving two hours early for a domestic flight. >> good advice. jamie, thank you. now let's get the hoy >> as we get close to thanksgiving, couple systems that could bring cooler temperatures compared to next week. for monday. wind and snow in the northeast. out of the four corners, area of low pressure will bring rain and mix, perhaps snow in northern plain states. high pressure and control to the southeast and west. until the system moves in from the pacific northwest affecting friends in seattle, oregon and california. perhaps some snow in the mountains. for thursday. bringing some, light flurries, but not as potent as, we once thought. high pressure and control to the south and west. looking okay for thanksgiving. all around. no major issues. temperatures will be quite chilly especially for the northern half of the u.s. black friday looking ahead to the shopping season, kicking off chicago. wintry mix. 41 degrees with sun in dallas. high of 66. elaine. >> pamela, thank you. president elect trump and sunday. meeting with candidate who could fill top jobs in the trump administration. meetings took place an hour from new york city at trump national golf club in bedminister, new jersey. craig boswell has the the latest. >> reporter: rudy giuliani arrived at donald trump's golf club as a leading contender for secretary of state. >> and other things. >> reporter: saturday, mitt romney met with the president elect along with vice president governor romney is under active and serious consideration to serve as secretary of state of the united states. >> reporter: trump is interviewing a parade of potential picks for key posts in his new administration. new jersey governor chris christie, who was recently demoted from the transition team is also on the list of interviewees today. >> very talented man. great guy. trump named alabama senator, jeff sessions as his nominee for attorney general, but there are questions abut his past statements and his civil rights record. >> i wouldn't want to support him unless i was convinced we would have a strong civil rights division in the justice department. >> during a break from the transition process this weekend, pence was greeted with boos and some cheers at a performance of "hamilton" as well as direct message from the cast. american values and to work on behalf of all of us. >> that set off a tweet storm from donald trump. the cast and producers of hamilton which i hear is highly overrated should immediately apologize to mike pence for their terrible behavior. on face the nation, pence saw no reason for any apologies. >> i wasn't offended by what was said. i will leave to others whether it was the appropriate ven to to say it. >> high profile interviews include robert johnson, founder of bet and congresswoman, and kathy mcmorris rodgers. elaine, the trump transition team says meetings will continue into tuesday with some nominations possibly monday. >> craig bos i at the vatican, pope francis celebrated end of the holy year of mercy. part of the weekend festivities, elevating 17 bishops from around the world to cardinals. the list includes three americans. seth doane has the story from st. peter's basilica. cardinals are informal advisers to the pope their most important role its to elect the next pontiff. elevating cardinals to their within the catholic church and comes with all the pageantry you might imagine. st. peter's basilica provided a magnificent backdrop as the so-called princes of the church were crowned with their signature cardinal colored skullcaps. among them, those three americans, including indianapolis archbishop joseph tobin, just appointed to newark new jersey. he clashed with indiana governor, vice president elect, mike pence over helping refugees and migrants resettle in the u.s. another now cardinal is chicago archbishop, blaze supich who tweeted a picture of his gift to the pope, a cubs' hat following the world series win. the third, former bishop of dallas, kevin farrell, learned the pope live on tv. >> i did not honestly think that there would be more than one american on the list. >> reporter: then the pope named you. >> about five names later, he named me. and i was just -- dii that correct? >> reporter: you were surprised? >> very surprised. i was shocked. >> reporter: farrell arrived in rome to take on a new job running the vatican department at family life. how significant is it to have three americans be made cardinal? >> well it is significant in the sense that it shows the holy father's love for the people of the united states. >> this is one place. >> reporter: greg burke is director of the holy sea press office. we asked if it was a political statement to choose the cardinals? >> what you can see is the new american cardinals are concerned about the samer use the pope is concerned with. one of them is immigration. >> reporter: this morning the pope spoke of polarization and exclusion in today's world and how "wounds grow deeper amid looking for balance in your digestive system? try align probiotic. for a non-stop, sweet treat goodness, hold on to your tiara kind of day. get 24/7 digestive support, with align. the #1 doctor recommended probiotic brand. now in kids chewables. ugh, it's only lunchtime and my cold medicines' wearing off. i'm dragging. yeah, that stuff only lasts a few hours. or, take mucinex. one pill fights congestion she's gonna stick with the short-term stuff. 12 hours? guess i won't be seeing you for a while. is that a bisque? i just lost my appetite. why take medicines that only last 4 hours, when just one mucinex lasts 12 hours? start the relief. ditch the misery. thanksgiving is just three days away. a good bet your holiday feast does not include either moss or ants. well one restaurant that many consider the best in the world, does have both on the menu. we paid a visit to copenhagen, denmark. moss. ants. not exactly what you might expect to find on your plate. unless of course, you're at noma. this restaurant in copenhagen not only has two stars but was named best restaurant in the world in 2010, 2011, 2012, and 2014. >> never did i expect or dream up that it became what it is today. >> reporter: 3-year-old chef redzeppi opened noma in 2003. limiting himself to ingredients found in the nordic region. back then it was a tall order. >> if you were not cooking french or italian. forget it. everything else was stupid. mo, danish word for food looked for culinary inspiration from the land itself. foragers like michael larson collect ingredients every day. rain or shine. >> so the berry here itself will, you can use it to make jam. that's so many thing you can do with this one. >> what's wrong with grabbing a bunch and sticking it in the freezer, drying it. >> yeah, i think that might be the difference between fine this is fine dining. we need to have the best every day. need to be fresh. back in the kitsch than get to work. >> this is sliced rhubarb. >> beautiful. >> cooked with sea wood and sorrel leaves. >> reporter: perhaps what is most impressive about the kitchen, just how fresh everything is. >> wild blue lobster. >> he is alive. >> he is alive. >> how much does it cost to eat at noma? >> i meal with drinks at noma, average around $400 a person. if you were to envision that had a pay that would enable them to have a nice home, a car, any meal would be very expensive or more expensive. >> reporter: but the elegance and prestige of noma is a world away from rural macedonia. >> there is no refrigerators. you go out and peck something -- pick something, from the ground, tree, kill an animal if you want a checken. go and grab a chicken. >> redzeppi emigrated to denmark at 12, dropped out of school at 15. began working as a restaurant apprentice a year later. during a much different culinary scene. >> food in the 80s were like microwave food. seriously it wasn't anything amazing at all. >> noma changed all that. turning copenhagen into a foodie destination and redzeppi into culinary royalty. for noma a game changer and copenhagen as a city, game changer for the northic region. >> reporter: but noma's story doesn't end there. in a few months the restaurant will move to a new part of town. >> we. space to build a small urban farm. amazing for a cook. to actually be able and pick your parsely a minute before you redzeppi will open a pop-up restaurant in mexico, using ingredients unique to the region. a full plate by any means. then again, filling plates is exactly what this man does best. >> you know, i understand this thing that it is just food. food is so much more than that as well. to some, when they -- get a fine meal it is like a real transcendent moment. to others it is a vessel to enjoy the conversation better. i'm perfectly fine with yt as long as they enjoy their time with us. >> reporter: one of the most famous chefs on television, anthony bourdain has a new cookbook out. he sat down with anthony mason at one of his favorite restaurants. >> mm. magic. >> reporter: after a laf on the road, traveling to parts unknown, eating with no reservations, anthony bourdain is very particular when he gets back home. you don't like being fussed over at restaurants? >> no, i don't want to be comped. i don't want extra courses. serve me like any? >> reporter: we met at pastrami queen on new york's lexington avenue. this is your place when you come home? >> this is my go to. what i crave. no matter how well i have been eating or where that might be. the first thing i want and need. >> reporter: in his travels, bourdain has eaten everything from rotten shark to sheep testicle. >> is there anything you won't eat? >> eaten a lot of bad, putrefied food. it's when no one cared at all. that's sole destroying. make a take it too seriously. i will really, a really carelessly made burger by a cynical large company, the contempt implicit in that transaction. can, can really send me into a >> reporter: actually little seems to slow him down. >> so how many pots do you have on the stove? >> i don't know. a lot. i mean, but all of them are fun pots. >> reporter: they include producing, writing and starring in his cnn series "parts unknown." his web series, "raw craft." authoring a new cookbook. and a speaking tour. how much are you on the road? >> 250 days a year. >> reporter: and you are okay with that? >> i'm -- i have been sentenced to the best job in the world. >> reporter: it started in 1999 when the then struggling chef wrote an article for the new yorker titled don't eat before reading this. which mushroomed into a book deal. >> overnight. >> reporter: kitchen confidential, adventures in the culinary underbelly published in 2000, turned the restaurant world inside out and bourdain's life upside down. >> everything. i mean i was, i was 44 years old. uninsured. hideously and hopelessly in debt. behind on my taxes. behind on my ren. >> reporter: the book would sell more than a million copies and launch a new career for the culinary bad boy. how is this guy different than that guy? >> i think when you travel as much as i have, you -- you -- i don't want to say i am more humble. but i think you become a wear of how other people live. how hard their lives are. how big the world is. >> reporter: now this wouldn't be the dish if we didn't have a drink. >> this is some very good 30-year-old whiskey. >> reporter: there is a bad joke in here some where. at bemelman's bar in the carlisle hotel, we sampled some of balvenie's best scott. >> this is very smooth. >> better be. >> reporter: bourdain partnered with the distillery on raw craft to profile great artisans. he had a lot of unlikely encounters in his travels. this season on "parts unknown" bourdain met up with president obama in a hanoi restaurant. not ideal from secret service view. a room this size. i think one exit. second floor of a not particularly clean noodle shop. nice seeing the president of the united states drinking beer out of a bottle. >> was there -- is there any body you would look to have a meal with. >> keith richards. >> trying for years. eat bangers and mash. cooked steak and kidney pie with keith richards. talk about british naval history rooms come in all sorts of shapes and sizes. with eight times more fragrance control, the air wick? scented oil warmer lets you dial up or down to fill massive minimalist rooms. small secret rooms. and even tall rooms you climb to. you get the perfect amount of fragrance. no matter the size of the room. air wick?. home is in the air. fill your home with the joyful scents of the limited-edition air wick holiday collection, in stores now! it's judgment day. back seat chefs peer inside your oven. but you've cleaned all baked-on business from meals past with easy-off, so the only thing they see is that beautiful bird. go ahead. let 'em judge. ? the itsy bitsy spider went up the waterspout. down came the rain and clogged the gutter system creating a leak in the roof. luckily the spider recently had geico help him with homeowners insurance. water completely destroyed his swedish foam mattress. he got full replacement and now owns the sleep number bed. his sleep number setting is 25. call geico and see how much you (achoo!) did you know you can pick up cold & flu viruses from things in your home for up to 48 hours? it's like having a sick family member that you didn't even know was there. and we all know what happens when one family member gets sick. but lysol spray and lysol wipes kill 99.9% of germs including 8 common cold & flu viruses to help protect your home. this cold and flu season help keep your home happy and healthy and lysol that. can the hug of a child mend a broken heart? steve hartman found out on the road. >> reporter: not long ago in a cemetery outside augusta, georgia, a loving couple was buried. the wife, buried below this white bouquet. the husband, buried above. >> took me totally by surprise. 82-year-old dan peterson says after mary died he fell into a deep depression. spent days just staring out at the squirrels. what were you living for? >> i was trying to figure that out. frankly. >> reporter: you had no purpose. >> no. >> were you just waiting to die? >> yeah. >> reporter: for six months it was just that bad. then one day you go to grocery store? inside this publix. dan was nearing the end of the canned vegetable aisle. he hates grocery shopping. and by all accounts the expression on his face confirmed his aggravation. but that's when this unapproachable man, was approached. by a 4-year-old girl named norah wood. in the security footage you can see norah randomly reaching out to him. her mom tara says i was quite >> old person. >> hi, old person. >> she says this to the cranky old man. >> yeah. >> reporter: then had the audacity to demand a hug. >> i said a hug, i said absolutely. norah got her hug. asked her mom to take a picture of her with her new friend. >> she zeroed in on him like a missile. she didn't want anythingm she just wanted to make him feel loved and give him a hug. and his little lip quivered. he teared up. it was just sweet. >> i said you don't know this is the first time for quite a while that i have been this happy. >> reporter: that all happened a couple months ago. and his grin has only gotten wider since. >> hi, sweetheart. come in. come in. today norah visits at least once a week. >> how is my sweetie, huh. over again. >> i knew i was going to got a hug. >> it's unbelievable. totally unbelievable. >> it's a bridge. >> okay. >> dan does have grand kids of his own. but they're all grown and gone. and norah does have grandparents. but her mom says this a completely different kind of bond. that almost defies explanation. >> she fell aseep holding a picture of them. and what? ha-ha. >> to dan it is equally miraculous. but far less mysterious. he believes norah is quite literally an angel. >> okay. >> she opened me to a love that i didn't know existed. >> reporter: when your wife died, you felt look you didn't have any purpose anymore. do you feel look you have a purpose now? >> of course. norah. watching her grow up. for a lot more. there is a new animated movie in the works about dutch painter vincent van gogh. animation may not be the right word. the film is made up of more than 60,000 individual paintings all done in van gogh style. jonathan vigliotti has the a look. >> reporter: one of cinema's films is under production in a here with the stroke of a brush, a team of painters brings to life the work of vincent van gogh. the final result, the firsthand painted film ever made. >> we have definitely, without a doubt, invented the slowest form of filmmaking ever devised in 120 years. >> hugh welshman is the gogh, welshman and his wife, tell the story of van gogh's creative genius. and sudden death. vincent van gogh was born in the netherlands in 1853. over the course of his career he painted over 800 canvass. famous teams including sun flowers and wheat fields. at 37 years old, after being released from a mental institution, he took his own life. without any explanation. >> how does a man go from being absolutely calm to suicidal in six we question is through fictional interviews with the character interviews with the character depicted in 150 of van gogh's paintings. >> interesting man. >> he was a genius. >> look a traditional film, loving vincent began with a set and actors. >> use your initiative. gogh. asked around. >> he filmed with live actors on green screens and the shots. van gogh paintings and cut it together like a live action film and projected each on to canvas. >> reporter: as the producer explains, a total of 120 artists recruited from all over the world turned those projections into oil paintings. to be clear, every single frame of loving vincent is painted by hand. all 64,000 of them. the equivalent of 64,000 canvass. >> a nice quiet man. >> loving vincent is a painstaking tribute to a moving exhibit of his work unlike any before. jonathan vigliotti, cbs news, london. that's the "overnight news" for monday. for some the news continues. for others check back later for the morning news and cbs this morning. from the broadcast center in new captioning funded by cbs i it's monday, november 21st, 2016. this is the "cbs morning news." the next secretary of state could be a political looking to rudy giuliani or mitt romney to fill the spot. >> we are the diverse america who are alarmed and anxious. >> that is the speech that got the president-elect fired up. the cast of "hamilton" was addressing vice president-elect mike pence who was in the audience and had he a very different reaction.

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Transcripts For WBZ CBS Overnight News 20161121 :

Transcripts For WBZ CBS Overnight News 20161121

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now this fast-setting concrete - you can mix it up in a buggy. what we're gonna be doing though we're gonna dump it directly into the hole and add some water. makes the process of what we're doing a little bit easier. - now what you wanna do is put in about half of a bag, and then we'll soak it with water. let that soak in and then add more dry mix then more water and keep working our way as we adjust the pole as we go along. now the idea is to fill the hole almost to the top with a little bit of room left for grass or mulch or something like that. then we'll be able to moisten the top and let it set up. it shouldn't take too long. - ok. we got the lightpost nice and secure. once we get bob, our electrician, out here you can see this light's gonna look real nice up on the post. nice addition to the whole front yard here. - we've had a lot of things going on outside, but we also have been working hard inside appliances so that we're all set for insulation and drywall. and that will include a gas pipe and eventually a valve for our range; a drain, a vent, and hot and cold water supply lines for our island's sink and dishwasher; and a water supply box for the ice maker on the refrigerator. the laundry area needs a rough-in box for the washer drain pipe along with a stub-out for the sink drain. now, the same sort of thing here in the powder room. we have our drain and our hot and cold water lines all set to go. something a little bit different: we have our faucet valves coming out of the wall, so it'll be there instead of sitting on top of the sink. now, up here in the upstairs bathroom, we're gonna have a double vanity and then in here, same porcelain fixture for our toilet. and then right here, we'll have our tub with our showerhead and our valves to control that. looks like there's a little bit of work yet to do there. now, the tub is a cast-iron tub with an enamel surface. fixtures are made take a look. - jeff pittner heads up cast- iron quality here. we took a walk through the factory as he explained all the steps needed to fabricate a high-quality enamel cast-iron fixture like the one matt's got. so how do you take molten iron and turn that into a cast-iron tub? - well, the first thing is, we have to take all the raw materials, which include a lot of scrap iron. we batch that up and melt different molding lines for molding purposes. the molds themselves are made out of sand. we use a steel pattern or a urethane pattern to make the mold, and we compress that sand and make a very solid sand mold out of that. and you've got an inside or a top side and a bottom side, and they come together in the machine to form the complete mold. and then between that mold now, there's about a 260/1,000, and that's what actually forms the actual casting. now, after the casting is cast, then it has to cool down because the iron, of course, is still molten and once it gets cool enough, we actually dump the casting out of the mold, and eventually, we have a picker that actually picks the bathtub up, then, and sets it on a conveyer. the bathtub then goes down another series of conveyers where we hang the casting up again, and it goes through this and it removes all the remaining sand that's still on the casting. and then once that's complete, it goes to final grinding, where it's prepared for the enameling process. in the enameling process, we actually take that casting, then, and we put into a furnace, heat it up to 1,700 degrees, pull it out, put it into another furnace for another couple minutes, bring it back out, and apply the first coat of enamel. the enamel, again, is a powdered glass material that we put on with a sieve. 50/1,000 thickness. after that's completed, we put it back in the furnace, melt that in for about two minutes, bring it out, apply a second coat, which is a topcoat of about 20/1,000. and once that's complete, put it back in the furnace one more time, let that melt in, bring it out, and you've got a finished bathtub now that's ready to go to inspection, where inspectors then will go over the casting and determine if it's fit for further processing at that point. - so at before we're installing some here. that we're using on the side porch and deck floor out back. they got a good start on the last show here putting in the two sets of steps to transition from the doorways down to the surface, and that took care of phase one. so now we're ready for phase two: covering the deck and the porch floor. well, bryan, the steps look great. - thank you. - but i know that this main part, the fld, is really gonna kind of be on a larger scale. so do you want to talk a little bit about how you get ready for that? - yes, we first got here this morning and got our heights established and where our drainage needs to go. then next we measured out for our rebar, the reinforcement for the patio. - now, you're expecting about 12 yards of concrete, so how are you planning on getting it to where it needs to be? - we'll we're gonna back the truck up, and we're gonna wheel it. we have so much rebar laid out over this membrane, we want to make sure we don't puncture it, so we'll lay plywood over the top of the rebar so we're able to wheel it in and place it that way. - now, this concrete's just like what you used for the steps. - yeah, that's correct. so from the plan here, the color's mixing in the truck. and the color matches the steps that we installed earlier. - now, to prep the concrete, you're screeding, floating, getting everything all set for your pitch and your drainage, right? - yes, we are basically molding the concrete to have proper drainage. that our patio's just a little lower than the perimeter of the stone ledge, we want to make sure we're able to get the water away from the house to the scuppers. and leveling it out those scuppers is what's necessary so water can escape from the patio. - and all of that put together, that's got to be kind of tricky. - that's correct. with the amount of different angles and different types of pitches that we have, it is kind of challenging with that, but we've accomplished the ultimate goal of getting the water moved away from the house. with all the obstacles that we have, with the stone, turning the corner, the steps, the fireplace, there's a lot of things that play a factor slope the concrete for it to drain properly. - so once you get everything kind of set where it needs to be, a little bit of troweling, and then you're on to stamping, right? - yes, we trowel it, get it all closed up. then it's just instinct on knowing when and where to start the stamping process, over-broadcasting a secondary color. this particular stamp design, ashlar slate, is a little bit more intense in installing because you have a stone pattern, and you want to have that stone pattern be consistent throughout the pour while you're stamping, measuring and kind of dry-laying the stamps prior to you applying them to the concrete. - as you're laying the stamps out, you do want to make sure you get just the right amount of pressure for a good impression. - that is correct; you want to make sure that you achieve the full depth of the stamp to detail the details of the stamp from start to finish. so you got to know when to start, how deep you should impress the first stamp, knowing where you're gonna end at. - and it's not just stamping. you're doing a lot of detail work as well. so if 65 is around the corner, think about an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. like all standardized medicare supplement insurance plans, they help cover some of what medicare doesn't pay. and could save you in out-of-pocket medical costs. so don't wait. call to request your free decision guide. and gather the information now to help you choose a plan later. these types of plans let you pick any doctor and there's a range of plans to choose from, depending on you needs and your budget. so if you're 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surprising? how much money heather saved by switching to geico. my cold medicines' wearing off. that stuff only lasts a few hours. or, take mucinex. one pill fights congestion i won't be seeing you for a while. why take medicines that only last 4 hours, when just one mucinex lasts 12 hours? scientists are warning of an earthquake danger in california. officials aren't taking any chances. nearly 1,200 emergency responders took part in a massive earthquake drill last week. mireya villarreal has the the story. >> reporter: a magnitude 7.# earthquake hits california and the clock is ticking. national guardsmen are working to pull a trapped man from an elevator shaft while a especially trained dog searches for stranded survivors. this drill is mean h the real thing. >> you want to be the best prepared. best trained, and most efficient as possible. >> but these extreme scenarios could easily become reality. usgs scientists discovered that two of the country's most dangerous faults, once thought to be at least two miles apart, are actually connected, creating one massive, 11-mile-long fault. using this device they confirm the hayward fault reaches the san francisco. >> the longer a fault, the larger earthquake. if the faults went together along their length it would be magnitude 7.4. >> reporter: what kind of damage are we talking about here? in 1906 the great quake leveled san francisco neighborhood killing thousand. in 1989, the quake killed 64 people and caused $6 billion in damage. earthquake. the team is trying to predict the future by studying when earthquakes appeared here in the past and how often. when an earthquake occurs, the sediment along the fault line shifts which creates a time stamp in the mud. watts' team drops down the long tubes into the bay floor to collect samples. the cores are pulled from the water and cut. >> pull this look a cheese sliced open. >> wow. >> awesome. >> and photographed. >> think of it as looking down through time. we can find a date for flat layers on top. then the layers that are offset. bracket in. theage of when that earthquake happened on that fault. >> watts' research will help scientists belter understand the two faults as their potential for damage makes emergency preparation like this even more essential. mireya villarreal, cbs news, california. still ahead, faith and flying. they go hand in hand at most (achoo!) you can pick up the flu from surfaces for up to 48 hours. it's like having a sick family member in your home. but lysol kills 99.9% of germs including 8 cold and flu viruses. to help protect your home lysol that. you bought a wig, a jersey, and overpriced nachos... ...don't let sinus symptoms bring you down now. get fast sinus relief with vicks sinex and get back in the game. you love the soft feel of your feet when you take care of them. and at amop? we love it too. but that annoying hard skin just keeps coming back. and always way, way, way too soon. no matter what you do. amop? presents pedi perfect... a new level of hard skin removal. it removes hard skin thoroughly yet effortlessly and reveals the silkiest smoothness you can rely on. because it lasts, and lasts, and lasts. g smoothness. amop?. love every step. faith and flying go hand in hand. boarding a plane you are putting faith in the pilot and crew. but majerle hall found that religious acts of faith are becoming more common at america's air ports where chapels help travelers stay grounded before they fly. >> reporter: he is flying to morocco for business. his nearly 12 hour journey began i kennedy international airport. by doing this i am fulfilling my duties. >> reporter: this small mosque filled with travelers and airport employees. imam says attendance is growing. >> for muslims it is very important to have a space, so they can go inside. not disturb anybody. >> reporter: more than half air ports have dedicated space for here at jfk, four chapels, one for each major religion. the islamic center, a synagogue and catholic and protestant church side by side in terminal 4. our lady of the skies. >> there is a full-fledged con congregation? >> jfk its a city that employs about 36,000 employees that's bigger than many parishes. >> the father spends most of his time reaching out to passengers on the go. he calls it sweeping the terminal. >> i'm looking for any sign of distress. >> most of the time people want directions. others need more. >> people are very stressed when they enter the airport. and we find that the chapel is a place where they can find some peace. >> reporter: for many travelers it's time well spent. we close in the black hills of south dakota where it was round up time for a herd of buffalo. some of which were auctioned off this weekend. chip reid saddled up for this report. >> reporter: the earth rumbles as 1,100 buffalo stampede across about 60 volunteer cowboys and girls ride herd. including -- >> 81-year-ld bob lindt. >> didn't care who. two people. >> ain't in there and charging you ain't riding. >> reporter: this spur jingling, chaps wearing buckaroo participated in the nation's biggest buffalo roundup of its kind for the past 45 years. roundup, bob? >> to me, it's the run is the, you know when we are actually pushing the buffalo and they're running just as hard as they can run. we are running. an adrenaline kicking son of a gun. tell you that for a fact. >> a lot of fun, yes. but a buffalo can weigh 2,000 pounds. just ask first timer, chris. >> i had a bull come at me on my horse. we had to boogie out of there pretty quick. made for a memorable event. >> reporter: more than 30 million buffalo once roomed the u.s. in the 1800s they were slaughtered by pioneers all most to extinction. today one of the largest herds, calls custer state park home. >> there is a purpose to the roundup? >> for the health of the herd? >> health of the herd. to hold the herd in manageable number so they don't overgraze the land. >> ready. >> after the roundup they're vaccinated, calves are branded. some cows are sold. for landis it never gets old. >> when you quit during your thing that you look to do, you r >> reporter: for this cowboy, living a good long life means making your home where the buffalo roam. chip reid, cbs news, in the black hills of south dakota. that's the overnight news for this monday. for some, the news continues. for others check back with us a little later for the morning news and cbs this morning. from the broadcast center in new >> announcer: this is the cbs "overnight news." welcome to the "overnight news," i'm elaine quijano. it is thanksgiving week, the busiest travel week of the year. if you are not hosting the holiday feast you may want to make your travel plans now. triple a says more than 48 million americans will be moving by planes, trains, and automobiles between now and next weekend. that is about a million more travelers than last year. jamie yuccas has more on the thanksgiving getaway. >> pack your patience if your holiday travel brings you through chicago. travel site, predicts o'hare airport will be the and tomorrow, about 500 workers including aircraft cabin cleaners, and janitors could walk off the job. workers voted to take action over wages and working conditions there last week. almost 4 million people will travel wednesday through sunday. jim and his son are already on their way. >> what do you anticipate ng a lot lighter than i expected. come tuesday wednesday, it is going to be massive. >> nearly 90% of thanksgiving travelers will drive to gram mas this year. drivers will see savings at the pumps with gas prices expected to be the second cheapest since 2008. when the national average was just a dollar 85. today it is $2.14 per gallon. google checked travel times and found today was the best day to hit the road. if you want to avoid gridlock coming home, the search engine says leave on black friday at remember the tuesday and wednesday before thanksgiving and the sunday are the busiest days to travel. nearly 750,000 people will take amtrak to and from their destination. after long lines and major complaints, the tsa says it added staff. the agency says it is now ready for the additional 55,000 passengers a day over the thanksgiving holiday. but elaine, they still recommend arriving two hours early for a domestic flight. >> good advice. jamie, thank you. now let's get the hoy >> as we get close to thanksgiving, couple systems that could bring cooler temperatures compared to next week. for monday. wind and snow in the northeast. out of the four corners, area of low pressure will bring rain and mix, perhaps snow in northern plain states. high pressure and control to the southeast and west. until the system moves in from the pacific northwest affecting friends in seattle, oregon and california. perhaps some snow in the mountains. for thursday. bringing some, light flurries, but not as potent as, we once thought. high pressure and control to the south and west. looking okay for thanksgiving. all around. no major issues. temperatures will be quite chilly especially for the northern half of the u.s. black friday looking ahead to the shopping season, kicking off chicago. wintry mix. 41 degrees with sun in dallas. high of 66. elaine. >> pamela, thank you. president elect trump and sunday. meeting with candidate who could fill top jobs in the trump administration. meetings took place an hour from new york city at trump national golf club in bedminister, new jersey. craig boswell has the the latest. >> reporter: rudy giuliani arrived at donald trump's golf club as a leading contender for secretary of state. >> and other things. >> reporter: saturday, mitt romney met with the president elect along with vice president governor romney is under active and serious consideration to serve as secretary of state of the united states. >> reporter: trump is interviewing a parade of potential picks for key posts in his new administration. new jersey governor chris christie, who was recently demoted from the transition team is also on the list of interviewees today. >> very talented man. great guy. trump named alabama senator, jeff sessions as his nominee for attorney general, but there are questions abut his past statements and his civil rights record. >> i wouldn't want to support him unless i was convinced we would have a strong civil rights division in the justice department. >> during a break from the transition process this weekend, pence was greeted with boos and some cheers at a performance of "hamilton" as well as direct message from the cast. american values and to work on behalf of all of us. >> that set off a tweet storm from donald trump. the cast and producers of hamilton which i hear is highly overrated should immediately apologize to mike pence for their terrible behavior. on face the nation, pence saw no reason for any apologies. >> i wasn't offended by what was said. i will leave to others whether it was the appropriate ven to to say it. >> high profile interviews include robert johnson, founder of bet and congresswoman, and kathy mcmorris rodgers. elaine, the trump transition team says meetings will continue into tuesday with some nominations possibly monday. >> craig bos i at the vatican, pope francis celebrated end of the holy year of mercy. part of the weekend festivities, elevating 17 bishops from around the world to cardinals. the list includes three americans. seth doane has the story from st. peter's basilica. cardinals are informal advisers to the pope their most important role its to elect the next pontiff. elevating cardinals to their within the catholic church and comes with all the pageantry you might imagine. st. peter's basilica provided a magnificent backdrop as the so-called princes of the church were crowned with their signature cardinal colored skullcaps. among them, those three americans, including indianapolis archbishop joseph tobin, just appointed to newark new jersey. he clashed with indiana governor, vice president elect, mike pence over helping refugees and migrants resettle in the u.s. another now cardinal is chicago archbishop, blaze supich who tweeted a picture of his gift to the pope, a cubs' hat following the world series win. the third, former bishop of dallas, kevin farrell, learned the pope live on tv. >> i did not honestly think that there would be more than one american on the list. >> reporter: then the pope named you. >> about five names later, he named me. and i was just -- dii that correct? >> reporter: you were surprised? >> very surprised. i was shocked. >> reporter: farrell arrived in rome to take on a new job running the vatican department at family life. how significant is it to have three americans be made cardinal? >> well it is significant in the sense that it shows the holy father's love for the people of the united states. >> this is one place. >> reporter: greg burke is director of the holy sea press office. we asked if it was a political statement to choose the cardinals? >> what you can see is the new american cardinals are concerned about the samer use the pope is concerned with. one of them is immigration. >> reporter: this morning the pope spoke of polarization and exclusion in today's world and how "wounds grow deeper amid looking for balance in your digestive system? try align probiotic. for a non-stop, sweet treat goodness, hold on to your tiara kind of day. get 24/7 digestive support, with align. the #1 doctor recommended probiotic brand. now in kids chewables. ugh, it's only lunchtime and my cold medicines' wearing off. i'm dragging. yeah, that stuff only lasts a few hours. or, take mucinex. one pill fights congestion she's gonna stick with the short-term stuff. 12 hours? guess i won't be seeing you for a while. is that a bisque? i just lost my appetite. why take medicines that only last 4 hours, when just one mucinex lasts 12 hours? start the relief. ditch the misery. thanksgiving is just three days away. a good bet your holiday feast does not include either moss or ants. well one restaurant that many consider the best in the world, does have both on the menu. we paid a visit to copenhagen, denmark. moss. ants. not exactly what you might expect to find on your plate. unless of course, you're at noma. this restaurant in copenhagen not only has two stars but was named best restaurant in the world in 2010, 2011, 2012, and 2014. >> never did i expect or dream up that it became what it is today. >> reporter: 3-year-old chef redzeppi opened noma in 2003. limiting himself to ingredients found in the nordic region. back then it was a tall order. >> if you were not cooking french or italian. forget it. everything else was stupid. mo, danish word for food looked for culinary inspiration from the land itself. foragers like michael larson collect ingredients every day. rain or shine. >> so the berry here itself will, you can use it to make jam. that's so many thing you can do with this one. >> what's wrong with grabbing a bunch and sticking it in the freezer, drying it. >> yeah, i think that might be the difference between fine this is fine dining. we need to have the best every day. need to be fresh. back in the kitsch than get to work. >> this is sliced rhubarb. >> beautiful. >> cooked with sea wood and sorrel leaves. >> reporter: perhaps what is most impressive about the kitchen, just how fresh everything is. >> wild blue lobster. >> he is alive. >> he is alive. >> how much does it cost to eat at noma? >> i meal with drinks at noma, average around $400 a person. if you were to envision that had a pay that would enable them to have a nice home, a car, any meal would be very expensive or more expensive. >> reporter: but the elegance and prestige of noma is a world away from rural macedonia. >> there is no refrigerators. you go out and peck something -- pick something, from the ground, tree, kill an animal if you want a checken. go and grab a chicken. >> redzeppi emigrated to denmark at 12, dropped out of school at 15. began working as a restaurant apprentice a year later. during a much different culinary scene. >> food in the 80s were like microwave food. seriously it wasn't anything amazing at all. >> noma changed all that. turning copenhagen into a foodie destination and redzeppi into culinary royalty. for noma a game changer and copenhagen as a city, game changer for the northic region. >> reporter: but noma's story doesn't end there. in a few months the restaurant will move to a new part of town. >> we. space to build a small urban farm. amazing for a cook. to actually be able and pick your parsely a minute before you redzeppi will open a pop-up restaurant in mexico, using ingredients unique to the region. a full plate by any means. then again, filling plates is exactly what this man does best. >> you know, i understand this thing that it is just food. food is so much more than that as well. to some, when they -- get a fine meal it is like a real transcendent moment. to others it is a vessel to enjoy the conversation better. i'm perfectly fine with yt as long as they enjoy their time with us. >> reporter: one of the most famous chefs on television, anthony bourdain has a new cookbook out. he sat down with anthony mason at one of his favorite restaurants. >> mm. magic. >> reporter: after a laf on the road, traveling to parts unknown, eating with no reservations, anthony bourdain is very particular when he gets back home. you don't like being fussed over at restaurants? >> no, i don't want to be comped. i don't want extra courses. serve me like any? >> reporter: we met at pastrami queen on new york's lexington avenue. this is your place when you come home? >> this is my go to. what i crave. no matter how well i have been eating or where that might be. the first thing i want and need. >> reporter: in his travels, bourdain has eaten everything from rotten shark to sheep testicle. >> is there anything you won't eat? >> eaten a lot of bad, putrefied food. it's when no one cared at all. that's sole destroying. make a take it too seriously. i will really, a really carelessly made burger by a cynical large company, the contempt implicit in that transaction. can, can really send me into a >> reporter: actually little seems to slow him down. >> so how many pots do you have on the stove? >> i don't know. a lot. i mean, but all of them are fun pots. >> reporter: they include producing, writing and starring in his cnn series "parts unknown." his web series, "raw craft." authoring a new cookbook. and a speaking tour. how much are you on the road? >> 250 days a year. >> reporter: and you are okay with that? >> i'm -- i have been sentenced to the best job in the world. >> reporter: it started in 1999 when the then struggling chef wrote an article for the new yorker titled don't eat before reading this. which mushroomed into a book deal. >> overnight. >> reporter: kitchen confidential, adventures in the culinary underbelly published in 2000, turned the restaurant world inside out and bourdain's life upside down. >> everything. i mean i was, i was 44 years old. uninsured. hideously and hopelessly in debt. behind on my taxes. behind on my ren. >> reporter: the book would sell more than a million copies and launch a new career for the culinary bad boy. how is this guy different than that guy? >> i think when you travel as much as i have, you -- you -- i don't want to say i am more humble. but i think you become a wear of how other people live. how hard their lives are. how big the world is. >> reporter: now this wouldn't be the dish if we didn't have a drink. >> this is some very good 30-year-old whiskey. >> reporter: there is a bad joke in here some where. at bemelman's bar in the carlisle hotel, we sampled some of balvenie's best scott. >> this is very smooth. >> better be. >> reporter: bourdain partnered with the distillery on raw craft to profile great artisans. he had a lot of unlikely encounters in his travels. this season on "parts unknown" bourdain met up with president obama in a hanoi restaurant. not ideal from secret service view. a room this size. i think one exit. second floor of a not particularly clean noodle shop. nice seeing the president of the united states drinking beer out of a bottle. >> was there -- is there any body you would look to have a meal with. >> keith richards. >> trying for years. eat bangers and mash. cooked steak and kidney pie with keith richards. talk about british naval history rooms come in all sorts of shapes and sizes. with eight times more fragrance control, the air wick? scented oil warmer lets you dial up or down to fill massive minimalist rooms. small secret rooms. and even tall rooms you climb to. you get the perfect amount of fragrance. no matter the size of the room. air wick?. home is in the air. fill your home with the joyful scents of the limited-edition air wick holiday collection, in stores now! it's judgment day. back seat chefs peer inside your oven. but you've cleaned all baked-on business from meals past with easy-off, so the only thing they see is that beautiful bird. go ahead. let 'em judge. ? the itsy bitsy spider went up the waterspout. down came the rain and clogged the gutter system creating a leak in the roof. luckily the spider recently had geico help him with homeowners insurance. water completely destroyed his swedish foam mattress. he got full replacement and now owns the sleep number bed. his sleep number setting is 25. call geico and see how much you (achoo!) did you know you can pick up cold & flu viruses from things in your home for up to 48 hours? it's like having a sick family member that you didn't even know was there. and we all know what happens when one family member gets sick. but lysol spray and lysol wipes kill 99.9% of germs including 8 common cold & flu viruses to help protect your home. this cold and flu season help keep your home happy and healthy and lysol that. can the hug of a child mend a broken heart? steve hartman found out on the road. >> reporter: not long ago in a cemetery outside augusta, georgia, a loving couple was buried. the wife, buried below this white bouquet. the husband, buried above. >> took me totally by surprise. 82-year-old dan peterson says after mary died he fell into a deep depression. spent days just staring out at the squirrels. what were you living for? >> i was trying to figure that out. frankly. >> reporter: you had no purpose. >> no. >> were you just waiting to die? >> yeah. >> reporter: for six months it was just that bad. then one day you go to grocery store? inside this publix. dan was nearing the end of the canned vegetable aisle. he hates grocery shopping. and by all accounts the expression on his face confirmed his aggravation. but that's when this unapproachable man, was approached. by a 4-year-old girl named norah wood. in the security footage you can see norah randomly reaching out to him. her mom tara says i was quite >> old person. >> hi, old person. >> she says this to the cranky old man. >> yeah. >> reporter: then had the audacity to demand a hug. >> i said a hug, i said absolutely. norah got her hug. asked her mom to take a picture of her with her new friend. >> she zeroed in on him like a missile. she didn't want anythingm she just wanted to make him feel loved and give him a hug. and his little lip quivered. he teared up. it was just sweet. >> i said you don't know this is the first time for quite a while that i have been this happy. >> reporter: that all happened a couple months ago. and his grin has only gotten wider since. >> hi, sweetheart. come in. come in. today norah visits at least once a week. >> how is my sweetie, huh. over again. >> i knew i was going to got a hug. >> it's unbelievable. totally unbelievable. >> it's a bridge. >> okay. >> dan does have grand kids of his own. but they're all grown and gone. and norah does have grandparents. but her mom says this a completely different kind of bond. that almost defies explanation. >> she fell aseep holding a picture of them. and what? ha-ha. >> to dan it is equally miraculous. but far less mysterious. he believes norah is quite literally an angel. >> okay. >> she opened me to a love that i didn't know existed. >> reporter: when your wife died, you felt look you didn't have any purpose anymore. do you feel look you have a purpose now? >> of course. norah. watching her grow up. for a lot more. there is a new animated movie in the works about dutch painter vincent van gogh. animation may not be the right word. the film is made up of more than 60,000 individual paintings all done in van gogh style. jonathan vigliotti has the a look. >> reporter: one of cinema's films is under production in a here with the stroke of a brush, a team of painters brings to life the work of vincent van gogh. the final result, the firsthand painted film ever made. >> we have definitely, without a doubt, invented the slowest form of filmmaking ever devised in 120 years. >> hugh welshman is the gogh, welshman and his wife, tell the story of van gogh's creative genius. and sudden death. vincent van gogh was born in the netherlands in 1853. over the course of his career he painted over 800 canvass. famous teams including sun flowers and wheat fields. at 37 years old, after being released from a mental institution, he took his own life. without any explanation. >> how does a man go from being absolutely calm to suicidal in six we question is through fictional interviews with the character interviews with the character depicted in 150 of van gogh's paintings. >> interesting man. >> he was a genius. >> look a traditional film, loving vincent began with a set and actors. >> use your initiative. gogh. asked around. >> he filmed with live actors on green screens and the shots. van gogh paintings and cut it together like a live action film and projected each on to canvas. >> reporter: as the producer explains, a total of 120 artists recruited from all over the world turned those projections into oil paintings. to be clear, every single frame of loving vincent is painted by hand. all 64,000 of them. the equivalent of 64,000 canvass. >> a nice quiet man. >> loving vincent is a painstaking tribute to a moving exhibit of his work unlike any before. jonathan vigliotti, cbs news, london. that's the "overnight news" for monday. for some the news continues. for others check back later for the morning news and cbs this morning. from the broadcast center in new captioning funded by cbs i it's monday, november 21st, 2016. this is the "cbs morning news." the next secretary of state could be a political looking to rudy giuliani or mitt romney to fill the spot. >> we are the diverse america who are alarmed and anxious. >> that is the speech that got the president-elect fired up. the cast of "hamilton" was addressing vice president-elect mike pence who was in the audience and had he a very different reaction.

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