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Father puts Mark Zuckerberg in a giving mood. On the day he announces the birth of his father he plans to give away all of his 45 billions this year. And the potential dangers of a hover board. Good morning from the studio 57 newsroom at cbs news headquarters here in new york. Good to be with you. Im annemarie green. Here in the United States, a study by George Washington university found as of this fall there are about 900 active isis investigations in all 50 states. And that there have been 56 terrorismrelated arrests in 2011 9 11. Researchers found those suspected to have links to isis is hard to pin down differing in race and social class and the case of a young couple of mississippi, jalen young was an honor student and High School Cheerleader and mohammed was a college graduate. The two were arrested when trying to make their way to syria. The report finds that out of the 71 people facing charges related to isis, 86 are male and at least 90 are either u. S. Citizens or legal permanent residents. Researchers also concluded that while social media, especially twitter, plays an Important Role in the radicalization process, there are several instances of relationships. The report comes as the u. S. Intensifies its fight against isis overseas. The u. S. Is sending 200 special forces in iraq. It is an important capability because it takes advantage of what we are good at and it puts everybody on notice in syria that you dont know at night who is going to be coming in the window. Reporter but in a televised interview, syria president assad says it is not working. Isis has extended the recruits has increased. Reporter and combating isis and whether to accept syrian refuges in the United States continues to be a prime topic for president ial candidates. I would bomb it. I would then keep it i would then make deals with the Big Oil Companies and go in there so fast. We need a strategy, not to contain it, but to destroy it. If the fbi cannot tell us terrorists, then the Obama Clinton plan to bring them to america makes no sense whatsoever whatsoever. Coming up on cbs this morning, more on the isis in america report and the difficulties authorities face in tracking down suspects. Will the illinois attorney general is calling for a federal investigation into the Chicagos Police department in the handling of the Laquan Mcdonald shooting. A white Police Officer shot mcdonald 16 times, the mayor rahm emanuel fired their top cop garry mccarthy. Now is the time for fresh eyes and new leadership to confront the challenges that the department and the community and our city are facing. Reporter there was another round of protests last night. Demonstrators say they are not through. We just want to send notice to all the bad Police Officers we are going to hold you accountedable and we are taking our city back. Critics contend the video was withheld for a year because it would have hurt the mayors chances for reelection. The officer who shot the teenage Jason Van Dyke has been fired. Ronald johnson was killed by police last year, eight days before Laquan Mcdonald. Police say he was a known gang member who was carrying a gun. His family says johnson was running away and unarmed and that the gun was planted by police. They lied on tv in front of over a million some people that think saying that he pointed a gun at him. He didnt have a gun in his hand, because i also seen the video. I looked at the video twice. The Chicago Tribune reports is investigating possible criminal charges in the case. In baltimore a jury is expected to be seated in the trial of the officer William Porter is the officers to stand trial in the case. This morning, a snow producing storm system is moving over the central and northern plains. Moderate to heavy snow is expected in nebraska, illinois, and the dakotas. Snow fell through the day in sioux falls, south carolina. Wbbm says as the storm moves east, the weather will turn from white to wet. As the storm system continues to progress eastward, its really just a rainmaker and looks like its going to be quite a steady branch of rain through the day. New york to maine and stretching progressing eastward during the day on your wednesday. So maybe a little bit of snow across chicago land but, in fact, most of the east coast gets just rain from this system. A 76yearold woman was killed when floodwaters washed away her car in texas on friday. Deputies tried to rescue her but the water was too powerful. Facebook ceo Mark Zuckerberg has a 45 billion plan to help solve some of the worlds problems. In intags celebration of their newborn daughter, zuckerberg and his wife say they will donate their Stock Holdings to a charity. Reporter the announcement tuesday came in the form of a heartfelt better to their newborn baby max posted on facebook. The couple plans to donate ruffle 45 billion over the course of their lives to charity. We know this is a small contribution to the resources the couple wrote, but we want to do what we can working alongside many others on. In a pretaped interview before their babys birth, the couple explained their goal. What does it take to make it so people dont get sick any more in . We build conclusive and welcome communities. With can the next generation learn a hundred more things than we can . Reporter zuckerberg joins a list of the wealthiest americans including Warren Buffett and bill gates promising to give away a bulk of their fortune to charity. Its a signal to many who have significant, while want to make a difference, that you can do it in your lifetime, you can do it while youre still working. Reporter the facebook ceo and his wife also used their letter to press for equality writing, if you fear youll go to prison rather than college because of the color of your skin or that your family will be deported because of their legal reach your full potential. According to a s. E. C. Filing, the money would go to the Chan Zuckerberg initiative and the couple will explain more details how they will distribute the money in the months ahead. Don champion here in new york, thank you, don. Coming up on the morning news. Inflight outburst. A Flight Attendant accused of attacking fellow crew members has her day in court. And dash cam collision. A deer is sent flying after hitting a cruiser. This is the cbs morning news. Start the interview with a firm handshake. Ay,no dont do that try head shoulders it cools on contact, and also keeps you 100 flake free. Try head shoulders instant relief. For cooling relief in a snap. If you have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. 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Not a typical day on the job for a kentucky Police Officer. His dash cam captured this amazing video of a collision with a deer. Police say the officer tried to steer away, but he hit the deer any way. You can see it flip over the front hood and then run off. Now, police say the deer appeared to be okay, but the a Flight Attendants adle rampage and the mysterious death of junos mayor some of the headlines on the morning newsstand. The jeneau has not ruled out foul play in the death of the citys mayor. The 70yearold was found dead in his home on monday. Police found no evidence of a breakin and an autopsy is scheduled for today. Usa today reports people didnt just head to the malls on black friday but many shopped at gun stores as well. The fbi says on black friday, more than 185,000 americans underwent background checks required before a customer can buy a firearm. Thats 5 more than last year. The Charlotte Observer reports on a Flight Attendant who claims that she does not disrupt two international flights. Court documents claim joanne snow slapped a coworker and punched air marshals as the frankfurt on thanks. On the return prosecutors say she tried to open the aircraft doors as it taxied for takeoff. Wall street journal reports tiger woods might be putting away his golf clubs for good. Woods who is weeks from his 40th birthday says the sport is taking a toll on his body. The golfer has fallen from number 1 in the world to 400. He underwent three back surgeries in less than two years and hasnt fully recovered. There is is no timetable for this and that is been the hardest mindset adjustment is that i dont know. So where is the light at the end of the tunnel . I dont know. Wood says he is only able to walk and play video games but hopes to soon play soccer with his kids. Philadelphia. Soon to be retired kobe bryant makes his final rounds in the area where he grew up. And, later, Holiday Light glitch. And i was worried about joint damage. My doctor saidr can be a sign of existingt joint damage he prescribed enbrel to help relieve pain enbrel may lower your ability to fight infections. Events including infections, tuberculosis, lymphoma, other cancers, nervous system and Blood Disorders and allergic reactions have occurred. Tell your doctor if youve been someplace where fungal infections are common, or if youre prone to infections, have cuts or sores, have had hepatitis b, have been treated for heart failure, or if you have persistent fever, bruising, bleeding, or paleness. Dont start enbrel if you have an infection like the flu. Joint pain and damage. Ask how enbrel can help relieve joint pain and help stop joint damage. Enbrel, the number one rheumatologistprescribed biologic. Soil is the foundation. For healthy plants. Just like gums are the foundation for healthy teeth. Toothpaste. It helps remineralize enamel and fight plaque germs for healthier teeth and gums. Strengthen the foundation for healthy teeth. New Colgate Total daily repair. Heres a look at todays forecast in some cities around the country. On the cbs moneywatch, embattled yahoo considers some drastic moves and why your wifi might go on the fritz during christmas. Jill wagner is at the New York Stock Exchange with that and good morning, jill. Reporter good morning. Yahoo may put irts up for sale. The yahoo board will reportedly begin discussing the possibility at meetings beginning today. That is according to wall street journal. Yahoo will consider selling its Internet Business or its stake in a chinese ecommerce giant or both. Yahoo s core business is shrinking but it does remain the in the u. S. Wall street started the month on a positive month as improving Economic Data from overseas sent stocks higher. The dow rose 168 pins the s p gained 22 and the nasdaq finished the day 47 points higher. In the debate over soaring drug costs the makers of two high priced drugs to make hepatitis c put profit before patient carry, according to a new report from the Senate Finance committee. And uproar that gilead was able to accept the Senate Investigation found the high patient access. The drug is so expensive the v. A. Cant afford to prescribe it to vets. Express scripts says its offering a dramatically less expensive alternative to a life saving drug. They charge 750 per pill for daraprim. The cheaper alternative will be available from express scripts for about 20 for a bottle of pills. Could your Christmas Lights be affecting your wifi network . Every year, those who keep track of these things observe a major spike in wifirelated complaints around the holidays. Anything that plugs in has the potential to create interference, so it isnt though terribly likely your life a at scene that can be seen from the moon. They waste no time putting up those lights too. Jill wagner at the New York Stock Exchange, thanks a lot, jill. Hoverboard hazards. Brand by americans and their dentists . Because it leaves your mouth with a level of clean like you ve never felt before. Get healthier gums in 2 weeks. Innovation and you. Philips sonicare when your cold makes you wish. You could stay. In bed all day. You need the power of. Rnew theraflu expressmax. New theraflu expressmax. The power to feel better. I take prilosec otc each morning for my frequent heartburn because you cant beat ahhh the sweet taste of victory prilosec otc. One pill each morning. 24 hours. Heres a look at todays forecast in some cities around the country. 66 guard from Lower Marion High School where he won the title in 1996, number 24, kobe bryant back where it all began, kobe bryant gets a standing ovation in his hometown of philadelphia, the lakers and the sixers combined for two wins going into last nights game and l. A. Had won both. But it turns out to be the winless sixers night. They snap a 28game losing streak by topping the lakers 10391. Bryant finishes with 20 points and gets another ovation as he walks off the court. Its one of the hottest Holiday Gifts this year, but the hightech toy is also causing some safety concerns. Dave carlin of our new york station wcbs takes a look at hoverboards that can be dangerous and illegal. Reporter you see the motorized handsfree self balancing boards about everywhere from parks to neighborhoods and too crowded manhattan sidewalks. Some dont realize these are illegal in the city with users getting slapped with finds as high as 200 bucks a pop. They can range in price from a dollars to 200 each. What some are calling a gift is hazard. Timothy cates said he only had his board three days before it burst into flames under his feet. I came down the sidewalk not even probably a hundred feet and it exploded. Boom reporter he says he scrambled off as parts of the board went flying. I think the batteries, it was the batteries that blew up. If a kid a was to have that happen or imagine if it was in your house and it caught on fire like that. Reporter Jessica Horne doesnt have to imagine. She says her home in louisiana was destroyed after her sons new board caught fire. Both wheels, like a firework. Reporter horne says it was charging on top of a mattress when she saw flames shoot out. It was hard to put it out because it was pretty big. Reporter across the country, the main complaints are injuries to the users of the boards and to pedestrians unlucky enough to that was wcbs dave carlin reporting. Coming up after your local news on cbs this morning, actor mark ruffalo. Im annemarie green. And this is the cbs morning news. dramatic music centrum brings us the biggest news in multivitamin history. A moment when something so familiar becomes something so new. impact on metal introducing new centrum vitamints. A multivitamin that contains essential nutrients you enjoy like a mint. New centrum vitamints. A new report on isis activities in the United States. George Washington University found about 900 active investigations in all 506 states. There are 56 terrorism arrests this year alone. Mark zuckerberg and his wife are giving away most of their wealth. About 45 billion to charity. In a letter to their newborn daughter, they wrote they wanted to help solve the worlds a trip to the Grocery Store resulted in a random act of kindness that has extended far beyond what anyone could have imagined. Carl evans has the story from krarls carlsbad, california. Reporter with two young children, Jamie Knighton has her hands full. And it was a recent trip to the Grocery Store that nearly pushed her to the breaking point. When the only credit card she had with her was declined. Youre in line. Line is going nuts. What are you going to do . I was trying to figure out if i could go home and get my other card and that is when matthew stepped up. Reporter 28yearold Matthew Jackson was behind her and offered to pay for her 200 grocery bill and he refused to take no for an answer, but he had one condition. Do it for somebody else. Reporter a few days late, knighton tracked down the Good Samaritan to the gym where he told her he worked. She called to thank him and manager picked up the phone. When she said i just wanted kind of beautiful person they get to work w my heart broke. She started crying and she said, you know, im sorry to have to tell you this, but matthew passed away. Reporter matthew was killed in a car accident. And, you know, i put the dates together and it was the day after i had met him. I wanted to honor this man. I wanted people to know what he did for me. Reporter so knighton set up a Facebook Page in matthews honor and it has 10,000 followers and hundreds of stories inspired by matthew. You cant put a price on that. You cant put a price on giving people hope again. Carl evans, cbs news, carlsbad, california. Turning something tragic into something beautiful again. That is the cbs morning news for this wednesday. We will have more on the flight attend antiaccused of attacking plus electric cars have taken over the road. Hugh grant will be here with the debate over genetically modified food. That is the cbs morning news for this wednesday. Thanks for watching. Im annemarie green

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